Health Effects of EMF & Wi-Fi Exposure

How EMFs and Microwaves Cause Harm

EMFs have been shown to cause harm through a number of different mechanisms (3,4, 26-31) . As explained by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, the radiation affects your microbiome, turning what might otherwise be beneficial microbes pathogenic . (29,30) Research by Martin Pall shows that microwave radiation activates your voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) — channels in the outer membrane of your cells (M- pn & M-D) . Once activated, the VGCCs open up, allowing an abnormal influx of calcium ions into the cell. This increased intracellular calcium and the accompanying increase in calcium signaling appears to be responsible for a majority of the damage that occurs. (26,27,4,22) Another significant adverse effect of EMF is through the effect on cryptochromes . Cryptochromes have control functions in the circadian rhythm system and immune system that are adversely affected by EMF (28). EMF & Wifi exposure also affect reproductive health by decreasing human sperm motility and increasing sperm DNA fragmentation (32). Many studies have been made regarding the possible connection of EMF and Cancer. Studies have found that EMF induces factors known to be supportive of cancer causation and that there are clear associations between EMF and some types of cancer (34,1). Pooled study data is supportive of a significant link between childhood leukemia and EMF exposure over 0.4 microT . The WHO IARC classified RF-EMF as "possible carcinogenic to humans", and more recent studies suggested reproductive, metabolic and neurologic effects of RF-EMF, which are also able to alter bacterial antibiotic resistance. NIEHS, National Toxicology Program, concluded that EMF causes cancer in rats. It has also been documented that EMFs & WiFi cause release of significant levels of mercury from dental amalgam fillings and mercury is documented to cause chronic cardiovascular , neurological , neuropsychiatric , fertility , and immune conditions .


Health Effects of EMF & Wi-Fi    

  In a long term comprehensive electromagnetic fields (EMF) risk assessment study by the California Dept. of Health Services, all reviewers concluded that it is highly likely that EMF causes some forms of cancer, along with chronic neurological conditions like ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) and depression.  They also found a significant likelihood that EMF causes cardiovascular problems and increased suicide ( 10, 1).  EMF has been linked to a number of serious consequences, including heart problems such as arrhythmias and neurological problems such as depression, autism , behavioral problems, ALS. Alzheimer’s , miscarriages and other fertility problems ( 33,1, M -D ) . In workers of electromagnetic stations an increased risk for electrocardiographic disturbances was revealed. Under conditions of exposure to electric fields, observed in stations where workers were employed, the risk was increased by 10%. Significant cardiovascular effects were found. In the exposed groups, the heart rate was higher than in the control one. The risk of lowered STD R-R was significantly increased. Both exposed groups presented significantly higher VLF and LF values than the control group. The EMF-exposed groups were characterised by the dominance of the sympathetic system. (33b) For workers exposed to radiofrequency EMF a study noted a significant lowering of the amplitudes of rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate (P < 0.01) and a shift of the acrophase to an earlier time (1100-1200 h; P < 0.05). These changes were more pronounced among workers exposed to high intensities of radiofrequency EMF. (33c)


S tudies have linked long-term,  high use of cellphones  to health problems such as: Brain cancer , childhood leukemia, Acoustic nerve and salivary gland tumors , Reproductive issues such as lower sperm count and inactive or less mobile sperm , Headaches & Memory, hearing, behavior and sleep problems (34, M-M & MI).

Excessive EMF exposure has been shown to raise a man’s risk of infertility (32-M&MI). A study found that Cellphone radiation reduce d sperm motility and viability by 8% and 9% respectively. Wi-Fi equipped laptops have been linked to decreased sperm motility and increased sperm DNA fragmentation after four hours of use . After adjusting for confounding factors, women living within 500 meters of the lines carried a higher risk of infertility compared with women living more than 1000 meters of the lines. (OR 4.44, 95% CI 2.77 to 7.11).


R ecent research reveals prenatal exposure to power-frequency fields can more than double a pregnant woman’s risk of miscarriage . Women with peak exposures above 2.5 milligauss had a miscarriage rate of 24.2%, while the control group (which had exposures below 2.5 milligauss) had a miscarriage rate of just 10.4% . At least seven other studies also show a link between magnetic field exposure and a heightened risk of miscarriage (M-M&MI) . "The association was stronger for early miscarriage (<10 weeks of gestation) and among 'susceptible' women with multiple prior fetal losses or subfertility." R esearch has also shown that microwave radiation from cellphones, Wi-Fi routers and similar devices concentrate twentyfold in the womb, meaning whatever the reading is outside the womb, the measurement will be 20 times higher inside the mother , which causes significant increase in risk of miscarriage and also appears to raise a woman’s risk of having an autistic child (29-M &MI).


Wi-Fi equipped laptop computers have also been linked to decreased sperm motility and an increase in sperm DNA fragmentation after just four hours of use . (32) T he California department of public health (CDPH) issued a warning 16  about Wi-Fi exposure in mid-December of 2017, urging people to decrease use of wireless devices and keep them as far away from your body as possible to m inimize exposure (1, M-D) . Environmental exposure to high-frequency voltage transients (HFVT), also termed dirty electricity, has been suggested among electro(hyper)sensitive interest groups as an important biological active component of standard electromagnetic pollution (DE). In some studies exposure to HFVT was associated with increased cancer risks, while preferential removal of 4-100 kHz HFVT from 50-60 Hz ELF circuits was linked to a variety of improvements in health (plasma glucose levels in diabetic patients, symptoms of multiple sclerosis, asthma and other respiratory illnesses, and insomnia), well-being (tiredness, frustration, general health, irritation, sense of satisfaction, mood), and student behavior (20,DE).

According to recent research, sperm concentration and quality has dramatically declined in the past few decades. One meta-analysis 22  of 185 studies, the largest of its kind, showed sperm counts around the world declined by 50% to 60% between 1973 and 2011, with no signs of reversing or even slowing down. Lead author Dr. Hagai Levine, who called the results "profound" and "shocking," 23  believes human extinction is a real possibility, should the trend continue unabated. 24 Testicular cancer is also on the rise. While  endocrine disrupting chemicals  are suspected as being the primary culprits, EMF exposure may also play a significant role in both testicular cancer and male infertility.

In May 2011, the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified radiofrequency EMF — such as the radiation from cellphones — a class 2B carcinogen, meaning it is possibly carcinogenic to humans. 25


Wi-fi and Smart Meters and smart devises have also been documented to have  many adverse health effects . Smart meters and smart devices have more adverse effects due to their dirty electricity (DE & M-D)

          EMF is also documented in animal and human studies to cause cellular calcium efflux and affect calcium homeostasis (3,4,22, M- pn ), which may be a factor in the reduction of melatonin levels caused by EMF exposure in animal and human studies (4,5). In studies on chicks this had significant adverse effects on viability of embryos and chicks (4,22).   Melatonin is known to be protective against mercury and free radical activity and against cell proliferation(cancer) (17), as well as regulating the circadian rhythm cycle and sleep cycle. EMF exposure lowers melatonin production (22), disrupts the sleep cycle(5,8c), and blocks melatonin cell antiproliferation effects (17). EMF exposed workers consistently produced less melatonin and had impaired sleep quality and quantity (23).

Other studies provide evidence for an association between occupational electromagnetic fields and suicide (10, M-D). The authors indicate that a plausible mechanism related to melatonin and depression provides a direction for additional laboratory research as well as epidemiological evaluation.   EMF exposure causes lower melatonin & adverse effects on embryos & young chicks (22).  Calcium input from extracellular medium and output from intracellular calcium reserves are primary mechanisms in the activation of melatonin synthesis in the chick pineal gland, and EMF causes cell calcium efflux and affects calcium  homeostatis . (22,26,27)  

  Studies have found higher neurodegenerative disease mortality in electrical worker exposed to EMF (higher risk in occupations with EMF exposure, and increasing risk with time worked) (6a,10). A study (6) found a 5 times higher risk for power plant operators‑ALS) and higher for risk for  Alz ; also, a higher risk of ALS with more exposure). Occupational exposure to higher levels of EMF have also been found in many studies to result in much higher risk of chronic degenerative neurological conditions such as ALS (6b,1), Alzheimers Disease (6,7), Depression (11,10), as well as Leukemia and Cancer (8,6e, etc.).  A meta-analysis of occupational exposure to EMF and neurodegenerative diseases found that occupational exposure to EMF increased the risk of ALS by 25% and by 30% for Alzheimers (24). Since EMF, microwaves, MRIs, etc. cause increased mercury exposure in those with amalgam, and mercury is also known to cause these conditions (13-16), again it is not clear the relative importance of the factors since the studies were not controlled for mercury levels or number of amalgam fillings.

Cancer: A higher risk of leukemia &  mylenoid  leukemia was seen in occupations with more emf exposure (6a & M- pn & M-D).

Breast Cancer: Many studies have found that there is higher breast cancer in occupations exposed to more EMF (men & women) (6bc)

Peer-reviewed published studies link electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) and wireless radiation (RF) to health problem s including:   fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, ringing in the ears, heart problems, learning and memory disorders, increased cancer risk, and more. For a comprehensive review of the science go to  and or read science abstracts here:  shortcut-to-science.   For personal accounts of harm see this  EMF Health Effects 2019 Survey . Studies show radiation harms nature and children are especially vulnerable. This  handout  includes links to science on RF effects on nature and this  study  recommends precaution for children.


5 G is 10 times more powerful than 4 G - requires a tower every 330 feet (maximum distance effective distribution-every 2 to 5 homes in subdivision) - a cell phone or computer acts as repeater and gets huge exposure RFEMF for an individual near it. (35a) Hundreds of studies show negative health effects for current cell tower frequencies for Birds, Bees, Insects, Animals, Humans. No studies are known that show 5 G safe for humans, birds, or bees. Thousands of scientists and doctors have said danger is so clear they recommend a moratorium on 5G and documented their case (37)- no credible experts have been able to counter their information. (95 Gigahertz is weapons grade power and causes physical harm- some 5 G is more than this, most limited to just barely less-35a).

5G will   increase   ambient levels of wireless radiofrequency radiation. Peer-reviewed research has demonstrated a myriad of adverse effects from wireless radiofrequency radiation including increased   brain cancer,   DNA damage ,   oxidative stress,   immune dysfunction ,   altered brain development,   damaged reproduction,   sleep changes ,   hyperactivity , and  memory damage.  (RESEARCH HERE) (35b) Recent State Findings & Actions on 5 G & Smart Meters are seen at (36).


Steps you can take to reduce EMF’s include using : fiberoptic internet systems, corded (wireless off) internet ; corded phones ; and analog utility meters (remove smart meters) .  And reduce cell phone use . Keep cell phones away from your body and away from children . Best to use cell phones for emergencies only . Set limits on computer and screen time, especially for children . Consider having your house tested for EMF’s. More ideas here:   safety tips   See also What are EMFs? brochure.

For more ways to reduce EMF and Wi-fi exposure, see (25 & M-F M-RE & M-HR1 & HR2



References and More Information and Documentation:

(M-D) EMF*D- Dr. Joseph Mercola (book)

( EHP) The Prevalence of People With Restricted Access to Work in Man-Made Electromagnetic Environments; Journal of Environment and Health Science , 2019-01-18 ;

(DE) Dirty Electricity, Sam Milham ,

(M- pn ) Addressing EMF Pollution — A 21st Century Health Imperative; Analysis by Dr. J. Mercola

(M-M & MI) EMFs Linked to Risk of Miscarriage and Male Infertility - Dr. De- Kun Li, Analysis by Dr. J Mercola

(M-RE) Reduce EMF Exposure - Analysis by Dr. J Mercola

(M-F) The Use of EMF Filters for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity , Magda Havas, Ph.D., Analysis by Dr. J. Mercola

(M-HR1) EMF Home Remediation - Bryan Hoyer; Analysis by Dr. J Mercola

(M-HR2) EMF Home Remediation - Bryan Hoyer; Analysis by Dr. J Mercola

(M-M) A Practical Guide to EMF Mitigation -Lloyd Burell ; Analysis by Dr. J Mercola

(1)    California Dept. of Health Services, California EMF Program, Draft of final risk evaluation report, ; & ; & California Dept. of Public Health, Can Cell Phone Radiation Harm Your Health? New California Guidelines Raise Concerns

(2)  F.Schmidt  et al, "Mercury in urine of employees exposed to magnetic fields",  Tidsskr  Nor   Laegeforen , 1997, 117(2): 199‑202; &  Granlund -Lind R,  Lans  M,  Rennerfelt  J, "Computers and amalgam are the most common causes of hypersensitivity to electricity according to sufferers' reports",  Lkartidningen  2002; 99: 682-683  (Swedish);     & Sheppard AR and  EisenbudM ., Biological Effects  of electric and magnetic fields of extremely low frequency. New York university press.  1977; &  Ortendahl  T W,  Hogstedt  P, Holland RP, "Mercury vapor release from dental amalgam in vitro caused by magnetic fields generated by CRT's",  Swed  Dent J 1991 p 31 

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(10) Exposure to electromagnetic fields and suicide among electric utility workers: a nested case-control study , E van Wijngaarden     D A Savitz , et al; Western Journal of Medicine August 2000;173:94‑100 , & (b) Largest Study Finds Evidence Of Association Between EMFs And Exposed Worker Suicide , University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, Science Daily, March 16, 2000; Suicide and depression abstracts: Epidemiological studies of suicide and depression and magnetic fields; & etc.

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(c) Bjorkman L,  Sandborgh -Englund G,  Ekstrand  J.   "Mercury in Saliva and Feces after Removal of Amalgam Fillings", Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 1997, 144(1), p156-62; &

(d) Mercury levels from amalgam fillings, DAMS,

(13)  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): the mercury connection ,

(14)  Alzheimer’s Disease:  the  Mercury Connection,

(15)  Depression:  the  Mercury Connection:  www.myflcv/depress.html

(16) Mercury exposure and related health effects from amalgam fillings, as seen in  hundred  of thousands of recoveries after amalgam replacement.     B. Windham (Ed. ),    over 2000  peer-reviewed medical studies reviewed and referenced),

(17) Drs Masami  Ishido  and Hiroshi Nitta, Japan's National Institute for Environmental Studies in Tsukuba,    �12  mG  EMFs Can Inhibit Melatonin Effect, Microwave News Sept/October 2001

(18) Draper G, Vincent T, Kroll M & Swanson J, Oxford Childhood Cancer Research Group - Childhood cancer and electromagnetic field exposures from powerlines - Department of Health funded 1997-2001, RRX 46 

 (19) Mercury release from dental amalgam restorations after magnetic resonance imaging and following mobile phone use.   Pak J Biol Sci. 2008 Apr 15;11(8): 1142-6, Mortazavi SM,  Daiee  E,  Yazdi  A,  Khiabani  K, Mood MB, et al; & Increased Release of Mercury from Dental Amalgam Fillings due to Maternal Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields as a Possible Mechanism for the High Rates of Autism in the Offspring: Introducing a Hypothesis. Mortazavi G,  Haghani  M et al;  J Biomed Phys Eng.  2016 Mar 1;6(1):41-6 ; &  Increased mercury release from dental amalgam restorations after exposure to electromagnetic fields as a potential hazard for hypersensitive people and pregnant women. Mortazavi G et al:  Rev Environ Health.  2015;30(4):287-92; & Effect of radiofrequency radiation from Wi-Fi devices on mercury release from amalgam restorations.  Paknahad  M et al ;   J Environ Health Sci Eng.  2016 Jul 13;14:12; &  Electromagnetic Waves Collected by a Dental Amalgam Filling Induced Balance Dysregulation and Dizziness over a Period Exceeding 10 Years,   Yoshiro Fujii , & more similar articles:�

(20)  "Dirty electricity": what, where, and should we  care?;  de Vocht F.,  J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2010 Mar 24; &  A new electromagnetic exposure metric: High frequency voltage transients associated with increased cancer incidence in teachers in a   california   school  �  Milham  and Morgan, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Volume 51, Issue 8, pages 579�586, August 2008  

(21) Dirty Power: a factor in an unusual cancer cluster  at La Quinta Middle School in southern California,  Milham  S, Morgan  L,   American  Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2009;  Effect   of calcium on melatonin secretion in chick pineal gland I.   Neurosci  Lett, 1996 Oct18;217(2‑3):161‑ 4,Pablos  MI;  Agapito  MT; et  ak

(22)  Biological effects of continuous exposure of embryos and young chickens to electromagnetic fields emitted by video display units.   Bioelectromagnetics 1997;18(7):514‑23, Youbicier‑Simo BJ; Boudard F; et al & Calcium modulates circadian variation in cAMP‑stimulated melatonin in chick pineal cells.   Brain Res 1996 Apr15;716(1‑2):1‑10;  Nikaido  SS; Takahashi JS. 

(23) Nocturnal 6‑hydroxymelatonin sulfate excretion in female workers exposed to magnetic fields.  J Pineal Res 2000 ;28(2):97‑104;  Juutilainen  J; Stevens RG; et al; & A 50‑Hz electromagnetic field impairs sleep.   J Sleep Res 1999 Mar;8(1):77‑81,  Akerstedt  T;  Arnetz  B; et al.  

(24)  Occupational Exposures and Neurodegenerative Diseases-A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analyses. Gunnarsson LG,  Bodin  L.  Int J Environ Res Public Health.  2019 Jan 26;16(3).

(25) 17 Ways to Minimize Exposure to Dirty Electricity &  EMFs, By  Lloyd  Burrell, March  6, 2017;

(26) Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects , Martin L Pall,   Mol Med.   2013 Aug; 17(8): 958–965.  

(27) Aldinucci C; Palmi M; Sgaragli G; Benocci A; Meini A; Pessina F; Pessina GP. The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on the physiologic behavior of a human astrocytoma cell line. Biochim   Biophys  Acta 2000 Dec 11;1499(1‑2):101‑108.

 (28) The Birds, the Bees and Electromagnetic Pollution Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy
May 2009; How electromagnetic fields can disrupt both solar and magnetic bee navigation and reduce immunity to disease all in one go ;
& (b) Low-intensity electromagnetic fields induce human cryptochrome to modulate intracellular reactive oxygen species, Rachel M. Sherrard PLoS Biol , 2018 Oct; 16(10), & etc.

(29) EMF and the Potentiation of Pathogens and Heavy Metals: Effective Mitigation and Detox , Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD ; & (b) The response of human bacteria to static magnetic field and radiofrequency electromagnetic fie ld, D P E Crabtree et al; J Microbiol. 2017 Oct; 55(10):809-815

(30) Excessive EMF Exposure During Pregnancy Raises Risk of Autism, Dietrick Klinghardt , 2017 & (b) Electromagnetic Fields, Pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation, and Epigenetics: How Wireless Technologies May Affect Childhood Development. Sage C, Burgio E. Child Dev. 2018 Jan;89(1):129-136 , & (c) WIFI & EMF Dangers . Dr. Dietrick Klinghardt , & (d) The Importance of Electromagnetic Field Remediation in the treatment of chronic disease, Dr. J Mercola , December 9, 2017 ;

(31) Health Implications of Electromagnetic Fields, Mechanisms of Action , Sarika Singh and  Neeru Kapoor, Advances in Biology, Sep 23, 2014

 (32) Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation, Conrado Avendaño et al,   Fertility and Sterility January 2012; 97(1): 39-45. e2 ; & (b) Radiations and male fertility. Kesari KK, Agarwal A, Henkel R. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2018 Dec 9;16(1):118; (c) Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields of High Voltage Overhead Power Lines and Female Infertility, Sedigheh Esmailzadeh et al, Int J Occup Environ Med .   2019 Jan;10(1):11-16 . ( pubmed )

& (d) Wi-Fi is an important threat to human reproductive health, M Pall, Environ Res , 2018 Jul;164:405-416 , & (d) DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields. Blank M, Goodman R. Int J Radiat Biol. 2011 Apr;87(4):409-15. & etc.

(33) [Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields With Frequencies of 50 Hz and Changes in the Circulatory System in Workers at Electrical Power Stations], A Bortkiewicz   et al, M ed Pr .   1998;49(3):261-74; & (b) Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis in radio and TV broadcasting stations workers, Alicja Bortkiewicz   et al, In t J Occup Med Environ Health .   2012 Sep;25(4):446-55.

& Health effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF EMF). Bortkiewicz A. Ind Health. 2019;57(4):403-405. & (c) Alteration of Diurnal Rhythms of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate to Workers Exposed to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, S Szmigielski   et al, Blood Press Monit   1998;3(6):323-30.

(34) Towards 5G communication systems: Are there health implications? Di Ciaula A. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2018 Apr;221(3):367-375 .   & (b) EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses. Rev Environ Health. 2016 Sep 1;31(3):363-97. Belyaev I, Dean A, et al. & (c) ICNIRP (International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) Standing Committee on Epidemiology. Review of the epidemiologic literature on EMF and Health. Environ Health Perspect . 2001 Dec;109 Suppl 6(Suppl 6):911-33 . Ahlbom IC, Cardis E, Green A, et al. & (d) Mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors and should be classified as a probable human carcinogen (review). Morgan LL, Miller AB, et al, Int J Oncol. 2015 May;46(5):1865-71. & (e) High Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation Associated with Cancer in Male Rats ; NIEHS, National Toxicology Program, Contact:   Virginia Guidry , NIEHS   919-541-1993

(35) 5G Towers EFFECT on Bees, Birds, Trees & PEOPLE & (b) 5 G Health & Environmental Impacts , Dr. Devra Davis, Environmental Health Trust (Health Effects, Cancer, Plant Damage, Birds, Insects, Climate Change) EHTRUST.ORG

(36) PG&E refunds smart meter “opt-out” fees to EMF disabled customer & California court ruling upholds Wi-Fi disability case & Save the analog meters in Maine -

Maine Utilities New Smart Meter Scam & Landmark 5G study by New Hampshire legislative Commission recommends reducing wireless exposure & California Wildfires and EMF radiation pollution & EMF Medical Conference 2021 ;

(37) EU 5G AppealThousands of Scientists and Doctors warn of potential serious health effects of 5G - Scientists recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G Many Actions in process by Governments and Cities, No Credible Scientist or Group of Scientists has countered their documentation of harm with evidence that 5G is safe.








 ABSTRACT (27): We evaluated the effects of 50 Hz pulsed electromagnetic fields (EMFs) with a peak magnetic field of 3  mT  on human astrocytoma cells. Our results clearly demonstrate that, after the cells were exposed to EMFs for 24 h, the basal  [Ca(2+)]( i ) levels increased significantly from 124+/‑51  nM  to 200+/‑79  nM    Pretreatment of the cells with 1.2  microM  substance P increased the [Ca(2+)]( i ) to 555+/‑278  nM , while EMF exposure caused a significant drop in [Ca(2+)]( i ) to 327+/‑146  nM.  The overall effect of EMFs probably depends on the prevailing  Ca( 2+) conditions of the cells. After exposure, the proliferative responses of both normal and substance P‑pretreated cells increased slightly from 1.03 to 1.07 and 1.04 to 1.06, respectively. U‑373 MG cells spontaneously released about 10 pg/ml of interleukin‑6 which was significantly increased afte the addition of substance P. Moreover, immediately after EMF exposure and 24 h thereafter, the interleukin‑6 levels were more elevated (about 40%) than in controls. On the whole, our data suggest that, by changing the properties of cell membranes, EMFs can influence  Ca( 2+) transport processes and hence

Ca( 2+) homeostasis. The increased levels of interleukin‑6 after 24 h of EMF exposure may confirm the complex connection between  Ca( 2+) levels, substance P and the cytokine network

 (34a) Abstract: RF-EMF promote oxidative stress, a condition involved in cancer onset, in several acute and chronic diseases and in vascular homeostasis. Although some evidences are still controversial, the WHO IARC classified RF-EMF as "possible carcinogenic to humans", and more recent studies suggested reproductive, metabolic and neurologic effects of RF-EMF, which are also able to alter bacterial antibiotic resistance. In this evolving scenario, although the biological effects of 5G communication systems are very scarcely investigated, an international action plan for the development of 5G networks has started, with a forthcoming increment in devices and density of small cells, and with the future use of millimeter waves (MMW). Preliminary observations showed that MMW increase skin temperature, alter gene expression, promote cellular proliferation and synthesis of proteins linked with oxidative stress, inflammatory and metabolic processes, could generate ocular damages, affect neuro-muscular dynamics.  

(34b) Chronic diseases and illnesses associated with non-specific symptoms are on the rise. It seems necessary now to take "new exposures" like electromagnetic fields (EMF) into account. Physicians are increasingly confronted with health problems from unidentified causes. Studies, empirical observations, and patient reports clearly indicate interactions between EMF exposure and health problems. Individual susceptibility and environmental factors are frequently neglected. New wireless technologies and applications have been introduced without any certainty about their health effects, raising new challenges for medicine and societ y.   there is strong evidence that long-term exposure to certain EMFs is a risk factor for diseases such as certain cancers, Alzheimer's disease, and male infertility. On the other hand, the emerging electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is more and more recognized by health authorities, disability administrators and case workers, politicians, as well as courts of law. We recommend treating EHS clinically as part of the group of chronic multisystem illnesses (CMI), but still recognizing that the underlying cause remains the environment. In the beginning, EHS symptoms occur only occasionally, but over time they may increase in frequency and severity. Common EHS symptoms include headaches, concentration difficulties, sleep problems, depression, a lack of energy, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms. A comprehensive medical history, which should include all symptoms and their occurrences in spatial and temporal terms and in the context of EMF exposures, is the key to making the diagnosis. The EMF exposure is usually assessed by EMF measurements at home and at work. Certain types of EMF exposure can be assessed by asking about common EMF sources. It is very important to take the individual susceptibility into account. The primary method of treatment should mainly focus on the prevention or reduction of EMF exposure, that is, reducing or eliminating all sources of high EMF exposure at home and at the workplace. The reduction of EMF exposure should also be extended to public spaces such as schools, hospitals, public transport, and libraries to enable persons with EHS an unhindered use (accessibility measure). If a detrimental EMF exposure is reduced sufficiently, the body has a chance to recover and EHS symptoms will be reduced or even disappear. Many examples have shown that such measures can prove effective. To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, the broad range of other environmental factors that contribute to the total body burden should also be addressed. Anything that supports homeostasis will increase a person's resilience against disease and thus against the adverse effects of EMF exposure. There is increasing evidence that EMF exposure has a major impact on the oxidative and nitrosative regulation capacity in affected individuals. This concept also may explain why the level of susceptibility to EMF can change and why the range of symptoms reported in the context of EMF exposures is so large. Based on our current understanding, a treatment approach that minimizes the adverse effects of peroxynitrite - as has been increasingly used in the treatment of multisystem illnesses - works best. This EMF Guideline gives an overview of the current knowledge regarding EMF-related health risks and provides recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment and accessibility measures of EHS to improve and restore individual health outcomes as well as for the development of strategies for prevention.

(34c) Abstract: We reviewed the now voluminous epidemiologic literature on EMF and risks of chronic disease and conclude the following: a) The quality of epidemiologic studies on this topic has improved over time and several of the recent studies on childhood leukemia and on cancer associated with occupational exposure are close to the limit of what can realistically be achieved in terms of size of study and methodological rigor. b) Exposure assessment is a particular difficulty of EMF epidemiology, in several respects: i ) The exposure is imperceptible, ubiquitous, has multiple sources, and can vary greatly over time and short distances. ii) The exposure period of relevance is before the date at which measurements can realistically be obtained and of unknown duration and induction period. iii) The appropriate exposure metric is not known and there are no biological data from which to impute it. c) In the absence of experimental evidence and given the methodological uncertainties in the epidemiologic literature, there is no chronic disease for which an etiological relation to EMF can be regarded as established. d) There has been a large body of high quality data for childhood cancer, and also for adult leukemia and brain tumor in relation to occupational exposure. Among all the outcomes evaluated in epidemiologic studies of EMF, childhood leukemia in relation to postnatal exposures above 0.4 microT is the one for which there is most evidence of an association. The relative risk has been estimated at 2.0 (95% confidence limit: 1.27-3.13) in a large pooled analysis. This is unlikely to be due to chance






 Several years ago, Cindy Sage hired an electrician to install a

 new light in her daughter's bedroom. After he left, Sage swept

 the room with a gaussmeter to measure the magnetic fields

 present. In some 98 percent of U.S. homes, the average

  strength of magnetic fields ranges from 0.5 to 0.9 milligauss

   ( mG ). Until the electrician's visit, the field in Sage's daughter's

  room also fell within that range. Afterward, it was 3  mG.

Although that reading is somewhat higher than normal, it falls

 well below the federally permitted 1,000‑mG limit for U.S.

workplaces. However, this didn't reassure Sage, a Montecito,

Calif based consultant specializing in electromagnetic field  ( EMF) issues. The workplace limit "is based on the faulty

assumption that only thermal, or heat, effects are important as

a potential biological hazard," she says. Sage called the electrician back to find out what he'd done. It turns out that he hadn't wired the light according to the electrical code. When he rewired the room, its average field dropped to 0.2  mG.  Electromagnetic fields are invisible lines of force that surround all electric devices and wiring. Concern about the potential health effects of these fields was catalyzed in the late 1970s by studies suggesting an association between

childhood leukemia and proximity to certain types of power lines or equipment, such as utility transformers. 

  Several studies suggest "a doubling of childhood leukemia

 incidence between 1 and 2  mG " and up to a sixfold increase for

exposures between 4 and 5  mG , says Sage. There have even

 been hints of a breast cancer risk in adults exposed to high

 fields More recently, several other sources have been added:

 large currents on the job, poorly grounded wiring, and

 appliances. Magnetic fields do not necessarily correlate with

the size, power, or noisiness of a device. Moreover, there can

be a tremendous difference between models of an appliance.

Because it's difficult to shield oneself from magnetic fields, the

only practical way to limit exposures is to put distance between

 oneself and the source. 

Sage conducts sweeps of magnetic fields in her clients' homes,

offices, schools, and hospitals. She deploys electricians to fix 

 any fields that run dramatically above the national norm.

 Usually, they trace to code violations that prove easy and

 inexpensive to fix. A 1996 report issued by the National

Academy of Sciences concluded that while EMFs appear capable of affecting biological tissues, their link to cancer remains unproven. However, Sage argues that until or unless EMFs are exonerated, avoidance of them is a reasonable policy 

  Indeed, new studies describing such effects were presented weeks ago at a U.S. Public Health Service conference he helped organize in Washington, D.C. The studies demonstrated a hitherto unrecognized responsiveness of cells, tissues, and animals ‑ even humans. 

  Melatonin, a hormone produced by the brain during periods of

  darkness, is an important natural suppressor of breast cancer

  cell growth, both in test tubes and in animals. Stevens'

   melatonin hypothesis holds that because EMFs can depress or

  shut down melatonin secretion in animals, they may play a role

  in fostering the growth of malignancies in people. 

    To test this hypothesis, toxicologist Wolfgang  Loescher  of the School of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover, Germany, has

exposed groups of up to 120 female rats to

melatonin‑suppressing EMFs of between 100 and 1,000  mG.  An

equal number of rats received a negligible background exposure of roughly 1  mG ; these rats produced melatonin normally. Loescher  injected into each rat a chemical that causes

mammary cancer, then observed the rats for 3 months. 


Compared to the unexposed rats, those in the 100‑mG field developed about 10 percent more tumors, animals exposed to 500  mG  got 25 percent more, and rats receiving 1,000  mG

developed 50 percent more. Tumors also grew as much as twice  the  size under the influence of EMFs. To understand why,  Loescher  has focused on the immune system's T cells, a class of white blood cells whose role is to attack and destroy tumors and foreign substances. T cells from animals raised for 3

months in 500‑ or 1,000‑mG fields proved only half as likely as

 those from unexposed rats to proliferate when exposed to a

 foreign substance. "This indicates that EMFs indeed suppress

 the immune system's response to ongoing processes such as tumor growth,"  Loescher  says. He has also analyzed rats' production of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase. This enzyme has to be present in large amounts for any cells to proliferate. "If the melatonin hypothesis were true, then when one exposes rats to EMFs, there should be an increase of this enzyme but only in the breast," he says. That is exactly what he's found in EMF studies that he has replicated   several times. "To me," he told SCIENCE NEWS, "this is the most convincing data that the melatonin hypothesis may betrue ." 

  At the Lawrence Berkeley (Calif.) National Laboratory, Robert P.  Liburdy  has been probing the underpinnings of EMFs' apparent cancer fostering effects in test‑tube studies of malignant cells. He has found that 12‑mG EMFs can suppress the ability of both melatonin and the hormone‑emulating drug tamoxifen to shut down the growth of cancer cells. In a follow‑up study that he described in July at a meeting in Bologna, Italy, the activity of m another  drug proved even more negatively affected by 12‑mG m  fields. Both tamoxifen and this second drug, which goes by the   unwieldy moniker ICI‑182780, are synthetic estrogens. They have been designed to dock at a cell's estrogen receptor and block it. In the breast, this can starve most cancer cells of the estrogen that normally spurs their growth. Unlike the ICI drug, which interacts only with the estrogen receptor, tamoxifen can alter the activity of other proteins. Magnetic fields proved more effective against the ICI drug, implying that they interfere with its binding to the estrogen receptor,  Liburdy  says. If they do,

 then the body's natural estrogen should be affected similarly.

 Tests of that possibility are now under way.  Liburdy's  studies

 suggest that "a new melatonin hypothesis is emerging," argues

  Charles Graham, an experimental physiologist at the Midwest

  Research Institute (MRI) in Kansas City, Mo. The old

 hypothesis, Graham notes, focused on how much melatonin the

 body produced and circulated. While reasonable, it downplayed

 any relevance for humans because "we saw no decrease in

 melatonin" among people exposed to EMFs. If magnetic fields

  can make cells less sensitive to melatonin, as studies by

   Liburdy  and others now indicate, then EMFs may yet pose a

 melatonin‑mediated cancer threat, he says. 


 Graham's own research indicates that magnetic fields can alter

two other hormones that affect cancer risk‑‑estrogen and testosterone. Compared to measurements taken in the presence of negligible background fields, overnight exposure of women to 200‑mG EMFs in the laboratory significantly elevated estrogen; other studies have shown that elevated exposure to estrogen over many years can increase a woman's cancer risk. In men, the EMFs reduced testosterone‑a hormone drop that has been linked to testicular and prostate cancers, Graham's most intriguing data come from experiments with what he terms intermittent EMFs. He and Mary R. Cook, also at MRI, began delivering pulsed exposures that cycle on for an hour and then off for an hour throughout the night. During each"on " cycle, the field switches on and off every 15 seconds. Not only do preliminary studies indicate that intermittent fields "really have an effect," Graham observes, but they emulate real‑world exposures, which can vary from second to second in frequency, intensity, and waveform, depending on their source

                               and an individual's distance from it. 


                               In a 3‑night study of 24 healthy young men, roughly one‑third

                               got steady 200  mG  exposures on any given night. Another third

                               received 200‑mG fields intermittently, and the remainder slept

                               in the presence of negligible background fields. At the Energy

                               Department's annual EMF Research Review Meeting in San

                               Diego last November, Graham and Cook reported that the

                               intermittent fields and only those fields‑disturbed 6 of 10

                               measures of sleep quality. They not only contributed to broken

                               sleep and shorter periods of deep, dream‑stage sleep, they

                               also led to more reports of feeling unrested in the morning. 


                               In an upcoming report in BIOELECTROMAGNETICS, Graham's

                               team links those same intermittent fields to decreased heart

                               rate variability in 77 college‑age men. In healthy people, heart

                               rate tends to vary somewhat from second to second in

                               response to the body's need to maintain blood pressure,


                               temperature, and so on. Often, individuals with heart disease

                               exhibit a more stable heart rate‑‑‑an indication, Graham says,

                               "that their heart is no longer as well connected to the nervous



                               While the young men that Graham studied exhibited normal

                               heart rate variability during the nights they were exposed to

                               background fields or constant EMFs, that variability diminished

                               substantially on the night each was exposed to intermittent

                               fields. Graham is planning follow‑up studies to probe the

                               long‑term health implications of this provocative finding. 


                               "What concerns me," Graham says, is that the public "tends to

                               get so worried about the magnitude of a field. The bigger it is,

                               the worse it's supposed to be." In fact,  Loescher  has found that

                               very high fields, as well as those below a certain strength,

                               have little impact on tumor growth. Only those across a

                               relatively narrow range consistently foster tumors and other

                               negative health effects. 


                               "We've seen the same thing in our studies," Graham told

                               SCIENCE NEWS. Moreover, he says, it's beginning to appear

                               that a field's magnitude matters less than its intermittency or

                               other features, such as power surges called electrical

                               transients. These surges can pack a big burst of energy into a

                               short period of time. They occur whenever lights or other

                               electric devices turn on, when motors or compressors (such as

                               those in refrigerators and air conditioners) cycle on, or when

                               dimmer switches operate. "Being transient doesn't mean

                               they're rare, just quick," Graham notes. Transients are hard to

                               avoid because they may stem from surges elsewhere‑in a

                               neighbor's house or even power lines up the street. 


                               Little research has been conducted to untangle the potential

                               health impacts of EMF characteristics other than field strength,

                               Graham notes, and money for such EMF studies is all but drying

                               up. The two major federal programs dedicated to financing

                               research on EMF effects on health are slated to shut down in

                               October. A program funded by electric utilities through the

                               Electric Power Research Institute will also end this year. 


                               One should expect that "research on EMFs in the United States

                               will take a big nose‑dive," says Graham. One ray of hope,

                                Liburdy  notes, comes from the recent proliferation of

                               government funds for endocrine‑disrupting pollutants. While


                               magnetic fields are a type of radiation, they functionally

                               resemble many environmental pollutants that mimic hormones.

                               In fact, he observes, EMFs may actually fit the definition of an

                               endocrine disrupter better than these chemicals  do . That's

                               because magnetic fields appear to elicit their effects by acting

                               on and through hormones, rather than as hormones. 


Are EMFs Hazardous to Our Health? 


                               Can electromagnetic fields (EMF) from power lines, home

                               wiring, airport and military radar, substations, transformers,

                               computers and appliances cause brain tumors, leukemia, birth

                               defects, miscarriages, chronic fatigue, headaches, cataracts,

                               heart problems, stress. nausea, chest pain, forgetfulness,

                               cancer and other health problems? Numerous studies have

                               produced contradictory results, yet some experts are convinced

                               that the threat is real. 


                               Dr. David Carpenter, Dean at the School of Public Health, State

                               University of New York believes it is likely that up to 30% of all

                               childhood cancers come from exposure to EMFs. The

                               Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns "There is reason

                               for concern" and advises prudent avoidance". Martin Halper, the

                               EPA's Director of Analysis and Support says "I have never seen

                               a set of epidemiological studies that remotely approached the

                               weight of evidence that we're seeing with EMFs. Clearly there is

                               something here." 


                               Concern over EMFs exploded after Paul Brodeur wrote a series

                               of articles in the New Yorker Magazine in June 1989. Because

                               of Paul Brodeur's reputation. his articles had a catalytic effect

                               on scientists, reporters and concerned people throughout the

                               world. In November 1989, the Department of Energy reported

                               that "It has now become generally accepted that there are,

                               indeed, biological effects due to field exposure." The EMF  issue

                               gained more publicity in 1990 when alarming reports appeared

                               in Time, the Wall Street Journal, Business Week and popular

                               computer publications. ABC's Ted Koppel and CBS's Dan Rather

                               both aired special segments on EMFs. 


                               In addition to the long‑term health concerns, buying a house

                               with high fields will be an economic disaster. In a few years,

                               when power line radiation is as well known as asbestos and

                               radon, a house with high fields will be practically impossible to

                               sell. Already there are hundreds of lawsuits regarding EMFs and


                               property devaluation. 


                               EPA Says the Threat Is Real 


                               By 1990, over one hundred studies had been conducted

                               worldwide. Of these, at least two dozen epidemiological

                               studies on humans indicated a link between EMFs and serious

                               health problems. In response to public pressure, the

                               Environmental Protection Agency IEPA) began reviewing and

                               evaluating the available literature. In a draft report issued in

                               March 1990, the EPA recommended that EMFs be classified as a

                               Class B carcinogen‑‑‑a "probable human carcinogen and joined

                               the ranks of formaldehyde, DDT, dioxins and PCBs. 


                               After the EPA draft report was released, utility, military and

                               computer lobbyists came down hard on the EPA. The EPA's final

                               revision did NOT classify EMFs as a Class B carcinogen Rather,

                               the following explanation was  added:"At  this time such a

                               characterization regarding the link between cancer and

                               exposure to EMFs is not appropriate because the basic nature

                               of the interaction between EMFs and biological processes

                               leading to cancer is not understood " Curiously, this rather

                               unusual logic appears on the same page as the following: "In

                               conclusion, several studies showing leukemia,  Iymphoma  and

                               cancer of the nervous system in children exposed to supported

                               by similar findings in adults in several/ occupational studies

                               also involving electrical power frequency exposures, show a

                               consistent pattern of response that suggest a causal link. " 


                               When questioned about the contradictory nature of these

                               statements, the EPA responded that it was "not appropriate" to

                               use the probable carcinogen label until it could demonstrate

                               how EMFs caused cancer and exactly how much EMF is harmful. 


                               This explanation does not satisfy many critics who claim that

                               the EPAs upper management was influenced by political and

                               economic considerations exerted by utility, computer and

                               military lobbyists. 


                               How Do I Measure EMFs? 


                               A Gauss is a common unit of measurement of magnetic field

                               strength. A Gauss meter is an instrument which measures the

                               strength of magnetic fields. Inside a Gauss meter there is a

                               coil of thin wire, typically with hundreds of turns. As a magnetic


                               field radiates through the coil, it induces a current, which is

                               amplified by the circuitry inside the Gauss meter. 


                               Gauss meters may vary in the strength of the magnetic field

                               they are capable of measuring. A meter used for measuring

                               EMFs from power lines, transformers, substations and

                               appliances around the home, for example, should be able to

                               measure as low as .1 mg. 


                               Gauss meters vary widely in price and accuracy. Meters have

                               either a single axis coil or a triple axis coil. Single axis meters

                               are much simpler than triple axis meters to manufacture and

                               thus, are less expensive. To use a single axis  meter  you must

                               point the meter's one sensor in three directions‑‑‑the x, y and z

                               axis. Then, you combine the three readings in a mathematical

                               equation to calculate the combined field strength. Obviously,

                               its far easier and more accurate to use a 3‑axis meter. Triple

                               axis Gauss meters are quite accurate, but they are also more



                               Another thing to watch out for when purchasing or renting a

                               Gauss meter is whether or not it is frequency weighted. Most

                               meters will read the same EMF strength no mater what the

                               frequency. As the human body appears to be sensitive to both

                               the field strength AND the frequency, Gauss meters used for

                               biological purposes should be "frequency weighted". This

                               means that if the field is different than 60 Hz the meter will

                               consider the frequency and use it in calculating and displaying

                               the EMF's strength. This feature is why frequency weighted

                               meters will show a higher EMF reading than those meters

                               typically used by electricians and engineers. 


                               Power Lines 


                               An enormous amount of electricity is created at power

                               generating stations and sent across the country through wires

                               that carry high voltages. All power lines radiate

                               electromagnetic fields. The question is: how much are the 


                               power lines near YOUR home radiating? The amount of EMFs

                               coming from a power line depends on its particular

                               configuration. Power companies know which power line

                               configurations are best for reducing  EMFs  but most don't feel

                               the evidence supports costly changes in the way they deliver





                               A substation is an assemblage of circuit breakers,

                               disconnecting switches and transformers designed to

                               substations have been blamed for causing cancer clusters

                               among nearby residents. Paul Brodeur wrote about several such

                               cancer clusters in the July 9, 1990 issue of the New Yorker





                               A key component of a utility's electrical distribution network

                               depends upon numerous, small transformers mounted on power

                               poles. A transformer looks like a small metal trash can, usually

                               cylindrical. Even when the electrical service is underground, you

                               will often see a metal box (usually square} located on the

                               ground near the street. Many people don't realize that when

                               they see a transformer, the power line feeding the transformer

                               is 4000 to 13,800 volts. The transformer then reduces the

                               voltage to the 120/240 volts needed by nearby homes. Since

                               these transformers can be seen in almost every neighborhood,

                               they are a source of concern. 


                               EMFs near a transformer can be quite high, but due to its small

                               structure, the field strength diminishes rapidly with distance,

                               as it does from any point source. For this reason, having a

                               transformer located near your home is usually not a major

                               source of concern, although just to make sure, everyone should

                               measure the field strength around it. 


                               Home Wiring 


                               If your home has high EMF readings, it is important to

                               determine the sources of the EMF so that remedial action can

                               be taken, if possible. Many  times  a particular room will have a

                               higher EMF reading. Check to see if the electricity is coming

                               into the house on the wall outside that room. When this is the

                               case, it is usually a good idea to block off that room and only

                               use it for storage purposes. 


                               Sometimes, the source of a high magnetic field is incorrect

                               wiring. If you suspect that your home is wired improperly,

                               obtain the services of a licensed electrician. Warning: Do not

                               touch electric wires, even if you think the current is turned off.

                               If you need to disconnect electrical circuits to determine the


                               source of magnetic fields, you should call a licensed electrician.




                               Computers are a complicated subject. Know this: EMFs radiate

                               from all sides of the computer. Thus, you must not only be

                               concerned with sitting in front of the monitor but also if you are

                               sitting near a computer or if a computer is operating in a

                               nearby room. The Swedish safety standard, effective 711/90,

                               specifies a maximum of 0.25  mG  at 50 cm from the display.

                               Many US manufactured computers have EMFs of 5 ‑ 100  mG  at

                               this distance. And know this too: the screens placed over

                               monitors do NOT block EMFs. Not even a lead screen will block

                               ELF and VLF magnetic fields.


                               Space does not permit a more thorough discussion of

                               computers. If you use a computer, it is important that you 


                               measure your EMF exposure with a Gauss meter and review the

                               literature concerning the health impacts of computer use. 


                               Electric Blankets and Waterbeds 


                               Electric blankets create a magnetic field that penetrates about

                               6‑7 inches into the body.  Thus  it is not surprising that an

                               epidemiological study has linked electric blankets with

                               miscarriages and childhood leukemia. This pioneering work was

                               performed by Dr. Nancy Wertheimer and Ed Leeper, who

                               originally discovered that magnetic fields were linked to

                               childhood leukemia. Similar health effects have been noted

                               with users of many electric blankets and waterbed heaters will

                               emit EMFs even when turned off. The devices must be

                               unplugged to delete the EMF exposure Additionally, there is the

                               issue regarding the vibrations that are generated by sleeping

                               on standing water. There is less hard data in this area but

                               some experts are concerned about the consequences. 


                               Electric Clocks 


                               Electric clocks have a very high magnetic field, as much as 5 to

                               10  mG  up to three feet away. If you are using a bedside clock,

                               you are probably sleeping in an EMF equivalent to that of a

                               powerline Studies have linked high rates of brain tumors with

                               chronic exposure to magnetic fields, so it is wise to place all

                               clocks and other electrical devices (such as telephones and


                               answering devices) at least 6 feet from your bed. 


                               Fluorescent Lights 


                               Fluorescent lights produce much more EMFs than incandescent

                               bulbs. A typical fluorescent lamp of  a  office 


                               ceiling have readings of 160 to 200 mg 1 inch away. 


                               Microwave Ovens and Radar 


                               Microwave ovens and radar from military installations and

                               airports emit two types of radiation‑‑microwave and ELF.

                               Microwaves are measured in milliwatt per centimeter squared

                               ( mW /cm2) As of 1/1/93, the U.S. safety limit for microwave

                               exposure is 1  mW /cm2, down from a previous 10  mW /cm2. The

                               Russian safety limit is .01  mW /cm2. As all microwave ovens

                               leak and exceed the Russian safety limit, microwave ovens

                               have been outlawed in Russia. In addition, recent Russian

                               studies have shown that normal microwave cooking coverts

                               food protein molecules into carcinogenic substances. 


                               When measuring microwaves from military and airport radar

                               sources, 100% accurate readings can only be found 


                               with extremely expensive digital peak‑hold meters. Why?

                               Because analog devices begin to drop their reading

                               immediately after the radar sweep passes. Thus, while an

                               analog meter can show whether or not you are being exposed

                               to radar EMFs, analog meters can't show your true exposure.

                               Although thousands of dollars to purchase, digital‑hold meters

                               capable of accurately detecting radar EMFs can be rented for

                               several hundred to over a thousand dollars per month. 


                               Telephones and Answering Machines 


                               Telephones can emit surprisingly strong EMFs, especially from

                               the handset. This is a problem because we hold the telephone

                               so close to our head. Place the Gauss meter right against the

                                ear piece and the mouth piece before buying a phone. Some

                               brands emit no measurable fields and others emit strong fields

                               that travel several inches ....right  into your brain. Answering

                               machines, particular those with adapter plugs

                               (mini‑transformers), give off high levels of EMFs. 



                               Electric Razors and Hair Dryers 


                               Electric razors and hair dryers emit EMFs as high as 200 to 400

                                mG.  This seems alarming, but we don't know if this is worse (or

                               better) than a chronic exposure to a 2‑3  mG  field. Some EMF

                               consultants recommend that hair dryers not be used on children

                               as the high fields are held close to their rapidly developing

                               brain and nervous system. 


                               Prudent Avoidance 


                               Electricity is an inseparable part of our  modern day  society.

                               This means that EMFs will continue to be all around us. But as

                               Discover Magazine postulated, aside from making our life

                               easier, is electricity also making our lives shorter? 


                               Most experts agree that limited, non‑chronic exposure to EMFs

                               is not a threat. For example, it is probably acceptable for a

                               person to be near a toaster in the morning.  BUT,  it is not

                               advisable for a person to sleep under an electric blanket, up

                               close, live near a powerline/substation, and sleep in a room

                               where the power enters the home. This person is under an

                               extreme case of chronic exposure. This condition,

                               unfortunately, applies to millions of Americans. 


                               If you wish to  follows  the EPA's advice and practice "prudent

                               avoidance" then the following advice is offered: 


                               Measure your home, work and school environments with a

                               Gauss meter Measure EMFs both inside and outside your home.

                               Don't let your children play near power lines, transformers,

                               radar domes and microwave towers. Avoid areas where the field

                               is above 1  mG.  Measure the EMFs from appliances both when

                               they are operating and when they are turned off. Some

                               appliances (like TVs) are still drawing current even when they

                               are off. 


                               Don't sleep under an electric blanket or on a waterbed. If you

                               insist on using these, unplug them before going to bed (don't

                               just turn it off). Even though there is no magnetic field when

                               they are turned off, there may still be a high electric field.

                               Don't sit too close to your TV set. Distance yourself at least 6

                               feet away. Use a Gauss meter to help you decide where it is

                               safe to sit. 


                               Rearrange your office and home area so that you are not

                               exposed to EMFs from the sides/backs of electric appliances

                               and computers. In the home, it is best that all major electrical

                               appliances, such as computers, TVs, refrigerators  etc , be placed

                               up against outside walls. That way you are not creating an EMF

                               field in the adjoining room. 


                               Don't sit too close to your computer. Computer monitors vary

                               greatly in the strength of their EMFs, so you should check yours

                               with a meter. Don't stand close to your microwave oven. Move

                               all electrical appliances at least 6 feet from your bed. Eliminate

                               wires running under your bed. Eliminate dimmers and 3‑way



                               Be wary of cordless appliances such as electric toothbrushes

                               and razors. You may choose not to wear a quartz‑analog watch

                               because it radiates pulsating EMFs along your acupuncture

                               meridians. An older mechanical windup watch would be an

                               acceptable alternative. It is also recommended to wear as little

                               jewelry as possible and to take it off at night. Many people

                               have metal sensitivity which can be aggravated by placing it

                               right on the skin. Measure with a gauss meter to be sure. And

                               last, but not least, always always always remember that EMFs

                               pass right through walls. The EMF you are reading on your

                               Gauss meter could be radiating from the next room...or from

                               outside your home. 


                               Additional Radiation Info: 


                               Eyeglass frames should ideally be made from plastic with no

                               wires in them, otherwise they can serve as an antenna to focus

                               the radio and cellular phone waves directly into your brain. 


                               What EMF Level Is Safe? 


                               There's a heated debate as to what electromagnetic field (EMF)

                               level is considered safe. Since the experts have not come to an

                               consensus, you'll have to decide for yourself... Many

                               government and utility documents report the usual ambient

                               level of 60‑Hz magnetic field to be 0.5  mG.  Thus, any reading

                               higher than 0.5  mG  is above the "usual" ambient exposure.

                               Many experts and public officials, as well as the few

                               governments that have made an effort to offer public

                               protection, have adopted the 3  mG  cutoff point. The EPA has

                               proposed a safety standard of 1  mG.  Sweden has set a

                               maximum safety limit of 1  mG.


                               Dr. Robert Becker, an MD who has been studying the effects of

                               EMFs for 20 years, states a  lmG  safety limit in his book Cross

                               Currents. When electricians try to solve a magnetic field

                               problem they do their best to drop the level to 1  mG  or below.

                               Dr. Nancy Wertheimer, a Ph.D. epidemiologist who has been

                               studying EMFs for 20 years, has been looking at the

                               epidemiological data in a different way‑‑she is trying to

                               associate EMF levels with 


                               health rather than disease. The level she is coming up with is a

                               cut off of 1  mG.  Russian researchers claim that 1/1000ths of a

                                mG  should be the standard. 


                               The  BioElectric  Body believes that there are several stages of

                               health between "optimum wellness", "degenerative disease"

                               and "Cancer". Thus, we maintain our own living and sleeping

                               quarters at 0.5mG and below. 


                               Recommended Reading 


                               Cross Currents  The  Perils of Electropollution. The Promise of

                               Electromedicine Robert 0. Becker, M.D. Jeremy P.  Tarcher , Inc.,



                               Currents of Death  The  Attempt to Cover Up the Threat to Your

                               Health Paul Brodeur Simon and Schuster, 1989 


                               Electromagnetic Man Health & Hazard in the Electrical

                               Environment Cyril W. Smith & Simon Best St. Martin's Press.

                               Inc. 1989 
