(Collusion by Powerful Special Interests and Captured Federal Agencies to Slander and Censor RFK, Jr and other Natural Health Advocates Has Done Great Public Harm; Del updates the RFK, Jr HHS Head Hearing; More Pfizer Fraud Related to mNRA Safety Data; The USAID Fiasco; Booster Shots ineffective and Harmful; Effective Treatments for Vaccines or Covid; The Attack on Small and Organic Farmers; Dr. Neu Breaks Down the Mawson Study, the MAHA Movement, and the coming MAPS conference for medical Professionals)



Collusion by Powerful Special Interests and Captured Federal Agencies to Slander and Censor RFK, Jr and other Natural Health Advocates.

(Continuing Efforts for several years to harm RFK candidacy and choice as HHS Head)


U.S. Taxpayers have been Funding a Corrupt Dark-money Network That Slandered and Censored CHD, RFK Jr. and Others?

A new analysis of government spending shows that several U.S. taxpayer-funded organizations are linked to the Center for Countering Digital Hate, according to a Substack report by Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo . The center created “The Disinformation Dozen” list that targeted Sayer Ji, Children’s Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Dr Mercola, and others who powerful special interests and captured Federal Agencies wanted to Censor.


Special Interest Group CCHD Behind Disinformation Dozen Sought to Kill Musk’s Twitter, Launch Black Ops Against Honored Evironmental and Healh activist RFK Jr. and others.

But did so for the Benefit of Pharmaceuticals and Big Ag Special Interests and with the Blessing and Cooperation of Captured Government Health Officials.

The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), author of The Disinformation Dozen, planned to kill X (Twitter) because of it�s transparency, shut down popular social media accounts on other platforms, censor non-establishment voices and bring back attacks on antivaxx voices, according to internal documents leaked by CCDH insiders. (RFK who was honored as Time Man of the Year for his effectiveness crusading against fraud and pollution was attacked because of his proven effectiveness countering special interests.)


Exposed: CCDH CEO Imran Ahmed Orders Black Ops Against Health Activist RFK Jr. In Shocking Memo Leak


BREAKING: U.S. Tax Dollars Secretly Fuel CCDH's Dark Money Censorship & Election Meddling




The Surgeon General's Cover-Up of Vaccine Injuries and Smear Campaign against Truth Tellers like RFK who tried to expose the Cover-Up. Murthy was paid millions to make speeches about Covid issues. Collusion?


Scandal! Feds Paid Out NY Times, Politico, Associated Press, Others During COVID-19: Have we had State Controlled Media During Pandemic with Propaganda rather than Science?

(Such has been documented. We’ve had censorship & disinformation reported by most mainstream media, especially censorship and slander of those pointing out the harm to vaccine injured like RFK and other natural health leaders)


USAID Bankrolled Secretive Nonprofit Global News Network With Alleged Ties to Censorship . Organization engaged in   smear campaigns   and  censorship against dissident voices .



Rampant Conflicts of Interest During Pandemic: Time to Clean House at Health-related Agencies

RFK Jr. to Combat American Health Crisis with Data, Radical Transparency


Del gives updates on HHS confirmation hearings.


RFK Jr. Confirmation Hearings Shine Light on Vaccines-Autism Debate


Big Pharma Donations to Senators Who Publically Supported RFK for HHS Head Other Senators also got contributions.


NBC News:  Senate panel advances RFK Jr.'s nomination to be health secretary

Congressional Research Service:  Senate Procedures to Confirm Nominees



Breaking: U.S. Senate Votes to Confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as HHS Secretary

The U.S. Senate today voted to confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Health and Human Services secretary. Kennedy, founder and former chairman of Children’s Health Defense, has vowed to end the epidemic of chronic disease in children .


Congress Holds Hearing on Government Censorship

J ournalists testifying before Wednesday’s U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee hearing on the censorship-industrial complex called for Congress to defund the U.S. government’s censorship-industrial complex.

We Will Do That Right Away : RFK Jr. Promises Better Vaccine Injury Tracking, as White House Launches MAHA Commission (Make America Healthy Again)



Kentucky, Montana, Idaho Among States Looking to Ban mRNA Vaccines (More likely to follow)



Study Finds 37 Safety Signals for COVID Vaccines During Pregnancy ; the captured CDC without science basis still Urges Women to Get the Shots. (RFK and some states likely to make a different decision)





More Pfizer Fraud Related to mNRA Safety Data.


More Pfizer Fraud related to mNRA Technology Safety Evidence



  ICAN’s legal team submitted numerous FOIA requests asking CDC for the evidence it relied upon to make the statements claiming safety of the mNRA Technology and the Vaccines without evidence. Disturbingly, CDC failed to provide any evidence whatsoever.”


CDC Study: Pfizer Vaccine Linked to Higher COVID Risk in Children Under Five Without Prior Infection


Nearly Three-Quarters of Immunologist Peer Reviewers Receive Payments From Industry


A Critique of the Covid Vaccine Trials: They were designed to only assess short term symptoms and there was no effort to assess the important public concerns of effectiveness at reducing transmission or reducing serious long term adverse effects.


Health Authorities consistently misreported the findings and disregarded the obvious problems in the trials while promoting the vaccines.

The trials were designed to measure short-term reduction in symptomatic infection, rather than answering the critical public health questions: Did they stop viral transmission?  Did the vaccines prevent hospitalization and death?   The trials never proved the vaccines were safe or effective.


COVID-19 Vaccine Marketing Campaign Not Supported By Scientific Evidence, House Report Reveals



Are Mainstream Media Science Reporters Generally Scientific Illiterate or Guilty of Collusion or Special Agenda. There is obviously some major problem.


The New York Times:  Yes, Some Vaccines Contain Aluminum. That's a Good Thing.

Reporter obviously didn’t bother to do any research or depended on some biased expert’s deliberate disinformation. Continuing disinformation on vaccines by NYT reporters indicates a major problem.)

ICAN:  CDC and NIH Unable to Provide a Single Study to Support the Safety of Injecting Aluminum Adjuvants Despite its Widespread Use in Childhood Vaccines

Science Direct:  The measurement and full statistical analysis including Bayesian methods of the aluminum content of infant vaccines

ICAN:  FDA Still Cannot Confirm Level of Aluminum Adjuvant In Vaccines Injected Into Babies ( ie . Doesn’t want to)

Aluminum has been documented to be neurotoxic and to commonly cause or be associated with a big array of neurological conditions, including ASD conditions and Alzheimer’s. This has been long documented by studies.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology:  MIT scientists use a new type of nanoparticle to make vaccines more powerful
 (and more dangerous, inflammation known by all scientists to cause health problems)

The Washington Post:  RFK Jr's confirmation hearings were even worse than expected (it would appear reporters were either not knowledgeable enough to assess whose science was accurate or not interested in whose science is documented by studies; The Science validity is what should have been addressed)

NBC New York:  Vaccine stocks fall as Senate panel advances RFK Jr.'s nomination for HHS secretary

Value The Markets:  RFK Artificial Dye Risks: Impact on Food Giants




People Who Got Boosters More Likely to Get COVID Than Unvaccinated

People vaccinated with the COVID-19 boosters in 2023-2024 were more likely to get COVID-19 than their unvaccinated counterparts, according to a study published last week in the Annals of Internal Medicine.


Cleveland Clinic Bombshell 48.2K Healthcare Employee Study: The More Doses with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine, the Higher the Infection Risk (Harms Immune System) Aug 2024


SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Fails to Induce Robust T Cell Memory in Diabetes Patients (Ineffective)

Also induces Th2 Immune shift reducing immune effectiveness against viruses.


New Concerning mRNA Vaccine Safety Studies


Vaccines ineffective for Nursing Home Residents in Belgium Study

Troubling Data Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines & Nursing Homes in Belgium

Effective Prevention or Treatment more effective than Vaccines at preventing adverse health events.

See CVTreat and HW407 .



Effective Treatments for Covid ( CVTreat ) are also beneficial for Vaccine Effects


Effective Treatments for Vaccine Effects


Vitamin D Replacement Therapy Helps COVID Vax Injured with ME/CFS and other effects.

Reasonable Informed Consent and Health Authority Warnings that Vitamin D status is important for this and other conditions could also have prevented a lot of the ME/CFS symptoms.





Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the USAID fiasco.


The Trump administration’s new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has launched a mass audit of frivolous federal spending and USAID has been exposed as a kingpin. U.S. tax dollars can be traced to Bill Gate’s organization GAVI, gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab through USAID, and even link to recent biased media coverage of the RFK Jr. hearings.


(Actually, this is not new, people following such were aware of all of this. But much of this is not part of the USAID main function and purpose, so this is some powerful people’s personal agenda. Those responsible for the unconstitutional agenda should be determined and dealt with appropriately)


Democracy Now:  Is USAID the New CIA? Agency Secretly Built Cuban Twitter Program to Fuel Anti-Castro Protests .

AP News:  Trump suspends US foreign assistance for 90 days pending reviews .

Not a reasonable response- main function is humanitarian aid to people with serious problems and much harm will be done in 90 days.

The Hill:  Conservatives are correct: America's foreign aid system is broken (The problem seems to be powerful individuals with a questionable special agenda)

Fox News:  Rubio says 'no choice' but to bring USAID 'under control' after agency takeover:

USA Spending:  USAID WHO Grants

Fortune:  Bill Gates says the odds of another pandemic in the next 4 years are 10%-15%, and we're not prepared  

The Intercept:  Documents Link Potential Covid Patient Zero to U.S.-Funded Research in Wuhan

The Wrap:  DOGE Cancels Politico's Government Funding After S8 Million in Subscription Contracts Revealed

USAID:  Disinformation Primer







Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the unprecedented attack on Farmers globally.


There is a war by Big Ag and Big Pharma on small farmers and organic farmers and natural food advocates that is causing great public harm , but much of the discussion here is extraneous peripheral information not very not very focused on the real debate about the Big Special Interests war on natural health providers and advocates, or on the Science and validity of Climate Change or Efforts to Deal with it.

The Telegraph:  Tenth of farmland to be axed for net zero

(leaves out the issue of the huge lobbying by Big Ag and their real purpose)

University of Chicago:  An Essay on the Principle of Population

BBC:  Viewpoint: How British let one million Indians die in famine

Amazon:  Brave New World Book

UNESCO Digital Library:  UNESCO its purpose and its philosophy

Sage Journals:  Environmental Malthusianism and demography

Cell:  Emerging Pandemic Diseases: How We Got to COVID-19

The Hill:  Coming soon: Climate lockdowns?

Daily Express:  David Attenborough says 'world would do better if humans weren't here'

Brownstone Institute:  Social Distancing Was Supposed to Be Forever

The Daily Sceptic:  UN Author Says "Cull" of Humanity is Only "Realistic Way" to Avert Climate Catastrophe



Dr. Neu Breaks Down the Mawson Study, the MAHA Movement, and the coming MAPS conference for medical Professionals. 



Emergency & Integrative Medical Physician, James Neuenschwander, MD, joins Del to discuss the invalid vaccine claims made by legislators in the RFK Jr. hearings and explains why the science is not settled when it comes to vaccines and autism. Hear how his organization, Medical Academy of Pediatrics and Special Needs (MAPS), is bringing together practitioners to treat childhood illness in a more functional way and get the details on their upcoming conference.


Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6-to 12-year-old U.S. children

NDD, a derived diagnostic measure, was defined as having one or more of the following three closely-related diagnoses: a learning disability, Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder .


Vaccinated homeschool children were found to have a higher rate of allergies and NDD than unvaccinated homeschool children .


The interaction of preterm birth infant and vaccination was associated with a 6.6-fold increased odds of NDD .


There are many similar studies with similar results in the Vaccination Safety Study Reviews; HW299


American Academy of Pediatrics:  Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children With Autism and School-Matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta

The  HighWire :  Watch 'Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe'

Medical Academy of Pediatrics & Special Needs Website

CDC:  Childhood Vaccine Schedule

Science Direct:  The neuropathology of autism: A systematic review of post-mortem studies of autism and related disorders

CDC:  Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD)

Academic Pediatrics:  Association Between Aluminum Exposure From Vaccines Before Age 24 Months and Persistent Asthma at Age 24 to 59 Months

American Academy of Pediatrics:  Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children With Autism and School-Matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta

Science, Public Health Policy and The Law:  Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid

Open Access Text:  Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children

MAPS:  Spring 2025 Event

Give Butter:  Support MAPS in Ending the Child Health Epidemic!


Guest: Dr. James Neuenschwander

FEB 6, 2025