My son received the hep. B vaccine at birth.  He screamed and screamed for weeks.  We then gave him all vaccines on scedule, each time he would scream for days and days.  His recent DPT booster is what had me do research and I personally am allergic to thimerosal and that's when I found out that there was thimerosal in vaccines.  He regressed in behavior and communication after the DPT,  still not back to where he was but at least he isn't screaming my head my

head  my head anymore...poor little guy...makes me angry.            Donna



I noticed you listed the shots your daughter received in one day.  My grandson received the DPT, Hib, HepB, and OPV at 2 months.  He had a severe reaction of high pitch crying, fever, jerking that I believe were convulsions, glazed eyes, the doctor didn't seemed surprised or concerned, except to say they would give DT, IPV instead of the dpt and opv from then on.  That gave us a false sense of security (safety).  My daughter has told me he had similar behavior each time.  He was late getting his last round of shots (20 months) and at that time received the DPT, Hib, HepB, IPV, MMR, and Variciela!  Shortly after this (weeks) his unusual behavior started, and he lost the speech he had acquired, so forth.  But I will say there were subtle signs before this that something wasn't right.  Squinting in sunlight, stiffening when being held as an infant, that made me think he might be having seizures; diareah that blistered his bottom.  The pediatrician was condescending and said he was normal, not to worry. I do believe he was damaged by vaccines and probably the mercury.  He was diagnosed with severe autism a year ago, he recently turned four.  There is slight improvement in eye contact, answering to his name,

some words come and go, but are few, since we started the GFCF diet.  Haven't been able to get to a doctor that can help yet due to the cost of the tests and so forth.  I know this is long.  What gets me about the mandatory vaccinations, is that here in Texas you sign a form saying you are volunarily giving your child the shots, and it even says you request it!  And yet the CPS can get involved if you don't want them?  How can Americans stand for  this, and especially when they are killing some infants, and maiming others.  God help us!   Cathy


Subject: Re: Hep‑B poll

I also blame the Hep b shot as an addition to the program, even starting at 2 months.  I have 4 kids.   Jack received his hep b at 2,4 and 6 months.  My 2 girls before Jack did not get hep b until

after 2 yrs old.  My youngest Luke received the hep b at 2, 5 and 9 months and he has the mushy stool like Jack.  I did not give Luke any other immunizations.  Hep b before 6 months is not a good idea.  Interesting note: My father‑in‑law trains and breeds guide dogs for the blind.  The  owners are not allowed to give the dogs more than one immunization at  a time because, in the past the dogs developed health problems.  They  also get homeopathic immune boosting meds before and after shots.      *****

new info: I started my son on ALA alone just to see if it would do any thing, every three hours.  I was prepared to stop if I saw any bad reaction.  Jack did have some increase in chewing and increase in hyperactivity, I think the chewing may be his stimming.  This is his only continuous odd behavior.  After the three days he got his "T" sound and "w" sound with some other pluses, truly amazing.  After 11 days, we did another round.  He got his "j" sound and was happier. 

Convinced this was working, I found a doctor to prescribe the DMSA to use with the ALA.  There was no real side effect with the two together.  He was calmer.  With each round I see some type of plus.  Alot of gross and fine motor skills are increasing.       *************

new info: What I think is so amazing is every cycle of chelation I see  improvement in motor planning.  Two cycles ago, Jack started putting  his plate into the sink when finish eating, w/o being asked.  This  cycle he started standing on the arm of my couch and doing a slow front summy onto the couch.   I can't wait until the speech motor planning improves. It is, but not quick enough for me.         Marianne       


The reason the question was posed a support group meeting, I just

happened to mention I thought it odd that my autistic son did get Hep B...and my

5 other NT kids didn't.  FOUR OTHER MOTHERS all responded by saying that the

same was true for them!  I guess that was the first time, in 5 years, I have found 5 parents agree on any one given thing!  Victoria


That is our experience as well.  Basically our first 2 kids didn't get Hep B because it wasn't recommended in 1987 and 1989.  They have no symptoms of autism  whatsoever.  Our third child who has autism received it at her first  well baby check up at 9 days old, and then at 1 month and at 6  months, along with the rest of the recommended shots. 

Joe Marciano     


My NT daughter, who is 18 months older than my son, did not receive  HepB.

Her brother, who has autism, did.  He received his shots at 1 day, 2 months

(with DPT), and 13 months (with MMR).         ‑‑ Linda



Yup ,  My older son didn't get Hep B and he is fine...  My younger one did and you know the  rest of the story..  Was it the only factor ?  Maybe not,  but I think he was damaged especially by Hep B..                kelly             From:


Isaak was given the Hep B at 12 hours old. He's diagnosed autistic. Lukas was given the Hep B at 15 months and began to regress shortly thereafter. His diagnosis was autism as well. My third child, Ezekiel, is vaccine free and wonderfully typical!

Charlene              Charlene Pagac <>


My son got hep‑B vaccine at 1 day old.  He could barely open his eyes and remained sensitive to sunlight after that.  (He also developed a terrible case of chronic eczema and colic which never went away until age 2 and a half when he went GFCF.)  I think he regressed a little after every subsequent vaccine, particularly  the chicken pox at age two.

"krs111" <>


   From: "Gretchen Heinrich" <>

                    Looking again at Alan's records.  On his 6 month visit to the doctor he received the

following:  poliovirus #3,  DTP #3 ,  Hib #3 , Hep B #3

He had 9 vaccines containing thimerasol by the time he was 6 months

(counting these)


A month later he had a horrible respiratory virus and then came all

the antibiotics , ear infections,    and autism.

I am amazed that doctor's are told to give this many shots at a time!



My son's first adverse reaction was to the Hep B, Hib shots he got at 8 months.  Getting

very sick after only 2 shots tells me that one or both of them are trouble.

Hib was also on the list of shots he got at 13.5 months which led to

more catastrophe than I will mention here ‑ autism to be brief.



I had 5 amalgams placed in the first trimester.  Breastfed also. Son had sensory issues at birth. He received HepB at birth. Looking back it seems he may have developed more sensory

issues with each vaccination but the MMR threw him into a tail spin.   I feel without a doubt that amalgam played a huge role and the vacs just added to the cumulative effect. The gut was damaged by the mercury/yeast and then the MMR somehow affected his brain. He developed full blown lympho nodular hyperplasia within 3‑4 months of his MMR.          "Darla" <>


My son was completely set    back by MMR.    I will say though that even though he lost his speech  and    all eye contact with the MMR,  he was already in a state of decline from

  previous shots .   MMR finished the job.    I have books on my children from    birth which I wrote in and His decline began at 12 months as he started    losing some words that he had previously said.     As far as his records go    he did not have the MMR at that time .  He did have the others DPT, Hep b    etc.   In fact going over this ,  Hep b was the last one that would have

  correlated in the downslide at the 12 month mark.  

        .   kelly  


The time arrived for my sons 2 month old visit to the pediatrician for what they called a well baby appointment. The only problem was that he wasn't well. He had a constant loose gurgle in his chest and I could always hear it if I put my ear up to his back. He had this ever since receiving the HepB vaccines. The doctor said that the chest congestion wasn't a good enough reason to delay giving him his shots.I trusted her.He received an oral polio vaccine(which they no longer give the oral because it caused too many cases of polio)a HIB and a DPT(which they also no longer give due to the many babies that had encephalopthic responses).

He had a fever,his thigh looked like someone stuck a red baseball on it,and he screamed for hours.When I tried to calm him down he flung himself back in my arms and I had all I could do to hold onto him.I called the doctor.She said he had an allergic response to the pertussis portion of the vaccine.She did not say an adverse response.You see, the adverse response places the burden on the vaccine,an allergic response places the burden on the childs body. I said"Now what do we do?Doesn't he have to have these to get into school?"Oh,yes!Next time we will just give him the vaccines without the pertussis."If I had known it was the vaccines themselves I never would have given him another.I noticed after that he was floppy.Also, I could not put him on his stomach without him crying hysterically.   "Maria & Jack Rawlings" <>            



I believe that my son would have had more severe autistic symptoms if he had not weighed nearly 11 lbs.  Instead of that "chicken" look, he had visible fat on his arms as a newborn.  Given all the mercury he and I both had churning around our bodies, (Rhogam, root canal, Hepatitis‑B) I think his high birthweight diluted the effects somewhat.  Looking back, he had behavioral

regressions after each mercury vaccine, and the effects do seem cumulative.  BTW, John was the only baby I delivered naturally, without being induced. My others weighed 7 and 9 lbs.

Kathy            "Liam E McCarthy" <>


I fully immunized my first two children and they have PDD. I partially immunized my third child and he had ADHD. I have not immunized my fourthchild and (so far) he is perfectly normal. I realize that this doesn't proveanything to the scientists out there, but I am not taking the chance when Isee what it can do in my family.         "Bergenholtz Family" <>



June 28, 2001


I am a physician certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and

Neurology, conducting clinical practice in Southern California.  In the last

few years I have begun specializing in the treatment of developmentally

delayed children, primarily those in the autistic spectrum disorder group.

I was called into this work by one of my grandchildren being diagnosed with

autism, and have since been non‑stop researching and trying to understand

and treat this disorder.


At this point I am treating as many children as I can handle in my practice,

and the stories are all so similar that I must corroborate from my clinical

experience what is becoming obvious to many  throughout the world.  The

vaccines as part of the toxic world we live in are contributing to the

weakening of the children's immune systems generally, borne out by the

incredible rise in asthma/allergic disorders, diabetes, and other autoimmune

diseases as well as autism.  If there happens to be a genetic predisposition

in the family, the combination of the genetics and toxic insult particularly

during gestation or early childhood may lead to developmental delay from

mild learning disorders and ADD/ADHD to full‑blown autism  Statistics are

bearing this out; one in 150‑250 children are receiving the autistic

diagnosis at this time, and literally millions of children are being treated

for learning delay disorders with the numbers increasing every year.


Though the general feeling among clinicians such as I is that the injury

most often starts with the injection at birth of the toxin thimerosal in the

Hep B, (which has recently finally been removed from the newborn's vaccine)

the cumulative effect of the vaccines injure the child's immune system

starting a familiar chain of events.  That is, multiple infections/antibiotics,   gut disorders,                     food intolerances etc. with the MMR often being the final blow before their descent into autism.


My current recommendation is that any child and particularly one with a

developmental disorder or with a family member with an autoimmune or

developmental delay disorder be given special care by the physician ordering

the vaccines.  Several caveats are that the child should be in good health

before receiving vaccines,  all vaccines be thimerosal free, and all

vaccines be given as separate components, e.g. M & M & R each being six

months apart and boosters only for those testing negative for immunity.

Hepatitis B should be given to a newborn only if the mother tests positive,

otherwise the child can wait until 4‑5 years of age.  Pediatricians are

recommended to read the July 2001 issue of Pediatrics for more

recommendations; their report on Mercury in the Environment states that all

recommended childhood immunizations are available in thimerosal‑free forms

now, and parents must insist on these for their children.   Parents must be

willing to be advocates for their children and help educate their doctors

during this period of intense research and reform that is taking place

regarding childhood immunizations.


Jaquelyn McCandless, M.D.    E‑mail