Notes on Use of this information: The topics are not in alphabetical order but are grouped somewhat by types of conditions. To find information or referenced advise on your topic of interest, use the document search available to you online to search for key words. (for example: hold down command key (command F) and type in the condition key word to be searched for). Much of the information comes from medical study abstracts found in NIH PubMed or Books or Medical Newsletters, etc. and references are provided for some of this. The 2 most commonly referenced sources (52 & 40) are comprehensive reliable documents and would be good to have for reference or details of information referencing them. For information on herbal supplements and such, online reviews of the source or supplement were also considered. While any known adverse effects were noted, most herbs have been in use a long time and haven’t been found to have many significant adverse effects. While any information or product has been verified to have helped some, individuals can have individual susceptibilities (33,108,113) such as ( or immune reactivities or allergies (33,52) or etc., so professional advice or your doctor should be consulted before discontinuing any prescription or treatment or starting new treatments for significant conditions.

Food Supply Toxicity Affects Everyone

The Food Supply is highly toxic with most non-organic or processed food having high levels of toxic metals, pesticides, Forever Chemicals, microplastics, etc. Chicken and Pork and Farm Raised Salmon are the riskiest food in your kitchen, which can leave you with salmonella, campylobacter and listeria, toxics. It triggers more food poisoning deaths than any other food. Chicken was responsible for the most outbreak-associated illnesses: 3,114 cases in all (12%), followed by pork and seeded vegetables, each responsible for 10% of illnesses. Food testing through the years has shown that chicken is particularly prone to contamination with dangerous pathogens, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria & toxins. Raw chicken has become a notorious carrier of salmonella, campylobacter, clostridium perfringens and listeria bacteria. Salmonella contamination is of particular concern, as multidrug-resistant salmonella has become prevalent. According to predictions, 10 million people worldwide will die from antibiotic-resistant diseases by 2050 lest swift action is taken to curb resistance — and that necessitates the elimination of unnecessary agricultural use of antibiotics. Best to use Pasture-raised Organic Chicken & Pork, but Pork has other problems & FR Salmon is highly toxic. Kids Are Being Exposed to Concerning Levels of Carcinogenic Heavy Meta such as Cadmium Found in Common Foods. Toxic Contaminants Found in 32% of Grocery Store Spices Tested and Dangerous Irradiation Products in Most Tested (similar in other Food Products) At least 50% of hospitalizations and deaths in last 3 years have been caused by the medical system corruption or toxics in food.

Degenerative Conditions: Many degenerative conditions incidence is increasing in the U.S. Due to the relatively poor general health/medical care system in the U. S (World Health Organization) and the poor diet and lifestyle of many people (21,40,52). Dr. Bruce West (40) and others (25,26,41,52,79,99) have found that poor diet/lifestyle choices or prescription drug effects are a major factor in most chronic conditions. He advises that for any chronic condition, diet/lifestyle changes should be considered before drugs or surgery (25,26,40,41,46,51,52,71,72,78-80,82,99), which have known risks. Some of the earliest known medical advice such as first do no harm and let food be your medicine still has some validity. Chronic Inflammation, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction are significant factors in most chronic disease (52,40,33) and many studies have found that an imbalanced gut microbiome contributes to autoimmune disorders, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, chronic fatigue, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, obesity, and more (51b, p23). 

 Mercury, toxic metals, and other toxics can cause all of these factors (33,52,16-18,105,126), and also damage enzymes needed to digest and utilize nutrients and activate necessary hormones (33,40,52). Root Canal Teeth or jawbone cavitations accumulate highly toxic bacterial toxins and also have been shown to cause the significant factors seen in chronic conditions (124). EMF or Wi-fi exposure have been found to increase mercury exposure in people with amalgam fillings, thus increasing mercury toxic effects (117). There is strong evidence and considerable agreement among experts that people have a lot of control of their lifespan and state of health (52 26,40) and that exercise, diet, avoiding toxic exposure and buildups, avoiding EMF/wifi/blue light effects (33,52,99,117), maintaining normal levels of hormones, and vitamins and minerals through supplementation make significant differences in health and longevity (52,42,40,41,21,33,79,99,etc.). An anti-inflammatory diet is associated with reduced mortality and reduced cancer mortality (longer life, 103a,52,40,99) (Mediterranean low glycemic index diet and avoid high temp cooking). Nicotinamide mononucleotide, or NMN (Broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, avocados,136b); reduce red meat and add veggies (beans/ peas/ lentils, etc. Most chronic conditions can be avoided through prevention measures that are known (52,40,41,42,79,99,103,26). 

 [It is estimated that an average of 35% of human cancers (certain types up to 70%) can be attributed to diet (1). According to the WHO report 2002, there were at least 2.7 million deaths globally per year, which are primarily attributable to low fruit and vegetable intake (2). The National Cancer Institute identified about 35 plant-based foods that possess anti-cancer benefits, including garlic, soybeans, ginger, onion, turmeric, tomatoes, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts). Furthermore, the chemopreventive efficacy of these diet constituents has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo. The substantial anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic properties of these tested dietary agents can be attributed to the non-nutritive components of these foods, termed phytochemicals. There could be more than 100 different phytochemicals in just a single serving of vegetables (2), and they can be extracted for therapeutic purposes. Since phytochemicals have not been shown to have any known toxicities, they can be considered as an alternative to the conventional chemotherapy that may be harmful. A number of phytochemicals have been found to have notable efficacy in preclinical models of carcinogenesis, such as those of colorectum, breast, lung, and hematological origin. These include EGCG epigallocatechin gallate from tea, the flavonoids quercetin and genistein from onions and soya, curcumin in curry spice and resveratrol from red grapes (25). Chemopreventive phytochemicals can block the initiation or reverse the promotion of carcinogenesis and impede the progression of precancerous cells into malignant ones. These phytochemicals have been found to have benefits in other types of chronic conditions as well, such as cardiovascular, immune, etc. Good food sources of Quercetin include capers, berries, onions, salad greens, quinoa, buckwheat, apple skin, (108b). {taken from (25)- references here internal- click on reference number-similar information also found in (26, 40, 52,108b)}


There are significant Risks in Doctor Prescribed prescriptions or treatments and Hospital Use

Although a record $3.2 trillion was spent on medical care in the U.S. in 2017, many countries rank higher than the U.S. in effectiveness and life expectancy actually declined in the U.S., and medical system mistakes and poor advice on health and treatment from doctors and the health care system were a factor in this. More effective and less expensive treatment options are often overlooked by doctors and the medical and insurance systems (40,42,51,52,79,99,103,26, etc.) A 1998 study found More than 100,000 people a year died in American hospitals from adverse reactions to medication, making drug reactions and interactions one of the leading causes of death in this country, researchers reported...." (Journal of the American Medical Association study, as quoted in The New York Times (82,83)). An article published in the British Medical Journal described medical error as the third leading cause of death(84b). A 2015 government study by the Centers for Disease Control estimated 400,000 people die each year from preventable adverse events, making it the third leading cause of death in the United States (86) Adverse drug events (ADEs) comprise the largest single category of adverse events experienced by hospitalized patients, accounting for about 19 percent of all injuries. The occurrence of ADEs is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, prolonged hospitalizations, and higher costs of care [84). A 2007 report from the Institute of Medicine estimated that between 380,000 and 450,000 preventable ADEs occurred annually in US hospitals at that time. Assuming 400,000 preventable ADEs each year at an incremental hospital cost of $5857 each, the estimated cost of ADEs in 2006 was 3.5 billion US dollars(85a) Their data analysis estimated greater than 400,000 deaths a year from medical error, none of which captured deaths outside inpatient care(85a). It is estimated in 2012 that preventable medication errors impact more than 7 million patients and cost almost $21 billion annually across all care settings(85ab). Each year in the U.S., serious preventable medication errors occur in 3.8 million inpatient admissions and 3.3 million outpatient visits(87).The Institute of Medicine, in its report To Err Is Human, estimated 7,000 deaths in the U.S. each year are due to preventable medication errors & studies found that Inpatient preventable medication errors cost approximately $16.4 billion annually, while Outpatient preventable medication errors cost approximately $4.2 billion annually.(88) 

It is no longer a secret that adverse drug reactions can be dangerous or even fatal, or that doctors often prescribe two relatively safe drugs -- which may cause a life-threatening interaction if taken together (40,51,52,30,82,99). 

 15 million people take proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to treat heartburn and acid reflux, but in a study of thousands of patients, 22% taking acid-suppressing drugs had recurrent infections with C. difficile, a potentially deadly type of bacteria (99) and large numbers had other significant increased risks. A review of studies indicates that there is a direct association between the onset of dementia and depression on one side and the long-term use of PPIs on the other(116b,108).

The use of AntiCholinergic medication (Rx drugs like Demerol, Paxil, Vesicare, and non-prescription drugs like Benadryl, Dimetapp, Unisom, Tylenol PM, Dramamine) was associated with increased brain atrophy and dysfunction and clinical decline(116a,108). These are widely used. 

 Millions take antihistamines but they are addictive, cause rebound problems for sinuses, and memory loss (40). Similar to steroid nose sprays (40). Most over-the counter cold or flu medications have less benefit than natural treatments that help (40). 

 The over-use of anti-biotics has resulted in increasing and dangerous drug resistant bacterial conditions, with over 700,000 per year dying of drug-resistant infections or drug caused infections (99,101d). Antibiotics are useless against colds, flu, and most upper respiratory infections or sinusitis (40,52) yet weaken the immune system and leave you prone to diarrhea, yeast infections, fungal infections, skin problems, etc. (40)- there are more effective treatments. 

Overuse of prescription antibiotics and overuse in factor animal farms and cleaning products has resulting in antibiotic resistance being one of the largest health problems facing the world (40,51,52,100,101,104,79b), resulting according to the U.S. CDC in millions affected by antibiotic resistant infections (101) or chronic health problems such as MRSA, fluoroquinolone induced problems, digestive problems, and weakened immune systems. Millions have toxic metal exposures such as mercury, lead, cadmium, etc. which have been found to commonly cause chronic adverse health effects (33,16-18,52,105) and to promote antibiotic resistant bacteria (104,33)- with mercury being the most problematic and resulting in antibiotic resistant bacteria more resistant to treatment/ remediation(104c). A BMJ study in 2016 (40), found that of millions of anti-biotic prescriptions issued, only 13% were clearly appropriate, and well over 50% were inappropriate, Agricultural land and vegetables in sewage-irrigated areas were found to be heavy metal- and metalloid-contaminated. The regression coefficient for the incident rate of children's blood lead level ≥ 5 g/dL in each census block was positive for the soil lead concentration around the house, so higher soil lead levels were associated with higher child blood levels. There are also other common sources of lead exposure such as some food, plumbing solder, some plastic blinds, etc. Contamination levels of heavy metals and metalloids vary among the cities, with industrial areas being most polluted.

MRSA is a growing problem affecting hospital patients and health care system patients and athletes, etc. The US Food and Drug Administration warned on 12-20-18 that the benefits of fluoroquinolone antibiotics do not outweigh the risks -- which include aortic aneurysm for certain patients, according to the latest research. Patients most at risk for an aortic aneurysm after taking these antibiotics are the elderly, those with high blood pressure, people who have a history of blockages of the aorta or other blood vessels, and those who have genetic conditions like Marfan syndrome or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. In July, the agency sent a notice that these drugs may significantly decrease blood sugar and negatively impact mental health. In 2016, the FDA said that the drugs may have a disabling side effect on muscles, nerves, joints and the central nervous system and should be restricted for use in some simpler infections.� Fluoroquinolone antibiotics now have a CDC black-box warning due to causing increased risk of tendon rupture, aortic aneurysms, cardiac dysrhythmias, autoimmune problems, and other degenerative conditions (99,52).� Fluoride in these drugs is toxic and damages the mitochondria of cells (99). 

There has been a significant increase in infertility in the U.S. and world in recent years (108). According to the WHO, approx. 25% of those trying to become pregnant in developing countries for 5 years were unable to do so (120). Male sperm concentrations and total sperm count declined more than 50% from 1970 to 2010, and another study fround a substantial drop in male testosterone level from the 1980s to the early 2000s-over 10% (120). There are documented to be many drugs and environmental toxins people are commonly exposed to that adversely affect fertility (108,33)- including NSAIDs, POPs, mercury (33,,

toxic metals (108,52,33,126), EMF/Wi-fi (108,117,122), etc.� 

[A study showed taking 1200 mg of Ibuprofen a day lowered testicular output significantly(121a). Another study found Ibuprofen damaged testicular tissue(121b). Another study found that ibuprofen taken in the first trimester by pregnant women can damage the testicles of the male fetus(121c). EMF/Wi-fi was found to lower sperm counts and lower sperm mobility (122,108), as well as having other adverse health effects; Tylenol(acetaminophen) damages the liver and severly depletes the body of essential glutathione levels(108b)]. 

 Over $100 billion per year is spent on mostly inappropriate and harmful ADHD drugs (40). Some side effects of the common drugs used include: decreased appetite, weight loss, insomnia, depression, nausea, indigestion, abdominal pain, anxiety, dizziness, irritability, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, mood swings. Better results with proper low glycemic index diet with plenty of protein and good fats, avoid toxic exposures and nutritional deficiencies, ADHD Protocol supplements [Calcium Lactate (6), Min-Tran (6), Cataplex G (6), if depression or anxiety, add Cataplex B (6)] 

 Many doctors consider that the FDA is overly influenced by Pharmaceuticals, and many of their negative statements and positions on supplements, adequate levels of vitamins and minerals, and treatments have been debunked by studies and authorities (52,40,33, 99, etc.) Regular use of household disinfectants was found to result in higher children’s obesity and other adverse health effects(98b). 

For example, higher levels of vit C, vit E, folate, etc. than recommended by the FDA have beneficial effects for health, longevity, and cancer prevention (52, etc.) A large well-known study showed long term supplementation of folic acid reduced colon cancer risk by 75%, while supplementation with vit C provided significant benefits in cardiovascular health and reduced levels of bladder cancer compared to those who didn’t supplement, and vit E/vit K2 for risk of carotid atherosclerosis (52), etc. 

 Overuse of prescription antibiotics and overuse in factory animal farms and cleaning products has resulting in antibiotic resistance being one of the largest health problems facing the world (40,51,52,100,101), resulting according to the U.S. CDC, in millions affected by antibiotic resistant infections (101) or chronic health problems such as MRSA, fluoroquinolone induced problems, digestive problems, and weakened immune systems. MRSA is a growing problem affecting hospital patients and health care system patients and athletes, etc. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics now have a CDC black-box warning due to causing increased risk of tendon rupture, aortic aneurysms, cardiac dysrhythmias, autoimmune problems, and other degenerative conditions (99,52). Fluoride in these drugs is toxic and damages the mitochondria of cells (99). Similar is true for anti-fungals where misuse and overuse on farms has resulted in development of fungal superbugs such as Candida auris, which are commonly found in wounds, in the ear, and bloodstream (40). Such fungal infections in hospitals or nursing homes for surgery or catheter use situations have a high fatality rate (40).

Large amounts of statin drugs are taken in spite of there being little evidence that they improve heart disease outcomes (99). In fact statins have been shown to reduce the vital CoQ10 and reduce cellular energy and inhibit the synthesis of vit K2, which is important in preventing calcification of arteries, etc. and blood clotting- thus can be very dangerous (99). Statins also have been found to increase the risk of diabetes, especially in women (99).

Drug Side Effects  [acetaminophen causes over 10,000 deaths per year (5)- NAC treats (52)), NSAIDs taken for joint pain cause further damage to the joint, making arthritis worse, and blocking your bodies’ natural ability to repair cartilage(41,52,99), The group of traditional NSAIDs was associated with a 47% increased risk of acute myocardial infarction, a 26% increased risk of stroke, and a 138% increased risk for GI haemorrhage(5); NSAIDS can cause internal bleeding, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, and liver damage (5, 52).]; Statin toxicity (thousands affected- COQ10 treats, 52); A large clinical trial found that the widely used drug for Gout- febuxostat, increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, but is no more effective than safer options- the FDA issued a black box warning fro the drug; GLP-1 receptor agonist diabetes drugs commonly cause significant digestive problems (108b)- berberine is an effective natural alternative. 

[protect against antibiotic resistance- Essential Oil (lemon grass, 22); probiotics (52)], colloidal sliver products (40)

Options to anti-biotic use- [(40): Sinus Relief and Sinus Support for sinus problems; Respiratory Relief with nebulizer for bronchitis, whooping cough, pneumonia; Throat Relief for people with tonsillitis or strep throat; Wound Relief for skin and flesh wounds or rashes; Digestive and Urinary Tonic for people with food poisoning and stomach flu; Congestion Relief for people with allergies; flu or pneumonia prevention (good diet & exercise, Immuplex, Congaplex, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil)]; [(42): oxygen therapy(ozone, hydrogen peroxide, HBOT), IV hydrogen peroxide(60a); HBOT(60b)]; Essential Oils(108,22)

Gut Microbiome May Be a Game Changer for Tumor & Disease Prevention

Dozens of health conditions have been traced back to the influence of gut microbes, including obesity, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s, allergies and cancer.

Recent research shows gut microbes control antitumor immune responses in your liver, and that antibiotics can alter the composition of immune cells in your liver, triggering tumor growth.

Certain gut bacteria promote inflammation, which is an underlying factor in virtually all cancers, whereas others quell it. Certain cancers have also been found to have infectious underpinnings.

Targeting the gut microbiome could be a real game-changer in the fight against cancer, as the presence of certain gut bacteria appears to boost the patient’s response to anticancer drugs.

Even cancer therapies that do not rely on the activation of your immune response typically fail unless you have the appropriate gut microbes. Some chemotherapy agents rely on bacteria to eradicate the tumor, influence gene expression or alter the stability of your genes.



The Estrogen Epidemic & Widespread Proliferation of Estrogenic Health Effects-

(Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals- Effects: see Endocrine Conditions)

Endocrine disrupting chemicals are pervasive in the environment and the food chain, and a common cause of chronic health problems including obesity (132,37). Some examples include pesticides, POPS, PAHs, dioxins, PCBs, pesticides, phthalates, BPA, glyphosate, mercury, lead, etc. They are commonly found in medications, food, plastics, personal care products, water, air, etc. Estrogenic medicines include tetracycline, ampicillin, cimetidine, some anti-fungals and anti-depressants. Synthetic estrogens have been found to commonly affect fertility and hormonal function(135e). Meat and dairy have growth hormones and anti-biotics added that have having major effects, likewise for pigs and chickens (132). Additionally, the corn and soy fed to animals has usually been sprayed with pesticides and herbicides including glyphosate that add to the total, and are GMO. The Genetically Engineered hormone rBGH is added to dairy feed to increase production- but also increases estrogen and iGF-1 in people which can have adverse health effects(132). Fruits and vegetables have also usually been sprayed with pesticides or herbicides and can be contaminated with PAHs. Food additives such as propyl gallate from baked goods and 4-hexylresorcinol used to color shrimp are estrogenic. Plastics such as BPA and PET are estrogenic along with many of forms of plastic found in packaging and food containers. Personal care products, such as phthalates, nonylphenols, and parabens are estrogenic, causing fertility and reproductive system problems and hormonal effects (132). Bottled water is a primary source of BPA, etc. Large amounts of pesticides and herbicides are sprayed on fruit & vegetables, and thus affect a large portion of the public. The fruits highest in pesticides are apples, cherries, imported grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, red raspberries, and strawberries(132b). The vegetables highest In pesticides are bell peppers, celery, potatoes, spinach (132b).

Problems with Plastics: plastics are everywhere in modern life but commonly leach estrogenic substances into the food chain, water, etc. PVC and polystyrene contain chemical plasticizers such as DEHA. Commonly used in deli wraps, etc. DEHA migrates into high fat foods and is estrogenic. BPA is estrogenic and migrates into water and foods from water bottle and plastics.

Prevention:  Organic foods are one way to avoid these effects. Filtered tap water is another. Some supplements that counter estrogenic effects include ALA, NAC, bioperine, chrysin, milk thistle, resveratrol, zinc, and calcium D Glucarate (132).  See endocrine conditions(search).

Estrogen-Reducing Foods(132e) cruciferous vegetables, dietary fiber, green tea, oatmeal, onions pomegranate

Herbs and Essential Oil Use(108f):

Herbs contain a large number of naturally occurring substances that work to alter the body’s chemistry in order to return to its natural state of health. Unlike purified drugs, however, plants and other organic material contain a wide variety of substances and hence, less of any one particular active chemical. This attribute makes herbs far less potentially toxic to the body than most pharmaceutical products. Another benefit of natural herbs is that they tend to contain combinations of substances that work together to restore balance to the body with a minimum number of side effects. Herbs of all types are available in many forms including: whole herbs, dried herbs, capsules and tablets, extracts and tinctures, poulstices and ointments. Essential Oils of herbs are condensed and powerful and can be very effective in improving health if properly used. Many are anti-bacterial and/or anti-viral and/or have anti-cancer properties. But knowledge of their effects and care to make sure they are safely and effectively used is needed. Provide your doctor or herbalist with information about your health history and regarding the supplements, medicines, and herbs that you are taking. Herbs may be used as a part of a holistic approach to the treatment of pain or heart disease that includes proper nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction. Herbs that might help the body restore the cardiovascular system to proper working order include those known to be hypotensive (blood-pressure-reducing), diuretic (fluid-reducing), calmative (anxiety-reducing), and tonic (energy-building). There are many of these, so there are choices to be made based on your circumstances. The anti-cancer mechanisms of polyphenols and flavonoids such as Resveratrol, Quercetin, finestin, genistein, EGCG, hesperidin, include activating the SIRT1 protein or AMPK, which can cause apoptosis of cancer cells and lowering levels of inflammatory markers like TNF-alpha and TGF-beta. (108b,40) Polyphenols also exhibit cytotoxic effects on cancer stem cells which are among the most virulent cancer cells, underlying cancer recurrence, metastasis, and multiple drug resistance (40).

 Some ways of using essential oils include aromatherapy diffusers, facial saunas in bowl with towel, as Inhalants in water container, topical applications with carrier oil, as bath oils, in massage oils with carrier oil(108f,22). For safety, a home patch test using a clean skin surface, a drop or 2 of a new essential oil in a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil, and a band aid to cover can be used before using a new essential oil.


Degenerative Conditions are commonly caused by common toxic exposures, dangerous technologies, and further diet advise:

Chronic cumulative or acute exposures to toxic substances such as mercury, lead, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), and pesticides ( commonly occur, and also cause or are a major factor in a large number of neurological or immune conditions in millions of people (33,89,96,99,105,108,111-114,19c). ( ( Eliminating exposures and/or detoxification usually results in cure or significant improvement in such conditions(33,89,94). ( Combinations of subacute levels in combinations has been found to be able to exert toxic and carcinogenic effects(19c,33). Studies have found that people who are fit, even if they have other known health risk factors, have a lower risk of death compared to unfit people who have none of these factors(51b-p78). For diagnosis and treatment of metal toxicity see Mercury and Toxic Metals (33,126) and Neurology, below.

 Toxic POPs and metals exposure can come from food chain sources through both agricultural crops or the fish and seafood food chain (33,96,19), which are both threatened by increasing toxic levels worldwideThe health of marine mammals has deteriorated significantly over the past two decades. Many of the newly emerging and resurgent diseases are associated with immune system dysfunction and suggest a broad environmental distress syndrome. Marine mammals present a metabolic imbalance, so they are considered one of the most vulnerable organisms with respect to long-term toxicity of man-made chemicals such as organochlorines and mercury. Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) are known to have a poor ability to detoxify organic pollutants because they lack isozymes that are required to detoxify DDT and PCBs (96). (

 Nanoparticles are widely present in the air of workplace environments and affect immune functions, causing different immune responses. A workplace study (18) showed a statistically significant increased level of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α in serum in both industry exposed groups compared with office workers, as well as a higher level of TNF-α in workers from the woodworking company compared with the metalworking employees. We found an elevated level of IL-6 in the exposed groups as well as an elevated level of IL-8 in the nasal lavage in woodworking employees after work. Thus, it is seen that workplace exposures to air nanoparticles can cause increased inflammatory cytokines and inflammatory conditions, which can damage the neurological and immune systems.

EMF/wifi/cell phone towers/blue light from computers, cell phones, computers/LED lights, smart meters, etc. cause free radical damage, damage to blood-brain barrier, disruption of brain chemistry, increased beta-amyloid plaque, thyroid and hormone disruptions, significant reduction in melatonin, sleep disorders, cellular disfunction, heart dysrhythmias, headaches, sperm and DNA damage, hyperactivity, cancer, learning, and mood problems, lower sperm counts and sperm mobility, etc.- thus should have exposure levels reduced and treated for (99,40,103b,108,117,122,52,33,41) EMF or Wi-fi exposure have been found to increase mercury exposure in people with amalgam fillings, thus increasing mercury toxic effects (117).

Treatment includes avoidance, especially at night, and use of technologies such as wifi timers at night, protective shielding devices, blue light glasses, blue light app for cell phone, home phone and computer with cords for ethernet rather than wifi; etc. (99,103b). Google which phone have lowest Specific Absorption Rate(SAR) and switch cell phones; turn off phone where reception is very poor(more EMFs); visit to find out how close to your home or location is to cell phone towers; install a kill switch to turn off EMF and Wi-fi devices when sleeping or not in use; buy devices for persons and home to protect against EMF and Wi-fi.� 

Dr. West also suggests that individual synthetic vitamin supplements such as synthetic vit E often are not effective and can cause harm and advises that a high protein, low carbohydrate diet with supplements as needed from whole foods along with exercise is the most effective way to avoid chronic health problems and recover from past poor choices (40). He and others believe there are large numbers of prescription drugs for which the benefits are less than the risk (40,21,51,52,30,99,33,41) 

GMO Foods: Over 80% of foods we eat such as corn and sow are GMO foods, and similar for many other vegetables and animal crops (100). Much of it contains dangerous levels of toxic or carcinogenic chemicals such as glyphosate (Roundup), atrazine, chlorpyrifos, metolachlor, etc. that have been documented to cause large numbers of health problems to people and animals (100). A meta-analysis of studies on glyphosate found there is a 41% increase in non-Hopkins lymphoma in the highest group of exposures(100g) and animal studies were consistent with the increased risk of cancer. A study found the consumption of GMO crops or consumption of animals consuming GMO crops were correlated with incidence of or deaths due to organ diseases, cancers, and neurological diseases (100). All of the correlations were greater than 90%, with autism and senile at 99%. Intestinal diseases were correlated with the number of acres of GMO Bt corn planted (100). Dr. Gerhauser (99) recommends boycotting all GMO foods unless a specific type is proven safe, and that eating organic where reasonable. . 


Mental Health (depression, anxiety, OCD, etc.) - the Nutrition, Toxic Exposure, and Exercise Connection: chronic nutritional deficiencies are a major factor in most mental health problems (40,52); common deficiencies (B vitamin complex, healthy fats, magnesium, iodine); 

 EMF/wifi/cell phone towers/blue light from computers, cell phones, computers/LED lights, smart meters, etc. cause free radical damage, damage to blood-brain barrier, disruption of brain chemistry, increased beta-amyloid plaque, thyroid and hormone disruptions, significant reduction in melatonin, sleep disorders, cellular disfunction, heart dysrhythmias, headaches, sperm and DNA damage, hyperactivity, cancer, learning, and mood problems, lower sperm counts and sperm mobility, etc.- thus should have exposure levels reduced and treated for (99,40,103b,108,117,122,52,33,41) EMF or Wi-fi exposure have been found to increase mercury exposure in people with amalgam fillings, thus increasing mercury toxic effects (117).

Treatment includes avoidance, especially at night, and use of technologies such as wifi timers at night, protective shielding devices, blue light glasses, blue light app for cell phone, home phone and computer with cords for ethernet rather than wifi; etc. (99,103b). Google which phone have lowest Specific Absorption Rate(SAR) and switch cell phones; turn off phone where reception is very poor(more EMFs); visit to find out how close to your home or location is to cell phone towers; install a kill switch to turn off EMF and Wi-fi devices when sleeping or not in use; buy devices for persons and home to protect against EMF and Wi-fi. 

Green oat extract is natural MAO-B inhibitor, which increases dopamine levels and often improves depression/mood and cognitive function (99), LE Dopa-Mind; Vit K counteracts inflammation which is a factor in anxiety & depression.

Mental Health Protocol: avoid sweets and processed food, whole foods with Mediterranean high protein, low carbohydrate diet, Cataplex B(40), raw flax oil or sesame oil or Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil; The mind is a powerful tool for health recovery(40):� Think your way to health (Personal Power II tapes by Anthony Robbins & Attacking Anxiety and Depression by Lucinda Bassett)� Over 15 % of people experience major depression, which also result in cognitive impairment(51b). Exercise is very important in preventing or reducing mental health problems (21,40,51,52). In an 8-week experiment in which depressed people did either stretching or endurance exercise. Endurance exercise reduced depressive symptoms by 58% while stretching reduced symptoms by 22%.� Endurance exercise also resulted in greater improvement in cognitive function (51b, p80). Elderly people who did endurance exercise for 6 months experienced new cell growth and brain volume increase in the area most affected by age-related deterioration (51b, p81); DHEA is often effective at reducing major or minor depression(99b); LE dissolvable DHEA; SAMe, weighted blanket (133a,

Toxic exposures (mercury, lead, other toxic metals, POPs, etc.) can also be significant factors in these conditions (33,96,16-18,105,52) Mercury from dental amalgam or fish is a common factor in most neurological and immune conditions(33,; and lead is a common cause of neurological and cognitive problems, especially in children(126, Drinking water fountains and such equipment are common sources of lead (107,126).


Essential Oils with sedative/calming effect (orange, lemongrass, frankincense, bay, chamomile, Anise, benzoin, bergamot, bitter almond, camphor, cedarwood, clary sage, cypress, dill, jasmine, marjoram, myrtle, neroli, patchouli, petitgrain, sandalwood, spikenard, tagetes, tangerine, tansy, tuberose, vanilla, vetiver, ylang ylang, combinations, how to use: 22)

Neurological Problems

Mercury and Toxic Metals & Neurological Problems

Mercury and Metals Toxicity is often a factor in most kinds of neurological problems (33,52,16-18,89,105,126). [common toxic heavy metal exposures (52,126): mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, aluminum]; For toxic metals and neurological problems - testing is required to assess exposure levels and determine treatment( urine provocation test, hair test, fecal test, blood test, Quicksilver Tri Test(94)) note some hair dyes can contaminate hair test,52); Dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in most people (33af,105,113) but large fish can also have high levels of mercury, which is extremely neurotoxic); relatively low levels of toxic metals can cause neurological problems and significant exposures common; relatively low levels of lead for example increase risk of death by 25% or more(108) and mercury is more toxic than lead(33). 

Excitotoxicity is a major factor in the development of most chronic neurological conditions (137) including Alz, ALS, MS, and Parkinson’s. Glutamate and nitric oxide are necessary for cellular processes and the nervous system, but too much glutamate outside neuron cells can cause excitotoxity which damages cells. Toxic metals or other neurotoxics can result in this. Excess nitric oxide can play a role in the excitotoxicity. Proper levels of the eNOS form of nitric oxide play a beneficial role in the cardiovascular system. But the forms iNOS and nNOS are inflammatory if there is too much or improperly controlled, result in competing for oxygen in the cellular energy cycle so high levels of superoxide can be formed. Superoxide combines with nitric oxide if not properly controlled to form peroxynitrite which is a powerful free radical that can cause immune system damage and neurological damage, resulting in autoimmunity one of the chronic neurological conditions if too much peroxynitrite is formed to be controlled by antioxidants.

(T: eliminate exposures (replace amalgams and amalgam supporting gold crowns safely, 33) and detoxification); Arsenic

 is a common source of toxicity(52,33)-some common effects include progressive peripheral and central nervous system effects, arrhythmia, neuropathy, etc.(126); Lead is a common source of significant toxicity which targets the bones, brain, kidneys, and thyroid and learning behavior(52,16,17,89,126)- chronic effects include birth defects, mental retardation, autism, psychosis, allergies, dyslexia, hyperactivity, weight loss, muscular weakness, paralysis, etc (52,33,16,17,126). Cadmium which targets the liver, placenta, kidneys, lungs, brain, and bones with chronic effects including chronic obstructive lung disease, kidney disease, fragile bones, alopecia, arthritis, learning disorders, growth impairment, emphysema, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease (52,126); aluminum is also a common sources of toxicity to many- effects include memory loss, learning difficulty, loss of coordination, mental confusion, digestive problems, headaches, etc.(126,52) ; all of these commonly have learning and behavioral effects on children);  mercury and lead are symbiotic with many infectious agents such as chlamydia, Herpes, cytomegalo, candida, viruses responsible for cancer, etc. so treatment of these isn�t effective without reducing toxic metal levels through cleanups and detox (52,33,126). Toxic metal exposures such as mercury, lead, cadmium, etc. have been found to promote antibiotic resistant bacteria (104,33,126), with mercury being the most problematic and resulting in antibiotic resistant bacteria more resistant to treatment/ remediation(104c). Although iron is an essential nutrient, too much iron is common as people age or have liver damage and over-accumulate - which creases harmful free radicals that damage cells & DNA (52) (symptom-hyperpigmentatation, tests are available).  Arsenic or fluoride detox: Pectasol(42); Curcumin(137d)



Mercury Chelation methods(Quicksilver detox options(94), DMSA(52),- can be dangerous if not careful ,modified citrus pectin(42,52), NAC(52,33), chlorella (53,52), selenium & zinc(52,33), �lactoferrin(52), curcumin(52), activated charcoal(52), find a doctor(33,89); Lead Detox(EDTA(52,89)-topical or suppository or IV, DMSA(52), NAC(52), Pectasol(42,52), TrueMilkThistle(55,52), Chlorella(52,53), Quicksilver detox(94); curcumin(52). Vit C&E(52); Cadmium Detox: NAC(52), glycine(52), MSM(52), Methionine(52), Pectasol(42,52), SAMe(52), chlorella(53,52), selenium ; Arsenic detox(52): DMSA, NAC, Pectasol(53,52), silymarin, curcumin), Iron detox(52): acute poisoning(Deforoxamine))pectin, lactoferrin(L-carnitine), Quercetin, cranberry, EGCG, Pomegranate, curcumin; Aluminum detox: (52) deferoxamine, EDTA, curcumin; Selenium (Se) has been shown to counteract the toxicity and oxidative stress of heavy metals(6,52,33) such as cadmium, inorganic mercury, methylmercury, thallium. Although not as effective as Se, vitamin E significantly alters methylmercury toxicity and is more effective than Se against silver toxicity. Vitamin E is very effective against lead toxicity but Se has little effect. Methylselenocysteine is safest and most bioavailable form of selenium.(also anti-cancer effects), N-acetyl cysteine(NAC) is an antioxidant that promotes higher glutathione levels which are needed for detoxification (52,33); Chlorella has been found beneficial with toxic metals, uranium, PCBs (52,53,126), Alfalfa has high nutrient content and provides fiber for detoxing colon(52);� Cilantro(52) and other chelators (33)� have been found to improve effectiveness of other treatments where symbiotic effects of toxic metals are involved.� Green tea (EGCG), lactoferrin, and NAC have been found to have anti-cancer benefits (52). Infra-red sauna is also useful for detox,99; Nutritional therapies(52): Vit C& E &A,� Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Glutathione, Lactoferrin, Selenium, zinc, Cilantro, garlic, green tea, calcium, NAC, Glycine, Carrnosine, L-carnitine, Detoxification agents,52): Alfalfa, Chlorella, MSM, Rutin, Modified Citrus Pectin(MCP), Quercetin, Cranberry and pomegranate, Curcumin, Dietary fiber);� Protective agents(52): SAMe, Silymarin

Essential Oils that aid Detox (lemon grass, parsley, birch, carrot seed, cumin, galbanum, combinations, how to use: 22)


Degenerative Neurological Conditions:  Toxic exposures cause lipid peroxidation, generation of free radicals/oxidative damage, mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA damage, inflammatory cytokines such as TMFa, and neurotransmitter deficiencies or imbalances (33,40,52).  Zinc and curcumin reduce inflammatory cytokines and inflammation and pain (51). Lipoic acid (11) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and vit E (gamma tocopherol) and acetyl-glutathione increase glutathione levels and protect against superoxide radical/peroxynitrite damage, so thus have an additional neuroprotective effect (33).  Zinc is a mercury and copper antagonist and can be used to lower copper levels and protect against mercury damage.  Lipoic acid, L-Carnitine, & acetlyl-L-Carnitine  have been found to have protective effects against cerebral ischemic-reperfusion, excitotoxic amino acid(glutamate) brain injury, mitochondrial dysfunction, diabetic neuropathy(137a)- (Lipoic acid, True ALA (55), AlphaLipoicAcid with biotin (51), 3 gm Acetyl-L-carnitine/day).  Other antioxidants such as carnosine, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamins C & E, gingko biloba, and pycnogenol have also been found protective against degenerative neurological conditions (33,42, 51,52).   Galantamine is a cholinesterase inhibitor and stimulates the nicotinic receptors in the brain, while modulating other neurotransmitters such as glutamate, serotonin, GABA, low bile salts (supplement), Turmeric & proteolytic enzymes, TrueEZ-D(55), walnuts(LE). 

DNA damage (toxics, X-rays, etc.), protective(xantholhumol, chlorophyl, watercress extract), LE  DNA Protection Formula, 51); Mitochondrial dysfunction is a major factor in most degenerative neurological conditions (99) and can be improved(eat healthy fats and fish, drink unfluoridated water & vit C water filter if water chlorinated, avoid bromide in grains and cleaning chemicals, deep breathing exercises, avoid EMF/wifi/blue light exposure, take PQQ supplement such as LE PQQ; magnesium (103a), Resveratrol (108b); Tumeric Forte (40)

Excess glucose causes inflammation resulting in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and significant adverse health effects such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and nerve conditions (103a,51). Highly processed foods and high temp cooking and dry heat cooking (frying, grilling, roasting) or browning of food also produce AGEs. acetyl-L-Carnosine & Benfotiamine counteract AGEs (103a,51) and improve such conditions. High blood sugar and formaldehyde (from digestive processes & pollution sources) destroy cell structure by cross-linking proteins (103a). Formaldehyde is a factor in dementia, diabetes, depresssion, aging damage, DNA damage)103a). acetyl-L-Carnosine protects against formaldehyde damage and cross-linking. 


Neurodegenerative Conditions Neurodegenerative Conditions are increasing due to increased inflammation from vaccinations and excitotoxicity(137b). Much of the damage occurs during brain development which occurs in pregnancy or the first 2 years after birth. Increased glutamate outside neuron cells is a factor in such, triggering excitotoxicity and death of neuron cells.

Dementia/Alzheimer’s:  early signs of ALZ (tingling in fingers or toes, slow, shuffling gait, cramping in arms or legs, trouble with tongue, facial muscles, swallowing, worsening mood/social skills, spatial memory loss, changes in eating and grooming habits, difficulty in depth perception, loss of smell); Causes/factors (40,52,108): chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, toxins(108,40,33)[Inflammation caused by vaccines or other sources can trigger microglial priming which causes microglia and macrophages to secrete high levels of inflammatory cytokines which damage neurons(137b)]; poor diet (26,40,52,108,109), Riboflavin or Thiamin deficiency can be a factor in ALS, etc. & is beneficial(137b): (R5P& B1) [obesity, diabetes, hypoglycemia (40,108)-eat to prevent; (People who eat eggs every day did BETTER on tests of cognitive performance,136b)]; [susceptibility factors (mutation of superoxide dismutase gene SOD1) and APOE4 or APOE3 blood alleles or MTHFR gene mutation,108,33 ( use Cerefolin NAC (Rx) or NAC, selenium, B vit, zinc, ALA, Astragalus], low-dose lithium (108b); fluoride(40), high meat and dairy consumption (109), CT scans (133a-NAC protective); [HSV-1 infection (108b)- lysine, garlic]; yerba mate (133a & pubmed studies); [ toxins (mercury, aluminum, copper, POPs, magnetite-test & detox) (108,33) [poor sleep pattern leads to loss of brain plasticity (108)-shut off TV, computers, smartphones at least an hour before bedtime, warm bath-consider epsum salt bath; go to bed at same time each night, if problem with waking up during night, try a small snack of nuts or plain yogurt before bed; early morning sun and exercise(99,108)-see insomnia]; artificial sweeteners/ Aspartame/ etc. contain methanol which converts for formaldehyde(99c); lyme disease (33,108,135), [HSV-1 (108)-treat (lysine, oil of oregano, olive leaf extract, garlic, grapefruit seed extract, zinc, vit C]; Heartburn meds that contain aluminum (gelusil, etc., 108e); Antiperspirants with aluminum(108e); fluoride in drinking water (filter) or dental products(108e); aluminum foil(esp. with acidic foods)(108e); baking soda with aluminum(108e); PBDE(carpet pads, etc.)(108e); [House Dust(magnetite, metals, etc.)(108e)-use Hepa Filter in house, use Hepa filter on vacuum, never dry dust];[ Lead(drinking water fountains, coffee, tea, etc.)- test and detox(108e)]; Arsenic(weed killers, rice, etc.)-test and detox(108e)]; Weed Killers(Roundup, etc.)(108e); Methyllisothiazolonone(MI)-in shampoo & cosmetics (use essential oils)(108e); [Metabolic Cognitive Syndrome (low insulin and insulin receptors in brain)(type II diabetes and hypoglycemia related): treat to prevent these conditions-avoid high glycemic foods, add coconut oil or MCT oils, 108a]; [low acetylcholine levels(test and detox environmental toxins)- Acacia extract, skullcap extract, (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d) Chrysin(108)]; [Resveratrol(prevents acetylation of tau proteins, protects DNA, protects telomeres,108)-red grapes or boiled peanuts]; [lions mane mushrooms (produce nerve growth factor(NGF) (Amyloban or lions mane supplements)- prevention or treatment of Alz, 108];[peppermint tea, curcumin, vit D3, Gingko biloba, 108]; alcohol or tobacco(109f); [(mercury (33,108,113,94), divalent copper from plumbing or supplements (112,108), aluminum(33,108); toxic metals cause inflammation, oxidative stress and mitochondrial insufficiency (33,35,52,105,108,114,126) and glutamate toxicity (33,52) and inflammatory cytokines which are seen as factors in inflammation (33,108,114,126), TNFa promotes amyloid-beta buildup (LE, 2-03,51,108,33) -weight training and detox (suppress TNFa. IGF-1 reduces A-beta  buildup (13,33,108)];-test and cleanups & detox, Pectasol (42), milk thistle(55,108), chlorella or chlorophyll or sulphoraphane (108), for aluminum(lithium,108), IV chelation where needed(33,89,108)], [pesticides & air toxics such as magnetite(108); those living close to heavy traffic have higher dementia risk,108(WHO says air pollution is greatest environmental health threat-causing millions of deaths); reduce air pollution, HEPA air purifier in home & office, HEPA filter on vacuum(108)]; Turmeric Forte with coconut oil(40,108), ,L-carnitine (2 gm/ day), music therapy, maple syrup extract(108), TruePS(55); [AGEs- Excess glucose causes inflammation resulting in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and significant adverse health effects such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and is a factor in dementia/ Alzheimer’s(103a,51). Highly processed foods and high temp cooking and dry heat cooking (frying, grilling, roasting) or browning of food also produce AGEs. acetyl-L-Carnosine & Benfotiamine counteract AGEs (103a,51) and improve such conditions(103a). High blood sugar and formaldehyde (from digestive processes & pollution sources) destroy cell structure by cross-linking proteins(103a,108). Formaldehyde is a factor in dementia, diabetes, depression, aging damage, DNA damage(103a). acetyl-L-Carnosine protects against formaldehyde damage and cross-linking]. Eating soy regularly was found to increase dementia risk, while fermented soy products such as tempe decreased dementia risk (115). [ In some studies, 13% of those with AD had Creutzfeldt-Jacob spongiform encephalitis (109c). 20 to 40% of US dairy herds were infected with Bovine tuberculosis- a risk factor in human tuberculosis, etc. (109c), PQQ enhances mitochondrial function and reduces brain aging (51); likewise- Longevity AI (51); Luteolin is the most effective compound for brain stimulation or repair(137b). Zinc can stimulate microglia so should be used carefully. Astragalus  T: [(Theoflavins,Quercetin,Fisetin),Senolytic Activator], Astragalus increases secretion of BDNF(nerve growth factor).

Enhancing Cognitive Performance and NGF levels- Lion’s Mane mushroom or mushroom extract, Bacopa monnieri and citicoline; Berberine (108g)]

Those with vegetarian and fish diets had lower AD incidence (109). Melatonin is protective (9). Virgin coconut oil increases glutathione levels and is neuroprotective (108,110); high homocysteine (see HHCY) (treatment: avoid red meat and dairy(109,111), regular exercise, folate, NAC(52), SAMe, Taurine, TMG, vit B12, Bit B2, Bit B6, Zinc, CDP choline, Creatine(111b) DHEA, curcumin(69) : Super-Bio Curcumin(51,4.5*), Terry Naturally Curamin Extra Strength(4.5*),(Bvit), Huperzine A with Alpha GPC or Pramiracetam (133a); ALA(11),  NAC, quercetin (12), (Coconut oil, berberine, 99); resveratrol, ElectroMagnetic Fields (EMF) & Wi-fi(99,108,117) ( & (; Intestinal flukes in brain (31), solvents (xylene, toluene,31); SOD1 gene mutations (20% of familial Alz, 52). Susceptibility factors are a major factor in who is affected by toxic metals or diet (33,108,113,126). Susceptibility is a major factor in neurological and immune system damage from toxics such as mercury (118,113,33,126). Superoxide dismustase (SOD) is a major and vital factor in the methylation process that produces glutathione (GSH), the body system’s master protector from toxic damage- SOD1 gene is neuroprotective but the mutated form SOD1-G93A is not protective, resulting in lower glutathione levels (118). Because of this, the mutated gene form is associated with familial AD as well as being a factor in AD and other conditions by reduced glutathione availability. Mercury vapor and methyl mercury cause significant damage to SOD1-G93 cells but not SOD1 cells(118c). Resveratrol was found to counteract this damage/effect and also to counter oxidative stress and inflammation(108b). Apolipoprotein APOE4, one of the 3 blood allele types of APOE, has been found to result in inability to detoxify cells and the body and is a major susceptibility factor in AD and other neurological conditions (113). APOE2 allele people have less susceptibility to toxic effects. Resveratrol Elite(LE)

APOE3 allele people have more susceptibility than for type 2. 

 Glutathione is produced by methylation that’s responsible for brain neurotransmitter production, immune function, and detoxification. DNA methylation and other epigenetic factors are important in the pathogenesis of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD). Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene mutations occur in most elderly patients with memory loss(118e). MTHFR is critical for production of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAMe), the principal methyl donor. A common mutation (1364T/T) of the cystathionine-γ-lyase (CTH) gene affects the enzyme that converts cystathionine to cysteine in the transsulfuration pathway causing plasma elevation of total homocysteine (tHcy) or hyperhomocysteinemia-a strong and independent risk factor for cognitive loss and AD. Other causes of hyperhomocysteinemia include aging, nutritional factors, and deficiencies of B vitamins. 

   T:  avoid aluminum food products and aluminum use in cooking, cleanup & detox metals[dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in most people(33,105,113) -replace dental amalgams and gold crowns over amalgam and detox( Pectasol(42), chlorella(53), NAC, Quicksilver detox (94), see doctor (33,89)], �Turmeric Forte(Standard Process,40); (Pectasol(42), TrueMilkThistle,55; TrueALA(55), chlorella(53)) , Spanish Black Radish(TL 3-07),  infra-red sauna(99,108); Fish Oil (EPA/DHA), (LEF, 1-09), TrueOmega-3(55),TrueResveratrol(55), OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol-has (DHA(350mg),EPA(200mg), COQ10(50mg), B6(30mg), B12(750mg), folate(100mcg), L-Carnitine(200mg)-for general heart health(41),� energy production testing , melatonin(1 mg at night,9), niacin, resveratrol; Jarrow Methyl B12 Lemon, DHEA; Diet and exercise are important in preventing and slowing the progression of AlZ(21,40,51,52);[Certain Sage extracts or essential oil(Salvia lavandulaefolia) significantly improve brain function and reduce Alzheimer’s risk and increase life span by encouraging neurogenesis, increasing Acetylcholine; and reducing oxidative damage and inflammation(203a)]. [Fermented foods (sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kombucha or plain yogurt; & regular exercise (108)]; lithium oratate (108); [Root canal teeth or jawbone cavitations accumulate highly toxic bacterial toxins that damage the immune system and can cause most of the factors seen in Alz (124)- test & proper dental cleanups]; Provasil, NeuroActin

 Alzheimer’s Disease Protocol(40): [avoid flu shots(40,33e) and keep prescription drugs to minimum, exercise most days, lots of mental activity, avoid aluminum cookware, 1/3 of diet raw vegetables, avoid processed food, avoid chlorine and fluorine(fluorine is toxic and chlorine in water with organics causes cancer(60a)(filter shower and drinking water or use ozone for treatment rather than these toxics, 60a), eat fish and take flax seed oil or Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, Cataplex B and Folic Acid B12 and Turmeric Forte(Standard Process,40)], [Vit B12 (methylcobalamin), high zinc with small amount of copper in familial ALZ, ginseng, ginkgo bioba, COQ10, Acetyl-L-Carnatine, Lipoic Acid, Protein supplement and amino acids, creatine, NAC, green tea(EGCC), Pycogenol, Resveratrol, 52], hemp CBD(95), (42), Carnosine(52); Coconut Oil(60);

Kill parasites and avoid solvents,  avoid commercial beverages, AloeCran(55),  sterilize milk & zap shigellas; Environmental cleanups and cleanses ;  Coconut oil (Willis,40) preventative-    LE July 2001, 8-13, 02-03,  policosanol (HIS,28,30) ,  GalantaMind(LE), acetylcholinesterase inhibiter & sensitizes nicotinic receptors,� Sun Chlorella,53; omega-3s; B12 & B6, Huperzine A(LE)(43 to 70% improvement)(2), LE(9-03), lithium oratate (3,57), CDP-choline(LE) (Alvarez XA et al, Double blind placebo controlled study), Vit B12 & multiB, lipoic acid curcumin, TrueCurcumin(55), Jarrow Methyl B12 Lemon chewable(4.5*)(vegan suitable) -

    Red Yeast Rice with CoQ10 (4), Red Yeast Rice (with garlic and niacin, 15);   metal toxicity: detox (Pectasol,42; Quicksilver detox (94), TrueMilkThistle, 55; TrueALA(55) , chelation(33,89,108), SunChlorella, 53); infra-red sauna(108); resistance exercise reduces inflammatory condition risk(108); Thiamine(B1) fights diabetic artherosclerosis, reduces dementia risk; Acetyl-L-carnatine(ALC), Phosphatidylserine(Lipogen PS Plus), HuperzineA, Ginkgo Biloba, Vinpocetine, vit D reduces risk of dementia, DMAE, Omega-3 Fatty Acids(90), TrueOmega-3(55), (fish oil,flax oil),  lycopene ; [Lyme disease is common cause of Alzheimer’s(33,108,135); ’

B vitamin group; vitamins E and K; and the antioxidant and energetic cofactors alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), ubiquinone (CoQ10), and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced (NADH) help. (35), TrueCoQ10(55)

Oxygen therapy: IV hydrogen peroxide(60a); HBOT (60b)

[A Harvard study found that people with Alz Disease treated with a cholinenesterase inhibitor plus memantine cut the rate of mental decline in half compared to taking CI alone. Taking any of the hundreds of drugs having anticholinergic properties can cause major negative mental effects.] 

Alzheimer’s Individualized Combination Therapy(ICT Protocol)- Dr. Bredesen(UCLA Alzheimer’s Center) and Dr. Rothfeld(108d)- 10 simple steps to eliminate Alzheimer’s- test for nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, toxic metals, and other toxicity indications, then (1)[Reduce inflammation and stabilize Blood Sugar levels: diet that is low in sugars, simple carbohydrates, low on glycemic index, plenty of good fats- such as Paleo or low carbohydrate Mediterranean Diet, eat dinner early and fast for 12 hours until breakfast; Supplements: Omega-3s(DHA/EPA), turmeric; (2) [Optimize hormone balances (proper nutrition, test and bioidentical hormone treatments, stress reduction-daily exercise, yoga, Tai Chi, music, meditation), Supplements: D3, Ashwagandha]; (3)Optimize Antioxidants- Diet: see step 1, organic blueberries, spinach, kale, oranges; Supplements:Tocotrienols, tocopherols, selenium, vit C, NAC, ALA; (4) Optimize Gut Health- Diet: see step 1, Supplements: good prebiotic/probiotic; (5) Plenty of Healthy Fats: avoid trans-fats, saturated fats in moderation, plenty of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats such as avocados, olives, seeds, and nuts, (DHA/EPA), coconut oil or MCT oil; (6) Enhancing Cognitive Performance and NGF levels- Lion’s Mane mushroom or mushroom extract, Bacopa monnieri and citicoline; (7) Boost Mitochondrial Function- Supplements: PQQ & CoQ10; (8) Mental and Physical Exercise daily, crossword puzzles, sudoku, bridge game, online mental games, etc.; low impact cardio or strength training daily; (9) Ensure Nocturnal Oxygenation- good steep steps daily and test and treat Sleep Apnea where necessary; (10) Detox Heavy Metals: detox supplement heavy metals urine test, if silver/mercury/amalgam fillings, replace fillings safely and detox(33,94), Pectasol(42,33), chorella(108), milk thistle(108), IV chelation as needed(89,33), consider & liver cleanse (33,52,31,40,etc.) 

Natural Antiparasitic treatments: Essential Oils (oregano, galbanum, nutmeg, sandalwood, tagetes, combinations, how to use: 22)

Age-Related Cerebrovascular Disease (ARCD): Cardiovascular Protocol plus Turmeric Forte (4/day) with fat food (40); Resveratrol(108b), use NAC, selenium, B Vit, VIT C, Vit K, zinc, ALA], low-dose lithium(108b); See ICT protocol-Alz, Resveratrol Elite(LE)

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE): (TBI) concussions, head trauma; Tumeric Forte (40), natural vit E, high dose Vit C (108), vit D3, creatine theraphy (108b); 

[Resveratrol; (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d), Chrysin, Methylxanthine (caffeine); skullcap; 108b]

Memory Loss/cognitive decline [causes/factors (33,21,40, 52,109): poor diet, too much refined carbohydrates, [nutritional deficiencies (especially complex B vit & vit D (40,108)- cataplex B from Standard Process,40)], [elevated levels of homocysteine(51,108)-not only did homocysteine levels fall but memory improved after B vit supplementation(108)]; elevated inflammatory cytokines(IL-6, CRP(52), chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, insulin resistance, [declining hormone levels(52,99,108): bioidentical hormone therapy-estrogen for women and testosterone for men, studies show better cognition and less ALz(108)], endothelial dysfunction;[toxins in brain (mercury, other toxic metals (114, 126), molds, solvents, parasites, lyme disease) cause many of the above factors (33,52,105,108,31,126,135): avoid toxins & detox (Pectasol,42; Quicksilver detox(94), TrueMilkThistle, detox,55, TrueALA, 55), Sun Chorella (53), (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d) Chrysin EDTA chelation(21,89),DMSA(21)(for doctor(33,89)); Infra-red sauna(99,108)]; A good Mediterranean diet or vegetarian diet with fish was associated with reduced cognitive decline (109def), however several studies found negative associations of high tofu consumption with cognitive function in older Asian populations(115). Fermented soy products like tempe reduced cognitive decline; Rhodiola Rosea (133a); Resveratrol(108b), Astaxanthin; schisandra (133a); use Cerefolin NAC (Rx) or NAC, selenium, B vit, zinc, ALA], low-dose lithium(108b); Enhancing Cognitive Performance and NGF levels- Lion�s Mane mushroom or mushrood extract, Bacopa monnieri and citicoline(108b); Lipogen PS Plus; Resveratrol Elite(LE), Wasabi.

Essential Oils that aid Detox (lemon grass, parsley, birch, carrot seed, cumin, galbanum, combinations, how to use: 22)

[Hormonal imbalances: �many hormone levels decline with age or toxic exposures (33,99), DHEA levels decline increasingly after age 50. �DHEA and pregnenolone deficiencies can contribute to cognitive decline(52) and supplementation can protect against or improve cognition(99); Aging men taking testosterone boosters or supplemental testosterone restoration have improved cognitive function(52,21); Low thyroid hormone can affect cognitive function, test and treat; Low HDL cholesterol can lead to cognitive decline through increased endothelial dysfunction and artery plaque buildup-regular exercise, EDTA detox for plaque(21,89); EMF/wifi/blue light(99,33,108,117)-reduce exposures; high homocysteine levels can� causes clogged arteries and vascular dysfunction, etc, (52) supplement folate and complex B vit(40,108); hypertension damages the cardiovascular system, test and treat; adrenal fatigue-see adrenal fatigue, diabetes and insulin resistance affect cognition: test and treat; obesity likewise; anxiety and stress: yoga, tai chi, regular exercise; depression(see depression); other treatments: low carbohydrate, high protein and good fats Mediterranean diet(40,99), check and correct nutritional deficiencies and hormone imbalances and insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction) Turmeric Forte(Standard Process,40) with coconut oil];� CoQ10;

Certain Sage extracts or essential oil (Salvia lavandulaefolia) increase long-term memory appox. 60% and resultin a 2.5 fold increase in accuracy of attention and also improve mood and brain function(203a); 

[Nutraceutical treatment (52): fish oil, polyphenols and anthocyananians: vegetable/fruit powders, blueberries, raspberries, etc., EGCG, Resveratrol, Complex B vit, COQ10, Acetyl-L-Carnatine, Phosphatidylserine, Ginkgo Biloba Bocopa monnieri, Huperzine A, GPC, Vinpecotine, Multivitamin]

other: (ginkgo, lecithin), DMAE, Advanced Memory Formula(42), True PS(55), PQQ, (increased motivation and anxiety relief, vinpocetine,51) ,  TMG /betaine -liver support  & digestive support,  Panothenic Acid (B5): stamina, supports acetylcholine (HSI)  Inositol (anxiety & stress relief, OCD), GABA (anxiety relief), Rosemary essential oil;  N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine (anxiety, detox, tremor)(HSI), Advanced Adaptogen Complex(42, 2-18), Sun Chlorella(53), {Sense of Mind: HIS has all of these}  Magnesium (epsum salt baths) , TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), MUFAs,� Learning Ability (increase)   DMAE(increased motivation and concentration), Phosphatidylserine(PS) (learning and memory) , True PS(55),  (Brain Protex(Nature�s Sunshine)); magnesium, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), TrueMilkThistle, detox,55 ;  Green oat extract is natural MAO-B inhibitor , which increases dopamine levels and often improves depression/mood and cognitive function(99), LE Dopa-Mind

[Resveratrol; (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d) Chrysin, Methylxanthine (caffeine); skullcap; 108b]

Amnesia (portion of brain involved in memory comprised); Types (anterograde, retrograde, transient global amnesia); (causes: traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer�s, brain infection, dementia, seizures, stroke)

Nutrition supporting healthy memory: low carbohydrate, high protein, good fats,40), (GPC, Ashwagandha, Phosphatidylserine, Blueberries, Grape Seed Extract, Pregnenolone and DHEA, Fish Oil, COQ10, PQQ, Acetyl-L-Carnatine, Gingko Biloba, Vinpocetine, Huperzine A, Magnesium, vit B1 and B12, Piracetam, 52), (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d) Chrysin

(Cataplex B by Standard Process, 40)

Parkinson’s Disease  caused by depletion of dopamine-producing cells in substantia region of brain; (major factors (52,40,33): oxidative stress, inflammation, dysfunctional mitochondria)[Inflammation caused by vaccines or other sources can trigger microglial priming which causes microglia and macrophages to secrete high levels of inflammatory cytokines which damage neurons(137b)] Riboflavin or Thiamin deficiency can be a factor in ALS, etc. & is beneficial(137b): (R5P& B1; [toxic bacteria from jawbone cavitations and mercury/metals cause oxidative stress, inflammation and mitochondrial insufficiency (33,35,108) seen in Parkinson’s; ( &(, Luteolin is the most effective compound for brain stimulation or repair(137b). Zinc can stimulate microglia so should be used carefully. Astragalus protects the substantia and stimulate neuron growth(137).

 [dental amalgam is largest source of mercury in most people(33,105,113)-safely replace amalgam fillings(33) and detox(Pectasol(42), Chlorella(108), TrueMilkThistle(55),], [Metals detox: Pectasol(42), Quicksilver detox(94), TrueMilkThistle,55; TrueALA(55), NAC(52), see doctor(33,89); susceptibility factors affect the body�s detoxification ability and are a big factor in who is affected; [use Cereform NAC or NAC, vit B, selenium, zinc, ALA, 108b] pesticides: (33,, cleanups & cleanses(31) and detox; [other detox: Pectasol (42), TrueMilkThistle,detox,55;True ALA, colonics(21), NAC(52), acetyl-L-Carnosine(52), infra-red sauna]; [PQQ(43,51,52,33)- PQQ Improves mitochondrial function, improves cholesterol, improves sleep and mood, cardio function, blood sugar, reduces inflammation(63), People taking PQQ experience signif. Decreases in C-Reactive Protein and IL6(markers of inflammation, 64), Mitochondria dysfunction has been implicated in many disease conditions and aging processes (65).]; Resveratrol(108b); Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ(LE,51), LE Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with PQQ(51Yerba mate (133a & pubmed studies),PQQ, Lipoic Acid, Taurine, acetyl-L-Carnosine (103a), B6); Schisandra (133a); Other T: Tumeric Forte with coconut oil/MCT oil (40,2b); (Simvastatin, COQ10,52): [CoQ10 is anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective(103a), clinical trials indicate protection against dementia, Alz, etc.)]; [nicotine patch, coffee consumption, COQ10, Fish oil, vit B complex, Vit D3, Carnitine, Green Tea (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d), Chrysin,Resveratrol, Curcumin, Melatonin(9), NAC, Lipoic Acid ,52]; Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)(60b) (HBOT therapy, L-carnitine, �Lemon Balm(400mgx3), Dr. Sears(43)), Accel CoQ10, 43, Galantamine(improved in 46% of cases), LE( Dec 03) , Azilect (Antiaging ), music therapy, tango ( stetching, balance exercises, tango style walking, footwork patterns, dance with and without partner) ; Tai-chi; coffee and tea suppress; avoid milk; Memantine, 

[Resveratrol (prevents acetylation of tau proteins, protects DNA, protects telomeres,108)-red grapes or boiled peanuts]; [lions mane mushrooms (produce nerve growth factor (NGF) (Amyloban or lions mane supplements)- prevention or treatment of ALS, 108]; [peppermint tea, curcumin, Gingko biloba, 108]; [divalent copper or copper/zinc balance (108,112)- zinc]

selegiline/deprenyl/cyprenil, Phenylalanine  LE (Sep 03); high iron & manganese associated with Parkinson�s; vit D reduces risk of Parkinson�s, [walking/exercise improves memory, transdermal nicotine patches have been found to improve cognitive functioning and other problems in Parkinson�s patients (52). Blueberries and magnesium reduce oxidative stress and improve cognitive function(103a). �Recombinant G-CSF is a possible treatment for Parkinson�s in clinical trials(52); Physical therapy and exercise beneficial(52), Coffee(52) and tea- but may need periodic abstinence of 2 weeks to sustain effect; [supplements (52): Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ(LE,51),, Creatine, Fish Oil, complex B vit; Vit D3, Carnitine, Green Tea (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d) Chrysin), Resveratrol, Curcumin, Melatonin(9), NAC, Lipoic Acid] 

[Susceptibility factors are important in the effects of toxics on cells. ( The progressive loss of motor control due to reduction of dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta and decreased striatal dopamine levels are the classically described features of Parkinson disease (PD). Neuronal damage also progresses to other regions of the brain, and additional non-motor dysfunctions are common Mutations of Parkinson�s disease protein DJ-1 are known to cause a form of recessive early onset Parkinson disease, highlighting an important functional role for DJ-1 in early disease prevention. Study results show that expression of DJ-1 enhances the cells' protective mechanisms against induced metal toxicity and that this protection is lost for DJ-1 PD mutations A104T and D149A (123).

Other susceptibility factors that have major effects on accumulation and toxicity of mercury and toxic metals and thus on timing of getting chronic neurological conditions are the type of Apolipoprotein allele of the individual, along with the mutation of� mercury protective superoxide dismutase SOD1 gene and mutation the the MTHFR gene. �(In a study of amalgam filling effect on women, Hg, Ag, Al and Ba metal levels increased in women who had dental amalgam fillings for long periods and Hg had a positive correlation with SOD-1. SOD-1 may be a possible biomarker for assessing chronic Hg toxicity(118d). Significant elevation in mercury or other toxic metal concentration in muscle tissue from SOD1-G93a transgenic individuals appear to facilitate the development of AD, PD, and other neurological conditions, making transgenic individuals more susceptible to mercury and metal exposures and imbalances and being affected at earlier ages in individuals with chronic exposure such as dental amalgams (118bc,33,126). Resveratrol was found to be protective against such effects(118c). (Inherited defects or differences in the body�s ability to detoxify can contribute to heavy metal accumulation and toxicity. Deficiencies of certain minerals, vitamins, and amino acids reduce the body�s ability to excrete toxins following exposure. Those with the genetic allele ApoE4 protein in the blood have been found to detoxify metals poorly and to be much more genetically susceptible to chronic neurological conditions than those with types ApoE2 or E3. Researchers have shown that genetic carriers of the brain protein APO E2 are protected against Alzheimer's disease (AD) whereas genetic carriers of the APO E4 genotype are at enhanced risk factor for developing AD, PD and other degenerative neurological conditions. (112); (Glutathione is produced by methylation that’s responsible for brain neurotransmitter production, immune function, and detoxification. DNA methylation and other epigenetic factors are important in the pathogenesis of late-onset Alzheimer's disease(LOAD) Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene mutations occur in most elderly patients with memory loss (118e,108). MTHFR is critical for production of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAMe), the principal methyl donor. A common mutation (1364T/T) of the cystathionine-γ-lyase (CTH) gene affects the enzyme that converts cystathionine to cysteine in the transsulfuration pathway causing plasma elevation of total homocysteine (tHcy) or hyperhomocysteinemia-a strong and independent risk factor for cognitive loss and AD. Other causes of hyperhomocysteinemia include aging, nutritional factors, and deficiencies of B vitamins.)]

Tr: B vitamin group; vitamins E and K& D; and the antioxidant and energetic cofactors alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10; CoQ10), and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced (NADH) help. (35), Resveratrol Elite(LE)  

proteolytic enzymes, TrueEZ-D(55), Vit B6, PQQ(51), UltraAccel II(PQQ,CoQ10, vitE, 43); Balancing neurotransmitters-a usually successful treatment: (Hinz, Shallenberger, 42)- To learn more about this treatment, and to see a patient’s story, go to Just click on �Rod-Parkinson’s Disease.

[Resveratrol; EGCG, L-Theanine, Methylxanthine (caffeine); skullcap; 108b]

Some of causes/factors in Parkinson’s are similar to Alzheimer’s(108)- see ICT Protocol and treatments related to sources(108) in Section on Alzheimers.� 

;[Root canal teeth or jawbone cavitations accumulate highly toxic bacterial toxins that damage the immune system and can cause most of the factors seen in Parkinson�s(124)- test & proper dental cleanups]

Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils- (eucalyptus, orange, oregano, thieves, chamomile, benzoin, boldo, camphor,Citronella, Helichrysum, Manuka, Mullein, Myrrh, Rosemary, Sage, Sandelwood, Spikenard, Tansy, Vitiver, Yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22)

 Huntington Disease -progressive brain disorder caused by a single defective gene on chromosome 4, progression can be slowed/delayed by good diet such as MIND diet, Berberine, etc. (108g)

Multiple Sclerosis(MS) (autoimmune/inflammatory disease characterized by damage to the myelin sheath of the brain and spinal cord); [causes: vit D deficiency(52), inflammation caused by vaccines or damaged white T cells(52)[Inflammation caused by vaccines or other sources can trigger microglial priming which causes microglia and macrophages to secrete high levels of inflammatory cytokines which damage neurons(137b)], Riboflavin or Thiamin deficiency can be a factor in ALS, etc. & is beneficial(137b): (R5P& B1) Luteolin is the most effective compound for brain stimulation or repair(137b). Zinc can stimulate microglia so should be used carefully. (most with MS are infected with Epstein-Barr Virus- infection could be a factor,52), hormone imbalance(52), organic solvent toxicity (52), milk/wheat sensitivity(52), smoking(52); fluke infestation (meat, pets,31); artificial sweeteners/ Aspartame/etc. contain methanol which converts for formaldehyde(99c) which poisons brain, etc. ], DHEA reduces inflammatory cytokines that contribute to autoimmune diseases(99b); oxygen therapy: IV hydrogen peroxide(60a); HBOT(60b); [mercury or metals toxicity causing inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction (33,31,35, 52,105, Dental amalgam is largest source of mercury in most people(33,105,113); In an amalgam study of 15,000 people, researchers analyzed exposure by specific types of mercury and found a significant increase in methyl mercury, the most toxic form of mercury, related to dental fillings (which contain inorganic mercury). Yu said this result suggests the human gut microbiota, a collection of microorganisms living in the intestines, may transform different types of mercury(113d). The results show that individuals with more than eight fillings had about 150 percent more mercury in their blood than those with none. Note that a gold crown over amalgam can cause more mercury exposure than an amalgam filling. Luteolin is the most effective compound for brain stimulation or repair(137b). Zinc can stimulate microglia so should be used carefully.

Metals like mercury bind to SH-groups (sulfhydryl) in sulfur compounds like amino acids and proteins, changing the structure of the compound that it is attached to.  This often results in the immune systems T-cells not recognizing them as appropriate nutrients and attacking them (33).  Such binding and autoimmune damage has been documented in the fat-rich proteins of the myelin sheaths of the CNS (33) and collagen (33), which are affected in MS.  Metals by binding to SH radicals in proteins and other such groups can cause autoimmunity by modifying proteins which via T-cells activate B-cells that target the altered proteins inducing autoimmunity as well as causing aberrant MHC II expression on altered target cells (33). Studies have also found mercury and lead cause autoantibodies to neuronal proteins, neurofilaments, and myelin basic protein (MBP) (33).  Mercury and cadmium also have been found to interfere with zinc binding to MBP (33) which affects MS symptoms since zinc stabilizes the association of MBP with brain myelin.  MS has also been found to commonly be related to inflammatory activity in the CNS such as that caused by the reactive oxygen species and cytokine generation caused by mercury and other toxic metals (33,52,108,114,126). Many have been significantly improved after dental cleanups and detox (33)]. Antioxidants like lipoic acid which counteract such free radical activity have been found to alleviate symptoms and decrease demyelination (33). Phosphatidylserine has been found to be protective of myelin(103a). A group of metal exposed MS patients with amalgam fillings were found to have lower levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hemocrit, thyroxine, T-cells, and CD8+ suppresser immune cells than a group of MS patients with amalgam replaced, and more exacerbations of MS than those without (33).  Immune and autoimmune mechanisms are thus seen to be a major factor in neurotoxicity of metals),� 

Mercury/metals detox: Quicksilver detox (94), Pectaso\\l(42), TrueALA(55), NAC, DMSA/chlorella(21,108), see doctor(33,89); infra-red sauna(99)], Tumeric Forte with coconut oil/MCT oil(40,2b); exercise, lithium oratate(2,57), vit D3 (5000 IU), fish oil, COQ10, selenium, �vit B complex(Cataplex B by Standard Process(40)] 

[Resveratrol (prevents acetylation of tau proteins, protects DNA, protects telomeres,108)-red grapes or boiled peanuts]; [lions mane mushrooms (produce nerve growth factor (NGF) (Amyloban or lions mane supplements)- prevention or treatment of ALS, 108]; [peppermint tea, curcumin, Gingko biloba, 108]; [divalent copper or copper/zinc balance (108,112)- zinc], Astragalus.

��������� [Susceptibility is a major factor on accumulation and toxicity of mercury and other toxic metals. Some susceptibility factors that have major effects on accumulation and toxicity of mercury and toxic metals and thus on timing of getting chronic neurological conditions are the type of Apolipoprotein allele of the individual, along with the mutation of� mercury protective superoxide dismutase SOD1 gene and mutation the the MTHFR gene �(In a study of amalgam filling effect on women, Hg, Ag, Al and Ba metal levels increased in women who had dental amalgam fillings for long periods and Hg had a positive correlation with SOD-1. SOD-1 may be a possible biomarker for assessing chronic Hg toxicity(118d). Significant elevation in mercury or other toxic metal concentration in muscle tissue from SOD1-G93a transgenic individuals appear to facilitate the development of ALS and other neurological conditions, making transgenic individuals more susceptible to mercury and metal exposures and imbalances and being affected at earlier ages in individuals with chronic exposure such as dental amalgams(118bc,33). Resveratrol was found to be protective against such effects(118c)). (Inherited defects or differences in the body�s ability to detoxify can contribute to heavy metal accumulation and toxicity. Deficiencies of certain minerals, vitamins, and amino acids reduce the body�s ability to excrete toxins following exposure. Those with the genetic allele ApoE4 protein in the blood have been found to detoxify metals poorly and to be much more genetically susceptible to chronic neurological conditions than those with types ApoE2 or E3. Researchers have shown that genetic carriers of the brain protein APO E2 are protected against Alzheimer's disease (AD) whereas genetic carriers of the APO E4 genotype are at enhanced risk factor for developing AD and other degenerative neurological conditions. (112,; (Glutathione is produced by methylation that�s responsible for brain neurotransmitter production, immune function, and detoxification. DNA methylation and other epigenetic factors are important in the pathogenesis of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene mutations occur in most elderly patients with memory loss (118e,108). MTHFR is critical for production of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAMe), the principal methyl donor. A common mutation (1364T/T) of the cystathionine-γ-lyase (CTH) gene affects the enzyme that converts cystathionine to cysteine in the transsulfuration pathway causing plasma elevation of total homocysteine (tHcy) or hyperhomocysteinemia-a strong and independent risk factor for cognitive loss and AD. Other causes of hyperhomocysteinemia include aging, nutritional factors, and deficiencies of B vitamins.)], Homocysteine Complete(LE), Resveratrol Elite(LE)

Other causes and treatments: 

Xylene ,toluene (paint, paint thinner);  detox, liver cleanse; infra-red sauna;� Essential Oils that aid Detox(lemon grass, parsley, birch, carrot seed, cumin, galbanum, combinations, how to use: 22);� Shigella bacteria(milk products): treat and sterilize milk,� fluke:  zap & treat(31);� Excess zinc from products such as SuperPolyGrip(avoid/detox), Pectasol(42); Also (for Mercury related MS: selenium, Vit C, Vit E (gamma tocopherol), Mg citrate,) 

Hormone imbalance: a study found that those with high estradiol to progesterone ratio had more lesions (52) and hormone balance may ease symptoms; the steroid hormones testosterone, estrogens, progesterone and DHEA can modulate the immune system. 

[MS nutritional protocol(52): good diet, Vit D3, Fish oil, GLA, Selenium, Vit E(natural), NAC, Lipoic Acid, COQ10, vit B12, Gingko Biloba, Green Tea(EGCG), Curcumin]; Jarrow Methyl B12 Lemon chewable(4.5*)(vegan suitable); Turmeric Forte(40);

MS: Calcium AEP*, B12(sublingual), Adenosine Monophosphate injections (25 mg once or twice per week) ProBoost Thymic Protein A (treats autoimmune), Turmeric & proteolytic enzymes, TrueEZ-D (55), Integrative Digestive Formula (Advanced Bionutritionals) , CEDS: hemp CBD (95)

B vitamin group; vitamins E and K; and the antioxidant and energetic cofactors alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10; CoQ10), and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced (NADH) help. (35)

      Procarin (amino acid/histamine) (Wr*) (compounding Pharmacy or ACAM,89), 

"Copaxone" has shown some beneficial results without harmful side effects other than site redness. LDN (for autoimmune related)  

 Some of causes/factors in MS are similar to Alzheimer�s(108)- see ICT Protocol and treatments related to sources(108) in Section on Alzheimers.�

[Root canal teeth or jawbone cavitations accumulate highly toxic bacterial toxins that damage the immune system and can cause most of the factors seen in MS(124)- test & proper dental cleanups]


Demyelinating Syndrome or Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropthy (CIPD) (in conditions such as lupus), toxic metals (detox,33,89,94,108,126), excess zinc from products such as GSK Superpolygrip, infra-red sauna (99,108), 

Guillain-Barre Syndrome    toxic metals, vaccinations, excess zinc from products such as GSK Superpolygrip

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): ALS is a progressive nervous system (neuromuscular) disease that destroys nerve cells and causes disability. Senile plaques (amyloid beta) and neurofibrillary tangles accumulate and cause cellular damage in key areas of brain (52). Supplementation that boost slows progress of the disease (52). Oxidative stress, Glutamate Toxicity, Inflammation, and Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Excitotoxicity are factors in ALS that cause brain damage (52,137) [Inflammation caused by vaccines or other sources can trigger microglial priming which causes microglia and macrophages to secrete high levels of inflammatory cytokines which damage neurons(137b)]. Loss of sex hormones may also contribute (52). [(All of these factors have been found to be caused by mercury and toxic metals (33,52,108,113,114,126). (Safe replacement of amalgam dental fillings and gold crowns over amalgam along with detoxification of metals effects have improved large numbers of people�s neurological problems (33). Amalgam fillings are the largest source of mercury in most people (33,105,113)); A significant percent of ALS cases are of the familial type that has been linked to a mutation of the copper/zinc super oxide dismutase gene (Cu/Zn SOD) which reduces the supply of the body�s master detox agent, glutathione and increases the effects of mercury/toxic metals/ etc. (118,33). [use Cereform NAC or NAC(137), Tocotrienol, nano-curcumin and nano-silymarin(137), Astragalus, vit B, selenium, zinc, ALA, 108b]. The majority of ALS cases are of the sporadic type. Based on studies of groups of monozygous twins, animal studies, and ALS patient case studies, the majority of ALS cases do not appear to be genetic but rather have primarily environmental related causes- often affecting genetically susceptible individuals (118,& 416,423,471,520,93,94 ,95,97,200,303, 580, 35 in Other susceptibility factors that have major effects on accumulation and toxicity of mercury and toxic metals and thus on timing of getting chronic neurological conditions are the type of Apolipoprotein allele of the individual, along with the mutation of mercury protective superoxide dismutase SOD1 gene and mutation the the MTHFR gene (see (In a study of amalgam filling effect on women, Hg, Ag, Al and Ba metal levels increased in women who had dental amalgam fillings for long periods and Hg had a positive correlation with SOD-1. SOD-1 may be a possible biomarker for assessing chronic Hg toxicity(118d). Significant elevation in mercury or other toxic metal concentration in muscle tissue from SOD1-G93a transgenic individuals appear to facilitate the development of ALS and other neurological conditions, making transgenic individuals more susceptible to mercury and metal exposures and imbalances and being affected at earlier ages in individuals with chronic exposure such as dental amalgams(118bc,33). Resveratrol was found to be protective against such effects(118c,108b)). (Inherited defects or differences in the body�s ability to detoxify can contribute to heavy metal accumulation and toxicity. Deficiencies of certain minerals, vitamins, and amino acids reduce the body�s ability to excrete toxins following exposure. Those with the genetic allele ApoE4 protein in the blood have been found to detoxify metals poorly and to be much more genetically susceptible to chronic neurological conditions than those with types ApoE2 or E3. Researchers have shown that genetic carriers of the brain protein APO E2 are protected against Alzheimer's disease (AD) whereas genetic carriers of the APO E4 genotype are at enhanced risk factor for developing AD and other degenerative neurological conditions. (112,33); (Glutathione is produced by methylation that is responsible for brain neurotransmitter production, immune function, and detoxification. DNA methylation and other epigenetic factors are important in the pathogenesis of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene mutations occur in most elderly patients with memory loss (118e,108). MTHFR is critical for production of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAMe), the principal methyl donor. A common mutation (1364T/T) of the cystathionine-γ-lyase (CTH) gene affects the enzyme that converts cystathionine to cysteine in the transsulfuration pathway causing plasma elevation of total homocysteine (tHcy) or hyperhomocysteinemia-a strong and independent risk factor for cognitive loss and AD. Other causes of hyperhomocysteinemia include aging, nutritional factors, and deficiencies of B vitamins.); Riboflavin or Thiamin deficiency can be a factor in ALS, etc. & is beneficial(137b): (R5P& B1).   [low-dose lithium (108b), Resveratrol] 

 ALS symptoms are sometimes caused by disease which can be treated (33,108). Infection: Spirochete infection was found in about 90% of ALS patients and not in most healthy people (52), with a strong statistical relation to ALS. Early intervention against infection may prevent or delay ALS development (52). Lithium has been found to be brain protective in ALZ and reduces some of the factors in ALZ (3,52,57,108). Lithium oratateResveratrol (108b); Enbrel (TNF-a blocker) was found to be beneficial in some and is undergoing clinical trials (52). Comparison of ALZ patients to healthy controls found lower levels of G-CSF (growth factor) in ALZ patients (52). Injections of G-CSF in trials helped some and is being further studied.� Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) injections in rodents showed promise and is in clinical trials); Tumeric Forte with Coconut oil/MCT Oil(40,2b); Piracetam( levetiracetam) has been found to be beneficial in cognitive decline of older individuals (52); also cinnamon(126b) Nutritional Support (52): Vit B12(methylcobalamin), zinc, Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, OQ10, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Lipoic Acid, Protein and Fish Oil, Creatine, NAC, Green Tea (EGCG), Pycogenol; HBOT (60b)

Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) & Wi-fi(117) &;

Chemicals such as PBDE (carpets, etc.) can cause Alzheimer�s(108e)

Many of the factors/causes of ALS are similar to Alzheimer�s (108,99,33). See the causes/treatments in Alheimer�s section, especially the ones referencing 99 or 108 and The ICT Protocol, which also can be use in ALS. 

[Root canal teeth or jawbone cavitations accumulate highly toxic bacterial toxins that damage the immune system and can cause most of the factors seen in ALS(124)- test & proper dental cleanups]


Myasthenia Gravis:  autoimmune condition, muscle weakness; abnormalities of thymus gland, T-cell mediated autoantibodies target and block the body’s acetylcholine receptors; inflammatory cytokines such as TNFa are a factor in this; dental metals(31,33)- see toxic metals (33,114,126); (flukes, benzene,31): zap, cleanups and cleanses;� Rife frequencies(31)

Nutritional therapy (52): vit K, DHEA, Huperzine A, Additional support (52): branch chain amino acids, CoQ10, NADH, vit E, calcium & magnesium, multivitamin, �vitA, Creatine, Choline and Lecithin, 

Persistent Organic Pollutants Toxic Effects, organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degredation through chemical, biological, and photolytic�� processes.[1]  [significant health effects- endocrine, reproductive, and immune systems disruptors(cause behavioral problems, endocrine and reproductive system problems, cancer, diabetes and thyroid problems, etc.),(96), (commonly have synergistic effects with each other and other toxics); Organic solvents and other pesticides also commonly have adverse health effects, as well as toxic metals like mercury and lead(33,52,108,113,114). (non-metal detox: Pectasol (42,33), chlorella(53), NAC, TrueMilkThistle(55), lipoic acid, TrueLA(55), infra-red sauna)

Essential Oils that aid Detox (lemon grass, parsley, birch, carrot seed, cumin, galbanum, combinations, how to use: 22)

Infant Developmental Effects: (chronic conditions caused by toxic exposures during pregnancy or neonatal exposures- commonly caused by mercury, other toxic metals, POPs, etc. 33,96,16-19,105,113,114,126) (asthma and chronic lung conditions, mood disorders, neurological disorders, ADHD, etc.) also hormonal imbalances and chronic deficiencies from poor maternal diet and neonatal diet(40,51) L-Carnitine (137a) was protective of damage by low oxygen and impaired blood flow, as well as reducing Autism & ADHD.

Reproductive System Effects of Toxics: infertility, erectile dysfunction, infant developmental effects, cancer, etc. (33,96,126) A 2013 case-control study conducted in Indian mothers and their offspring showed prenatal exposure of two types of organochlorine pesticides (HCH, DDT and DDE) impaired the growth of the fetus, reduced the birth weight, length, head circumference and chest circumference.[23][24]��� A study in 2002[19] with evidence of a link from POPs to endocrine disruption also linked low dose exposure of POPs to reproductive health effects. The study stated that POP exposure can lead to negative health effects especially in the male reproductive system, such as decreased sperm quality and quantity, altered sex ratio and early puberty onset. For females exposed to POPs, altered reproductive tissues and pregnancy outcomes as well as endometriosis have been reported.[21] (96); (mercury and toxic metals also have effects, 33,108,113,114,126,} Detox (Pectasol, NAC, Milk Thistle Extract)

Down’s Syndrome   coconut oil (MCTs) (Willis, etc.)

Muscular Dystrophy: genetic disease, progressive muscle lows; dystrophin deficiency leads to increased creatine kinase. Nutritional support (52): creatine, EGCG, CoQ10, calcium & vit D, Glutamine, Arginine and utrophin, Taurine, Omega-3 fatty acid


Stroke- symptoms (sudden weakness, vision loss, confusion, loss of consciousness, speech problems, headache, dizziness); types: Ischemic (clot blocks artery carrying blood to brain), Hemorrhagic (leaking blood); causes: chronic inflammation or oxidative stress (52), inflammation from Covid or Covid Vaccine spike protein(137b); mytochondrial dysfunction (52),[ toxic exposures(33,52,126, etc.)-test for toxic metals or POPs- detox as appropriate]; magnesium deficiency- those with higher Mg levels have 41% fewer strokes (103a); hypertension (test & treat); poor diet or lack of exercise(40); Statins(40,99,108) or CoQ10 deficiency (103a,108);Hyperhomocysteinemia (see HHCY)

Prevent or Tr:  Nattokinase (137b), Berberine (108g), cranberries , HBOT, melatonin (9),  vit D & ginkgo biloba (LEF, 1-09,Alt.) ; Music Therapy, niacin helps with stroke recovery; People who received Lexapro within 3 months following a stroke scored higher on learning and memory than those on placebo; Bryostatin 1 if given within the first 24 hours of a stroke was found to prevent cells from dying and reconnection between nerves , control BP and cholesterol (TrueCapros(55), and blood sugar (TrueGlucoSP,55), control CRP(TrueALA, 55), Control gum disease: TrueOC(55), Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, TruE(51,52), Iodoral or Prolomine Iodine by Standard Process(40); test and detox toxic exposures(33), oral probiotics (L. plantarum L137; S. salvarious), Acupuncture improves Aphasia

Stroke prevention (52): maintain healthy body weight, reduce cholesterol, suppress homocysteine and fibrinogen, lower blood pressure; regular exercise with weights, Nutritional interventions (52): Olive leaf and olive oil, Nattokinase, L-Carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine, propionyl-L-carnitine, Vinpocetine, vit D, vit B6, B12, folate, omega-3 fatty acids, garlic, DHEA, vit C, citrus fruit, resveratrol(108b), Rutin,

Numbness/Paresthesia: (paresthesia is tingling, tickling, pricking, numbness or burning of a person's skin) 

 There are many possible causes of numbness or paresthesia: metals toxicity[common causes of metals toxicity: mercury, thallium, dental amalgam, lead): ( , detox(33,8,94) ,selenium(6) NAC, etc. ;MS; metals toxicity, Shigella exposure; T: detox; Essential Oils that aid Detox(lemon grass, parsley, birch, carrot seed, cumin, galbanum, combinations, how to use: 22)

Neuropathy (nerve damage);

Vit B12 deficiency can cause neuropathy (52). Autoimmune conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Guillame Barr can also cause neuropathy and can be treated (52). Nerve pressure like carpal tunnel can cause neuropathy in wrist or hands (52). Some treatments that have been found to help some with neuropathy include regular exercise, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, Biofeedback, Acupuncture, Hypnosis, Relaxation techniques (52). Lithium oratate has been found to be neuroprotective (3,33,52,57) likewise for CoQ10(103a); oxygen therapy (ozone/HBO/hydrogen peroxide- see (60) for option details. 

[Nutritional options (52): Acetyl-L-Carnitine (neuroprotective effects), Lipoic Acid, NAC (powerful antioxidant), Curcumin, Fish oil, (B1/Benfotiamine, B6, B12), vit C, Vit E(natural), Capsaicin]

Peripheral Neuropathy (damaged peripheral nerves) , causes: diabetes (treat); toxins(52), alcohol, metabolic syndrome, [mercury/metals toxicity can cause(33):  detox: Quicksilver detox(94), Pectasol(42), Chlorella(53), TrueLA(55), find doctor(33,89); Alpha lipoic acid(99), selenium(6), NAC, circulation problems,� adrenal fatigue (Drenamin & CataPlex B); [supplements some find helpful:  lithium oratate(3,57), Pinella Brain-Nerve Cleanse, Neurocet, Blood Boost (L-Citrulline, L-Glutathione, antioxidant combo,54)]; MyoMedPRO(4.1*)

Diabetic Neuropathy -Causes: Oxidative Stress (poor diet, toxins,108g,40,33) ; Poor Diet/Obesity(108g,52,40); Insulin imbalance or resistance (108g,51,40); High blood sugar and blood fat content are known causes of nerve damage. (treat insulin resistance and high blood sugar); High blood sugar causes the body to produce less insulin. metabolic factors, such as high blood glucose, long duration of diabetes, possibly low levels of insulin, and abnormal blood fat levels, neurovascular factors, leading to damage to the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the nerves, autoimmune factors that cause inflammation in nerves, mechanical injury to nerves, such as carpal tunnel syndrome,  inherited traits can increase susceptibility to nerve disease(33,108,113), lifestyle factors such as smoking or alcohol use; Treatments: resistance exercise improves(108g); thiamine(B1) needed to break down glucose, Turmeric Forte with coconut oil (40,108), Mediterranean and/or DASH diet, MIND diet, Berberine (108g,etc.);  Intermittent Fasting (108g,40), CoQ10, R lipoic acid(137), acetyl-L- Carnatine, nano-curcumin(137)

[Nutritional options(52): Acetyl-L-Carnitine(neuroprotective effects), Alpha Lipoic Acid, NAC(powerful antioxidant), Curcumin, Fish oil, (B1/Benfotiamine, B6, B12), vit C, Vit E(natural), Capsaicin]; Lithium oratate (3,57), Alpha Lipoic Acid (99), 1.5 ml of pomegranate juice per 2.2 pounds of body weight (136b); (Pectasol,42); TrueMilkThistle,detox,55; cinnamon(MHCP), Insulife(LE) , Agaricus blazei (NS/HSI)  TrueGlucoSP(55), [ Neurocet, Blood Boost (L-Citrulline, L-Glutathione, antioxidant combo,54)], Resveratrol(108b) 

Diabetic Blindness: Pterostilbene (137), good eye supplement.

Palsy  refers to various types of paralysis,[1] often accompanied by weakness and the loss of feeling and uncontrolled body movements such as shaking. Several types have been defined: ( Bell's palsy(herpes’), partial facial paralysis; Bulbar palsy, impairment of cranial nerves; Cerebral palsy, a neural disorder caused by intracranial lesions; Conjugate gaze palsy, a disorder affecting the ability to move the eyes; Erb's palsy, also known as brachial palsy, involving paralysis of an arm; Spinal muscular atrophy, also known as wasting palsy; Progressive supranuclear palsy, a degenerative disease; Squatter's palsy, a common name for bilateral peroneal nerve palsy that may be triggered by sustained squatting; Third nerve palsy, involving oculomotor nerve:

Cerebral Palsy: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy(HBOT)(60b);

Bell’s palsy: vit B12, fish oil, acupuncture with exercise therapy

Oxygen therapy (ozone/HBO/hydrogen peroxide- see (60) for option details

Photophobia (light bothers) or dysohagia (can’t speak well) potassium deficiency (Min-Tran or Oganically Bound Minerals)

Mental Health (depression, anxiety, OCD, etc.) - the Nutrition Connection: chronic nutritional deficiencies are a major factor in most mental health problems(40); common deficiencies(B vitamin complex, healthy fats, magnesium, iodine(91)) Mental Health Protocol(40): avoid sweets and processed food, whole foods with Mediterranean high protein, low carbohydrate diet, Cataplex B, raw flax oil or sesame oil or Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil; (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d), CBD(95); Toxic exposures such as mercury, other toxic metals, POPs also can be a major causes or factors in mental health problems (33,96,52,105,108,16-19,113,114,126); curcumin & schisandra counteract inflammation, anxiety, and fatigue (133a).

Natural Anxiety & Stress Treatments; Exercise, Ti Chi, Yoga, Mediation, St John’s Wort (108f); curcumin; (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d) , Lympthatic Drainage Therapy or Lympthatic Massage (33,40,52,108,109); weighted blanket (133a,

Essential Oils (Lavender, Lemon Grass, Thieves, Frankincense, Basil, CamomileAllspice, bay, coconut, hyssop, pine, Vanilla,

how to use: 22)

Depression   (mood disorder, negative feelings) [Types(52): Major Depression, Dysthymic Disorder(minor chronic depression lasting longer than 2 years), Psychotic Depression(severe depression including hallucinations, delusions, or withdrawal from reality), Postpartum Depression(affects 10-15% of women after giving birth),Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD)-often vit D deficiency, Bipolar-Disorder (manic, depressive)]; [causes (52): nutritional deficiencies(B complex, Omega3/Omega6 balance, vit D, selenium, zinc, COQ10), EMF/wifi//blue light form computers, cell phones, TVs,99,33,117), hormonal imbalances, elevated inflammatory cytokines (52)(IL-6, CRP) chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, neurotoxicity(33), neurotransmitter imbalances; immune reactivity(33); impaired stress response (endocrine disorder); food allergies(14,40); poor sleep habits(see insomnia), Insulin resistance ] ; T: SAMe, CBD(95), Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, LE(51,52); (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d), DHEA is often effective at reducing major or minor depression(99b); 

[ metals toxicity (mercury, dental amalgam, lead, cadmium, nickel, etc.- dental amalgam is largest source of mercury in people and has significant effects commonly (33,105),, and also the largest source in sewer plants which impacts water bodies, but there is also much mercury in fish- detox: Pectasol(42), Quicksilver detox(94), chlorella(53), TrueMilkThistle(55), Turmeric Forte(40), or to find doctor(33,89)]; mineral deficiencies (hair test, multivitamin, Wr, Organically bound minerals (40)), Omega-3s; OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol(41), Zinc, 450 gm magnesium found to improve mood, music therapy, EMF & microwaves from cell phones, TVs, computers, LED lights, etc. also cause circadian rhythm disruptions, cellular and hormone disruptions, etc. that increase depression, mood disorders, fatigue, etc. (99b,103b,33,117). [turn off wifi at night with timer, use phones and computer with cord connections rather than wifi, avoid blue light at night, wear blue light glasses where necessary after 8:00 PM, use EMF blocking devices-personal or appliance,99], Hormone imbalances (LEF,52) check for hypothyroid and test for all the hormones, including pregnenolone, DHEA, SAMe, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, and design a comprehensive program of bioidentical hormone replacement ; hormone replacement measures often effective(52): DHEA, testosterone, compounding pharmacy T3/T4 if needed for thyroid) , estrogen, Melatonin(9), Extra B6 if taking HRT drugs (24 HP); high homocysteine(see HHCY). 5-HTP relieves anxiety and depression (133a); High blood sugar and formaldehyde (from digestive processes & pollution sources) destroy cell structure by cross-linking proteins(103a). Formaldehyde is a factor in dementia, diabetes, depression, aging damage, DNA damage)103a). acetyl-L-Carnosine protects against formaldehyde damage and cross-linking. 5-HTP relieves anxiety and depression (133a); curcumin & schisandra counteract inflammation, anxiety, and fatigue (133a). Lipogen PS Plus;

Nutrient Treatments to Balance Brain Chemistry(52): Nervous System Effects(Omega3 Fatty Acids(fish oil, flax oil), keep ratio of Omega6 to Omega3 oils low is important, magnesium), Neurotransmitter Synthesis(L-tryptophan, 5-HTP, SAMe, folate, Vit B12&B6, St John’s Wort), (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d), Regulation/Insulin Resistance(green coffee or extract, chromium), Antioxidant Effects(NAC, Lipoic Acid, selenium, vit C&E), Additional Support(Vit D important, zinc, Inositol) see(52) for doses, Jarrow Methyl B12 Lemon chewable(4.5*)(vegan suitable)

[Dr. West Depression Protocol (40): (Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, Cataplex B, & Cataplex G if agitated also, 40), with cramps and high BP- calcium deficiency (Min-Tran or Calcium Lactate,40); Acetyl-L-Carnitine, 

with tremors and/or tachycardia- iodine deficiency or mercury toxicity- Min-Tran and CataPlex F (40); with hyperirritability and cardiac arrhythmia- CataPlex B, Cataplex F, women Symplex F or men Symplex M and Flax Seed Oil or Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil; exercise most days].  B12 & B6 & vit D3 reduce depression risk, yoga improves mood, likewise Tai Chi, saffron, tryptophan(57), lithium orotate (57); Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation show promise, For SAD, light therapy(52),Diet & Exercise important: eat eggs, green vegetables(consider adding superfood vegetable powder blend:� TrueVeggie8(55) or All Day Energy Greens(46), fruit, nuts, yogurt, fish, eliminate sodas, reduce acid forming foods(meat, breads/grains, cheese, corn, pastas, processed foods),� �Levels of testosterone are reduced in some depressed men- treatments with some testosterone boosting supplements or transdermal testosterone gel showed significant improvement (LEF); TrueMale(55), Super MiraForte (LEF) Aromatherapy/essential oils(chamomile, eucalyptus, lavender, rose, rosemary, sandalwood,22), exercise, seek friendships, weighted blanket (133a,

Roundworms (hookworms, Ascaris(pets), trichenella, strongyloides) (31); Shigella (milk products) ,� niacinamide or B6 deficiency(Cataplex B & Nianinamide B6,40), coconut oil(40)

Prescription drugs are one of most common cause of suicidal thoughts and suicide(40)&40 c); over 200 commonly-prescribed drugs list suicidal thoughts or suicide as side effects and over 1/3 of americans take drugs that raise the risk of suicide(40), some common drugs that increase suicide risk include antacids, heart drugs, birth control pills, depression drugs(40);� Prescription drug weaning/withdrawal(40), regular exercise, meditation, relaxation methods; Cataplex B and Cataplex G by Standard Process(40)

PTSD: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR therapy, EFT therapy;� note: vit B complex deficiency and low can be factors in suicidal thoughts(40)

Essential Oil Antidepressants: (orange, lemon grass, chamomile, benzoin, bergamant, birch, cassia, citronella, clary sage, davana, grapefruit, jasmine, lanvandin, Melissa, naroli, patchouli, petitgrain, rose, ravensara, rosemary, rosewood, vanilla, ylangylang; how to use: 22)

Suicide & Suicidal Thoughts: (yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, walking in pleasant area, visit green spaces,41), cognitive therapy, 

BiPolar Disorder (manic/depressive) (tend to have excess acetylcholine receptors, which is a cause of depression and mania,57) also tend to produce excess vanadium, which is countered effectively by Vit C supplementation.� (also often have vitamin B deficiencies- take Cataplex B by Standard Process(40) ) (also tend to be low in Omega 3 fatty acids and high in Omega 6 -fish oil); CEDS: CBD(95)�� 

Also check for food allergies (elimination test); & toxic exposures can be causes or major factors (33,96)

Protocol: Vit C (3 grams), lithium oratate(150 mg)(3,57) or taurine, phenylalanine(500 mg initially), phosphatidylcholine(10-30 mcg),� avoid caffeine

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): (recurring stressful thoughts, anxiety), causes: serotonin deficiency, electrical dysfunction in areas of brain, autoimmune response to staph infection when young; hormone imbalance; T: ERP(exposure and response therapy), exercise, relaxation techniques; yoga, deep breathing, 5-HTP,(tryptophan usually better), St John�s Wort(900 mg), lithium oratate(150 mg), saffron, tyrosine, Phenylalanine(initially 500 mg), fish oil(OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol), (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d),(St John’s Wort more effective and less side effects than Paxil in clinical trial); CEDS: CBD (95); 

& toxic exposures can be causes or major factors (33,96)- see depression

Nutritional therapy: Tryptophan, Inositol, St. John�s Wort, NAC, L-theanine

Essential Oils with sedative/calming effect (orange, lemongrass, frankincense, bay, chamomile, Anise, benzoin, bergamot, bitter 

 almond, camphor, cedarwood, clary sage, cypress, dill, jasmine, marjoram, myrtle, neroli, patchouli, petitgrain, sandalwood, spikenard, tagetes, tangerine, tansy, tuberose, vanilla, vetiver, ylang ylang, combinations, how to use: 22),

Sleep disorders- poor sleep or lack of REM sleep can increase memory problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, CEDS

Insomnia; (40,99,103b,108) exercise daily, avoid late night alcohol or caffeine, good sleep habits, regular meal time and bedtime, spend time outdoors in morning, practice relaxation or meditation techniques, hot bath before bedtime, Epsom salt bath,  yoga reduces insomnia; no blue-light sources after 9:00; Natural Sleep Aids: Sleep Dissolves (Northstar, 5 mg melatonin, 5-HTP), Advanced Natural Sleep with [melatonin(1.5 mg), 51;� TruSleep (extended-release melatonin, lutein, zeaxanthin, Gaba, magnesium, Vit B6, 49); CBD (95), valerian, skullcap, magnesium, melatonin, 5-HTP, L-Tryptophan, L-Theanine, Jamacian Boxwood extract, GABA or Gaba-promoting nutrients, curcumin; (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d),

Insomnia Protocol(40): Catalyn (1-3 at bedtime), Min-Tran(3-9 at bedtime), Rest & Renew(LE)

Sleep Aid for chronic anxiety related sleep problems: PureSleep (Honokiol, lemon balm, Passion flower, L-theanine, L-tryptophan, vit B6, magnesium, calcium, blend of 8 Chinese herbs), Advanced Bionutritionals(42). Pink noise; aromatherapy, [Good Sleep: Rest & Renew (LE)]

Natural Anxiety & Stress Treatments; Exercise, Ti Chi, Yoga, Mediation, St Johns Wort (108f); �--Essential Oils (Lavender, Lemon Grass, Thieves, Frankincense, Basil, Camomile-topical or in aromatherapy vaporizer, 22), Ashwagandha, (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d),


Sleep Apnea (lose weight, get tested and consider options) investigate dental devise

GERD (nighttime):  eat small meals and avoid eating before bedtime,� eliminate spicy or acidic foods, cut down on caffeine, raise head to sleep, check medicines, zinc carnosine

Anxiety Disorders: (common: 18 % of adult population, more female, mre teenage and young adults,52)� [types: Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD), Panic Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD), Phobias, PostTraumaticStressDisorder (PTSD)]; 

Treatment: (B complex deficiency common: Cataplex B by Standard Process, 40); With low B vitamins methylation cycle becomes impaired, resulting in high homocysteine levels and a disruption in neurotransmitter synthesis(52).� Also SAMe supplementation, St Johns Wort (108f); regular exercise(40, 42, 52), avoid refined carbohydrates(42,40), yoga &Tai Chi(52) �Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a common effective treatment for anxiety disorders(52); Hormone imbalances found to be a common factor(40, 52): steroid hormones decline with age and imbalance can be a factor; the drop in estrogen during menopause is associated with a decline in serotonin level which can be a factor in anxiety disorders and depression; Progesterone appears to reduce anxiety by affecting GABA receptors;�hormone replacement therapy with progesterone and estrogen improved sleep quality and cognitive performance; Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy has been found to be effective in preventing and controlling anxiety disorders in clinical trials and studies-women and men(52).CEDS: CBD(95), Ashwagandha, (EGCG, L-theanine, 137d)

Insufficient levels of amino acids- L-Tryptophan, L-tyrosine, and L-phenylalanine have been found to be associated with increased anxiety (52); ikewise for L-lysine and L-Arginine.; Theanine from green tea has been found to have a calming effect. Magnesium deficiency linked to anxiety disorders in studies (52); 

Herbal treatments found effective: St Johns Wort can be effective especially for women in easing symptoms related to women�s hormonal fluctuations (52) and reduced sleep problems; studies found 80 mg of red clover isoflavones per day reduced anxiety in postmenopausal women, and red clover phytoestrogens lower total and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and raised good cholesterol in postmenopausal women (52), with no side effects. In healthy women of reproductive age, a preparation combining magnolia and phellodendron bark has been shown to reduce anxiety and cortisol levels (52).

[Anxiety Nutritional Protocol: Fish oil, magnesium, selenium, St Johns Wort, Ginkgo biloba, valerian, Lemon Balm, Ashwagandha, GABA, NAC, vit D3]

GAD: generalized anxiety in absence of real causes; unable to relax, insomnia, poor concentration, fatigue, high blood pressure, etc. Treatment: regular exercise (40, 42, 52), avoid refined carbohydrates (42,40), yoga &Tai Chi(52) ; see anxiety nutritional protocol

Easing Nighttime Anxiety (99); Exercise at least 30 minutes; Chamomile Tea; L-Theanine; Valerian

Panic Disorder: sudden attacks of fear or sense of doom, elevated heart rate, etc. very disabling; Treatment: regular exercise (40, 42, 52), avoid refined carbohydrates (42,40), yoga, Tai Chi (41) ; see anxiety nutritional protocol

Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder: (OCD)  persistent upsetting thoughts(obsessions) and anxiety;�  causes:    developmental toxic exposures(test and detox,33,94), neurotransmitter imbalances(test and correct), food allergies(most common: wheat & diary,40-avoid; use elimination diet), essential mineral and EFA imbalances (good diet and supplements)� 

Treatment: regular exercise(40, 42, 52), avoid refined carbohydrates(42,40), yoga, Tai Ch(41); see anxiety nutritional protocol; Inositol (anxiety & stress relief), saffron(depression relief), CBD(anxiety relief), lithium oratate(brain protection, calming, 3,57), NaturaRelief(58) ,

Phobias:� inexplicable and unjustifiable fears (52),� 

Treatment: regular exercise (40, 42, 52), avoid refined carbohydrates (42,40), yoga, Tai Chi (41); see anxiety nutritional protocol

Some say challenge phobia or desensitise gradually, 

PTSD: �experiencing or viewing traumatic event or events; EMDR or EFT treatment, cognitive therapy, regular exercise (40, 42, 52), avoid refined carbohydrates (42,40), yoga, Tai Chi; see anxiety nutritional protocol

Anxiety Nutritional Protocol: 

Natural Anxiety & Stress Treatments; Exercise, Ti Chi, Yoga, Mediation, visit green spaces (41)

Essential Oils(Lavender, Lemon Grass, Thieves, Frankincense, Basil, Camomile, combinations, how to use: 22)

Anxiety similar to depression   Bacopa (Wr), niacinamide, (B complex: brewer�s yeast, liver, Cataplex B), magnesium(Wr),� TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51),� kava,� panax ginseng, valerian,  caffein induces in those with blood sugar problems(Wr), ashwaganda, valerian root, Siberian ginseng, rhodiola rosea,TruePS(55)

Schizophrenia- Vit D deficiency during pregnancy is a common cause of schizophrenia and Autism(137bc). Blocked enzymatic processes,_mercury (33):(detox(Pectasol, 42; Quicksilver detox(94), TrueMilkThistle, 55; TrueALA), avoid gluten and dairy,33,131-see betacasamorphine info), (toxic mold,ergot)(31,108,129), (divalent copper, lead, mercury) (31,33) ,Vitamin B-3 (niacin & niacinamide) and for some cases, Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine HCL & pyridoxal 5 phosphate) Dr. A. Hoffer  EFT  (Carrington) , TruePS(55), saffron, Increased dopaminergic activity in the mesolimbic pathway of the brain,,�� 

Mycobacterium phlei, shigella bacteria (milk products) T: avoid grains, nuts, syurups; zap & cleanses for the whole family, cleanups, pet dander allergy (give away pets), food allergies (milk and gluten,40,129b), (LE GalantaMind) (5-HTP, trytophan, nicinamide, lithium oratate,3,57)

  avoid processed foods, refined sugars, stimulants, consider avoiding milk, wheat, corn, eggs; eat high protein/fat, low carb diet (corrects hypoglycemia) (TL 3-07);   take B3(1000 mg x3) ; vit C (1000 mg x3)  B6, zinc, selenium  (TL 3-07);  [MTHFR gene could be one of the factors of overall schizophrenia risk. [1]  Schizophrenic patients having the risk allele (T\T) show more deficiencies in executive function tasks. [2]] (mental disorder) (tend to have disturbances in amino acid metabolism)� 

Take glycine (30 mg), fish oil (OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol) , natural Vit E(TrueE), flax seed oil, avoid refined sugars(makes worse)�� 


Gluten Syndrome: Gluten causes neurological symptoms, in both celiac disease and non-celiac gluten-sensitivity, by its adverse actions on the nervous system (130). Many celiac patients experience neurological symptoms, frequently associated with malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Gluten-sensitivity can also be associated with neurological symptoms in patients who do not have any mucosal gut damage (that is, without celiac disease). Gluten can cause neurological harm through a combination of cross reacting antibodies, immune complex disease and direct toxicity. These nervous system affects include: dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, cerebella ataxia, hypotonia, developmental delay, learning disorders, depression, migraine, and headache. Studies revealed a clear association between migraine syndrome and CD, and the high efficacy of gluten diet in the treatment of migraine symptoms(130b). Persons with schizophrenia have higher than expected titers of antibodies related to CD and gluten sensitivity (131). Vit B 6 & vit B complex can help reverse CD psychopathology, along with gluten free diet. (131b), Bifidobacteria (Blaylock)

Manic-depression (bipolarfactors: mercury toxicity (33,31), Strongyloides parasite in brain (31), chlorine allergy (31); Gluten sensitivity(129-131); T: use carbon filter on showers, avoid chlorox , use borax, parasite cleanse(31), cleanups, Pectasol(42); Avoid bromine (bleached bread, etc.); Lithium oratate(3,57), EmpowerPlus (Truehope), metals detox (33,94)

Arsenic or fluoride detox: Pectasol(42); Curcumin(137d)


Autism  C:   mercury/thimerosal, other metal exposures, Tylenol, poor gut microbiome, (33,,

poor mineral absorption/gastrointestinal, artificial sweeteners/ Aspartame/ etc. contain methanol which converts for formaldehyde (99c);  food allergies (most common: wheat & diary,40,129b) (test & treat/ detox) eliminate milk, gluten, soy products, acetyl-L-Carnosine (500 mg); parasite, bacteria (31,108), toxic metals (31,33,52,108,113,114,126):  cleanups and cleanse and detox. L-Carnitine is preventative & improves Autistic and ADHD conditions(137a).


ADHD/hyperactive  (developmentally inappropriate levels of attention, concentration, distractibility, hyperactivity, impulsivity)   (combination of environmental, nutritional, and genetic factors); (decreased blood flow in areas of brain for executive function, fewer connections between nerve cells low levels of some neurotransmitters); common food allergies(wheat, dairy, sugar, etc,-elimination test);    similar causes as autism,  mercury or toxic metal exposure to infants(common,33,

  avoid & detox metals, Pectasol(42), Quicksilver detox(94), TrueMilkThistle(55), chlorella(53), Magnesium: flax seeds TrueMagnesium(55)/B6 (100mg/60mg for child)  (can do as IV or shot)� Alcoholism/addiction:  toxins, beryllium, ergot:  liver cleanse, cleanups, TrueMilkThistle,55, avoid mold,  nonconversion of folic acid- 5MTHF(24 HP)(use folate),

ADD/ADHD Protocol(40): [Calcium Lactate(6), Min-Tran(6), Cataplex G(6), Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil(4);if anxiety or depression, add Cataplex B(6)]

[Nutritional Therapy (52): low refined carbohydrates and HFCS, high protein and good fats, fish oil, control level of Omega6 oil to Omega6 oils to less than 4 to 1, magnesium, vi B6, Iron, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Phosphatidylserine, DMAE, DHEA, melatonin, Ginkgo biloba ginseng, L-theanine, Pycogenol]

Learning Disabilities: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)(60b);

Epilepsy/seizures:  abnormal electrical activity in brain, Causes(52):  oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, reactive oxygen species, excitotoxicity, electrolyte imbalance, magnesium and sodium deficiency, minerals deficiency (32,33,137a), essential fatty acid deficiency (32), [toxic metals (mercury, titanium)(33,31,52,94,126): dental amalgam is largest source of mercury in most people (33,113), toxic metals cause chronic oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial dysfunction, excitotoxicity, chronic inflammation(33,52,108,113,114,126, 137), replace amalgam fillings and detox: Pectasol(42), chlorella(53), TrueMIlkThistle(55), Curcumin, vit D3, vit B & C, Magnesium(137), Saffron, ba Arsenic or fluoride detox: Pectasol (42); Curcumin(137d)


copa,  Quicksilver detox(94)], hormone imbalance (progesterone restoration therapy(52); metabolic abnormalities, brain tumors, strokes, autoimmune disease, infections,  trauma(32), Aspartame, Ascaris hookworms(31), parasites: cleanups and cleanses , parasite cleanse, CEDS: hemp CBD(95) , Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, LE(51), Wheat/gluten allergy(40,129b): avoid gluten and low carbohydrate/high protein and fat diet like Atkins(40) as well as Cataplex F and Calcium Lactate from Standard Process; caffeine and methylxanthines can increase frequency(52), T: vagal nerve stimulation, deep brain stimulation, Ketogenic Diet(52)-[high fat(mostly long chain fatty acids) and low protein and carbohydrate] or medium chain triglyceride or modified Atkins(low carbohydrate), or low glycemic index diet],� stress reduction, biofeedback, Nutritional treatments(52,137a): Magnesium, Melatonin, Polyunsaturated fats, Resveratrol, Phytocannabinoiids(hemp extract), ashwagandha, nano-curcumin, apigenin, luteolin, saffron, nano-bocapa; 

   Magnesium(500mg+/d), TrueMagmesium(55), VitalMag(51),�� zinc, EFAs, taurine(1 gm+/d), B-complex, GABA(500mg+/d), DMG(50 mg+/d), �KavaKava, vit E , (avoid aspartate), L-Carnatine(1gm+/d), gluten-free diet for those with celiac disease, pregnenolone (100mg+/d)  for grand mal seizures, selenium(100mcg/d)

Restless legs- hot baths, epsum salt baths, exercise, stretch calves or massage before bed, reduce caffeine or alcohol; magnesium

Kidney Disease Nephritis (inflammation of kidneys), kidney stones, toxic overload; Resveratrol (108b), Tumeric Forte (40)

Chronic Kidney Disease: causes: formation of advanced glycation end-products(AGEs), oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokins( 52,33), chronic inflammation(52), mitochondrial dysfunction(52), homocysteine(52), drug reactions(52,40,21), mercury and metals toxicity (, safe replacement of dental amalgam and gold crowns over amalgam & detox( selenium, NAC; Pectasol(42), TrueMilkThistle(55), chlorella(53), Quicksilver detox(94), see doctor(33,89), hypertension(52); Creatinine Clearance Test,  COQ10, Hulda Clark kidney cleanse(31)- see further items on kidney cleanse; Vit K counteracts inflammation and reduces it’s effects.

 Excess glucose causes inflammation resulting in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and significant adverse health effects such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease(103a,51). Highly processed foods and high temp cooking and dry heat cooking (frying, grilling, roasting) or browning of food also produce AGEs.  Benfotiamine and acetyl-L-carnosine counteract AGEs(103a,51) and improve kidney function. reversal of AGE buildup(52): pyridoxamine(from B6); Kidney Protectors(52): COQ10, Silymarin(milk thistle), Resveratrol, Lipoic Acid, L-carnitine; additional beneficial nutrients: folate, fish oil, Vit C&E; acetyl-L-carnosine, benfotiamine, dietary management of chronic kidney disease(52): talk to your doctor for details:  limit and good balance of sodium, potassium, phosphorous, sometimes low protein,  Multivitamin, B vitamins, vit C&E&A, L-carnitine, CoQ10, milk thistle extract, curcumin, ginkgo biloba, resveratrol, lipoic acid, green tea(EGCG), Taurine, TMG, acetyl-L-carnosine, benfotiamine, see(52) for dose; 

Kidney Infection: generally bacterial infection that begins in your urethra or bladder and travels to one or both of your kidneys, 

Protocol (40): Arginex and Albaplex and Betaplex(6/d), Cataplex AC(3-6/d).from Standard Process, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil,� if have already taken antibiotics, add ProSunbiotic(2/d) and Digestive and Urinary Tonic;� if condition serious- 2 of each product/every 2 hours,-except ProSynbiotic plus DUT 4x per day

Kidney stones: usually calcium oxalate- Causes: genetic factors, drinking too little water, poor diet; Treatment: [(black cumin, Tribulus terrestris, Lapis judaicus, vit B6)(108g)];supplementation with magnesium/potassium citrate reduces recurrence significantly (52); other avoidance measures: 

Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils- (eucalyptus, orange, oregano, thieves, chamomile, benzoin, boldo, camphor, Citronella, Helichrysum, Manuka, Mullein, Myrrh, Rosemary, Sage, Sandelwood, Spikenard, Tansy, Vitiver, Yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22)



Immune Reactive Conditions: The mercury connection to eczema, psoriasis, lupus, asthma, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, and allergies, Bernard Windham(Ed.), & (� see condition for treatment

Oxygen therapy: (ozone/HBO/hydrogen peroxide)-see (60) for option details. Home oxygen methods (ozonated water, dilute hydrogen peroxide in nebulizer, H2O2 foot bath or bath, 60)

Immune System Boosting: Essential Oils (Frankincense, Coconut, Moringa Seeds, combinations, how to use: 22)

Allergies: (immune reactivity to an environmental substance) [types: anaphylaxis(severe respiratory distress may be followed by vascular collapse/shock), histamine reaction to airborne environmental substance, atopic dermatitis(metal contact allergies & other contact allergies), �food allergies, drug allergies, insect allergies, hives, angioedema, celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity (129b), allergic arthritis, asthma]; (Allergies affect most people in the world and have been increasing. Over 30 % have allergic rhinitis and over 40% of children (52); Over 7% of the population have food allergies and 5% asthma). (Atopy results from overproduction of Th2 immune T cells in response to an allergen.� The first time an allergen is encountered, the Th2 cytokine IL-4 allert B cells to produce an antibody to the allergen.� Upon subsequent exposure to same antigen, an atopic individual with a dual response characterized by an immediate acute response followed by a delayed reaction with 4-8 hours (52). In an acute reaction, IgE antibodies upon binding a previous antigen, provoke release of allergic mediators including histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes from mast cells and basophils, which the itchy skin, runny nose responses. Later the late-phase response manifests when an antigen is presented to a T-cell that then releases cytokines like IL-5 which induce release of allergic mediators from eosinophils.�� Allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis and asthma are thought to be influenced by the late-phase reactions.); homemade bone broth (30)

Dr. Charles Farr found that most of his patients treated for allergies with intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide had reductions in sensitivity to pollen and to improvement in food allergies(60a) as well as allergic bronchitis, asthma, and chronic sinusitis. Immune globulins were measured before and after IV H2O2 treatments. Clinical improvement paralleled a reduction in antibody titers in these globulins(60a). �

{Herbs to treat allergies (108f): Goldenseal (alleviate congestion and excess mucus)-capsule or tincture; Red Sage (relieve inflamed and congested mucus membranes(- make tea from powder or tincture; Cayanne (to reduce inflammation or pain or as cardio tonic)- powdered form in food or as tincture; Yarrow (treating fevers; also reduces blood pressure, stimulates digestion, and reduces swelling of bronchial tissue)- tea or tincture or essential oil)

Celiac Disease (wheat allergy), common cause of autism, autoimmune conditions (40), common cause of pancreatitis (40) & significant digestive problems; people diagnosed with wheat allergy or celiac disease are 20 times more likely to be diagnosed with autism and 25 times more likely to be diagnosed with pancreatitis< and 10 times more likely to have immune weakness or deficiency (40). Avoid wheat products and treat condition; 

Atopic Dermatitis: chronic inflammatory skin disorder affecting over 15% of children and 10% of adults (52). Eczema type rashes are dry, scaly, and itchy and can become infected. Patients with atopic dermatitis have reduced skin barrier function. Soaking baths followed by moisture retaining lotion or salve may help. Topical corticosteroids are the standard treatment.

Eczema or Psoriasis Metal Contact Allergy: 

[Mercury/metal contact allergy common and may underlay other allergies & conditions( metals & eczema(

(mercury: dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in most people (33):� Detox (Pectasol (42), Quicksilver Detox (94), True MilkThistle (55), TrueLA (55), see doctor (33,89);� �

low bile salts (supplement bile salts, Alt., 11-07) (highly successful for psoriasis.);  B vitamin deficiencycommon(brewer�s yeast, liver, Cataplex B by Standard Process(40)), EFA deficiency common(raw flax oil, Sesame Seed Oil, black Current Seed Oil, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, 40); congested liver or kidneys (cleanse or flush,40, increase water intake, eat whole foods with 1/3 raw, eat raw beets or take A-F BetaFood) ; clogged lymphatic system (deep breathing exercise, sauna); chlorine or fluorine exposure: filter(charcoal or Rainshow�r,40), TrueHNS(55); GLA(black currant), Chamomile cream, St John�s wort cream, licorice gel (N&H,Wri, Nov 07),  M-Folia (HSI); slippery elm

eczema:  food allergies- test; zinc and EFAs, witch hazel, oatmeal bath, (N&H, N 07), coconut oil, Epsom salt bath, MMS, Perinatal probiotics (lactobacillus GG) supplementation reduces risk of atopic eczema (27) TrueLife PB,

Dyshidrotic eczema is a common condition characterized by tiny itchy blisters that erupt in the fingers, palms and sometimes feet. Exposure to certain metals such as topically or in food can cause this condition.� 

Psoriasis, Evening primrose oil(GLA), Turmeric & proteolytic enzymes ,� TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula, Ozone therapy(60b)

Allergic Rhinitis: IgE mediated inflammation of nasal mucosa in response to outdoor or indoor allergens, such as pollens, dust, mites, molds, insects; (affects over 40% of children and 10 to 30 % of adults worldwide(52); risk factor for asthma and often causes sleep disorders, impaired learning, etc.� 

Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils- (eucalyptus, orange, oregano, thieves, chamomile, benzoin, boldo, camphor, Citronella, Helichrysum, Manuka, Mullein, Myrrh, Rosemary, Sage, Sandelwood, Spikenard, Tansy, Vitiver, Yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22)

Hay Fever inflammation of nasal passage, sneezing, etc. Oralmat (HSI), Mycophyto (mushroom blend); (honey & vit C, capsaicin, carotenoids, chamomile tea, garlic, onions, 133a); Essential Oils (lemon, rosemary,22)

Asthma  lifelong inflammatory disease characterized by airway hyper-responsiveness and airflow obstruction; inner lining of airway becomes inflamed and muscles surrounding the airways tighten up; mucus glands secret thick mucus.�� immune reactive condition, a major factor in asthma is proliferation of eosinophils (white blood cells) caused by chemical mediators like Interleukin-1 in response to a stimuli. Blocking cytokines like IL-1 reduces asthmatic inflammation (92). mercury, dental amalgam, toxics cause oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines seen in asthma(33, detox: Pectasol(42), chlorella(53), TrueLA(55), find doctor(33,89) ; food allergies: elimination test; 

Ascaris parasite (31): zap, cleanses, comfrey. garlic, sanitation, cleanups, dental cleanup; Peak Golden Oil;(NSAID or antibiotic use : avoid); low stomach acid/poor absorption/food allergies(Wr)- test & treat,�� 

[Nutritional treatment(52): Vit D3 (regulates immune processes and anti-inflammatory reactions), Vit E, Vit C, omega-3 fatty acids(fish, fish oil, green leafy vegetables, nuts, flaxseeds), Probiotics, Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium, Lycopene, Flavanoids, Quercetin, Proanthocyanidin, Ginkgo Biloba, Butterbar, Boswellia Serrata, Tylophora Indica]

Lung Renew (Chinese herb combination, 50), (Magnesium/ TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51), B6 IV injections,  Jarrow Methyl B12 Lemon chewable(4.5*)(vegan suitable),  B12 injections, Wr); NAC, Yamoa powder(Alternatives), magnesium, B6, B12 (Wr), Boswellia (900 mg)(Wr), Xylitol spray (Xlear)(Wr), Oralmat(HSI)  

Essential Oils (lemon, rosemary,22)

Food allergies: common (close to 10% of world population,52); can cause many adverse reactions. The 3 most common food additive allergens are sulfites, nitrites, and MSG (92).� The most common food dye additive allergens are carmine(red) and tartrazine(yellow)(92). Other common allergens are Benzoates (preservatives) and the artificial sweetener aspartame (92). 

Common food allergens include (52): cow’s milk, wheat, eggs, peanuts, shellfish, soy; IgE mediated reactions occur within minutes to hours of exposure and include edema, nausea, swelling of throat, hives, itchiness, diarrhea, wheezing; non-IgE mediated reactions can occur hours or days later and may include constipation, atopic eczema, protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome, allergic proctitis, or rectal inflammation, or pulmonary effects(52); Ozone therapy(60b) 

Allergic effects include asthmatic rhinitis, skin rash, gastro upset, and headaches (92). 

The health of the gastrointestinal tract plays a major role in food allergies and sensitivities, so diet and exercise are important. Probiotics can help.

IgG mediated food sensitivities: Amount of IgG antibodies in a person�s system can be tested for using an ELISA test. Then eliminate any food with high levels of IgG4 antibodies; has been useful for headaches, fatigue, mood imbalances, IBS, when other causes not found;


Allergy TestsScratch or Pin Prick Test: histamine reaction test; Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST): levels of specific IgE antibodies in blood; ELISA (immunosorbent assay, measures IgG or IgM antibodies); Differential Leukocyte Count: measures total white cell count, eosinophils are usually elevated during an allergic reaction; Elimination-Challenge Diet for food allergies, removal of a food for period of time and note response]

Treatment: Immunotherapy- gradual desensitization of the immune response by receiving increasing amounts of specific antigen over time; Probiotics (clinical trials indicated success in helping childhood allergic rhinitis, also food allergies and atopic dermatitis and prevention of allergies(52), Vit D3 (asthma, AD, etc.-preventative); Vit E(full spectrum); Vit C, Magnesium, Fish Oil, Butterbur, Quercetin, Hesperdin Methyl chalone, Rosmarinic Acid, Stinging Nettle, Spirulina, DHEA (AD, Asthma, etc.- aging men might consider 7-Keto DKEA)(52); acupuncture (133a)

Universal allergies:  food allergies (elimination test), �oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species, chronic inflammation, [mercury/dental metals(mercury/toxic metals cause all of the previous factors and dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in most people)(33,113,105,126, ; replace amalgam fillings safely(33) and detox (Pectasol(42), TrueALA(55), TrueMilkThistle(55); Quicksilver detox(94), root-canaled teeth and jawbone cavitations(accumulate highly toxic anaerobic bacteria(33)-test & treat; disabled liver: toxics, sheep liver fluke(31.),  cleanups and cleanses; TrueGreenTea with SOD, 55), avoid mold (31), TrueE(55),

Allergies - immune reactivity, blocked enzymatic processes (33,108), cell membrane effects, Peak Golden Oil-Peak Wellness Nutrition, black cumin seed, see allergies for more

{Herbs to treat allergies (108f): Goldenseal (alleviate congestion and excess mucus)-capsule or tincture; Red Sage (relieve inflamed and congested mucus membranes(- make tea from powder or tincture; Cayanne (to reduce inflammation or pain or as cardio tonic)- powdered form in food or as tincture; Yarrow (treating fevers; also reduces blood pressure, stimulates digestion, and reduces swelling of bronchial tissue)- tea or tincture or essential oil)

 Allergic Arthritis

food allergies(test & treat)(40), oxidative stress, chronic inflammation; avoid nightshade vegetables(potatos,tomatos,egg plant, pepper, tobacco) , hippuric acid(benzoic acid from soft drinks or pastries)  PIT(in chicken, eggs, peas, cabbage family); [mercury/toxic metals(33,52,108,113,114) �cause chronic oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation ( -see previous topic]; DHEA(52), PQQ(52), Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, LE(51), NAC(24a),[ alfafa(tonic-tea or capsules, 108f); Arnica montana (oil or linamint or salve, 108f), Apitherapy(bee venom, 108f), Devil�s Claw(reduces uric acid, 108f), Feverfew(108f), Ginger(108f), , Meadowsweet (salicin, pain and fever, 108f), Shark Cartilage (108f), White Willow Bark (salicin,108f)} {Essential Oils for Artritis (108f): Chamomile(dab a drop of two of chamomile oil on your temples, make a hot compress with chamomile oil and hot water on a terry cloth washcloth and place against an aching joint, or put some oil in a diffuser and inhale it all day long), Lavender(for stress reflief), Coriander(as rub or massage oil, dilute 1 to 5 with carrier oil- olive oil or coconut oil), (mixture of rosemary oil and eucalyptus oil- as massage oil diluted with carrier oil or in aromatherapy diffuser, aroma lamp, or facial sauna)}

Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils- (eucalyptus, orange, oregano, thieves, chamomile, benzoin, boldo, camphor, Citronella, Helichrysum, Manuka, Mullein, Myrrh, Rosemary, Sage, Sandelwood, Spikenard, Tansy, Vitiver, Yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22)

Gastrointestinal Problems (digestive disorders) (GERD, dyspepsia(indigestion), dysbiosis, IBS/leaky gut, �malabsorption of nutrients or protein, diverticulitis, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, colic, food allergies, blocked enzymes needed to digest food or nutrients) Causes:  low stomach acid(Zypan test, add Zypan or betaine HCL if low), toxic exposures/leaky gut,  toxic plant protein (lectins,39-LectinShield), food allergies or sensitivities(52,40,42,30)(most common: wheat and diary,40-elimination diet), candida or bacterial outbreaks(avoid sugar, use probiotics,30,40,52), low fiber diet-change diet or add fiber, insufficient good bacteria lining intestine(effects immune system and can be part of/factor in many other health problems- prebiotics and probiotics(40,42,30), fermented foods(30)); (antibiotics or antimicrobials or anti-fungals- phase out); poor diet(sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed foods-avoid,40,42,30,52) ; toxic exposures- detox(33); insufficient digestive enzymes- digestive enzyme supplement with meals); Artichoke and Artichoke extract improve digestion(52,30), not enough soluble or insoluble fiber(30,40,42,52), insufficient plant based, green or colorful foods(30,40,52); insufficient omega-3 fatty acids(30,40,42,52), too much corn syrup and omega-6 fatty acids(30,40,42,50); Cinnamon(136b).

Many studies have found that an imbalanced gut microbiome contributes to metabolic syndrome, diabetes, chronic fatigue, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, obesity, and more (51b, p23,40,30). Toxic metals and other toxics can cause such microbiome imbalances (33,52,108,126), and also damage enzymes needed to digest and utilize nutrients and activate necessary hormones (33,40,52,108). Bacteriophages which target certain harmful bacteria and probiotics can help counteract such imbalances (51b-p33) and together can have symbiotic effects(51b). Detox and liver cleanse can also help (33,40,51,21). 

Diet Protocol(40): Mediterranean diet, low carbohydrate, high protein(79), pure water, 1/3 of diet raw, exercise, phase out prescription drugs, check stomach acid status, consider liver and gallbladder flush, plenty of good fats(78,40)];chia seed and flax seed are good sources of fiber and omega-3s and protein(30); coconut oil is a healthy fat and should be included in the diet(21,40). Cinnamon aids digestion(136b). Dr. Castelli, director of the Framingham study said that the more saturated fat and cholesterol one eats, the lower the person�s serum cholesterol level and no adverse effects seen. check food sensitivities (21,129b): most common dairy, wheat, gluten, eggs, soy- if low carbohydrate diet doesn�t solve digestive problems, do elimination test for most common sensitivities (21). Prevention of digestive problems-coconut oil daily (21, healthy fat, antimicrobial) chia or flax seeds, Natural treatment(52): Artichoke extract highly effective, (Black Radish extract, artichoke, peppermint, cholic acid, calcium phosphate herbal formula- highly effective); Other Nutritional Therapies(52): Phosphatidylcholine, Zinc-Carnosine, cranberries, Licorice, Picrorhiza

Improve digestion or digestive system problems: Essential Oils (frankincense, lemon grass, oregano, peppermint, thieves, lemon, parsley, basil, chamomile, Angelica, Anise, bergamot, black pepper, boldo ,buchu, caraway, cardamom, cinnamon, citronella, clary sage, clove, coriander, cumin, dill, frankincense, hyssop, mandarin, majoram, mugwort, palma rosa, pennyroyal, rue, sage, tarragon, wormwood, yarrow, how to use; 22)

Digestive Aid: Aloe Vera powder or capsules (108f), [Dandelion root or extract (108f)- Rich in lecithin, dandelion root enhances liver and gallbladder functioning, prevents iron deficiency, reduces high blood pressure, regulates fluids, and normalizes the heartbeat; Dandelion greens are nutritious in salads or soups]; Papaya (aids in digesting protein) (108f); As a digestive aid, peppermint tea stimulates the flow of digestive fluid in the stomach and alleviates intestinal problems, nausea, and diarrhea. (108f)

Detox liver and gall bladder: Aloe vera powder or capsules (108f)

Digestive stimulant: chilli peppers, cayenne pepper (108f) It increases liver enzymes and thermogenesis, effective in the processes of fat metabolism and weight lossheals intestinal ulcers; and removes, cleans, and rebuilds stomach tissues.

Constipation Aid: Aloe vera powder or capsules (108f); laminaria seaweed extract is bulk-forming aid in constipation (133c)

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome): see digestion, dysbiosis, leaky gut; Chamomile tea (108f); Peppermint (108f)

Nausea: bacterial infection (salmonella, etc), food allergies-elimination test, Chamomile tea (108f)

Digestive dysbiosis: microbial imbalance in GI system; causes: poor diet, antibiotics, alcohol misuse, too much sugar or refined carbohydrates; good diet, probiotics; lavender essential oil (108f), Papaya (aids in digesting protein), soothes stomach (108f)

Severe dysbiosis: avoid sugar, refined carbs, gluten, use whole foods, check for low stomach acid and enzymes

Gastroesophageal reflux Disease (GERD) (Heartburn) : Pharmaceuticals and many doctors seem to think that acid reflux is primarily caused by excess acid- however this is incorrect (99,40,42,52,52,13,etc.)

main causes- Lower esophageal sphincter(LES) weakness or damage(52)- can be reactive to food trigger(temporary) or permanent problem(52); common triggers are coffee, alcohol, chocolate, medications, spicy foods, nicotine(52), fried foods, sugar, refined starches, sodas(99); Peppermint (relaxant for the lower sphincter muscle and esophagus) (108f);magnesium deficiency(99)insufficient or rushed chewing(99), drinking too much liquids with meal, poor diet or food combining(40) or food allergies;  low stomach acid(40,42,99); inadequate digestive enzyme function; prescription drugs_ that contribute to reflux; hiatal hernia or diaphragm strain(40); treatment, see above; if due to prescription, see if can phase it out; for hiatal hernia test or treatment- see p95, 40; Common food allergies causing heartburn (14): coffee, wine, tomato paste, citrus, banana, apple; Use low allergen food elimination diet to check and eliminate problem. DGL, apigenin, & luteolin are protective and reduce effects (137a). Likewise Life Extension Esophogeal Guardian(51).

Lifestyle and Dietary Management of GERD(52): avoid food and beverage triggers, quit smoking, lose weight if needed, monitor meal size and macronutrient composition, avoid eating late at night, limit NSAIDs, elevate head of bed;

 Targeted Nutritional interventions(52): Raft-Forming Agents (combo of gel-forming fiber like pectin with antacid buffer(sodium or potassium biaronate), Melatonin, D-Limonene, DGL, garlic protect against H pylori, Lowering risk of esophageal cancer(52,26): more vegetables and fruit(citrus fruits and yellow, brassica, or raw vegetables); freeze-dried strawberry or raspberry powder(26), fiber from cereal, but consumption of animal protein or saturated fat or dietary cholesterol lead to increase risk, Vit C &E & beta caroene are protective; also multivitamin, ellagic acid lowers cancer risk and peptic ulcers, broccoli, vit E with N-acetyl-Carnitine, proanthocyanidins from apples, and cranberries, betaine TMG 

Other treatments: tilt bed up, don�t eat within 4 hours of bedtime, HCL with meals, enzymes(TrueEZ-D(55)Integrative Digestive Formula), chew well, avoid junk food, take probiotics, [don�t take PPIs ( 52,40, D-17,42,J-18,M-18) which cause osteoporosis and increased risk of death, investigate low stomach acid-add Betaine HCL if low ], small meals more often(30), AloeCran drink (inexpensive, healthy drink,55), TrueAloe(55), TrueLife PB(5*),� most reflux sufferers have H pylori bacteria(21)- masic gum(1000-2000mg/d),� H pylori treatment(21): eliminate stress and get good sleep, avoid coffee , soft drinks, alcohol, NSAIDs; take combination of cabbage juice and cayenne pepper(one oz juice& 1 cayenne pepper capsule x 3); 10 days

Acid Reflux (LE Bye-Lori, Mastic gum, Jul (02)) Super Digestive Enzymes (w pB) LE, AloeCran (51), TrueEZ-D (55), 

Low Stomach Acid symptoms: acne, dilate capillaries in cheeks, red nose, bloating, belching, flatulence after meals, chronic yeast infections, eczema, loss of hair in women (heartburn, indigestion, multiple food allergies, redness on cheeks or nose, Burning or dryness in mouth, undigested food in stool, fingernail problems, weight gain; TrueHNS (55)),

Test(40): take 1 Zypan or BetanineHCL tablet with meals- see if digestion improves, if so take� 2 or 3 as needed with meals-large percentage of older people need); Dr Myatt Gastic Acid home self test kit :

(betaine hydrochloride, TMG, or combo with digestive enzymes) (24 HP), TrueEZ-D (55), Integrative Digestive Formula; most reflux sufferers have H pylori bacteria (21)- mastic gum(1000-2000mg/d)

Gut dysbiosis Protocol: with too little stomach acid:� Zypan (2 or 3) , with Gallbladder problem A-F Betafood

Okra Pepsin E3, Zymex, ProSynbiotic by Standard Process (40)

Food Combining Protocol (40) do not combine fruit with any other food, do not combine a protein with a starch,�� do not combine bread with a protein, drink only pure water;� don�t eat after supper -observe results

Detox and Heal the Gut with Clay Protocol: Gastrex twice daily away from meals, Okra Pepsin E3.

Elimination Protocol(40): start the first day with one food only- watermelon or grapes or something else in season; After 2 or 3 days, if pain or symptoms better add another food; same then add another food; zuchinni might be a nutritious addition and Sun Chlorella for protein, etc.; continue and assess results-  if you add an offending food should be obvious within a day. 

[for non-food allergies, find a way to try to eliminate likely allergens for a period of time]


Gastroparisis: diluted Organic Apple Cider Vinegar/ Bragg’s, or combined with olive oil for salads or supplements( Natural Factors, NOW,136b).


Constipation, bowel movements are difficult or painful; causes: lack of exercise, dehydration, poor diet, drugs, not enough fiber or water, insufficient probiotics; lack of good oils, B vitamin deficiency, sluggish thyroid, lazy gut/prolapse colon) T: (52) get plenty of fiber, exercise and water, lots of fruit and vegetables, black radish extract(high fiber content), peppermint(antispasmodic), Prebiotics and Probiotics; check drugs, more omega-3 oils or raw flax seed oil, Cataplex B by Standard Process(40), Barnes thyroid home test- if needed take Thytrophin PMG, Cataplex F, if prolapse colon, consider slant board protocol, 40]] for severe constipation: (on an empty stomach, 4-8 grams of Vit C powder and 1500 mg magnesium oxide powder in water or grapefruit juice-adjust dose depending on results); (or 2000-3000 mg of B5 powder as previous)  , lentals(fiber,81), dandelion(81)

Colonics(21),  AloeCran drink mix, FiberPlex, Enteraklenz,   Triphala(67), Chitosan,   magnesium

TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51), Mannatech MannaCleanse, colonics, fruit, probiotics, fiber foods (24 HP) 

Essential Oils with Laxative Effects: (parsley, fennel, ginger, majorum, nutmeg, rose, sage, spikenard, combinations, how to use: 22)


Serious Colon Problems or Diverticulitis or Chronic Constipation; colonics by professional (40d); probiotics, good diet, raw vegetables, pure water, exercise, test for low stomach acid, curcumin

Colon cleanser: wheat grass (chlorophyll) (108f); 

Option to colonoscopy: Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT, 40)

Constipation protocol: Psyllium Husk Powder, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, CataplexB; with thyroid problems add Thytrophin PMG, Cataplex

Diarrhea:� causes- prescription drugs (antibiotics, etc.), toxins in the bowel, dehydration, low fiber; green tea (ECGC),���

Drug induced: add probiotics like ProSynbiotic (40); Toxic gut:_ Cholacol II clay by Standard Process (40), True PB (55), Culturelle Digestive Health (4.3*), Schiff Digestive Advantage (4.3*), Probiotic Advantage (30)

Common food allergen causing: chocolate, wheat, diary, eggs (14)

Diverticulitis : inflammation or infection of small pouches called diverticula that develop along the walls of the intestines(

T: (39,, Colonics(21),  AloeCran drink mix, FiberPlex,

EnteraklenzTriphala(67), Chitosan,  magnesium

C-difficile infection � fecal implant (40)� 

Appendicitis: blockage of hollow po rtion of appendix (often hardened feces-periodic bowel cleanse or colonic to prevent acute problem), inflamed lymphoid tissue from viral attack; parasites, flukes and pinworms(31) - T:  zap, cleanses, black walnut tincture(31) , TrueMilkThistle(detox,55)

Metabolic Syndrome: a clustering of at least 3 or the 5 following medical conditions: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high triglycerides, and low HDL levels; dangerous precursor to diabetes and other chronic conditions. Treat each condition. 7-keto DHEA benefits (52) all; chia or flax seeds benefit; Resveratrol (108b), Turmeric Forte (40), CoQ10, berberine, hesperidin (activates AMPK, improves most aspects of metabolic syndrome, 51); Provicor (Provinol omega 7, amlamax, grape seed extract, CoQ10, Plant sterol, 133c),polycosanol, vit D.

[To Reduce Belly Fat: (restrict: Wheat, HFCS, MSG, BPA); Epicure, MORO Orange Extract, Natural Ways to Reduce Insulin Resistance (Curcumin, Ginger, Cinnamon, Olive Leaf Extract, Berries, Black seed (Nigella sativa), Spirulina and soy, Berberine, Low glycemic Resistant Starches), TBD: (Fasting, Plenty of Sun, HIITR), (138)]

Note: Prenatal exposure to organochlorines was positively associated with overweight at age 7 years in a study population (97b)

Metabolic Detoxification: reason for need: toxin exposure (produced by living organisms including people): [Benzopyrene, acrylamide, N-nitroso (NOCs), VOCs-home and outdoor air toxins, carpet toxins, BPA, phthalates, pesticides: Limit exposure: limit VOC cleaning products, carpets, paints; store food in BPA free containers, organic produce, wash fruit and veges, limit processed foods, avoid high temperature cooking; Toxic Metal exposures(common cause of metabolic problems and other health problems)- see toxic metal detox;� Dietary Support of Metabolic Detoxification(52): (vit A&C&E&B2&B3, folate, iron, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, selenium); (methionine or cysteine, bit B6, SAMe, vit B12&B5, NAC) ; flavonoids(grapefruit, genistein, daidzein, theaflavins); EGCG, resveratrol, curcumin, cinnamon, ALA, alpha tocopherol, lycopene, gingko biloba, capsaicin, olives, garlic, chlorophyll, garlic, D-limonene, calcium D-glucarate, Chlorophyllin, Probiotics, NAC, Milk thistle, fiber, Artichoke & artichoke extract, fennel, dandelion, cumin, ginger, ajowan, curry, mustard leaf

Gallstones: (bile particles/sludge)- Prevention: ggod diet & exercise (108g), Treatment (Allergy Elimination Diet-108g),

 (Lecithin, omega-3 fatty acids, ursodiol, Vit E, Curcumin, Oregon Grape Root,, Rowachol, 108g)

Liver Problems: the liver has many functions vital to our health including detoxifying toxic substances and commonly can get congested and overwhelmed (40,33), resulting in many types of health problems throughout the body, including digestive problems, allergies, cancer, etc. Common liver toxins include acetaminophen, alcohol, toxic metals (mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, etc.) (103a,33,16-19,52,105,108,113,114,126).� Foods needed to help the liver detoxify itself include garlic, onions, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, beets, cabbage, asparagus, egg yolks, flax seed oil (40). Other detox aids include NAC (33,52,108), feverfew (108f), vit C, vit B1(103a). Test for toxic metals and detox as appropriate (33,94). Periodic liver cleanses are often needed- protocol (Livaplex, Spanish Black Radish, Cholacol II, and Cruciferous Complete by Standard Process, 40) For more serious health problems or hepatitis, include Zymex, Betacol, Crucciferous Complete; with kidney problems add Albaplex (see p90, 40). LiverCare use showed effectiveness in improving chronic liver problems and liver function tests (34), SAMe (52); probiotics(103a), Milk Thistle

Liver Disease types: hepatitis (virus infection), cirrhosis/excess alcohol (lowers SAMe), biliary cirrhosis (damage to liver bile ducts), cardiac cirrhosis (related to congestive heart failure); (low level oral hydrogen peroxide therapy treats and often cures alcoholism-60b)

   most common cause of acute liver failure is older people is drug induced liver injury (34)-most common acetaminophen and statin drugs (34,52), but see LiverTox (NIH) for others. Other causes: mercury or metals toxicity33 ) detox:Pectasol(42), NAC, chlorella(53), Quicksilver detox(94), dentist or doctor(33,89), other toxic effects(33,40), clogged up: liver cleanse, Advanced Liver Support(milk thistle, royal agaricus, Phosphatidylcholine, Quercetin, selenium(6), Alpha-lipoic acid, licorice root, selenium, 42), (TrueGreenTea with SOD, 55),  Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab comprehensive liver detox test(,�� consider liver cleanse(40), Astronex (Standard Process, 40); IV ozone therapy(60b); Milk Thistle extract in phospholipid delivery system,51,103a);

TrueMilkThistle(detox,55), Hulda Clark (31); liver cleanse (, liverCare (34); oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details)

Nutritional Therapy (52): Metabolic Support (Vit B complex, folate, choline, Acetyl-L-Carnitine), Anitioxidants to reduce free radical damage(Vit C&E, CoQ10, Lipoic acid, NAC, Selenium, Zinc. Schisandra and melon pulp extract), Protecting Liver (SAME, PPC, Silymarin, BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids)

Elevated Liver Enzymes (ALP, AST, GGT, LDH):  cleanse and detox (Pectasol (42) NAC, TrueMilkThistle (detox,55))

Hepatitis: infection by HepB or HepC virus, causes chronic liver inflammationoxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details)

Hep B Nutritional Therapy (52): Selenium, coffee, green tea (EGCG), Zinc, whey, B vits, vit C&E, Resveratrol, Curcumin, NAC, Astragalus, Milk Thistle

HepC emerging therapies (52): Telaprevir, Boceprevir, Metformin, Ezetimibe, Thymosin, Alpha-1; Nutritional Therapies (52): �NAC, SAMe, Lipoic Acid, Whey protein, selenium, Glutathione, Lactorerrin, EGCG, calcium, Additional natural protection (52): Silymarin, Silibinin, PPC, Schisandra, Licorice root extract, Vit D, coffee, zinc-carnosine, curcumin, Quercetin, L-carnitine

Hemochromatosis: hereditary disorder- too much iron absorbed and accumulated, resulting in free-radical damage to liver, heart, pancreas. Controlled by donating blood;

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: (NAFLD)(fat accumulates in liver-incidence increasing) causes: poor diet, drugs, poisonous or toxic exposures (test & detox), oxidative stress, chronic� obesity(103a), diabetes, elevated triglycerides; insulin resistance, too much fructose/HFCS(40,51,52); T: good diet and exercise, Milk Thistle extract in phospholipid delivery system,51,103a); [probiotic/prebiotic combo, Liver Restore(LE)], liver detox and cleanse, test for mercury and toxic metals(33,94,108,126) -NAC, Pectasol, see toxic metal detox

Nutritional support: vit E, Omega-3 fatty acids, metformin, SAMe, NAC, Milk Thistle, PPC, Resveratrol.

Cirrhosis: fibrous scarring of liver caused by chronic inflammatory, toxic, metabolic causes;� alcohol, POPs, mercury or toxic metals(detox: Quicksilver detox(94), EDTA chelation(89), see other toxics detox), other toxics (detox: Pectasol (42), chlorella(53), Milk Thistle extract in phospholipid delivery system,51,103a);TrueMilkThistle (55), NAC), liver cleanse(see liver), good diet and exercise;� IV Ozone therapy(60b)

Gallbladder Problems: early signs of GB problems: earping, nausea; can also have pain, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, dry skin, losing hair, etc. causes: poor diet-[improve diet and add betaine (A-F Betafood(40)], insufficient stomach acid: add betaine HCL or Standard Process Zypan(40), if Gallbladder removed (need daily bile salt supplement (Alt, 11-07), Cholacol, Standard Process A-F Betafood, 800-869-9159)

Liver-gallbladder cleanse: mix one cup of finely shredded raw beets, two tablespoons of Virgin First-Pressed Olive Oil or Flax Seed Oil, and juice of � lemon; 1st 3 days: 1tsp every 2 hours; next week: 2 tblsp before meals; next 30 days: continue same pattern (effects should be noticeable)� 

To boost cleanse, add flax meal (good quality product or NutriFlax (40)) start with 1 tsp, then increase. For more serious gallbladder problems consider liver flush: [cup EV olive oil with lemon juice and disodium phosphate, see p93, 40] ; 

 Food allergies are a common cause of gallbladder problems and pain. According to Dr. Breneman (14). �The ingestion of the food allergens creates edema (fluid retention) in the bile ducts, and the drainage of bile from the gallbladder is impaired. This inadequately drained area is prone to infections. These infected areas then form the (breeding place) for ... stone information. When the food allergens is removed from the diet, there is no edema ... so the patient is symptom free. The foods that caused those patient’s gallbladder problems were, in order of frequency, egg, pork, onion, fowl, milk, coffee, orange, corn, beans and nuts all common allergens. As long as those people didn’t eat anything to which they were allergic, says Dr. Breneman, they had no more pain. The problematic foods can be determined and avoided by use of an elimination diet.

Edema: water retention/buildup usually related to lymph drainage; Lymphatic drainage therapy, Lymphatic massage (102);

Natural Diuretics: (dandelion, juniper, EGCG, parsley, black cumin seed, hibiscus); Hydrocin; Essential Oil- Lemon grass (22)

Gallbladder Pain       over 95% liver problem or food allergie: allergy to eggs, pork, onions, etc.    (NAET, AAEM, ACAM, AANP) Liver detox: TrueMilkThistle ,NAC ,Pectasol (detox,55) , CEDS: hemp CBD(95) 


Obesity/Weight Control: [a common cause is underactive thyroid(21), see Brody temperature test under thyroid problems: as get older body doesn’t convert T4 to T3 as needed: iodine( iodoral or Prolomine Iodine(40)][a common cause of hypothyroid is mercury toxicity (21,33,105): from dental amalgam and fish- detox: Pectasol (42), Quicksilver detox formula(94), chlorella(53), see doctor(33,89)]; main cause: too much sugar, refined carbohydrates(40,21);

[Diet Protocol(40): Mediterranean diet, low carbohydrate, high protein(79), good fats(monosaturated such as olive oil and coconut oil), grass fed animal fat and eggs,� pure water, 1/3 of diet raw, exercise, phase out prescription drugs, check stomach acid status, consider liver and gallbladder flush, plenty of good fats(78,40)] ; [take: Tyrosine (21, 500-1000 mg x3), idodine(iodoral or Prolomine Iodine(40), Guggulipid(21), Coleus forskohlii(21), Glandular thyroid extract if needed(21) or compounded T3/T4] or M-Factor which has all of these(42); exercise 4 times a week(21)- interval training and weight bearing exercise(21,40)

Weight Loss   (daily exercise & healthy diet,40,42,52), curcumin/Turmeric Forte(turns white fat cells brown which burns more calories,40), Anti-adipocyte formula, w Irvingia, 51), TrueSlim, 55 or Evolution Nutrition Carcinia Camogia Extract with HCA(4.7*), Extra Stength or Garcinia Pro(4.6*)); Conjugated linoleic acid(CLA), Flax oil, Green Tea Extract, TrueGreenTea with SOD(55), EGCG, Creatine; [hypothyroid: Natures Thyroid Support(Tyrosine, Selenium, Kelp, Bladderwrac, Ashwagandha) or� metals toxicity(detox: Pectasol(42), Quicksilver detox(94),see 33,89); 7-keto DHEA(52) induces thermogenesis; green smoothie in morning with spinach(thylakoid extract), etc. and low sugar(99); berberine; ketogenic diet (low carb, high in good fats); MORO Orange Extract, coconut oil; CraveStop (chromium, vanadium, gymnema sylvestre, banaba leaf, ginseng, 133c)

Reboot Your Leptin Sensitivity (99): (a) early breakfast(high protein, good fats ok, low carb and low grains; (b) cold adaptation : start with dunking face in cold water off and on for 5 minutes, then can use ice on upper torso for 5 minutes; then cold baths or showers, (c) moderate exercise- best in afternoon with sun exposure in morning; (d) meditation

[human chorionic gonadotropin hormone treatment (108)- HCG supplementation]

Common drugs that often result in weight gain (SSRIs, some beta blockers, corticosteroids, anti-psychotic drugs, anti-seizure drugs (133a);

Reduce sugar craving; chromium (133a), good fats; Konjac or glucomannan (133a)

Weight Loss/Detox Purification Program (40): [SP Cleanse, SP Complete, Gastro-Fiber, SP Green Food, Whey Protein; 3 weeks]

Mediterranean Blood Type Diet (77,40): [Blood Type O:� more of carnivore, high protein/meat with vegetables and fruit, not much beans/lentils, Blood Type A: mostly vegetables but adequate protein, fish; Blood Type B: balanced Omnivore, Mediterranean Diet with plenty of protein, Type AB: omnivore in moderation, 40,77)�� 

Weight Loss Essential Oils:(coconut oil, thieves, oregano, combinations, how to use: 22)

 Peptic ulcer: causes: poor diet, poor food combining, low stomach acid, perhaps pylori bacteria;

Treatment (40): improve diet and food combining and take quart of raw freshly juiced cabbage juice daily for 10 days with Gastrex and Okra Pepsin E3 from Standard Process; if this doesn’t work test for pylori bacteria; cranberries & cranberry juice (133a); Gastro Guardian (Brazilian bee propolis, licorice, fenugreek,133c)

Belching, Bloating, Gas:  commonly caused by lectins (dairy, soy, legumes, baked beans, green beans, broccoli, potatoes, turnips, grains, nightshades) -avoid or use LectinShield(39); magnesium, dandelion extract;

reduce sweets and starches which feed yeast, consider HCL and enzymes, TrueEZ-D(55) Beano or Charco caps or Gas-X , (24 HP)      can get tests from Genova Lab or EnteroLab  

General Treatment/Detox for Digestive Problems:  Thorne’s MediClear or Metagenic’s Ultra InflamX  (24 HP)

Such symptoms or nausea when digesting fats may indicate gallbladder problem- try A-F Betafood(40)(betaine from beets is a natural bile thinner)

Gallbladder Problems (Gallbladder is a necessary organ, take care of it) A-F Betafood(40)(do GB cleanse 3 or so times a year,40)

GB Cleanse: mix 2cuos finely shredded, organic beets, lemon juice, 2 TBS extra-virgin olive oil; take half 2 hrs after breakfast and half 2 hours after lunch for 10 days) if not sufficient do Gallbladder flush, see p90 of (40);

Stomach cramps: �food allergies: common causes- milk, cheese, gluten, nuts, MSG, simple sugars;

Elimination diet to determine cause and eliminate (14)

Stomach ulcers    H. Pylori bacteria (LE Bye-Lori, Mastic gum), parasites/bacteria, dental/arsenic: cleanses; Licorice (108f)

Stomach bleeding     rhubarb

Gastritis, dyspepsia, indigestion causes:  bacteria (salmonella, shigella, E Coli, Bacteroides fragilis, clostridium) (31), Toxic metals (see toxic metals for diagnosis and treatment)-   T: cleanups and cleanses; (LE Bye-Lori, 7-02)    Mannatech MannaCleanse; Enzymes (TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula), Ferula asafetida(55)

chronic gastritis and enteritis: Goldenseal (digestive bile stimulant, improving the digestive process and maintaining healthy liver functioning (108f) 

IBD: (IBS, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis)

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (5-15% have) causes: dental amalgam, parasites/bacteria/Blastocystis (31,129) , insufficient bile salts (Alt, 11-07), low stomach acid (40b): betaine HCL; harmful microbes(40b): DUT& Prosynbiotic & Okra Pepsin E3, Lectins: (Lectin Shield, Dr. Gundry,39), [foods (banana, coffee, corn, eggs, milk, peas, potatoes, and wheat.9 ];artichoke extract(21),  peppermint, metals detox, parasite & liver & bowel cleanse, Pectasol(42), TrueMilkThistle(55), TrueAloe(55), AloeCran drink(55), Turmeric & proteolytic enzymes, TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula(42); ProSynbiotic(prebiotic/probiotic,40); Peppermint

Crohn’s Disease: (autoimmune condition), causes: elevated inflammatory cytokines (52), chronic inflammation, DHEA reduces inflammatory cytokines that contribute to autoimmune diseases(99b); benzene, wood alcohol/ propyl alcohol; Peppermint Essential Oil (108f) 

[Dental amalgam(mercury,33) ( & (

-see toxic metal effects earlier for diagnosis and treatment];, lectins(39) , food allergies(wheat, dairy, etc.-elimination diet); T: low dose Naltraxone(52), (supplement to correct nutritional deficiencies (vit D&K, vit B6&B12, carotene,selenium, iron, protein,52); probiotics(52) ( TrueAloe(55), aspartame,  parasites/bacteria(31)  (LE Bye-Lori) Mannatech:MannaCleanse & Ambrotose, curcumin,  metals detox,  parasite and liver cleanses, TrueMilkThistle(55), detox) polyphenols, Curcumin & proteolytic enzymes, TrueEZ-D (55), Integrative Digestive Formula

[Mercury: safe amalgam replacement and detox(33): Pectasol(42), TrueMilkThistle(55), TrueALA(55), QuickSilver detox(94), see(33,89); pure water(40), liver cleanse(40), indigestible fiber-psyllium husk powder, see gastrointestinal diet protocol(40), avoid antibiotics(40,52), colonic, fecal implants(40) , acetyl-L-carnosine(103), benfotiamine(52), nutritional therapy(52), Omega-3 fatty acids, vit D3, Curcumin, selenium, vit C&A&E, Bosweillia, wormwood, Aloe Gel, Butyrate, L-Carnitine, Glutamine, Melatonin, DHEA vit K, fiber, avoid sugar, folate & vit B12

Ulcerative Colitis: inflammation of the colon; can lead to bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever; 

Causes: inflammatory cytokines, chronic inflammation, food allergies (elimination diet (wheat, dairy, etc.)

T: Cromolyn Sodium (found highly effective by a clinical trial, 52), probiotics (52), Ozone therapy(60ab), ProSynbiotic(40); Peppermint Essential Oil (108f); [ mercury(33)(detox-see above)], leukotrienes (33), parasites/bacteria(31): cleanses, T: curcumin, Boswellia(300 mg x 3 3) (Wr*) (Alt)(21); fish oil, TrueOmega-3 (55), butyrate enemas, glutamine, yeast , RNA,  (LEF), TrueAloe(55); treat inflammation(DHEA, vit K, curcumin(69): Super Bio-Curcumin (51,4.5*) Terry Naturally Curamin(4.5*), Rutin(52), pentoxifylline, TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula, Diet: avoid raw fruit & veges, elimination diet: wheat, milk, corn, 

nutritional therapy (52), Omega-3 fatty acids, vit D3, Curcumin, selenium, vit C&A&E, Bosweillia, wormwood, Aloe Gel, Butyrate, L-Carnitine, Glutamine, Melatonin, DHEA vit K, fiber, avoid sugar, folate & vit B12

Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils- (eucalyptus, orange, oregano, thieves, chamomile, benzoin, boldo, camphor, Citronella, Helichrysum, Manuka, Mullein, Myrrh, Rosemary, Sage, Sandelwood, Spikenard, Tansy, Vitiver, Yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22)

Leaky Gut (IBS) causes: elevated inflammatory cytokines,  lectins(39)) enzymatic blockages, toxic damage ,  mercury/dental amalgam/toxic metals(33,105,113)(, parasites/ bacteria(31)  (eliminate bad bacteria with Digestive and Urinary Tonic(DUT) and daily homemade yogurt or (and)ProSynbiotic are highly effective,40; (2-3 cups/day of homemade yogurt(40); Enteric probiotics  ), Culturelle Digestive Health(probiotic, 4.3*), Schiff Digestive Advantage(probiotic, 4.3*) , Probiotic Advantage(Alt., 30, 4*), Digestive Enzymes , artichoke leaf extract(400 mg of quality extract x3/d then x 2 , 42),� Milk Thistle(21), TrueMilkThistle(55), Zinc-Carnosine(52), cranberry juice(52), Licorice extract(52), Picrorhiza(52);stress, altered gut bacteria, food sensitivities; other treatments, :      LectinShield(39),  bone broth;  colonics,   ,  metals detox,  parasite & liver & bowel cleanse, TrueMilkThistle,55, Low stomach acid   test(Heidelberg capsule: ACAM or AAEM),   hair mineral test(6 or more low minerals, poor absorption) if yes, betaine HCL and pepsin supplement(but not with NSAIDs or if problems), TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula; test for mercury or toxic metals and cleanups and detox: see toxic metal effects earlier(33,52,108,113,114,126); acupuncture; evening primrose oil; peppermint; probiotic supplements;

Nutritional therapy: see Crohn�s, chronic IBD and induced deficiencies such as vit D&K or cumulative doses of glucocorticoid are risk factors in osteoporosis (52) & also increased risk of blood clots.� Vit E, vit D, resveratrol may help offset the risk (52), also nattokinase (33,133a); linaclotide has been effective at attenuating IBS and chronic constipation (52); FODMAPs diet (avoids problematic foods); Lifestyle (stress reduction, regular exercise, acupuncture; targeted nutritional treatments (52): peppermint oil, probiotics, artichoke leaf extract, melatonin(9), curcumin, Saccharomyces boulardii, cod liver oil; probiotics, fermented foods (133a)

Digestive Enzymes: Pure Encapsulations with HCL (137a), Digestive Enzymes, LE,51)

Stress relief (52): Rhodiola, Bocopa, Holy Basil, Ashwagandha, Cordyceps, & stress modification: phosphatidylserine

hiatal hernia: test or treatment- see p95, 40.

Pancreatitis: causes: elevated inflammatory cytokines (52), chronic inflammation (52), alcohol (52), high triglycerides level(WebMD), some drug effects, smoking; risk factor in pancreatic cancer(52)

Syndrome X(insulin resistance, high triglycerides, high insulin levels and fats in blood, high BP)� (number 1 health problem in U.S., cause of many other conditions, 40,79), primary cause: too much refined or high glycemic index foods over time-leads to insulin resistance and then diabetes, 40,79), T: low carbohydrate/ high protein diet, (eliminate bread, pasta potatoes, rice, crackers, sweets, �processed foods); eat greens, avocado, beets, mushrooms, lower carbohydrate fruits, magnesium, CoQ10; Iodoral or Prolomine Iodine by Standard Process; see Diet Protocol,40), Curcumin(40); Provicor (Provinol omega 7, amlamax, grape seed extract, CoQ10, Plant sterol, 133c)

anorexia nervosa.    Zinc deficiency, anxiety-see anxiety;   


BCDS (B Complex Deficiency Syndrome): (one of most common vitamin deficiencies) 

common symptoms of BCSD: depression, constant feeling of dread, hypoglycemia, weakness/fatigue, candidiasis, PMS, neuritis, neuralgia, etc. etc.; richest source of food grade B vitamins: brewer’s yeast, other sources: liver, whole grain cereal (not enriched cereal with synthetic vitamins added); also Cataplex B by Standard Process.�With significant fatigue add Drenamin

Inflammatory conditions (cancer, heart disease, senility, arthritis) causes: toxic exposures: (toxic metals, POPs, pesticides, etc.-test & detox), excess belly fat increases inflammatory conditions; resistance exercise and other exercise reduce belly fat and inflammation; Resveratrol reduces belly fat and fights cytokines, as does hesperidin which activates AMPK, 51; T: curcumin (69,26b): Super-Bio Curcumin (51,4.5*), Terry Naturally Curamin (4.5*), NAC (24a), theaflavins (black tea extract) (LEF, 1-09); black or red raspberry powder(Ellagic Acid,26b); AHCC(ImmPower) (108b); Vit K counteracts inflammation and reduces it’s effects (108g).

BCDS (B complex deficiency common,40): 

Protocol(40): Cataplex B by Standard Process(69); With significant fatigue add Drenamin; With anxiety/hyperactivity, add Cataplex G

MGUS: Monoclonal gammopathy (leads to cancer)- [Berberine, Protolytic Enzymes (Wobe-Mugos), Curcumin, Baicalin (Skullcap), 108f]

Cancer: (most cancer is preventable(26,40,52,99, etc.) [causes(52)- poor diet /high glycemic foods and nutritional deficiencies (40,52,99,26) is the number 1 factor in cancer incidence(40,26b, etc.), obesity (26c,52), chronic inflammation (52,33), selenium deficiency(52,33), decreased energy production in cells(21); oxidative stress(52,33), mitochondrial dysfunction(52,33), weakened immune system, blue light from computers, TVs, cell phones(99bc); suppressed anger (24); [toxic exposures (carcinogens, mercury(33,113), toxic metals(33,114,126), pesticides and herbicides (33,108,134), BPA, phthalates(99), Roundup/ glyphosate(99),chlorine byproducts and fluoride(134), other chemicals, fiber glass (134); toxic teeth(mercury, nickel, root canals, 124,134); vaccines (mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, viruses such as SV40-33e); (mercury and many other toxic exposures cause many of the previously listed factors in cancer so it doesn’t require exposure to carcinogens to cause cancer ( (21,33,52,89,113,etc.), most people get significant toxic exposures and accumulate toxic substances in the body which can be tested for by urine tests, hair tests, or blood tests- detoxification is effective for toxic exposures]; genetic susceptibility (21,33,113), hormone imbalances(21,52), [radiation /EMF/Wi-fi (117,99,33,134) & (]; [Studies have found the overexpression of the protein galactin-3 to be a significant promoter of inflammation and tumor growth(34), and a predictor of mortality in humans. There is a blood test for galactin-3 which can check a patient’s status (34). Econugenics Pectasol-C and fucoidan have been shown in vitro and animal studies to lower galactin-3 levels and reduce inflammation in inflammatory diseases (34) and (133c)]; [High temperature cooking/overcooking/burning creates carcinogens (99); Cruciferous veges (I3C) counters this; also, pomegranates/ ellagitannin/ ellagic acid (99,26b): (Sambucol, Astragalus, elderberries,99), vit d3,Curcumin], AHCC (extract of medicinal mushrooms,108b), Ivermectin (inhibits cancer stem cells and improves blood red blood cells), fenbendazole(137), (ImmPower- Harmony Company) ;Inflammation is a major factor in development of cancer and Vit K counteracts inflammation and reduces it’s effects (108g). Vit K has been found to shut own oncogenes, and the MGP activated by vit K are anti-cariogenic. (108g)

Recent reports have revealed that aspartame will be declared potentially carcinogenic by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in July.


 [Showers with water containing chlorine/fluorine and no filter result in carcinogens such as chloroform and cleaning products can result in chloramines(99,60a)-ozone treatment is a safer option and also breaks down chloromines also(60a).� Vit C filters such as Sonaki neutralize these carcinogens (99), as does ozone(60a).]; Interventions with Selenium have shown benefit in reducing the risk of cancer incidence and mortality in all cancers combined, and specifically in liver, prostate, colo-rectal and lung cancers.� Recent evidence showing an association between Se, reduction of DNA damage and oxidative stress together with data showing an effect of selenoprotein genotype on cancer risk implies that selenoproteins are implicated. There is some evidence that Se may affect not only cancer risk but also progression and metastasis (6) ; IV C� (33,89,108,128)], [Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing esophageal cancer, postmenopausal breast cancer, colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, and others(26c): (good diet & exercise)]

Phytochemicals and Cancer 

It is estimated that an average of 35% of human cancers (certain types up to 70%) can be attributed to diet (1), and epidemiological research has shown a link in the geographical distribution of cancer incidence to specific diet consumption. According to the World Health Organization report 2002, there are at least 2.7 million deaths globally per year, which are primarily attributable to low fruit and vegetable intake (2). This is not surprising, as the National Cancer Institute identified about 35 plant-based foods that possess anti-cancer benefits, including garlic, soybeans, ginger, onion, turmeric, tomatoes, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts). Furthermore, the chemopreventive efficacy of these diet constituents has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo. The substantial anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic properties of these tested dietary agents can be attributed to the non-nutritive components of these foods, termed phytochemicals. There could be more than 100 different phytochemicals in just a single serving of vegetables (2), and they can be extracted for therapeutic purposes. Since phytochemicals have not been shown to have any known toxicities, they can be considered as an alternative to the conventional chemotherapy that may be harmful. A number of phytochemicals have been found to have notable efficacy in preclinical models of carcinogenesis, such as those of colorectum, breast, lung, and hematological origin. These include epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) from tea, the flavonoids quercetin and genistein from onions and soya, curcumin in curry spice and resveratrol from red grapes (3). Chemopreventive phytochemicals can block the initiation or reverse the promotion of carcinogenesis and impede the progression of precancerous cells into malignant ones.

[Natural Chemoprevention of Cancer: AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an energy sensor that plays a key role in the regulation of protein and lipid metabolism in response to changes in fuel availability(9-11)An extensive body of evidence has demonstrated that AMPK inhibits essentially all anabolic pathways that promote cell growth, such as synthesis of fatty acid, phospholipid, protein, and ribosomal RNA synthesis ( HYPERLINK "" \l "B12" 12,  HYPERLINK "" \l "B13" 13). Thus, it is not surprising that AMPK antagonizes cancer cell growth. When activated, AMPK promotes energy-producing catabolic pathways while inhibiting anabolic pathways, such as cell growth and proliferation thereby antagonizing carcinogenesis. Other anti-cancer effects of AMPK may include promoting autophagy and DNA repair upon UVB damage. Since the AMPK cascade has emerged as an important pathway implicated in cancer control, many discoveries have been made in the past decade revealing robust anti-cancer effects of AMPK in vitro and in vivo, including animal cancer models of breast, lung, colorectum, skin, and hematological malignancies. Among the latest developments is the activation of AMPK by naturally occurring dietary constituents and plant products termed phytochemicals. Owing to their efficacy and safety, phytochemicals are considered as an alternative to the conventional harmful chemotherapy

A number of phytochemicals have been found to have notable efficacy in preclinical models of carcinogenesis, such as those of colorectum, breast, lung, and hematological origin. These include epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) from tea, the flavonoids quercetin and genistein from onions and soya, curcumin in curry spice and resveratrol from red grapes. Chemopreventive phytochemicals can block the initiation or reverse the promotion of carcinogenesis and impede the progression of precancerous cells into malignant ones. Metformin, the most widely prescribed Type-2 diabetes drug for more than 30 years, has been shown to activate AMPK(22, 23). Consistent with this, diabetic patients treated with metformin had a lower incidence of cancer compared to those on other medications. A recent study showed that breast cancer patients on metformin for diabetes responded significantly better to chemotherapy than other diabetic patients not on metformin and non-diabetic patients (26). Human cell line studies and animal studies using these phytochemicals have shown promising results activating AMPK for several types of cancer(27)

 Metformin treatment led to increased apoptosis in human lung cancer cell lines and significantly inhibited cell proliferation in a dose- and time-dependent manner(51). Metformin had similar results in animal studies for lung cancer.AMPK has been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth in various hematological cancers. Metformin use resulted in a strong anti-leukemic activity against primary Acute Myeloid Leukemia cells while sparing normal hematopoiesis ex vivo and significantly reducing the growth of AML cells in a mouse study(51). Zhang and Bowden reported that UVB irradiation, a strong carcinogen for non-melanoma skin cancer, reduced activation of AMPK, leading to increased Cox-2 mRNA stability, which may contribute to cancer development(63). In UVB-damaged tumor-bearing mice, both topical and systemic metformin prevented the formation of new tumors and suppressed growth of established tumors, demonstrating that AMPK acts as a tumor suppressor in the skin by promoting DNA repair and controlling cell proliferation (43). Curcumin has been shown to suppress tumor progression in various animal models of cancer(64-67), and to target cancer stem cells which are cancer initiating cells(40g). Recently, AMPK was found to be a new molecular target of curcumin(40). Pan et al(67). showed that activation of AMPK by curcumin has shown to be responsible for the cytotoxic effects of curcumin in ovarian cancer cells, and has demonstrated effectiveness against pancreatic breast and colon cancer (40). Curcumin is a potent stimulator of AMPK leading to chemoprevention(66,40). Anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, blood sugar-lowering, and other beneficial cardiovascular effects of resveratrol have been reported in animal models and human clinical trials(68-71). AMPK is now a recognized target of resveratrol that mediates its anti-cancer effects(72-74). 

Flavonoids can be found in many different sources, including soy, berries, tea, wine, beer, chocolate, many vegetables, and most fruits. While there are several 1000 types, they can be categorized as flavones (quercetin, fisetin, luteolin), isoflavonoids (genistein, deguelin), and neoflavonoids (81).

The chemopreventive effects of a soy isoflavonoid genistein can be attributed to its ability to activate AMPK(82).Anthocyanin  belonging to the family of flavones that occurs in all tissues of higher plants, including leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits is shown to be a powerful activator of AMPK(84)According to studies, Fisetin, a flavonoid, activates AMPK to induce apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells(85),  inhibits PI3K/AKT and mTOR and activates AMPK in non-small cell lung cancer

(86), and induces autophagy-mediated cell death by activating AMPK and suppressing mTOR in prostate cancer cells(87)Quercetin induces apoptosis via AMPK activation and p53 in HT-29 colon cancer cells(88) �Similar for other flavonoids. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, EGCG, a green tea-derived polyphenol, has been shown to suppress cancer cell proliferation and interfere with the several signaling pathways and induce apoptosis. EGCG treatment of HT-29 colon cancercells resulted in a strong activation of AMPK and an inhibition of COX-2 expression (95). Moreover, analogs of EGCG have been synthesized and found to be more potent AMPK activators than metformin and EGCG.

Activation of AMPK by these EGCG analogs resulted in the inhibition of cell proliferation, up-regulation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21, and suppression of stem cell population in human breast cancer cells. Furthermore, EGCG was shown to enhance the anti-tumor activity of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), one of the most commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs, suggesting that EGCG may be used as an adjunct therapy for the treatment of advanced-stage liver cancer (98).

 Berberine, a traditional plant alkaloid used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for its antimicrobial and antiprotozoal properties, strongly increased AMPK phosphorylation via ROS production, leading to inhibition of tumor cell adhesion, tumor invasion, and the expression of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related genes. Furthermore, berberine inhibited the metastatic potential of melanoma cells through a decrease in ERK activity and protein levels of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) by a berberine-induced AMPK activation (99). In another study, berberine was shown to inhibit migration of colon cancer cells in an AMPK-dependent manner (100). Furthermore, 24-hydroxyursolic acid from persimmon, capsaicin, and p-HPEA-EDA, a phenolic compound of virgin olive oil, activate AMPK and inhibit cell survival in HT-29 colon cancer cells (100,103).

 In summary, the use of phytochemicals derived from dietary agents holds promise in the prevention and treatment of cancer, and AMPK is one of the major pathways activated by many phytochemicals. Not only do phytochemicals activate AMPK to increase cancer cell apoptosis and inhibit cell proliferation, but they have also been shown to be effective in reducing the toxicity associated with standard chemotherapy by increasing the sensitivity of cancer cells to drugs. [ Taken from (25), references are per that study, click on number to see reference]

The enzyme PAK-1 has been found to be a factor in many forms of cancer and other chronic conditions- it has been found to help cancer cells invade and spread (44b, etc.). Some conditions linked to PAK-1 include recurrent colorectal cancer, neurofibromatosis (brain tumor), cancers with solid tumors, brain tumors (glioblastoma), breast cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, acute myeloid leukemia. So substances or drugs that control PAK-1 can be a factor in preventing or treating such cancers. Some special forms of bee propolis from a region of Brazil such as Brazilian Green have been found to contain artepillin-C (ARC) which counters the PAK-1 enzyme. Brazilian brown propolis contains caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) which has been found to fight many forms of cancer. And Brazilian red has been found to fight several forms of cancer. A supplement that contains all 3 of these types of propolis is Bee Propolis Ultimate.

Prevention: (avoid cancer causing foods such glutamate or sugar and high glycemic index foods(21,40,99,26)); (eat pesticide free vegetables, some raw, low carbohydrate diet, 21,40,26); [avoid carcinogenic chemicals(eat organic vegetables- most corn and soy and processed foods contain carcinogens like glyphosate/Roundup)(99,100) (glyphosate has been found to inhibit the P450 enzyme system that is used to detoxify the body,99,100); cause liver and kidney problems, and increase risk of cancer.] [Keep oxygen level up by exercising and deep breathing exercises, get tested for toxic exposures and do cleanses and detox to lower toxic levels(33,89,94)], omega-3 oils, flax oil, Astragalus, Vit D, low carbohydrate diet(21,40), black or red raspberry powder(Ellegic Acid, 26b), test and correct hormone imbalances(21,52); test and/or correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies(21,40,52); PQQ(52) to improve mitochondrial function; Sulforaphane (from cruciferous veges) has strong anti-cancer properties, inhibits metabolism of pro-carcinogenic substances into carcinogens & detoxifies carcinogenic substances. In-vitro effects found against prostate, breast, colon, urinary cancer cells (99,26). Broccoli sprouts have stronger effects and are easy to produce at home (99,26). Beta-carotene & alpha-carotene (found in pumpkins, etc.) have been found to have anti-cancer effects (99,26). Alpha-carotene has been found to be inversely associated with the risk of death from all causes and from cardiovascular disease, and from cancer, and all other causes (99,26b). Pumpkin seeds also contain nutrients that help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and are beneficial in diabetes-which also makes one more susceptible to dementia and cancer (108, etc.). Fucoidan seaweed extract has shown anti-cancer properties (133c,etc.); Allium veggies (onions, garlic, shallots, chives, and leeks) have many bioactive compounds including flavonoids, antioxidants, phenolic compounds) which have anti-cancer effects (12,26); VIT C IV (108,128c,133a); black nightshade extract (133a & pubmed studies); Glucosamine(anti-cancer effects,51).

Cranberries help fight UTIs but also block proliferation of H pylori bacteria and promote gut-friendly bacteria and reduce inflammation (99). Rosemary has strong anti-cancer effects- can be used with veggies or marianades or in a humidifier (99); AHCC (extract of medicinal mushrooms,108b); maitake mushroom(136b) (adaptogen) MaitakeGold 404

Turmeric Forte (40,69) 

Chlorophyll also has strong anti-cancer effects and can counter carcinogens created in cooked meat, etc. (99) Chlorophyll also protects against aflatoxin-induced liver cancer (99). The Essential Oilslemon grass, frankincense, cinnamon, vanilla also have anti-cancer effects (22). 

Note: Roundup also associated with digestive disorders, autism, obesity, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, infertility, depression, etc.) Many other such toxic chemicals. 

Treatment: careful healthy diet, test for toxic exposures, detoxify liver and kidneys,(21,40,33) and Cancer Protocol phytoceuticals and see Cancer Protocol and (40) and Pectasol-C(34,42,51); high levels of vitamins like C & E were necessary for significantly prolonging life of cancer patients(52). Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ- LE (51), carcinogens draw cancer to an organ rather than directly causing it- thus they are cancer facilitators. Infra-red sauna for detox/hyperthermia,99; [main carcinogens(40,52,99,33): Freon(CFCs), divalent copper, mercury, lead, nickel, formaldehyde, fiberglass, asbestos, glyphosate(100), Isopropyl alcohol]; (Isopropyl alcohol sources(all commercial bottled drinks, water, fruit juices; all store bought shampoos & cosmetics & hair spray & shaving supplies; all cold cereal and white sugar; mouth wash & rubbing alcohol; most pills & vitamin supplements) ; A team at Baylor Univ. treating tumors with X-Ray Therapy found that injecting hydrogen peroxide into the artery leading to the tumor significantly improved therapy results , 60a) and has also been found useful for other types of cancer(60). Some cases of cure reported (60). Turmeric root is clinically documented to be a powerful anti-cancer agent (40,69); Turmeric Forte by Standard Process (40); Graviola Liquid Extract or Graviola Max(Rainfall Natural Products) Graviola has been found by several studies to be effective at killing several kinds of cancer cells, and far better at killing cancer cells than the chemotherapy drug Adriamycin, 34,133ab,134)(but if considering check with your doctor about contra-indications with other supplements or drugs, such as supplements that increase ATP(COQ10, magnesium vitamin C, B vitamins) -if planning chemotherapy, consider IPT (Insulin Potentiation Therapy and Pectasol and iodine and vit D3, fish oil, Resveratol and H2O2 therapy, 21a) ; Wheat grass (108f); PawPaw (133a); laetrile (B17, 133a & pubmed studies,used with care as can affect other cells); Pao Pereira-Pao V (133cd & pubmed abs);

Treatment for mercury toxicity: [dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in most people who have amalgam fillings or gold crowns over amalgam(33), detox and liver cleanse: (Pectasol-C(42,51), Quicksilver detox(94)), chlorella(53), NAC(52), DMSA(21), see doctor(33,89); TrueMilkThistle(55); TrueLA, 55] ;

( human intestinal fluke(Fasciolopsis buskii) in liver (31,15) or FB egg development in an organ,  growth factor/marker(ortho-phospho-tyrosine) or epidermal growth factor or insulin dependent growth factor,  Isopropyl alcohol necessary for cancer); T: Zap and herbal parasite cleanse and cleanses, bowel program(31),   avoid mold and aflatoxin(carcinogen)-common in corn, etc.; Use Vit C powder), Vit D3,) Avemar (wheat germ extract) (9-05, Alt.,HSI)(11-07,Alt.)(all types of cancer) ( effective for estrogen-sensitive breast cancer-inhibits tumor growth, Harmony Co., 888-809-1241); Oxygen therapy: (ozone/HBOT/hydrogen peroxide-see(60) for option details)


Metals Toxicity: T-  Metals Detox (Pectasol(42),BioCleanse, Detox Pads, porphyrazyme, NAC, EDTA(metals other than mercury)-topical or suppository or IV,89, DMSA(21), saunas, colonics, doctor(33,89) , (, Hulda Clark cleanse(31), Gerson Clinics, Bryzinski Clinic, etc.; Broccoli family(indoles) , COQ10( 300 mg/d); Flaxseed supplementation reduces incidence of cancer and retards development of breast tumors(19b). Black or Red Raspberry Powder(26b); Eating fermented soy (miso, natto) retards development of cancer (Alt.); Mannatech: Ambrotose, maitake mushroom (D.F. fraction) (TL 3-07,136b), resveratrol (LEF, 1-09); DCA (dichloroacetate) (Alt., 11-07) (also treats acidosis),  (3-BrPA,  3-bromopyruvate) (Alt., 11-07) (liver & lung cancer) ,fucoidan (Modipilan) (HSI), selenium, NAC. Graviola (N-Tense) (Raintree Nutrition) (HSI,133); AHCC (activated hexose correlate compound) (HSI) , Lactoferrin (Immunoguard) (HSI)  MCP (modified citrus pectin) (HSI); chaga mushroom extract (133a); 

 Most cancer patients die of Cachexia- wasting away of body cells (21)- so feed body, not the cancer, protein and fat-low carbs.

Cancer Protocol: (40): Turmeric Forte (2x2); Immuplex (4); Cataplex ACP (6); Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil (3); Thymex (9-later 3); Omega Nutrition Hi-Lignan Flax Oil (1 tsp); Cruciferous Complete (6-then 3);

Cancer Protocol(21): detox(chelation, saunas, colonics, fasting, Pectasol); high protein & good fats diet, low carb; check and correct hormonal imbalances and vitamin or mineral deficiencies, take melatonin at night, vit D3, Fish oil, iodine, resveratrol, colonics with ozone(42), good sleep habits, lower stress levels- let go of negative thought patterns, meditation, exercise, (Loving What Is-B Katie)

Alternative Non-toxic treatment options (with evidence of effectiveness)

(0)  Ivermectin (inhibits cancer stem cells and improves blood red blood cells), fenbendazole(137),

Cancer Treatment Option 1: Insulin Potentiated Chemotherapy Treatment (IPT) (133a): Insulin Potentiation Therapy and Pectasol and iodine and vit D3, fish oil, Resveratol and H2O2 therapy, 21a; Euromed Foundation & Lifework Wellness Center & Clincial Cases

Cancer Treatment Option 2: Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy (PET): [Dr. William Kelley, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, (133a, 134a-p85,);

Budwig Cancer Diet Option 3: (134a-p207, 134b,133b); Ovarian Cancer Group;

Burzynski Antineoplastons Treatment Option 4: (134a-p101), Burzynski Clinic, &;

Gerson Detoxification Therapy Option 5: (134-p63) (other chronic conditions also)

Vitamin C IV supplemental treatment option 6- as primary treatment or for use with other treatments (133b- p131) &

Graviola- Based herbal cancer treatment option 7; (134-P303) Graviola (N-Tense) (Raintree Nutrition,133ab & med studies)

Cancer Treatment Option 8: Protocel, (134a-p119-206); Outsmart Your Cancer & CancerTutor

Cesium High pH Therapy Option 9: (133b-p35, 134-p255 & med studies)

Laetrile Therapy Option 10: (133, 134-p71 & med studies). Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering

Hoxsey Therapy Option 11: (134-p43) Hoxsey Biomedical Clinic

Herbal and Phytochemical Activated AMPK Therapies Option 12: see previous section

714X (134-p243) Option 13:;

(note: before use of these options, one should read from good information source on treatment and discuss with doctor, some are compatible and have been more effective with another treatment- for example 1 & 6 & 3(detox),but see good source on such)

Cancer Patient Nutrition: for use during conventional cancer treatment 

Avoid: Omega-6 cooking oils and grocery or restaurant foods cooked in such. They promote neurodegenerative conditions and cancer(137b). Use coconut or olive oil. Glutamate promotes cancer tumor growth and grocery and foods such as black or red beans have high glutamate and should be avoided. Likewise, MSG, enzyme treated proteins and autolyzed yeast and soy protein used in fast foods(137b).

The following nutrients are clinically documented to have anti-cancer effects.

Nutritional Supplements for Boosting Resistance to Cancer (52,26,133,): Prevention of Cancer Development and Progression- Calcium (colon cancer), Carotenoids (prostate, colon, ovaries, breast, and bladder), Curcumin (prostate, colon, breast,69c, 26), raspberry powder(Ellegic Acid, colon, esophagus, oral, skin,26), Garlic (stomach, colon, mammary glands, esophagus, cervix, prostate), Green Tea(breast, ovarian, lung, prostate), Folate(breast, colon, lung), Melatonin(lung, prostate, breast, all cancer,9), selenium(lung, colon, esophageal prostate, all but skin cancer), Silymarin (Prostate,breast,colon,skin,cervical,133a & pubmed studies), Vit A (skin, breast, lung, liver, acute promyelocytic leukemia), vit C(cancer prostate, lung), moderate sun exposure/vit D (cancer, skin, breast, colon, prostate, non-Hodgkin�s lymphoma), natural vit E/selenium(prostate and lung, reduces risk of bladder and breast, colon and melanoma), vit K (viral liver cirrhosis & liver cancer), Pomegranate juice (prostate, breast, 136b); cauliflower(81),cooked tomatoes (lycopene,prostate, endometrial, lung, stomach,26); Resveratrol(many types of cancer: (108b,133a); (Broccoli, Berries, EGCG, walnuts, proteolytic enzymes –(133a)); Rhodiola rosea (133a) 

Nutrition for Preventing Tumor Spread(52): vit E alpha-tocopherol(metastasis), Pomegranate extract (cancer metastasis) ,Green Tea(cancer), Soy genistein(cancer metastasis), curcumin(cancer metastasis,52,69c) ; garlic(26a), black or red raspberry powder(26b),� steamed carrots(26), cooked tomatos(26),curcumin(26),

proteolytic enzymes –(133a)) 

Cancer Protocol (40): Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, Arginex, CataplexE, Cyruta-Plus, Immuplex, Cataplex C, Min-Tran, Thymex, a protomorphogen specific to your cancer- see p116, 40), liver and kidney detox, avoid sugar & low carbs; see also- 40f

Nutrition for Enhancing the Immune system: (40,52,108): fermented wheat germ, garlic, herbals (echinacea, ginseng, and astragalus), zinc, vit C, Red ginseng (gastric cancer), Black Raspberry Powder (oral cancer & rectal polyps/ cancer, 26b), garlic(26), carrots(26), cooked tomato(26), Mushroom Extract (ganopoly(1800 mgx3) boosted natural killer cells in long term cancer therapy, others similar-see(52, p507), Immunonutrition methods- see (52), Melatonin (cancer), high dose Vit E(750 mg)improved results in advanced colorectal cancer; supp during chemotherapy reduced neutropenia)� , (Using colonic to colonize the intestines with probiotics reduced infection from neutropenia-causing bacteria), (Relaxation techniques improved survival rates- humor, laughter, massage, meditation, good sleep); Transfer factor (108b)

Natural Strategies for alleviating cancer symptoms(52): Anxiety, Depression, Stress (Aromatherapy and massage have positive effect and progressive muscle relaxation as well, use of acupuncture, hypnosis, and exercizes reduces stress and anxiety, laughter and humor improve mood, emotional support from spouse L-canitine for depression), Nausea and vomiting(acupuncture and finger acupressure are effective, electroacupoint stiulation and hypnotherapy also), Poor Appetite/ Cachexia(fish oils), Lymphedema (compression bandaging, and manual massage of the draining lymph nodes, and selenium,102) Sexual Dysfunction(testosterone boosters for men, green nutritional combo), Hair Loss (mushroom extract, NAC), Fatigue (L-carnitine, massage/foot soaking; reflexology) breathing exercises for patients recovering from stem cell replacement;

Brain Tumor: risk factors: poor diet (40,26,52), carcinogens(40,52,33); chronic chemical or toxic exposures (33,52), mercury and toxic metals(33,126, etc., -detox as appropriate; Pectasol(42); Turmeric Forte(40); high temperature cooking/AGEs(benfotiamine, carnosine,103a), Pao Periera- Pao V (133cd); IV Vitamin C(137),

Brain Tumor Nutritional Protocol (52): Vit D3, Quercetin, Resveratrol, Melatonin, Folate and 5-MTHF, Selenium, Vit E (full spectrum), Berberine(58b,99), Boswellia, Curcumin(69c), Green Tea, coffee, Sulforaphane, Ketogenic diet (high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate), caloric restriction; CoQ10(103a), Black Raspberry Powder(26b); Burzynski therapy (134); Protocel (134)


Skin Cancer main cause- improper diet(40,52,26); get plenty of sun but safely-avoid sun burn(sun doesn’t cause Melanoma,21); Toxic Chemicals (including such as in some sun tan lotions- avoid, test, and detox), UV-B: (use ascorbic acid powder & water or creme as sun protection), Advanced Glycation End-Products(AGEs); acetyl-L-carnosine, Excess glucose causes inflammation resulting in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and significant adverse health effects such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes, pancreatitis, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and skin cancer(103a,51). Highly processed foods and high temp cooking and dry heat cooking (frying, grilling, roasting) or browning of food also produce AGEs. acetyl-L-Carnosine or Benfotamine counteract AGEs(103a,51) and reduce risk or improve such conditions. Raspberry Powder (Ellagic Acid, 26), Broccoli (26), Berberine (25); Graviola (133ab); Resveratrol (133A); milk thistle extract (133a); Pao V (133cd);

Amazon Black Topical Salve (bloodroot extract) (42, Feb 2018) (black raspberry prevents, oral or gel) (26, Alt, 11-07); Melanoma- Berberine (25), resveratrol(133a), BEC-5 effective for basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer- consult doctor for squamous cancers (133b); Hoxsey Therapy (134)

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Protocol: Curaderm-BEC5 cream (40)

Colon cancer risk factors: history of polyps, familial, inflammatory bowel disease, poor diet (40), obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol, lack of exercise, low vit D, metabolic syndrome, carcinogens(detox), weak immune system, oxidative stress, inflammation, low vit D & B vitamins, bacterial infection(108b), (chlorine (NCI, Wr): filters)

Prevention: low carbohydrate, high protein and good fats diet (40), Vit D3, regular exercise, avoid bad lifestyle habits, vit C, Vit E, curcumin, Cataplex B by Standard Process (40), periodic colonics (21);  T: black raspberry powder(Ellagic Acid,26), curcumin(25), modified citrus pectin, Vit D3, Avemar (wheat germ extract) (9-05, Alt.) (11-07, Alt.), Lutein, Zeaxanthin (LEF,1-09) (broccoli) (26) LE, ginger extract (29), fucoidan; Graviola (N-Tense) (Raintree Nutrition,133ab,134); AHCC (activated hexose correlate compound) (HSI), Lactoferrin (Immunoguard) (HSI) MCP (modified citrus pectin) (HSI) DMBQ (avemar) (HSI), Berberine(25), Quercetin(25), EGCG(25).

Emergent Modalities in treatment) (52): Metformin, Tagamet- see (52) for details, support; Glucosamine and chondroitin supplementation found to reduce risk of colon cancer (133a);

[Nutritional and Exercise Support(52): regular exercise, limit meat and eat lots of fruits and vegetables, phenolic compouns(quercetin(25), rutin, hesperdin, EGCG(25), resveratrol,12), [DASH diet(high in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, modrate amounts of good fats, low amounts of red or processed meat or sweets], multivitamin, vit D E C, selenium, calcium, folate, green coffee bean extract, garlic, ginger, curcumin, fish oil, MCP(Pectasol(42), Polysaccharide-K, Sulforaphane, Resveratrol(25), Green Tea Extract, Milk Thistle, Quercetin(25), NAC]

Antibody Screen (AMAS)  

Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils- (eucalyptus, orange, oregano, thieves, chamomile, benzoin, boldo, camphor, Citronella, Helichrysum, Manuka, Mullein, Myrrh, Rosemary, Sage, Sandelwood, Spikenard, Tansy, Vitiver, Yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22)


Breast Cancer [risk factors: poor diet(40,26), family history, smoking, DES, synthetic estrogens, NSAIDs, alcohol consumption, never being pregnant(52), mercury or toxic metals(33,126,] ; high temperature cooking/AGEs(acetyl-L-carnosine, benfotiamine, 103a), Vit D3 is preventative (LEF, 1-09) iodine (108b); maitake mushroom (adaptogen) IV Vitamin C(137), MaitakeGold 404 is preventative,136b;

mammary Protomophagen by Standard Process(40); See cancer protocol([40) and (21)]; pomegranate juice, 136b; FHL Flax Hull Lignans (34,,  several studies have found the ingredients in FHL to be effective against cancer cells and cancer(34); in a population of breast cancer survivors, those eating higher levels of soy and cruciferous vegetables had lower side effect from cancer treatment and lower menopausal problems(51b,p11); Pomegranate seeds reduce risk(99); iodine /DMSO (50%/50%) rubbed into area, 108b), garlic(26), raspberry powder(Ellegic Acid, 26); Turmeric Forte (40); A large women’s study found that those who consumed aplpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and vit A&C had significantly lower risk of breast cancer(52) and similarly those who consumed 5 or more helping of fruits and vegetables had significantly lower risk than those who consumed 2 or less helpings(52). Vit E (52); EGCG (25). Rosemary (108f); AHCC (extract of medicinal mushrooms, 108b); Graviola (133ab,134); PawPaw (133,134); resveratrol; Kelly/Gonzalez enzyme therapy (134); Budwig Diet/Detox therapy (134);

Breast Cancer Prevention: lymphatic massage(102b), silymarin (133a); Pao V (133cd); capsaicin (also adjunct treatment,136b)


Breast Cancer Test-  Anti-Malignin Antibody Screen (AMAS); Thermography more effective than Mammogram (99);  

[Natural or Nutritional Therapies (52):Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), Apigenin, Astragalus, Blueberries, Blueberry Extract(blocks DNA damage and inhibit angiogenesis and trigger cancer cells suicide and slows metastasis), Chrysin, Coffee, Curcumin (69c,25), EGCG(25), Conjugated Linoleic Acid(CLA), caffeine, Ligans (flaxseed and sesame), Melatonin, Pomegranate(136b), PSK, Pterostilbene, Quercetin(25), SeMSC, Sulforaphane, COQ10, fish oil, vit A,D,E, Tocotrienols, limit or avoid sugar and white foods, limit fruit juice, limit weight]; [Root canal teeth or jawbone cavitations accumulate highly toxic bacterial toxins that damage the immune system and can cause most of the factors seen in Breast Cancer(124)- test & proper dental cleanups]; Breast Defend (medicinal mushrooms, DIM, astragalus, curcumin, Quercetin) plus Pectasol-C (133c); Essiac Tea therapy (134); Laetrile therapy (134); capsaicin (also adjunct treatment, 136b


Gastric Cancer: risk factors: poor diet (40,26,52), H-pylori; [carcinogens(40,52,33); chronic chemical or toxic exposures (33,52), mercury and toxic metals(33,126, -detox as appropriate; Pectasol(42); Turmeric Forte(40)]; high temperature cooking/ AGEs (benfotiamine, acetyl-L-carnosine,103a), (H. Pylori) (Mastic), I-3-C(Alt.), Tagamet (TL,3-07); increased sodium increases risk; garlic counteracts H. Pylori (26), broccoli (26), Vit E & carotenoids preventative (LEF,1-09); resveratrol; IV Vitamin C(137),

Stomach Cancer (a study on mice found probiotic treatment decreased tumor growth and combined with cancer Immune Therapy abolished tumor growth, 40, 3-18; further- see article and references); see cancer

Oral Cancer: EGCG(133a)

Cervical Cancer  risk factors: poor diet (40,26,52), [carcinogens (40,52, 33,108); chronic chemical or toxic exposures (33,52), mercury and toxic metals(33,126, -detox as appropriate; Pectasol(42); Turmeric Forte(40)]; high temperature cooking/AGEs (benfotiamine, acetyl-L-carnosine,103a), human papilloma virus (strengthen immune system), estrogenic exposures, (I3C,LE) (Wr), 200 mg I3C daily for 12 weeks caused regression in majority of cases (Dr. Bell); DIM, oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details), broccoli (26), cooked tomatoes (26), laetrile (B17, 133a & pubmed studies,used with care as can affect other cells); resveratrol; IV Vitamin C(137),

Silymarin (133a); protocel therapy (134); see cancer


Prostate Cancer:  risk factors: (poor diet (40,26,52,136b,137),study (in Cancer Prevention Research) shows low-fat diet and fish oil supplements slowed the growth of cancer cells & pomegranate juice benefit,136b), [carcinogens (40,52,33); chronic chemical or toxic exposures (33,52)] [mercury and toxic metals (108, 33,126, -Detox as appropriate; Pectasol(42); Turmeric Forte(40), MilkThistle(55), Chlorella(108), Pomegranate juice, 136b); Quicksilver Detox (94)]; [high temperature cooking/AGEs (acetyl-L-, benfotiamine, 103a)], [estrogenic chemicals, estrogen,16 hydroxyestrogen; aging can cause conversion of testosterone to estrogen as well as increases in estrogenic chemicals: broccoli family veges (26), DIM, Estro-Cleanse(43) reduce estrogen levels]; (tomatoes, tomato sauce, lycopene reduce prostate cancer risk(52,26), modified citrus pectin reduces metastasis of prostrate cancer, aged garlic(SAMC) and lycopene slow spread of prostrate cancer (52), Quercetin(25,108b,127), Fisetin(25,127); resveratrol; (nano-curcumin, nano-silymarin, biocalin, 137a) Broccli, kale, brussels sprouts enhance anti-cancer effects of treatments (137a). genistein(108b),Turmeric Forte(40); (SGP or ProFormula 1000- Wakunaga of America, 800-888-1415), garlic(26)  Selenium, zinc, curcumin(26) , saw palmetto,  Pomegranate juice(99), garlic, scallions(LE, 2-03), (I3C); pumpkin seeds (133a);[The inflammatory messengers IL-6 and NF kappaB stimulate prostate cancer cell growth, and the Polyphenol Quercetin shuts these down and promotes apoptosis of the cancer cells(108, etc.) combinations with green tea extract(EGCG) or the flavone genistein are even more effective(108).]; AHCC (extract of medicinal mushrooms,108b,133a); Graviola (133ab, 134,& med studies); laetrile (B17, 133a & pubmed studies,used with care as can affect other cells); Nano-Silymarin(137),Pao Pereira- Pao V (133cd & pubmed abs);

(the most commonly prescribed therapies such as radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy do not prolong life compared to not using them (40)); [toxic metals (cadmium, arsenic, mercury) (test & detox,33,94,126, etc.)], bisphenol, Vit K2 (36), Vit D(37), Silymarin, AntiMalignin fucoidan, (HSI), Graviola, N-Tense: (Raintree Nutrition)(133,134), MCP (modified citrus pectin) (HSI), Pectasol (42), DMBQ (avemar) (HSI); Budwig Diet/Detox therapy (134); Protocel therapy (134); IV Vitamin C(137),

Prostate Cancer Protocol(40): Triple Hormone Blockade (Leibowitz Protocol,80) with prostate phytonutrient protocol: Arginex & Cataplex (6 daily), and Cyruta-Plus(9 daily) & Immuplex(4 daily) from Standard Process, plus Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil; plus Turmeric Forte; see also PAACT(support of prostate cancer sufferers,80b)

[Men who have more sex/orgasms have lower risk of prostate cancer- the prostate accumulates toxic drugs, toxic metals, other toxics and ejaculation expels these (108,119,126). 

Esophageal Cancer: risk factors: poor diet (40,26,52), [carcinogens(40,52,33); chronic chemical or toxic exposures (33,52), mercury and toxic metals(33,126, -detox as appropriate; Pectasol(42); Turmeric Forte(40)];high temperature cooking/AGEs(benfotiamine, carnosine,103a), a study found that zinc can impede the progression of esophageal cancer(51b-p16), garlic(26), raspberry powder(Ellegic Acid, 26), EGCG(25), Brazilian peppertree/mastic (anti- cancer properties and effective in vitro against esophageal cancer cells)(Raintree Nutrition, 133b); see cancer

Barret’s Esophagus or Esophagueal cancer- PDT- photodynamic therapy (NCI), ECGC(25)

Bladder Cancer:  main cause: improper diet(40,52,26); significant risk factors (52): not taking multivitamins regularly, low levels of vit C, low levels of vit A and carotene, high intake of fried foods/high temperature cooking, AGEs,103a,(benfotiamine, acetyl-L-carnosine) environmental toxins(52,33)-test and detox as necessary; prevention: avoid prostate drugs- see options, Cleanse & detox: Pectasol (42), chlorella (55), Milk Thistle(103a); broccoli (26), laetrile (B17, 133a & pubmed studies,used with care as can affect other cells); Protocel therapy (134);

Bladder Cancer Protocol (40): Albaplex& Arginex & Catplex A-C(10x2xdaily); Turmeric Forte by Standard Process -after 2 weeks cut back to 10 daily; Immuplex, with high Sedimentation rate add Thyme, Cyruta-Plus, Calcium Lactate; EGCG(25), Berberine(25)-see cancer

Thyroid Cancer: Causes: Poor diet/high glycemic index foods(40,52,26); [environmental toxins,(mercury and toxic metals-126,, test for toxic metals and detox as necessary (33,89,94));
T: Ivermectin (inhibits cancer stem cells and improves blood red blood cells), fenbendazole(137), Thytrophin by Standard Process (40); Turmeric Forte(40), detox: Pectasol (42), chlorella (55), Milk Thistle (103a); EGCG(25), Berberine(25); resveratrol (133a);IV Vit C(137),- see cancer

Liver Cancer: Causes: Poor diet/high glycemic index foods(40,52,26); Hepatitis C (test & treat); [environmental toxins,(mercury and toxic metals-126,, test for toxic metals and detox as necessary (33,89,94)]; Hepatrophin by Standard Process (40); Turmeric Forte (40); Milk Thistle extract in phospholipid delivery system,51,103a), detox: Pectasol (42), chlorella (55); test for toxic metals and detox as necessary (33,94); See Cancer

EGCG enhances treatment with 5-FU in advanced-stage liver cancer (25). Graviola (133ab,134, & med studies);

Adrenal Cancer: Causes: Poor diet/high glycemic index foods(40,52,26); [environmental toxins,(mercury and toxic metals-126,, test for toxic metals and detox as necessary (33,89,94)); detox: Pectasol (42), chlorella (55), Milk Thistle(103a), Drenatrophin (Standard Process ; Pao Pereira- Pao V (133cd & pubmed abs) ;see cancer.

Pancreas Cancer: Pancreatrophin(40), causes: Poor diet/high glycemic index foods (40,52,26); Environmental toxins: test for toxic metals and detox as necessary (33,42.94,108,126); Turmeric Forte(40); Rauwolfia with low dose of carboplatin cheomtheapy effective in animal studies(34); CoQ10(103a), Milk Thistle(103a); garlic(26), broccoli(26);[ IV vit C; Gonzalez enzyme protocol, (whole foods diet, pancreatic enzymes in quantity to replace the missing proteases, animal glandular extracts and nutrients, detoxification, including diet management and daily coffee enemas, fresh vegetable juice, 108b,]; Graviola (133ab,134); Pao Pereira- Pao V (133cd & pubmed abs);see cancer

Lung Cancer -non-small cell lung cancer, small cell lung cancer, mesothelioma,

Causes: Poor diet/high glycemic index foods(40,52,26); high fasting insulin level associated with lung cancer risk;          Chlamydial pneumonia (strengthen immune system); [environmental toxins(mercury and toxic metals(126)- -replace dental amalgams safely and detox(Quicksilver detox(94), see 33 or 89, other metals: detox (Pectasol(42), chlorella(53), NAC, TrueMilkThistle (55), EDTA(topical or suppository or IV,89), see metals detox], Fisetin (25); [ pesticides, organophosphates, petrochemicals, etc.- detox], smoking, asbestos, CT scans, X-rays; high glycemic foods (99); Graviola (133ab,134); T;  Pneumotrophin(40) by Standard Process, Integrative cancer therapy- treating hormone balance to improve cancer prognosis, melatonin, etc.- see (52); Metformin(25), Nutritional therapies (52): Apigenin, Astragalus, Vit D, ATP, EGCG(25), Alpha-Tocopherol, Pomegranate, PSK, Quercetin, Selenium; Additional Nutritional Support(52): NAC, R-Lipoic acid, Zinc, Magnesium, Scutellaria baicalensis, Curcumin(69c,26), Ginseng, Garlic, Lycopene, GLA, Silininin, Grape seed extract, Genistein from soy; IV hydrogen peroxide therapy(60a); raspberry powder(26), garlic, broccoli(26), resveratrol(133a), Topotecan approved by FDA for some lung cancers (Chinese Happy Tree, 133b); Protocel therapy (134)

Non-small cell lung cancer - PDT- photodynamic therapy(NCI),; also see (52) and etc. SCLC- see (52) and and etc. 

Lymphoma: (cancer of white blood cells in lymph system) Hodgkin�s Disease (HD) and NHL;

Causes: Epstein-Barr and herpes viruses; weakened immune systems, animal protein and fats, diabetes; Toxic metals(33, 94, 126, test and detox as necessary), pesticides and herbicides, nitrates in drinking water, medications, antibiotics, NSAIDS, T: Immunotherapy( Rituxan), high temperature cooking/AGEs(benfotiamine, acetyl-L-carnosine,103a), Chemoimmunotherapy, and Radioimmunotherapy- see (52); Nutritional therapy(52): Curcumin(69c), Genistein, vit A&D EGCG, Vit C&E, Reosjo mushrooms, Resveratrol, Ginger, Fish Oil, Garlic- dose-see(52), black raspberry powder(26), Hoxsey therapy (134); Laetrile (134);

IV Ozone therapy(60b); Burzynski therapy (134)

Non-Hodgkin�s Lymphoma: cancer that originates in the lymphatic system- tumors develop from lymphocytes � a type of white blood cell. (most common type of lymphoma), symptoms: (Painless, swollen lymph nodes in your neck, armpits or groin, Abdominal pain or swelling, Chest pain, coughing or trouble breathing, Persistent fatigue, Fever, Night sweats,Unexplained weight loss); �risk factors: (immunosuppressive drugs, Epstein-Barr or Helicobacter pylori; exposure to weed-killers such as glyphosate; age);� A meta analysis of studies on glyphosate found there is a 41% increase in non-Hopkins lymphoma in the highest group of exposures, and animal studies were consistent with the increased risk of cancer(100g). Burzynski therapy (134)

 Brain Cancer: causes: toxins (52,33,40108), parasites (Toxoplasmosis, 108g- olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract); (black walnut, pumpkin seed,cloves,108g); Garlic, glioma- mebendazole(108g)

Leukemia  (acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia-, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia -T&B cells) begins with DNA damage to the blood forming cells, risk factors: age, poor nutrition, chemotherapy and radiation treatment (chaga mushroom extract protective(133a), chronic chemical exposures(benzene, herbicides, pesticides, hair dyes, smoking, mercury causes elevated TNFa & chronic inflammation and DNA damage seen in ALL(33): )  (137: nano-EGCG, B Vit, magnesium citrate, nano-curcumin

Turmeric Forte(40); Metformin(25); Fisetin(25), Pau d arco, lapachol, Echinacea (TL 3-07), balance hormones, nutritional therapy(52): Apiginen, Astragalus, Coffee, Vit D3,E,K2,B12 , Soy extract, Curcumin, Green tea(EGCG), essential fatty acids, lipoic acid & L-Ascprboc Acod. Panax Ginseng, polysaccharide-K, Reishi mushroom, shark liver oil, Sulforaphane, Garlic extract, vit A, Resveratrol (133a0, Folate, Melatonin- monthly blood tests to monitor progress; Ozone therapy(60b), test for toxic metals/mercury and detox (33,94,126) as necessary; Ntense-2 (Raintree Nutrition, 133b); Simaruba (in vitro study showed effective in growth of lymphoctic cancer, Raintree Nutrition, 133b); Protocel therapy (134);

Promyelocytic leukemia- retinoic acid with vit D3, curcumin (25), Turmeric Forte (40), Fisetin (25)

Chronic myeloid leukemia: curcumin, genistein extract, catechin from green tea, and alkylgylcerols from shark liver oil, curcumin (25), Turmeric Forte (40), Fisetin (25)

Acute myeloid leukemia: curcumin and genisteinL-ascorbic acid, resveratrol (25) & ajoene, 

Acute lymphocytic leukemia: curcumin (25), Turmeric Forte (40), Fisetin (25)

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: EGCG, curcumin (25), genistein (25), essential fatty acids,

CHEMO SIDE EFFECTS: nano-EGCG, nano-Curcumin, B vitamin, magnesium citrate

Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer: symptoms: abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain; risk factors: obesity, diet high in animal fats, diet low in fruit & veges; high temperature cooking/AGEs(103a, benfotiamine, acetyl-L-carnosine), environmental toxins( pesticides, toxic metals- test and detox as necessary(33,94,126), Risk reduction(52): diet low in animal fats, fish and flaxseed, fruits & veges, high-fiber foods, fermented soy products;� Nutritional intervention: coffee, Vit A & carotenoids, vit C, Flaxseed Lignans, Melatonin, Genseng, Allicin, Polyscaccharide K, Selenium, Calcium, Hoxsey therapy (134); see cancer

Ovarian Cancer: AHCC (extract of medicinal mushrooms,108b), Turmeric Forte (40); Pao Pereira- Pao V (133cd & pubmed abs);

Topotecan (Chinese Happy Tree) -approved by FDA for ovarian cancer (133b); see cancer

Colorectal cancer- Causes: Poor diet/high glycemic index foods(40,52,26); [environmental toxins(mercury and toxic metals- -replace dental amalgams safely and detox(Quicksilver detox(94), see 33 or 89, other metals(126): detox (Pectasol(42), chlorella(53), NAC, TrueMilkThistel(55), EDTA(topical or suppository or IV-89), see metals detox], pesticides, organophosphates, petrochemicals, etc.- detox], vit E and calcium lower risk of colorectal adenomas (52) which can lead to colon cancer. Likewise, for multivitamins and folate. Avemar (TL 3-07), AveUltra, alfalfa (52)- preventative, green tea (ECGC)(52); Rutin, selenium, NAC; Turmeric Forte(40); black raspberry powder(26), garlic(26); Graviola (133ab,134); Pao Pereira- Pao V (133cd & pubmed abs); Irinotecan- approved by FDA for metastatic colorectal cancer (133b); Protocel therapy (134); see cancer

Cancer MetastasesCellMend, Modified Citrus Pectin, NAC, Pectasol (53,52,42), curcumin(69c)

Metastatic Bone Cancer- Osteosarcoma- Strontium; Turmeric Forte (40); Burzynski therapy (134); Kelley/Gonzalez enzyme therapy (134), see cancer

Multiple myeloma: AHCC (extract of medicinal mushrooms,108b), Turmeric Forte (40), Finestin (108f) [Berberine, Protolytic Enzymes (Wobe-Mugos), Curcumin, Baicalin (Skullcap), 108f]; Cesium High pH therapy (134), see cancer



HIV/AIDS:   human intestinal fluke & benzene/benzopyrene in thymus (31); benzene; Zeralenon: food mold found in popcorn, corn chips, brown rice- inhibits detox of benzene by liver

T:  avoid benzene (pop corn, corn chips, flavored food, commercial cooking oil, bottled water or drinks, cold cereal, rice cakes, corn starch, gum, ice cream, baking soda, pills & capsules, soaps, hand creams, Chlorox, etc.)  never eat moldy or grilled foods, Take Vit C (1/8 tsp x 3), Vit B2(100mgx3). (Sambucol, elderberries, raspberries,99,26), 

 Hulda Clark (31) cleanse;  AHCC (extract of medicinal mushrooms, 108b)

Oxygen therapy: IV hydrogen peroxide(60a), Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) & ozone therapy(60b);

Bad Breath (Halitosis) liver detox, TrueMilkThistle (55), avoid high-fat foods, sweets, fried foods, preservatives (24 HP)

Balance Problems, ataxia: (mercury toxicity (33,

[replace amalgam fillings (33, 105,largest source of mercury in people), �detox: Pectasol(42), TrueMilkThistle,55, doctor(33,89)];� �inner ear problems (balance exercises, Tai Chi, yoga);� strength training(Slow Burn program, 74), SIADH/electrolyte imbalance

Tai Chi reduces falls and brain injuries, reduces blood pressure, reduces stress promotes better sleep.

Yoga improves balance and reduces falls,

Over weight (obesity): poor diet, lack of exercise, bacteria/ virus in brain & liver & pancreas) T: good diet, avoid refined carbohydrates and high glycemic index foods; exercise daily; remove dental gold, zap, cleanses; add omega 3s; Make vege/fruit juice, no commercial beverages; Irvingia (LEF, W0809 & 1-09), oleic acid (olive oil, nuts, avocadas), TrueMilkThistle(55),

Hemorroids        20 drops SSKI in ounce of flaxseed oil applied at bedtime , fiber rich foods, lots of water, soluable fiber, Horsetail,  Thorne’s Diosmin HMC (24 HP); butcher’s broom extract (133a), Symptom Relief-arrowroot (40)

Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids Protocol (40): Collinsonia Root (3 x 2/d), with congested liver add: A-F BetaFood(3x2), Cyruta-Plus(2x2), melatonin (9)

Varicose veins: Butcher�s Broom extract (108f)

Hiatial Hernia     Trained chiropractor at alignment, parasites, bacteria effects; cleanses, walk after eating, no late eating;�� test and treat(p93, 40)

Magnesium deficiency   insomnia, fatigue, tension, headaches, calcification, weak bones, accelerated aging, muscle cramps, despair, hopelessness, heart arythmia, anxiety, irritability, hiccups, back problems, fibromyalgia, etc. (drinking milk creates magnesium deficiency) (calcium deposits are reversed by magnesium and vit K2), TrueMagnesium ( 55), VitalMag (51),

Chronic intractable pain without any discernible causes -often caused by Herpes virus, Campylobacter bacteria, or Chlamydia bacteria (Omura,1990)    Farabloc (blanket or sock or etc.) (HSI); oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details)

Muscle spasm    magnesium or potassium deficiency, Epsum salt bath, Mg, bananas, GABATrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51),

Essential Oils(antispasmodic): (angelica, basil,orange,eucalyptus,bay, peppermint, chamomile, anise,bergamot,blackpepper,cajuput,camphor, catnip, cardamom,cedarwood,Citronella,clary sage,cumin,cypress, dill, fennel, galbanum,ginger,helichrysum, Hyssop,jasmine,juniper, mandarin,marjoram, Melissa,myrrh,neroli,mnutmeg, Petitgrain, ravensura, rose, sage, sandalwood, spearmint, tagetes, tangerine, thyme, Wintergreen, yarrow, how to use: 22)

Build Strong Bones: (real plain yogurt (probiotics add absorption of calcium & vit D) and oleuropien (olives),136b);BiostTrueOsteo (55),  OsteoMatrix (Shaklee), Ultimate Bone Support (Advanced Bionutritionals,42), Calcifood Powder or Calcifood Wafers, Standard Process,40) (live bone meal), brussel sprouts (81); Strength training(gym or dumbells, for easy once per week method see The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution by Hahn, etc. 74,40)(Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil or Omega Nutrition Hi-Lignon Flax Oil, 40) ,check hormone levels with tests: supplement with bio-identical hormones; avoid soft drinks and coffee, which leach calcium from bones(21), focus diet on protein and vegetables, zinc (15 mg), chi seed, vit D3(5000 IU), if loosing bone density, check parathyroid gland which can cause this and deposit calcium in arteries(21); Vit K2 prevents clogging of arteries(21)-vit K2(10 mg/day), probiotics daily.

Bone density: magnesium, CoQ10 (103a), boron, Vit D3; avoid toxic metals such as lead and mercury (33,126), regular exercise.

Bone fractures: (vit D, real plain yogurt (probiotics add absorption of calcium & vit D) and oleuropien (olives),136b), regular exercise.

Bone Support Essential Oils:( thieves, moringa seeds,22)

Dental Problems: often due to nutritional deficiencies or imbalances (72,40), see build strong bone protocol (40)

Mercury toxicity common also, largest source -dental amalgams, 33, or;� 

Root Canal Teeth (accumulate highly toxic anaerobic bacteria over time which depresses immune system and commonly causes serious chronic neurological or immune health conditions such as heart disease heart attacks, Breast Cancer, Parkinsons, MS (

Periodontial Disease   COQ10, YLO Thieves Essential Oil in waterpik (22, YLO)

Dental Cavities and remineralization:  Xylitol, Strontium, TrueOC oral PB (55)

Gum health:  Xylitol, Vit C, oil of oregano, Thieves oil, TrueOC oral PB(55)


Cavity Prevention: BioDemt, CLO (4 daily)

Bad Breath: DUT

Canker Sores: Calcium Lactate ((9 daily)

Enamel Strengthening : Bio-Dent, CLO (3 daily)

Gingivitis: (inflammation of gums) main cause: poor nutrition and poor dental care, ( Cataplex A-C-P, BioDent (6 daily), CLO(4), DUT, 40), other causes(52): prescription and over the counter medications, viral and fungal infections, chronic disease, hormonal changes, stress/anxiety; T: dilute hydrogen peroxide in rinses or toothpaste, (CoQ10,vit D3, Green Tea, Xylitol, Pomegranate mouth wash, vit C, fish oil,52)

Gums Bleeding: (Cataplex A-C-P(9 daily) if more needed Cyruta-Plus, DUT,40) (CoQ10,vit D3, Green Tea, Xylitol, Pomegranate mouth wash, vit C, fish oil,52)

Gums Receding: Cataplex A-C-P (9/d), BioDent(4/d), CLO(4/d)

Gums Swollen: Cataplex A-C-P(9/d), CLO(6/d)�������� DUT

Promotion of Healing: Cataplex ACP(9/d), CLO(6/d)

Osteitis(dry socket): Cataplex ACP(9/d), CLO(6/d)

Gum Pockets: Cataplex ACP, Bio-Dent(6/d), CLO(4/d), DUT

Pyorrhea: Cataplex ACP(10/d), CLO(6/d), DUT

Loose Teeth: BioDent(6/d), CLO(4/d);�� vanadium(21)

Sensitive Teeth: Bio-Dent(6/d), CLO(3/d), oil 0f oregano


Chronic Pain  (many types: joint pain, migraines, depression, insomnia, vision problems) TMJ joint problems (jaw hinge pain &etc., clicking or grinding teeth, headaches, etc. test and treat: corrective splint & Bio-Dent & Biost-40); (Avoid NSAIDs(40,52,99,108)); pain causes: chronic infections (garlic, oil of oregano, cat�s claw, Vit C IV (108b,128); Toxins: (toxic mold, mercury, lead, pesticides- test & detox (Pectasol (42,108), chlorella (99,108); Food senistivities(nightshade veges, gluten/wheat, casein/dairy, sugar, etc.-elimination diet-108b);  Misalignment of body (chiropracter or acupuncturist-108b); Good Diet: high protein, low carbohydrate(low glycemic index, 52,40), [PEA(LE),Discomfort Relief], Curamin (curcumin, Frankincense)(34), Turmeric Forte(40) with Coconut oil; Young Living Oils(47): magnesium (133a); Panaway, Peppermint,   Detox Pads,  Coral Calcium & MSM,  Farabloc (blanket or sock or etc.) (HSI),Topical pain relief: Soothanol (Northstar, HSI) , (Arnicacare, 4.6*) Arthro or Arthro Cream (hemp extract, Boswellia, turmeric, white willow bark, devil’s claw, yucca root, MVP100(hemp extract)� - see Pain Free(stretches that relieve joints and strengthen,76); CEDS: hemp CBD(95); Low level light therapy(LLLT.99); (LED lights with frequency of 630nm, Led red or infrared pulsed at 10 Hz or 40 Hz; Joovy whole-body device, near-infrared LED sauna,99b); cupping; massage(108f); PEMF(pulsed electromagnetic field therapy)(42), magnesium, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51), [ Actaflex4X, Blood Boost (L-Citrulline, L-Glutathione, antioxidant combo,54)], curcumin, Boswellia, hops, tart cherry(108); [detox week: eat only organic veges and fruit and simple protein source, lots of good water, 108b}; TENs or MENs or PEMF pain units; 

Chronic Pain Relief (108g): DL-phenylalanine, Proteolytic Enzymes(Bromelain,Chymotryosin, Ficetin, Papain, Serapeptase,Trypsin)

Many studies have found Bromelain effective for various types of pain relief, including dental surgery pain. Bopswellia has also been found effective at reducing pain and useful in treating chronic Arthritis.

Neural prolotherapy or prolozone (injection of dextrose or mannitol into painful area, 99)

Nutritional Treatment (52): Omega-3 fatty acids, GLA, vit B complex, vit C,Vit D&E, Curcumin, roanthocyanidins, Melatonin, MSM, Decursanol, Capsaicin, DL-phenylalanine, NAC, L-tryptophan, saffron, milk thistle

[Herbs to treat chronic pain (108f) Black Cohosh (muscle relaxant and is useful in treating pain related osteoarthritis, sciatica, and back spasm)- tea-steep dried herbs in cup of boiling water, or capsules; Willow Bark (anti-inflammatory and analgesic), PEA(LE)

{Essential Oils to Treat Chronic Pain (108f): Aspic (as massage oil-diluted in carrier oil for aching muscles or for skin irritations or burns); Clary Sage Oil (help reduce stress, fatigue, irritability, and depression); Frankinsense Oil (for deep relaxation, chronic pain); Juniper (antiseptic or diuretic, as massage oil(diluted) for stiff joints); Lavender (reduce stress or help heal burns, wounds, and insect bites); Mandarin (soothing and calming as massage oil-diluted, or in bath water); Neroli (anti-spasmodic and stress reliever, chronic back pain); Rosemary (for liver and stomach problems, infections of all kind, and depression- in a poultice, as a massage oil, or in the bath, rosemary is a muscle relaxant and a stress reducer)

Knee Pain: often has nutritional factor (40), neural prolotherapy (99), LLLT (99), Infrared sauna (99); acupuncture (108b); PEA(LE)

Knee IT Band tightness- stretching exercises before running, jogging, etc.; roller to loosen tightness (Web MD), therapeutic massage

Knee Pain Protocol (40): without arthritis or osteoporosis -Calcifood Wafers, Calcium Lactate, Cataplex C, Glucosamine Synergy, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil; chicory root (add to coffee)

With arthritis or osteoporosis add Ca-Ma Plus and X-Factor Gold High Vitamin Butter Oil

Restless Leg Protocol (40): Calcium Lactate, Cataplex F, with poor circulation add Cataplex E2

Neck, Arm, or Hand Pain Protocol (40): follow Joint Pain Protocol with Biost, B6 Niacinamide, Folic Acid B12

Essential Oil-Pain Relief (lavender, lemon grass, peppermint, basil, chamomile, bergamot, birch, cajuput, cinnamon, coriander, elimi, lavandim, majorum, mullein, myrrh, nutmeg, pimento, ravensara, rose, rosewood, wintergreen, camphor, how to use: 22)

Joint Problems: (shoulder, hands, knees, hip, spine) commonly diet/nutrition a factor(72,73,40); DHEA often helps(99); PEA(LE) 

Relieve Joint Pain & Repair Joints: Prolozone injections (prolo therapy plus ozone to relieve pain and inflammation and allow joint to heal,42,99); prolo therapy strengthens joints; undernatured Type II Collagen (UC-II) (99,133a), PEA(LE)

Basic Joint Protocol (40) Biost, Calcifood Wafers; with inflammation add Glucosamine Synergy and Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Joint Pain Protocol (40) Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, X-Factor Gold High Vitamin Butter Oil, Calcifood Wafers, Cal-Ma Plus, Calcium Lactate, Cataplex C, With arthritis or joint pains, add Glucosamine Synergy

With a non-union bone fracture that won’t heal: add Biost & real plain yogurt (probiotics aids absorption of calcium & vit D) and oleuropien (olives); Also: IV hydrogen peroxide therapy, 60a.

With teeth problems: add Bio-Dent, PEA(LE)

Arthritis-Essential Oil Treatment (myrrh, parsley, Anise, benzoin, birch, black pepper, boldo, buchu, calamus, cassia

Galbanum, juniper, myrrh, niaouli, nutmeg, pennyroyal, rue, tarragon, thuja, wintergreen, combinations, how to use: 22)

Shoulder Pain/Frozen Shoulder Nutrijoint creme (MSM), unizyme, tumeric extract, boswellia, detox footpads, massage, Mobilify (43), TrueJoint FLX(55), Prolozone injections(42,99); neural prolotherapy(99), infrared sauna(99), LLLT(99), [PEA(LE),Discomfort Relief]

Joint Pain  nutrition often a factor(40),�  Synerflex (HSI/NSN) , Mobilify , prolozone treatment(prolo therapy + ozone)(42), PEA(LE), TrueJoint FLX(55), FlexoPlex(glucosufine sulfate, chondoitrin sulfate, Boswellia, trysin, cats�s claw, hyalonronic acid, bromelain, 5 star rating), Projoint Plus (glucosufine sulfate, chondonitrin sulfate, curcumin(69), boswellia, methionine, �quercetin, 5 star rating), (bromelain, trypsin, rutin,99), LLLT(99)

Welsh Arthritis Treatment(73,40):� start with mono diet with one organic vegetable such as zuchinni for up to 10 days while pain subsides;� then reintroduce one healthy whole food at a time for 4 days and another if no new pain;� (avoid, white flour, sugar, regular table salt) ;� then add End Joint Pain Protocol nutrients and walking, exercise(74).� 

Arthritis Protocol (40)Calcifood Wafers, Cataplex C, Glucosamine Synergy, Calcium Lactate, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, X-Factor Gold High Vitamin Butter Oil --often has nutritional factor(40),  recommended diet: low carb Mediterranean diet with elimination of all milk, wheat, and gluten foods-lots of vegetables, esp. green vegetables ;

Food allergens commonly causing:� wheat, meat, coffee, many foods- low allergen elimination diet to find problems(14)


Ligaments, tendons, cartilage TrueJoint FLX(55), JointHealth drink powder(collagen+etc.) , Prolozone injection(21), PEA(LE)

Knee Pain: knee replacement often not very beneficial for pain relief/arthritis (99); prolozone treatment (42), (prolotherapy (99)+ ozone for pain and inflammation relief (42); UC-II (99), knee support or brace, knee exercises; ultrared sauna; [PEA(LE),Discomfort Relief], low level light therapy, LLLT (99);see chronic pain; 


Back of neck pain:  cavitations or liver problems (31), cleanups and cleanses, solanin allergy, TrueMilkThistle (detox,55); see Pain Free(76); CEDS:� hemp CBD(95) , infrared sauna(99), PEA(LE)

Front of neck pain:  lymph gland overload (deep breathing exercise, sauna), toxins or bacteria (31):   zap and cleanups, cleanses; TrueMilkThistle(detox,55); CEDS: hemp CBD (95) 

Pinched Nerves or Entrapped Fascia (including carpal tunnel syndrome),40: see chiropractor or osteopath and consider previous protocol and Active Release Technique (

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: numbness, tingling, pain in first 3 fingers- usually after repetitive tasks (caused by compression of the median nerve of wrist) Treatment options: splinting, avoidance of activities that cause pain, lifestyle changes, Nutritional therapy(52): vit B6, serratiopeptidase, curcumin, fish oil; neural prolotherapy/prolozone injections(99,42), infrared sauna, LLLT

Carpal Tunnel Protocol( 40): Biost, Calcifood Waters, Calcium Lactate; with osteoporosis add Glucosamine Synergy, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, CEDS: hemp CBD(95), PEA(LE) 

Tendonitis (inflammation of surface covering the tendons), infrared sauna (99), LLLT (99)

Muscle Cramp Protocol (40): Cataplex F, Calcium Lactate from Standard Process

Rib Pain: often rib subluxation- see chiropractor or osteopath, PEA(LE)

Disk or Nerve Pain   YLO: Regenelone & Neurogen, (see also joint pain); PEA(LE), neural prolotherapy(99); 

Pain Free (76); CEDS: hemp CBD(95)

Toe, foot, heel, or finger pain:  uric acid or phosphorus deposits,  bacteria; treatments:    kidney & liver cleanse, TrueMilkThistle(55), avoid phosphorus and benzoic acid in food, PEA(LE), balance body pH, zap bacteria

Neuritis/Neuralgia: Essential Oil Pain Relief (camphor, bay, cajuput, how to use: 60) strengthen nerves (lavandin, rue)), PEA(LE)

Labor Pain: Jasmine(22), PEA(LE)

Thumb or Hand pain[PEA(LE),Discomfort Relief], bacteria or parasites (31) - zap & cleanses, Elbow pain/tennis elbow:   liver stones & parasites:  cleanses, TrueMilkThistle(55,detox), CEDS: hemp CBD(95), see joint pain 

Wrist pain:     similar to elbow pain or hand pain

Upper arm pain:   gallstones, bacteria(31)     kidney & liver cleanse, TrueMilkThistle(detox,55)

Recurring throat pain:  bacteria, (dental amalgam, root-canals, cavitations)(31,33-see web pages for each)  cleanups, zinc, TrueMilkThistle(detox,55);� Children: air pollution, mold

Leg pain: toxic metals(test & detox, 33, 94,126), smoking, mineral imbalance (31); sciatica,� T: hair test,  magnesium, potassium, cleanups & cleanses, TrueMilkThistle(detox,55),  TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), CEDS:� hemp CBD(95), infrared sauna(99), PEA(LE), LLLT(99)

Foot pain/Morton�s Neuroma: PEA(LE)

intermittent claudication  policosanol (28,30), propionyl L-carnitine, Padma Basic (HSI), TrueCirc (55), TrueMilkThistle(detox,55), PEA(LE).

Thigh pain:  sciatica, dental metals, bacteria (31) , tight muscles: (exercise,stretch)   T:  chiropractor,  dental cleanup(33), cleanses(31), TrueMilkThistle(detox,55), PEA(LE)

Hip pain:   trauma, arthritis, joint problems, chronic oxidative stress and inflammation; kidneys & teeth/cavitations, (31,33-see web pages for each) T:  cleanups and cleanses, [PEA(LE),Discomfort Relief], see Pain Free (76),

TrueMilkThistle(detox,55), arthritis: antioxidants, exercise and stretching, see joint pain

Groin pain:  toxins, bacteria, parasites affecting lymph nodes (31), T:  cleanups and cleanses, TrueMilkThistle(detox,55)

Low Back pain: (oxalic acid crystals:  kidney cleanse, avoid tea, cocoa), posture problems: chiropractor, acupressure massage, willow bark extract (HSI); Stenosis (prolozone injection (42), [PEA(LE),Discomfort Relief]

[Herbs to treat back pain (108f) Black Cohosh (muscle relaxant and is useful in treating pain related osteoarthritis, sciatica, and back spasm)- tea-steep dried herbs in cup of boiling water, or capsules; Cramp Bark (muscle cramping or spasms)-as tea- dried bark in cup of boiling water, Horse Chestnut strained back)- as tonic; Willow Bark (anti-inflammatory and analgesic)}, Devil’s Claw (133a);

{Essential Oils to Treat Back Pain (108f): Aspic (as massage oil-diluted in carrier oil for aching muscles or for skin irritations or burns); Clary Sage Oil (help reduce stress, fatigue, irritability, and depression); Frankinsense Oil (for deep relaxation, back pain); Juniper (antiseptic or diuretic, as massage oil(diluted) for stiff joints); Lavender (reduce stress or help heal burns, wounds, and insect bites); Mandarin (soothing and calming as massage oil-diluted, or in bath water); Neroli (anti-spasmodic and stress reliever, chronic back pain); Rosemary (for liver and stomach problems, infections of all kind, and depression- in a poultice, as a massage oil, or in the bath, rosemary is a muscle relaxant and a stress reducer)

Low back exercises & stretches (see 40, p73 or Pain Free,76), Magnesium,� TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51),��� B6, quercetin, proteolytic enzymes, TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula Omega-3,  green tea, TrueGreenTea with SOD,  special exercises, yoga, stretch

Radicular back pain, sciatica:(radiating to extremity), compression, inflammation to spinal nerve root, PEA(LE)

Upper back pain/shoulder blade:  kidney & liver cleanse, zap, TrueMilkThistle(detox,55), PEA(LE)

[Herbs to treat back pain (108f) Black Cohosh (muscle relaxant and is useful in treating pain related osteoarthritis, sciatica, and back spasm)- tea-steep dried herbs in cup of boiling water, or capsules; Cramp Bark (muscle cramping or spasms)-as tea- dried bark in cup of boiling water, Horse Chestnut strained back)- as tonic; Willow Bark (anti-inflammatory and analgesic)}

{Essential Oils to Treat Back Pain (108f): Aspic (as massage oil-diluted in carrier oil for aching muscles or for skin irritations or burns); Clary Sage Oil (help reduce stress, fatigue, irritability, and depression); Frankinsense Oil (for deep relaxation, back pain); Juniper (antiseptic or diuretic, as massage oil(diluted) for stiff joints); Lavender (reduce stress or help heal burns, wounds, and insect bites); Mandarin (soothing and calming as massage oil-diluted, or in bath water); Neroli (anti-spasmodic and stress reliever, chronic back pain); Rosemary (for liver and stomach problems, infections of all kind, and depression- in a poultice, as a massage oil, or in the bath, rosemary is a muscle relaxant and a stress reducer)

Lower abdominal pain:  flukes, parasites, E Coli/Salmonela/Shigella bacteria, T:  parasite cleanses, zap, sanitation, vit C, (TrueC (55), Vitamin C (51)),�� , B2, TrueMilkThistle(detox,55)

Stomach pain:  salmanela/shigella/clostridium bacteria (31); amalgam or arsenic, T:  zap, cleanses, cleanups, Goldenseal, curcumin(69): Super-Bio Curcumin(51,4.5*), Terry Naturally Curamin(4.5*), TrueMilkThistle (detox,55)

Side pain:   parasites, bacteria (31); liver problems/bile duct blockage: cleanses and bowel program; TrueMilkThistle(detox,55)

  Feces floats > bile shortage, light colored

Mid abdominal pain:   bacteria, teeth, cavitations:  cleanups & cleanses, TrueMilkThistle(detox,55)

Endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome� (CEDS) 

� A person’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a complex network of lipids compromising the endogenous ligands, their cannabinoid receptors, and the enzymes catalyzing the formation and degradation of endocannabinoids(95f). 

[The human endocannabinoid system (ECS) is composed of endocannabinoids, which are endogenous lipid-based retrograde neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors, and cannabinoid receptor proteins that are expressed throughout the central nervous system (including the brain) and peripheral nervous system. The endocannabinoid system is involved in regulating a variety of physiological and cognitive processes including fertility,[1]pregnancy,[2] during pre and postnatal development,[3] appetitepain-sensationmood, and memory, and in mediating the pharmacological effects of cannabis.[4][5] The ECS is also involved in mediating some of the physiological and cognitive effects of voluntary physical exercise, such as contributing to exercise-induced euphoria as well as modulating locomotor activity and motivational salience for rewards.[6][7][8][9] In humans, the plasma concentration of certain endocannabinoids (i.e., anandamide) have been found to rise during physical activity;[6][7] since endocannabinoids can effectively penetrate the blood�brain barrier, it has been suggested that anandamide, along with other euphoriant neurochemicals, contributes to the development of exercise-induced euphoria in humans, a state colloquially referred to as a runner's high.[6][7]

Two primary endocannabinoid receptors have been identified: CB1, first cloned in 1990; and CB2, cloned in 1993. CB1 receptors are found predominantly in the brain and nervous system, as well as in peripheral organs and tissues, and are the main molecular target of the endocannabinoid ligand (binding molecule), anandamide, as well as its mimeticphytocannabinoid, THC. One other main endocannabinoid is 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) which is active at both cannabinoid receptors, along with its own mimetic phytocannabinoidCBD. 2-AG and CBD are involved in the regulation of appetite, immune system functions and pain management.[10][11][12](


People can be deficient in endocannabinoids due to genetics, toxic exposures, stress, etc. (95). A lack of endocannabinoid activity is thought to be present in many debilitating ailments such as fibromyalgia, migraine, multiple sclerosis, seizure disorders, chronic fatigue, IBS and more, (95 a,c,d,e,f). Whether the result of poor diet, lack of exercise, drug abuse, environmental toxins or genetic factors, endocannabinoid deficits are associated with a reduced ability or inability to adapt to chronic stress. Prolonged exposure to stress depletes endocannabinoid tone, and this, in turn, has an adverse impact on a plethora of physiological processes.

Because the endocannabinoid system helps modulate stress response, with heavy expression in the amygdala, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex  areas of the brain associated with stress, fear, emotion and reward  CBD-rich products have shown an ability to alleviate symptoms of stress (95 c,d,e,f). Best to use non-THC form of cannabinoids and not  under 27 years old(137).

Non-Cannabis Phytocannabinoids that bind to the CB1 And CB2 receptors and affect the ECS and thus have system effects (Cloveoil, Echinacea, Zanthoxylum or Cichuan pepper, Peony, Ginger, Magnolia)


Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)/ Pain:   bacteria or other pathogen T:  cleanses, zap (31), lots of water, cranberries, D-Mannose, Prebiotics(galactooligosacchrides) & Probiotics, mild silver protein, AloeCran drink mix (55), oxygen therapy


UTI Protocol (40): Arginex and Albaplex and Betaplex(6/d), Cataplex AC(3-6/d). from Standard Process, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil;� if have already taken antibiotics, add ProSunbiotic(2/d) and Digestive and Urinary Tonic;� if condition serious- 2 of each product/every 2 hours,-except ProSynbiotic plus DUT 4x per day

Urinary Incontinence, overactive bladder-  avoid dangerous prescription drugs such as Ditropan & oxybutynin(99); pumpkin seed extract, (nano-curcumin, zinc,137) soy extract  ( LE)      D-Mannose , constipation or intestinal interactions( TrueEZ, 55, TrueMilkThistle(detox,55)), Ultranol(L-Tlutamine, glycine, L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, other amino acids, D-mannose,Uva ursi, Pygeum(99); Piping Rock Ultra Standardized Pygeum (99); other botonicals, 68); pygeum, saw palmetto, sunlight/vit D(99); increase nutrient dense vegetables and reduce meat (137a)

Frequent night time restroom trips (40): w or w/o burning- chronic UTI or prostate infection (Digetive and Urinary Tonic(DUT)(2 oz x 3)

Enlarged Prostate Protocol(40): Cataplex F(4-6), Palmettoplex(3-4), Prostate PMG(3); Rothfeld Protocol(Quercetin(108))

Tooth Ache:   bacteria: zap, oregano essential oil(22), Cayanne powder (108f), (Mistletoe/ozone injections,21), H2O2(60)

gum problems (floss, waterpik, brush), cavity (check and treat); oral probiotics (L. plantarum L137; S. salvarious)

TMJ:  tooth infection/cavitation, pinworms: zap, cleanups, sterilized milk & vit D, magnesium; neural prolotherapy, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51),

 MRSA (antibiotic resistant staph bacteria) vit C IV & vit E (N&H, Wri, nov 2007), colloidal silver, oil of oregano; Oxygen Therapy (ozone/HBO/hydrogen peroxide, 60)

Regular use of household disinfectants was found to result in higher children�s obesity and other adverse health effects(98b). 


Head achesimmune reactivity to toxics or allergen; common metal reactions-(;� common food allergens causing: coffee, cola, chocolate, nuts, MSG, simple sugars, high thiamine foods(14); elimination diet to treat

Migraine headache  recurrent, painful headaches- sometimes with nausea, light sensitivity; triggers: emotional distress, poor sleep habits, hormone imbalance ; causes: low serotonin/low melatonin(52) (melatonin, 5-HTP), menstruation estrogen withdrawal(52):(calcium, magnesium supplementation), estrogen/progesterone imbalance(52), other hormone imbalances (testosterone, DHEA, pregnenolone, estrogen); dental amalgam(replace amalgams & detox, see metals detox), tooth infections/bacteria(oregano oil), cavitations(test & treat), bowel problems, Strongyloides parasites(cleanse), gallstones, gas leak(vanadium), allergic reactions ; common food allergens causing: coffee, chocolate, soy, MSG, corn, wheat, eggs14); Prevention(52):  avoid triggers: caffeine, nicotine, red wine, MSG, nitrates, tyramines, phenylethylamine, etc.; stress reduction, improve sleep habits, massage therapy, chiropractic manipulation acupuncture, sufficient exercise, stretching;    

Treatments:   Riboflavin(Vit B2,riboflavin) (24 HP,42),� , magnesium(not oxide), TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51),� Natural Calm, Epsum salt baths, kidney & liver cleanses , Migraspray (feverfew) (HSI) ; CEDS: hemp CBD(95) ; Nutritional therapy(52): Butterbur root, CoQ10, Riboflavin, feverfew, magnesium, Melatonin, SAMe, L-trypophan;

 Migraine Nausea: migraine, acupressure wristband;(133a)

Tension Headache: peppermint oil massage, apple cider vinegar, almonds (133a), CBD, magnesium

Gluten Syndrome: Gluten causes neurological symptoms, in both celiac disease and non-celiac gluten-sensitivity, by its adverse actions on the nervous system (130). A significant percentage of the population have adverse effects (133a). Many celiac patients experience neurological symptoms, frequently associated with malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Gluten-sensitivity can also be associated with neurological symptoms in patients who do not have any mucosal gut damage (that is, without celiac disease). Gluten can cause neurological harm through a combination of cross reacting antibodies, immune complex disease and direct toxicity. These nervous system affects include: dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, cerebella ataxia, hypotonia, developmental delay, learning disorders, depression, migraine, and headache. Studies revealed a clear association between migraine syndrome and CD, and the high efficacy of gluten diet in the treatment of migraine symptoms(130b). Persons with schizophrenia have higher than expected titers of antibodies related to CD and gluten sensitivity (131). Vit B 6 & vit B complex can help reverse CD psychopathology, along with gluten free diet. (131b). An anti-body test that measures certain anti-gliadin antibodies can be used, but doesn’t measure all potential effects and may have false negatives. cccx


Ear Problems vertigo, dizziness, ear ache, tinnitus, 

Vertigo/Dizzynesscauses (40): prescription drugs- esp. heart & BP drugs, allergies (wheat, etc.), adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroid, misaligned vertebrae (whiplash, etc.), dislodged ear rocks(debris, calcium crystals) ;Massage(neck trigger points, 137).For ear rocks:exercises shown on p 177(40)

Nutritional therapy (52): Vit C&E, lipoic acid, NAC, vit B6, Ginkgo biloba, CoQ10, Ginger

Meneire�s Diseasecharacterized by episodes of feeling like the world is spinning (vertigo), ringing in the ears(tinnitus), hearing loss, and a fullness in the ear;� initially only 1 ear but can affect both over time; it may involve �an abnormality in the way fluid of the inner ear is regulated with both genetic and environmental factors. �There is no known cure but physical therapy and balance exercises may help with balance and counselling may help with anxiety. Some patients have been helped by Inner Ear Balance (tao of herbs) or vinpocetine or Massage(neck trigger points, 137).. See also vertigo.

vestibular neuronitis- inflammation of inner ear. It results in a sensation of the world spinning and also possible hearing loss or ringing in the ears; two possible causes are miscommunication between the �balance readers� in your ears, eyes, and body, due to muscle tension around these fragile systems or your brain is not getting enough oxygen delivery. some exercises that often help are at, �there are balance clinics which treat such conditions.� �see also vertigo


Ear Ache:  air pollution, bacteria, parasites, cow milk protein,     T: cleanups, niacin, Vit C,(TrueC(55),Vitamin C(51)),�� olive oil in ear

Tinnitus:  metal toxicity, strep pneumonie antibody, cavitations, liver blockages, TrueMilkThistle(detox,55),� salicylates, beryllium, loud noise:

Things that help some: bioflavinoids, metal and liver cleanups, 

niacin, magnesium, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51),

OsteoArthritis   degenerative joint disease- structural damage and functional impairment of joint; factors: oxidative stress, inflammation and inflammatory cytokines, mitochondrial dysfunction, obesity, [mercury/metals toxicity cause oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines, mitochondrial dysfunction, etc. and can be a factor in OA (33) (detox: Pectasol(42), TrueLA(55), TrueMilkThistle (55), see doctor (33,89)],[food allergies (test & treat: elimination diet & challenge diet) (14)-espically check nightshade veges, wheat, dairy, 108b); (bacteria and uric acid/ phosphorus deposits, excess phosphorous) (31) ; cavitations/root canal teeth (33); test them-  cleanups & cleanses; Poor diet choices(sugar promotes inflammatory cytokins, high Omega 6 levels are inflammatory, �nightshade vegetables have alkaloids that promote inflammation and some are allergic, blackened or barbequed food promote inflammation, etc., French fries or chips and too much omega 6 oils such as soy promote inflammation.� Inflammation and fibrin deposits are significant factors in arthritis. fibrin seals off sites with protective mesh & produces inflammation. Proteolytic enzymes are effective at reducing inflammation and fibrin deposits as well as scar tissue and viruses. Scar tissue can cause pain, high blood pressure, etc. Green-lipped muscle extract (133a); Bromelain reduces inflammation, curcumin reduces inflammation and pain( a clinical study found as effective as aspirin without adverse effects,98a,etc.)( a large study found aspirin use in healthy elderly had no longevity benefits and had adverse effects, 98a), Devil’s Claw (study found as effective as Cox 2 inhibitors without adverse effects), Bosweilia reduces pain and swelling, Rutin reduces inflammation,� citrus bioflavonoids protect against free radical damage; (21,40,51); CMO (cetyl-myristoleate; (Myristin) (108b); [OA nutritional protocol: Glucosamine (108b), Hyaluronic acid, MSM, Fish oi or Krill, Undenatured Type-2 collagen, Avocado Oil, Curcumin, Ginger, Boswellia, Korean angelica, Proteolytic enzymes, Vit D3, EGCG]; niacinamide(108b); boron (108b), SAMe (108b); fennel seed/black cumin seed(81), {Herbs for Arthritis (108f): [alfafa(tonic-tea or capsules); Arnica montana (oil or linament or salve), Apitherapy(bee venom), Devil’s Claw(reduces uric acid), Feverfew), Ginger), Guaiacum(antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, chronic rheumatoid arthritis), Meadowsweet (salicin, pain and fever), Shark Cartilage, White Willow Bark (salicin)} {Essential Oils for Artritis (108f): Chamomile(dab a drop of two of chamomile oil on your temples, make a hot compress with chamomile oil and hot water on a terry cloth washcloth and place against an aching joint, or put some oil in a diffuser and inhale it all day long), Lavender(for stress reflief), Coriander(as rub or massage oil, dilute 1 to 5 with carrier oil- olive oil or coconut oil), (mixture of rosemary oil and eucalyptus oil- as massage oil diluted with carrier oil or in aromatherapy diffuser, aroma lamp, or facial sauna)} Inflammation plays a major role in osteoarthritis and vit K counteracts inflammation and reduces its effects. Vit K dependent proteins are found in cartilage and bone tissue and crucial to healthy joints. A large study found a significant association wih vit K2 deficiency.

(Acupuncture, Boron, Niacinamide, Mineral Complex, PQQ, COQ10, topical olive oil, GLA), 

Other Treatment: HealnSoothe (proteolytic enzymes-bromelain, curcumin, Devil�s Claw, Bosweilia, Rutin, Ginger- 75),

Ostinol (bone and cartilage stimulating proteins, 34) (decreases inflammatory cytokines, stimulates new stem cell bone and cartilage growth,34) (4*) (150 mg, 350 mg, and 450 mg sizes depending on severity), 

Curamin(34), TrueMilkThistle(detox,55) [arthroscopic surgery no better than PT for knee pain, LEF 1-09]   [ check nightshade vegetables(have solamine and lectins, many sensitive to solamine/lectins and cause some IBS, etc; ]  ;� Green Tea  , TrueGreenTea with SOD(55), glucosamine sulfate/chondrotrin� (8), niacinamide(Wr), Mobilify(boswellia, papain, bromelain)(43), TrueGreenTea with SOD(55),  (LE Joint Principals & Synoglide II), cod liver oil, Vit E(400-800 IU), selenium, walking improves arthritis and reduces risk of dementia(Limon Myrtle, Anissed Mytrtle, Mountain Pepper, Wild Rosella, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates, bovine or shark    cartilage, Alt.) (Devils Claw, niacinamide, Alt. 1997),  vit D,  drink sterilized milk(31); Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, LE(51), Ozone therapy(60b);

      Shaklee Pain Relief Complex, Joint Health Complex; MSM, Strontium, vit K & proteolytic enzymes , TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula,  Kaprex (HSI),  SierraSil (HSI), Lyprinol (HSI) ,selenium, NAC

Food allergies commonly causing OA: pork, wheat, cod, diary, hen�s eggs

Arthritis-Essential Oil Treatment (myrrh, parsley, Anise, benzoin, birch, black pepper, boldo, buchu, calamus, cassia

Galbanum, juniper, myrrh, niaouli, nutmeg, pennyroyal, rue, tarragon, thuja, wintergreen, combinations, how to use: 22)


Immune Reactive Conditions: The mercury connection to eczema, psoriasis, lupus, asthma, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, and allergies, Bernard Windham,


Autoimmune Diseases: where the body’s immune responses are directed against its own tissues, causing prolonged inflammation and subsequent tissue destruction. Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, pancreatitis, systemic lupus, Sjogren�s syndrome, pancreatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis; Allergies and MS are also the result of disordered immune response. Excessive glycation of protein due to aging and declining immune systems; mercury and heavy metals and other toxics ( ; sugar causes reduced immune function(52), DHEA reduces inflammatory cytokins that contribute to autoimmune diseases(99b) and allergies; Dr. Charles Farr found that most of his patients treated for autoimmune conditions with intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide had improvements. Immune globulins were measured before and after IV H2O2 treatments. Clinical improvement paralleled a reduction in antibody titers in these globulins(60a). Other doctors have reported similar results (60). 

 Excess glucose causes inflammation resulting in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and significant adverse health effects such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes, pancreatitis, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis (103a,51). Highly processed foods and high temp cooking and dry heat cooking (frying, grilling, roasting) or browning of food also produce AGEs. Benfotiamine and acetyl-L-carnosine counteract AGEs(103a,51) and improve such conditions. Turmeric Forte (40)


Nutritional support and exercise for autoimmune conditions (52): yoga, tai chi, deep breathing, musical participation, positive attitude, acetyl-L-Carnosine, fish oil or flaxseed oil & vit E, DHEA, Vit C, EGCG, COQ10, Beta-carotene, Grape seed-skin extract, Selenium, Vit D3, L-glutamine, Butyric acid, Garum Armoricum extract, Curcumin, acetyl-L-carnosine, benfotiamine,

Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils- (eucalyptus, orange, oregano, thieves, chamomile, benzoin, boldo, camphor, Citronella, Helichrysum, Manuka, Mullein, Myrrh, Rosemary, Sage, Sandelwood, Spikenard, Tansy, Vitiver, Yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22)

Rheumatoid Arthritis: systemic inflammatory disease-characterized by  autoimmune response causing pain and disfigurement in peripheral joints but affecting other parts of the body(52); types: spontaneous remission over time, relapsing/remitting, persistent and progressive) progressive) causes: elevated inflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, chronic inflammation, [mercury and toxic metals cause the previous factors(33,52,113,114,126) and autoimmunity, ( � test and replace or detox(33,94, etc.)]; cayenne pepper as gel or ointment (108f), Green tea (ECGC) (108f); Thunder God vine extract (133a); Green-lipped muscle extract (133a)

Excess glucose causes inflammation resulting in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and significant adverse health effects such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis(103a,51). Highly processed foods and high temp cooking and dry heat cooking (frying, grilling, roasting) or browning of food also produce AGEs. acetyl-L-Carnosine and Benfotiamine counteract AGEs (103a,51) and reduce arthritic effects. Turmeric Forte (40); hydrogen water (133a & pubmed studies)

Tests to confirm (52) (assess RF or ACPA: hs-CRP or ESP test, etc. biologic DMARD drugs: entanercept targets TNF-a (inflammatory mediator) Rituximab targets B-cells (immune cell producing antibodies); Prednisone (glucocorticoid steroid) is used but has long term side effects; black cumin seed oil (81) {Herbs for arthritis (108f): alfafa (tonic-tea or capsules); Arnica montana (oil or liniment or salve), Apitherapy(bee venom), Devil’s Claw(reduces uric acid), Feverfew, Ginger), Guaiacum(antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, chronic rheumatoid arthritis), Meadowsweet (salicin, pain and fever, 108f), Shark Cartilage ), White Willow Bark (salicin)} {Essential Oils for Arthritis (108f): Chamomile(dab a drop of two of chamomile oil on your temples, make a hot compress with chamomile oil and hot water on a terry cloth washcloth and place against an aching joint, or put some oil in a diffuser and inhale it all day long), Lavender(for stress relief), Coriander (as rub or massage oil, dilute 1 to 5 with carrier oil- olive oil or coconut oil), (mixture of rosemary oil and eucalyptus oil- as massage oil diluted with carrier oil or in aromatherapy diffuser, aroma lamp, or facial sauna)}

Since there are usually cardiovascular effects, monitor and control cholesterol, etc. There are often food triggers for affects and elimination diet and avoidance of certain foods can be effective (52). Supplementing a special type of undenatured type II collegin can reduce immune reaction (52).� DHEA counteracts the inflammatory cytokins TNFa and IL-6 so can help reduce inflammation (52).� Nutritional treatment(52); PUFAs(keeping ratio of Omega-6 oils to Omega-3 oils about 4 to 1(fish or krill oil), GLA, Vit D3, vit B6, Folate, B12, or complex B(Cataplex B, 40), (curcumin, Quercetin reduce production of inflammatory mediators), Pomegranate, ginger, Nigell sativa seeds, Beta-sitosterol, SAMe Aerobic exercise, strength training]   mercury/metals toxicity can cause systemic inflammation and inflammatory conditions and induce inflammatory cytokins(33)-:test and treat(Pectasol(42), True MilkThistle(55), NAC, see doctor(33,89);� other treatments: 

(roundworms, bacteria, toxic metals, solvents, (31,126)) (Ascaris, hookworms, Strongyloides, Trichinella,31):  cleanses & cleanups, test for low DHEA, avoid excess phosphorous digestive problems/poor absorption/low stomach acid- (note symptoms, test & treat) (Wr)

      Diet important (whole foods/low sugar/no artificial sugars/flavorings/no caffein/low alcohol), consider adding powder super foods such as Trueveggie8 (green super food blend,55), All Day Energy Greens & Go Ruby(46), Primal Plants & Vital Reds(39); cod liver oil, Vit E(400-800 IU), selenium, multi, zinc,  Vit D3),   Gymnema Sylvestre(Alt), ginger, devil�s claw, cayenne pepper, stinging nettle root (Wr), cinnamon, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, mucopolysacchirides, MSM, EFAs, niacinamide, �Turmeric & proteolytic enzymes, Turmeric Forte (40), TrueEZ-D (55), Integrative Digestive Formula;�    Where antibiotic therapy seems called for, use Minocycline (40) and ProSunbiotc from Standard Process

Food allergies commonly causing RA (foods to avoid): red meat, corn, HFCS, trans fats, sugar

Dry eyesSjogren�s syndrome,  [common causes(21): insufficiency of thyroid, adrenal, or sex hormones or vit A, zinc, selenium, omega-3 oils] check and correct hormone imbalances(21); T: oral maqui berry extract(Tear Support with MaquiBrite-LE), vit A,C,E, B6, magnesium, zinc, omega-3s, fish oil, TrueMagnesium(55), VitalMag(51), curcumin(69), Similisan Pink Eye Relief(21)

Sjogren�s Disease- chronic dryness of eyes and mouth-could also be external genitalia and ear, nose, throat area ; autoimmune condition, increased immunoregulatory and proinflammatory cytokine IL-18; which interferes with acetylcholine and blocks saliva secretion(52): hormone deficiency: DHEA, estrogen in women, Lifestyle measures(52): regular exercise; T: oral maqui berry extract(Tear Support with MaquiBrite-LE) ,calcium carbonate applied to lower eyelid, avoiding dust, fumes, excessive makeup, good dental hygiene, adequate hydration, humidifier, Xylitol, Mannatech Ambrotose

Nutritional therapies: essential fatty acids,� EGCG, Thymus extract, L-glutamine, probiotics, fructooligosaccharides;

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis(see autoimmune) mercury/detox, Pectasol(42), TrueMilkThistle(55), TrueALA, chlorella(53)           

2. Daytime: glucose(energy) and suppresses growth hormone (GH), glucose controlled by insulin

Nighttime: Pituitary (GH)>> fat mobilizing, fat burning;   avoid carbs late at night

Hyperuricemia: (elevated levels of uric acid in blood) (uric acid is the final product of purine metabolism which are components of DNA and RNA metabolism and ATP and SAMe and NADH); excess purine nucleoesides are converted to uric acid which is metabolized by the enzyme uricase in the liver and some is excreted through urine. �Uric acid is an antioxidant used by the body to deal with free radicals. While purines and uric acid are vital to body function; excess uric acid can be a risk factor for gout and other condition like kidney stones, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome (52).� High purine foods include red meat, pork, fish, shellfish, alcohol, beer 

Gout  (crystals of monosodium urate form in joints and other tissue) Gouty attacks can be caused by diets heavy in purines and acid foods and low water usage (40); (more veges and minerals, avoid: red meat and beer(14), shellfish, sugary foods and drinks, alcohol, and high-fructose corn syrups),  lead toxicity -detox[Blood lead levels in the range currently considered acceptable are associated with increased prevalence of gout and hyperuricemia,17]; T:

 Tart cherries, celery, vit B2, folate, Quercetin, bromelain, probiotics, magnesium, and goat dairy products have been shown to reduce the occurrence of gout. coffee; vit C, TrueMagnesium (55),  Gymnema Sylvestre (Alt); All Day Energy Greens & GoRuby Go(46); Natural methods to control gout(52): regular exercise, limit red meat intake, adjust fish intake to individual needs, consume vegetable protein, nuts, and legumes, reduce alcohol intake, limit intake of sugar- sweetened beverages; Targeted Nutritional interventions(52): Vit C, cherries(81), coffee, fiber, Folate, Chinese herbs (Cinnamomum cassia, Chrysanthemum indicum, Lucpus europaeus, Polygonum cuspidatum, Paederia scandens, Smilax china), Flavanoids(olive leaf extract, grape seed extract), omega-3 supplements for those limiting fish intake); those with severe cases of gout should consider Pegloticase(52). Avoid asparagus, sardines, mushrooms, scallops


Bursitis Vit B12 injections(intramuscular,1000 mg daily for week & as needed)


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome     (Inner Power, LE, 1-04)  low level laser, massage,      (vit B complex(B6), vit C, selenium)  , EFA(DHA,GLA,ALA), curcumin(69): Super-Bio Curcumin(51,4.5*), Terry Naturally Curamin(4.5*), boswellia, ginger (LEF, DP&T)

Serrapeptase (effective in 65% of cases) (HSI)  Cataplex B(40)


ATP Energy Homostat Dysfunction>> obesity, diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, TrueCoQ10(55), TrueALA(55)         symptoms:   depression, fibromyalgia, fatigue, etc.

1.   HPT [hyperthallamous (TRH)>> pituitary (TSH)>> thyroid(T4)>> (T3) (requires selenium);�     

        over 30% of adults functionally hypothyroid>> supplement thyroid supp, compounded slow release T4 & T3 (TL 3-07)

 Hypothyroid: symptoms(fatigue, repeated infections, chronic skin problems, chronic headaches, slow metabolism);  lectins such as soy/beans/peas/wheat (LectinShield,39);   mercury or metal toxicity(33, detox(Pectasol(42), Quicksilver Detox(94), TrueMilkThistle(55), TrueALA(55),   (LE ThyroPlex, Forskolin)  Iodoral  ; calcium, iron, soy, raw cabbage block absorption of thyroid hormone(99);    

(Subclinical HPT has significant effects and should be treated (10)) ;  (iodine, zinc, copper, selenium, tyrosine, Vit C, E, B12, Ashwagandha extract)  (2-4 HP), LectinShield(39); hydrogen peroxide therapy(60a)

Home test for hypothyroid: place thermometer by bed and shake down to 96 degrees.  When awaken before getting out of bed, place thermometer under armpit and clamp tight, leaving it there 10 minutes.

Record the temperature. Can do 2 or 3 days for reliability.  Normal is > 97.2 degrees.  Less than this usually is hypothyroid(40).� One cause of hypothyroid is iodine deficiency; Can test by painting a small area with dilute iodine solution from drug store.  If it goes away in less than 24 hours were deficient.  To treat can use Iosol slolution (TPCS). Take four drops of Iosol in water each day for 2 weeks, then reduce dosage to 2 drops per day.  IodoralProlomine Iodine by Standard Process (40), Ashwaganha (balances thyroid), Vit C, natural E, beta carotene veggies,

If this does not bring relief, can use thyroid supplement. -Armour Thyroid (Rx) or compounded T3/T4; 

Nutritional Support of Thyroid(52): Iodine, Selenium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, vit E,� vit D, vit B12, DHEA, pregnenolone, Curcumin, Rhodiola Rosea, L-tyrosine

Hyperthyroid: subclinical hyperthyroid (low TSH, normal T3&T4), (weight loss, rapid heartbeat, sweating, nervousness, irritability); 

3. BCDS (B Complex Deficiency Syndrome): (one of most common vitamin deficiencies), poor diet lead to significant problems(40)� 

common symptoms/effects of BCSD: depression, constant feeling of dread, hypoglycemia, weakness/fatigue, candidiasis, PMS, neuritis, neuralgia, etc.; richest source of food grade B vitamins: brewers yeast, other sources: liver, whole grain cereal (not enriched cereal with synthetic vitamins added); 

Protocol (40): Cataplex B by Standard Process (69); With significant fatigue add Drenamin; With anxiety/hyperactivity, add Cataplex G

4. Aging or carbs at night>> low GH>>insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hypertriglycerides, hyperinsulinemia (magnesium, CoQ10, Resveratrol, Curcumin, etc.) High and formaldehyde (from digestive processes & pollution sources) destroy cell structure by cross-linking proteins(103a). Formaldehyde is a factor in dementia, diabetes, depresssion, aging damage, DNA damage(103a). acetyl-L-Carnosine protects against formaldehyde damage and cross-linking. BPA increases insulin release and insulin resistance (133a); B vitamins including B3 extended lifespan in animal studies (108); anti-aging (lithium, nicotinamide riboside, hesperidin- activates AMPK, 51); gum disease increases chronic inflammation, cardiovascular problems, aging, 51- oral maintenance practices, oral probiotics (L. plantarum L137; S. salvarious), [(Theoflavins,Quercetin,Fisetin),Senolytic Activator], Resveratrol Elite(LE)

Insulin Resistance C: poor diet, high blood sugar.  T: Metformin(52), magnesium & CoQ10(103a,51), 1.5 ml of pomegranate juice per 2.2 pounds of body weigtht,136b;Turmeric Forte(40) ,TrueGlucoSP(55) ,  Green Tea(or extract) ), Resveratrol (108b), [Quercetin, Curcumin, Berberine, Pterostilbene, ginseng (137b)]; Blood Sugar Support (Gymnema Sylvestre, Cinnimon, Banaba L extract, etc.,56) ; TrueGreenTea with SOD(55), Korean Ginseng, COQ10, Astragalus, TrueCoQ10(55) EWOT exercise with oxygen  (2nd Opinion,42)  vit D (LEF, 1-09) , GH-3 & H-3 Plus (HSI) , Holy Thorn extract(99), Glucosol,  Agaricus blazei(mushroom)/cocinnia, GlucoCare (34), magnesium helps enzymes break down glucose to avoid insulin resistance, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), berberine; dark chocolate (133a);  cinnamon; apple cider vinegar; diluted Organic Apple Cider Vinegar/ Bragg’s, or combined with olive oil for salads or supplements (Natural Factors, NOW, ),Polycosanol.

Toxic Exposures can cause diabetes (mercury & toxic metals(33,16b,126), pesticides(99), & toxic POPs(96) cause oxidative damage and chronic inflammation and inflammatory cytokines, and can damage beta cells in the pancreas and can be a factor in insulin resistance and in type I and type II diabetes; as well as contributing along with cow’s milk and gluten by blocking enzymatic processes needed to properly digest  such foods, and thus resulting in adverse effects of exposure to such foods.( (dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in most people(33) and can be tested for by Quicksilver(94) or chelator urine test, replace amalgams and gold crowns over amalgam safely(33) and liver cleanse and detox(Pectasol(42), NAC, chlorella(53), TrueMIlkthistle(55), Quicksilver detox(94,33), see doctor(33,89); other toxics can also be tested for by urine test, hair test, blood test where appropriate(33). Detox if needed. 

5. Type I Diabetes :   autoimmune disease -here the immune system attacks the Beta cells in the pancreas that make insulin resulting in insulin deficiency (52); reduce insulin resistance; other causes: (chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction which can cause autoimmune disease and damage the pancreas, etc.(52,33) [Mercury(33), arsenic (108), and toxic metals (108,126), and pesticides(99) are examples of toxics that cause diabetes-test and detox. flukes in pancreas(cleanse), methanol, aspartame, HA glycoprotein on flu virus, gluten allergy, cows milk(type A1 protein,42,33) allergy, dental metals(replace & detox), kojic acid(coffee, potato with spots)(31):  cleanups and cleanses,  calcium, magnesium, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), chromium,  Oralmat (HSI) LE InsuLife, Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, LE(51),

(Type II Diabetes: [ Signs of Type II Diabetes: (shin spots- brown/red/yellow), skin tags, Dupuytren’s contracture)

(risk factors: obesity, physical inactivity, family history, impaired glucose metabolism, impaired lactose metabolism (108b)) Causes: Oxidative Stress (52,40,108): (toxins,arsenic,108g-chelation), mercury/amalgam fillings,33-detox); Poor Diet/Obesity(108g,52,40); Insulin imbalance or resistance (108g,51,40); High blood sugar and blood fat content are known causes of nerve damage. (treat insulin resistance and high blood sugar); High blood sugar causes the body to produce less insulin. metabolic factors, such as high blood glucose, long duration of diabetes, possibly low levels of insulin, and abnormal blood fat levels, neurovascular factors, leading to damage to the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the nerves, autoimmune factors that cause inflammation in nerves, mechanical injury to nerves, such as carpal tunnel syndrome,  inherited traits can increase susceptibility to nerve disease(33,108,113), lifestyle factors such as smoking or alcohol use; Treatments: resistance exercise improves(108g); thiamine(B1) needed to break down glucose, Turmeric Forte with coconut oil (40,108), Mediterranean and/or DASH diet, MIND diet, Berberine (108g,etc.);  Intermittent Fasting (108g,40); Curcumin, vit D3, whey protein(51).

 (poor diet(40)-refined carbohydrates, processed food, sugar, corn syrup, wheat, dairy), not enough exercise(40), poor sleep(40), statin drugs increase risk (133a); Obesity, chronic inflammation (52), oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction (52,33), high blood pressure(40), elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, [mercury, arsenic. Cadmium, pesticides, and other toxic exposures (33,52,16b,99,108,126) which cause the other factors-avoid, replace, & detox-pectasol (42), NAC, milk thistle, etc.]; those who are lactose intolerant have a higher risk of diabetes(108)- avoid milk products, check tolerance with goat milk products; [sluggish pancreas resulting in not enough digestive enzymes (108) (chew food better, digestive enzymes(108)(bloating/gaseous(Beano); (test-fecal elastase level) more serious digestive problems(Rx: Creon or Zenpep, 108)[consequences of uncontrolled diabetes are severe blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, painful peripheral nerve damage, etc.]; Berberine(108b); 5-HTP reduced body weight, blood sugar, and insulin in Type II diabetes patients (133a); 1.5 ml of pomegranate juice per 2.2 pounds of body weight,136b; chicory root (add to coffee); cinnamon; Sentra5 (HCA, Gymnema sylvestre, Chromium, Cinnamon, Bitter melon, Banaba leaf, Fenugreek seed, vanadium, Biotin, 133c); laminaria seaweed extract (133c); Useful Genetic Test- Genesight test- 108g)

Dr. West and Dr. Newport have found Tumeric Forte with Coconut Oil to be effective at treating diabetes(40,2b). Dr. Gerhauser (99) and others have found banaba leaf extract to be very effective in controlling diabetes, as well as berberine and morning sunlight. Excess glucose causes inflammation resulting in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and significant adverse health effects such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes(103a,51). Highly processed foods and high temp cooking and dry heat cooking (frying, grilling, roasting) or browning of food also produce AGEs. acetyl-L-Carnosine and Benfotiamine  counteract AGEs(103a,51) and reduce insulin resistance and diabetes risk. High blood sugar and formaldehyde (from digestive processes & pollution sources) destroy cell structure by cross-linking proteins(103a). Formaldehyde is a factor in dementia, diabetes, depression, aging damage, DNA damage)103a). acetyl-L-Carnosine protects against formaldehyde damage and cross-linking. 

Dr. West (40) treatment is whole food with plenty of protein, avoid wheat and sugar, exercise (Slow Burn technique or hi intensity interval training) and proper supplements (40); (cardiorespiratory fitness is important for glycemic control, insulin sensitivity, and production of insulin by the pancreas (51b, p80); Intermittent Fasting (40): alternate day fasting(no breakfast or lunch, low carb foods for dinner with with good fats and lots of water- some good clinical case results as treatment for chronic problem; if needed add(Diaplex, Cataplex GTF, Min-Tran,Turmeric Forte, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil)

Dr. West Diabetes and Heart Protocol (40): [Diaplex, Cataplex GTF, Min-Tran, Turmeric Forte, Cardio-Plus, Cataplex B, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil] coconut oil/MCTs; Studies have found that those with higher levels of vit D have lower development levels of Type 2 diabetes (51,52). �Other treatments: [shift body back to fat burning rather than primarily carbohydrates(21) by avoiding sugar, starches, and refined carbohydrates and high glycemic index fruits-focus diet on green vegetable, low glycemic index vegetables, grass fed meat, poultry, eggs, fish, good fats(olive oil, coconut oil, flax oil, range fed meat fats]; exercise(interval exercise and weight bearing exercise,21), correct hormone imbalances(21)-thyroid deficiency switches body to burning mostly carbohydrates; DHEA when deficient improves glucose tolerance and can reduce levels of insulin, and regulates blood sugar levels; Cortisol increases energy production and shifts metabolism to fat burning-deficiency causes fatigue worse in afternoon, affects sleep; testosterone deficiency reduces energy production and muscle building and fat metabolism; growth hormone falls off with age, but can aid fat metabolism, stimulate growth of bone and muscle cells, causes the liver to produce the antidiabetic hormone insulin-like growth factor 1(21)] [supplements for Type II diabetes(21)- Chromium picolinate(1000 to 3000 mcg daily), Alpha lipoic acid(400 mg x2 daily), Niacinamide(500-1500 mg daily),L-Carnitine(1000 t0 3000 mg daily), Licorice(300 mg of potassium along with 500 mg of glycyrrhiza root extract) vanadium sulfate(50 mg), Gymnema sylvestre (600 -1200 mg daily] (herbs to improve insulin sensitivity(21):Galega offocinalis(80 mg),Turmeric Forte (40) �bitter lemon(320mg x2) [herbs to boost fat metabolism and energy production(21):Camellia sinensis extract(cinnamon- regulates blood sugar, citrus aurantium extract- boosts metabolism, coleus forshkohli extract- supports thyroid, eleutherococcus senticocus extract- supports adrenals, Panax ginseng extract root- supports adrenals, with L-tyrosine(boosts production of fat-burning hormones]� mercury and other toxic exposures cause many of the factors listed above and thus can cause diabetes(33)-see above for treatment;� Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, LE(51), chia seed(30) and flax seed; pomegranates(99); Ginseng therapy elevated mood, improved psychophysical performance, and reduced fasting blood glucose (FBG) and body weight(23).

Nutritional Supplementation for Diabetes (52) (all shown to improve blood sugar control or limit diabetic damage); Lipoic Acid, Biotin, Carnitine, acetyl-L-Carnosine, Chromium, COQ10, �Omega3 Fatty Acids, fiber(soluble and insoluble), Propolmannan, Flavonoids, Magnesium, NAC(N-Acetylcysteine), milk thistle, Vit C&B3&E&D3) ; Botanical supplements for Diabetes (52): Cinnamon, Brown Seaweed and Bladderwrack, Irvingia Babonensis, White Kidney Bean, Green Coffee Extract, Garlic, Green Tea, Ginkgo biloba, Blueberries, Bilberry-see(52) for doses;�� ,TrueGreenTea with SOD(55),� ALA, LE(12-03), Ginseng(Alt., 23)  InsuLife, magnesium(103a), TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51),� holy thorn extract(99), niacin, (calcium, magnesium, chromium)(TL 5/07)    Lipoic Acid(4 or 6 times per day) (67% improved), cinnamon(MHCP) (Wr),  TrueCoQ10(55),  gymnema sylvestre (Alt) ,  (ACAM)(AAEM)(AANP)  LBG (BLH, 5-10)*, vit B6 lowers risk of diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome,� vit D3 lowers risk of diabetes (best from cod liver oil, 40), Walking lowers diabetes risk,  cinnamon, Mannatech Ambrotose,   policosanol (HIS,28.30), soluable fiber,(Latent autoimmune Diabetes:  fish oil, brewer�s yeast, stabilized rice bran, green tea) , music therapy, TrueAloe(55), TrueGreenTea with SOD(55), TrueGlucoSP(55); metformin(anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant(: helps T2 diabetic by reducing the amount of glucose absorbed , and by enhancing the patients insulin sensitivity(92)Oxygen therapy (ozone/HBO/hydrogen peroxide- see (60) for option details; IV hydrogen peroxide(60a), Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)(60b);

Prevent or Treat Type II Diabetes- Essential Oils (lemon grass, cinnamon, clove, combinations, how to use: 22)


Diabetic Neuropathy: (often with kidney damage); among a population with diabetic neuropathy, those who received COQ10 supplementation had improvement in glucose metabolism as well as a decrease in oxidative stress and advanced glycation end products (51b, p18). acetyl-L-carnosine, benfotiamine (52), vit B12 (133a); R Lipoic acic(137), B complex, aceyl-L-Carnitine, Nano-curcumin, vit C.

High Blood SugarCauses: poor diet, lack of exercise (40); digestive enzyme deficiency (108); Resveratrol (108b), Tumeric Forte (40); TrueGlucoSP (55), Blood Sugar Support(Gymnema Sylvestre, Cinnamon, Banaba L extract, etc.,56), Primal Force Recovery Metabolic Rescue(43) [curcumin, cinnamon, berberine (58,99,108)], Nigella sativa, polycosanol, Gymnema sylvestre, chromium], TrueAloe(55), AloeCran drink(55), Super Ubiquinol COQ10 with PQQ, LE(51). Chia or flax seeds; [fenugreek, aloe, ginseng, vanadium,99); Paleo Diet, good fats (108); Sentra5 (HCA, Cinnamon, Bitter melon, Banaba leaf, Fenugreek seed, vanadium, Biotin, 133c);

Natural sweeteners (30): stevia, xylitol (also prevents tooth decay)

Insulin Resistance, hyperinsulinemia: Aging, diabetes, and obesity contribute to cellular resistance to insulin. Studies have shown that the increase in insulin resistance with age is due to factors like obesity or lack of fitness or advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), rather than aging(51b). Excess glucose causes inflammation resulting in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and significant adverse health effects such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes(103a,51). Highly processed foods and high temp cooking and dry heat cooking (frying, grilling, roasting) or browning of food also produce AGEs. acetyl-L-Carnosine and Benfotiamine counteract AGEs (103a,51) and reduce insulin resistance and diabetes risk. �A combination of endurance and resistance exercise can improve cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and mitochondrial capacity (51b, p78). Studies have shown COQ10 improves insulin resistance(51b,52). Likewise, for berberine (108) and banaba leaf extract (99); and magnesium(103a). (maqui-berry extract, clove extract, LE Glycemic Guard), cinnamon; resistance exercise improves (51); TrueOmega-3 (55), TrueResveratrol (55), OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol (41), TrueAloe (55), TrueGlucoSP (55), Blood Sugar Support (56), Ultra Accel II(PQQ, Accel CoQ10, 43) Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, LE(51), chia seeds and flax seeds;

Mitochondrial Dysfunction: heart conditions, fatigue, fibromyalgia, etc. (supplement thyroid, GH, metformin, aninoguadidine, D-Ribose & Creatine], CoQ10, TrueCoQ10(55), OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol (multivit-also has COQ10, B6, B12, folate, L-Carnitine-for general hearth health (41), Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, LE (51), coconut oil (99); PQQ (52)

Hypoglycemia(often in type 1 Diabetes)  abnormally low blood glucose levels;(results from disorder causing abnormal restriction in production of glucose by liver or kidneys; or that causes an abnormal increase in glucose uptake by the cells; symptoms: sweating, shakiness, tachycardia, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, blurred vision; Reactive Hypoglycemia is where blood glucose levels rise too rapidly because of underlying conditions like increased absorption of glucose from small intestine. Causes/factors: increased sensitivity to epinephrine, deficiency in glucagon release from liver, polycystic ovary syndrome, enzyme deficiency, autoimmune disease, Addison’s Disease; Alcohol-induced hypoglycemia Fasting hypoglycemia- after strenuous exercise or extended period of no food; T(52): Diet focused on protein, unrefined carbohydrates, and fats(avoid sugar, refined carbs); Fiber supplement before meals, Chromium, Amino Acids, N-Acetylcysteine(NAC);; 

Wr InsuLife B), high glycemic index meal (simple carbohydrates) >> (LE AGEless), SunChlorella(53)

 protein/sulfur deficiency; Sentra5 (HCA, Gymnema sylvestre, Chromium, Cinnamon, Bitter melon, Banaba leaf, Fenugreek seed, vanadium, Biotin, 133c);    

Chronic Fatigue: prolonged, overwhelming fatigue throughout the day; could include mood swings, muscle spasms, pain, headache, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite (mostly women 25-45), causes/factors: oxidative stress, impaired immune function, often high EBV titres; endocrine system disorders, toxic mold (31,108b, 129), hypothyroid or elevated reverse T3 hormone(40); [adrenal problems from anxiety/stress(40)-test for BCDS (cataplex B and Turmeric Forte)]; Drugs (133a): blood pressure meds, statins, antibiotics, antidepressants, antihistamines, Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), Benzodiazepinesl; mercury/ dental amalgam(52,33,105)- dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in most people and is documented to cause all of the previously noted factors (33, , low blood pressure� following viral infections; EMF/wifi/blue light(99,33,108,117); T: [if have dental amalgam fillings, replace safely and detox( Pectasol(42), NAC, TrueMilkThistle(55), Quicksilver detox(94), see doctor or dentist(33,89)];� Essential fatty acid supplementation benefits CFS patients (52), Energy Boosters(52): NADH, L-carnitine, Magnesium, Glutamine, Rhodiola- see (52) for doses, details; Kiwi, Tyrosine, Oats (133a); test for adrenal fatigue (treat with good multivitamin & ashwagandha,99b); Ginseng(stimulant)(108f), lavender essential oil (108f), Rosemary essential oil in bathwater (108f); St John’s Wort (108f); Dr. Charles Farr found that all of his patients treated for EBV/chronic fatigue with intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide had reductions Immune globulin antibody titres. Clinical improvement paralleled a reduction in antibody titers in these globulins(60a). The EBV/chronic fatigue group had a significant improvement in energy and endurance, with reduced complaints in fatigue; Vit C IV (108b,128); ashwagandha, L-carnitine;

Essential Oils improving fatigue (lemon, lemon grass, pine, combinations, how to use-22 

Stimulant Essential Oils: (eucalyptus, tea tree oil, parsley, allspice, angelica, anice, birch, boldo, cajuput, calamus, camphor, caraway, cardamom, cassia, catnip, citronella, coriander, cumin, elemi, fennel, galbanum, ginger, grapefruit, hyssop, mugwort, mustard, myrrh, niaouli, nutmeg, pimento, rosewood, sage, tansy, tarragon, thuja, thyme, combinations, how to use: 22)

Energy Drains: Lack of good sleep, refined sugar and processed food, caffeine, not enough water, lack of protein, alcohol, lack of exercise, chronic pain, stress parasites

Energy Boosters: CoQ10, protein, nuts, green leafy vegetables, dark chocolate, bananas, melons, black beans & legumes, seaweed, soluable fiber (oatmeal), Ginseng, Gota Lola, Maitake mushrooms, Bee Pollen, exercise, colon cleanse (black walnut hulls, garlic, clove, acai, fiber, colonics)

Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue (soft tissue pain, muscular stiffness, fatigue, disturbed sleep, cognitive decline) causes:  abnormal functioning of the stress response system(52),elevated inflammatory cytokines(52), chronic systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, [high homcystine(108)- folate, B complexchronic]; stress, anxiety, hormone imbalances, mitochondrial dysfunction, neurochemical brain imbalances, impaired sleep, candida;  mercury and metals toxicity cause most of the previous factors and Fibromyalgia(33,, dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in most people and people usually improve after safe amalgam replacement and detox(33); enzymatic blockages, adrenal fatigue(toxic metals like mercury and other toxics cause enzymatic blockages and immune problems which commonly cause fatigue or fibromyalgia or hypothyroid or adrenal fatigue,33,126); Blood test for immune reactivity to toxics: (, mercury toxicity: safe amalgam replacement and treat toxics-detox: Pectasol(42), chlorella(53), TrueLA(55), 5-HTP relieves pain, anxiety and insomnia in FM patients (133a);

TrueMilkThistle(55), NAC, Quicksilver detox(94), find doctor(33,89); 

Hypothyroid (see thyroid problems), adrenal fatigue (see adrenal fatigue); clogged lymphatic system (deep breathing exercise, sauna); Optimized Carnitine (LEF), pain relief: Farabloc (HSI), 

Curcumin (69): Super-Bio Curcumin (51,4.5*), Terry Naturally Curamin (4.5*), & proteolytic enzymes, TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula(42), alpha-D-ribofuranose(DR) (JW(38,48),   

Myers Cocktail (IV with Vit C, B vitamins, magnesium, etc,) (ACAM, 89, 133)

Targeted Nutritional Therapies (52): vegetarian diet helpful, yoga, Tai Chi, hydrotherapy, Magnesium, Melatonin, SAMe, D-Ribose, Chlorella, 5-HTP, CoQ10, Omega3 Fatty Acids, Vit D & C&E&A, B complex vit, NADH, see(52) for doses, etc. Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, LE (51),

Antioxidant Essential Oils- (oregano, Allspice, coconut, black pepper, carrot seed, nutmeg, pimento, sage, vanilla, combinations, how to use:22)

Brain-fog: vit B deficiency (40), toxic mold (108b,129), neurotoxic exposures (toxic metals, POPs, etc.- test and detox)

Myofascial Syndrome: painful foci of muscle trigger points; causes: repetitive motion, excessive exercise, sedentary lifestyle, nutritional deficiencies, tension or stress sudden trauma, hormonal imbalance

Travell Accupuncture; Nutritional therapy (52): SAMe, D,L-phenylalanine, Tyrosine, fish oil, GLA, probiotics. vitC, vit B-6

9.Aging (inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial decay, growth hormone decline, hormone imbalances), toxic exposures (test & detox), [glycation (AGEs): acetyl-L-carnosine], Supplementation with quality vit E reduced risk of death significantly (52); Likewise, for vit C & folate/vit B complex. Ashitaba tea (133a); studies have demonstrated that supplementation of L-Carnitine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Lipoic Acid significantly reduced aging effects (52,137). Studies and experience have found that proper hormone replacement & DHEA improve health and reduce aging effects(52); Life Extension 12 steps for reducing aging effects: take a good multivitamin, ingest plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, maintain optimal CoQ10 levels, optimize vit D levels, optimize mitochondrial function, restore youthful hormone balance, preserve brain function, support bone health, maintain healthy protein function, support breast health, inhibit inflammation with curcumin, fill in missing nutrition gaps with oil-based nutrients such as gamma tocopherol and vit K, maintain optimal blood glucose levels; [(Theoflavins,Quercetin,Fisetin),Senolytic Activator] PQQ, acetyl-L-carnosine, benfotiamine, (52) to counter AGEs,low dose lithium oratate (108),  CoQ10, Resveratrol, Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer (LEF, W0809) GH-3 (HIS), TrueCoQ10(55), TrueMilkThistle, detox,55), UltraAccel II (PQQ, CoQ10, vitE, 43) High blood sugar and formaldehyde (from digestive processes & pollution sources) destroy cell structure by cross-linking proteins(103a). Formaldehyde is a factor in dementia, diabetes, depression, aging damage, DNA damage(103a). acetyl-L-Carnosine protects against formaldehyde damage and cross-linking. B vitamins including B3 extended lifespan in animal studies (108). Resveratrol Elite(LE)

 Anti-aging supplements (133a): Rhodalia rosea, vit D3, MSM, HGH boosters, men (see testosterone boosters),

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Boosters: (L-Arginine & L-Ornithine & strength training, 132e)>>increase muscle mass;(OKG > HGH & wound healing,132e);(Arginine Pyroglutamate & Lysine>GH,132e); ( GABA> resting GH), (L-Glutamine(2 g) >GH), (Glycine-6gm >GH); magnesium, zinc (133a), good sleep, eat before exercising, strength training, don’t eat late

Skin Conditions: Eczema, psoriasis, aging, abraisons, ring worm, burns,

Skin Aging: (stress, alcohol, smoking, poor nutrition, environmental pollution, UV exposure, hormone imbalance, oxidative stress, elevated blood sugar/glycation); T: good diet, avoid toxins, balance hormones, control blood sugar, DHEA, melatonin(9), Nutritional support(52): selenium, copper, molybdenum, curcumin, resveratrol, CoQ10, SOD, lycopene, vit D, plant polyphenols, EGCG, Polypodium Leucotomos extract, ceremides, genistein, other soy(women); topicals(52): AHAs(citric acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, Pynuvic acid, tartaric acid), retinoids, sunscreens, palmitoyl terrapeptide 3, hyaluronic acid,wrinkles( argireline, matrixyl Synthe�6), Hylasome EG10, vegetal filling spheres, Poly P, Vit C&E, CoQ10, EGCG, alpha lipoid acid, Botanimoist AMS, Pichia-Fermented Resveratrol

Skin conditions Essential Oils: (coconut, lavender, thieves, lemon, lemon grass, frankincense, moringa seeds, basil, cajuput, cinnamon, cedarwood, clove, galbanum, geranium, ginger, Helichrysum, hyssop, juniper, neroli, Pimento, pine, rosemary, sandalwood, thuja, see 22)

Antioxidant Essential Oils- (oregano, Allspice, coconut, black pepper, carrot seed, nutmeg, pimento, sage, vanilla, combinations, how to use:22)

Skin Abraisons: Aloe vera gel (also as moisturizer) (108f)

Prevent skin infections: Aloe vera ointmen(108f)

Burns: Aloe vera ointment or gel (108f)

Sunburn: oat bath (oatmeal in sock in bath water, soak); aloe vera, cucumber, peppermint, vinegar (133a);

Eczema: Aloe vera ointment or gel (108f)

Ring Worm: Aloe vera ointment or gel (108f)


 Graves disease is a thyroid disorder characterized by goiter, exophthalmos, "orange-peel" skin, and hyperthyroidism.  (Symptoms: nervousness, tremors, palpitations, insomnia, weight loss, fatigue, feeling hot); iodine deficiency: Iodoral or Prolomine Iodine by Standard Process; (low copper/zinc ratio) (24 HP) �It is caused by an antibody-mediated auto-immune reaction, but the trigger for this reaction is still unknown. It is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the world, and the most common cause of general thyroid enlargement in developed countries.�� SSKI (potassium iodine) drops in water (shrinks thyroid gland and decreasing thyroid production);

Graves' Disease is a type of autoimmune disease that causes over-activity of the thyroid gland, causing hyperthyroidism. This over-activity is also sometimes called "toxic diffuse goiter." The thyroid gland helps set the rate of metabolism, which is the rate at which the body uses energy. When the thyroid is too active, it makes more thyroid hormones than the body needs.� Curcumin(69): Super-Bio Curcumin(51,4.5*), Terry Naturally Curamin(4.5*), 

Total Vitality:   Ashwagandha balances thyroid (44)

One common cause of Graves disease is Aspartame, (Dr. J.S. Hull, etc.)   (avoidance & detox) 

Herbal treatment: For treating Graves disease, along with many other thyroid disorders, one can use the herb bugleweed,�


CFS:  chronic fatigue:  mercury or metals (detox: Pectasol, oral or topical or IV EDTA for lead (89), etc.,

doctor(33,99)), porphyria (precorproporphyrin, corproporphyrin, Hg), food allergies (test & treat,11) , Adrenal exhaustion : long term stress & high cortisol: Drenamin by Standard Process(40), test see adrenal topic or adrenocortex stress Profile- Genova Diagnostic saliva test or ZRT Lab 866-600-1636,  or , toxic mold(129),   salt, potassium, Adren-Plus(Wr),   Adren-Stim, Drenamin(Alt., half tablet 6 times per day)(Alt.,V2,No.1), clogged lymphatic system (deep breathing exercise, sauna (supplements: licorice extract, Panax ginseng, DHEA, Rhodiola, pantethine, Eleuthero)   (24 HP), TrueMilkThistle, detox,55),    good diet and exercise (avoid sweets & starches) (24 HP) ; Rosemary in bath water (108f), Adaptagenic herbs(Cordyceps sineusis, Rhodiola rosea, Ashwagandha, Panax ginseng, licorice root, Pantethine-B5, magnesium chelate, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51),�� Vit C, DHEA, R-lipoic Acid, EFAs)       (24 HP) ; Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy(HBOT)(60b); Adrenal Fatigue Website (Dr. James Wilson, Adrenal Fatigue: 21st Century Stress Syndrome)

(137): CoQ10, PQQ, Riboflavin-5 Phosphate, Benfotiamine,  

Fibromyalgia   mercury or copper (detox), toxic mold (129), porphyria(uriporphyrin), BioCleanse(detox), Vit E (gamma tocopherol), Omega-3 oil

Brain Fog: Rholdalia Rosea, Curcurmin, Schisandra (133a), [mango leaf extract, peppermint oil, Brain Fog Relief(LE)]

Thyroid Exhaustion (hypothyroid):  test morning temperature (24 HP,40-see hypothyroid), toxic mold (129),

(high copper/zinc ratio)  (grapefruit, soy, broccoli, cabbage, millet, peanuts,  deplete thyroid hormone); Use olive, coconut, grapeseed oils for cooking,  take tyrosine or tyrosine sources(meat, dairy, eggs, beans, nuts, avocados)    use sea salt, selenium, tyrosine, iodine, zinc, 5-MTHF, B complex, seaweed, coconut oil, eggs (133a);

     Drug induced fatigue  (Statins)- [replace by CoQ10, egigenin, L-Carnitine, grape seed extract) , chlorine or fluorine exposure(filter: charcoal or RainShow-r(40) or Vit C(99) or ozone(60a))  

 (Blood Pressure Meds:  True BP(55); CoQ10, melatonin(1 mg, 51), magnesium, TrueMagmesium, TrueAloe,55) , Polycosanol, Beet Juice, (B6,tyrosine, vit C, zinc), art therapy, soluble fiber, Hawthorne, apigenin Potassium BHB if K/Na imbalance.

HBP-C: (oral contraceptives or HRT drugs: anti-histamines, calcium supplements, migraine meds, muscle relaxers, pain meds, Evista, tamoxifen),

Circulation Problems: Clogged arteries - calcium buildup or [toxic metals- detox: Pectasol(42), doctor(33,89)]; EDTA IV(21,89)or topical or suppository; L-Carnitine (137a), TrueCirc(55) , MilkThistle (55), IV hydrogen peroxide- shown to reduce plaque in arteries(60a); drug induced(Tri-cyclic antipressants,etc.), Poor quality water; Avoid sweets, sodas, starches, white flour, white rice  (24 HP)  ; (prayer, classical music, Biosynthanie)

      Good Diet (steamed or sauted greens, seafood), policosanol(28,30), Healthy Leg & Cirulation Protocol (40b)

Improve circulation: lychee extract (133a);

Essential Oils (lavender, lemon grass, parsley, basil, chamomile, coconut oil, allspice, benzoin, calamus, cassia, cinnamon, clove, galbanum, mandarin, mustard, myrrh, rue, tarragon, ylang ylang, how to use: 22)

Circulatory aid: Chilli pepper/Cayanne pepper- it increases and equalizes blood circulation (to prevent strokes and heart attacks), and heals ulcers in the cells of arteries, veins, and capillaries; Rosemary essential oil (108f); nattokinase;

Thrombosis: Pycogenol (55)

Senior Frailty: major problem for seniors- causes(40): poor diet, lack of exercise, low stomach acid, chronic health problem, improper drug use or use of antiacids; T: daily exercise, good diet, quality protein or supplement, good multivitamin, reduce pharmaceutical use, digestive enzymes and probiotics, zypan or Betaine HCL for low stomach acid (40, etc.) , Turmeric Forte(40), Vit D3, Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB), nicotinamide riboside, NMN, (increases NAD+, 51) (Broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, avocados)


Muscle weakness - L-carnitine

Muscle Loss- elevated inflammatory cytokines(52), poor absorption of nutrients(52(, low stomach acid(52), [Low testosterone[ 52), Testosyn(5 * customer rating, more expensive), ; TrueMale(55),tribulus, maca, tongkat ali, fenugreek, ashwaghanda], (supplement Immunocal or whey protein(51,55), calcium, creatine, omega-3, wheat grass, vit D, interval training and resistance weight training(21), which improves Muscular Dystrophy and many conditions;  solvents: xylene & toluene (paint, paint thinner); parasites/flukes (31)-  cleanups and cleanses (31);  Avoid store bought beverages, flavored processed foods, cold cereal, sweets; Dental cleanup where amalgam fillings present & detox; chronic muscle loss is seen in cancer & HIV(52);[(Pomogranite, Cacao,Quercetin), Testosterone Elite(LE)

Healthy Sex Drive Protocol (40): Chlorophyll Complex(4/d), Symplex F(3-6/d for women), Symplex M(3-6/d for men) by Standard Process


High cortisol (stress, anxiety, etc.), DHEA, vit C, fish oil, PS (52), Drenamin (40).

Stress( LE Bacopa)  leads to deregulation of HPA axis and can promote many inflammatory conditions; Lifestyle measures: deep breathing exercises, yoga, Tai Chi, music, massage; hormone therapy(balance hormones, DHEA, melatonin), (Natural Stress Relief:   Lemon Balm & L-Theanine,  LEF, 1-09), Lemon Balm effective to relieve stress and anxiety, reduce sleeplessness Enhanced Natural Sleep with melatonin (51); L-Theanine (from green tea) enhances concentration, memory; Core Energy, Stress Complex, Shaklee, antioxidants,� TrueMulti(whole food multi) (55); lavender essential oil (108f);

Nutritional Treatments (52): B-complex vitamins, Vit C, minerals, L-Theanine, fish oil, flax oil, Phosphatidylserine, sedative herbs (hops, valerian, passionflower, lemon balm), apoptogenic herbs (ginseng, Rhodiola, cordyceps, Ashwanghanda, holy basil, licorice, Licorice, Bocopa monnieri, Schisandra chinensis, astragalus root,


Premature Aging insulin resistance: Metformin, GluControl, AGE-Block, Curcumin (69) Total Vitality (curcumin, bioperine, ashwagandha, rhodiola) (44)), Blood Sugar Support (Gymnema Sylvestre, Cinnamon, Banaba L extract, etc.,56); Toxicity overload: detox, Pectasol (42), TrueMilkThistle, detox, 55), UltraAccel II (PQQ, CoQ10, vitE, 43)

Enodcrine Disrupting Chemicals- Effects: Endocrine disrupting chemicals are pervasive in the environment and the food chain, and a common cause of health problems (132). Some examples include pesticides, POPS, PAHs, dioxins, PCBs,� pesticides, phthalates, BPA, glyphosate, mercury, etc.� They are commonly found in medications, food, plastics, personal care products, water, air, etc.� Estrogenic medicines include tetracycline, ampicillin, some anti-fungals and anti-depressants. Synthetic estrogens have been found to commonly affect fertility and hormonal function. Meat and dairy have growth hormones and anti-biotics added that have having major effects. Additionally, the corn and soy fed to animals has usually been sprayed with pesticides and herbides that add to the total, and are GMO. Fruits and vegetables have also usually been sprayed with pesticides or herbicides and can be contaminated with PAHs. Food additives such as propyl gallate from baked goods and 4-hexylresorcinol used to color shrimp are estrogenic. Plastics such as BPA and PET are estrogenic. Personal care products, such as phthalates, nonylphenols, and parabens are estrogenic, causing fertility and reproductive system problems and hormonal effects. Organics are a way to avoid these effects. 

Some supplements that counter estrogenic effects include ALA, NAC, bioperine, chrysin, milk thistle, resveratrol, zinc, dark green vegetables, and calcium D Glucarate (132).  Seaweed Detoxes Dioxins, Has Other Health Benefits. Brominated Flame-Retardant Contamination in Breast Milk, and study suggested transgenerational development toxicity by DBDPE.


Endocrine Conditions (thymus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, hypothalamus, endometriosis, etc.) 

    endocrine disrupting chemical exposures (mercury, PCBs, dioxin, POPs, other pesticides, BPA, phthalates, glyphosate, etc.,33,95,99,100,105,126,132) (;

detox:� Pectasol (42), Chorella (53), TrueMilkThistle (55), to find doctor(33,89);� Infertility:  toxins, mercury, parasites: parasite cleanse.   dental cleanups, cleanses, TrueMilkThistle, detox, 55,� 


Adrenal Conditions: Adrenal Fatigue, Addison’s Disease, Cushing’s Syndrome

Cushing’s Syndrome: (blood levels of cortisol remain high over extended time resulting in systemic body changes: moon face, increased weight in trunk and slender arms/legs- often mood disorders, hyperglycemia, weak bones) (can be due to adrenal or pituitary tumor- MRI or CAT scan); test and treat cortisol imbalances; Chronic stress is associated with increased cortisol levels which promote overeating and abdominal fat(52). Well planned diet that restrict calories but supply necessary nutrition can be effective (52), limit stimulants, regular exercise, positive outlook, melatonin, Vit D3, Potassium Vit A, Curcumin, DHEA, vit B5, COQ10. 

Addison’s disease: function of adrenal cortex declines over time resulting in insufficiency of adrenal hormones.

Adrenal Fatigue: dizziness, fatigue, hypoglycemia, allergies;� common cause long term high stress hormones (cortisol) -   Ragland test(take blood pressure lying down and after standing rapidly(big diff.-adrenal fatigue) reduce stress, reduce sweets, yoga, Pilates, clogged lymphatic system (deep breathing exercise, sauna); mercury/metals toxicity a common cause of endocrine problems including adrenal fatigue (33, detox: Pectasol(42), Chlorella(53), TrueMilkThistle(55), find doctor (33, 89); (supplements: licorice extract, Panax ginseng, DHEA, Rhodiola, pantethine, Eleuthero)   (24 HP), good sleep; Schisandra supports adrenal function and reduces stress (133a);

Adrenal Protocol: (40) Drenamin by Standard Process

Hypothyroid: dry skin, cold extremities, chronic fatigue, mental sluggishness, weight gain, high blood pressure and triglycerides; [ sluggish thyroid is common due to high exposure to thyroid toxins such as chlorine and fluorine,40, filter: charcoal or Rainshow�r filter).� home test: take temperature under arm before getting out of bed in morning for 10 minutes, if less than 97.4 for 5 days take thyroid supplements(40)- Dr. West suggests Thyrophin PMG & Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil combined with organic iodine such as Cataplex F by Standard Process or Povidone Iodine; T: (iodine, zinc, copper, selenium, tyrosine, Vit C, E, B12, Ashwagandha extract)  (24 HP)

Low happy brain neurotransmitters : (norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, GABA, epinephrine),� omega-3 oils;    ( High copper/zinc ratio,112)  ;� Lack of enough exercise :  yoga, pilates, walking, etc. (24 HP); Folic acid, test homocysteine level  to see if body not converting folic acid-  take 5HTHF + B12  (24 HP)

General:   L-tyrosine, 5-HTP, Rhodiola rosea, St John�s Wort, Magnesium, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), Vit D, Vit C, EFAs, SAMe, Phenylalanine (24 HP), Fish Oil (EPA), TrueOmega-3(55), preventative (LEF, 1-09)

(folate, B12, B6) (zinc, TMG) (SAMe, selenium, NAC, lecithin) (LEF)

 Parasites:  parasite cleanse, zap, IV ozone therapy(60b), sterilize milk products (boil 10 seconds), cleanses and cleanups, sanitation; Serotonin deficiency 5-HTP, niacinamide (Wr), tryptophan (Wr), Dopamine imbalance (epinephrine, noradrenaline), L-phenylalanine or L-tyrosine or Dep, Wr cAMP messenger deficiency;

   MoodLift Complex (Shaklee) (St JohnsWort, inositol)

 Healthy diet (whole grains, legumes, nuts&seeds, fruits, veges, greens, low fat meat, fish, cage-free eggs, reduced sugar and white foods) 

Hypothyroid Protocol (40): Prol Iodine or Cataplex F,� ThyrophinPMG,� Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil

autoimmune thyroiditis can start as hypothyroidism and can be there with normal TSA and other normal lab findings, test and treat (40); where thyroid has undergone irreversible damage a supplement such as Armour Thyroid may be needed (40) (or compo

Menopause, hot flashes , palpitations, insomnia, postpartum depression (hormonal changes), hypothyroid(chlorine & fluorine can cause): if problem test & increase iodine and omega-3 fatty acids(40);�   Synthetic hormone replacement has been shown to be dangerous, natural hormone replacement is effective and safe(Wr) , test for low progesterone, DHEA, testosterone(serum or urine test) (Wr) Hot flashes can be caused by sluggish thyroid which is common due to high exposure to thyroid toxins such as chlorine and fluorine(40). Barnes test for thyroid and iodine supplement and omega-3 oils; Siberian Rubarb Extract (51)

Lab(Meridian Valley Lab 253-859-8700)   John Lee, TrueMale(55); J. Wright Bio-identical Estrogen other support: flaxseed oil(Golden Flax, Alt), pomegrante seeds, green leaves from Queen Anne�s lace, Simplex-F(Alt), Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) (magnesium/ TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), B6 IV or shot or supplement), EFAs, Natural Calm, Chamomile tea (108f); Dong Quai extract or powder (108f); black cohash (133a)

Menopause/PMS: Dong Quai (108f)

Menopause Protocol: (40) Symplex F, Cataplex F, Cataplex B, Min-Tran from Standard Process and Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil


Miscarriage/spontaneous abortion    NSAID use (A), toxic metals (126), other toxic exposures


Fibrocystic breast disease (FBD):    

Breast Cysts (and nodules): most common type of breast lump, smooth, round, not attached to underlying breast tissue, simple cysts are unlikely to be malignant;� 

Sclerosing adenosis: excessive tissue growth in breast, benign but often painful

Intraductal papillomas: small, wart-like, benign growths that project into breast ducts near nipple, can be painful

Complex cysts: more than one compartment within cyst; can lead to cancer, ultrasonography can be useful to differentiate 

Fibroadenomas: smooth, firm, benign tumors that are very mobile, feel slippery, move easily in breast; usually occur near the nipple or on outside of upper quadrant

Paget�s disease: slow-growing intraductal carcinoma that begins as a scaling, eczema-like lesion on the nipple

Phyllodes tumor: composed of a fibrous connective breast tissue, may become malignant, rare

Mastitis: milk duct becomes blockedf in breastfeeding woman

Mammary duct ectasia: mammary duct beneath nipple becomes blocked, can be itchy and tender, can have pain, skin over nodule may be blue-green color

Pseudolumps: normal lumpy areas of breast tissue, fluctuates with hormones

Fat necrosis: painless, round, firm lumps formed from damaged and disintegrating fatty tissue

[benign lumps more often occur in premenopausal women, cancerous lumps more often in post-menopausal women]; signs of breast cancer: nodules that are hard, poorly delineated, and fixed to skin or underlying tissue;

Tests: ultra sound if best way to distinguish to determine if the lump is a fluid filled cyst; FNAB is used to extract material from a lump for further analysis

Causes: hormonal imbalances, mineral imbalances, (monitor thyroid) ; iodine deficiency(40,52): Iodoral or Prolomine Iodine by Standard Process(40), 

Natural Treatments for FBD(52): �if obese reduce weight, exercise regularly, reduce animal products saturated fats, high fiber, limit chicken, eggs, and dairy products, include soy protein, reduce caffeine or other stimulants, reduce sugar and fefined foods, takevitamins, take minerals, consure omega3 fatty acids,� fish oil, CLA, Evening primrose oil, borage and flax seed oils, fruits, vegetables dietary fiber, I3C and DIM, GLA, vit E&A&C, Folate, Dandelion & Milk Thistle, Saw Palmetto, Chasteberry, Proteolytic Enzymes(serratuioeotudase)

     Myers treatment(iodine(Lugol Soln) swabbed into vagina, followed by injection of Mg/B6) TrueMagnesium(55) (Wr)   (ACAM),  followup(iodine, mg, B6),   Vit E (TrueE(55)), evening primrose oil, selenium,  vit B1 (thiamine) DR Uterine fibroids   hormonal imbalances, mineral imbalances, no caffeine, Myers treatment(iodine swabbed into vagina,followed by injection of Mg/B6)  (ACAM)  Keishi-bukuryo-gan(KBG) or Kuei-chih-fui-ling-wan    (22.5 gms/day) (improved about half of cases) Wr   (Compounding pharmacy) (Wr,Gui formula) Sodium Iodide(SSKI)  IV (Wr),� Fibroids, �endometriitus, Hysterectomy: hormonal imbalance (HerBalance I & II)   flukes, solvents, metals (31): Avoid processed food, zap & cleanses & cleanups,  vit C(3gm), B2(300 mg)� TrueMilkThistle, detox, 55;� 

Ovarian Cyst   CFCs, PCBs (53), flukes, bacteria (31)    cleanups and cleanses, TrueMilkThistle, detox, 55; Ovary support: EFAs,  nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil, 

damiana, chaparral, licorice root, fennel, black cohosh, unicorn root, Femtrol; 6 to 8 drops SSKI daily in water or juice (Wr) (monitor thyroid) 

polycystic ovary syndrome: iodine deficiency: Iodoral or Prolomine Iodine by Standard Process (40), Metformin (92)

Vaginal Infections     20 to 30 drops SSKI used in small douche once daily for 5 to 10 days (Wr), Goldenseal- recommended for infections and inflammation of the uterus, urethra, and vagina and can also prevent morning sickness in pregnant women and reduce symptoms of PMS. 

Vaginal dryness: douches and bubble baths can cause dryness; oysters (D-aspartic acid, NMDA, zinc, 133a); maca, full spectrum vit E;

Endometriosis: growth of endometrial tissue outside uterus; ovaries sometime colonized by ET; causes: [Environmental toxin exposure ( PCBs or dioxin(52,96), mercury or toxic metals(33,126), detox: Pectasol(42), chlorella(53), TrueMilkThistle(55), metals detox: Quicksilver detox formula(94)]; hypothyroid- test and correct

T: Natural Progesterone (bioidentical, 52), Gonadotrophin-releasing Hormone Agonists, Nutritional Therapy (52): fish oil, GLA, Vit C& E(natural), Beta-aratene, MilkThistle, Calcium-D-Glucarate, DIM


Hair Loss, alopecia:  Hormone imbalances, low testosterone, Testosterone conversion to DHT, Thyroid problem, :(Prostate Protector (Cranberry extract, pumpkin seed, Beta Sitosterol,) Good nutrition, avoiding excitotoxins(137), Astaxanthin, (saw palmetto, pygeum, beta sistosterol,GLA,

Selenium, EGCG, Zinc, Vit D3), DIM), Prostate Health (Saw palmetto, Pygeum, PABA, beta sitosterol, pumpkin seeds, Mannatech Plus, TrueHNS (55); PriaPlex (Logistrum, Eclipta, Dong quoi, Panex Ginseng, Astragalus, Rehmannia root,133c); laminaria seaweed extract (133c, pubmed ab);

metals toxicity (126):  Metals detox (Pectasol (42), Quicksilver Detox (94), True MilkThistle (55), doctor (33,89)),

mercury toxicity: dental amalgam is largest source of mercury in those with amalgam fillings (33)- replace fillings & detox (33)

Male pattern baldness: DHT conversion T: GLA, pygeum, saw palmetto, bladderwrack, beta sisosterol, Revivogen MD scalp Therapy

Loesch Professional Hair Growth System (40), TrueE (55); flax seeds, flax oil; {fish oil(460mg), blackcurrant seed oil(460mg), vit E, Vit C, lycopene(1mg), 133a}

Chlorine or Fluorine exposure: shower filter (charcoal or RainShower, 40),


Prostate Problems   nickel exposure, dental, dental and diet cleanup, histidine chelates, zinc, flax oil

[low testosterone (affects many other body functions); Prostate Protector (55), DIM, Advanced Prostate Formula with DIM, Korean Red Ginseng(108f), Testosyn (5 * customer rating, more expensive), Testogenex (5 * rating, less expensive); supplement natural bioidentical testosterone(108),  Androderm patch, gels or creams (ACAM) Rx, tribulus, maca, tongkat ali, fenugreek, ashwaghanda, Oxygen therapy(IV ozone or hydrogen peroxide therapy, (60))

BPH (benign prostrate hyperplasmia) (increased urination, hypertropy) (far too much DHT), high estrogen (DIM); (zinc, copper), EFAs, unroasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds, BPH: Cataplex F & Palmettoplex by Standard Process (40); (flaxseed oil, vit E, TrueE (55)), saw palmetto (160 mg x 2), stinging nettle (300 mg), pygeum (133a), Quercetin(108), ProsFlow (LE);Rye grass pollen (133a); ProTeva Plus (Crateva nurvala, lindera, horsetail, zinc, saw palmetto, selenium, lycopene, D3, 133c);

Home test(&treatment) for simple prostate or bladder Infection: (2 oz Digestive and Urinary Tonic 4 times per day for 2 days- if better continue as necessary; if not chronic enlarged prostate common in older men- use Cataplex F, Palmettoplex, and Prostate PMG as directed; 40, 3-18)

Natural Treatment (diet and exercise,52): control weight and regular exercise, eating more vegetables (beta-caratene, lutein, vit C), Saw Palmetto, Beta-Sitosterol, Pygeum Africanum, Rye Pollen, Stinging Nettle, flax seed oil, isoflavones, pumpkin seed oil, lycopene, fish oil, Boswellia serrata, Selenium, Garlic, sesame seeds, salmon, berries,brazil nuts, beans, tomatoes(133a);  

Severe BPH: Selective Photo Vaporization (40)


Male Hormone imbalance: aging tends to lead to low testosterone and high estrogen levels, which can be factors in many chronic conditions; causes: increasing body fat, oxidative damage to prostate, reduction in testicular testosterone synthesis, low DHEA, poor nutrition and liver function, important to test hormone levels as age; T: DHEA, bioidentical hormone therapy, testosterone boosters, estrogen suppressors

Boost Testosterone Naturally(52(: [Zinc, L-Carnitine, DHEA, Tribulus, maca, tongkat ali, fenugreek, ashwaghanda(108),

Antioxidants: selenium, vit C&E&A;

Control Estrogen and SHBG: Chrysin, Quercetin Nettle root, Fish oil, Protein; Support Sexual Function:

Muira Puama, Maca: Support Prostate Health: I3C(DIM), Pygeum, Saw Palmetto


Impotence   drugs (beta-blockers, diuretics, 133a), Environmental estrogens(many -see section-avoid, detox);  hormone imbalance (thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, GnRH- test & treat), mineral deficiency(zinc, iodine), depression (treat these), diabetes-treat, poor diet/exercise, low nitric oxide(TrueNoX(55), CircO2(42) , Tribulus terrestris, L-arginine(up to 3 gm), pantothenic acid, TrueMale(55),    Panax Ginseng(100 mg x 2), Muira puama(1000 mg), ginkgo biloba, CircO2(42), boost testosterone Testosyn(5 * customer rating, more expensive), Testogenex(5 * rating, less expensive), ProsShield,   ProFormance formula   ProsFlow(less expensive)  LE, yohimbine(Wr,132e), TrueNOX(55); see also erectile dysfunction

Erectile disfunction, inability to obtain satisfactory penile erection, low sex desire; causes (52): drugs(SSRIs, tranquilizers, BP meds, etc.), vascular dysfunction(chronic oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, aging-testosterone level decreases with age and lack of exercise; inflammation,52,108), obesity, hormone deficiency(low testosterone, low DHEA(99), high estrogen, check for hypothyroid)  [mercury/toxic metals cause all of previous factors, etc.(33,105,126)- dental cleanup and detox],diabetes, drug induced, low nitric oxide(NO): regular exercise, weight training, good diet,

 Vit K has been found to counteract inflammation and reduce it’s effects(108g). Melatonin has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and usually improves ED (108g). Tribulus terrestris usually improves ED (108g).


Testosterone Boosters:

testosterone boosting foods(bison, oysters, crab, duck, pork,zinc, avocados, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil); herbs & spices(132e, Tribulus terrestris, fenugreek, dioscorea deltoidea, avena sativa, mucuna Pruriens, Quebracho Blanco, eurycoma longifoia Jack, vitex agnus-castus, horny goat weed)l Supplements( 132e, carnitine, chrysin, forskolin, Zinc) TrueNOX(55), CircO2(42);TrueMale(55), Testosyn(5 * customer rating, more expensive), Testogenex(5 * rating, less expensive),  bee pollen, Red Ginseng(99); Targeted natural treatments (52): l-Arginine, Chrysin, Carnitines(ALC,PLC), Vit D, B complex, natural vit E, Epimedium, Yohimbine, Ginseng, Maca, Ginkgo biloba, Muira Pauma, Kaempferia extract (51); acupuncture (133a); flaxseed, garlic, pomegranate juice

(L-Arginine, Pycogenol, Korean Red Ginseng,108b); horny goat weed, maca, gingko biloba, fo-ti root (133a); Neo40(NO,133c); (Pomogranite,Cacao, Quercetin,-Testosterone Elite(LE)

Essential Oils that increase libido: (orange, cardamom, clary sage, coriander, jasmine, neroli, nutmeg, patchouli, ravensara, rose, rosewood, tuberose, vanilla, vetiver, ylang ylang, combinations, how to use: 60)

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Boosters: HGH declines significantly with age, diet & exercise are significant factors in HGH decline; (L-Arginine & L-Ornithine & strength training, 132e)>>increase muscle mass;(OKG > HGH & wound healing,132e);(Arginine Pyroglutamate & Lysine>GH,132e); ( GABA> resting GH), (L-Glutamine(2 g) >GH), (Glycine-6gm >GH); magnesium, zinc (133a), good sleep, eat before exercising, strength training, don’t eat late


Leaking Bladder/Prostate Problems: Kegel Exercise (locate pubococcygeus muscle by contracting the muscles to stop the flow of urine for 5 seconds; contract this muscle 10 times;

 Infective Conditions: bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic 


Bacterial Infections: [upper respiratory infections (strep throat-Group A streptococci ), ear infection (otitis media), lower respiratory infection (pneumonia and bronchitis), TB, Gastro Infections (campylobacter, Salmonella, shigella, E. coli ,H. pylori, note most diarrhea is viral), UTIs, skin infections; gingivitis, mycoplasma, strep, clostridium, ��

Note: due to overuse of anti-biotics most in growing animals, many strains of bacteria are becoming anti-biotic resistant (40,52), so need to avoid overuse. Antibiotic Resistance Linked to Air Pollution

Polluted water - 2 drops of SSKI in water to be drunk, Prevent infections in air flights- 5 to 10 drops in water before flight; oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide) IV ozone, IV H2O2, rectal ozone, nebulized dilute food grade H2O2, bath tub or foot bath food grade H2O2, -see (60) for option details); IV vit C (33,108,128)],

Natural Antibacterial treatments: Essential Oils (Lavender, Oregano, Thieves, Lemon Grass, Tea Tree Oil, Coconut, Basil, Bay, Camomile, combinations, how to use: 22)

Immune System Boosting: Essential Oils (Frankincense, Coconut, Moringa Seeds); Echinacea (prevent or fight infections, in treating AIDS or with chemotherapy, 108f)


[Treatment for sore throat, strep throat, tonsillitis (40); (1) continually spray back of throat with Oral and Dental Therapy (ODT), (2) ProSynbiotic(2), Congaplex(2x6; then 6/d), Calcium Lactate- with sinusitis add Sinus Relief spray; with lung affect use Respiratory Relief in nebulizer]; oxygen therapy(ozone/HBO/hydrogen peroxide, 60); IV vit C� (33,108,128)],

Nutritional treatments to enhance immune system (52): Phytonutrients, Whey Protein, Bee propolis and honey, Bromelain, cranberry juice, Hibiscus, Oil of oregano, thyme, ginger, NAC, Glutamine, Vit A, Vit E, Zinc, Garlic, Goldenseal, Licorice, Lactoferrin, Probiotics, Beta-glucan, Andrographis

Fight infections; Essentiql Oils (lemon grass, eucalyptus, lemon, oregano, coconut, chamomile, benzoin, camphor, caraway, carrot seed, cassia, cedarwood, cinnamon, citronella, clove, cypress, davana, dill, frankincense, grapefruit, helichrysum, lavandin, lime, manuka, mullein, myrtle, mullein, neroli, ravensara, rose, rue, sage, sandalwood, tagetes, thyme, combinations, how to use: 60)

Urinary Tract Infections (cystitis, urethritis) main cause: weakened set of cells lining the urinary tract -nutritional deficiency(40), often made worse by antacids or antibiotic therapy,��� sometimes E.coli bacteria,  cranberries, D-mannose(7)  & probiotics ,TrueLife PB(55  � to 1 teaspoonful D-Manose every 2 to 3 hours (Wr), oxygen therapy(ozone/HBO/hydrogen peroxide,60)

Interstitial Cystitis (recurring discomfort or pain in the bladder and the surrounding pelvic region- may have extreme pain), Schistosomes, parasites, toxins (31):  zap, cleanses, cleanups ,   D-Mannose  

Cystitis or urinary infection protocol(40) Proper diet and food combining protocol(40) plus(Arginex & Albaplex & Cataplex A-C(6 daily) & A-C Carbamide(12 daily) from Standard Process, and Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil(6 daily with meals); if you had antibiotic treatment, add ProSynbiotic (2 daily) Biofilms are a factor in conditions like UTIs and Lyme Disease and retard treatment(7,135). Biofilm inhibitors can be use to aid other treatments (7,135). Ozone injection or infusion(21)


Bladder Infections   E coli, etc., D-mannose, Oxygen therapy (ozone, hydrogen peroxide, 60)

SSKI (iodide) 10 to 15 drops in water or juice every 3 to 4 hours    (N&H, Wr, Nov 07)), food allergies (test & treat); Home test(&treatment) for simple prostate or bladder Infection:� (2 oz Digestive and Urinary Tonic 4 times per day for 2 days- if better continue as necessary; if not ,chronic enlarged prostate common in older men- use Cataplex F, Palmettoplex, and Prostate PMG as directed; 40, 3-18); Quercetin(108)

Meningitis: (Inflammation of tissue covering brain or spinal cord), symptoms: fever, severe headache, stiff neck, neck pain, nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to light, weakness; (dangerous- seek treatment); causes: bacterial or viral infection, drug reaction, fungi, parasites; Nutrients that fight inflammation: Genistein, Essential fatty acids, Perilla leaf extract Rosmarinic acid, SOD, vit C, Melatonin; other support: Zinc, Lactoferrin, high-allicin garlic, aged garlic extract, DHEA; oxygen therapy (ozone/HBO/hydrogen peroxide, 60)

Parasitic Infections: Oxygen therapy (ozone, hyperbaric, hydrogen peroxide, see 60); parasite cleanse (31, etc.)

Natural Antiparasitic treatments: Essential Oils (oregano, galbanum, nutmeg, sandalwood, tagetes, combinations, how to use: 22)

Sepsis: bodies extreme response to infection; IV vit C, vit B1 (33,108,128)], oxygen therapy (hydrogen peroxide, ozone, 60), IV B.

Virus Related Problems  EB, Hepatitis, Herpes, Coronavirus –(Vit D3,Quercetin, zinc, Omega-3 (EPA/DHA) (Omura, 1995,1996), olive leaf extract, oil of oregano; oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide) IV ozone, IV H2O2, rectal ozone, nebulized dilute food grade H2O2, bath tub or foot bath food grade H2O2, -see (60) for option details), Pectasol (42); Reduce Risk of exposure or serious effects (60j)

 Coronavirus, SARS virus, flu virus, upper respiratory disease- [Nutraceutical package with Ivermectin if needed; Bupleurum, Olive leaf extract, AHCC mushroom complex (34c), Immunocal], Vitamin C IV(60i), Oxygen Treatment (Ozone or Hydrogen Peroxide, 60i), Home Treatment to prevent or treat- see 60i- 3% hydrogen peroxide in nebulizer & etc.-best to start immune boosting, colonic, & detox if needed before infected- if have symptoms consistent with CV, contact your doctor & see self-isolation protocol online - but they are not likely allowed to treat you- most of this info comes from good doctors

Effective home treatment or prevention of Covid- nutraceutical bundle; multidrug treatment

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream led by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies. Conclude: Documentation of Serious Harm from CV Vaccines (137b & (Doctors Video Package & The Rome Declaration signed by over 17 thousand doctors and scientists)

Home treatment of Covid Vaccine Health Problems-  Millions have reported significant problems or injuries from the Covid Vaccines and doctors have reported successful treatments for some of the common problems. Some of the treatments are discussed in the Doctors Video Package previously referenced, and since the primary damage of the Covid vaccines is from the same spike protein that causes Covid damage, the previously referenced treatments for Covid would also be useful for much of the Vaccine injuries. Dr. Blaylock (one of the top Neurologists) reports that he’s had success reversing low blood lymphocyte count which has been commonly reported by using Astragalus supplement & nano-curcumin & nanobromelain supplement (137) and nattokinase supplement.   Commonly caused mitochondrial related problems affecting the cardiovascular system or brain can be helped by L-Carnitine, acetyl-L-Carnitine, R-Lipoic Acid, Pyrodoxal-5 Phosphate, thiamin, vit C & K, nano-curcumin, nano-EGCG, nano-curcumin.  Commonly seen weakness and fatigue from inflammation can be helped by DHA, nano-curcumin, nano-quercetin, nano-GCG, magnesium, zinc. (137). Common induced brain fog can be helped by adding Apigenin and luteolin (137).

Natural Antiviral treatments: Essential Oils (Oregano, Tea Tree Oil, Thieves, combinations, how to use: 22)

Immune System Boosting: Essential Oils (Frankincense, Coconut, Moringa Seeds, 22); [Echinacea (prevent or fight infections, in treating AIDS or with chemotherapy, 108f)]; fucoidan (133c, PubMed studies);

Viral infection such as Herpes: Licorice (108f), Vit C IV (108b,128); lysine; fucoidan (133c); Olive leaf extract (34c),

Covid Infection- Source & Treatment (137d)

Covid Vaccine Harm (137d)

Flu: viral- antibiotics not effective; [at first sign of flu add Immuplex and Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, Don’t get flu shots- which are more harmful than helpful (40,33e),

At first sign of flu take zinc lozenge every 2tp 4 hours, take 9000-18,000 mg of high-allicin garlic; unless already take vit D, take 5000 IU vi D3; take 800 to 1200 mg cimetidine]; take 3-50 mg melatonin at bedtime (52); At first sign of cough, use colloidal silver Respiratory Relief in nebulizer(40); Targeted natural therapies(52): vit D3&C, zinc, selenium, vit E, lactoferrin, elderberry, green tea(EGCG), Beta-Glucan, Andrographis, Probiotics, Reishi mushrooms, DHEA, Melatonin; oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details); If patient has had a lot of antibiotics historically, take probiotic (Prosynbiotic by Standard Process,40) for prolonged period(40). 

Flu: flu vaccine effectiveness is variable and questionable and has caused common and significant adverse effects(33e). Many believe there are more effective and safe options(33e). Alternatives to vaccine for flu prevention- [(40)&(40d): enhance immune function, healthy diet, exercise, pure water, don’t smoke, antimicrobial and phytoceutical protocols to prevent and treat the flu]; [(42): similar to above with addition of oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details); IV hydrogen peroxide(60a)

IV vit C (33e,108,128)],

Flu   Prevent Flu   Eucalyptus (Alt.), Olive Leaf Extract,   Elderberry Extract (Alt, 11-07), Congaplex(Standard Process, 40), oil of oregano, Avoid Flu Shot(40,33e) ; Olive Leaf Extract (antibacterial, antiviral, anti-protozoa) herpes, flu, malaria, anthrax, smallpox, botulism, plague, yeasts, parasites, fungi, staph(hospital acquired), Echinacea (108f)

Flu - Vitamin D prevents and aids (5000 IU D3/day); TrueD3(55), Vitamin D3(51), IVB improves(60i)

To prevent flu or pneumonia, at first sign of cough or bronchitis- nebulize with 2 ml of Respiratory Relief By Natures Rite, also Congapllex and Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil help; 40)

Essential Oil/Diffuser Treatment for preventing or treating Flu: (eucalyptus, hydrogen peroxide in diffuser or otherwise, 22,60i)


Cough: colloidal silver Respiratory Relief in nebulizer (40); Essential Oils- (cedarwood, fennel, frankincense, majorum, myrrh, myrtle, sage, sandalwood, thyme, combinations, how to use: 22)

Expectorant(mucus/phlem) Essential Oils-(benzoin, caraway, cedarwood, davana, elimi, fennel, frankincense, ginger, hyssop, Helichrysum, jasmine, lanvandin, majorum, mullein, myrrh, myrtle, niaouli, oakmoss, Ravensara, sage, sandalwood, thuja,t hyme, yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22)

Options to anti-biotic use- [(40): Sinus Relief and Sinus Support for sinus problems; Respiratory Relief with nebulizer for bronchitis, whooping cough, pneumonia; Throat Relief for people with tonsillitis or strep throat;� Wound Relief for skin and flesh wounds or rashes; Digestive and Urinary Tonic for people with food poisoning and stomach flu; Congestion Relief for people with allergies; flu or pneumonia prevention (good diet & exercise, Immuplex, Congaplex, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil)]; [(42): oxygen therapy(ozone, hydrogen peroxide, HBOT), IV hydrogen peroxide(60a); HBOT(60b)]; [Essential Oils (108,22)]



Bringing down infant fever: Calcium Lactate (40) from Standard Process; (if over 104, bring down with tepid water & see doctor if needed) ; liquids, lavender essential oil massaged in carrier oil; Don’t use Tylenol as it its dangerous and not usually effective(137b); fever caused primarily by inflammatory cytijunes and excitotoxicity. Nano-curcumin and nano-bromelain.

Note: acetaminophen overuse can cause toxic effects on children’s liver (5,52). N-acetylcysteine(NAC) is an antidote and may be used for general detox or as a complement to prolonged Tylenol use in children(5); peppermint essential oil (apply to forehead, feet, along spine in carrier oil); (or as tea with lemon and honey); epsom salt bath with chamomile or rosemary); echinacea tincture

Child cold: Congaplex (powder from one capsule) in food or juice; dilute hydrogen peroxide in nebulizer(60b)

Essential Oils for Cold- (eucalyptus, cedarwood , fennel, frankincense, majorum, myrrh, myrtle, sage, sandalwood, thyme, combinations, how to use: 22)

Bringing down fever: Essential Oils (lemon grass, peppermint, lemon, thieves, bay, chamomile, angelica, birch, cajuput, citronella, helichrysum, lime ,Melissa, mullein, niaouli, palma rosa, patchouli, rose, sage, sandalwood, tansy, vanilla, wormwood, combinations, how to use; 22)

 Child Playground & Roadside Dangers: Some Local Governments use Waste Biosolids that have high levels of toxics such as mercury and toxic metals on Roadsides and Playgrounds. Many playgrounds also have treated lumber with toxics such as arsenic that are documented to cause health problems. Children who play a lot in such areas get dangerous exposures and significant health damage(137b). Use of dangerous biosolids should be avoided and treated lumber sealed, etc. as appropriate.

Shingles herpes zoster (lysine, selenium) Omega-3 (EPA/DHA), OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol (41); MyoMedPRO salve (4.1*), Tagamet;

oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details); IV hydrogen peroxide(60a)

IV vit C (33,108,128)],

Genital Herpes: HSV2 usually, sometime HSV1, easily transmittable by contact whether infection active or not, also possible from someone not affected by herpes infection (52), use of condoms can reduce likelihood of transmission in dormant stage. Cemetidine (Tagamet) is non-Rx and can reduce severity and length of outbreaks, but cannot be used continuously. See natural treatment: oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details); IV vit C (33,108,128)],

Cytomegalovirus: infection usually occurs during childhood and is often undiagnosed, but may be dangerous in people with weak immune system. Spread person to person through direct contact.

oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details); IV vit C� (33,108,128)],

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV): most common cause of mononucleosis (fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands); transmitted by exchange of saliva. 

oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details)

Dr. Charles Farr found that all of his patients treated for EBV/chronic fatigue with intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide had reductions Immune globulin antibody titres. Clinical improvement paralleled a reduction in antibody titers in these globulins(60a).� The EBV/chronic fatigue group had a significant improvement in energy and endurance, with reduced complaints in fatigue. 

Roseola: HSV6� Usually children;� mononucleosis type disease in adults

Chicken Pox:� Varicella-Zoster virus,

Infection of the central or peripheral nervous system: herpes accounts for about 20% of sporadic viral encephalitis of brain and can also cause herpetic meningitis; oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details)

Infection of Internal Organs: HSV esophagitis,� HSV pneumonia, etc. ; oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details)

Virus Targeted Natural Interventions(52):� Vitamins A C & E, Beta-Carotene, Zinc, Selenium, L-Lysine, Propolis, Thymus Extract, Lactoferrin, Curcumin, Fucoidan Extract, DHEA, Garlic

Lyme Disease (causes symptoms of Alzheimer’s,

ALS, Bell’s Palsy, Chronic Fatigue, etc,135,33,108) Treatment: Monastery of Herbs treatment, Samento , Russian Choice, Japanese Knotweed Extract,   Toxic metals symbiotic with lyme: detox: Pectasol(42), chlorella(53), TrueMilkThistle(55), Parasites  :Hulda Clark Parasite Cleanse(31), zapper, doxycycline to prevent development, minocycline for chronic lyme; possible to control but unlikely to cure chronic lyme disease; oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details)

The book

Lab 257”(135d) suggests that Bb is an escaped man-made US military bio-warfare organism (just like myoplasma incognitos (the cause of Gulf War Disease now affecting millions throughout the world)  and HHV 6).  

(HHV-6 primary infections now account for up to 20% of infant emergency room visits for fever in the United States[2] and are associated with several more severe complications, such as  encephalitislymphadenopathymyocarditis and myelosuppression.)


Fungal Infections: extremely common and can affect almost any part of the body; Candida is most common infection and normally present in most, proliferating with poor diet (sugar, refined carbohydrates) or immune weakness or antibiotic use (52); 

oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details); IV hydrogen peroxide(60a), Ozone therapy(60b)

Natural Antifungal treatments: Essential Oils (eucalyptus, oregano, lemon, coconut oil, cinnamon, manuka, mustard, Myrrh, Ravensara, rue, -sage, spikenard, tansy, combinations, how to use: 22)

Immune System Boosting: Essential Oils (Frankincense, Coconut, Moringa Seeds, lemon grass, oregano, thieves, clove, Melissa, mustard, myrrh, sandalwood, yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22), 

Candida overgrowth: (causes diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, stomach or intestinal cramps);� eliminate all carbohydrates(sugars, starches, grains, beans, fruits for 2 weeks, take Rx Nystatin or Diflucan for 2 weeks(Nystatin may require 3 weeks);take a high-quality, multi-strain probiotic(21); Culturelle, Advanced Probiotic Formula(21), etc. plus saccharomyces buoulardi (beneficial yeast) (4x2); AquaFlora High Potency 9 + Enzyme Restoration + Probiotics + Heavy Metal Detox (133c)

Prevention of Candida overgrowth or H Pylori overgrowth: Coconut oil (beneficial, healthy fat with anti-microbial and anti-viral properties,21); Zinc-Carnosine (52), cranberry juice (52), Licorice extract (52), garlic (108), Picrorhiza (52), olive leaf extract (108)

Candida   feeds on sugar and refined carbohydrates (31), 

VVC: candida/yeast accounts for about 1/3 of infections to vulva or vagina (vaginitis), symptoms of VVC- itch, pain, malordorous vaginal discharge, painful urination; synergistic with mercury(33,104) which aides candida proliferation by causing chronic inflammation and weakening the immune system, ,   cleanups, zap, probiotics, mercury detox, treat:�Grapefruit Seed Extract(GSE), Olive Leaf Extract, Oil of Oregano, colloidal silver,� (anti-yeast formula using tea tree oil, 40); Biofilms are a factor in conditions like Disease and retard treatment(7). Biofilm inhibitors can be used to aid other treatments (7). 

Intestinal Candidiasis: candida associated with IBS, allergic reactions (52), proliferates in intestines with sugar or refined carbohydrates or immune weakness (other disease condition or mercury or toxic exposures) 

Fungal Sinusitis: common and can be chronic; colloidal silver (42), probiotics (52),� 

Antifungal diet: avoidance of sugar or high glycemic carbohydrates, primarily protein and healthy fats and vegetable, limited fruit

Nutritional Therapy (52): Prebiotics and Probiotics, Resveratrol, Goldenseal, Lactoferrin, Tea Tree Oil(shampoo, massage cream), carvacrol, menthol, thymol, garlic;�� additional therapies(AHCC(fungal extract), Caprylic acid Rx, Boric acid supplement

Dr. Charles Farr found that most of his patients treated for candida with intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide had reductions Immune globulin antibody titres. Clinical improvement paralleled a reduction in antibody titers in these globulins(60a).� The candida patients were improved, corresponding to globulin reductions; Ozone therapy(60b), 

Essential Oil-Coconut Oil (22)

Toxic Mold: (common in water damaged homes, schools, businesses)- causes fatigue, headaches, tremors, brain-fog, insomnia, immune weakness, ADHD; lab test (VIP, MSH, etc.) or online VCS test; Home mold test kit (online); find mold and get rid of it; T: bentonite clay or chlorella, NAC, sauna, exercise 


Toenail fungus     SSKI Iodide/DMSO (Wr.), ozonated olive oil, 


Diaper rash:  keep skin dry, avoid bleach, use borax, lugol�s iodine, vinegar, Vit C

Infected hangnail     SSKI Iodide/DMSO (Wr.)


Natural Antiparasitic treatments: Essential Oils (oregano, galbanum, nutmeg, �sandalwood, tagetes, combinations, how to use: 22)

Natural Antimicrobials: Essential Oils (Lemon Grass, Tea Tree Oil, Coconut, Parsley, Bay, 22)

Natural Antiseptic: Essential Oils (Lemon Grass, Orange, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree Oil, Lemon, Parsley, Allspice, Camomile, 22)

Immune System Boosting: Essential Oils (Frankincense, Coconut, Moringa Seeds, lemon grass, oregano, thieves, clove, Melissa, mustard, myrrh, sandalwood, yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22), 


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and immune booster that is the main detoxification agent and protects the brain and entire body (52,108). Glutathione level has been found to be a marker for aging and health (Alt.,24) Those with chronic conditions have been found to have low levels of glutathione. and glutathione retards DNA damage, which is related to aging and cancer. (Alt.,24,108) Subjects with diagnoses of arthritis, diabetes, or heart disease (as assessed by physicians) had at least marginally significant lower glutathione levels than those who were disease free. Glutathione, together with age and a measure of suppressed anger, accounted for 39% of the variance of an index of morbidity. Glutathione, by itself, accounted for 24% of the variance (24). Another study found Men's suppressed anger interacted significantly with Systolic BP and also with bronchial problems to predict both all-cause and CardioVascular mortality. Women showed direct relationships between suppressed anger and early mortality (all-cause, CV, and cancer). Women also showed an interaction of spouse-suppressed anger and SBP for all-cause and CV mortality(24b). T: Immunocal Protein Mix, Anger management treatment and relaxation techniques; (NAC) (24,29,108); Melatonin, pycogenol, grape seed and bilberry extracts, and turmeric elevate glutathione levels. Also, cruciferous vegetables 

 Glutathione is produced by methylation that’s responsible for brain neurotransmitter production, immune function, and detoxification. Methylation process enzymes are controlled by genes such a MTHFR which require B vitamins and for which mutation can lead to significant methylation problems and glutathione deficiency (108) and neurological or immune damage. Rx- Cerefolin NAC is a powerful neutraceutical brain supplement with activated B12 and folate with NAC (glutathione producer). It along with selenium can address such methylation system problems and result in sufficient glutathione production to protect the brain and immune system (108). Or B complex, NAC, alpha lipoic acid, zinc, and selenium can be used if not able to get or afford Cerefolin NAC.


Memory Loss: [causes- hormone imbalances(21); poor diet, too much sugar and refined carbohydrates and sodas/fruit juices(40,21,99), prescription drugs such as benzodiazepines, clonidine, dilantin (40,21); toxic exposures(40,21,33,108), essential mineral deficiencies(common-magnesium, zinc,40), vitamin B deficiencies(40, cataplex B by Standard Process); Mercury or toxic metals(aluminum, copper, lead)( 108,33 ,126); clogged arteries (metals toxicity, oversupply of calcium (supplements, anti-acids like TUMS) or hyperparathyroid problem)(21)]:� [mercury detox(Pectasol(42), Quicksilver Detox(94), DMSA(21), see doctor (33,89)], [other toxic metals(EDTA-topical or IV(21,89), DMSA(21), Pectasol(42)] , [other detox: EDTA(89), Cardio Platinum, TrueCirc(55)), Lipoic Acid, TrueMilkThistle] ; [(Theoflavins,Quercetin,Fisetin),Senolytic

Significant mercury, lead, aluminum, copper exposures common, & relatively low levels of lead exposure can cause cognitive difficulties and significantly higer risk of death (108); similar for the other toxic metals (33,126).

[Genetic methylation mutation (MTHFR): Cerefolin NAC (108) or (NAC, lipoic acid, B complex, zinc, selenium)]; 

[memory loss supplements: Turmeric Forte(40); TrueRecall(55), Advanced Memory Formula(42), DHEA(99), vinpocetine,  ginko bilabo(20), LE Bacopa, curcumin(99), LE GalantaMind, EGCG(green tea) , policosanol(28,30), TrueGreenTea with SOD(55), Vit B12, LE Vica Clear] ; (test to see when can stand on one leg with eyes closed); yoga and Tai Chi improve memory and balance and reaction time;  Lecithin(Alt.), Gota Kola Extract, Pine Bark Extract)(37), Zinc and magnesium improve cognitive function; likewise phosphatidylserine(103a); ). Blueberries reduce oxidative stress and improve cognitive function(103a). Mg-L-threonate (1500 mg) improves cognitive ability, reversed brain aging(103a,51). PQQ reduces brain aging (51); likewise- Longevity AI (51)

Vasopressin (Desmopressin-Rx) nasal spray and vinpocetine, ALC, TruePS (55), TrueNOX (55), Lecithin (Alt.), Lemon balm (YLO),  Memory Balm(LE), if losing bone density-check parathyroid function;  regular exercise(interval or fast burn training and weight bearing exercise(21,40). Blueberries reduce oxidative stress and improve cognitive function and memory(103a). Ashwagandha improves cognition and memory(103a). Mg-L-threonate (1500 mg) improves cognitive ability, reversed brain aging(103a); PQQ reduces brain aging (51); likewise- Longevity AI (51)

[Hormone imbalance: Thyroid (low thyroid hormone or failure to concert T4 to the active T3 hormone by aging body or due to mercury toxicity)- test thyroid using Brody temperature test and see Hypothyroid treatment; women tend to be low in estrogen and progesterone after menopause(21)- take DHEA or pregnanenalone(21) to raise estrogen and progesterone; aging men tend to have low testosterone causing loss of muscle mass, low energy, low libido, etc. Men tend to convert DHEA to estrogen so need to take 7-keto-DHEA and testosterone boosters (21) and herbs that prevent conversion of testosterone to estrogen, such as DIM; the stress hormone cortisol can also affect memory and concentration. Chronic stress/anxiety can lead to cortisol imbalances and adrenal fatigue which cause fatigue and memory deterioration(21)- reduce stress through meditation, pray, exercise(21) and balance cortisol and adrenal function, stress/anxiety can also cause low levels of amino acids such as tyrosine(precursor of dopamine) and tryptophan(precursor of serotonin) which can cause memory problems: take tyrosine, tryptophan or 5-HTP or melatonin(bitter orange and Coleus Forskohlii also increase dopamine levels(21); decline in growth hormone can also cause memory loss(21) If more needed, consider bio-identical hormone therapy(89 or American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine,21);

If necessary, the drug piracetam is relatively safe and effective for memory loss or dementia (21). 

Brain surge Protocol(99): (1)(plenty of sunshine & avoid blue light, esp. at night, blue light filter for cell phone; (2) get plenty of DHA/fish oil/seafood; (salmon roe contains 3.5 times the DHA as salmon flesh); (3) exercise and fresh air every day; (4) plenty of magnesium; (5) PQQ& CoQ10; (6) plenty of water; 

Essential Oils Supporting Memory (frankincense, coconut oil, how to use: 22)

Mental confusion: causes: (lyme disease(treat), immune reactivity from toxic exposure(detox,33,89), food allergies or sensitivities commonly causing: diary, wheat, eggs, chocolate (14) (21,40);[ Mercury(108,33)-urine provocation or hair test and detox(Pectasol C(42), Chlorella(88), Quicksilver Detox(94)]; [Lead(108,33)-urine provocation or hair test and detox (Pectasol(42), EDTA(IV-89 or topical or suppository)]


Cognitive Enhancer/Improves IQ   CerebroPlex(LE) Bacopa(Wr, improves children’s IQ score), TruePS(55), vinpocetine,  TrueRecall(55), 

acetyl L-carnitine (ALCAR), glycerophosphocholine (GPC), and phosphatidylserine (PS) provide mitochondrial support and conserve growth factor receptors; all three improved cognition in double-blind trials(35), TrueNOX(55), , Advanced Memory Formula(42),� 


Enhance athletic performance, or fat burning (pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, celiac, crohn’s,  

Medium Chain Triglycerids(MCTs)  V17(7)(03)    arginine, glutamine,

    Coconut oil, butter, MCT oil


Best Oils    Salads(olive or flax oil), Baking(red palm oil, canola), Frying(breading instead-milk,egg,bran & bake at 275-300 for 45 to 60 minutes) use non-stick spray, butter, Wok(water in before oil and/or      Veges before oil), deep fry(red palm, canola, high-oleic safflower oil) add garlic or onion    (coconut oil) 


Prescription Drug dangers: properly prescribed prescription drugs are the 3rd leading cause of deaths in the U.S. Especially for the aging population, who often have large numbers of prescriptions that can be interactive and have adverse effects (40). 


Heart Problems (cardiovascular disease)- (atherosclerosis, angina, hypertension, high triglycerides, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, viral infection, overabundance of adrenaline, hyper-viscous blood, bradycardia, etc.) over 81 million Americans suffer from some kind of heart disease (52). Endothelial dysfunction and chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are involved in most cardiovascular disease (52). Vit K has been found to counteract inflammation and reduce it’s effects (108g). Glucosamine/chondroitin are structural components of collagen in artery and veins, and supplementation reduces the risk of cardiovascular an all-cause mortality significantly. In a big study, daily supplementation reduced cardiovascular deaths 65% and all-cause mortality 39% (108g). Weak artery walls are major factors in heart disease.  [Low glutathione levels are associated with heart disease and CV mortality (24): NAC]; Potassium deficiency can also cause serious heart problems including heart attacks and strokes as well as nerve system problems (99). B vitamin deficiency is a common factor in most of these and synthetic vitamins are not very effective (40), this includes B4 which is not commonly available [Cataplex B. Vasculin, Standard Process, 40].  One cause that has been documented to cause most of these and endothelial dysfunction is mercury or toxic metal toxicity and most people have significant exposures- dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in most people(33,� test and replace amalgam fillings safely and detox: Pectasol (42), True  ALA(55), True Milk Thistle(55), chlorella(53), Quicksilver detox(94), for doctor(33,89); low levels of vit C and folate have been found to be risk factors for cardiovascular disease(52); Folate-rich foods include greens, beans, nuts, wheat germ, liver(organic), salmon, Fish oil,brewer’s yeast. A neutrophilic hyper-segmentation test can be used to assess folate sufficiency in diet, esp. for older people. Level of folate supplementation depends on tested sufficiency level (108). DHEA (52) has beneficial effects. Sufficient CoQ10 needed for proper heart function(103a). Excess glucose causes inflammation resulting in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and significant adverse health effects such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes, stiffened arteries, and cardiovascular disease(103a,51). Highly processed foods and high temp cooking and dry heat cooking (frying, grilling, roasting) or browning of food also produce AGEs. acetyl-L-Carnosine and Benfotiamine counteract AGEs(103a,51) and reduce cardiovascular risks. Laminaria extract reduces oxidative stress (133c). L-Carnitine is protective against and improves atherosclerosis (137). Vit K counteracts inflammation and reduces cardio effects(108g). Low vit K2 were found to be significantly associated with coronary artery calcification & CVD,

     Dietary Cholesterol is necessary for brain and hormone functions, and not the real underlying problem in high lipid cholesterol levels, it can be correlated with things that are problematic (Alt.). Homocysteine and fibrinogen and collagen deficiency are major factors in heart disease. Vit B6 lowers homocysteine; eggs and organic liver are healthy foods, not a problem; fats are not a problem, but rather bad fats are a problem: hydrogenated fats are bad and some saturated fats need to be restricted; monosaturated fats like olive oil and flaxseed oil are healthy. Likewise, for Medium Chain triglycerides (MCT) oil like coconut oil. Most people get too much Omega-6 polyunsaturated oils (corn, safflower) and not enough Omega-3s (flaxseed, fish, canola).  The more polyunsaturated fats you consume, the more antioxidants you need.  Bad fats contribute to artery clogging plaques.  Sugar is leading cause of heart disease; sugar and simple carbohydrates need to be restricted.; Most people are magnesium deficient which is important to heart function; sources of dietary fiber (oat bran, legumes, chick peas, apple pectin, grapefruit pectin, psyllium, guar gum) Exercise is also important. Studies have found that exercise reduces cardiovascular disease by improving the function of the heart and blood vessels (51b, p80). Studies also found that people who are fit have a lower risk of death, and patients with dyslipidemia who are highly fit but not taking statins have a significantly lower risk of dying than patients taking statins who are unfit (51b, p78). Statins rather than being helpful, rob the body of its hormone building blocks (108b) and cause aging and hormone deficiencies. Another study of a group of patients answering a questionnaire on fitness rating found that those who rated themselves less fit than average for their age had a 91% greater chance of dying than those who rated themselves more fit than average (51b, p79)

A study of an elderly population found that for the patients with low selenium baseline levels, supplementation with selenium and COQ10 reduced mortality rates by 50 % (51b, p9); An anti-inflammatory diet associated with reduced mortality and reduced cancer mortality (longer life,103a) (mediterannean low glycemic index diet and avoid high temp cooking)

poor cardiovascular fitness (in a population asked to rate their relative cardiovascular fitness, those who rated themselves lower than their peers have a 91% greater risk of dying of cardiovascular disease compared to those who rate themselves higher) (51b, p79); exercise reduces cardiovascular disease by improving the function of the heart and blood vessels (51b, p80):regular exercise, garlic(52); 

Prevention of Heart Disease (over 50 % reduction over controls that don�t): high protein, low carbohydrate Mediterranean Diet with omega 3 oils,136b(HIIT); 20 or 30 minute per day walking (or cycling) exercise [walk 2 or 3 minutes normal, then rapid for 30 seconds to increase heart rate, then normal 2 or 3 minutes, repeat] (21,51b)]; regular exercise with weights, walnuts

Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHCY)abnormally high level of homocysteinein the blood, conventionally described as above 15 mol/L.[1]; deficiencies of vitamin B6, folic acid(vitamin B9), and vitamin B12 can lead to high homocysteine levels.[2] Elevated homocysteine is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease(111a) as well as thrombosis.[5] It has also been shown to be associated with microalbuminuria which is a strong indicator of the risk of future cardiovascular disease and renal dysfunction.[6] Homocysteine degrades and inhibits the formation of the three main structural components of arteries: collagen, elastin and proteoglycans. In proteins, homocysteine permanently degrades cysteine disulfide bridges and lysine amino acid residues,[7] affecting structure and function.[8]  (HHCY) is a consequence of disturbed methionine metabolism. It results from enzyme and/or vitamin deficiency(111a). Epidemiological and clinical studies have proven HHCY to be an independent risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases, stroke, peripheral arterial occlusive disease and venous thrombosis(111a). HHCY is also seen as a risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases such as cognitive impairment, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and also for depression. There is a high prevalence of HHCY as a syndrome of vitamin shortage in elderly subjects, which strongly increases with advancing age. Elderly people have a high frequency of vitamin B12 deficiency which is more reliably diagnosed by measurement of serum methylmalonic acid and holotranscobalamin II, the metabolically active B12 fraction, than by total serum vitamin B12(111a). Such tests are important, especially for the elderly. Homocysteine Resist (LE) 


The incidence of cardiovascular diseases in vegetarian individuals is lower than that in the general population. Nevertheless, individuals who adhere to vegan diets have a higher prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia with eventual adverse effects on vascular reactivity(111b). A clinical study demonstrated that Creatine supplementation (CrS) reduces the plasma levels of homocysteine and increases those of folic acid. After the CrS period, the homocysteine levels of all of the vegan subjects normalized(111b).

 AFib T: taurine, liposomal saffron, magnesium, L-carnitine, nano-EGCG,, nano grapeseed extract

General Vascular Disease Protocol (40):[Cardio-Plus, Cataplex B, Cyruta-Plus, Cataplex E2, Min-Tran, Organically Bound Minerals-from Standard Process, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil]

Healthy Heart Protocol for prevention of problems (40): [Cardio-Plus, Cataplex B, Cataplex F, Calcium Lactate, Organically Bound Minerals, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil]; Turmeric Forte(2-4//d)

Gerhauser protocol (99) for card8ovascular patients: plenty of morning sunshine, magnesium, COQ10, DHA, Vitamin K2(MK4,MK7), fish & healthy fats, daily probiotic; check levels of testosterone and DHEA, hawthorn, carnitine, taurine, D-Ribbose; pomegranate(99);

Metals toxicity (most common mercury from dental filings, 33) 

Oxygen therapy (ozone;HBOT;hydrogen peroxide)-see (60) for option details

EECP (Enhanced External Counter-pulsation):  A Safe, effective noninvasive therapy for coronary artery disease and angina, rather than invasive procedures like stents and heart bypass; outpatient therapy

Clinical trials and studies document the effectiveness (52), see : Doctors Ignore Proven Alternative to Coronary Stents and Bypass Surgury, June 2008 Issue of Life Extension Magazine.

Bradycardia: slow resting heart rate <60 bpm; causes: heart conditions, hypothyroidism, lyme disease, high potassium level- treat cause

Angina or Blood Clots or Thrombophlebitis: (Nattokinase, Bromelain, Hawthorn, Garlic, Coleus, Angelica, Khella)


Herbal Treatment of Cardiovascular Problems (108f):(Hawthorn,Garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, Guggol, Coleus)  Herbs may be used as a part of a holistic approach to the treatment of heart disease that includes proper nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction. Herbs that might help the body restore the cardiovascular system to proper working order include those known to be hypotensive (blood-pressure-reducing), diuretic (fluid-reducing), calmative (anxiety-reducing), and tonic (energy-building). Hawthorn: Flavonoids, besides being a potent antioxidant, dilate coronary blood vessels, lower blood lipids, and stabilize arterial walls. They also act to inhibit an enzyme, ACE, which helps combat high blood pressure. Because hawthorn improves heart muscle metabolism, it is useful in treating congestive heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias. It’s also mildly diuretic. This versatile herb can be used, alone or in combination with other herbs, to both prevent and treat the whole spectrum of cardiac illnesses. Use capsules or as tea 3 times a day. Garlic: The volatile, sulfur-containing oils that give garlic its pungency are also known to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and raise HDL cholesterol (the good kind). In Germany, garlic extracts are approved over-the-counter drugs to supplement dietary measures in people with elevated blood lipids. And in India a study matching two populations with identical diets except for garlic showed lower blood lipids in the high-garlic group. Garlic and its close relative onion have also been shown to aid in thinning the blood and reducing platelet aggregation, helping to minimize the risk of blood clots that could clog an artery in the heart or brain. Finally, garlic has lowered blood pressure by 10 to 20 points in both human and animal studies.  For medicinal use, use 3 to 8 cloves of raw garlic daily, or 3 to 6 capsules. Ginkgo biloba: It has been shown to increase arterial blood flow successfully in a variety of situations, including cerebral vascular insufficiency and stroke, in hardening of the peripheral arteries, in impotence due to lack of blood flow, and in cardiac problems. Ginkgo also keeps blood platelets from sticking and breaking down, and it increases oxygen supply to the arteries and veins- take capsules 3 times a day. GuggalThe myrrh tree produces a resin which has been shown in multiple studies to lower cholesterol and triglycerides as well as or better than the common drugs on the market, and with no known toxicity. It works by increasing the liver’s metabolism of LDL cholesterol. Take capsules containing 25 mg active ingredient 3 times daily. Coleus: It relaxes smooth muscles, which makes it useful in treating high blood pressure and angina. At the same time, it increases the force of the heart contractions so that the net result is a double positive effect. 

2ndTier Treatments: (Ginseng, Ginger, Angelica, Bilberry, Khella, Chamomile, European Mistletoe)  Ginseng: Panax ginseng is the famous one, and is known to reduce blood clot formation, reverse oxidation, and lower blood lipids, But the main use of ginseng is in helping to cope with stress, primarily by improving adrenal gland function. Siberian ginseng shares the effects of improving adrenal function and lowering lipids. In addition, it seems to bring both high and low blood pressure closer to normal ranges. Use as tea or in capsules- too much can be toxic. Ginger: lowers cholesterol, and has a tonic effect on the heart (can be used in foods or as capsules). European Mistletoe: potent treatment for high blood pressure. In Europe there are many blood pressure lowering herbal preparations containing mistletoe on the market. (too much can be toxic: use in small amounts and carefully). Bilberry: same flavonoids as hawthorn and has many of the same effects. Bilberry seems to be particularly helpful in strengthening the circulation; it has been used extensively in treating varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Khella: shown to be effective in the treatment of angina and high blood pressure. Khella appears to be particularly helpful in increasing the amount of exercise person can tolerate before experiencing angina. Standard doses would be 250 to 300 milligrams of the extract (containing 12 percent of the active component khellinAngelica; can be used to treat angina, high blood pressure, lack of circulation to the brain and limbs, and arrhythmias. Angelica can easily be grown in a home garden, as long as the soil is kept moist and the area is shaded during the hottest part of the day. Dose similar to KhellaCayenne: one of the most effective general tonics for the whole body. It stimulates blood flow and strengthens the heartbeat. Pour a cup of boiling water into 1/2 to 1 tea- spoon of the herb and let it stand for 10 minutes. A tablespoon of this infusion should be mixed with hot water and drunk. Chamomile: promotes relaxation and reduces stress in people with heart disease. Chamomile tea is made by pouring a cup of boiling water over two or three tea- spoons of dried leaves and letting it stand for five to ten minutes. 

Atherosclerosis:  Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory process & C-Reactive Protein is a predictor of blood vessel inflammation, along with atherosclerosis and heart attacks and memory problems (40); CRP is commonly caused by severe bioflavanoid deficiency (40): Cyruta-Plus(40), Clogged arteries are commonly caused by poor diet, faulty fat metabolism; or major deficiency of phytoceuticals, vit C and B complexes(40), collagen (108g), chlorine- oxidative damage to blood vessels, etc.  Vit K has been found to counteract inflammation and reduce it’s effects. Low vit K has been found to be a significant factor in calcification of arteries.  (108g); Glucosamine/chondroitin along with vit C are structural components of collagen in artery and veins, and supplementation reduces the risk of cardiovascular an all-cause mortality significantly. In a big study, daily supplementation reduced cardiovascular deaths 65% and all-cause mortality 39% (108g). Weak artery walls are major factors in heart disease (vit D, Astragalus).  

Endothelial dysfunction is the largest factor in all vascular disease (52) and is counteracted by Vit K and collagen. (108g); Liposomal vit C is preferred form.

[Factors that contribute to endothelial dysfunction include: elevated LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, elevated trigylcerides, oxidized LDL, Hypertension, Elevated C-reactive protein(marker for inflammation), Elevated Lp-PLA(marker for inflammation), Elevated Omega6 to Omega3 ration(best less than 4 to 1), Elevated glucose, Excess insulin, Elevated Homocysteine, Elevated Fibrinogen, Insufficient vit D, Insufficient vit K2(108g), Low Testosterone and Excess Estrogen in men, Insufficient COQ10, Nitric Oxide Deficit, Magnesium deficit, selenium deficit, low levels of vit E, 52]; French Maritine Pine Extract/Centella Asiatica reduce arterial plaque (51); Arterial Protect (51); L-Carnitine is protective against and improves atheroscherosis (137).

One cause that has been documented to cause most of these and endothelial dysfunction is mercury or toxic metal toxicity and most people have significant exposures- dental amalgam is the largest source of mercury in most people(33,� test and detox: Pectasol(42), NAC,True ALA(55), TrueMilkThistle (55), chlorella(53), for doctor (33,89)

 Protocol(40): [Cardio-Plus, Cataplex B, A-F Betafood, Cyruta-Plus, x-Factor Gold, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil],� TrueALA(55),  (Red yeast rice extract(4), vit E, TrueE(55), B6, gugulipid, and proteolytic enzymes(UniZyme) TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula (lower CRP),� trueALA(55)) , lecithin(Alt.),LE green tea(or Green Tea Essence), TrueGreenTea with SOD(55),��� niacinamide, SSKI iodide(Wr.), CoQ10, vit C(52),Omega-3 Fatty Acids (AHA) (2-03,LE)  (OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol(41)), flax oil; Garlic(24)(1 clove/day or (Wakunaga of America, Alt, SGP or Pro Formula 1000) Iodo-niacin (6 drops SSKI and multi B vit), TrueB(all plant based, 55),��� magnesium deficiency:( TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51)),�� Natural Calm, onions, garlic(108f), Arjuna (HSI)  (reduces LDL cholesterol, reduces angina pain, improves congestive heart failure) also  anti-bacterial

Ozone therapy (60b)

[Nutritional therapy for vascular diseases (52): Omega-3 fatty acids, Propionyl L-Carnatine(PLC), L-Arginine, COQ10, Pomegranate, Lipoic Acid, Garlic, Ginkgo biloba, Resveratrol, Quercetin, EGCG, Vit C, Vit K, Vit E, Niacin];� 

Other causes:  [hormone deficiencies( testosterone, DHEA(mean and women), Progesterone(W], Estriol(W), thyroid-treat or bioidentical hormone replacement benefits(52) ], hypothyroid can be caused by mercury/toxic metals(33,126), NSAID use (99,108), magnesium deficiency: TrueMagmesium(55), VitalMag(51) ,  high blood viscosity (42): fish oil, nattokinase  ; low levels of COQ10(51b): supplement COQ10; AloeCran drink mix(55),� OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol(multivit-also has COQ10, B6, B12, folate, L-Carnitine-for general hearth health(41), 


Clogged arteries(symptoms: mental symptoms, memory problems, irritability, loneliness); endothealial dysfunction is one of the early changes contributing to clogging of the arteries(51b). A study found a 1% increase in endothelial function was associated with a 13% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease(51b). Regular exercise prevents the decline of endothelial function that can occur with age (51b, p78). Cruciferous vegetables were found to reduce carotid artery plague formation(193a). Some cases of clogged arteries treated with IV Hydrogen peroxide at Baylor Univ. showed significantly reduction in plaque, as did a case of heart blockage by Dr. Charles Farr(60a); French Maritine Pine Extract/Centella Asiatica reduce arterial plaque (51);

 Calcium buildup or Metals toxicity other than mercury:  detox and supplements; NAC, TrueCirc (55), Pectasol (42), nattokinase (133a4.4*), EDTA chelation(89), Cardio Vital Plus(Biowell Natural Health,4.1*), ( vit K2, such as X-Factor Gold Concentrated Butter Oil as directed, 40, 3-18), Mercury toxicity: Pectasol (42, 4.4*), DMSA(21), doctor(33,89); policosanol (28,30); lithium deficiency can cause clogged arteries: Lithium Oratate (3), (Sarpaganda, Wright), curcurmine, CardioPlatinum, potassium deficiency; potassium foods or supplement Policosanol (Wr,28,30), onions, MTHFR (Methylene-Tetra-Hydro-Folate-Reductase) 2 mutated genes variant (12% of popn) can cause high homocysteine- vitamin B and folate deficiency and renal failure are causes of high homocysteine. multivitamin with a high content of folate , vitamin B6 (pyridoxine; for example 25 mg) and B12 (= cobalamin; for example 1 mg);  [MTHFR] gene could be one of the factors of overall schizophrenia risk. [1] Schizophrenic patients having the risk allele (T\T) show more deficiencies in executive function tasks.  [2]]; Zinc may be needed (108); Vasotensin (HSI)

table salt & high blood pressure  (low salt, low electrolyte diets can be dangerous,� blood pressure problems related to electrolytes are usually caused by imbalance or deficiency such as magnesium(103a), not too much sodium, table salt has an imbalance of minerals, whereas sea salt is much better, 40in such cases, using Celtic Sea Salt, Organically Bound Minerals or Min Tran, and Cataplex G often resolve such cases, 40)� 

VIRAL INFECTION: can produce an irregularity in smooth lining of the blood vessel which disrupts blood flow, which can release the enzyme thrombin which can produce fibrin which adheres to the area of inflammation (40). [Cyruta-Plus (Standard Process, 40)]; Licorice (108f); vit C IV (108,128);

Overabundance of adrenaline (40): (fear, anxiety, emotional distress, drugs, too much carbohydrates), avoid processed carbs and add Drenamin from Standard Process to the heart nutritional protocol. 

Other hormone imbalance (40), (drugs, birth control pills, thyroid, etc.) [test and use Symplex F or Symplex M from Standard Process, 40]; Pinched nerve interfering with heart muscle (40): [chiropracter or osteopath]

Drugs: elderly commonly taking many drugs that have adverse effects  and cause imbalances and nutritional deficiencies-� of types discussed here(40). Many common expensive treatments are not very effective or lasting(40).

Best oils:   Salads: virgin olive oil or flax oil;  

   Baking: Woks: put water in wok before oil, use coconut, peanut, or palm oil; add onions or garlic before rest; add veges before oilas low temperature as feasible; Frying: consider breading and  baking with milk/eggs/bran flakes; if fry use cooking spray or butter, not margerine; use coconut or high oleic safflower oil (Alt.); Curcumin inbibits fibrogen and lipid peroxides , Methyl caps lower homocysteine (B6, folate) ,� OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol(41);� [Vit C(1 g), inositol hexanicotinate(1g), L-carnatine(250 mg): 3 times daily; mix Vit E(800 mg), Multivitimin, TrueMulti(whole food multi)(55) cod liver oil, , Chelation(EDTA-oral or topical or doctor(33,89),   Wright] magnesium: TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), Detox(Williams,30) , low stomach acid: test and treat*(Zypan,40); Consider liver/gallbladder cleanse, A-F BetaFood, CardioPlus

Circulation Problems: Clogged arteries, calcium buildup or toxic metals (126)- detox:Pectasol(42), EDTA IV(21)or topical or suppository; NAC, TrueCirc(55) , TrueMilkThistle (55), doctor(33,89); IV hydrogen peroxide shown to reduce plaque in arteries(60a); (Tri-cyclic antipressants) , Poor quality water,  Avoid sweets, sodas, starches, white flour, white rice  (24 HP)  ; (prayer, classical music, Biosynthanie) (

      Good Diet (steamed or sauted greens, seafood)

Artery/blood vessel stiffening or cross linking: Excess glucose causes inflammation resulting in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and significant adverse health effects such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease(103a,51). Highly processed foods and high temp cooking and dry heat cooking (frying, grilling, roasting) or browning of food also produce AGEs. Benfotiamine and acetyl-L-carnosine counteract AGEs(103a,51) and reduce artery/blood vessel damage(103a). 

Improve circulationEssential Oils(lavender, lemon grass, parsley, basil, chamomile, coconut oil, allspice, benzoin, calamus, cassia, cinnamon, clove, galbanum, mandarin, mustard, myrrh, rue, tarragon,ylangylang, how to use: 22) Garlic acts as an anticoagulant, reduces blood cholesterol levels (while increasing HDL, good cholesterol levels), and lowers blood pressure.(108f), By lowering blood sugar levels, garlic also reduces the risk of late-onset diabetes.


Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) vitamin K2, stone root extract, see(40b)

Restless Legs, Vit D, Magnesium, also see 40b

Aneurism: Vit D3, see 40b

Subarachnoid hemorrhage: Vit D, Sulforaphane, Curcumin, Astaxanthin, Lycopene, Melatonin,

Hyperviscous blood: (thick blood), Natural ways to thin the blood: garlic, natural vit C, fish oil, plenty of water, donate blood

Temporal Arteritis: IV hydrogen peroxide(60a)

Atrial fibrillation beware Digoxin, which causes increased risk (40, 3-18) (use Cardio-Plus, Cataplex B, Cataplex G, Organically Bound Minerals, Calcium Lactate, and Cataplex F, along with Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil , as directed) ; exercise, COQ10,

Atrial fibrillation: Chelactiv Plus topical cheelation, D-Ribose, Cardio-Plus(S.P.)

Angina (beware of stents (40,3-18); use Standard Process Cataplex E2, Cataplex G ,Cardio-Plus, Cataplex B, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, Cyruta-Plus, and Min-Tran as directed, 40, 3-18); CoQ10 (133a)

Heart Pain/Angina:    [mercury, toxic metals (126) (detox)], [clogged arteries/arterial plaque/calcification: EDTA chelation-IV or topical or suppository(42),133a], NAC,  (pain over heart or hacky cough:  dog heart worms/parasite treatment), T: propionyl-L-carnitine, OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol (multivit-also has COQ10, B6, B12, folate, L-Carnitine-for general hearth health(41),� French Maritine Pine Extract/Centella Asiatica (51); Indigestion(enzymes, TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula , TrueAloe(55)), Resveratrol(reduces inflammation and prevents platelets from clumping) , TrueMilkThistle (detox,55), clogged arteries (EDTA salve or IV, Cardio Platinum, TrueCirc (55)), CardioVitalPlus(56), Oxygen therapy(ozone, hydrogen peroxide, HBOT,60); 

(low stomach acid (Zypan test, hair test)),( low testosterone(TrueMale(55). Testosyn (5 * customer rating, more expensive), Testogenex (5 * rating, less expensive), etc.); [natural VitE (800 IU), L-carnitine (500 mg), CoQ10(100 mg), Magnesium (125 mg): 3 times daily], propionyl-L-carnitine, TrueMagmesium,VitalMag(51), Wright , OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol(multivit-also has COQ10, B6, B12, folate, L-Carnitine-for general hearth health(41,133), 


Blood Thinning (not Warfarin)   use turmeric, EDTA(Oral chelatoRx or IV) 


Arrhythmia: abnormality in heart rate or rhythm; disruption of electrical conduction system in heart; tachycardia(too fast), bradycardia(too slow), fibrillation(irregular); [most common cause: poor diet(excess refined carbs/sugar, nutritional deficiencies and imbalances(40), common imbalance is magnesium or potassium deficiency or imbalance(52)] [ Protocol(40): (Cardio-Plus, Cataplex B, Cataplex F, Min-Tran by Standard Process, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil);  Pure Collagen Peptides Powder (Hydrolyzed) | Grass-Fed, Certified Paleo Friendly, Non-Gmo and Gluten Free - Unflavored By Sports Research 4,5*.  L-Carnitine is protective and improves arrhythmia(137).

Alternative therapiesAcupuncture : very effective at preventing recurrence of atrial fibrillation when used with a standard treatment for AF(52); 

Other causes(41) heart attacks, high blood pressure, mitral valve prolapse, angina, excess alcohol, drugs, anxiety & stress, MSG, toxins(test & detox,33); Nutritional Treatment(41): Omega 3 oils, CoQ10, magnesium,� potassium,L-Carnitine, D-Ribose,

[Nutritional Treatment(52): Mediterranean diet and regular exercise with fish oil, magnesium, potassium, hawthorn, NAC, Resveratrol, CoQ10, Rhodiola]; Oxygen therapy(ozone/HBO/ hydrogen peroxide- see(60) for option details); IV hydrogen peroxide(60)

Congestive Heart Failure: causes/factors: poor diet, lack of exercise, hypertension(Gazpacho soup, beet juice or nitric oxide, 136b), circulation problems (40,42,52); T: good diet, regular exercise, fish oil, CoQ10(reduces C Reactive Protein and chronic inflammation, reduces insulin resistance, improves lipids,51), selenium, Resveratrol, Curcumin, Turmenric Forte(40); Taurine, L-Carnitine, vit B1 deficiency common in alcoholics (133a)

Heart valve problemsProtoco l(40); [Cardio-Plus, Cataplex B, Cataplex F; with angina add Cataplex E2 and Calcium Lactate; with viral attack add Cyruta Plus]

Blood Clot (Thombosis) Prevention:�risk factors(Endotheleal Dysfunction, elevated CRP, Hypertension, Elevated glucose, excess abdominal fat, elevated homocysteine(see HHCY), sedentary behavior/lack of exercise, atrial fibrillation, thyroid disorders, elevated fibrinogen);

Dietary preventative measures (52): NattokinaseOlive oil, Green tea, Quercetin, Salvia, Resveratrol, tomatoes, Pomegranate, Garlic, Fish oil, Curcumin, Ginger, nicotinic acid (vit B3), Vit C, 

 Heart Attack -main causes:  Stress/Adrenal Fatigue- (Treat Adrenal Fatigue: DHEA, Ashwagandha, Curcumin, B Vitamins, CBD, Exercise, Meditation, good sleep, 108g))

Treatment after 1st heart attack or chronic cardiovascular problems 4 gm L-carnitine/day, be prepared with Heart Attack First Aid Kit (Cardio Plus, Cataplex B, Cataplex E2, and CyrutaPlus)(Standard Process, 40); L-Carnitine, CoQ10,magnesium, B vitamins, Vit C(137),VIT K(108g),Ashwagandha(108g), test & treat Adrenal Fatigue

High Cholesterol/Triglycerides/high LDL; one cause is high lead levels(108, test & detox); studies have found that patients with dyslipidemia (high cholesterol and triglyerides levels) ,who are highly fit but are not taking statins have a substantially lower risk of dying than those patients taking statins who are unfit(51b, p78): exercise at least 4 times per week(51);  check homocysteine and treat if high; do glucose insulin tolerance test to see if that is a factor: adjust diet accordingly(low fat, high carb or high protein, low carb, both with eggs,40), (Red Yeast Rice, or green tea or EGCG extract, Homocysteine Relief), 136bOzone therapy(60b); citrus bergamot(supp. or ess. oil, 41); high protein/low carbohydrate diet (108)

Nuntritional Measures for Lipid Management(52): Pantethine, (Red Yeast Rice & CoQ10),Garlic, Indian Gooseberry; Propolmannan; (oat fiber, psyllium, pectin); Prebiotics, Plant sterols, Guggul Gum, Soy Protein;CoQ10, Carotenoids, Vit E, Pomegranate, Polyphenols(12), Curcumin; Artichoke; Niacin/nicotinic acid, Fish oil, - see (52) for dose, etc.;� Avocada(81), chia seed and flax seed(30);� T: TrueCapros(55), OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol(multivit-also has COQ10, B6, B12, folate, L-Carnitine-for general hearth health(41),� boost soluble fiber(fruits, beans, cereal) , more monosaturated fats,(MUFAs) antioxidants, phytosterols(fruits, veges, peanuts) , niacin increases good HDL cholesterol;� Red Yeast Rice with CoQ10(4), Niacin, flax oil), COQ10, vit E, TrueE(55),�� TrueAloe(55), LE PoliChol, CholestOut II), lecithin,  Green Tea,���� TrueGreenTea with SOD(55), Black Tea,  AloeCran drink mix(55), cinnamon (inositol hexaciacinate,lecithin,pantethine,L-carnatine,beta-sitosterol,fish oil,choline) lower LDL TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51),�   (Vit C, calcium, magnesium, vandium, curcumin(69), chromium, selenium,Vit E) raise HDL, walking helps control cholesterol, garlic, Red Yeast Rice with CoQ10(4), Red Yeast Rice(with garlic, niacin,15)ginger, pectin, fenugreek,reishi mushrooms, sliymarin all help (J. Wright),� Policosanol more effective than statin drugs(Mevacor, Zocar,Pravachol)(Wr,28,30) ,available health food stores, compounding pharmacies, Wr:��Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, LE(51);� Studies have found supplementing COQ10 lowers lipoprotein (a).�� 

While Soy products can lower cholesterol and risk of cancer, studies have found that eating tofu a couple of times a week had worse memories and advise those over 65 to avoid tofu.�

Improve cholesterol: Essential Oils (coconut oil, lemon grass, how to use: 22)

Rebuilding coronary circulation protocol (40); Carbio-Plus, Cataplex B, Min-Tran, Cataplex F or Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil as directed, with elevated CRP add Cyruta Plus (40)]

Viramin K2: vital to activate calcium in bones and tissues: {Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil and X-Factor Gold High Vitamin Butter Oil, 40],� bone and joint products(Calcified Wafers or Powder, Calcium Lactate tablets or powder, Cal-Ma Plus and Glucosamine Synergy, Cataplex C, 40)

High LDL cholesterol: inositol, leisterolcithin, L-Carnitine, beta-sisterol, fish oil, ppc, choline, red-yeast rice (bigger problem is oxidized LDL, use OxLDL blood test, 108) T: vit E, beta-carotene

Low HDL cholesterol: vit C, magnesium, vit E, guggulipid, garlic,ginger, pectin,curcumin, reishi, silymarin, artichokes

Congestive Heart Failure:� increasing incidence, leading cause of hospitalization of people over 65; risk factors(52): Coronary Artery Disease(CAD), History of heart attack, Stress/Adrenal Fatigue, magnesium deficiency (103a), irregular heart beats (magnesium deficiency (103a), etc.), arrhythmias, heart valve disease; thyroid disease; diabetes, drug or alcohol abuse, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart defects, chronic high blood pressure; hormonal imbalances; T: test and treat hormonal imbalances: thyroid, DHEA and Testosterone (low is significant risk); test and detox toxic metals; restore mineral balances (esp. sodium/potassium balance); [L-Carnitine, CoQ10, hawthrone extract, resveratrol, 108]; lower risk of blood clots, lower risk of abnormal heart rhythms; Targeted Nutritional Strategies (52): COQ10, L-Carnitine and Taurine; Hawthorne(108b, Magnesium and Potassium, vit C&E, Lipoic Acid, D-Ribose, Vit D3, PQQ, Creatine. Ashwagandha(108g).  

 Heart Attack -main causes:  Stress/Adrenal Fatigue- (Treat Adrenal Fatigue: DHEA, DHEA Complete (LE), Ashwagandha, Curcumin, B Vitamins, CBD, Exercise, Meditation, good sleep, 108g))

Cardiomyopathy/ Congestive Heart Failure( CHF) poor nerve conductivity to heart and weakness of heart muscles (most common cause of hospitalization for those over 65, 40), main causes: insufficient nutrition of heart, especially B vitamins, immunotoxicity(137) from toxic exposures; CHP treatment protocol(West-40): [Cardio Plus, Cataplex B, Cataplex F, Calcium Lactate, Organically Bound Minerals, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, 40; exercise and high protein/low carb diet] (if low blood pressure use Vaculin instead of Cardio-Plus)(if edema, add A-C Carbamide), magnesium, TrueMagnesium, VitalMag(51), Magnesium(with B6) IV Injections, Vit D3  LEF, L-Arginine, DHA, [L-Carnitine, CoQ10, Hawthorne extract,108];  [CoQ10(60 mg), L-carnatine(250 mg,137a), Hawthorne(250 mg) 3 times daily, alpha-D-ribofuranose(DR) (JW(38,48),Taurine(1500 mg) twice daily between meals, OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol(multivit-also has COQ10, B6, B12, folate, L-Carnitine-for general hearth health(41), test testosterone level, Wright], increase T: TrueMale( 55), etc. L-Carnitine & acetyl-L-Carnitine protect against immunotoxicity. Ashwagandha.  

relieve edema- Essential Oil(lemon grass, 22), Lymphatic drainage therapy, Lymphatic massage(102)

   Hypertension (high blood pressure) types: (benign essential hypertension, renal hypertension, atherosclerotic hypertension, emotional hypertension) 

causes: (52, 1a) Anxiety/stress, Poor sleep, hyperinsulinemia (avoid sugar & refined carbs; reduce starches, take niacin, chromium,), [Heavy metals toxicity (mercury, lead, cadmium, 33bcd), magnesium or potassium or D3 deficiency (103a,1a); nutritional deficiency (correcting usually improves blood pressure, 21), obesity or diabetes, low hormone levels (Bioidentiical Hormone Replacement Therapy,52), chronic phthalate/chemical exposures(97a); food allergy (elimination diet); stress;

 T: Yoga or Tai-Chi (41), spend time in green spaces (41), meditation (41); exercise, (Gazpacho soup, beet juice/nitric oxide,136b); mostly organic veges or fruit or grass fed meat; organic apples, strawberries, cherries, nectarines, peaches, grapes, spinach, tomatoes, bell pepper, celery, cucumbers,; Ashwagandha(108g), grapeseed extract, polycosanol, [Good Sleep: Rest & Renew (LE)]

Blood pressure can usually be controlled through diet and exercise (1a) : avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates, processed foods- use green leafy or colorful vegetables: eat healthy fats (coconut oil, avocado, olive oil, grape seed oil, chicken skin, eggs, seed oils, nuts and seeds, grass fed meat or dairy (majority of diet); fruit (berries, melons, apples, avocados); spices; herbal or oolong teas; purple majesty potatoes (133a); common vitamin deficiencies (B6, B12, vit C, full range vit E, D3, K2, CoQ10); balance omega 3s and omega 7 oils vs omega 6s which many get too much of; minerals needed(potassium, magnesium, some calcium but not high doses, selenium, sea salt); garlic and onions and Rutin (apples, asparagus, etc.); other supplements (L-Arginine & Citrulline, Capsaicin, Hawthorne, grape seed extract, oliculve leaf extract, apple cider vinegar, pomegranate extract, amla extract; nattokinase; plenty of water and good sleep habits, regular exercise, mind-body interventions (yoga, tai-chi, meditation, acupuncture, out in nature, etc,); avoid and eliminate toxins; fucoidan (133c & pubmed st.)

[mercury toxicity ( & -dental amalgam replacement( 33)� & detox(Pectasol(42), NAC,, Quicksilver Detox(94), DMSA(21), find doctor(33,89),Cadmium toxicity ( & Lead and other metals toxicity( detox: Pectasol(42), TrueCirc(55) , TrueMilkThistle(detox,55)), oral or topical EDTA(21), find doctor(33,89)]; poor sleep: (LE melatonin(1 mg), Enhanced Natural Sleep with Melatonin(51), Sleep Dissolves(5-HTP,melatonin-5 mg, Northstar Nutritionals, HSI), 5-HTP, skull cap; deficiency: most common(21)(too much sugar & refined carbohydrates , Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency(fish oil-1000 mg of combined EPA/HDA x2), too much colas or high fructose corn syrup, COQ10 deficiency (100 mg), magnesium deficiency(1000 mg, 21,103a), l-arginine deficiency (2000 mg or other nitric oxide booster supplement), soluble and insoluble fiber(52), Cardiotonic Nutrients(52): magnesium, Hawthorn; Regulation of blood Volume(52): Potassium, Calcium, Other(52): Vit D & K &C, Garlic, Fish Oil, Whey protein peptides ; Antioxidants(52): COQ10, Carotenoids, Chlorogenic acid(green coffee), Vit C; Vasodilators: Grape seed extract, Pomegranate, L- arginine, Soy isoflavones, Olive leaf extra, rhodiola rosea,

table salt & high blood pressure  (low salt, low electrolyte diets can be dangerous, blood pressure problems related to electrolytes are usually caused by imbalance or deficiency such as magnesium(103a,1a) or potassium(40), not too much sodium, table salt has an imbalance of minerals, whereas sea salt is much better, 40), using Celtic Sea Salt, Organically Bound Minerals or Min Tran, and Cataplex G often resolve such cases, 40)

Benign essential hypertension: (marked by systolic and diastolic numbers both being high); BP Protocol(40) [Celtic Sea Salt, plenty of pure water, garlic, regular exercise, deep breathing(4-4-6-2), Cataplex G, Organically Bound Minerals, ProSynbiotic from Standard Process]; deep breathing exercises, Metformin(92)] , chia or flax seeds; L-tryptophan, taurine, CoQ10, DHA (108);

Isolated systolic hypertension: If you have a diastolic number - the bottom number of a blood pressure measurement - less than 80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and a systolic number - the top number of a blood pressure measurement, greater than or equal to 130 mm Hg, you have a common type of high blood pressure called isolated systolic hypertension.Isolated systolic hypertension can be caused by underlying conditions such as artery stiffness, an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or diabetes. Occasionally, it can be caused by heart valve problems. It is the most common form of high blood pressure in people older than age 65, but it is possible for younger people to be affected by this type of high blood pressure as well. Doctors now know that high systolic pressure is as important as high diastolic pressure � and even more important in people older than age 50. Having a high systolic pressure for a long period of time can increase your risk of having significant cardiovascular problems, such as a heart attack or stroke. Gazpacho soup, beet juice/nitric oxide,136b); nicotinamide mononucleotide, or NMN (Broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, avocados); reduce red meat and add veggies (beans/ peas/ lentils, etc.

Hepatic or renal hypertension: (marked by high diastolic number only, often indication liver or kidney problem); liver detoxification before blood pressure protocol used; with gallbladder problems or removed gallbladder may also need a liver detoxprotocol(40):[Cardio-Plus, Albaplex, A-F Betafood, Min-Tran], Milk Thistle, exercise(interval training), infrared sauna(21)

clogged arteries, lectins(39), high insulin induced hypertension(42) :[high protein, low carbohydrate diet (40,70), avoid refined carbohydrates and junk food,  exercise, deep breathing exercises, nicotinamide mononucleotide, or NMN (Broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, avocados); reduce red meat and add veggies (beans/ peas/ lentils, etc. atherosclerotic hypertension protocol(40): Cardio-Plus, A-F Betafood, Cyruta-Plus, Min-Tran, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil]; vit K2(108), parasites: cleanups and cleanses(31), avoid sugar, Avoid caffeine- substitute arginine, higher protein/higher(good) fat diet, regular exercise, avoid fast foods, don�t smoke, low alcohol, sea salt, omega-3, OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol(41), vit E, (sodium: not over 2300 mg/day, boost potassium, DASH diet(fruits, veges, goat milk, fish, poultry, nuts, control weight, exercise, music, magnesium relaxes muscles & vessels; Chezone Therapy(21)-EDTA chelation plus ozone;

Walking/exercise or yoga lower blood pressure and stress and guards against strokes; TrueAloe (55), TrueBP (55), iodine deficiency common: Iodoral or Prolomine Iodine by Standard Process;

DASH diet: fruit, vegetables, whole grains, high fiber and potassium, low animal products, Gazpacho soup, beet juice/nitric oxide,136b);

Emotional hypertension (chronic fear, anxiety, emotional problems) (40) [exercise and deep breathing exercises, Cardio-Plus, Drenamin, Min-Tran]; 

BCDS(B complex Deficiency Syndrome): commonly a factor- 

Protocol(40): Cataplex B by Standard Process(69);�� With significant fatigue add Drenamin; With anxiety/hyperactivity, add Cataplex G

Essential Oil Supporting Healthy Blood Pressure (moringa seeds, clary sage, hyssop, majoram, Melissa, sandalwood, yarrow, thieves, combinations, how to use: (22)


Pounding heart: (most common cause, anxiety and B vitamin deficiency or imbalance,40) protocol: Cardio-Plus, Cataplex B, Cataplex G), by Standard Process   


Arterial Stiffness [(high temperature cooking, high glycemic processed foods, AGEs): (benfotamine, 103a)}; (aging/lack of cardiovascular exercise): healthy diet & regular exercise,40), (plaque buildup/calcification in arteries) EDTA chelation-IV or topical or suppository,21; Vit D3 & K, 51);[(toxic metals (126), oxidative stress, chronic inflammation}: metals detox, Pectasol(42), anti-oxidant essential oils(22), TrueMilkThistle(55), TrueE(55)] , (Hypothyroid: diagnose & treat}, TrueGreenTea with SOD)

Stroke rehabilitation: magnesium(103b); vit D, Curcumin, constraint-induced therapy (CI Therapy, 71,40), dried apricots (81); Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)(60b); plenty of water and regular physical therapy exercise(137b)

Leg Circulation Problems: (clogged leg arteries/calcification: EDTA chelation- topical or IV or suppository(42), vit K); [(high temperature cooking, high glycemic processed foods, AGEs): (benfotamine, 103a)}; );[(toxic metals, oxidative stress, chronic inflammation,126}: metals detox, Pectasol(42), anti-oxidant essential oils(22), TrueMilkThistle(55), TrueE(55)]; if vein problems involved (Collinsonia Root and Cyruto-Plus, 40), also check liver, gallbladder status- likely need A-F Betafood, then liver-gallbladder cleanse; may also then need liver flush (40), also leg exercises and if problem involves leg ulcers add Chlorophyll Perles.� With severe leg cramping or restless leg syndrome, add Cataplex F, Calcium Lactate, Organically Bound Minerals, and Cataplex E2. Horsetail; lychee extract (133a);

Mitral Valve:   staph infection, dental cavitations; T: zap, cleanses, cleanups, Cardio Platinum, TrueCirc (55)

Chest pain:  gallstones (liver cleanse), TrueMilkThistle, 55) [indigestion (enzymes, TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula ,True Aloe(55), check for low stomach acid/(Zypan or betaine HCL)

Anxious Heart(pounding heart, feel pulse in chest or head, erratic rhythm) cause (nutritional imbalance that causes nervous system to malfunction, 40) treatment( nutrition for Parasympathtic System, alkaline ash minerals(potassium, magnesium, etc.) from green leafy veges(Organically Bound Minerals(Standard Process), 40) if this isn�t sufficient, add Cataplex G-relaxing part of B complex and practice deep breathing);� beware of low fat diets or guidelines (Dr. West, 40,108)� heart and brain require healthy fats such as Omega-3s, including saturated fats and no evidence they harm heart, 40)� coconut oil/MCTs are healthy for brain, etc.

    shark cartilage, cordyceps, calcium hydroxyapatite, magnesium, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51), CoQ10, (Alternatives) hyperinsulininemia: eliminate starches and refined sugars, test and treat insulin resistance, ��

Salt-sensative hypertension   Grape seed extract; hyperinsulinemia: Metformin (Rx), or Glucobalance (Tahoma Clinic, Wright), chromium, flaxseed oil; shark cartilage, cordyceps , calcium hydroxyapatite, magnesium, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51), potassium, CoQ10, 

        food allergy related hypertension: test food allergies;  Biofeedback training and exercise help hypertension, etc.

  essential hypertension (L-tryptophan, taurine, Vit C, Vit E)

Mitral valve prolapse, CoQ10, Cardio Rhythm, Forskolin,

High Homocysteine (product of meat/methionine): B-6 and B-12, folio acid and trimethylglycine (TMG), zinc, choline

[For many people, the daily intake of 500 mg of TMG, folate, 1000 mcg of vitamin B12, 250 mg of choline, 250 mg of inositol, 30 mg of zinc, and 100 mg of vitamin B6 will keep homocysteine levels in a safe range. But the only way to really know is to have your blood tested to make sure your homocysteine levels are under 7. If homocysteine levels are too high, then up to 6 grams of TMG may be needed along with higher amounts of other remethylation cofactors. Some people with cystathione-B synthase deficiencies will require 500 mg a day or more of vitamin B6 to reduce homocysteine to a safe level. For the prevention of cardiovascular disease, you would want your homocysteine blood level to be under 7]

Orthostatic Hypotension - Treatments

Take in extra amounts of salt - about 10 gm/day total. Another way to get extra salt is to use salt containing beverages (e.g. "gatorade"). If you start to have trouble breathing or get excessive swelling at the ankles, you may have to use less than 10 gm. Similarly, be careful not to overdo it and end up with hypertension. 

Wear Jobst stockings (tight custom made leotard like garment -- worn by both men and women). These are often not well tolerated, especially in the summer. 

Sleep with head of bed elevated about 15-20 degrees (4-6 inches). This maneuver increases blood volume and, after a few days, is helpful.  It is also helpful in that it may reduce supine hypertension (sometimes blood pressure is too high lying flat, and too low standing up). Try to be up during the day, not lying in bed. Reconditioning may be helpful for persons who have been on bed rest for long periods of time. 

Eat frequent small meals (because eating lowers blood pressure). Avoid sudden standing after eating. 

Avoid straining at stool (because this may lower the blood pressure) 

Avoid hot showers or excessive heat. Use air conditioners. 

Get up gradually in the morning. Take 5 minutes to get up and use support. Perform isometric exercises before moving about. 

Orthostatic training. Under the supervision of a physical therapist, gradually increased upright stance.

Tilt-training, a series of prescribed upright posture exercises may be helpful in vasovagal faints as well as orthostatic faints. 

Blood Disorders: (anemia, Leukopenia, Thrombocytopenia)

Anemia:� decrease in red blood cells; ( symptoms: fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness);��� types[excessive bleeding, decreased red blood cell production(deficiency of iron, vit B12, folate, vit C, riboflavin, copper), pernicious anemia(vit B12 deficiency or lack of intrinsic factor function), chronic disease, increased red blood cell destruction(drugs, infection, autoimmune condition, enlarged spleen, sickle cell anemia]

Nutritional support (52): Iron, Vit C, folate, vit B12, copper, zinc, selenium, L-Carnitine, testosterone therapy

Leukopenia or Neutropenia: diminished white blood cell count; (disease, poor nutrition); test: CBC test; vit B12, vit E, vit C, folate, healthy diet, multivitamin

Thrombocytopenia: platelet count too low; spontaneous bleeding can occur, causes: disease, vit B12 deficiency, folate deficiency, enlarged spleen

Blood Disease Nutritional support (52): vit C, E, and A, blueberries, green tea, acetyl-L-Carnosine, vit D3, fish oil, copper and zinc, melatonin


Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis(autoimmune) mercury/detox, autoimmune/   


Osteoporosis: Major factors (too much phosphorous, prevents calcium absorption) (Alt).,sedentary lifestyle, hormone imbalance, SHBG excess, magnesium deficiency(103a), Statins(40,99) or SSRIs (133a) or CoQ10 deficiency (103a) ; systemic elevation of pro-inflammatory cytokines (52)(TNF-a, IL1B, IL-6), low hormones (progesterone, testosterone, DHEA) serum or urine test (Wr), chronic inflammation(52), oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, Extra-Virgin Olive Oil -EVOO) oleuropein;

(toxic metals /mercury exposure causes the previous 3 factors, 33,126),(magnesium deficiency), (too much calcium relative to other minerals),)(U.S. has highest consumption on calcium and calcium supplements and highest osteoporosis); vit K deficiency (LE) (K2 & Super Booster, LEF),(protein/sulfur metabolism deficiency)  , Vit C protective in elderly (LEF, 1-09; Osteoporosis Protocol (40b): Calcifood Wafers, Calcium Lactate, Cataplex C, Cal-Ma Plus, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, X-Factor Gold High Vitamin Butter Oil- with exercise and stretching

Bone spurs, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, arthalgia, disk deterioration, spinal stenoisis, other joint problems: mostly nutritional problem, use Remineralization Protocol [Joint Pain Protocol with Zypan from Standard Process added] 

Inflammation & homocysteine: folate, B12, B6 (24 HP), Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, LE (51),

   Natural progesterone creme increases bone density (Dr. Lee, 16) Alternatives, (B12, folate. Bioflavanoids; Vit C&E & EFAs, LExt), soluble fiber, Xylitol (40 grams per day),  Osteoflavone caps(D3,K, Ipriflavone), magnesium

(Natural Calm, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51)), Pinna-Cal supplement, Horsetail/silica (24 HP), metals cleanup & detox-see toxic metals detox earlier, 

Diet & Exercise important(40): eat eggs, green vegetables(consider adding superfood vegetable powder blend: TrueVeggie8(55) or All Day Energy Greens(46), fruit, nuts, yogurt, eliminate sodas, reduce acid forming foods(meat, breads/grains, cheese, corn, pastas, processed foods), take bicarbonate of soda(baking soda)(khco3) at bedtime ,    &    (boron, zinc, copper, silicon, etc.) 

bone growth requires exercise, vit D, sunlight, Strontium, weight bearing exercise (24PH)

     calcium absorption requires Hcl  and potassium and magnesium & vit K2 & D3; low stomach acid common, test; if low,  betaine(HCL) & pepsin(no NSAIDs, 40,99,108); if trouble digesting fats: add bile salts, A-F BetaFood(40),  take minerals at night, probiotics important to absorption , TrueLife PB, Strontium more effective at strengthening bone than bisphosphate drugs which are dangerous(40),(Foxamax, etc.); Prevention and Treatment Protocol: BHRT(52), Soy Isoflavones, vit K&D. calcium, Strontium, Magnesium, Boron, Collagen, vit C&E, fish oil, flax oil, curcumin, resveratrol, Quercetin, Berberine(58,99), 

Essential Oil Thieves (22)


Calcium deposits (too much calcium clogs the arteries as well as blocking absorption of zinc, copper, iron, and magnesium, 21; too much can also increase risk of dementia, 133a): (EDTA oral chelation or topical or doctor (33,89), magnesium, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51), Natural Calm, vit K2 (108)

Bone Loss: poor diet, not enough exercise, SSRIs (133a); T: good diet and good multivitamin, vit K2 & D3, regular weight bearing exercise, organic prunes (133a)- also protects against radiation damage


Leg Cramps   magnesium, potassium, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51),


Edema fluid retention/buildup usually related to lymph drainage, (lower leg swelling) Horse Chestnut, Butcher�s Broom, Gotu Kola, digestive enzymes, TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula, Fluid Retention    Dandelion Root Extract,   BioCleanse, Detox Pads,  Serrapeptase (HSI); Lymphatic drainage therapy, Lymphatic massage(102)

Lymphedema- often after cancer, chemotherapy, heart problems- Lymphatic drainage therapy, Lymphatic massage(102)

Common food allergen causing edema: milk, dairy(14)

relieve edema- Essential Oil(lemon grass, 22), lymphatic massage(102)


Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI): (usually feet and lower legs)� Symptoms include swelling in the lower legs and ankles, especially after extended periods of standing, aching or tiredness in the legs, new varicose veins, leathery-looking skin on the legs, Faking or itching skin on the legs or feet, venous stasis ulcers.�� The veins in your legs carry blood back to your heart. They have one-way valves that keep blood from flowing backward. If you have chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), the valves don�t work like they should and some of the blood may go back down into your legs. That causes blood to pool or collect in the veins.��� Over time, CVI can cause pain, swelling, and skin changes in your legs. It may also lead to open sores called ulcers on your legs, and further cardiovascular conditions. T: compression stockings, don�t sit or stand for long periods, move feet, change positions; take breaks from standing; regular exercise such as walking or biking; Nutritional therapy; IV ozone therapy(60b)

Open sores, wounds, gangrene: HBOT or IV Ozone Therapy(60b);

Wound Relief(40), Lavender essential oil (108f)-antiseptic & antibacterial;

Varicose veins   insufficient dietary fiber(Wr), weakened veins ,T: flavanoids, hawthorne, ginkgo, pycogenol, horse chestnut (TL 3-07), magnesium, TrueMagmesium, Butcher’s Broom; (133a); VitalMag(51), vitETrueE(55),   TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), Serrapeptase (HSI) Easy bruising     Vit K deficiency or lack of flavanoids,   digestive enzymes: TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula(42); melatonin(9), horse chestnut seed extract; HBOT or Ozone Therapy(60b)


Pregnancy: a good diet with plenty of protein and good fats is important for pregnant women- see diet protocol (40,21). Regular exercise is also important (21,40,51). Pregnant women who do not exercise are 2.5 times more likely to give birth to an overweight infant, and 3 times more likely to develop high blood pressure (51b, p81). Every 2.2 pounds above average birthweight is associated with a 12% higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease when the child becomes an adult(51b). Women who exercise reduce the risk of having an overweight newborn. �Nearly half of the women who develop diabetes during pregnancy will have overweight infant who is more likely to become an obese adult. Exercise during pregnancy reduced gestational diabetes and excess weight retention after pregnancy (51b, p81). High homocysteine is is a factor in the pathogenesis of neural tube defects and preeclampsia(111) (see HHCY). 

SID: Lithium protects against glucocorticoid induced neural progenitor cell apoptosis in the developing cerebellum (3)

Baby stuffy nose: plenty of liquids, saline drops, NoseFrida from drug store to suction mucus; sleeping upright;

Coughs: barking cough/croup- cold air; coughing fits- steam-hot shower room; essential oils in diffuser (lemon, ginger, eucalyptus)

Sip ginger tea or ginger/honey/lemon;

Common Cold:  virus- antibiotics ineffective and detrimental (40); T: zinc lozenges reduce effects, vit C & Echinecea preventative, immune boosters; colloidal silver nasal spray Sinus Relief (40); herbal nose spray Sinus Support(40); tonic (cayenne pepper, ginger, apple cider vinegar, honey,133a); fucoidan extract (133c); Immunocal Protein Mix

Prevention(52) avoid infecting others when you have cold, mask if coughing, avoid touching nose, eyes, mouth during cold outbreaks, regular exercise, plenty of sleep, good diet and antioxidants during cold season

Nutritional treatment (52): Vit C D E, zinc lozenges, DHEA, melatonin, Astragalus, Elderberry, Garlic, Andrographis, Lsctoferrin, Beta-Glucan, Probiotics, Echinacea, Honey, Immunocal

sinus infections are often caused by fungus; and generally don’t respond to antibiotics (Mayo Clinic,, colloidal silver Sinus Relief spray(virus, bacteria, fungi)(40) (antibiotics only effective for bacterial infections, guard against other forms) Xylitol spray(Xlear)(Wr), Eucalyptus, Echinacea, Aloe Vera, oxygen therapy(ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, 60-see 60 for option details) mushrooms(polysaccharides), Serrapeptase (HSI)

Essential Oils for Cold- (eucalyptus, cedarwood, fennel, frankincense, majorum, myrrh, myrtle, sage, sandalwood, thyme, combinations, how to use: 22)

{Herbs to boost immune system (108f); Astragalus (soothe digestive tract or increase resistance to disease)- capsules or tinctures; Echinacea (boost immune system and resist invasive germs)}

Sore Throat: honey, lemon juice in water; curcumin, cloves powder mixed in warm water- gargle; licorice root- powder or extract

Flu Prevention (40): healthy diet and plenty of water with Immuplex and Congaplex by Standard Process and Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil during flu season;( vit D, zinc, selenium, 133a); vit C, olive leaf extract 

Essential Oils for Flu Prevention or Treatment (eucalyptus, hydrogen peroxide in diffuser or otherwise, how to use: 22,60); rectal or IV ozone(60)


Respiratory Problems/Lung Problems (lung disease): COPD, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, vaping

Improve respiratory problems; Essential Oils (respiratory problems- lavender, lemon grass, peppermint, thieves, basil, cajuput, cinnamon, clove, cypress, how to use: 22)

Pneumonia   Vit C IV & vit E (N&H, Wri, Nov 07) ( To prevent pneumonia, at first sign of cough or bronchitis- nebulize with 2 ml of Respiratory Relief By Nature’s Rite, also Congaplex and Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil help(40), D-2017,M-2018); Bamboo Extract(Chi Research), Nax1 supplement(336a).

IV hydrogen peroxides therapy(60b) or rectal or IV ozone (60)

COPD: [ chronic bronchitis- inflammation of airways), emphysema(damage to lung alveoli- air sacs)] (factors: oxidative stress, inflammation, and imbalance in enzymes);Causes: smoking, occupational exposure to toxics and dust and fumes, biomass fuel burning, chronic inflammation or oxidative stress(33,52), Asthma, Alpha-1-Antitrypsin deficiency, mercury and toxic metals(33,126, Pectasol(42), chlorella(53), TrueALA(55), TrueMilkThistle(55)),� Treatment: (Oxygen therapy(ozone or hydrogen peroxide or hyperbaric oxygen-see(60) for option details), smoking cessation, pulmonary rehabilitation, weight limitation; Nutritional strategies(52): Vit A, C, D3,E, NAC (N-acetylcysteine), Ginseng, Sulforaphane, COQ10, fish oil, Resveratrol, Zinc, L-Carnitine, whey protein, melatonin: Oxygen Therapy: (ozone/HBO/hydrogen peroxide- see 60 for option details); IV hydrogen peroxide(60a); Food grade hydrogen peroxide in Nebulizer, 60b); Astragalus

Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils- (eucalyptus, orange, oregano, thieves, chamomile, benzoin, boldo, camphor, Citronella, Helichrysum, Manuka, Mullein, Myrrh, Rosemary, Sage, Sandelwood, Spikenard, Tansy, Vitiver, Yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22); Herbs: curcumin, resveratrol, boswellic acid, avocado-soy unsponifiables

Bronchitis:  primarily caused by virus; some from environmental factors, poor diet; antibiotics or ibupropen not usually effective(40); cough (Respiratory Relief, 40; Congaplex (Standard Process,40),Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil (40), NAC, if get diarrhea also, use Digestive and Urinary Tonic(DUT), Prosynbiotic, 40) , Bamboo Extract; oxygen therapy (ozone, HBO, hydrogen peroxide, -see (60) for option details); feverfew (decongestant, 108f); Astragalus

Bronchitis protocol (40): 3 ml Respiratory Relief in nebulizer 4-6 times daily 

Ascaris (intestinal roundworm) & toxins (31):   cleanses and cleanups; inflammatory cytokines (33), food allergies(test & treat)(14), Serrapeptase (HSI) ;chlorinated or fluoridated water (filter, bottled water, (Wr)). Mycoplasma pneumonia-   colloidal silver, garlic, fenugreek; Bamboo Extract (Chi Research)

Vit C (3 gm), Vit A (40,000 IU), zinc (50 mg), copper if deficient (2 mg), immune boosters, Lung Renew (50); fucoidan (133c)

Antioxidant Therapy (52): Vit C, Vit E, NAC, omega-3 oils, Boswellia, Curcumin, Bromelain, selenium, zinc

Immune System Boosting: Essential Oils (Frankincense, Coconut, Moringa Seeds, lemon grass, oregano, thieves, clove, Melissa, mustard, myrrh, sandalwood, yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22); Oxygen Therapy (ozone, hydrogen peroxide, 60)

Bronchiectasis: IV hydrogen peroxide(60a), Astragalus.

{Herbs to boost immune system (108f); Astragalus (soothe digestive tract or increase resistance to disease)- capsules or tinctures; Echinacea (boost immune system and resist invasive germs)}

Asthma:  lifelong inflammatory disease characterized by airway hyper-responsiveness and airflow obstruction; inner lining of airway becomes inflamed and muscles surrounding the airways tighten up; mucus glands secret thick mucus; immune reactive condition, a major factor in asthma is proliferation of eosinophils (white blood cells) caused by chemical mediators like Interleukin-1 in response to a stimuli. Blocking cytokines like IL-1 reduces asthmatic inflammation (92). Air Pollution, [mercury, dental amalgam, toxics cause oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines seen in asthma(33, � detox: Pectasol(42), chlorella(53), Astragalus, TrueLA(55), find doctor(33,89);� food allergies: elimination test; 

Ascaris parasite (31): zap, cleanses, comfrey, grapefruit (81), garlic, sanitation, cleanups, dental cleanup; Peak Golden Oil or black cumin; (NSAID or antibiotic use: avoid); low stomach acid/poor absorption/food allergies (Wr)- test & treat, Cupping has helped asthma and respiratory patients (108b);

[Nutritional treatment (52): Vit D3(regulates immune processes and anti-inflammatory reactions), Vit E, Vit C, omega-3 fatty acids (fish, fish oil, green leafy vegetables, nuts, flaxseeds), Probiotics, Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium, Lycopene, Flavanoids, Quercetin, Proanthocyanidin, Ginkgo Biloba, Butterbar, Boswellia Serrata, Tylophora Indica]; Essential Oils (lemon, rosemary,22)

Lung Renew (Chinese herb combination, 50), (Magnesium/ TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51), B6 IV injections, Jarrow Methyl B12 Lemon chewable (4.5*) (vegan suitable), B12 injections, Wr), NAC, Yamoa powder (Alternatives), magnesium, B6, B12 (Wr), Boswellia (900 mg) (Wr),� Xylitol spray (Xlear)(Wr),  Oralmat(HSI)  

Emphysema  causes(see COPD) T:  multivitamin, TrueMulti(whole food multi)(55) [magnesium(200 mg), TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), L-carnatine(250 mg), NAC(500 mg), SSKI(6drops in liquid), Vit A(25,000 IU), Vit C(1 gm), lethicin capsul, vit E, copper, zinc    Glutathione inhaler (2 or 3 times per day); Bamboo Extract; Immune deficiency( nutrition def., toxics)  Beta Glucan ,Russian Choice, Mannatec Immunostart, Shaklee  Nutriferon

Oxygen therapy (ozone/HBO/hydrogen peroxide- see (60) for option details); IV hydrogen peroxide(60a)

Flu & Common Cold Program: Vit C, E, D3, selenium, zinc, Lactoferrin, Elderberry Extract, Green Tea (EGCG), Garlic, DHEA, melatonin, Cimetidine (Tagamet-reduces length of viral infection effects)

Oxygen Therapy: (ozone/HBO/hydrogen peroxide, see (60) for option details; IV hydrogen peroxide(60a); hydrogen peroxide by nebulizer(60b)

Allergic rhinitis (inflammation of mucous membrane inside nose due to allergic reaction) (5th most common chronic disease, affecting 16% of all) (prolonged use of antihistamines commonly causes dementia) treatment to bolster systems affected by allergies (Allerplex (Standard Process,6-12/d), Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil(Green Pasture,3-6/d), Congestion Relief Spray(Nature�s Rite), 40)

Food allergies common causing runny/stuffy nose:� milk, cheeze, wheat, corn, MSG, wine, beer, chocolate (14)

Lung Sarcoidosis: IV hydrogen peroxide(60a); Essential Oils (lemon, rosemary)

Rhinosinusitis (sinus infection) Treatment(40)� Congaplex (Standard Process, 2/hr as needed; Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, 3-6/d; Sinus Relief Spray, once per hour as needed;�� (40,� 

Immune System Boosting: Essential Oils (Frankincense, Coconut, Moringa Seeds, lemon grass, oregano, thieves, clove, Melissa, mustard, myrrh, sandalwood, yarrow, combinations, how to use: 22); Oxygen Therapy(ozone, hydrogen peroxide, 22) 

 Vaping: Vaping associated with bronchial symptoms, shortness of breath in young people.


Fluid Retention        Dandelion root extract, TrueGreenTea(55)


Blood Thinning (not Warfarin)   use curcumin(69),� Nattokinase, fish oil


Hiatial Hernia     Trained chiropractor at alignment


Dyspnea: Symptoms

Breathlessness (short of breath/sighs a lot/hard to swallow) overly acid diet (Alt.)

     test: if saliva consistently below PH = 6.5, too acidic

Mouth Problems & connections to other conditions

oil pulling (sesame, olive oil, coconut oil)- swish in mouth

Pale tongue (normally rosy red): anemia (low iron or intestinal bleeding) organic raised liver, Scalopped or swollen tongue   food allergies, Geographic tongue (irregular patterns): deficient B vits(folate, B12,zinc)   chorella, organ. liver,

Canker sores    food allergies (elimination test), food allergies commonly causing: gluten, citrus, sugar, chocolate (14)

probiotics, TrueLife PB, avoid sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpaste

Cracked lips    low B vitamins

Cold sores (herpes virus HSV1): (L-lysine, selenium (,vit A C E, beta-caratene), zinc,  Omega-3(EPA/DHA), OmegaQ Plus Resveratrol(41); garlic

Gum Problems

Bleeding gums (gingivitis, periodontal disease): (promotes heart disease, Alz D, diabetes,� treatments:� good dental hygiene, antimicrobial mouth rinse,   Vit C, CoQ10, folate(in mouth rinse), oil of oregano; Peri-Gum(HSI), TrueOC oral PB(55); dilute hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide/baking soda(60a); ozone therapy(60b); oil pulling (sesame, olive oil, coconut oil)- swish in mouth; Good Gum formula (133c);


Hair Problems & connections to other conditions

Dry, flaky scalp   too much sugars and deficient EFAs

Sensitive scalp   low vit D (cod liver oil or vit A supp)

Premature Grey Hair    mercury exposure(detox), hormonal (PABA, ho-shou-wu), TrueE (55)

Hair loss/thinning hair- male pattern baldness (AGA), alopecia areata(autoimmune)- mercury(detox), low stomach acid (supplement BetainHCL, pepsin)  , TrueHNS(55) ; low testosterone/high DHT(TrueMale(55), Testosyn(5 * customer rating, more expensive), Testogenex(5 * rating, less expensive), Prostate Protector(55)) ,DIM

Nutritional Support (52): Comprehensive Multi-nutrient formula, L-lysine, L-Arginine, Saw Palmetto, EGCG, grape seed extract, white pine extract, Bioenhanced 

Tocotrienol complex), topical treatment: Peter Procter shampoo

   Body hair loss (lower legs, underarm, pubic): TrueHNS(55), (male: low androgenic hormones(DHEA & testosterone), TrueMale(55), TrueE(55)


Nails & related conditions

Cracked, weak nails:   low stomach acid or pepsin, poor absorption; supplement betaine HCL if needed, enzymes, TrueHNS(55)

Rough, cracked fingernails: vit B12 deficiency

White spots on fingernails:   zinc deficiency or low pancreatic enzymes, zinc, TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula,or gluten intolerance, TrueHNS(55)

Nail fungus ozonated olive oil,Young Health ozonated olive oil(47)

Nutritional therapy (52): Silicon, vit E, Biotin, Protein, Iron, Zinc, L-Cysteine, 


Skin Problems & connections to other conditions:

Zinc Deficiency can have a serious impact and causes skin problems, diarrhea, impaired wound healing, hair loss, impaired taste sensation, reduced appetite, night blindness, swelling and clouding of the corneas, and even behavioral disturbances. (zinc)


Rosy cheeks or broken capillaries on nose-   low stomach acid (supplement Hcl & pepsin), Firm ambrotose cream   [* don’t supplement HCL with NSAIDs], Yellow skin: low B12 or �ach acid   (B12 injections or nasal)

Acne: C: intestinal inflammation, leaky gut, low stomach acid , vit A or Zinc deficiency(137); T: probiotics (Lactibacillus, Bifibacterium), HBOT. tea tree oil, lavender oil, myrrh oil, oregano oil, chamomile oil (133a)

Dry skin:   low EFAs (fish,nuts, salad oils, flax oil, TrueHNS(55))

Raised dry spots (actinic dermatosis):    Retin-A on patch, TrueHNS (55); coconut oil;

Skin tags- sign of T2 diabetes: glucose-insulin tolerance test; treat insulin resistance

Skin wrinkles: MSM, coconut oil

Cracked, callused feet: EFA deficiency (Flaxseed oil)

Calluses on edge of heel:   deficiency of vit A    supplement vit A (up to 40,000 IU) ozonated olive oil. TrueHNS (55)

Earlobe crease(diagonal):   risk of cardiovascular disease(test)

Cracked ear skin:   deficiency in EFAs. TrueOmega-3(55)

Forehead wrinkles(verticle)& abdominal pain: possible stomach ulcer- test Heliobacter pylori- (if +, mastic) 

Foot Fungus (athlete’s foot): Kyolic Garlic; tea tree oil; wild oregano oil; apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, olive leaf tincture

Dry Skin: (137); Tea Tree Oil, Fish Oil, GLA/borage oil;

Scleroderma  progressive autoimmune condition fueled by inflammation and oxidative damage which results in overproduction of layers of collagen; treatments: DMSO, GLA, DHA, NAC, Vit C, selenium(52); Mercury and toxic metals cause inflammation and oxidative damage(33,126)-test and detox if needed: [Pectasol(42), TrueMilkThistle(55), TrueALA), for doctor(33,89)] , Vit A, D3, E (TL 3-07), melatonin 

Curcumin & proteolytic enzymes, TrueEZ-D(55), Integrative Digestive Formula 

Burns   Vit C IV & vit E & selenium (N&H, Wri, Nov 07), coconut oil (60)

Improve Wound HealingEssential Oils (chamomile, coconut oil, birch, cajuput, camphor ,cardamom, carrot seed,��cedarwood, cinnamon, citronella, clary sage, cumin, cypress, davana, fennel, frankincense, galbanum, ginger, grapefruit, helichrysum, jasmine, juniper, lanvandin, lime, mandarin, majorum, mullein, myrrh, mytle, neroli, niaouli, nutmeg, oakmoss, patchouli, rosewood, sage, sandalwood, spearmint, thyme, eucalyptus, how to use: 22)

Fight infections; Essentiql Oils (lemon grass, eucalyptus, lemon, oregano, coconut, chamomile, benzoin, camphor, caraway, carrot seed, cassia, cedarwood, cinnamon, citronella, clove, cypress, davana, dill, frankincense, grapefruit, helichrysum, lavanin, lime, manuka, mullein, myrtle, mullein, neroli, ravensara, rose, rue, sage, sandalwood, tagetes, thyme, combinations, how to use: 60)

 Eczema: C(137): immune reaction T; anti-inflammatory diet, healthy fats,, probiotics/prebiotics, skullcap, GLA, GHK-CU peptide, luteolin, magnesium,

Colostrum, HBOT, Red Light Therapy,

Psoriasis: (autoimmune disease,137) T: good anti-inflammatory diet, Niacinamide, Forskolii, Apigenin, Nano-EGCG, GLA, Hesperidin with vit D,  HBOT,


Acne   lesions on face and neck; large genetic factor re: incidence (52),   reduce sugar, increase zinc, EFAs(flax, pumpkin, sunflower seeds),  SSKI iodide(Wr.),� (creme containing nicinamide, azelaic acid, tea-tree oil, and/or pantothenic acid),� TrueHNS(55)

Diet is factor and high glycemic foods , sugar, etc. can increase acne.

[Nutrition treatment(52):� Lipoic Acid, vit A and E(full spectrum), zinc, niacinamide, fish oil] 

Herbal treatmen(52)t: Sunder Vati (ginger, etc.) reduced acne in clinical trials; calendula, witch hazel, and licorice root may be helpful]

[Light therapy(52): lazer and other light therapies have demonstrated some effectiveness]

Natural topicals: (gel with DMAE, collagen, vit A,C,E), seaweed extract, etc. 

Oxygen therapy (ozone;HBOT;hydrogen peroxide- see(60) for option details

Essential Oils (lavender, tea tree oil, 22)

Rosacea: nano-EGCG, nano-Silymarin, MSM, DERMA E VITAMIN E Intensive,

Radiation related skin rash, Calendula marigold (N&H, Wri, N 07), garlic (108f)- protects against radiation damage; (chaga mushroom extract protective(133a), also laminaria seaweed extract- Ocean Cleanse laminaria extract (133c)


Thick keloid scar        SSKI rubbed into scar, ozonated olive oil, 


Inflammation  chronic inflammation involves continual churning out of while cells to fight infection or damage.� Can damage tissue or lead to diabetes, Alz, cancer, etc.� 

C-Reactive Protein(CRP) is a measure of infection or inflammation in bacterial or viral conditions or other inflammatory conditions such as TB, RA, heart conditions, IBS, Lupus, diabetes, CFS, fibromyalgia, etc.  Normal levels are < 0.05 mg/dL. Levels over 10 mg/dL usually indicate acute bacterial infection.   Levels between usually indicate chronic inflammatory condition.  RA usually 3 to 4 mg/dL. Lower CRP (TrueALA (55))

Burning sensation:  mercury, pesticides, other toxics, ergot, MSG, erg Tr: cleanups, use pantothenic acid, eat cold water fish, dark leafy veges, berries, nuts, soy, whole grains, legumes, curcumin, rosemary, thyme, cinnamon, curry, ginger, garlic, cloves, dark chocolate; mushrooms, EGCG, beets, avoid red meat, dairy, refined carbs , avoid gluten.

 Chronic Inflammation Protocol (40): Cardio-Plus(6-9/d), Cataplex B(4-6/d), Cataplex F(3/d), Organically Bound Minerals(3/d), Turmeric Forte(2-4/d) from Standard Process; Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil(3-4/d)

Hearing Loss  sensorineural hearing loss means irreversible damage to inner ear or auditory nerve, gradual HL from loud noise, head injury, illness, circulation problems, mercury poisoning(test,detox); NSAIDs: avoid loud noise, supplement folate ALA COQ10, mercury(detox), minerals deficiency/poor absorption (hair test, multivitmin) Wr;  B12/folate deficiency(Wr), magnesium, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), TrueMulti(whole food multi)(55), low stomach acid(test & treat), Reconect (combo of 15 sups)(46) , Advanced Hearing Formula (EGCG,ALA,ALC,Luteolin,Magnesium,Calcium,Niacin,VitE,VitC,VitE,VitA,Folate, VitB12,42),  600 mg vit C plus ulcer drug rebamipide   (42); curcumin (133a);  

Head Injury: magnesium, CoQ10(103a)

Hearing Loss: �risk factors: cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, otosclerosis(abnormal bone growth), Ototoxic drugs, low aldosterone levels

Conductive Hearing Loss: �[causes: infections, trauma, congenital malformation, tumors in the outer ear, chronic loud noise exposure]. Otitis media is one of the most common types of ear infection to cause hearing loss. Trauma to the tympanic membrane can also cause hearing loss

Sensorineural Hearing Loss: (damage to inner ear or loud noises);� Meniere�s disease can also cause inner ear damage.� ��

Tinnitus (ringing in ears) causes: loud noise/free radicals/inflammation T: (Advanced Hearing Formula(42),

music therapy, RTMS, acupuncture, TMD treatment) , mercury(detox),� magnesium deficiency: TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), ��[Behavioral therapies(52): tinnitus retraining therapy, biofeedback, sound masking devices, Neuromodulation], Targeted Nutritional Therapies(52): N-acetyl cysteine(NAC), Acetyl-L-carnitine, Lipoic acid, Vot C &A &E, Folate and vit B12, Magnesium, Melatonin, Ginkgo biloba, CoQ10, Zinc, Omega3 fatty acids

Vision Problems: night blindnessmyopia(rate doubled in last century & affects 50%, 59c)AMD, cataracts, glaucoma; iritis; diabetic retinopathy; retinitis pigmentosa, optic neuropathy; causes: oxidative stress(21,52), free radical damage(52), low glutathione(52), blue light from TV, computers, LED lights(61,43), not enough outdoor light(59,sunlight triggers release of dopamine which controls development of eye), Toxic exposures(43,52,63,33), damage to endothelial layer of cornea, lens, and other parts of eye by oxidative stress and inflammation(33)-often due to toxic exposure from amalgam dental fillings (33, ( : replace amalgam fillings & detox(Pectasol (42), chlorella(53), TrueMilkThistle (55), Quicksilver detox(94)); too much junk food/processed food(43,62), phytonutrients ; smoking, excessive alcohol, x-rays, 

 Excess glucose (poor diet) causes inflammation resulting in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and significant adverse health effects such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes, pancreatitis, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and vision problems(a,51). Highly processed foods and high temp cooking and dry heat cooking (frying, grilling, roasting) or browning of food also produce AGEs.  acetyl-L-Carnosine and Benfotiamine counteract AGEs(103a,51) and improve such conditions; saffron (133a); polycosanol.

Targeted Natural therapies(52): Omega3 fatty acids, Lipoic Acid, N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine, Vit C, B complex(Cataplex B(40)), Bilberry, French Maritime Bark Extract, blackcurrant oil, EGCG, Saffron, gingko biloba, Cyuanidin-3-Glucoside, Beta-caroten, Zeaxanthin, lutein, Astaxanthin, Selenium, Taurine, COQ10, Vit A, Zinc-see(52) for dose) ; LE Vision Optimizer(51, zeaxanthin, lutein, eyebright, grapeseed extract, vitEgamma, ALA, black currant ext, Querctin, Taurine, selenium, Vit B6,B2,B1,E,C), Super Zeoxanthin (zeoxanthin, astaxathin,lutein,51),

Vision Essential Gold (38, lutein, zeaxanthin, mesazeaxanthin, lycopene, zinc, Taurine, N-acetylcystein, Setrica L-Glutathine, copper, etc.), Advanced Vision Formula (42), NutraVision( Zeaxanthin, Lutein, Lycopene, vit C, vit A, Zinc, L-Taurine, vinpocetine, ginko biloba, bilberry extract,43), 

11 Foods to help restore 20/20 vision(29b): (kale, non-GMO organic corn, eggs, spinach, avocado, oats, oranges, walnuts, legumes, sunflower seeds)

Optic Neuropathy: Kaempferia extract(activates AMPK)

Iritis: Can-C drops, IV hydrogen peroxide(60a)

Cataracts   clouding of the eye lens reducing amount of incoming light, nuclear cataracts are where proteins of the lens nucleus degenerate and darken;� cortical cataracts- where the order of fibers in the cortex is disturbed and gaps fill with water and debris; factors-UV-B, x-rays, gamma radiation (chaga mushroom extract and laminaria seaweed extract protective(133ac)- Ocean Cleanse laminaria extract (133c); oxidative stress to lens proteins and lipids, free radical exposure; chronic inflammation, genetics, corticosteroid use;, low glutathione, low vit E levels(52);Toxic exposures can cause oxidative stress and free radical damage to endothelial layers of cornea, lenses) (toxics, mercury, sugar,  long term aspirin use(98a,40), mercury related oxidative stress is commonly found due to closeness of mercury exposure to area from dental amalgam, replace mercury fillings and crowns from which the battery effect and vaporization cause exposures & detox: Pectasol(42), NAC, Quicksilver(94) or doctor referral(33,89); T:  acetyl-L-Carnosine and N-acetyl-carnosine, [Bright Eyes (HSI) ], LE Vision Optimizer(see above), Vision Essential Gold(38), Advanced Vision formula(42) Can-C drops(N-acetylcysteine) ,  , metals detox, avoid refined sugars, C, E, grape seed extract, bilberry,   Ba Wei Wan (31),  [bioflavanoids: quercetin, myrcetin, kaempferol(lime)],   Carotenoids: lutein, zeaxanthin, mesazeaxanthin, Vit C, vit B,  NAC & garlic, vit A, Quercetin, Rutin, melatonin, vit E, ginkgo, inositol, taurine, acetyl-L-Carnosine, Aminoguanidine, Lipoic Acid,  chromium, bilberry,ginkgo biloba, grapeseed extract,� Nutritional Therapy(52): diet: spinach, collard greens reduce risk; free radical protection: (VIt C&E&B2, Selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, N-acetyl-cysteine, garlic, Melatonin); Lens Protein Protection(vit B6, Acetyl-L-Carnitine), Lens Metabolism Support(Bioflavanoids, Inosital, acetyl-L-Carnosine), Ocular Environmental Support (Cartenoids, COQ10, Potassium, Magnesium, Ginkgo biloba, bilberry), N-acetyl-carnosine eye drops (for example Can-C drops); drink aloe vera juice(125), silica


  Macular Degeneration(AMD) central vision becomes impaired; factors promoting (Aspirin, tylenol, ibuprofein, elevated CRP(52), chronic oxidative stress(52), inflammation(52), free radicals/oxidative damage to macula), (mercury and toxics cause all of the previous(33) and AMD-see vision problems for treatment), blue light(43,61-avoid),ultraviolet light(52)-lutein, poor diet(43,52,62,125), highBP(52), low carotenoid intake(52), low DHEA:( supplement DHEA, melatonin); bad fats-avoid; obesity, gluten, taking aspirin (1,98a,40)); preventative measures[Vit C(125), omega-3 oils(fatty fish, olive oil, nuts, cold water fish)(52,125), magnesium(125), bright colored fruits & vegetables, green leafy veges, lutein, vit E (natural), garlic(125),� zeaxanthin(52), astaxathin, vit B complex, D3, selenium, zinc, taurine, chromium, Pycogenol, grape seed extract, resveratrol, ginkgo biloba, NAC, CoQ10, acetyl-L-Carnosine, COQ10, Taurine, Lipoic Acid,52),TrueD3(55), Vitamin D3(51), LE MacuGuard(lutein, zeaxanthin, Astaxanthin, Alpha-carotene, saffron, C3G black current,4.7*) Vision Essential Gold(38), Advanced Vision Formula(42), UV exposure (lutein), low glutathione levels (NAC)-  T:  Metals detox (Pectasol(42), NAC, \

RealMilkThistle(55)), CAN-C drops, zinc reduces vision loss, antioxidants also help, R-Lipoic Acid , Astaxanthin (HSI) lutein, antioxidants(vitC,E,bilberry), Ginko Biloba (LE, Mar, 2003), (LE VincaSee, 3-03)), melatonin,� Bilberry tablets from MediHerb; check for low stomach acid (Betaine HCL); exercise daily(125),

AMD Protocol (40): �Cruciferous Complete & Iplex by Standard Process, Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, Bilberry]; Chezone therapy(21)- chelation plus ozone- see 21e for doctors who use);Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) (2nd Opinion) see Vision Problems, Diet(see Vision Problems); good sunglasses that block 100% of UV-A and blue light(125); good hat; eye exercises(125); walking daily

Drugs that harm the eyes : Plaquenil, hydroxchloroqine sulfate, Catapres, NSAIDs, Venlafaxine, Amphotericin B, Cholinesterase inhibitors, pentoxifylline, hesparin, Prednisone, Simvastatin, fenfluramine, mirtazaine, gastric antispasmodics, fluroqinone, eretinate, Premarin

Glaucoma  (increased fluid pressure in eye) (open angle glaucoma, closed angle glaucoma, secondary glaucomas); risk factors(diabetes, chronic oxidative stress and inflammation, sedentary lifestyle, cadmium or mercury exposure(16,33); low blood pressure(108g)); [Nutrition Protocol(40): [A-C Carbamide(3-12) and Iplex(3-4) from Standard Process for 4 months(40 with plenty of water-reduce dose as improve, can add beet juice for kidney cleanse , Ginkgo Biloba, taurine, melatonin ,Vit C(high dose)(LE 9-03 & 2-06) if treatment insufficient, kidney cleanses(40)]; [Nutrients for Glaucoma (52,137a,108g): CoQ10, Eucommia, French Maritime Pine Bark extract(Pycogenol), Bilberry extract, EGCG(green tea), Vit C, Ginkgo biloba, Coleus forskohlii, Magnesium, chromium, Melatonin, Rutin, nano-curcumin, L-Carnitine,ALA, goji berries, PEA], [lifestyle measures(52,137): regular exercise, stress control, stop smoking,  CAN-C(N-acetylcarnosine,33), bilberry, quercetin, NAC, Ginkgo B, garlic, acetyl-L-Carnosine, TrueALA(55)

Kidney Cleanse Protocol: (Arginex (6), Albaplex (6), Renafood (6), reduce Rx use)

Glaucoma: causes (Excitotoxicity (glutamate/toxic metals, etc.) Test for toxics & detox. Vit D3

Night blindness phytonutrients, zeaxanthin, lutein, bilberry, NutraVision (43), LE MacuGuard (51)

Corneal Blindness: most common cause (herpes virus) see herpes for treatment and prevention

Eye pain: parasites (31) eye degeneration: toxins, dental (11,13)

Retinitis pigmentosarare genetic disorder that involves a breakdown and loss of cells in the retina epithelium: Common symptoms include difficulty seeing at night and a loss of side (peripheral) vision. (taurine, vit E, diltiazem), lutein, omega-3 DHA; NAC, MSM powder, (dental amalgam, 33); parasites (31): cleanups & cleanses & detox, Milk Thistle, Melatonin(137),(detox,55); treatment options: (29), avoid photosensitizing drugs such as tetracycline, meilaril, & MSG, reduce sugar, see vision problems

Sudden loss of vision (blocked retina artery) (immediate pressure to eyeball and release) (Alt, 11-07)

Uveitis (inflammatory eye disorder) Melatonin (LEx, Life Extension) Can C drops (antioxidant eye drops), vit D3, chronic itching or burning or muscle twitching- Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus Omura, 1990, Astaxanthin (LEF); oxygen therapy if viral condition

Diebetic retinopathy: avoid diabetes and high blood sugar-see diabetes (NAC, vit D3, Red Yeast Rice, or green tea or EGCG extract,136b); good diet & exercise; L-Carnitine (137), laser surgery. melatonin (137d)

Tired Eyes/Eye Stress Astaxanthin (LEF)


Dark circles under eyes or horizontal creases in eyelids -metals exposure,

 food allergies (milk, gluten, soy, sulfur foods)


Eye hemorages       hypertension, weak veins    (melatonin(9), flavanoids, vit C, test)   nattokinase,� , 


Migraine headache Factors: low serotonin, allergies, toxins,  mercury(detox), Tr: Magnesium/ TrueMagmesium, VitalMag(51), B6 IV or shot (Wr), Feverfew (Alt, 108f), curcumin, fish oil, CoQ10,Citron, Menthol rub, peppermint oil (108g). TENS (Nerivio) Unit (108g).

Improve headaches: Essential Oils (peppermint, clove, majorum, rosemary, rosewood, combinations, how to use: 22)

Tension headache: lavender essential oil (108f), magnesium

Insomnia   nutritional deficiencies(common: magnesium, B vitamin complex, iodine)� prescription drug induced deficiencies: avoid or phase out using alternatives with help of your doctor,40) , hormonal imbalances(52)-balance; �Hypothyroid,   adrenal fatigue (Drenamin,40)depressionpoor diet (24 HP) , not enough morning sunlight (99),Lifestyle, medications(52), stimulants(52), �(high ammonia in brain: use ornithine)(31)  Parasites which produce ammonia -Zap, treat,�� exercise Chamomile, Tart cherry, Melatonin(1-3 mg), 5-HTP, Periactin(Rx), Tryptophan (Optimized Tryptopure Plus,  LEF) 

Improving sleep hygiene (52): minimize light, noise, and changes in bedroom temperature; avoid large meals before bed, limit stimulants close to bedtime, regular exercise but not just before bedm avoid bedtime activities not related to sleep; cover the clock; develop sleep ritual aimed at relaxation and resolving emotional dilemmas before bedtime; coconut oil; weighted blanket (133a,

Targeted natural therapies (52): melatonin, L-tryptophan, magnesium, zinc, valerian, chamomile tea, passionflower, Essential Oils lemon balm, lavender(aromatherapy,22); deop of rosemary oil on pillow (108f); 

Insomnia Protocol (40):� Catalyn(1-3 at bedtime), Min-Tran(3-9 at bedtime)�� 

Acute or chronic insomnia are significant risk factors for anxiety, cardiovascular disease, depression, etc.

Gerhauser sleep routine(99): morning walk in sunlight; avoid artificial light at night(esp. blue light); devices or apps to block blue light from computers, cell phones; buy dimming program like f.lux software and blue light blocking glasses

Easing Nighttime Anxiety (99); Exercise at least 30 minutes; Chamomile Tea; L-Theanine; Valerian: BCDS(B complex deficiency,40)-Cataplex B(6-9); weighted blanket (133a,

Psychophysiologic insomnia: excessive worrying focused on not being able to sleep; see orevious(40)

Sleep Aid (LE melatonin (1 mg), 5-HTP, valerian, skull cap, Enhanced Natural Sleep with Melatonin (51), Sleep Dissolves (5-HTP, melatonin-5 mg, Northstar Nutritinals, HSI) (5 mg may be more than needed for some); Chamomile tea (108f), popular hypnotic sleep aids have high risk of death (52,108); weighted blanket (133a,

Stress relief (52): Rhodiola, Bocopa, Holy Basil, Ashwagandha, Cordyceps, & stress modification: phosphatidylserine

Essential Oils Sleep Aid:( lavender, lemon grass, lemon, calamus, mullein, moringa seeds, vanilla, how to use: 22)

Sleep Apnea: (air toxins: cigarette smoke, vanadium (gas leak), PVC: carpeting, arsenic; Asbestos(dryers), fiberglass, formaldehyde, Freon; allergy or infections, use Vit C

Causes(40): allergies or intolerances(eliminate diary products and gluten products for 15 days), bad jaw bite(dentist), if chronic neck pain/stiffness with apnea, see chiropractor;� prescription drugs(that induce respiratory distress syndrome), weak tissues in throat soft palate causes sagging into airway T: Sleep Apnea Relief(lobelia, thyme, meadow-sweet, chamomile, and cramp bark) (see (40, p179)) 

Preparing for Surgery: in week before surgery, supplements to boost immune system (52): omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids(arginine, glutamine, taurine), RNA supplement, vit C&E&A, Lipoic Acid, CoQ10, Zinc, melatonin, curcumin; start up again asap after surgery; 

{Herbs to boost immune system (108f); Astragalus (soothe digestive tract or increase resistance to disease)- capsules or tinctures; Echinacea (boost immune system and resist invasive germs)}

Athlete Training Efficiency Sports/Stamina (arginine, glutamine, creatine, amino acid supp) D-Ribose (LEF, 1-09) 

Recovery from injuries or surgery (D-Ribose, Vit C IV, good nutrition)  

General Supplements: Multivit/min/antiox, LE BioEnhance with DNAble, Personal Radical Shield, Mannatech Glycentials, Breakfast Power/Immune Enhancing Smoothie Super Immune Quickstart (800-877-2447), EFAs   Shaklee  

Calcium   hydoxyapatie is most bioavailable form; need magnesium & other minerals also, TrueMagmesium, VitalMag (51), Phytonutrients - Mannatech Phyto Complex, Ambrotose AO,  

  MT Immunostart, Ambrotose AO, Shaklee Immune Building Complex, 

Dog Joint Problems (40): raw meaty bones with marrow;�

Joint Protocol (40): Calcifood wafers(3), Biost(3), BlueIce Fermented Cod Liver Oil(1)


(Alt.)  Dr. David Williams, Alternatives, Mountain Home Nutritionals, 800-888-1415,

(LE) Life Enhancement,

(LEF) Life Extension Foundation- Life Extension

(Wr) Dr. Jonathan Wright, Tahoma Clinic Dispensary (425-264-0059) &

IACP (International Acadamy of Compounding Phamacists) (800-927-4227)

(ACAM) American College for the Advancement of Medicine, 800-532-3688,

(AAEM) American Academy. of Environmental Medicine (316-684-5500),

(AANP) American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (703-610-9037)

(TL) Townsend Letter, 2002-2018:

(DR) Douglas Report

(HSI) Health Sciences Institute

(24 HP) The 24 Hour Pharmacy, S. Cohen, R.Ph.m˚≤

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122. EMF/Wi-fi Effects (references 3-10 in Update to 108) & (117) &; & Electromagnetic Waves Collected by a Dental Amalgam Filling Induced Balance Dysregulation and Dizziness over a Period Exceeding 10 Years, Yoshiro Fujii, & more similar articles:�

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123. The Parkinson's disease gene product DJ-1 modulates miR-221 to promote neuronal survival against oxidative stress. Oh SE et al; Redox Biol. 2018 Oct;19:62-73; & Parkinson disease protein DJ-1 binds metals and protects against metal-induced cytotoxicity. Bjorkblom B et al; J Biol Chem. 2013 Aug 2;288(31):22809-20. 

124. Toxic Root Canals, Dr. T. Levy, The Toxic Tooth;& Dr. J. Mercola, Root Canals Linked to Heart Disease and Inflammatory Conditions,; & TOXIC BACTERIA IN TEETH CONTRIBUTES TO ILLNESS THROUGHOUT THE BODY, ROOT CANAL COVERUP, DR. G.MEINIG DDS; & 



125. The Macular Degeneration Handbook, Chet Cunningham

126. Health Conditions Caused by Toxic Metals- B. Windham (Ed),; & (b) Toxic Metals and Childrens Learning and Behavioral Problems- B. Windham (Ed),; & (c) Enzymatic Blockages Caused by Mercury & Toxic Metals;;

127. Quercetin inhibits angiogenesis through thrombospondin-1 upregulation to antagonize human prostate cancer PC-3 cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Yang F, Jiang X et al; Oncol Rep. 2016 Mar;35(3):1602-10; & Anti-androgenic effects of flavonols in prostate cancer. Boam T. Ecancermedicalscience. 2015 Oct 22;9:585; & Quercetin-6-C-β-D-glucopyranoside, natural analog of quercetin exhibits anti-prostate cancer activity by inhibiting Akt-mTOR pathway via aryl hydrocarbon receptor. Hamidullah, Kumar R et al; Biochimie. 2015 Dec;119:68-79. 

128. Intravenous Vit C; (a) Vitamin C Pharmacokinetics: Implications for Oral and Intravenous Use Mark Levine, MD, Molecular and Clinical Nutrition Section,; & The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. Klenner FR. South Med Surg. 1949 Jul;111(7):209-14; & Vitamin C MegadoesThe Pioneering Work of FREDERICK ROBERT KLENNER, M.D, J Orthomolecular Med, 2007. Vol 22, No 1, p 31-38; & (b) Intravenous Vitamin C in the treatment of shingles: Results of a multicenter prospective cohort study; Martin Schencking, et al, Med Sci Monit. 2012; 18(4): CR215 CR224; & Preliminary Note on the Treatment of Herpes and Shingles With Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) By I. DA�NOW; Private-Docent with the Faculty of Medicine, Former senior registrar to the University Dermatological Private clinic of Geneva.; & Levy, T. (2002) Curing the Incurable. Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing;; & (c) High-dose vitamin C makes cancer treatment more effective, trial shows; Medical News TodayFriday 31 March 2017, & High Dose Vit C- an effective treatment for cancer

129. Dr. Diane Mueller & Dr. Miles Nichols, Mindfulness Medicine,; & (b)

Gluteomorphins & Casamorphins,

130.The gluten syndrome: a neurological disease. Ford RP. Med Hypotheses. 2009 Sep;73(3):438-40; & (b) Headache in Patients with Celiac Disease and Its Response to the Gluten-Free Diet. Ameghino L, Farez MF et al; J Oral Facial Pain Headache. 2019 Mar 20; &�[Gluten migraine]. [Article in Russian]; Kopishinskava SV, Gustov AV. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2015;115(8):13-17. 

131. Prevalence of celiac disease and gluten sensitivity in the United States clinical antipsychotic trials of intervention effectiveness study population. Cascella NG, Kryszak D et al; Schizophr Bull. 2011 Jan;37(1):94-100; & Reversal of psychopathology in adult coeliac disease with the aid of pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Hallert C, Astr�m J, Walan A.; Scand J Gastroenterol. 1983 Mar;18(2):299-304.

132. (a) The Estrogen Epidemic, Dr, David Blyweiss,; 2019, & (b) Environmental Working Group,; & Pesticide Action Network,; & (c) Estrogenic and anti-androgenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and their impact on the male reproductive system; & (d) Xenoestrogen Sources- wiki-;& (e) Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals; & etc.; (e ) The Estrogen Lowering Diet & Testosterone Boosters & Growth Hormone Releasers, Advanced Natural Wellness, 2019 (many references listed);

 133. Alliance for Advanced Health (AAH), 25 Cures You Can Have Today, Vol 2; & (b) Tomorrow’s Cancer Cures Today, Dr. Allan Spreen, HSI; & (c) The New Miracles, HSI; & Miracles from the Vault, HSI, 2017; & (d)

134.(a) Outsmart your cancer, Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments that Work, TA Pierce, 2009;; &

Alternative Cancer Treatments; &

(b) Johanna Budwig Cancer Diet: Cancer - The Problem and the Solution; by Johanna Budwig, Nexus Hirneise, et al; 2008

Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer, and Other Diseases Paperback – April 5, 2018, by Budwig; & Budwig Diet Info-; & Budwig Diet for Mesothelioma-

135. (a)Lyme Disease- Klinghardt-; & (b) Biological Treatment- Klinghardt-; & (c) “Bell’s Palsy of the Gut” and Other GI Manifestations of Lyme and Associated Diseases, & (d) Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory (Hardcover)

by Michael C. Carroll &Dr. G.L. Nicholson, Gulf War Disease,

136. Dr. Alan Inglis, (a)The M.D.’s Lung Protocol: Better Ways to Boost Lung Health & (b) Kitchen Cures, see references:

137. (a) Dr Russell Blaylock, Wellness Report, Carnitine Compounds Protect against Aging, July 2022, V19,N7; &(b) Why is the Incidence of Brain Degeneration Increasing?, Wellness Report, Vol. 20, No.5 & (c) The association between neonatal vitamin D status and risk of schizophrenia, Nature, 2018; &(d) other Blaylock Wellness Reports

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? April 2022 Surgical Neurology International 13(151):167 Dr Russell L. Blaylock, Neurologist. (74 references cited)  Also CVX (vaccine) & CV (Covid)

138. (blogs- search)(most comprehensive and credibly documented health information site in the world)

Note: This information is based on research reports or articles and medical newsletters. Any name brand product listed was either recommended by the research source or is based on supplement sources that I have researched and used myself and has a money back guarantee. Patient ratings have also been consulted. There may be other equally good or better sources of such. I have no connection or agreement with any supplement maker or seller.  For significant health conditions consult your doctor.