HW335: HEROES AND ZEROS (VAccines cause Significant HARM TO MOST AND
especially Pregnant women & HEALTH HEADS KNEW SHOT WASN’T THE WAY OUT &
experts explain why the
vaccines are causing so
many adverse effects.
Up and Coming Japanese Scientists Raise Alarm,
: Current mRNA Tech Behind COVID-19 Vaccines
Questionable Safety
articulate their concerns of too much adjuvanticity associated with mRNA
vaccines generally.
both adjuvanticity and delivery remain crucial elements inherent in mRNA
vaccine design, the two Japanese scientists report too much of the former can
lead essentially to a lot of adverse events
They report that excessive adjuvanticity and activation of improper innate
immune signaling can conversely hinder vaccination efficacy and trigger
adverse effects.
Report: Young People Dying of Cancer at Explosive Rates, UK Government Data
(Turbo Cancers)
analysis of U.K. government data shows
Teenagers and young people in their 20s, 30s and 40s in the
U.K. are dying from rapidly metastasizing and terminal cancers at an
unprecedented rate since
the rollout of COVID vaccines, according
to a new report by data analyst Edward Dowd. The report has prompted renewed
calls for further investigation of cancer rates and excess deaths.
Increases in Cancer Mortality After COVID mRNA Vaccination, Japanese
Researchers Find
specially after the third COVID-19 mRNA vaccine dose
See also
Our conclusion was 73.9% of
deaths analyzed after vaccination are either direct due or significantly
contributed to
known mechanisms (myocarditis,
blood clots, etc.) resulting from COVID-19 vaccines. The conclusion is
supported by the data presented.
individuals in the study that were
previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 were
found to have more robust mucosa-related neutralization than the previously
Most in the population have now been
previously infected.
WHO: Chinese herbal TCM has
been a successfully proven Method for treating Covid and controlling the
One Province also used
high dose Vit C protocol effectively.
Pfizer should have told
the pregnant trial participants that another trial of a similar vaccine had
been halted over preterm birth safety concerns and their informed consent forms
were misleading.
2.3M Real-World Evidence Study Uncovers Troubling Link Between mRNA
COVID-19 Vaccines and Thyroid Dysfunction
this would imply a significant issue for fetus of pregnant woman.
AI Overview
Learn more
A pregnant woman's thyroid
issues, particularly untreated hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) or
hyperthyroidism (high thyroid hormone), can significantly affect the developing
fetus, potentially causing complications like
premature birth, low birth weight, and impaired brain development
in the infant, especially if the
thyroid dysfunction occurs during the early stages of pregnancy when the fetus
relies heavily on the mother's thyroid hormone for growth and development.
Significant Harm and miscarriages
caused by Covid vaccine
Package Inserts Still Contains No Safety Data for Use in Pregnant Women, though
problems have been identified
Pregnancy-related deaths soared 40 percent in 2021
compared to pre-2019
and slightly smaller % for 2021-2023.
The majority appear to
have been related to the vaccines.
Of the 1,205 mothers who died in or
within forty-two days of pregnancy in 2021, 429 had Covid-19 on the death
certificate as either the primary or a contributing cause—a 321 percent
increase in Covid pregnancy deaths from the first wave in 2020. By comparison,
total Covid deaths in the United States as listed by
a relatively modest 20 percent,
one-fifteen as much as in pregnant women.
The majority of these were unlikely to
be due to Covid
, as listed by CDC.
Vaccine-associated enhanced
disease or VAED has been
in measles, respiratory syncytial virus, dengue
, and
was likely the cause for more than
s John
Campbell Video
(Pfizer data and animal studies showed vaccine
dangerous for pregnant women and affects animal fertility. Other known lies by
Pfizer spokespersons. Kansas suing for Fraud and other states and countries
likely to join.)
CDC V-Safe data showed 82% spontaneous
abortions for Pregnant Women Vaccinated in first 20 weeks of pregnancy (NEJM).
(No follow-up on birth outcomes or health of the remaining few fetuses.)
findings for
Covid vaccines in Pregnant Persons
NEJM 2021
(abstract misworded but data clear)
Spontaneous abortion (V-Safe data) vaccinated
before 20 weeks Table 4 (104 out of 127 had spontaneous abortion) 82%
red flag for pregnant women
emails from a California hospital revealed a significant rise in stillbirths
and fetal deaths, and VAERS data showed a substantial increase in fetal deaths
following COVID-19 vaccination compared to other vaccines
More infants are dying in the
U.S. than in the last two decades, according to data from the National Center
for Health Statistics (NCHS).
The U.S. provisional infant
mortality rate rose 3% from 2021 to 2022 — the first increase since 2001 to
Infant mortality in the U.S. rose
from 5.44 per 1,000 live births in 2021 to 5.6 in 2022, representing 20,538
deaths in infants under 12 months in 2022.
U.S. Infant Mortality Rate in 2020 worst of all developed countries
analyzed. Faulty U.S. Medical and Vaccine Policies appear to be at fault.
Research found the 2020 infant
mortality rate in the U.S., 5.4 deaths per 1,000 live births, was the highest
of all the countries analyzed; Norway had just 1.6 deaths per 1,000 live
births, for comparison.
In the U.S., life expectancy is
three to five years lower than that in other high-income countries, despite
higher healthcare spending. Adopting a Science-based holistic approach to
health can help you maintain wellness at all life stages according to author.
Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Causes Neurological Damage
in Pregnant Rats’ Offspring: Human Studies Needed Now!
Dr. Erdogan and colleagues administered the Pfizer-
COVID-19 vaccine BNT162b2 into pregnant rats
during gestation.
They found that ensuing evaluation led to observations in
the offspring pointing to
autism-like behavioral,
neuronal counts and
. The
vaccine significantly
alters WNT gene expression and BDNF levels in both male and female rats,
suggesting a profound impact on key neurodevelopmental pathways.
mRNA vaccination led to
lower risk of Omicron COVID-19 infection in infants up to 6 months only when
the mRNA vaccination occurred during the prenatal period. Even then, vaccine
effectiveness was under 50%.
Package insert:
Available data on COMIRNATY administered to
pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy
, entitled COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy
Outcomes and Menstrual Function, revealed that the COVID-19 vaccine
some significant adverse effects
, such as
menstrual abnormality,
miscarriage and fetal abnormalities
Study Published in Lancet Shows mRNA From COVID Shots Contaminates Breast Milk
Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 Vax Linked to
Risk of Unexpected Bleeding in Both Non-Menstruating Peri-and
Premenopausal Women
, and 2-3 fold increase in Postmenopausal
Previously Suppressed Research
The Vaccine Dangers
, Dr R L Blaylock, The
Blaylock Wellness Report Vol 19, No. 12
The ACIP develops
recommendations for U.S. immunizations, including ages when vaccines should be
given, number of doses, time between doses, and precautions and
CDC Tweet Urging Pregnant Women
to Receive COVID Vaccine
Even though CDC clearly knew the vaccines extremely
dangerous for pregnant women)
A FOIA request revealed over
$11 million in funding for mRNA injections, including a deal with ACOG, the
leading professional membership organization for obstetricians and
gynecologists. The agreement provides for the money to be returned if the ACOG
does not follow HHS’s guidelines for safe and effective care guidelines for
expectant and new mothers provided by the federal government.
The medical societies such
as ACOG recommended the vaccines before they were
the regulatory greenlight. The risks are still not known in this
vulnerable cohort per Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) package insert. A
, entitled COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy
Outcomes and Menstrual Function, revealed that the COVID-19 vaccine
some significant adverse effects
, such as
menstrual abnormality,
miscarriage and fetal abnormalities
V-Safe Covid Vaccine Adverse Health Impacts Graph
The Epoch Times:
CDC Quietly Removes COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse
Events Collection from Website
A new study has detected
heart inflammation in All
tested who were
undergoing routine medical checkups for other reasons. If replicated, the
findings could upend the idea of rare myocarditis after COVID vaccination.
Springer Link:
future of cardiac disease assessment using 18F-FDG PET/CT
Regardless of age or sex, patients who received their second vaccination up to 180 days before imaging showed a 47% higher uptake in heart tissues of fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), an imaging agent, than unvaccinated subjects . Stressed or damaged cells, a hallmark of myocarditis, take up more glucose than healthy cells. Higher FDG uptake was also observed in tissues outside the heart, including the liver, spleen, and the whole body, and particularly in axial (armpit) lymph nodes. Higher FDG uptake was also observed in tissues outside the heart, including the liver, spleen, and the whole body, and particularly in axial (armpit) lymph nodes.
COVID-19 Vaccines and Reports of Deep Vein Thrombosis
(DVT) Increasing
COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis could leave
a zone of scar in the heart, risking the chance of
, ventricular
fibrillation and cardiac arrest at any time.
et al
conclusively shown by autopsy that COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis can be
Many of those with
significant damage showed no apparent current symptoms. Thus, many not
currently symptomatic will have future problems and likely earlier death due to
the damage.
Like China, Australia had a
COVID” policy
and imposed some of the world’s most
to protect the nation. Yet, Australia is now
experiencing a historic surge in cardiac deaths
Ed Dowd reported that
, an insurance executive at One
America, stated that a 10% excess mortality in young folks is a
once-in-a-200-year flood. “
of Australia is at 18% and it doesn’t look like it’s leveling off. It looks
like it’s continuing to rise. Something is going on in Australia that
needs to be explained
18% excess mortality
is a
Australian Medical Society Reports on Excess Deaths:
Claims They Are Linked to COVID-19 Vax
group has done an independent investigation and declared that the vaccination programs
meant to protect the people of Australia from SARS-COV-2, the virus behind
COVID-19 are in fact, the cause of the excess deaths. Deaths are
When the mRNA COVID-19
vaccines were rolled out, the quoted science authorities were adamant that the
resultant spike proteins would remain near the injection site and then quickly
be removed from the body.
A new
August 31 in Proteomics Clinical Applications is adding to the body of
knowledge revealing that the
mRNA vaccines are problematic and that their
artificial spike proteins in fact travel all over the body and remain in one’s
system for long periods of time.
The control group (20 unvaccinated people) was also tested after
contracting COVID-19 and was negative for PP-spike.
Experience with Covid and
Vaccines in Several Countries- Deaths & Covid Harm have been mostly to
vaccinations in New Zealand: An unfolding tragedy.
Deaths and
Covid harm
mostly to vaccinated.
By the time New Zealand had
fully vaccinated about 90% of it's population above the age of 12, on February
12th, 2022, New Zealand had recorded 53 Covid-19 deaths and 19,400 cases.
However, massive Covid-19 waves followed, and by September 3rd, 2023, New
Zealand had recorded over 2.45 million cases and 4,746 deaths. This implies
that approximately 99% of Covid-19 cases and deaths in New Zealand have been
recorded in almost 19 months following vaccination of about 90% of the
population aged above 12 years of age.
Up until the launch of the
vaccination program on Feb 14
, 2021, Thailand had recorded ~24,400 cases and 80 deaths over
approximately 11 months since the first reported case. However, as vaccination
ramped up, Thailand recorded 20,445 deaths 2,252,976 cases over the next 11
months. This represented a 92-fold increase in cases and 256-fold increase in
deaths over the same time frame of 11 months after vaccination, compared to the
timeframe of 11 months before vaccination. The Covid-19 cases and deaths were
observed to be in strong temporal association with the rollout of the
vaccination program. It has been argued by this author in this
, quoting publicly available data as well as published
studies, that
massive Covid-19 waves in several countries seem to have been
triggered by mass vaccinations,
with 1-dose vaccinated the likely spreaders
to close contacts thereby triggering outbreaks. To date, Thailand has reported
34,453 Covid-19 deaths, out of which 34,373, or 99.8% have occurred after the
launch of mass vaccinations.
India's second
covid wave and mass vaccinations - The Association
is a clear temporal association between India’s vaccination drive and the
second Covid-19 wave as indicated below. Vaccination drive led to huge Covid
Case increase.
phenomenon in other countries.
drop in India’s second Covid-19 wave was triggered by high levels of natural
Shows Lockdowns and masks were ineffective at reducing Covid cases.
Showed High vaccination rates or vaccination drives did not reduce Covid cases.
Vaccine effectiveness is negative against both
infection and deaths/hospitalizations.
More transmissible variants -
variants bare fangs only AFTER the start of vaccination
. why not before?
Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier:
Vaccines are creating the variants.
News Round-up and Corruption in Science
The US Government itself and large pharma are
the two of the main players in this nefarious practice. When the CDC pushed out
a billion dollars over 2021 to write articles favorable about the COVID-19 mRNA
vaccine and to defame scientist like Robert Malone, state-sponsored media
became completely normalized in the USA.
The published science related to the vaccines is totally corrupted and serious
scientist have had to adjust to the problem.
Medical Journals do not have an open and transparent system for dealing with
comments on articles posted in the Journal
The New England Journal of Medicine offers a Letters to the Editor with
only 175 words and three authors, but then decides which Letters they will
publish. Lancet does not offer a commenting policy.
JAMA offers the opportunity to Comment on most articles. However, this
option is illusory since they then decline based “on our commenting policy”.
When the articles appear on the Journal website, the erroneous impression
is conveyed that there is mass agreement with the viewpoint of the authors
because no comments appear.
TrialSite News is now offering
a new feature called COUNTERPOINT.
When an author wishes to provide a comment or response to an article published
in a journal, we request that the comment be submitted to the journal. If
the journal declines to publish, submit the gist of the article along with the
number of comments posted and the comment which has been declined.
Obvious Fraud & Collusion by
Pharmaceuticals and CDC/FDA.
Investigative Committee Chair
says according to a CIA whistleblower, the retired Dr. Fauci was escorted into
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Headquarters, without a record of entry, and
participated in the analysis to influence the Agency’s review.
engaged with DARPA, the research arm of
the Department of Defense, on
a memo
that identifies SARS-CoV-2 as an American technology
Could Owe Billions to Service Members Involuntarily Discharged for Refusing
Internal CDC Presentation Shows CDC knew
for months that the vaccines effectiveness at preventing Covid spread and harm
was waning but kept it a secret.
government, governments from around the world, the WHO and UNICEF have spent
billions of dollars in a misguided attempt to try to figure out how to make
people take (coerce, compel, and entice) these experimental medical products
This was clearly a coordinated effort.
In the past 3 years, the world has seen
the wholesale dismantling of their basic human, civil, and privacy rights in
the name of disease prevention and surveillance related to COVID-19 and the
global biosecurity state
. Moreover,
of social media users around the world
were unknowingly subjected to
non-consented, AI-driven experimentation, monitoring and suppression by
collusive government/media/corporate programs as part of what has been termed a
Vast Censorship Industry.
Not only was truthful speech related to
vaccine injuries and deaths suppressed
, but other topics such as questioning our election integrity were also
marked as misinformation, disinformation, or mal-information in an attempt to
suppress open debate.
More recently, the notorious UK-based
dark money group the Center for Countering Digital Hate has been hit with
numerous investigations and lawsuits
, based on their fraudulent and defamatory treatment of the so-called
disinformation dozen, and soon they will face a
Congressional inquiry
It is clear the
CCDH report was fraudulent and slanderous, as there was No Evidence the
censored sites had anything scientifically inaccurate or undocumented. Those in
the Federal Agencies and social media with connections to the fraudulent use of
the Report should be identified and prosecuted.
February 14, Judge Terry Doughty of the of the US District Court for the
Western District of Louisiana issued an injunction against federal authorities,
including the White House, ordering them to refrain from
actions, formal or informal, directly or indirectly, to
coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete,
suppress or reduce, including through altering their algorithms, posted
social-media content containing protected free speech.
UNDER Government agency WATCH
supporting powerful special interest:
for Pfizer.
Paxlovid’s clinical trial data demonstrated the drug had little to no success in preventing or treating SARS-CoV-2. and is not as effective as Ivermectin at treating Covid.
post-pandemic, systematic review of the effectiveness of mask mandates for
children did not find high-quality evidence that masking children prevented
infection or transmission of COVID-19.
Royal Society: Examining the
effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions (effective if you don’t
consider the adverse effects- organization has pharmaceutical ties)
from NIH
to problems with masks as a public health tool in response to respiratory
found that the masks under
investigation released eight times the chemicals than recommended based on
safety limits of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs). Inhalation of
TVOCs is associated with significant health concerns, from the mild to the
severe. Most other studies found lockdowns not very effective at preventing
spread and cause serious harm.
body of evidence indicates that face masks are largely ineffective.
Current evidence implies lockdowns have negative
consequences and that face masks can be actually harmful.
Experience Shows Lockdowns and masks were ineffective at
reducing Covid cases.
Showed High vaccination rates or vaccination drives did not reduce Covid cases.
Experience showed
drop in India’s second Covid-19 wave was triggered by high levels of natural
with the highest vaccination rates had the highest Covid death rates
Countries with the lowest vaccination rates had the lowest Covid death rates.
Among the top twenty nations with the
highest COVID-19 death rates (deaths per 100,000 population), the following
distribution: Europe & U.S. 18 of top 20. Africa none- lowest vaccination
rate and lowest Covid death rate.
[The United States, with the most sophisticated
health system and a substantially vaccinated population, experienced the most
COVID-19 mortality. It’s well documented in TrialSite that sub-Saharan African
overall had far smaller death rates due to COVID-19 than the rest of the world,
despite low vaccination rates. They also had wide use of Ivermectin, an
effective treatment].
mutated strains more easily reinfect people who had been infected by
earlier variants and break through the immune protection of vaccines designed
to protect against the earlier variants. The immune system tends to react
by producing antibodies induced by previous variants and cross-reacting with
newer variants instead of producing new bespoke antibodies tailored to target
the altered proteins on the new variants.
Fact Check:
No Support for Viral Claims that COVID-19 Lockdowns
are returning this Fall
Most fact check organizations are known
to be controlled by Special Interests)
The Royal Society:
Examining the effectiveness of
non-pharmaceutical interventions
Lots of elite Special Interest
support and connections
Cochrane Library:
Physical Interventions to interrupt or reduce
the spread of respiratory viruses
The Royal Society:
Lots of elite Special
Interest support and connections
The Royal Society:
The Royal Society:
Eddie Holmes
The University of Sydney:
Statement from Prof Edward
Holmes on the SARS-CoV-2 virus
Jeremy Farrar
Email to Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins / Edward Holmes Email to Jeremy
The Royal Society:
Sarah Gilbert
BBC News:
Prof Sarah Gilbert: The woman who designed the
Oxford vaccine
AP News:
Major European nations suspend use of AstraZeneca
AstraZeneca facing two London lawsuits over COVID-19
The Royal Society:
Patrick Vallance
Science Direct:
Measuring the quantity of harmful volatile
organic compounds inhaled through masks
Since Twitter has new CEO,
Twitter is Censoring Highwire and Vaccine Science again. Twitter was open and
transparent while Musk was running Twitter, but he bowed to pressure of
Pharmaceuticals and Government to appoint a new CEO who allows Censorship of any
Science that exposes problems with vaccines or Government policy.
Twitter under Musk was more
transparent to science than any other social media, but policy in flux.
Transparency needs support.
Musk supports Neurolink &
merging of humans with AI.
He also is highly linked with
autocratic entities and technocratic policies.
The HighWire EP334 Won't Load on Twitter/X
LA Times:
Elon Musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion
in government subsidies
Government transferring trillions to
due to Government & FED being mostly controlled by ultra-rich
The Guardian:
Elon Musk says robust carbon tax would speed
global clean energy transition
Elon Musk: ‘My top recommendation’ for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions is a carbon tax
carbon emissions difficult
to assess but current tax policy very unfair and regressive: needs revision
Addressing climate change through carbon taxes
Elon Musk: Humans must merge with machines or become
irrelevant in AI age
Elon Musk's Neuralink wins FDA approval for human
study of brain implants
The Guardian:
Musk’s Neuralink faces federal inquiry after
killing 1,500 animals in testing
Physicians Committee’s Response to Neuralink’s Nov.
30, 2022 “Show and Tell”
In-Q-Tel Names Dr. Michael D. Griffin As President
And Chief Operating Officer
CIA controlled organization: bad
Bloomberg Business:
Elon Musk’s Space Dream Almost Killed Tesla
Many Scientists Encouraged by Griffin’s Appointment
(Most independent scientists discouraged)
The Fast Mode:
T-Mobile, SpaceX Team Up to Beam 5G from Space
Tech Firms haven’t acknowledged dangerous EMF harm
SpaceX launches world's 1st 5G satellite to bring
global connectivity to Internet of Things
SpaceX launches 5,000th Starlink satellite toward
Tesla becomes manufacturing partner for biotech firm
CureVac working on COVID-19 vaccine
Elon Musk likes the MRNA Technology
deaths reported from the newest variant. Statistics show Covid is responsible
for at most 1% of all deaths in the United States.
In the past 3 years, the world has seen
the wholesale dismantling of their basic human, civil, and privacy rights in
the name of disease prevention and surveillance related to COVID-19 and the
global biosecurity state
. Moreover,
of social media users around the world
were unknowingly subjected to
non-consented, AI-driven experimentation, monitoring and suppression by
collusive government/media/corporate programs as part of what has been termed a
Vast Censorship Industry.
Not only was truthful speech related to
vaccine injuries and deaths suppressed
, but other topics such as questioning our election integrity were also
marked as misinformation, disinformation, or mal-information in an attempt to
suppress open debate.
More recently, the notorious UK-based
dark money group the Center for Countering Digital Hate has been hit with
numerous investigations and lawsuits
, based on their fraudulent and defamatory treatment of the so-called
disinformation dozen, and soon they will face a
Congressional inquiry
AP News:
Maine doctor Meryl Nass license fraudulently
suspended over accurate COVID-19 claims
has been increasingly critical about the safety and effectiveness
of vaccines, including ones for COVID-19. (
The vaccines are known and
documented by CDC and medical literature to have done serious harm to millions
She has also blogged that COVID-19 vaccines are
associated with reproductive harm. (This is also known and documented by Pfizer
data and CDC and
MedPage Today:
Doc Fraudulently Suspended for COVID Misinfo
Sues, Cites Freedom of Speech
Whistleblower Goes Public, Calls for Investigation Into New COVID Vaccine
Injury Data
Lt. Ted Macie, who last March
revealed health data from the U.S. military that showed a spike in myocarditis
after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, this week revealed new data that show an
increase in suicide and self-harm among military members and called on Congress
to hold the Pentagon accountable for its “illegal shot mandate.”
Macie’s new data are the
latest in ongoing revelations from
whistleblowers regarding DMED data
that revealed
an increase since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout of
miscarriages, cancer,
neurological disorders
and other medical conditions.
Doctors Sue Washington Medical Commission Over Right to Free Speech
A Superior Court judge in
Washington last week heard arguments in a lawsuit brought by four doctors who
allege their state’s medical licensing commission illegally adopted a COVID-19
misinformation policy, subjected them to unfair punitive action and violated
their constitutional right to freedom of speech.
(WMC) wrongfully punished three of them for allegedly spreading COVID-19
misinformation and for treating patients with ivermectin and other off-label
drugs last week argued in support of their plaintiffs’
motion for declaratory and
injunctive relief
. The fourth doctor joined the lawsuit after relinquishing
her license over concerns of the WMC’s investigations of her colleagues. They
asked the court to declare the WMC’s
COVID-19 Misinformation Position
as invalidly adopted and to tell the WMC to
cease any enforcement under the position statement.
Three doctors: Robert Apter,
Mary Talley Bowden and Paul E. Marik, co-founder of the
Front Line Critical Care Alliance
(FLCCC), in June
the FDA,
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS),
FDA Commissioner Robert Califf
HHS Secretary Xavier Beccera in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of Texas. The doctors alleged the FDA’s guidance on ivermectin
interfered with the doctor-patient relationship and their ability to prescribe
an approved medication.
They also said their careers
and professional reputations were harmed, as they faced sanctions from their
employers, including suspensions and loss of privileges. The lawsuit also noted
that the FDA approved ivermectin in 1996 for the treatment of a variety of
Brownstone Institute:
The WHO’s
Proposed Amendments Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics
Bureau’s text of the WHO convention, agreement or
other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and
part of agenda increase control by elite special
Youtube Blog:
A long term vision for YouTube’s medical
misinformation policies
Policy reduces science transparency and
increases promotion mainly of Pharmaceutical and Government propaganda- needs
attention and increased transparency)
News Round-up and Corruption in Science
The US Government itself and large
pharma are the two of the main players in this nefarious practice. When the CDC
pushed out a billion dollars over 2021 to write articles favorable about the
COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and to defame scientist like Robert Malone,
state-sponsored media became completely normalized in the USA
published science related to the vaccines is totally corrupted
The current manipulation of
the medical journals
by the
Pharmaceuticals is unprecedented and serious. Publication of bogus ghost
articles is widespread and pressure to retract articles negative to the
Pharmaceuticals result commonly in retraction of legitimately peer -reviewed
articles also widespread.
The manipulation
of CDC, FDA, NIAID, NIH, AAP, AMA and Media is likewise unprecedented.
The long history of corruption and criminality
of the Pharmaceuticals is a matter of record, yet most of the public trusts
them because if the constant brainwashing by the controlled Media.
The corrupt Federal Health Agencies
and Medical Authorities are now the ones in trouble as public, State Attorney
Generals, Courts, Class Action Suits are
Bringing the Heat
We now have Definitive Proof that the
Vaccines are causing many deaths.
(See also CDC
Find mRNA Derived Spike Protein in Blood for Months after Vaccination
Detection of
Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk
Pediatr. 2022 Sep 26. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.3581.Online ahead of
Journal of the American Medical Association, an international peer-reviewed
general medical journal published since 1993, released the study to the public
and has now issued a warning for women breastfeeding infants younger than six
Americans live shorter lives and experience more injuries and illnesses than
people in other high-income countries
A growing body of research is calling attention to this
problem, with a 2011 report by the National Research Council confirming a large
and rising international mortality gap among adults
50 and older. The U.S. health disadvantage cannot be attributed solely to the
adverse health status of racial or ethnic minorities or poor people because
recent studies suggest that even highly advantaged Americans may be in worse
health than their counterparts in other countries.
Data shows: For many years, Americans have had a
shorter life expectancy than people in almost all of the peer countries.
For the past three decades, this difference in
life expectancy has been growing, especially among women. T
he health disadvantage is pervasive—it affects all age groups
up to age 75 and is observed for multiple diseases, biological and behavioral
risk factors, and injuries.
U.S. much worse for many health categories- see
& Executive Director of Texans for Medical Freedom, Jackie Schlegel, joins
Del to discuss her 6-year long fight to pass a Medicaid Discrimination bill in
Texas that has finally come to fruition. Hear how this warrior mom has worked
to win over the hearts and minds of elected officials and has her eyes on any
upcoming legislation that challenges the medical freedoms of all Texans.
Texans For Medical
Freedom Website
Diagnoses of
spectrum disorder (ASD) rose from 1 in 54 in
2016 to 1 in 36 in 2020,
according to
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
(Much worse now)
Increased as the number of vaccinations on CDC
vaccination list increased.
Chronic Diseases in Children like Autism
Epidemic Answers: Autism Research
In her 2010
book, “A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in America’s Children,”
Lambert reviewed not only the epidemic of autism but also other childhood
epidemics, such as autoimmune diseases, and
their environmental/medicial
system root cause
Epidemic Answers
research project,
Documenting Hope
, is analyzing the medical system and
environmental causes behind chronic conditions and what we can do to reverse
Autism and most other
chronic childhood diseases are caused by a constellation of factors that
contribute to the total toxic load of modern living
Studies by Dr Paul Thomas and others
consistently shown that the vaccines do harm and unvaccinated children are more
healthy than vaccinated children. Effective prevention and treatment are
usually more effective than vaccines,
A new larger study by myself and Dr
Lyons-Weiler has confirmed Dr. Thomas results. (
Lyons Weiler J, Blaylock RL
IJVTPR 2022;2(2):603-618.)
The addition of the
extremely dangerous SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
is to the child vaccine schedule is
a huge mistake
. Millions of children will have
their health destroyed, and many will die as a result of being given this
injection. Adding it to the already overcrowded vaccine schedule will be
devastating to a whole generation of children.
Author, spiritual leader,
and human rights activist Dr. Lewis speaks on the wisdom he has gained in his
travels to over 60 countries
up in the
society of Eritrea,
Teklu left for the U.S. to live a life where individual freedoms were