HW336 TINDERBOX (Major Vaccination Harm, Boosters Ineffective and Dangerous & Hugh Rise in Child Death after Vaccination & Unvaccinated Children much More Healthy than Vaccinated Children & Dealing with Huge Vaccination Harm & Biden Administration Agencies found guilty of Censoring RFK, Jr and others accurate posts to social media & Geoengineering Making Forest Fires Worse?)


Vaccine Harm


Massive 2.3M Real-World Evidence Study Uncovers Troubling Link Between mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines and Thyroid Dysfunction . Additionally this would imply a significant issue for fetus of pregnant woman.

AI Overview Learn more

A pregnant woman's thyroid issues, particularly untreated hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) or hyperthyroidism (high thyroid hormone), can significantly affect the developing fetus, potentially causing complications like   miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and impaired brain development   in the infant, especially if the thyroid dysfunction occurs during the early stages of pregnancy when the fetus relies heavily on the mother's thyroid hormone for growth and development.  


Several Studies Linked COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines to Thyroid Eye Diseas e.

several case studies emerge in the medical literature suggesting COVID-19 infection may precipitate subacute thyroiditis and less commonly Graves’ disease in people without any previous or current history of thyroid disease.


Tel Aviv Medical Center Study Identifies Mechanism of Action Linked to mRNA Vaccine-Related Impact on Menstrual Cycle Irregularities


Sarcoidosis and COVID-19 Vaccines Representing A Troubling Link?

Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines were most commonly associated with sarcoidosis, with cases predominantly occurring after the second dose.


Boosters Ineffective and More vaccinations leads to More Infections

Cleveland Clinic Data finds Risk of COVID-19 increased with the number of vaccine doses previously received Oct 2023

Similar to 2022 finding: more vaccine doses gives greater likelihood of covid infection

Most Covid Outbreaks are primarily to the vaccinated due to their weakened immune system.


People Who Got Boosters More Likely to Get COVID Than Unvaccinated

People vaccinated with the COVID-19 boosters in 2023-2024 were more likely to get COVID-19 than their unvaccinated counterparts, according to a study published last week in the Annals of Internal Medicine.


Covid Vaccines Are Documented to be Linked to Brain Degeneration, Cancer, Heart Problems.

Studies have proven the spike protein from the vaccines damages the mitochondria in cells in many organs, resulting in serious harm. The spike protein has also been shown to interfere with cell-signaling resulting in increased inflammation and cell damage. Studies also show the spike protein from the vaccines damages the controls for the heart and blood pressure and damages DNA repair mechanisms that protect the body from cancer, etc. Thus, can cause cancer. Also cause brain damage.



bioRxiv :  SARS-CoV-2 Spike amyloid fibrils specifically and selectively accelerates amyloid fibril formation of human prion protein and the amyloid β peptide


Why Booster shots can cause increased cancer and cancer recurrences and other conditions.

Boosters produce more IgG4 antibodies which are less effective in combating infection or disease. These IgG4 antibodies suppress the T-cell response which causes a suppression in the fast-acting innate immune response. This, according to the hypothesis, increases the chance of cancer relapse in people after getting COVID-19 boosters. 


Vaccine Injuries Reported to CDC VAERS database and Population Estimates of Vaccine Injured


Real World Bombshell Korea: 4.2m Retrospective Cohort Study Finds COVID-19 Vax Linked to Hematologic Conditions (millions of cases, VAERS database)

Hematologic conditions are disorders that affect the blood and the blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen. These conditions can impact the production and function of blood cells, leading to various symptoms and complications, including cancers . COVID-19 vaccines are linked to a higher incidence of hematologic events.

Incidence rates of hematologic abnormalities in the vaccination group 3 months after vaccination were significantly higher than those in the unvaccinated group53% higher for nutritional anemia , 57% higher for aplastic anemia , and 162% higher for coagulation defects .

COVID-19 mRNA vaccine was associated with higher development of these conditions than the viral vector vaccine.


Eye Disorders Post-COVID-19 Vaccinations

A total of 52,682 eye adverse events were reported ti the CDC VAERS database. To translate from VAERS numbers to real-world numbers, the VAERS numbers (which are documented to be strongly under-reported) must be multiplied by an under-reporting factor (URF), to produce real-world numbers. My latest Op-eds use a URF of 66 .  With that assumption, the total number of real-world eye disorder symptom events post-COVID vaccinations is 3.47 million eye disorder-related events post-COVID-19 vaccinations.



Several Studies Linked COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines to Thyroid Eye Diseas e.

several case studies emerge in the medical literature suggesting COVID-19 infection may precipitate subacute thyroiditis and less commonly Graves’ disease in people without any previous or current history of thyroid disease.


Metabolic Disorders Post-COVID-19 Vaccinations

58,886 such events reported to VAERS. (Using 66 as underreporting fraction gives estimated 3.8 million total cases in population .)


Musculoskeletal Disorders Post-COVID-19 Vaccinations ( 444,817 injury reports) (Using 66 as underreporting fraction gives 29.3 million in population.)

Myalgia 58,116 Gait Disturbance Arthritis 2333 Gout 577 Bursitis 521 Lupus 381 Myasthenia Gravis 234 Sjogren’s Syndrome 139 Ankylosing Spondylitis 90 Osteoporosis 82 Bone Cancer 18 reports, approx. 30 times as many as all previous after Flu Vaccine.


Upper Extremity and Distal Musculoskeletal Problems Months after COVID-19 Vaccination

By petera.mccullough on 30/11/2023

Data in the table suggest the inflammatory joint problems stirred up by vaccination go beyond the arm and include herniated vertebral discs, chronic back pain, Achilles tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis.


Other Conditions Reported to VAERS (many millions)



WCH : Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report (Call to Halt Covid Vaccines: World Health Council)

There has been a clear signal of Covid Vaccine Health Harm, documentation.


UK Data Shows Teens Dying in Excess.


On the cusp of the new COVID-19 booster shot rollout, former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, Edward Dowd, gives Del a shocking update highlighting the colossal rise of excess deaths in children in the UK since the COVID vaccine was rolled out.


UK Government Data:   Analysis Shows 26% Worse Mortality Among the MRNA Vaccinated


For Dec 2022, 95% of UK Covid deaths were to vaccinated people.

Source   :   Deaths by vaccination status, England  

Excess Deaths in England, Majority due to Strokes or cardiovascular disease , Sept2022

According to an  Office of National  Statistics  report from September 2022, the total “excess deaths” in England and Wales from March 2020 to June 2022 were 137,447. Nearly 100,000 more deaths involving heart conditions and stroke than usual since the pandemic began. These statistics mean that on average, there have been over 500 additional deaths a week involving cardiovascular disease since the pandemic began.  when we look at year three, there is a serious mismatch,  showing excess non-COVID-19 heart-related deaths : We know vaccines cause cardiac damage and deaths.


Amazon:  "Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022" (Also CauseUNK )

Phinance Technologies Website

Humanity Projects

The Center Square:  Indiana Life Insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

Twitter/X:  Edward Dowd on Twitter/X

Time to Give Up the Belief in Flu Shots

No clear evidence flu vaccines effective but significant harm well documented .

On  September 21, 2005 The New York Times  published a ground-breaking story reporting on a study with strong evidence that  flu shots are ineffective and possibly even harmful in the most highly targeted group, the elderly.  Published in  The Lancet Online  (September, 2005), the study provided no new data but reviewed 64 existing studies that evaluated the effectiveness of the  flu vaccine  over 96 flu seasons. The authors concluded that the effectiveness of flu shot, particularly  in the elderly, was  wildly overstated.


The Childhood Vaccine Schedule Increase Led to Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History




Jefferey Jaxen Reports on a new study suggesting the COVID shot is altering kids’ immune systems.



medRxiv :  The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses

Children in Australia who took the Pfizer BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine experienced significant drops in levels of immune proteins, or  cytokines , according to a study appearing in  Frontiers in Immunology . Their finding, that cytokine responses associated with fighting non-COVID-19 infections decreased, suggested the children were less protected against other infections.

Frontiers:  BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous pathogens and Toll-like receptor agonists

Frontiers:  The Role of Interleukin 6 During Viral Infections

Previously Suppressed Research Confirms The Vaccine Dangers , The Blaylock Wellness Report Vol 19, No. 12


The addition of the extremely dangerous SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is to the child vaccine schedule is a huge mistake . Millions of children will have their health destroyed, and many will die as a result of being given this injection. Adding it to the already overcrowded vaccine schedule will be devastating to a whole generation of children.


Wiley Online Library:  Epidemiology of respiratory viral infections in children enrolled in a study of influenza vaccine effectiveness

WHO:  Increase in invasive Group A streptococcal infections among children in Europe, including fatalities

NBC:  Unexplained rise in life-threatening brain infections in children worries pediatricians


NBC:  The CDC is still searching for the cause of mysterious liver illness in kids


Axios:  Schools Grapple with COVID Safety Amid Late Summer Surge


The Guardian:  Covid Cases Among children are surging in the US as students head back to school

Time:  School Nurses Fear a Coronavirus Surge as Students and Staff Return From Winter Break

CNN:  From Europe to the US, Covid cases in Children are surging. Schools aren't prepared

CNBC:  FDA Authorizes Pfizer's Covid Omicron booster as Fourth shot for kids under 5

NYT:  Vaccines for Fall

New Book Let the Science on Vax-Unvax Speak for Itself.


Co-Author of the New York Times Best Seller, Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak, Brian Hooker, PhD, details the years of research undertaken with co-author, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., to locate over 60 peer-reviewed studies, science they let speak for itself in this new book. Complete with user-friendly graphics, the book gives clear information on the outcome of those who followed the childhood vaccination schedule versus those who didn’t, and the distinctly different outcomes.


Amazon:  Vax-Unvax Book

NYT:  Vax-Unvax New York Times Best Sellers List

All vaccines contain toxics and do harm  see also VaxAlum

Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6-to 12-year-old U.S. children

NDD, a derived diagnostic measure, was defined as having one or more of the following three closely-related diagnoses: a learning disability, Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder .


Vaccinated homeschool children were found to have a higher rate of allergies and NDD than unvaccinated homeschool children .


The interaction of preterm birth infant and vaccination was associated with a 6.6-fold increased odds of NDD .


There are many similar studies with similar results in the Vaccination Safety Study Reviews; HW299



Studies by Dr Paul Thomas and others have consistently shown that vaccines do harm and unvaccinated children are more healthy than vaccinated children . Effective prevention and treatment are usually more effective than vaccines,

A new larger study by myself (Dr R.L. Blaylock) and Dr Lyons-Weiler has confirmed Dr. Thomas results. ( Lyons Weiler J, Blaylock RL IJVTPR 2022;2(2):603-618.)

  Autism Cases after MMR vaccine  (reported to DAMS organization)

Autism Cases after DPT vaccine

Autism Cases after   HepB   vaccine


Time:    Whistleblower Claims CDC Covered Up Data Showing Vaccine-Autism Link   ( Vaccine/Autism link has been proven  


Perfectly Healthy 15-Month-Old Girl Dies Two Days After Routine Vaccination

Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren died at age 15 months from cardiac arrest and organ failure, just two days after receiving 3 toxic vaccines: the varicella, DTaP and Hib vaccines. (Aluminum, etc.)


Death of 12-Year-Old Boy in France Following HPV Vaccination Triggers Probe Into Gardasil Safety and School Vaccine Campaigns


Both HPV vaccines in this head-to-head trial evidenced high rates of serious adverse events. 

significant HPV vaccine litigation in the United States.


The Childhood Vaccine Schedule Increase Led to Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History


World Council for Health Calls for Halt of Childhood Vaccines (Based on studies, analysis, experience)


Subclinical Heart Damage More Prevalent Than Thought After Moderna Vaccination:


White House Pushed Obvious Foreign Lies About RFK Jr & Disinformation Dozen

The CCDH, a United Kingdom-based, government-linked dark money non-profit organization operated by the far-left British Labour Party, falsely claims that 2024 presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and 11 other people are responsible for 65 percent of all anti-vaccine content circulating on social media as well as other false disinformation. Most of the information in question was accurate and supported by science references.


Emails Show Amazon Caved to Pressure From White House to Suppress Books Critical of Vaccines



The 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals late Friday found Biden administration officials illegally suppressed free speech on social media. Sept 11. The judges ruled that:

Defendants, and their employees and agents, shall take no actions, formal or informal, directly or indirectly, to coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce, including through altering their algorithms, posted social-media content containing protected free speech. That includes, but is not limited to, compelling the platforms to act, such as by intimating that some form of punishment will follow a failure to comply with any request, or supervising, directing, or otherwise meaningfully controlling the social-media companies’ decision-making process.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr Tweet @RobertKennedyJr


Huge victory for free speech! An appellate court just ruled that Biden admin violated First Amendment by coercing platforms to censor. And BTW Trump admin did it too.


Landmark Censorship Case Likely Headed to Supreme Court as Justice Alito Pauses Order Blocking White House From Contact With Social Media

More corruption at Supreme Court pushing special interest agenda.


Court Orders Facebook To Comply With Subpoena For Data On All Users That Broke "Covid-19 Misinformation" Rules


Judge Rules: US Government Illegally Stifled Free Speech of RFK Jr . and Children’s Health Defense

Issues an injunction against federal authorities, including the White House, ordering them to refrain from actions, formal or informal, directly or indirectly, to coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress or reduce, including through altering their algorithms, posted social-media content containing protected free speech.



Robert F. Kennedy Jr: The Health and Freedom Candidate

Although he is likely the most generally knowledgeable, honest, and transparent candidate running, he is being lied about and censored online by the White House colluding with the Media, Special Interest Dark money groups, and social media. His goals in the election are honesty, transparency, environmental protection, health protection, and bringing physical fitness back into the high school curriculum, which also matches his history and past efforts.

COVID-19 News Round-up and Corruption in Science

There is yet more evidence trickling in that the peer review system is completely corrupted coming from Retraction Watch.

Exclusive: Hindawi and Wiley to retract over 500 papers linked to peer review rings

The US Government itself and large pharma are the two of the main players in this nefarious practice. When the CDC pushed out a billion dollars over 2021 to write articles favorable about the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and to defame scientist like Robert Malone, state-sponsored media became completely normalized in the USA. The published science related to the vaccines is totally corrupted and serious scientist have had to adjust to the problem.


Pharmaceuticals have a record of deceit, lies, fraud, and criminality; so it’s not surprising this has been a Pandemic of Corruption (Why would anyone trust these Covid Vaccine Manufacturers?)

Johnson & Johnson’s indictments total at 86 since the year 2000. However, Pfizer ranks highest at 96.  Even more shockingly, Pfizer has the distinction of having paid the very highest criminal fine in U.S. history. They paid 2. 3 billion and pled guilty to  felony violations  for marketing the drug Bextra with the intent to deceive and mislead the public. More information on their top ten cases can be found  here. /This pattern of criminal behavior is an indicator that these mistakes are not made in good faith, said Kristen . In an examination of their record and their profits, it becomes clear that committing crimes and paying the fines for their crimes is their business model.


The current manipulation of the medical journals by the Pharmaceuticals is unprecedented and serious. Publication of bogus ghost articles is widespread and pressure to retract articles negative to the Pharmaceuticals result commonly in retraction of legitimately peer reviewed articles also widespread. Dr. B. L. Blaylock, The Blaylock Wellness Report Vol 19, No. 12.

The manipulation of CDC, FDA, NIAID, NIH, AAP, AMA and Media is likewise unprecedented.


The long history of corruption and criminality of the Pharmaceuticals is a matter of record, yet most of the public trusts them because if the constant brainwashing by the controlled Media.


Dealing with Vaccination Harm


Florida Leadership Doubling Down Against COVID-19 Vaccine Set 2023


Nearly three years into the mass COVID-19 vaccination countermeasure program, with millions of vaccine injuries reported to CDC and hundreds of thousands killed or seriously injured , only six people have actually been compensated for vaccine-related injuries by the non-functional CICP , totaling under $20,000.


Canada’s Feds Pay Out $11m in COVID-19 Vax Injury Claims

Out of 2,233 claims filed at the time, 1,825 were approved to at least be processed. Just 138 of the claims were ultimately approved for payment after the medical review board reviewed the claims as of December 31, 2023. According to a Health Department communication in 2021, Canada’s federal government authorized $75 million for the first five years of the mass countermeasure program implemented during the pandemic, which is obviously extremely inadequate.



BioNTech Faces First German Lawsuits Over Alleged COVID Vaccine Side Effects

A German woman is seeking damages for alleged side effects of its COVID-19 vaccine, the first of potentially hundreds of cases planned to follow this one in the country.

Prominent Law Firm Represents Group of Vaccine Injured, Bereaved —Suing AstraZeneca for Defective Vaccines

A British law firm now entertains a mass lawsuit against AstraZeneca over not only devastating injuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccine originally conceived of at University of Oxford , but also, to compensate for the deaths of a number of people and their bereaved family members. Hausfeld has been approached by almost 60 individuals and families who allege that they have suffered devastating injuries or bereavement as a result of a complication of the AstraZeneca vaccine. 


AstraZeneca Facing More Lawsuits Over Covid Vaccine in UK.

Once again, Covid vaccine maker  AstraZeneca  is facing a series of lawsuits in Britain. The  country was the first to  use the Anglo-Swedish company’s serum against the pandemic in 2021. But in the early part of that year, access to the vaccine was restricted to persons under 40 due to blood clot risks. It should be noted that the AstraZeneca jab never made it out of clinical trials in America due to safety concerns. 


Fighting for Justice: Australians Injured by COVID-19 Vaccines Race to Get Settlements Before Compensation Program Ends Next Year

Over 3,000 people in Australia maintain COVID-19 vaccines made them ill. Tanya Neilson is helping at least a hundred injured Australians claim for recognized vaccine side effects, like heart issues from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with AstraZeneca.


Taiwan CDC Reports 18-Fold Increase in Weekly Vaccine Injury Claims Reviews Due to COVID-19 Jabs

T he total number of COVID-19 vaccine injury payouts, equaling NT$153 million is more than the NT$129.6 million paid to all vaccine injured for all vaccines combined over the past three decades! And that’s with only 45% of the claims processed to date. Reviewers and local health authorities are completely overwhelmed, according to the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In 2023, vaccine injury review will work on an average of 235 cases per month.


Taiwan VICP Awards Another 12 COVID-19 Vax Injured—Including NT$3 million to Young Man Permanently Injured by AstraZeneca Vax



South Korea: Government to compensate for all post Covid-19 vaccination deaths within 90 days of the jab, regardless of proof of causality


Koreans Whose Family Members Died After COVID Shots Get $22,500 ‘Condolence’ Payments



Why does U.S. deny serious harm done by vaccines and not have a serious compensation program when they know millions have been harmed ?

Obvious Fraud & Collusion by Pharmaceuticals and CDC/FDA.


Family Opposes Motion to Dismiss Willful Misconduct Lawsuit Against DOD Over Death of 24-Year-Old From COVID-Vaccine-Related Myocarditis who was misled into taking vaccine by false claims of safety by DOD.



The steps towards legal justice for vaccine injured and bereaved- A brief word on the CICP, VICP programs, and the PREP Act. (Mostly to shield Pharmaceuticals, Not Serious Programs to protect the public or vaccine injured.)

One pressing subject is the lack of compensation (overburdened, outdated, unreasonable and unresponsive CICP and VICP vaccine injury compensation programs), reasonable statutes of limitations, and access to court hearings for vaccine-injured and bereaved families. It has been said online and on social media that court cases can be filed against the vaccine manufacturers in the case of willful misconduct.

However, one of the critical points that I learned in working on these matters is that, sadly, even in the case of willful misconduct, a CICP/VICP case must be found favorable for the plaintiff, and even after this, the HHS secretary or the Attorney General has to initiate proceedings/enforcement actions against the manufacturer or distributor that result in penalties first before a case can be presented, This is why some are working towards constitutional challenges and why some representatives and lawmakers have proposed bills to repeal or revamp the above programs.



ICAN:  ICAN Attorneys Secure Religious Exemption to Vaccination in Mississippi

ICAN:  Breaking: ICAN is Supporting Religious Exemption Lawsuits in Every State that Does Not Have One



Yesterday's Tree Huggers Are Today's Tree Burriers ?


Forbes:  Chop down forests to save the planet? Maybe not as crazy as it sounds

MIT Tech Review:  A Stealth effort to bury wood for carbon removal has just raised millions

The Telegraph:  SNP admits to felling 16 million trees to develop wind farms



Is Geo-Engineering Adding Fuel to The Forest Fires?


Dane Wigington , lead researcher for GeoEngineering Watch, helps bring attention to weather modification as out of control forest fires dominate the news cycles while the billionaires of the world have embraced disaster capitalism.

KXAN:  Austin-based company wants to control the rain over Lake Travis

The Guardian:  China modified the weather to create clear skies for political celebration

Markets Insider:  Aluminum Dust from Geoengineering fueling super wildfires according to author

GeoEngineering Watch Website


Enjoy the Freedom Files, today, or go to  www.The HighWire .com/FreedomFiles  to watch any time!