Evidence the MMR Vaccine Does Much More Harm
than the Harm than the Childhood Diseases it is Designed to Prevent.
(Studies reviewed on pages 139-148 of II(Miller) and p503-568 of III (Dissolving Illusions: Dr. Humphries)
document that
Measles is not a dangerous condition as long as
you have adequate nutrition and level of Vitamin A. Also, that childhood cases
of measles and mumps protect against heart attacks and strokes and allergies
during adulthood.
Measles deaths like the other infectious
diseases affecting childred showed a similar decline
in U.S. & England, reaching a very low rate by the 1960s well before and
not affected by mass vaccination. By then Alexander Langmuir (Father of
Infectious Disease Epidemiology) described measles as: self-limiting infection of
short duration, moderate severity, and low fatality. (P503-568 of III) Studies show Vitamin A
supplements or food high in A benefit treatment or prevention of measles.
Research Priorities: Towards a Rational Protocol for Measles Treatment
Mumps is not dangerous for healthy children with proper treatment.
Mumps vaccine is ineffective and clinical trials were Fraudulent.
. Highly
Confidential: Former FDA Chief Details Fraud in
Merck’s Testing, Marketing of Mumps Vaccine 2024
For decades, Merck
misrepresented the efficacy of its mumps vaccine, marketing an “adulterated”
drug without proven efficacy to millions of American children, according to a
recently released expert report by Dr. David Kessler, former head of the FDA.
NBC: Majority
of mumps cases are among the vaccinated, CDC finds (MMR Vaccine
(It’s long been known Mumps Vaccine ineffective: CDC, FDA, and Merck have
been allowed to cover it up)
Several dozen studies
starting on page 139 of the Miller (II) Review Studies Demonstrate the MMR
Vaccine causes a lot of harm, is Dangerous and Likely Causes More Harm than
Benefit, especially since the measles is not dangerous to healthy children and
can be treated effectively.
Measles in Healthy Children in Developed
Countries face little danger and infection brings significant protection from
other more serious and chronic conditions, such as allergies, heart attacks,
strokes, diabetes, cancer, infections.
And studies show the MMR vaccine increases
the likelihood of hospitalization soon after vaccination, as well as causing
increased risk of allergies, seizures, asthma, thrombocytopenia, Diabetes,
cancer, other infectious conditions, etc.
The Measles Vaccine also has been shown to
not prevent transmission or spread of measles among vaccinated populations.
Studies reviewed on pages 139-148 of II(Miller) showed that
immunity of MMR Vaccine declines, and measles can be spread by a vaccinated
person (live virus vaccine and shedding). Mass vaccination campaigns often
result in measles outbreaks.
Also, that hospital and
emergency room visits are significantly more common for children getting MMR
vaccine, especially young children, and girls,
Children who received vaccines earlier were more likely to get
asthma and allergies, including food allergies.)
Disseminated Encephalomyelitis ADEM has also been associated with vaccines like rabies, smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella,
influenza and hepatitis B.
found to be in Childhood Vaccines (MMR, DTaP, HepB,
Flu, Pneumonia, etc.)
II (Merck) vaccine, which CDC whistleblower Dr.William
Thompson has linked to autism, had
levels of Glyphosate up to 25 times higher than the other childhood vaccines,
at 2.671ppb.
GBS, Pancreatitis) / Death)
MMR: A 2006 study in the journal Pediatrics found 18%
of toddlers experienced an adverse event following their first dose of
measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. Of those, high fever occurred in 6%.
Similarly, a 2010 paper in Pediatrics reported Seizure and
fever significantly clustered 7 to 10 days after vaccination with all
measles-containing vaccines. Vaccination with MMR V results in 1 additional
febrile seizure for every 2,300 doses given.
a period of about 10 years about 30 years ago I was consultant for a
Southeastern Autism Treatment Clinic and involved with the Autism Research
Institute and President of a Health Organization with a Doctor Referral System
and state coordinators that compiles information on chronic condition causes
and treatments and effectiveness of treatments for the patients we were involved
with, I along with a Doctor (mostly me at times) interacted with parents of
Autistic or HADD or other ASD conditions. At times we did similar for other
chronic conditions that were common.
was personally involved with about a hundred thousands
of parents of ASD children on those websites and familiar with the copiled information on hundreds of thousands of ASD children.
Myself and the ARI compiled information from surveys
filled out by those parents. Most of the parents reported that their children
were healthy and doing well until they suddenly regressed to Autism or another
ASD condition after a Childhood Vaccination. And our compilation of the surveys
found that the tests showed that most of the children with highly toxic with
toxic metals (mostly from vaccines and dental mercury amalgam fillings but also
from food likely) and that the most effective treatment protocol was
detoxification (mostly for toxic metals, but the detox also helps with
pesticides and such which are also common but most didn’t test for). The most
effective lifestyle (food) change was avoidance of gluten(wheat) and
casein(milk), which are documented by medical studies to form very toxic forms
in someone with mercury/toxic metal exposure. My website has some of these
studies and documentation. The following are a couple of old files I found of
interactions with
mothers who reported healthy babies who regressed to autism after
a Childhood vaccine (mostly MMR, DPT, or HepB). The
ARI no longer exists because founder died, but their information is likely out
there somewhere.
Moms reporting Healthy
Child Got Autism after getting DPT or MMR vaccine. (reported to DAMS
organization online)
MMR Vaccines contain aluminum and multidose
MMR Vials contain mercury. Aluminum and mercury from vaccines are documented to
cause Autism and ADHD. Along
with other neurotoxic conditions.
Repackaging of Post-vaccination Measles
More than a dozen studies from the RFK Medical
Study Review Book (I) (and
the Miller Medical Study Review Book(II) document that children who
didn’t get the Childhood Vaccines were much more healthy than Children who got
the Vaccines. See CHVUNVAX
There has been a huge increase in chronic children’s
conditions (over 50% have chronic conditions) over the last 2 decades that
corresponds with the increase in the CDC child vaccination schedule
the studies document that vaccinated children taking the Chidhood
Vaccines have a much higher incidence of chronic conditions including Autism, Hyperactive
Developmental Disorder, other developmental disorders, asthma, mood disorders, etc.
etc. than unvaccinated children.
Vaccine. (with documentation)
Pharmaceutical Fraud Costing Many Children their health
and Taxpayers billions of dollars.