Vaccine aluminum linked to autism and other neurological disorders.


The effects of poisons can be quick or extremely slow: building gradually up creating low grade debilitation diseases like in chronic fatigue syndrome or devastating neurological disorders like MS, ALS, and Alzheimer's disease.   Aluminum is harmful to life. Aluminum is a protoplasmic poison and a deadly, persistent neurotoxin. Aluminum is a known toxin that can cause encephalitis, bone disease and anemia in susceptible people. Autopsy reports on Alzheimer's patients found 70% more aluminum in the brain.   Though aluminum is less toxic than mercury, arsenic, lead or cadmium, it is a persistent poison that increases the toxicity of other heavy metals. Though neurodegenerative disorders have several pathways in their creation but nothing will burn up a neuron faster than mercury. This is also the case for aluminum hydroxide, just to a lesser extent. Vancouver neuroscientist Dr. Chris Shaw just finished his research that shows a link between the aluminum hydroxide used in vaccines, and symptoms associated with Parkinson's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease), and Alzheimer's.[ i ]



Aluminum Is A Neurotoxin and Causes Neurological and Inflammatory Conditions. Vaccines are a common significant source of aluminum in children.

Aluminum is a heavy metal and an insidious neurotoxin. It has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other brain and neurological disorders. This metal can build up in your bones, replacing calcium to deteriorate the bone matrix. People with kidney disease and other problems are especially susceptible to the ills of aluminum.
A luminum is also a serious endocrine disruptor , and since transgenderism and gender dysphoria have been linked to exposure to endocrine disruptors, childhood vaccines are a concern.


Vaccines Often Cause Microstrokes That Can Trigger Conditions like Autism, ADHD, etc.

(Aluminum in vaccines containing it can also be a factor in causing microclots and microtrokes by adversely affecting blood zeta potential).


80 percent of people tested have excessively high aluminum levels , a disturbing statistic, given that metal toxicities are associated with a wide range of chronic disease conditions. (neurological, immune, and mood disorders)


5 Scientific Findings Explain Link Between Vaccines and Autism

1. There is a permanent immune system activation in the brains of people with autism.


2. Aluminum adjuvant is highly neurotoxic and causes immune activation. 


3. The immune activation that triggers autism can happen in utero or after a child is born, while its brain is still developing. 


4. Hepatitis B vaccine-induced IL-6 in postnatal rats.


5. Several analyses found high levels of aluminum in the brains of people with autism. 


Dr. Shaw found in animal studies that aluminum hydroxide shows statistically significant increases in anxiety (38 percent); memory deficits (41 times the errors as in the sample group); and an allergic skin reaction (20 percent). Tissue samples after the mice were "sacrificed" showed neurological cells were dying. Inside the mice's brains, in a part that controls movement, 35 percent of the cells were destroying themselves. 


Neuroscience studies have clearly shown that sequential systemic immune stimulation can activate the brain's immune system, microglia, and astrocytes, and that with initial immune stimulation, there occurs CNS microglial priming. Children are exposed to such sequential immune stimulation via a growing number of environmental excitotoxins, vaccines, and persistent viral infections. We demonstrate that fluoride and aluminum (Al3+) can exacerbate the pathological problems by worsening excitotoxicity and inflammation. While Al3+ appears among the key suspicious factors of ASD, fluoride is rarely recognized as a causative culprit. A long-term burden of these ubiquitous toxins has several health effects with a striking resemblance to the symptoms of ASD. In addition, their synergistic action in molecules of aluminofluoride complexes can affect cell signaling, neurodevelopment, and CNS functions at several times lower concentrations than either Al3+ or fluoride acting alone . (4-6)

Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Level of Aluminum in His Blood, Report Confirms

The parents of 62-day-old Sawyer learned their baby’s blood contained 95 micrograms per liter of aluminum, a level that would be neurotoxic for adults. The toxicologist who read Sawyer’s report said the aluminum and antigen levels in the blood were due to the vaccines.


Yehuda Shoenfeld et al   , Vaccines, adjuvants and autoimmunity . Pharmacol Research. 2015 Oct;100:190 -209.

Yehuda Shoenfeld et al , Vaccine-induced autoimmunity: the role of molecular mimicry and immune cross-reaction , Cell Mol Immunol, 2018 Jun;15(6):586-594


  vaccines can trigger autoimmunity . autoimmune diseases that may occur following vaccinations include arthritis, lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE) diabetes mellitus, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, dermatomyosiositis , Guillain-Barre syndrome and demyelinating disorders . Almost all types of vaccines have been reported to be associated with the onset of ASIA.” Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (also known as Shoenfeld's syndrome) 


A summary of peer-reviewed scientific literature on aluminum reproductive toxicity  by  Robert A. Yokel, Ph.D. , published in Critical Reviews in Toxicology. The review found aluminum exposure can lead to adverse reproductive outcomes in male and female mammals.



Vaccines show sinister side        By Pieta Woolley       March 23, 2006

If two dozen once-jittery mice at UBC are telling the truth postmortem, the world's governments may soon be facing one hell of a lawsuit. New, so-far-unpublished research led by Vancouver neuroscientist Chris Shaw shows a link between the aluminum hydroxide used in vaccines, and symptoms associated with Parkinson's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease), and Alzheimer's.

Shaw is most surprised that the research for his paper hadn't been done before. For 80 years, doctors have injected patients with aluminum hydroxide, he said, an adjuvant that stimulates immune response.

"This is suspicious," he told the Georgia Straight in a phone interview from his lab near Heather Street and West 12th Avenue. "Either this [link] is known by industry and it was never made public, or industry was never made to do these studies by Health Canada. I'm not sure which is scarier."

Similar adjuvants are used in the following vaccines, according to Shaw's paper: hepatitis A and B, and the  Pentacel  cocktail, which vaccinates against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and a type of meningitis.

To test the link theory, Shaw and his four-scientist team from UBC and Louisiana State University injected mice with the anthrax vaccine developed for the first Gulf War. Because Gulf War Syndrome looks a lot like ALS, Shaw explained, the neuroscientists had a chance to isolate a possible cause. All deployed troops were vaccinated with an aluminum hydroxide compound. Vaccinated troops who were not deployed to the Gulf developed similar symptoms at a similar rate, according to Shaw.

After 20 weeks studying the mice, the team found statistically significant increases in anxiety (38 percent); memory deficits (41 times the errors as in the sample group); and an allergic skin reaction (20 percent). Tissue samples after the mice were "sacrificed" showed neurological cells were dying. Inside the mice's brains, in a part that controls movement, 35 percent of the cells were destroying themselves.

 No one in my lab wants to get vaccinated.  This totally creeped us out. We weren't out there to poke holes in vaccines. But all of a sudden , oh my God-we've got neuron death!                                                                  Dr. Chris Shaw


Aluminum inhibits Na-K-ATPase and hexokinase enzymes into the brain . It blocks the electrical discharge of nerve cells, which reduces nervous system activity.

Effect of Chronic Exposure to  Aluminium  on Isoform Expression and Activity of Rat (Na + /K + )ATPase  ,  Virgília  S. Silva, Ana I. Duarte, A. Cristina Rego, Catarina R. Oliveira and Paula P. Gonçalves   Toxicological Sciences 2005 88(2):485-494

"Our studies... provide evidence that mercury, heavy metals and the vaccine preservative thimerosal potently interfere with [methionine synthase] activation and impair folate-dependent methylation. In vitro, mercury and thimerosal in levels found several days after vaccination inhibit  methioninesynthetase  (MS) by 50%. Normal function of MS is crucial in biochemical steps necessary for brain development, attention and production of glutathione, an important antioxidative and detoxifying agent. Repetitive doses of thimerosal leads to neurobehavioral deteriorations in autoimmune susceptible mice, increased oxidative stress and decreased intracellular levels of glutathione in vitro. Subsequent to vaccination, autistic children have significantly decreased level of reduced glutathione. Since each of these agents has been linked to developmental disorders, our findings suggest that impaired methylation, particularly impaired DNA methylation in response to growth factors, may be an important molecular mechanism leading to developmental disorders." 

Activation of methionine synthase by insulin-like growth factor-1 and dopamine: a target for neurodevelopmental toxins and thimerosal. Waly M,  Olteanu H, Banerjee R, Choi SW, Mason JB, Parker BS, Sukumar S, Shim S, Sharma A,  Benzecry JM, Power- Charnitsky VA,  Deth  RC. Mol Psychiatry. 2004 Apr;9(4):358-70

(these are also factors in autoimmune autism causation, Singh et al) 


          According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, "Removal of thimerosal, even if complete, will not solve the problem of autism. It will help tremendously, but will not stop the epidemic of autism. Though mercury, even in sub toxic doses has been shown to strongly activate microglia causing the secretion of two powerful excitotoxins, glutamate and quinolinic acid, in concentrations that are neurotoxic. Aluminum has a similar mode of action, though less potent. When combined with mercury, there is at least additive toxicity if not synergistic toxicity." Dr Gregory Ellis agrees with Blaylock stating that "autism is upon us because it's the outcome of the 50-year experiment of dousing every living being with an overload of toxic substances, including vaccines."[ii] Speaking of her autistic patients, Dr Stephanie Cave said, "You would be amazed at the devastation in their chemistries when you get down to the cellular level." She also said, "I think in later years we are going to look

  back at aluminum the way we are looking at mercury now."[iii] 



           "Aluminum salts are used as vaccine adjuvants based on their ability to improve dendritic cell response to presented antigens. The aluminum concentration of vaccines varies from 0.125 to 0.85 mg/dose, which would produce concentrations of approximately 0.7 to 4.5  uM , if uniformly distributed in the body water of a seven kg infant," reported Dr. M. Waly at Northeastern University, who found that at these low concentrations cellular problems are created independently and in combination with mercury.[ iv] 


Aluminum given to a healthy subject will bring on symptoms of tremors, forgetfulness, disorientation, a very dry, or weeping eczema and skin rashes, as well as other nerve and brain tissue disorders.     The symptoms listed of aluminum poisoning go on endlessly.



5 Scientific Findings Explain Link Between Vaccines and Autism

The trigger for autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, according to Handley, is immune system activation that can alter the developing brain when the activation occurs either in a pregnant mother or a young child.

This happens because the neurotoxic aluminum in  vaccines  travels easily to the brain. There, it can cause  inflammation  in vulnerable people by triggering the production of a key  cytokine  -- interleukin 6 or  IL-6  -- a protein that affects the immune system.  IL-6 has been linked to autism .

Handley, author of the best-selling book, " How to End the Autism Epidemic ," co-founder of the  Age of Autism  website and father of a son with autism, draws heavily on the  Vaccine Papers  website, which collects and analyzes relevant science, to outline the key scientific findings that make this case.


Aluminum in Brain Tissue in Autism

All 4 male donors had significantly higher concentrations of brain aluminum than the single female donor. We recorded some of the highest values for brain aluminium content ever measured in healthy or diseased tissues in these male ASD donors including values of 17.10, 18.57 and 22.11 ?g /g dry wt. (Table 1). What discriminates these data from other analyses of brain aluminium in other diseases is the age of the ASD donors. Why, for example would a 15 year old boy have such a high content of aluminum in their brain tissues? There are no comparative data in the scientific literature, the closest being similarly high data for a 42 year old male with familial Alzheimer’s disease ( fAD )

============== (This article efficiently rounded out my knowledge on Aluminium risks in the childhood vaccination schedule)


Must See: Under the Skin : How Aluminum Compounds in HPV Vaccines Cause Injuries



Merck Clinical Trials for HPV Vaccine was Fraudulent and did not prove the Vaccine Safe or Effective.

See: Under the Skin : How Aluminum Compounds in HPV Vaccines Cause Injuries


A new extra-strong aluminum compound, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (AAHS), was used in the Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) and caused serious harm to many.

A team of Danish doctors collected dozens of cases and sent a safety warning to the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

According to The BMJ , documentation from the Danish Medicines Agency shows discrepancies in trial documents of two Gardasil prelicensure clinical trials, one in 2002, and one in 2003.

For both trials, the EMA appears to have authorized potassium aluminum sulfate as the adjuvant and not AAHS so the trial was not relevant to the vaccine with AAHS/

In addition, the 2002 trial participants were told the comparator was saline, even though the comparator was AAHS in an expedient consisting of L-histidine, polysorbate-80, sodium borate and sodium chloride. There was no clinical trial that showed the Gardasil vaccine safe or effective. Trial clearly fraudulent. The EMA said AAHS was introduced without any prelicensure safety evaluation.


According to The BMJ, aluminum adjuvants are associated with numerous adverse effects, including injection site pain and tenderness, persistent lumps, granulomas , contact dermatitis, post-immunization headache, macrophagic myofasciitis and autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.


Ehgartner said numerous indications show aluminum agents cause lasting damage to the immune system of many vaccinated children and adults, and can lead to permanent ases .

Almos all mod ern diseases such as allergies, autoimmune diseases, developmental disorders or immune-related tumors are connected with a hyper-aggressive immune system, Ehgartner said: we show that these additives have never been tested for safety.



    Vaccine Adjuvant danger - MF59 Squalene oils & M

Squalene molecules are not broken down nor are they excreted from the body; they end up in tissues where toxic reactions can occur. when molecules of squalene are injected into humans, even at concentrations as small as 10 to 20 parts per billion, the oil can lead to self-destructive immune responses, such as  autoimmune arthritis and lupus . More than two dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers from ten different laboratories throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia have been published documenting the development of autoimmune disease in animals subjected to squalene-based adjuvants.  A recent study (December 2005) discovered that Tween80 can cause anaphylaxis. MF59 is capable of accelerated activation of the immune system, particularly the innate (in borne) or cell-mediated immune system. Once the immune reaction is “turned on” there is no available “switch” to turn it off. MF59 induces the expression (activation) of at  least 891 genes . It is the  most potent activator  of all adjuvants tested so far.  The long-term results of this activation are unknown and most likely will not be known.  MF 59 was not tested to see if it induces hypersensitivity or if it increases the risk of anaphylaxis, allergies, or even cancer .



    Lead increases the toxicity of mercury by a hundred fold , so does aluminum.


           Dr. Boyd Haley reported from his laboratory experiments that "Aluminum is not nearly as toxic to neurons in culture as is thimerosal." At the University of  Kentucky  he did experiments to determine if aluminum would increase the toxicity of very low levels of thimerosal. "The results were unequivocal: The presence of aluminum dramatically increased the rate of neuronal death caused by thimerosal.  Therefore, the aluminum and thimerosal combination found in vaccines produces a toxic mixture that cannot be compared to situations where thimerosal alone was the toxic exposure."[v]   


       Mercury and aluminum not only are directly toxic to brain cells but also over stimulate the brain's immune system.


Dr. Russel Blaylock

  According to Doctor Hugh  Fundenburg  if an individual receives too many consecutive flu shots his/her chance of developing Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times greater than if they had one, two or no shots.[ vi] When asked why, Dr.  Fudenberg  stated that it is due to the mercury and aluminum buildup that are in many flu shots and in many other childhood vaccines. The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes eventual cognitive dysfunction.  


      Symptoms and Diseases of Aluminum: Flatulence, headaches, dry skin, weak and aching muscles, senility, spleen pain, stomach pain, liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, neuromuscular disorders,  osteomalacia , colitis, anemia, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, hemolysis, leukocytosis, porphyria, heartburn, memory loss, numbness, paralysis, Parkinson's disease, excessive perspiration, leg twitching, cavities, colds, behavioral problems, constipation


          The kidneys eliminate Aluminum from the body and so people with renal 

problems are at risk of Aluminum toxicity. All infants have reduced renal function and may not be able to effectively excrete excessive Aluminum. Kidney function is low at birth and reaches adult level by 1-2 years of age. The presence of Aluminum in a vaccine can cause small nodules to develop under the skin of some babies. These nodules are usually transient in nature and disappear spontaneously after a  few  weeks . In rare cases extreme hypersensitivity to Aluminum results in persistent nodules. 


  T his review (1) describe s two mechanism s linking aluminum to neurodegenerative processes and neurological dysfunction—systemic activation of CNS mi- croglia and immunoexcitotoxicity. T hese effects will amplify immunoexcitotoxic damage. In the immature and developing brain, immunoexci- totoxicity can lead to a number of neurodevelopmental conditions, such as autism spectrum disorders and seizures. In the mature, and especially the aging brain, these mechanisms can lead to progressive neurodegeneration, as seen with AD, PD and ALS . (Dr. Russell Blaylock)

Chronic brain inflammation (2) is known to enhance the sensitivity of glutamate receptors and interfere with glutamate removal from the extraneuronal space, where it can trigger excitotoxicity over a prolonged period. Neuroscience studies have clearly shown that sequential systemic immune stimulation can activate the brain's immune system, microglia, and astrocytes, and that with initial immune stimulation, there occurs CNS microglial priming. Children are exposed to such sequential immune stimulation via a growing number of environmental excitotoxins, vaccines, and persistent viral infections. We demonstrate that fluoride and aluminum (Al 3+ ) can exacerbate the pathological problems by worsening excitotoxicity and inflammation. While Al 3+  appears among the key suspicious factors of ASD, fluoride is rarely recognized as a causative culprit. A long-term burden of these ubiquitous toxins has several health effects with a striking resemblance to the symptoms of ASD. In addition, their synergistic action in molecules of aluminofluoride complexes can affect cell signaling, neurodevelopment, and CNS functions at several times lower concentrations than either Al 3+  or fluoride acting alone. (See references)


     Chinese students receive treatment at a hospital in  Lingbi  County, East China's Anhui Province , March 23, 2006.

 More than 30 students  falls  ill after measles vaccination at a primary school in the county, according to the website of the Xinhua News Agency. [vii]


         More than 3,000 children aged 1-14 in  Lingbi's  Xiangyang Township were vaccinated on March 14, 2006  by the county Center for Disease Prevention and Control in China. The township hospital reported to the county government that 32 students developed steady high fever after vaccination. But a reporter sent by a newspaper to schools in Xiangyang found the figure was at least 150. Treatment continued for the victims, all primary school students, whose fevers were as high as 41 degrees Celsius. (105.8 degrees  Farenheit ) More and more we hear of such vaccine reactions and sometimes kids do die. The medical authorities pretend there is nothing wrong with vaccines and act surprised when kids get hurt. Most vaccines in the third world contain thimerosal (mercury) and aluminum hydroxide. 



               Most -- if not all -- chronic infectious diseases are not caused by a failure of the immune system, but are a conscious adaptation of the immune system to an otherwise lethal heavy metal environment.                                                                        

Dr.  Klinghardt


           The synergism of toxic metals is well known to everyone except doctors and dentists who do not want to know about this subject for it endangers their very way of life and professional practice, not to speak about their self-images.    

With so much use of poison in the world one could easily come to think that some groups of people are actually trying to poison the human race. And though mind boggling to think or believe this, we find this is the case.  A careful examination shows that there are many companies and people who are in for fantastic profit and power and collectively we could call this pharmaceutical terrorism, medical insanity, 

and genocide all rolled into one. In reality there are no words that can truly describe the agony of being that is created, the death and destruction and the personal hells on earth that millions, even billions of people are being forced to live through.


      What sort of consciousness does it take to continue deliberately poisoning ourselves and our families?    What sort of consciousness does it take to manufacture these poisons and sell them? And what kind of   consciousness lives with the illusion that it's safe to use them in our medicines, dental fillings, and vaccines?


           Some people make a big fuss about which poison to protest and get the government to stop using. When it comes to drugs and vaccines it is best to stay away from poisons that hurt our kids. Almost ninety percent of the public support the poisoning of children, they let their pediatricians get away with horrors against their children. The medical establishment has led the general public to swallow hook line and sinker that the best thing is to poison the kids. 


           Many who are aware of the neurological damages done to children (autism epidemic) via the mercury (thimerosal) in the vaccines do not realize as Dr. Blaylock does that it's not enough to remove the mercury. Chemical rape is chemical rape and it really does not matter which one or how many of them are involved in the dirty deed. It is not ok to chemically rape children with mercury or aluminum or any of the other heavy metal. The FDA is the great proponent of the use of poison, they ok the poisoning of the water supply with fluoride and then go into psychotic fits when someone promotes something that is not poisonous. 


      Aggressive pharmaceutical marketing has resulted in almost 3 million children being prescribed strong, adult anti-psychotic drugs.


           Meanwhile the FDA has nothing better to do than now attack the cherry industry.[ viii] The FDA recently told 29 cherry companies that by claiming their products could prevent, treat or cure disease, they were in effect calling them drugs, which are covered by the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. New drugs require FDA approval and testing to confirm safety and effectiveness. 


            The FDA admits that there are almost 1,000 safety and effectiveness studies that have not been done for countless numbers of drugs permitted into the marketplace by the FDA, drugs that all contain poisons that create serious side effects. It's a cruel joke that we have allowed the FDA to approve the safety of poisonous drugs while we allow them to break the backs of companies promoting healthy foods that prevent and even cure disease. Darth Vader and his storm troopers have found a happy and well financed home at the FDA. 


       Mark  Sircus  Ac., OMD

      Director International Medical Veritas Association

      +55-83-3252-2195  ID:  marksircus


The model by which adjuvants initiate an immune response is that of Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis (EAE). To date, EAE is recognized as the best available animal model of several degenerative human diseases, like multiple sclerosis and post-vaccinal encephalopathies. EAE 3  is generally thought to be an autoimmune response to myelin basic protein (MBP). Oddly, MBP can also suppress EAE, and many observations suggest that an independent immune response to so-called "adjuvant" material is also necessary to EAE induction. Of course, this is why adjuvants are used in vaccines, to dramatically increase the likelihood of an immune response to the administered biological material. 

Thus, EAE may be a result of a pair of interactive immune responses, one against MBP, and one against the adjuvant. If so, the adjuvant should, like MBP, suppress EAE. Root-Bernstein, et al. (1986) presented data from experiments on strain 13 guinea pigs demonstrating EAE suppression by muramyl dipeptide, an active component of complete Freund's adjuvant. In the past, adjuvants have only been classified as immunopotentiators, not immunosuppressants. Apparently, adjuvants are both. This study strengthens the argument that adjuvants may be crucial to initiating an auto-immune response leading to post-vaccine neurological symptoms. 

Vaccine Induced Demyelination

Root-Bernstein RS,  Westall   FC: Serotonin  binding sites. II. Muramyl dipeptide binds to serotonin binding sites on myelin basic protein, LHRH, and MSH-ACTH 4-10. Brain Res Bull 1990 Dec;25(6):827-41.


Department of Physiology, Michigan State University, East Lansing 48824.

Previously, we reported the existence of structurally similar serotonin binding sites on myelin basic protein, LHRH, and MSH-ACTH 4-10. We now report that the adjuvant peptide,  muramyldipeptide  (N-acetyl-muramyl-L-Ala-D- isoGln ) also binds to these sites. This observation may help to explain previous observations of serotonin-like activity by muramyl peptides, including the promotion of slow-wave sleep and fever induction. The observation may also provide an important link between the immune system and the nervous system that may explain the  role of muramyl dipeptide adjuvants in causing autoimmune diseases to serotonin-regulated proteins and their receptors , as well as the alterations in serotonin levels that are often observed in autoimmune diseases. The observation provides concrete evidence for a dual-antigen hypothesis for the induction of autoimmune diseases by an adjuvant-peptide complex. Application of such a mechanism for induction of autoimmunity may be of importance in understanding a number of postinfectious and postvaccinal neuropathies, and suggests a possible etiology for autism, in which many patients have high blood serotonin levels, autoimmune reactions to myelin basic protein, and antibodies to serotonin binding sites. Finally, the observation suggests that glycopeptides may act as neurotransmitters

Mercury   In   Vaccines Was Replaced With Something Even MORE Toxic


The short, eye-opening   eBook   linked below is titled   Aluminum in Vaccines -- a Neurological Gamble , by Neil Miller, director of the   Thinktwice   Global Vaccine Institute. It documents the hazards associated with aluminum-laden vaccines. Children are receiving high concentrations of aluminum in their shots. This well-documented neurotoxin may be more dangerous than mercury.

Some vaccine proponents suggest that the failure of autism rates to decline after removing mercury thimerosal from some vaccines shows vaccines were not the primary cause of the greatly increased autism and ADHD rates of the last decade.    However some vaccines still contain mercury and Flu vaccines with high levels of mercury have been added to the list of vaccines recommended for infants by authorities as well as for pregnant women.    Also, vaccines containing high concentrations of   neurotoxic   aluminum and other highly   neurotoxicadjuvants , including pesticides, were added to the child immunization schedule when several vaccines containing mercury were removed. Two-month old babies now receive 1,225 mcg of aluminum from their vaccines -- 50 times higher than safety levels! Although the FDA, CDC and World Health Organization are aware of the dangers, they expect parents to play Russian roulette with their children.  


·                        Aluminum in Vaccines -- a Neurological Gamble (PDF)



The article below nicely summaries in bullet points the downsides of   Prevnar   Vaccine, including the use of   Prevnar   correlating with the increased, more serious infections with E. coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus.


Prevnar: Is It Worth the Risk? By F. Edward Yazbak , MD, FAAP



(1) Aluminum Induced Immunoexcitotoxicity in Neurodevelopmental and

Neurodegenerative Disorders , Current Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 2, 000-000 1 , Russell L. Blaylock* ,


(2) Immunoexcitotoxicity as the central mechanism of etiopathology and treatment of autism spectrum disorders: A possible role of fluoride and aluminum; Surg Neurol Int . 2018; 9: 74.   Anna Strunecka ,   Russell L. Blaylock, et al;


(3) T his review (1) describe s two mechanism s linking aluminum to neurodegenerative processes and neurological dysfunction—systemic activation of CNS mi- croglia and immunoexcitotoxicity. T hese effects will amplify immunoexcitotoxic damage. In the immature and developing brain, immunoexci- totoxicity can lead to a number of neurodevelopmental conditions, such as autism spectrum disorders and seizures. In the mature, and especially the aging brain, these mechanisms can lead to progressive neurodegeneration, as seen with AD, PD and ALS .

Chronic brain inflammation (2) is known to enhance the sensitivity of glutamate receptors and interfere with glutamate removal from the extraneuronal space, where it can trigger excitotoxicity over a prolonged period. Neuroscience studies have clearly shown that sequential systemic immune stimulation can activate the brain's immune system, microglia, and astrocytes, and that with initial immune stimulation, there occurs CNS microglial priming. Children are exposed to such sequential immune stimulation via a growing number of environmental excitotoxins, vaccines, and persistent viral infections. We demonstrate that fluoride and aluminum (Al 3+ ) can exacerbate the pathological problems by worsening excitotoxicity and inflammation. While Al 3+  appears among the key suspicious factors of ASD, fluoride is rarely recognized as a causative culprit. A long-term burden of these ubiquitous toxins has several health effects with a striking resemblance to the symptoms of ASD. In addition, their synergistic action in molecules of aluminofluoride complexes can affect cell signaling, neurodevelopment, and CNS functions at several times lower concentrations than either Al 3+  or fluoride acting alone.

(4) Fluoride, aluminum, and aluminofluoride complexes in pathogenesis of the autism spectrum disorders: A possible role of immunoexcitotoxicity . Anna Strunecka , Russell L. Blaylock ,1,* Jiri Patocka ,2 and Otakar Strunecky 3 2016


(5) Aluminofluoride Complex : Phosphate Analogues and a Hidden Hazard for Living Organisms Anna Strunecka , Russell L. Blaylock et al


(6) Immunoexcitotoxicity as the central mechanism of cause and treatment of autism spectrum disorders : A role of aluminum and fluoride . 2016

Anna Strunecka , Russell L. Blaylock ,1,* Jiri Patocka ,2 and Otakar Strunecky 3


