The Mercury Connection to Allergies and Immune Reactive Conditionsallergies, asthma, eczema, diabetes, autism, etc. in children and chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, lupus, psoriasis, oral lichen planus, multiple sclerosis in adults.


Review of over 2000 peer-reviewed medical studies and thousands of clinical cases found the following:   


1.    There has been a large increase in the incidence of allergic and immune reactive conditions such as allergies, asthma, eczema, diabetes, autism, etc. among children and in chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, lupus, psoriasis, oral lichen planus, multiple sclerosis, etc. among adults   (FS1, FS2, FS3, FS4, FS9, FS10)


2. Medical and clinical studies document that a high percentage of people are allergic or immune reactive to mercury to varying degrees, and that many millions are adversely affected by such immune reactive conditions, including many disabled by related autoimmune conditions.  (FS1, FS3, FS9, FS10)


3. Clinical immune reactivity tests by medical labs document that high percentages of those with immune reactive conditions or chronic conditions are significantly immune reactive to mercury or other toxic metals.                 (FS1, FS9, FS10)      


4. Peer-reviewed medical studies and clinical records document that many thousands of children and adults with mercury related immune reactive conditions have recovered or significantly improved after reducing exposures and proper treatment for mercury toxicity. (FS1, FS2, FS9, FS10)


5. Studies researching the cause of the rapid of the rapid rise in childrens immune reactive and neurological conditions identified the high levels of mercury exposure from earlier and more frequent vaccinations that use mercury thimerosal as a preservative; along with significant prenatal and postnatal mercury exposure to infants from mothers amalgam fillings and breast milk. (FS1, FS3, FS4, FS5, FS6, FS9, FS10)      


6. Medical studies, Government Scientific Panels, and thousands of clinical tests by medical labs have documented that amalgam dental fillings are the largest source of mercury exposure in most people, and that exposures from amalgam fillings commonly exceed Government Health Standards for mercury.                 (FS5, FS9)


7.  Medical studies have documented the mechanisms such as immune reactivity by which mercury causes over 30 chronic health conditions, and many thousands of cases of recovery or significant improvement after amalgam replacement or mercury detoxification. (FS9, FS10, FS1, FS2)


8. Mercury from amalgam fillings crosses a pregnant mother’s placenta and accumulates in the fetus at levels significantly higher than in the mother’s blood, and infants are also exposed to significant levels of mercury from mother’s milk in those who have several amalgam fillings.     (FS6, FS5, FS8, FS9)  


9.   The reasons for high levels of exposure to mercury in those with amalgam fillings include the volatility of mercury at room temperature, oral galvanic currents between mixed metals such as amalgam fillings and metal crowns, and currents induced by electromagnetic fields.  This results in high levels of mercury in oral air, saliva, and then to other parts of the body.         (FS8, FS7, FS5)


10.  Mercury is extremely cytotoxic (kills cells), neurotoxic(kills and damages neurons), endocrine disrupting(accumulates and damages the hormonal glands and hormone function including reproductive effects and effects on IQ of children), and immunotoxic (kills cells and damages the immune system and immune function).  Mercury is the most toxic substance people commonly come in contact with and so toxic that the drinking water standard is 2 parts per billion.    Exposure from amalgam fillings or vaccinations are commonly much higher than government health standards.  (FS9)


11. There are similar immune reactive and neurotoxic effects from other toxic exposures such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, nickel, pesticides, organochlorine and organophosphate chemicals, etc.   The effects of mercury and other such toxic exposures are additive or synergistic.                       (FS9, FS10)



FS1.  Immune reactive conditions: the mercury connection to allergies, asthma, eczema, chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, lupus, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, etc.  B.Windham(Ed.)

FS2, Autoimmune conditions: CFS, FM, MS, Parkinsons, ALS, Alzheimers, Lupus, Chrons, Scleroderma: the connection to mercury immune reactivity and amalgam fillings;         B. Windham(Ed.)

FS3. Childrens neurological and immune reactive conditions: the mercury connection to autism, ADD, eczema, allergies,etc.;  

FS4. Effect of Mercury and Other Toxic Metal Exposure on Cognitive and Behavioral Problems of Children- including ADD, dyslexia, learning disabilities,  juvenile delinquency, and crime;              B. Windham(Ed.)

FS5. Common Mercury Exposure  Levels  from  Amalgam  Fillings High and  Government  Health  Standards Commonly Exceeded,

FS6. Transfer  of  Mercury  from  Mothers  Amalgams  and  Breast  Milk  to  the  Fetus  and  Developmental  Effects of Mercury on Infants,

FS7. Adverse Oral Health Problems related to Amalgam Fillings, B. Windham (Ed.)

FS8. The battery in your mouth: oral galvanic currents and metals in the mouth, and interactions with EMF, B. Windham (Ed.)

FS9. Mercury exposure levels and health effects from amalgam fillings and results of replacement of amalgam fillings.  Over 4000 medical study references (most in NIH Medline) documenting common high mercury exposures from amalgam, and that vapor from amalgam is the most dangerous form of mercury to the fetus, and approx. 60,000 clinical cases of amalgam replacement followed by doctors;      

FS10. V.D.M.Stejskal, Dept. Of Clinical Chemistry, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden,  LYMPHOCYTE IMMUNO‑STIMULATION ASSAY ‑MELISA  & VDM Stejskal et al, "MELISA: tool for the study of metal allergy", Toxicology in Vitro, 8(5):991-1000, 1994; & V.D.M.Stejskal et al, “Mercury-specific Lymphocytes: an indication of  mercury allergy in   man”, J. Of Clinical Immunology, 1996, Vol 16(1);31-40;  & Sterzl I, Prochazkova J,                Stejaskal VDM et al, Mercury and nickel allergy: risk factors in fatigue and autoimmunity.  Neuroendocrinology  Letters 1999; 20:221-228;  


National contact person:    Bernie Windham       850-878-9024