Percent Recovery After Amalgam Replacement by Condition

The majority of those with many chronic health conditions recover or significantly improve after dental amalgam replacement (some likely also had some metals detoxification and immune support): 

Thus, dental amalgam mercury appears to be a primary cause of many conditions (several groups of study results on this page) 


The statistics listed below were compiled by the Foundation For Toxic- Free Dentistry (FTFD) on 1569 patients from 6 different reports. The statistical analysis involves a total of 1569 patients in six different studies: 762 patients utilized the FTFD Patient Adverse Reaction Report to individually report changes in their health directly to the FDA and the FTFD; Dr. Mats Hanson, Ph.D. reported on 519 Swedish patients; Henrik Lichtenberg, D.D.S. of Denmark reported on 100 patients;

Pierre LaRose, D.D.S. of Canada reported on 80 patients; Robert L. Siblerud O.D., M.S. reported on 86 patients in Colorado as partial fulfillment of a Ph.D. requirement; and Albert V. Zamm, M.D., FACA, FACP reported on 22 of his patients. FTFD SYMPTOM ANALYSIS OF 1569 PATIENTS 

Symptom,                     No Cases., No. improved or cured, % of cure or improvement 
ALLERGY                            221                        196                   89% 
ANXIETY                               86                         80                    93% 
BAD TEMPER                       81                         68                    89% 
BLOOD PRESSURE PROBLEMS 99                53                    54% 
CHEST PAINS                       79                         69                    87% 
DEPRESSION                      347                       315                    91% 
DIZZINESS                          343                       301                    88% 
FATIGUE                             705                       603                    86% 
GASTROINTESTINAL PROBLEMS 231       192                    83% 
GUM PROBLEMS              129                       121                     94% 
HEADACHES                     531                       460                     87% 
MIGRAINE HEADACHES 45                          39                     87% 
INSOMNIA                       187                         146                     78% 
IRREGULAR HEARTBEAT 159                   139                      87% 
IRRITABILITY                 132                        119                      90% 
LACK OF CONCENTRATION 270               216                      80% 
LACK OF ENERGY            91                         88                      97% 
MEMORY LOSS               265                        193                      73% 
METALLIC TASTE          260                        247                      95% 
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS  113                         86                      76% 
MUSCLE TREMOR          126                      104                       83% 
NERVOUSNESS               158                       131                      83% 
NUMBNESS ANYWHERE 118                      97                      82% 
SKIN DISTURBANCES     310                     251                      81% 
SORE THROAT                 149                      128                      86% 
TACHYCARDIA                 97                        68                      70% 
THYROID PROBLEMS      56                        44                      79% 
ULCERS & SORES (ORAL CAVITY) 189  162                     86% 
URINARY TRACT PROBLEMS 115             87                     76% 
VISION PROBLEMS         462                     289                      63% 

the first group of reports were compiled by a Swedish patients support organization like DAMS of people contacting them with chronic health problems and the results when amalgams were replaced.  The others are combination of reports to FDA, and by dentists and doctors working with patients who underwent amalgam replacement. Although the largest source of problems affected by amalgam replacement would be related to mercury, dental fillings and metal crowns often have other toxic metals like nickel, palladium, etc.

Another Group of 130 patients undergoing amalgam replacement and detoxification

The Marburg Amalgam Detoxification Study

Mouth symptoms              number cases        percent signif. improved

gingiva bleeding                          39 (20.8 %)                                  79.5 % 

grinding of teeth                          34 (13.1 %)                                  79.1 % 

glossopyrosis                               18 (  9.7 %)                                  88.9 % 

dry mouth                                    28 (15.4 %)                                  92.8 % 

metallic taste                               58 (24.6 %)                                   96.5 % 


Allergies                                     number cases                    percent signif. improved

contact eczema                            26 (10.5 %)                                   61.5 % 

food allergy                                 32 (16.5 %)                                   62.5 % 

hay fever                                     34 (18.4 %)                                   50.0 % 

eczema (neurodermatitis)           27 (13.5 %)                                   51.8 % 

asthma/chronic bronchitis            9 (20.0 %)                                    55.5 % 

itching/pruritus                           27 (19.5 %)                                    75.0 % 

chronic/frequent infections 

or inflammatory irritations      number cases                    percent signif. improved

nose                                               62 (32.0 %)                                    74.2 % 

paranasal sinuses                          61 (29.6 %)                                     78.7 % 

pharynx                                        56 (27.8 %)                                     83.9 % 

chronic headache/migraine          49 (19.5 %)                                     77.5 % 

vertigo                                          48 (26.3 %)                                     75.0 % 

low blood pressure                      40 (21.8 %)                                       50.0 % 

Neurologic symptoms            number cases    percent signif. improved                          

aboulia/fatigue                            89 (46.9 %)                            69.7 % 

lack of concentration                  75 (41.3 %)                            72.0 % 

depressive mood                        76 (40.9 %)                             80.3 % 

extreme nervousness                 55 (30.4 %)                             83.6 % 

insomnia                                   52 (28.5 %)                              76.9 % 

tremor                                       34 (17.6 %)                              70.6 % 

dysopia                                      41 (19.5 %)                             53.6 % 

tinnitus                                      31 (17.2 %)                              48.4 % 

Other symptoms                 number cases    percent signif. improved                          

arrhythmias                               29 (18.4 %)                             62.1 % 

increased sweating                   42 (22.5 %)                              61.9 % 

aching back                              72 (39.4 %)                              61.1 % 

rheuma                                     19 (11.2 %)                              73.7 % 

acne                                           8 (11.4 %)                               50.0 % 

alopecia/loss of hair               32 (19.5 %)                                59.4 % 

urgency                                 39 (21.0 %)                                 61.5 % 

constipation                          26 (15.7 %)                                 76.9 % 

meteorism                               64 (31.5 %)                             62.5 % 

diarrhea                                  39 (15.4 %)                              69.2 % 

inflammation of the eye         33 (17.6 %)                              63.3 % 


"Health observations before and after amalgam removal"

Presentation at Estavayer- le-Lac, April 19th, 2002 (9th Melisa Study group)

Dr.(med/dent). Paul Engel


75 patients with the following chronic symptoms: 

Migraine 36x    Headache 32x   Gastro-intestinal problems 27x

Neck tensions 25x    Paraesthesia 19x   Dizziness 18x   Allergies 13x

Vision disturbances 13x  Back pain 12x   Mental disorder 12x

Joint pain 10x    Shoulder/arm pain 10x


Results: After removing the amalgam, patients believe their health

has become

much better 68%      better 12%     somewhat better 9%

no improvement 7%

worse 1%


There was similar experience with an expanded patient group of 160 patients :


The beneficial effect of amalgam replacement on health in patients with autoimmunity. Prochazkova J, Sterzl I, Kucerova H, Bartova J, Stejskal VD; Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2004 Jun;25(3):211-8.


Results of lymphocyte reactivity measured with MELISA indicate that in vitro reactivity after the replacement of dental amalgam decreased significantly to inorganic mercury, silver, organic mercury and lead. 

All 6 patients with MS showed significant improvement in health. 


Out of 15 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 11 (73%) had improvement of health. 


Out of 8 patients with autoimmune thyroiditis 6 showed significant improvement in health (75%).  


5 patients undergoing amalgam replacement had atopic eczema for which other studies have found more diverse factors in autoimmunity causes.  3 out of 5 of these patients had significant improvement in condition (60%).  

 Of the patients that did not have evidence of significant improvement, most tested immune reactive to nickel and the autoimmunity measure was not improved at the end of the study.  For those whose condition was worse, the autoimmunity measure for nickel was higher at the end of the study- indicating that amalgam replacement did not resolve the source of nickel exposure. 


Lindh U, Hudecek R, Danersund A, Eriksson S, Lindvall A.,Removal of dental amalgam and other metal alloys supported by antioxidant therapy alleviates symptoms and improves quality of life in patients with amalgam-associated ill health. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2002 Oct-Dec;23(5-6):459-82(463 cases)


Of 30 chronic symptoms reported on by patients at the beginning of the study, 72.1 % of patients reported significant improvement and there was overall significant improvement for all conditions.  


The percent reporting each condition at the beginning of the study were: 

Chronic Fatigue- 74.5%

Feeling Cold or fever- 59.6%

Sore throat- 53.1%

Aching lymph nodes- 37.6%

Muscle discomfort entire body/FM- 70.2%

Pain or discomfort in muscles- 73.7%

Abnormal fatigue after exercise- 72.4%

Headaches- 62.6%

Joint Pain- 61.6%

Light Sensitivity- 60.3%

Vision Problems- 43.4%

Memory Problems- 67.6%

Unusually irritable- 60.3%

Mental confusion- 47.9%

Thinking difficulty- 62%

ADD/concentration- 72.1%

Depression- 74.3%

Sleep problems- 67.8%

Dizzyness- 64.6% 

Tinitus/ears- 40.4%

Hand/foot problems- 62.8%

Tremors or spasms- 54.6%

Aching shoulders- 60.7%

Heart problems- 53.8%

Stomach problems- 69.8%

Bladder/urinary problems- 49%

Eczema- 49.1%

Frequent infections- 61.3%

Blisters or sores in mouth- 69.5%

Aching teeth or jaw- 57.9% 



 For more cases, see references in