Toxics in Food (Toxic Metals,
Pesticides, Forever Chemicals,
Microplastics, Food Additives)
Risk of Stillbirth Found Among Women Exposed to Pesticides
Antibiotics losing
effectiveness for kids’ infections (too much use on farm animals)
Antibiotics for
common childhood infections no longer effective
Pesticide, Chemical Exposure in Pregnancy Tied to Higher Breast
Cancer Rates
are documented to cause over 10 types of cancer,
are documented to cause many types of chronic neurological conditions.
are documented to cause birth defects and developmental conditions in infants.
Poisoning Kills at Least 23 Children, Sickens Nearly 900 in
Toxic Weedkillers (Dicamba and 2-4-D) Linked to Serious Illness Found in all
Pregnant Women
In a
first-of-its-kind series of biomonitoring studies, researchers identified the
presence of dicamba and 2,4-D in all pregnant participants. The levels vary.
The weedkillers are linked to a host of illnesses, including amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis, or ALS, a neurodegenerative disease.
Pesticide company efforts to push through laws that could block
litigation against them is igniting battles in several U.S. farm states and
pitting some farm groups against each other. Laws have been introduced in at
least eight states so far and drafts are circulating in more than 20 states,
backed by a deluge of advertising supporting the measures.
Opponents say the
legislation will rob farmers and others who use pesticides from holding
companies accountable in court if their pesticide products cause disease or
in plastic containers Linked to Thousands of Preterm Births.
The study
an increased risk of
preterm birth, which has risen in the U.S.
Millions of tons of phthalates are produced
annually in the U.S., which is one of the world’s top manufacturers of the
chemicals. They are found in common household items, from toys to Tupperware,
and are used to make plastics more durable, bendable and shiny. They’re even
common in food production.
Eating from
takeout containers may significantly
increase the chance of congestive heart failure, a new study finds, and
researchers suspect they have identified why: changes to gut biome cause
inflammation that damages the circulatory system.
rates are dropping persistently worldwide, with environmental toxins like
toxic metals
, and air
likely playing a key role, according to a study published in
Human Reproduction Update.
evidence suggests that endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in consumer
products, food, water and soil are behind the global rise in reproductive
disorders, cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, neurological conditions,
reduced immune function and chronic inflammation.
sources of endocrine-disrupting chemicals: plastics,
pesticides, toxic
products and per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS).
Rising rates of cancer, infertility, and obesity are suspected to be at least
partially attributable to the presence of endocrine disruptors in the human
Frontiers in Public Health
reviewed over 100 studies summarizing the link between endocrine-disrupting
chemicals exposure and reproductive effects in women, including infertility,
endometriosis, premature ovarian insufficiency, or POI, and endocrine axis
include toxic metals, pesticides, Glyphosate,
PCBs, BPA, many other toxic chemicals, and microplastics.
at Portland State University’s Applied Coastal Ecology Lab found that tiny
particles from our laundry, food packaging, tires, personal care products and
other items end up in
West Coast seafood we commonly eat.
DISRUPTING EFFECTS (Covid Vaccine and Vaccines with Aluminum or Mercury)
Endocrine System and Cancer Promoting
Rates Around the World Continue to Decline
to dangerous levels (fertility
is not the only health problem affected)
Glyphosate may increase kids’ risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Agricultural intensification and childhood cancer in Brazil;
Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences
, Oct. 31, 2023.
Just one week of an organic diet
effectively reduces levels of the herbicide glyphosate in pregnant women's urine
, according to a
study published in July in Environmental Health Perspectives.
Corn, Glyphosate Pose Unacceptable Health Risks, New Scientific Analysis Shows
(Call for Restriction)
The 200-page document
with 1,200 references, prepared by Mexico’s National Council for Humanities,
Science and Technology underpins Mexico’s 2023 decree to restrict the use of GM
corn in tortillas and other minimally processed corn products, and to phase out
the use of glyphosate in Mexico.
Can Have
Persistent, Damaging
Effects on Brain Health
and Organic Food Movement Under Attack by New EPA Rule Benefitting Big Ag
The Nutritional ‘Dark
Matter’ in Your Food — And Why Synthetic Food Is So Dangerous
Lunches commonly have dangerous levels of glyphosate, toxic metals, etc.
Of 43 school lunches tested, 95% had
detectable levels of glyphosate, a carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting weed
killer linked to liver inflammation, metabolic disorder, cardiovascular disease
and cancer.
100% of the school lunches
tested contained heavy metals at levels up to 6,293 times higher than the
maximum levels allowed in drinking water. Cadmium and lead were found at the
highest levels.
Levels of Heavy Metals and Pesticides Found in US School Lunches
Testing conducted by Spotlight on America
revealed alarming amounts of heavy metals and almost 50 different pesticides in
school lunches, with one meal containing 38 different pesticides
Lead in food: A hidden health threat
Lead in Baby Food
A 2022 report by Healthy Babies,
Bright Futures found lead in
80% of
homemade purees or store-bought family foods
Arsenic was found in 72% of family food either purchased
or prepared at home
Things You Should Know About Lead in Baby Food
and Cadmium Could Be in Your Dark Chocolate
Lead in food:
A hidden health threat
of Baby Formula in Grocery found to be toxic and dangerous to babies.
Researchers f
that out of 20 baby formulas 6 tested positive for five types of toxic heavy
metals, including lead and aluminum
are highly neurotoxic. Breast milk has been proven to be by far the safest and
healthiest feeding option.
Your Spices Filled with Heavy Metals, Lead, Arsenic and Cadmium?
Testing by Consumer Reports found one-third of chocolate
products tested were high in heavy metals, and the percentage of contaminated
products rose when it was dark chocolate
Of the 28 dark chocolate bars tested in 2022, only
five had levels below 100% of the maximum allowable dose and only two had
levels below 50%. In the 46 products tested in 2023, they found detectable
levels in every product and 539% of the maximum allowed dose of lead in
85% premium dark chocolate
Chocolate is not the only source of heavy metal
and it bioaccumulates, so it's important to be aware of your overall intake.
Cadmium can be absorbed from the soil and is found in the highest levels in
grains and vegetables
Exposure to lead and cadmium poses the highest
risk to the brains and neurological systems of infants and children. Since
cadmium crosses the placental barrier, exposure during pregnancy can have
serious health consequences, including increased mortality from heart and
kidney disease and cance
Aluminum compounds have been observed in various
brain regions, and their accumulation has been associated with many
neurodegenerative disorders.
Neurotoxic effects of aluminum are attributed
to reactive oxygen species generation, induction of apoptosis and inflammatory
reactions activation.
Metalloestrogen activity of aluminum has also been linked to breast cancer progression and metastasis .
Aluminum salts induce a remarkable increase in estrogen receptor protein level possibly via interference with estrogen receptor gene expression or estrogen receptor protein stability.
endocrine disruptive effects of mercury
Frontiers in Public Health
reviewed over 100 studies summarizing the link between endocrine-disrupting
chemicals exposure and reproductive effects in women, including infertility,
endometriosis, premature ovarian insufficiency, or POI, and endocrine axis
Rates Around the World Continue to Decline
to dangerous levels (fertility
is not the only health problem affected)
Mercury Is Especially
Toxic to Kids
Here’s How It Gets From Coal-Burning Power Plants to Your
Child’s Food
Mercury is a major cause
of many chronic health conditions.
Most people with a chronic condition
or significantly
improve after detoxification.
You Need to Know About Mercury in Fish and Shellfish
testing has revealed dozens of unregulated industrial and agricultural
contaminants in tap water systems, according to a ProPublica analysis.
Ineffective U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rules have left many exposed
to chemicals like 1,2,3-trichloropropane, a solvent and pesticide byproduct
linked to cancer but unrestricted and unnoticed for years.
: EPA to Only Partially Ban Pesticide Known to Harm
Developing Babies
Under pressure from Big
Ag and ordered by a federal court to consider the concerns raised by farming
groups, the EPA said it would continue to allow the use of chlorpyrifos on 11
crops, including apples, asparagus, citrus, peaches, strawberries, wheat,
soybeans and others, despite evidence of neurodevelopmental harms to children.
Mounting evidence indicates environmental toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides as the principal culprits, while studies link vaccines and toxic vaccine ingredients to a wide range of adverse health outcomes, including seizures, ADHD, neurodevelopmental disorders and infant death .
Microplastic in Food &
Environment causing huge health and environmental harm.
migrate into the food supply and
cause health issues, such as
inflammation, disrupting hormones, impaired fasting glucose, insulin
resistance, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
Some common
microplastics present in food include:
bisphenol A (BPA)
Manufacturers use this
plasticizer to make polyvinyl chloride, the parent plastic of many products.
is a
byproduct (Trusted Source
) of
herbicides and paper bleaching, which contaminate the environment.
phthalates (Trusted Source
make plastics more flexible, transparent, and durable and are present in many
types of food packaging.
polyethylene and
These make packaging lightweight and durable and are
most common(Trusted Source
) plastics present in
food and the environment.
BPA and BPS Are Making People Sick
BPA and BPS are endocrine-disrupting
chemicals, responsible for hypertension, structural changes to your brain,
pre-term birth and diabetes; research shows both
are able to
cross the placental barrier
Pervasive Problem of Plastics in Your Food
Plasticizer chemicals, Phthalates
and BPA were found in most foods tested and high levels common.
Plasticizer chemicals may contribute to multiple
health problems, including diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, certain
cancers, birth defects, premature birth, neurodevelopmental disorders and
bottled water contains high levels of nano plastics
There's evidence
that plastic chemicals are harming the health of future generations through
intergenerational endocrine disruption. We can all have an impact on plastic
pollution by not adding to it, such as avoiding plastic bags and water bottles,
and washing synthetic clothes less frequently
are everywhere, and the health risks are worrying.
Full of Microplastics May Be Contaminating Everything We Eat and Drink
million tons of plastic bits end up in the ocean, released with the ocean
spray, and find their way into the atmosphere, according to researchers at
University in Tokyo. This implies that microplastics
may have become an essential component of clouds, contaminating nearly
everything we eat and drink via plastic rainfall.
Reveals Microplastics' Threat on Male Fertility
Are Eating Far Too Much Plastic
New research shows humans are ingesting this baneful
substance at an alarming level and if you're like most, you're consuming 5
grams every single week. Bottled water and
Microfibers from synthetic
clothing and the practice of using sewage sludge, so-called
"biosolids," as fertilizer add to plastic pollution.
Nanoparticles Found in Many Foods Could Wreak
Your Gut Microbiome
Linked to Heart Attacks and Stroke
Forever Chemicals don't belong in our food & on our farms
Foods Linked to More PFAS
Forever Chemicals
in Blood
: Levels of
are now so
ubiquitous in the environmental that they have begun building up in the Great
Lakes Basin after entering it through rainwater and the air, contaminating 95%
of the United States' fresh surface water supply.
Danger to health of
Eating a single serving of freshwater fish can be the equivalent
of drinking water contaminated with high levels of PFAS, for a month, but
states lack cohesive guidance on safe consumption levels, according to a recent
study from the Environmental Working Group.
Study links PFAS chemicals in water to rising thyroid cancer rates
PFAS Exposure
Linked to 56% Percent Higher Risk of Thyroid Cancer
links PFAS chemicals in water and consumer goods to rising thyroid cancer rates
Exposure to Toxic Incineration Product Dioxins Can Negatively Impact Thyroid
A new study
found a strong association between exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl
and an increased risk for thyroid cancer, the results
of which
have been published
in the journal
Tests Reveal Toxic
PFAS in Band-Aid and Other Popular Brands
Lawsuit Accuses EPA of
Hiding Critical Data About Harms of
Forever Chemicals
CEH argue that the EPA is violating Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
disclosure requirements by improperly classifying health and safety data as
trade secrets, a practice commonly used by captured regulatory agencies.
U.S. EPA is wrongfully withholding test data and other vital information about
the presence of dangerous PFOA and other toxic PFAS in millions of fluorinated
plastic containers.
By sitting on this critical
information, EPA is advancing the private interests of a corporate violator and
shirking its public health responsibilities, said one plaintiff's attorney.)
Toxic Metals & PFAS:
The Hidden Dangers of Biosolids
Wastewater treatment byproducts
called Biosolids are used as fertilizer on millions of acres of farmland
nationwide. But research has revealed that
a huge amount of this
sludge, millions of acres of farms' worth, is likely contaminated with toxic
PFAS chemicals and toxic metals.
Heavy Metals, Triclosan, Pharmaceuticals, Asbestos, Dioxin,
PCBs, Household Chemicals, Hormones, PFAS
A nonprofit representing the interests of the
chemical industry identified that
the vast majority of
the world’s production of PFAS is limited to just 12 companies. Alliance for
Natural Health International investigated these companies and despite their
stated missions to save the planet or people, found them to be unethical and
super polluters.
Lawsuit Accuses EPA of
Hiding Critical Data About Harms of
Forever Chemicals
argue that the EPA is violating Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) disclosure
requirements by improperly classifying health and safety data as trade secrets,
a practice commonly used by captured regulatory agencies.
U.S. EPA is wrongfully withholding test data and other vital information about
the presence of dangerous PFOA and other toxic PFAS in millions of fluorinated
plastic containers.
By sitting on this critical
information, EPA is advancing the private interests of a corporate violator and
shirking its public health responsibilities, said one plaintiff's attorney.)
gardening can be very beneficial to health,
poor areas often have high levels of toxics
Communities of color are more likely to be near hazardous
waste sites, highways and other pollution that may result in elevated
heavy metal soil
concentrations, such as lead. Data show children from racial and ethnic
minority groups and children in low-income communities are more likely to have
higher blood lead levels. Some garden practices can introduce chemicals into
the garden like pesticides and gardening materials such as landscape fabrics
can be a source of
More and more studies of various types link ultra-processed foods (“UPF) to all sorts of health-related problems . Just recently, TrialSite covered a study showing consumption of UPF to higher risk of mouth throat and esophagus cancers, Obesity is approaching 40% of the U.S. population along with rising chronic disease, autoimmune disorders not to mention other conditions .
Junk Food Ads Hook Kids Online Which Greatly
Harms Their Health,
Should Urge FTC to Take Action
A bipartisan group of lawmakers this week called on
the FTC to update its decade-old report on food marketing to children, emphasizing
the need to address the evolving digital advertising landscape. The letter
cites projections of a 700% increase in childhood diabetes over four decades if
current trends continue.
Corn Syrup Linked to Increased Tumor Growth
(GMO & Cancer Promoting
& Obesity Promoting)
Emulsifiers mess up the microbiome, increase cancer risk.
Food additive emulsifiers and
cancer risk: Results from the French prospective
PLOS Medicine
Feb. 13, 2024.
diets higher in ultra-processed foods are linked to greater phthalate exposures, the authors wrote. Medical literature has indicated that exposure to phthalates during pregnancy can increase the risk of low birth weight, preterm birth and child mental health disorders such as autism and ADHD .
Pregnant Women Should Avoid
Fast Foods, Experts Urge
Research shows that phthalates , a class of chemicals associated with plastics , can shed from the wrapping, packaging and even from plastic gloves worn by food handlers into food. The chemical can cause oxidative stress and an inflammatory cascade within the fetus, researchers noted. Medical literature has indicated that exposure to phthalates during pregnancy can increase the risk of low birth weight, preterm birth and child mental health disorders such as autism and ADHD .
Ultra-Processed Foods (UPFs) Can Cause Anxiety
The average American
consumes about 60% of their daily calories from UPFs, and a recent study
published by the
National Institute of Health
revealed that the more UPF participants ate,
the more likely they were to report mild depression or even feelings of anxiety.
Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods
Significantly Increases Risk of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Meta
risks from ultra-processed foods confirmed by study.
A 10% increase in consumption of ultra-processed foods was associated with 13.1% higher urine concentrations of phthalate metabolites, whereas eating 10% more minimally-processed foods was associated with 10.8% lower concentrations of phthalate metabolites. Phthalates and other toxics in ultra-processed food are documented to cause significant health harm .
during pregnancy is positively associated with child depression
Toxic metals, pesticides, and
vaccines cause chronic inflammation,
observational study
found a positive association between
prenatal maternal inflammation (PNMI) and depressive symptoms in adolescent
offspring years later.
cases have more than doubled in young people since 1999, new research finds.
Other types of cancer also
increasing in young people.
Diagnoses are increasing most rapidly in teens and people in
their early 20s.
Factors such as genetics, alcohol use, diet, toxicity, and
physical activity affect cancer risk.
Made with Fresh, Whole Foods Could Transform Our Healthcare System and Reduce
Chronic Disease
now tell us that
95% of seniors have
chronic conditions
, heart
disease, and arthritis
. They also tell us that
eating more fresh fruits
and vegetables and whole foods can help improve health outcomes and even
prevent or reverse illness
Top 6 Reasons to Support Regenerative Agriculture
Most growing environmental and health problems can be traced back to modern food production, including malnutrition, promotion of foodborne illnesses and drug-resistant bacterial infections, diminishing water supplies, and air, soil and water pollution .
Chicken was
responsible for the most outbreak-associated illnesses — 3,114 cases in all
(12%), followed by pork and seeded vegetables, each responsible for 10% of
Food testing through the years has shown that chicken is
particularly prone to contamination with dangerous pathogens, including
antibiotic-resistant bacteria &
Raw chicken has become a notorious carrier of salmonella,
campylobacter, clostridium perfringens and listeria bacteria. Salmonella
contamination is of particular concern, as multidrug-resistant salmonella has
become prevalent.
According to predictions, 10 million people worldwide will die
from antibiotic-resistant diseases by 2050 lest swift action is taken to curb
resistance — and that necessitates the elimination of unnecessary agricultural
use of antibiotics.
Best to use
Pasture-raised Organic Chicken & Pork, but
has other problems
Salmon is highly toxic
Glyphosate Exposure During Pregnancy Raises Child’s Risk of Poor Brain Function
Levels of Glyphosate Found in Pregnant Women Living Near Farm Fields
to Fertility Problems in Animals Has
Been Found in Oat Products
including General Mills Cheerios and
Old Fashioned
Oats in levels exceeding 100
parts per billion
studies show
exposure can disrupt
embryonic growth
contribute to other health problems.
Dozen: Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce EWG
exposure to pyrethroid insecticides
found in common pesticide brands like
RAID and ORTHO results in neurodevelopmental damage to laboratory animals,
reinforcing evidence of harm found in epidemiological
studies on human exposure to these chemicals.
Beehive products (i.e., bee bread, propolis,
beeswax and royal jelly) from beekeeping or apiculture are said to have
nutraceutical (health and medicinal benefits) properties.
However, a wide
range of pesticide residues
for killing ticks and mites in hives,
accumulate in beehive products up to concentrations that pose a potential
health risk.
Because of their high degree of
arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury
rank among the priority metals that are of public
health significance. These metallic elements are considered systemic toxicants
that are known to induce multiple organ damage, even at lower levels of
children worldwide are suffering from lead
poisoning on a “massive and previously unknown scale,” with about 1 in 3
children having blood levels above 5 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL)
Prenatal lead exposure linked
to 55% greater risk of cognitive issues in kids already genetically
Prenatal Lead Exposure, Genetic Factors, and Cognitive
Developmental Delay;
JAMA Network Open
, Oct. 23, 2023.
study, in the journal Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, compared
exposure during pregnancy and a later ASD diagnosis, respectively, in mothers
and children born from 2011-2016, to children in the general population.
chronic neurological or immune conditions can be caused by mercury toxicity.
Heavy Metals Toxicity and the Environment
Dirty Dozen Guide to Food Chemicals: The top 12 to avoid.
Toxicological and
Teratogenic Effect of Various Food Additives: An Updated Review
found even one diet soda a day during pregnancy tripled the risk of autism in
male offspring. This
comes on the heels of
reports that it may cause cancer in humans.
Neurotoxic and
Affects Hormone Balance.
forms highly
when heated.
Vaping liquids
often use Splenda as sweetener so if so dangerous. Splenda Marketers Harming
People by not Warning about this danger they know about.
Much Chemical Waste and Mining Waste highly toxic
, but not seriously regulated.
Dangerous ingredients in Multivitamins like Centrum (many
contain toxic wastes from mining and are highly toxic)
(Sodium selenate/selenite, cupric oxide, ferrous
fumarate, stannous chloride, manganese sulfate)
knew train wreck area highly toxic but failed to warn residents not to garden
or grow food crop.
Result: toxic food.
pesticide-laden genetically modified foods with other toxic contaminants in
school lunches and food
the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns,
Dr. Michelle Perro, pediatrician and integrative medicine expert, said it’s
time for urgent federal action to switch to organic, regenerative food in
school meals to stop the chronic poisoning of our children.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is alarmingly common in
children. Key factors include maternal obesity, overconsumption of processed
foods and artificial sweeteners during pregnancy, and childhood obesity.
Lifestyle changes like healthy eating can reverse early-stage disease.
In 2017 to 2018, only 6.8% of U.S. adults had optimal
cardiometabolic health, which means more than 93% of U.S. adults are
metabolically unfit.
In my interview on the “Good
Morning CHD” daily news show, I discuss simple ways to radically improve your
health if you fall into that metabolically unfit category.
The basics to restoring
metabolic health are to use time-restricted eating, avoid processed foods and
linoleic acid, and get daily sun exposure.
Time-restricted eating involves
eating window to a set number of hours
during the day; I recommend getting down to a six- to eight-hour eating window
with stopping all eating at least three hours before bed.
I also share three essential
compounds that should be in your emergency medicine
blue, melatonin, Ivermectin and
nebulized hydrogen peroxide.
Methylene Blue (30 mg) and Melatonin (10 mg) for treatment of
stroke or heart attack & neb. H2O2 for VIRUSES.
why Clean Chlorella is one of the most powerful superfoods from mother nature!
Most People Don't Reach Micronutrient Requirements
Through Food Alone
Three-quarters of adolescents consumed less
than 54% of the recommended amounts of healthy foods like fruits and
Nearly three-quarters of the
youth exceeded the recommended limit for sweet and salty snacks, by 453%.
When nutrient intake was
considered from diet alone, adolescents often consumed less than recommended
amounts of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E along with the water-soluble
folate, biotin and pantothenic acid.
Link Between Insulin Resistance and Disease
kidneys lower your body acid burden. As kidney failure progresses, acid tends
to accumulate in your system, causing severe harm
A high-acid diet can
deteriorate your kidney function and accelerate the progression of kidney
Any diet high in
fruits and vegetables and low or devoid of processed foods and dairy products
will be lower in acid
Anything that helps
improve diabetes will also improve kidney health. This includes fasting or
time-restricted eating and exercise
diets can also damage your kidneys, thanks to the ammonia generated. To protect
your renal health when eating a high-protein diet, add in more fruits and
vegetables to buffer the acid created
the Food System from the Bottom Up
(why this is important and needed now)
Animals Impact Regenerative Agriculture Efforts
using regenerative land management that incorporates livestock, you can
increase organic matter in the soil back to healthy levels within a couple of
18 Years Later, EPA Still Isn’t Tracking
Health-Harming Air Pollution
Industrial Factory
Foods Containing These 5 Toxic Chemicals Could
Be Banned Under New Law
California lawmakers are hoping to ban five toxic chemicals
used in the manufacture of many processed foods, including titanium dioxide,
potassium bromate, brominated vegetable oil, red dye No. 3 and propylparaben.
Combined, these chemicals
are estrogen disrupters, lower sperm count, are known to cause cancer in
animals and humans, disrupt the gut microbiome, damage the central nervous
system, cause loss of memory and muscle coordination, and are linked to
hyperactivity in children.
Pollution Affects Children’s Ability to Learn and Think Critically
analysis of data from six epidemiological studies shows increased exposure to
outdoor air pollution in early life can make it harder for children to learn
and process information, especially in terms of critical thinking and
non-verbal tasks.
Cancer Linked to Microplastics in Air Pollution
Dr. Peter Lurie, president of the
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), and Beth
vice president of agriculture and environment at the Biotechnology Innovation
Organization (BIO), argue for the genetic engineering of food. Both are
connected to Bill Gates and other Great
that are pushing to replace all-natural foods with patentable, genetically
modified foods.
BIO, the world’s largest
GMO (genetically modified organism) trade organization, represents more than
1,000 pesticide, pharmaceutical, and biotech companies in more than 30
countries. BIO claims genetic engineering is the solution to heal, fuel and
feed the world, and to that end, it lobbies 15 different policy areas,
including food, agriculture, and healthcare policy. But the evidence of the
involved pesticides and chemicals has demonstrated this is a dangerous agenda.
Corn, Glyphosate Pose Unacceptable Health Risks, New Scientific Analysis Shows
(Call for Restriction)
200-page document with 1,200 references, prepared by Mexico’s National Council
for Humanities, Science and Technology underpins Mexico’s 2023 decree to
restrict the use of GM corn in tortillas and other minimally processed corn
products, and to phase out the use of glyphosate in Mexico.
Can Have
Persistent, Damaging
Effects on Brain Health
Junk Food Rewires Your Brain
found participants who ate high-fat, high-sugar snacks experienced changes in
neural encoded responses so they
preferred a lot of fat and sugar.
Animal Waste from Factory Farms Poses Health Risk
, found extensively in the environment and even in organic foods,
have been linked to a
of diseases
intakes of tea, pork, sports drinks, nut and seed butters, snack chips and
bottled water were associated with higher PFAS levels,
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
(PFAS) are widely used in grease- and stain-resistant products, including food
packaging, clothing, personal care products and household items.
A study in children and young adults
found an association between PFAS exposure and alterations in amino acid
metabolism and lipid metabolism pathways.
PFAS exposure may be causing inflammation and oxidative stress
in youth, thus contributing to a variety of diseases.
PFAS has been linked to declines in fertility and fecundability,
the probability of getting pregnant within one menstrual cycle.
When the combined effects of PFAS exposure were accounted for,
exposure was associated with 30% to 40% lower chances of becoming pregnant
within one year and delivering a live baby.
are linked to significant increased risk of
cancer and decreased immune system function.
Toxic PFAS Taints
AND Boynton Beach
Needs to Develop Monitoring
Program and Safety Standards
Groundbreaking map shows toxic ‘forever
chemicals’ in more than 330 wildlife species
Exposure to PFAS Chemicals Linked to Weight
Gain & Obesity
EPA Approach to Regulating PFAS
Scientists Slam WHO’s ‘Weak’ Proposed Limits
on PFAS in Drinking Water
reaches $10.3 billion settlement over contamination of water systems with
Forever Chemicals
Why Is Oil Pulling Suddenly All the Rage?
oil- good for gums & teeth- microbial
Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found in 88% of Household Products
10 Most Hazardous Cosmetic Products Include a Shampoo for Kids
Toxic Chemical and
Mining Waste and Sewer Sludge
Toxic Vinyl Chloride Pollution: It’s Not Just an East
Palestine Problem, Report Shows
across the country are regularly exposed to vinyl chloride pollution,
particularly those living in low-income areas and communities of color. Vinyl
chloride contamination is primarily emanating from
and waste disposal facilities burning plastic, according to the
report issued on April 13 by the nonprofit Toxic-Free Future. The group said it
analyzed data collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
finding that in 2021, U.S.
chloride and PVC plastic producers
released more than 400,000 pounds of
vinyl chloride into the air, and that just five companies account for more than
97% of the nation’s vinyl chloride air pollution.
EPA Under Fire Over Approval of Cancer-Causing
Plastic-Based Fuel
by ProPublica and the Guardian that revealed the EPA approved
the new chemicals even though its own scientists calculated that pollution from
the production of one of the plastic-based fuels was so toxic that one in four
people exposed to it over their lifetime would be expected to develop cancer.
That risk is 250,000 times greater than the level usually considered acceptable
by the EPA division that approves new chemicals, and it’s higher than the
lifetime risk of cancer for current smokers.
Exposure to Environmental Chemicals Linked to Chronic Liver Disease
and PCB-101 chemicals of interest given those chemicals' broad connections with
metabolic pathways in the U.S. and Norwegian patients. These are highly stable
organic chemicals that were widely used in plasticizers, paints, and electrical
equipment until they were banned by the Stockholm Convention on persistent
organic pollutants.
Common Drug Used by Pork Industry in U.S. Has Human
Cancer Risk and banned by most advanced countries.
Coca-Cola Controls and Manipulates Food and Drink Research
documents obtained by U.S. Right to Know show Coca-Cola’s research agreements
with certain universities give it the right to review and comment on studies
before publication, and intellectual property rights connected to the research.
The research contracts also give Coca-Cola control over study
data, disclosure of results and acknowledgment of Coca-Cola funding, meaning
the company could prevent the researchers from disclosing that their funding
came from Coke, as well as the power to terminate studies early, without having
to give a reason.
Earlier this year, another batch of emails obtained via FOIA
requests revealed Coca-Cola lobbied the CDC to advance corporate objectives
over health.
A (now former) CDC official provided aid and guidance to
Coca-Cola in efforts to influence World Health Organization officials into
relaxing its sugar limits.
A recent Coke-funded study concluded that children with the
highest odds of obesity got the least amount of physical activity on both
weekdays and
, which represents hundreds of
non-alcoholic beverage producers, including
Coca-Cola and Pepsi
sponsored at least 35 posts by 10 registered dieticians, a fitness
influencer and a physician to promote aspartame as safe.
Your Groceries Are
Damn Expensive
Corporations price gouging to increase profits and owner wealth)
Wall Street profit rates are the highest since World
War Two and stock buybacks are at record highs. Walmart’s Walton family has a
combined net worth of over $238 billion, increasing by $8.8 billion from 2020
to 2022. The Mars family added $21 billion
to their fortune
Food and agriculture billionaires
added $400 billion to their wealth from 2020-2021.
The Facts Behind
the Children’s Health Crisis and Why It Needs to End
54% of US Youth are Chronically Ill,
We are in a Crisis.
Health Is in Sharp Decline. Where’s the Investigation?
Toxic U.S. Food Supply
appear to be
the main factors.)
The New IRS
policy will make the childhood health crisis in America even worse by
prioritizing pharmaceutical interventions over nutrition and wellness,
according to health advocate Calley Means who appeared on the “RFK Jr Podcast.”
The Problem has been shown to be caused
by eating too much highly processed food
that contains too many dangerous toxics
Big Ag trying to make eating healthy food and exercising more expensive.
We need to contact Congress persons to Protest this and educate
Seed oils is a recently
coined term that refers to the fats squeezed from the seeds of vegetables like
corn and soybeans, then refined with heat and chemical solvents. It’s thanks in
part to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the MAHA movement that concerns over their
health effects are popping up on social media, on
Joe Rogan’s podcast
and in Bay Area restaurants where customers request that the kitchen prepare
their meals with the
beef tallow
they’ve brought in their backpacks.
In January alone, the salad chain Sweetgreen launched a “
seed oil-free
” menu, and the fast-food chain
Steak ‘n Shake
it would switch to immersing
fries in beef
tallow, promising users on X, If veg oil broke your heart, our tallow will make
you fall in love again.
Meat Dangers with Dr. Joseph Mercola
The idea that animals must be removed from
agriculture to save the planet is flawed; animals are an integral, and
necessary, part of the restorative process
meat is an ultra-processed mixture of chemicals, GE ingredients, pesticides and
toxic linoleic acid that will promote chronic disease
Infected root canaled teeth
may lead to heart disease, cancer, and other chronic health issues; consider
ozone therapy before getting a root canal or tooth extraction done,
particularly on a child.
In the
Netflix documentary "Root Cause,"
you can watch first-hand accounts of people
suffering from chronic anxiety, fatigue, nausea, dizziness and insomnia, which
was ultimately traced back to a root canal.
Dr. Thomas Levy, a board-certified cardiologist and author of "
Hidden Epidemic: Silent Oral Infections Cause Most Heart Attacks and
Breast Cancers
," explains that while
root canals
may relieve pain caused by an infected or abscessed
tooth, it doesn't eliminate infection