Pulmonary Nurses expose corruption and improper dangerous Protocols being used by Hospitals

at cdc direction that is killing Covid Patients,

 & The huge harm of the vaccines being covered up

(This is also documented by the Doctors in DocTor Vide0s VR6 & VR7 – www.myflcv.com/indexvr.html)




that were proscribed by the CDC & the doctors-

The doctors changed the treatment and it killed the patients-

THEY changed to protocol that was known not to work and gave Remdisivir- it killed the patients-

CDC manipulated the pcr test to give high false positives in 2020-

can show more or less covid-

we had 67 % case reduction in cases when they reduced cycles to 28.

Anything over 28 is false positive. Fauci said anything over 35 is not legitamATe- but they were using 40.

Money has corrupted the system.

Lots of deaths seen in hospitals due to vaccines.

They quit doing tests to determine cause and quit doing standard broncosity-

quit using proper treatment- resulted in lots of deaths-

The covid nurses know what is going on but they can’t speak out.  https://www.bitchute.com/video/y5sXpDgP0aOl/


RESPIRATORY THERAPIST injured by fake vaccine HAS MAJOR REGRETS- angela sellars-

vaccine totally disabled me 5 days after shot

 - lots of neurological problems like mine & autoimmune Problems & blood-clot problems-

huge numers affected & dying from vaccines; establishment has some sort of agenda.

People like me have our stories being suppressed by social media-

stories taken down by fb & u-TUBE & TWITTER;

why do they disregard our injuries?



CONVERSATION WITH HHS WHISTLEBLOWER JODI O'MALLEY – Project Veritas.com & https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZKnqCzThuf5l/

Hospital institutions are corrupt.

Nurses say they aren’t reporting Adverse Effects-

VAERS takes too long, likely less than1% of cases get reported.

ER Doctors not using proper treatments or allowing patients to be treated with effective treatments. Causes huge harm.

Recorded discussions at work to show claims true.

Nurse forced to take vaccine, then seriously ill 2 weeks later and died. Many cases like this.

Our institutions have been corrupted) (Veritos person- we have many more videos like this)