(Compiled by Datastep Development, http://www.datastep.com/index.html )
(Conditions caused by
amalgam fillings)
Fewer of those with this condition have zero
fillings than those of the general population while more
of those with the condition have 17 or
more surfaces than in the general population
Infectious and parasitic
diseases (001-139)
Cancer [Neoplasms] (140-239)
Disorders of thyroid gland
Mental disorders (290-319)
Diseases of the nervous
system and sense organs (320-389)
Other disorders of the
central nervous system(MS) (340-349)
More of those with the condition have 17 or more
surfaces than in the general population
Hereditary and
degenerative diseases of the central nervous system (330-337)
Diseases of male genital
organs (600-608)
Other disorders of female
genital tract (617-629)
Fewer of those with this condition have zero
fillings than those of the general population while more
of those with the condition have 34 or
more surfaces than in the general population
Disorders of the
peripheral nervous system (350-359)
Diseases of the
respiratory system (460-519)
Diseases of the
genitourinary system (580-629)
More of those with the condition have 34 or more
surfaces than in the general population
Endocrine, nutritional and
metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders (247-269)
Other metabolic and
immunity disorders (270-279)
Disorders of the eye and adnexa (360-379)
Diseases of the
circulatory system (390-459)
Diseases of the digestive
system (520-579)
Complications of
pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium (630-676)
Diseases of the
musculoskeletal system and connective tissue(arthritis)
Fewer of those with this condition have zero
fillings than those of the general population
Diseases of the ear and
mastoid process (380-389)
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis
Inflammatory disease of
female pelvic organs (614-616)
Diseases of the skin and
subcutaneous tissue (680-709)
For ICD Codes 340-349,
“Other disorders of the central nervous system”, which includes Multiple
Sclerosis, Other demyelinating diseases of central
nervous system, Other paralytic syndromes, Epilepsy, Migraine, Cataplexy and
narcolepsy, Cerebral cysts, and Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous
system, the Population Size is 1,600,000.
In this survivor group, fully 95% have Dental Fillings, as compared to
78% in the General Adult American Population of 180,072,328. The General Population is Filling-Free 400%
more than the Survivors of Chronic Other
% %
amalgam none population
6 |
Nervous Sys |
82 |
18 |
5,200,000 |
8 |
Respiratory |
82 |
18 |
12,100,000 |
12 |
Skin |
84 |
16 |
3,020,000 |
10 |
Genitourinary |
86 |
14 |
6,700,000 |
2 |
Tumors |
88 |
12 |
333,000 |
4 |
Blood |
88 |
12 |
39,125 |
17 |
Injuries/Poison |
89 |
11 |
4,500,000 |
6 |
Other |
95 |
5 |
1,600,000 |
Category C
Average 85.6 14.4 31,892,125
Total Population 78 22 180,000,000
Percent with number
of Fillings
Number of Surfaces Other
0 5% 22%
1-7 20% 19%
8-16 19% 20%
17-33 31% 21%
34 up 25% 19%
In the
of sufferers of all diseases have 7 or more dental fillings, as compared to the general
population where only 20% have 7 or more dental fillings.
For all chronic
conditions in the tests, those having 34 or more amalgam surfaces represented a
larger proportion of those with the condition than they do of the general
For the chronic condition
group: nervous system, cancer, kidney or pancreas, mental disease, and
infections, those having 17 or more
amalgam surfaces represented a larger proportion of those with the condition
than they do of the general population;
and those with no amalgam fillings were a smaller proportional of those
with the condition than in the general population.