(SENATE CONFIRMATION BIAS; The Huge Autism and Child Chronic Disease Problem Created by the U.S. Health System; A Global Movement for Wellness and Freedom ( GreenMedInfo ); The Fight for Justice and Transparency in Medicine and Public Health; First We Went through the Covid Plandemic and Now We Have the RFK Plandemic : Organized by Special Interests in League with Global Elites; The Influence of Global Banking Systems on the Public)






LIVE from Washington D.C., Del covers two days of the confirmation hearings of Robert Kennedy Jr. for the position of Secretary of Health and Human Services.


Del has a message for Senator Bill Cassidy, who headed the second of two fiery hearings of RFK Jr. for head of HHS.



Del reminds everyone to write to their Congress persons and Media to correct the widespread disinformation of special interests in. the Hearings. This is our best opportunity to Educate the Public on these issues.

(See HW299SUM & HW299 )

RFK Jr. Senate Hearing Day 1: Summary by TrialSite News .

Predictably, STAT Comes Out with Last Minute Hit Piece Against RFK Jr. on Eve of Confirmation Hearings . (See HW299 )

Mainstream Media Pounces on RFK U-Turn on Vaccines. But the claim is Repeated B ogus Pharmaceutical Propaganda not Fact .

4 Things the New York Times Bogus RFK Hit Piece Got Wrong About Aluminum in Vaccines and the Documentation Vaccines Cause Autism

A recent New York Times article claimed that aluminum in vaccines is “a good thing.” Aluminum toxicity experts told The Defender the chemical was never sufficiently safety tested by the industry, is toxic and continues to be used in vaccines because it’s more profitable than safer alternatives.

See also Aluminum in HW299 .



Pfizer to Pay Nearly $60 Million in Fines in Doctor Kickback Scheme. This is a Common Practice


The Press and the RFK, Jr. Nomination. How Is It the Three Major Newspapers in the United States All Came Out Against Kennedy?


Global Coalition Calls for Accountability and Support for COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

The   Covid Vaccine Injury Alliance   (CVIA), a global coalition of organizations representing individuals harmed or bereaved by COVID-19 vaccines, has issued a public statement demanding increased accountability and support from governments and public health agencies. The CVIA highlights failures in assessing vaccine safety, lack of scientific studies on vaccine injuries, inadequate compensation and medical care, and censorship of those affected. The statement underscores systemic regulatory gaps, including underreporting of adverse effects and insufficient investigations into serious vaccine reactions.



 Claims That Childhood Vaccines Saved Millions of Live Not Proven, Based on Flawed Models and Incomplete Information

In a paper published today, all-cause mortality expert Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., said claims by public health agencies and top medical journals that childhood vaccination prevents millions of deaths annually are based on “tentative and untethered models of epidemiological forecasting” that produce “unlikely results.”

(See HW299 )



Kennedy Calls for Radical Transparency at Government Health Agencies, as Sanders Demands CHD Stop Selling Baby Onesies

(Really Ridiculous focus by Sanders who is one of best on controlling Pharmaceutical Cost, RFK has been proven accurate and Sanders mostly wrong on issues dealt with in their discussion)


RFK Jr. to Combat American Health Crisis with Data, Radical Transparency


RFK Jr. Pushes Back on Chronic Disease, Autism and Agency Corruption

During his second day of confirmation hearings for HHS secretary, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said the U.S. “will sink beneath a sea of desperation and debt if we don’t change course and ask the fundamental question, ‘Why are healthcare costs so high in the first place?’ The obvious answer to that question is chronic disease.”


The Real RFK Jr.: Trials of a Truth Warrior  Kindle Edition   by    Dick Russell   (Author)  



Open Letter Supporting RFK Jr. Signed by 5,215 Healthcare Providers, Scientists, and Academics



RFK Jr. Senate Hearing Day 2, Special Interests Swarming with Disinformation Everywhere’ Confirmation Tenuous


Time for Supporters to Do Some Educating





The Huge Autism and Child Chronic Disease Problem Created by the U.S. Health System


54% of US Youth are Chronically Ill* The huge increase in chronic problems is a crisis that needs attention. The increase in chronic conditions correlates with the increase in the childhood vaccination schedule. ( See Also HW377 )


CBS News:  U.S. has highest first-day infant mortality out of industrialized world, group reports

The Infant mortality rate has increased since the Covid vaccine rollout.

The High infant death rates documented to be caused by vaccines and high vaccination rate. (See HW299 and HW347 )

Autism, Made in the USA

Since the early 1990s, there have been staggering increases in several chronic conditions: ADHD rates have risen by 890 percent, autism diagnoses by 2,094 percent, bipolar disease in youth by 10,833 percent, and celiac disease by 1,011 percent. What change in our System has caused the huge increase in chronic health problems.

The answer appears to be huge increases in toxic exposures, processed food use , and vaccines .



Jaw-dropping Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism

The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.


Major 12.2m Patient Real World Study: Autism Rates Surge by 305% in Children Between 2011 and 2022!

But the surges were especially pronounced among the age 26-to-34-year-old cohort, with a surge of 450% increase in ASD between 2011, to 2022. TrialSite contributor Peter McCullough in his Substack made the  observation  that this high surge is linked to an intensified childhood vaccination schedule. (See HW299 )


  Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6-to 12-year-old U.S. children

NDD, a derived diagnostic measure, was defined as having one or more of the following three closely-related diagnoses: a learning disability, Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder .


Vaccinated homeschool children were found to have a higher rate of allergies and NDD than unvaccinated homeschool children .

The interaction of preterm birth infant and vaccination was associated with a 6.6-fold increased odds of NDD .




Review: The Root Cause in the dramatic rise of Chronic Disease ; R. Lear, 2016

At least 36 chronic conditions have more than doubled since 1990. See Table.

Elevated levels of peroxynitrite have been associated with more than 60 chronic diseases, yet can be controlled through moderate changes in lifestyle, testing toxicities, reducing exposures to a few environmental toxins, improving diet plus introducing non-prescription supplementatio n.

The other main factor in the increase is EMF proliferation and exposure.

The following biofactors are common constituents of the chronic disease state we call P-Factor : oxidative stress, nitrative stress, chronic inflammatory state, mitochondrial disfunction, autonomic disfunction, epithelial disfunction, endothelial disfunction.

Toxic inflammatory factors that can cause these are toxic metals, pesticides, plus EMF.


A Question for the New MAHA Commission: What’s Behind Sharp Rise in Autism Among Blacks, Hispanics?


In little more than 20 years, autism has shifted from a condition diagnosed mainly among higher-income whites to one that increasingly burdens lower-income and minority familie s. Understanding that trend can help advance our understanding of the root causes of the neuroinflammation that leads to autism.




The Alarming Rise of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Among US Youth Jan 2025 (Antibiotics and Vaccines proven Factors)

IBD prevalence is dramatically rising, with 100,429 U.S. youth under 20 affected, showing significant increases in both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis diagnoses .

Antibiotic overuse significantly increases IBD risk, with individuals receiving five or more antibiotic prescriptions experiencing a 236% higher likelihood of developing the condition .

Mitochondrial dysfunction and compromised cellular energy production play key roles in triggering gut inflammation, creating a hostile environment for beneficial bacteria .

Strategic approaches to gut health include eliminating mitochondrial toxins, supporting beneficial bacteria through targeted supplementation and maintaining optimal vitamin D levels .

IBS including Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease documented to be caused by inflammatory Vaccines like MMR, Polio, etc. by Medical Studies reviewed on page 148 of Miller Book(II) and p 62-67 of RFK book(I)



The Hidden Health Crisis Among Adults with ADHD (Documented to be Caused by Toxic Exposures and Vaccines )


According to UK mortality data from 2000 to 2019, men with ADHD live about 6.78 years less, and women about 8.64 years less.

This life expectancy gap is mainly due to preventable issues like unmet health needs and risky behaviors. (they also had toxic exposure that must be detoxed)

Although ADHD is often considered a childhood issue, it continues into adulthood for about 90% of those diagnosed when young. This condition brings numerous challenges, including worse mental and physical health, which can lead to substance abuse and heart problems.

The study found that adults with ADHD are also more prone to anxiety, depression, and self-harm, and they have higher overall mortality rates.


RFK Jr. & Imminent Confirmation: POLITICO’s Subtle Piece Raises Concern, But Are They Objective?

RFK has a long record of concern about Environmental and Health problems and Advocacy for safe environment and healthy children and against dangers to clean environment and harm to children health. He is a lawyer by profession in addition to founding a Safe Water organization and Children's Health organization, winning the Time Man of the Year Award fir effective Advocacy. He has represented Environmental and Health Safety suits when there was evidence that the environment or children's health was being threatened. I'm a Scientist and Researcher and have followed RFKs organizations and his suits. I am not aware of any that did not involve clear evidence and documentation that there was harm to child health or the environment. I've never worked directly with RFK but the 2 organizations I'm long time President of follows similar iissues and I could have provided documentation of harm for the issues he has accepted to represent suits for. He is a longtime advocate for transparency and the fight against fraud and corruption- usually against powerful special interests. this and not poor record or background is the reason he is being attacked. There is no question that he is broadly knowledgeable about health and health issues. His long history of top-rated New York Times Books on Health, Vaccines, and the Environment have been highly rated by readers for their Science accuracy and transparency. It should be clear that most criticism of RFK has no credible scientific or transparency basis. I''m trained in scientific methodology and have read most of his books which are excellent and also followed many of suits which were legitamitly beneficial and positive for health and environment.


Trump Taps Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Co-author of Great Barrington Declaration , to Lead NIH

The NIH, the nation�s medical research agency, oversees 27 separate institutes and controls a budget of nearly $48 billion. It is a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


The New NIH Director, Dr Jay Bhattacharya, has a Lot of Work to Do Regarding NIH Involvement in COVID Vaccine and Ivermectin Clinical Trial Fraud.

First the  fraudulent NIH-sponsored ACTIV-6 400 trial and NIH's collusion, at least among top officials, with what my data has demonstrated to be in the deceptive TOGETHER, COVIID-OUT and PRINCIPLE trials which helped solidify the false narrative that ivermectin was ineffective for mild to moderate COVID. Then the Fraudulent Pharmaceutical Vaccine Clinical Trials.


Trump tapped  Dr. Marty Makary  to head the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Dr. Dave Weldon to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and physician  Dr. Janette Nesheiwat  for surgeon general. Pharmaceuticals worried and working against these.

Good appointments, highly qualified.


Collusion in Medical System: Nearly Three-Quarters of Immunologist Peer Reviewers Receive Payments From Industry


CDC Study: Pfizer Vaccine Linked to Higher COVID Risk in Children Under Five Without Prior Infection


COVID-19 Vaccine Marketing Campaign Not Supported By Scientific Evidence, House Report Reveals



A Global Movement for Wellness and Freedom ( GreenMedInfo )

When we released our  Stand for Health Freedom  petition letter and email campaign, we were overwhelmed by the response:

People from over  100 countries  asked to sign it. And over 105,000 emails were sent to Senators by constituents asking them to confirm RFK Jr.!

The  World Council for Health , representing  40+ nations and 250+ organizations , formally  endorsed RFK Jr.'s confirmation .

Across the world, millions are uniting around a single demand:  Never again will we allow governments or unelected entities to control our bodies.

For  four long years , we have endured:

Censorship --being labeled "domestic threats" simply for questioning vaccine safety.

Gaslighting --told we were conspiracy theorists while the truth slowly came to light.

Forced medical experiments --coerced   vaccinations   at the cost of employment, education, and even travel.

Take Action Now!
The time to speak up is NOW. Contact your Senators and urge them to vote  YES  for Kennedy. This is about ensuring every American has access to safe, toxin-free food and whose fundamental health sovereignty and medical rights are never violated again.

Find your Senators here:

Email your Senators in only seconds here:




Jefferey Jaxen joins Del in studio for analysis and reports on the influence of global banking systems on public behavior.


Brownstone Institute Founder Jeffrey Tucker has been a key figure in the fight for justice and transparency in medicine and public health.


Collusion in Medical System: Nearly Three-Quarters of Immunologist Peer Reviewers Receive Payments From Industry



Guests: Jefferey Jaxen, Jeffrey Tucker


This episode of The HighWire was sponsored by ICAN Legislate.

Jan 30 2025