VR7- Documentation that very few relatively healthy people have died from covid-19, and the majority of deaths called covid were miscategorized and actually due to medical system mistakes or other causes. Studies document that Vaccines historically have caused more harm to children than benefit, and unvaccinated children are generally more healthy than vaccinated children.

James Lyons-Weiler, Scientist, Researcher

 CDC Now Considers and Lists Most Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated.   

It was clear early on after it was demonstrated that this virus was not very dangerous and healthy people under 75 didn’t have much to worry about, they should have held a Press Conference to tell the public they didn’t have much to worry about if they just did things to keep their immune system healthy. But they chose to mislead the public and did the opposite- and manipulated the statistics to enhance fear needlessly to promote the vaccines. This clearly was not a Pandemic as the world statistics for Covid have shown. For a Pandemic you must have a death rate of 5 or 6% and covid clearly has had nothing close to that- less than 1% for healthy people properly treated and nothing close to 5% anywhere in the world.

Most of the deaths we’ve seen called covid deaths by the CDC were actually medical- system caused deaths, which was by far the largest cause of death in the U.S. in 2021. Much more than cancer or cardiovascular. This includes the active censoring of science and medical information about effective treatments and the necessity of early treatment, & includes directives issued by HHS that doctors should not provide early treatment- which has been proven to be crucial in such conditions. Plus, use of a fraudulent and inaccurate test for covid, the PCR test, that resulted in huge false positives, and misdiagnosis of the real problems that needed treatment. Some died from sepsis, you don’t get sepsis from a viral infection, but it needs to be treated properly using proven effective treatments which have been known a long time. They have been lumping all viral conditions including flu plus pneumonia, etc. into covid deaths to try to get up to the rate required for a Pandemic and for EUA vaccines and for the Government payout money for covid deaths. And, disregarding other serious comorbidities people are suffering and dying from. Why are no flu deaths being reported this year and similar for other common death causes? The PCR test has clearly been manipulated to call a lot of non-covid related deaths covid deaths. But there isn’t some new death cause of Pandemic proportions; all- cause mortality hasn’t changed, CDC just changed definitions to promote an agenda.  Also, failure to use proven effective protocols by the hospitals, including overuse and misuse of ventilators, and use of dangerous, ineffective drugs rather than proven effective treatments has resulted in large numbers of deaths. The focus of the CDC and hospitals was on the wrong things. Also, failure to use autopsies to determine what people were actually dying from, and to direct future treatments. It’s clear from the experience treating covid, that healthy people do not die from covid if they receive proper early effective treatment. This has further increased the wealth gap in the U.S. taking money from the general public and transferring it to the already wealthy, and has had disastrous societal effects, as previously documented in past videos.

All 50 states should pass laws requiring tests to determine accurate cause of conditions prior to treatment, to get around the huge fraud in the HHS directives. People deserve this and using a fraudulent system has huge risks and has had huge economic costs.


The vaccines appear to be faulty and dangerous, as I warned the CDC based on my study of history and the SARS virus. Past Coronavirus vaccines have failed because they caused pathogenic priming, so this time they decided to skip the animal tests that demonstrated that problem in the past.

We will see huge harm and deaths among the older people who got the vaccine- from pathogenic priming as I warned Fauci before the vaccine came out if they included what they did in the vaccines.

Moderna manipulated the trial data and fraudulently issued a claim for much higher effectiveness and safety than the data showed. In a trial for a super healthy population, the death rate was high but covered up. They also are not counting future pathogenic priming problems, which have been predicted by experts. I will issue the results of my study with the real numbers I have.


My study of the health of unvaccinated children versus vaccinated children in a Pediatric practice, shows large increases in office visits compared to unvaccinated kids, especially

conditions shown to be caused by vaccines. No ADHD in unvaccinated children, but lots in vaccinated children. Vaccinations cause a huge economic cost to the medical system in needed treatments. Peer reviewed study.


Lyons-Weiler, J.; Thomas, P. Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 202017, 8674. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17228674

the unvaccinated pediatric patients in this practice are healthier overall than the vaccinated.


CDC Now Lists Most Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated.   

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you’re not counted as fully vaccinated until a full 14 days have passed since your second injection in the case of Pfizer or Moderna, or 14 days after your first dose of Janssen, despite the fact that over 80% of deaths after the vaccines occur in this window.

Anyone who dies within the first 14 days post-injection of the 2nd vaccination or after only 1 vaccination is counted as an unvaccinated death, even though they have received 1 or 2 injections.  Not only does this inaccurately inflate the unvaccinated death toll, but it also hides the real dangers of the COVID shots, as the vast majority of deaths from these vaccinations occur within the first two weeks, and are being counted as  unvaccinated deaths.




Dr. Rhasid Betarr FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM


A lot of vaccines still contain mercury and ethyl mercury most toxic- tests show thimerosal-free vaccines contain thimerosal; now thimerosal used in manufacturing process & we didn’t add it- manufacturing did- in Congressional record.

Mercury causes degeneration of neural sheath- terrible damage. There is nothing in vaccines beneficial to humans- antigen. Body creates antibody related to antigen. Seroconversion not effective early in life- but vaccines given to early with highly toxic ingredients-

Hep B –is to protect special problem population, but given to all for more profits for Pharms.  Hep B not needed for children, but giving toxic vaccines to children not able to clear the toxins. That’s the reason for the huge increase in autism and other chronic conditions- in general vaccines cause harm and damage- not benefit. 1 out of 30 children get serious harm- but none get benefit. Decisions on vaccines made based on profits, not health benefit. Vaccines mostly to “protect” against non-dangerous condition by injecting toxic substances into the body that does harm. The modern- day vaccine schedule was not for health benefit- has caused much more harm than benefit. The schedule was for purpose of control, setting up the Great Reset we are seeing now to exert control over the public.


Autopsies- Dr Ryan Cole, Serious harm being caused in the vaccinated due to Spike Protein from the Vaccines- cardiovascular, pulmonary, autoimmune, etc.;

A Study out of Netherlands shows the vaccines reprogram the body’s innate immune system adversely affecting the immune system’s ability to deal with pathogens and diseases like cancer. They affect and reprogram the toll like receptors such as 4, 7 and 8 that give the body the ability to fight pathogens and diseases like cancer. Seeing early signals of more cancer and other disease susceptibility. Large increase in cancer, autoimmune conditions, and other serious viruses after vaccination due to the inflammation caused by the vaccines.  these vaccines are defective- including spike protein results in inflammatory conditions, mitochondria damage, blood clotting problems(over 8,000 reported to VAERS)- autopsies & D-Dimer blood test of vaccinated are showing these problems, more damage to young by vaccines than by covid, need to focus on proven effective treatment rather than vaccines; the available trial data did not demonstrate the vaccine prevented deaths and large numbers of deaths due to the vaccines are occurring; most scientists and clinicians agree that there was no evidence that  the vaccines have been proven safe & effective) & https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/article253889868.html



& NIH Pubmed Autopsies-& Autopsies by International Doctors

& Dr Roger Hodkinson- (Pathologist, past Professor, fellow Amer. College of Pathologists, past Chair of Alberta Pathology Board, currently Chair of Biotechnology Company involved in DNA sequencing)

Most everything that the public has been told about Covid and the Vaccines is a lie.

The fraudulent Fauci helped create the virus by using NIAID money to support gain of function research. Now he and the CDC are using the Fraudulent PCR tests that have false positives as high as 90% and manipulated data to create fear to promote the vaccines that are causing huge harm to the public (and Government finances), for personal benefit. This is not a real Pandemic as Covid is not a dangerous virus, but simply a Pandemic of Fear driven by deliberately false information.

Covid is a coronavirus similar to Seasonal flu in effects and is easily treated using vit D and effective treatment Protocols like the one of Dr McCollough. Masks and lockdowns and vaccines have never been effective for controlling viruses and hav e been only counterproductive in this fake Pandemic. The public has been let down regarding the truth by the 3 sources they depend on in situations like this- Politicians/Leaders, Media, Doctors. Doctors especially have abandoned principle for money- by unethically abandoning the principles of (first do no harm) and informed consent. It’s time to face up to the truth, Stop the Vaccines, and use safe effective treatments to control the virus.