Amalgam, FDA Docket 03N-0169
The following is a summary of all submissions to the FDA
amalgam review panel, with detail
provided on a web page for all submissions by the ADA and DAMS, Inc. A listing
of all submissions to the panel is also provided on a web page. The submissions, including that of the ADA, overwhelmingly document
that amalgam is the largest source of mercury exposure in most people, and
commonly causes chronic health prolbem; which are
often cured or significantly improved by amalgam replacement.
Review of articles on 14
pages submitted by ADA to FDA
amalgam review panel:
(most science articles they submitted are
strongly anti-amalgam use and support warnings or phasing out use of mercury)
Categorization based on my analysis of the studies(see
note at bottom):
very strongly anti-amalgam use(A+) 8
strongly anti-amalgam use(A) 29
anti-amalgam use, but poorly done(A-) 27
anti-amalgam use, environmental (AE)
Neutral (N) 8
Neutral, poorly done study
(N-PDS) 12
Mechanical issues, not health related 10
Not related to amalgam use 7
pro-amalgam use, PDS (P-PDS) 4 (I documented what is poorly done in
the studies)
Dental publications, Reviews
pro-amalgam use, opinion, review (P/R/O/D)
29 opinion or review article in
dental journal
neutral, opinion, review 9
anti-amalgam use, review 2
The abstracts
of these articles with my review and references regarding the articles can be
found at
Dental Amalgam, FDA Docket 03N-0169
(Submissions to Food & Drug Admininstration(FDA) Amalgam
Review Panel- 4 volumes)
Summary of submissions with assessment of content
of each submission(notation):
A = medical or science article(s) with evidence of
significant mercury exposure or significant adverse health effects
A+ = large number of science article(s) with
evidence of significant mercury exposure or significant adverse health effects
P = science articles with no evidence of
significant mercury exposure or significant adverse health effects
RD = review or opinion article in journal without
open review by scientists
NS= letter or article with no relevant science
content or clinical experience
C = clinical case with evidence of adverse health
effects due to mercury
Individual submissions by category(Summary
A+ 83
A 78
C 10
(note: most individual case
histories were included on another disk not assessed here)
P 3
RD 1 (for
details of ADA submission see the ADA submission summary)
NS 13
Full listing of all submissions to FDA amalgam
review panel can be found at:
Full summary
with abstracts and references for over 3000 peer-reviewed studies submitted by
DAMS to the FDA amalgam review panel can be found at:
studies document that amalgam is the largest source of mercury exposure
for most people and the levels of exposure are significant and commonly
higher than U.S. government health guidelines for mercury.
The studies also document the mechanisms by
which mercury from amalgam causes over 30 chronic health conditions, and
document over 50,000 clinical cases of recovery or significant improvement
from all of those chronic conditions after amalgam replacement. For some conditions the majority show
significant improvement or recovery after amalgam replacement.
studies also document that amalgam is the largest source of mercury in
sewers and sewer sludge, with the level in most sewers and sewer
sludge being documented to be causing widespread damage and harm. Mercury in sewers goes into water bodies and
thus into fish and wildlife, being documented to be a major source of
such mercury. Over 33 % of all U.S.
lakes have fish consumption warnings for mercury, 15% of all river miles, and
over 90% of coastal miles on the Gulf and East coasts. Mercury in sewer sludge has been documented
by Government agencies to be transfered into crops
when landspread, and to be methylated
to methyl mercury by soil bacteria and outgased when
the sun shines from landspread or landfill areas -
being a factor in high levels of mercury in rain all over the U.S.
A CD ROM of all submissions to the FDA amalgam
review panel can be obtained for $20 by contacting Mary Ann Newall
B. Windham, President DAMS, Inc.