Data Accuracy Problems of PCR Test for Covid Infection & Deaths- Misuse by CDC__ Sept 2021


Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, inventor of PCR test, says that Fauci and the CVD are knowingly misusing the PCR test for purposes it was not invented for, and for things which it cannot do. Other knowledgeable scientists and doctors agree that use of the PCR in this manner to assess active covid cases or deaths is not appropriate and overstates such. The PCR test takes a small sample and magnifies the amount of Covid virus through a series of cycles. But it is also known that the manufacturer of the test did not have a sample of a virus proven to cause Covid-19 so the test is not for only Covid-19. The package inserts of the most commonly used PCR test (Roche) states that it cannot be used determine if one has Covid-19. So as used, the test is a pure fraud. It can be used to assess whether an individual has been exposed to the coronavirus sample used to create the test or another coronavirus. But most or many patients would test positive for multiple viruses and pathogens at a point in time and have other health issues. The PCR cannot be used to assess whether there is or was an active infection of any of these or the cause of physical effects or deaths. Not many autopsies have been allowed to determine cause of death, but no autopsies have been able to conclude a Covid-19 death was caused by a specific causal virus. The more replications that the sample is taken through also causes the assessment to become more unreliable as they increase, and many scientists and doctors indicate that the number of replications the CDC is using in the test does not provide accurate assessment of whether there was an active case or likely cause of a condition or death. Studies of death certificates in some areas have found a consistent overstatement of deaths that were concluded Covid related . Mullis said Fauci has an agenda in using the test in this manner.


External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.



A person's body normally has thousands of viruses in it at any one time just as it has large numbers of bacteria normally. The PCR, as a research tool, can test for fragments of the viruses and, with many amplification cycles of the many tests, could identify perhaps 5,000 out of ten thousand of the viruses tested for. So, the patient could test "positive" for 5,000 different viruses. Does have mean that all of them or any of them are making the patient sick?? Not at all !  As Dr. Kary Mullis said, finding an indication of a virus being present does not mean that that person is sick or that any clinical symptoms that person has are being caused by that virus. Those who claim that it does are fraudulent. Kary Mullis and a new book by Robert Kennedy show that Fauci and his cohorts are frauds (see below). 

The amount of testing and the number of amplification cycles of the PCR can be manipulated into giving the cases counts that are desired for the day's propaganda. Propaganda all sounds so scientific and impressive to the uninformed public.  All of the tests that the U.S. has used to test for whether a person has covid or died from Covid have been documented to have accuracy less than 50%- no more accurate than flipping a coin to decide who has covid. The released numbers are for propaganda purposes, not for real statistical purposes . Studies document that the PCR test as used in the U.S. has a false positive rate of about 90% . So, any statistics used by the government for cases of covid or covid deaths are bogus- no one has any idea what the real numbers are or what is causing people to die- autopsies are not being done.

L. C.

Covid is real and some people are dying of covid, but there are known effective treatments for the main 2 causes of death from Covid- Advanced Respiratory Disease Syndrome (ARDS) and blood clotting issues. Information about these effective treatments has been deliberately suppressed in the U.S., while vaccination has been promoted instead, although history demonstrates its unlikely vaccines could control a coronavirus. It’s clear from the experience of doctors using science based effective treatments and other countries doing likewise that the majority of deaths in the U.S. could and should have been avoided. ( ) & ( )


Certified Occupational Therapist Whistleblower: More Patients are Dying from the Vaccine than COVID, and Corrupt Coverup of Facts




Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s New Book — ' The Real Anthony Fauci' --documents the history of disinformation, lies, and fraud that Fauci and the CDC have been responsible for, including the majority of deaths from the Pandemic