HW404: (New mNRA Problems; Increasing Calls for Withdrawal of Covid Vaccines and EUA Declaration by Doctors and Scientists; LONG TERM CONTINUOUS PHARMACEUTICAL FRAUD in CLINICAL TRIALS and ADVERTISING CONTINUING; Federal Health Agencies Colluding with Pharmaceuticals to Promote Vaccines and Censor Effective Covid Prevention Methods ; Pharmaceuticals and Big-Ag pushing Governments/Politicians to Restrict Natural Products, Organic Farmers , Naturopaths, and providers of non-Pharmaceutical Services and Remedies ; PHARMACEUTICAL REFORM PLAN and the Battle to Pass the Louisiana TV Drug Ad Ban ; EXCESS WORLDWIDE EXCESS DEATHS DUE TO VACCINES 2021-2024; SIRI TESTIFIES, NEW HAMPSHIRE: THE TRANSMISSION PARADOX ; Government Health Agency Disinformation and Censorship of Accurate Information on Vaccine Injury has resulted in a Crisis of Trust)



Breakthrough Study Highlights Nanocarrier Tracking at Cellular Scale, Raises Concern for mRNA Vaccines

SCP-Nano identified potential off-target effects of intramuscularly injected LNPs carrying SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA, showing their accumulation in heart endothelial cells. Proteomic analysis indicated immune activation and vascular protein changes, aligning with clinical observations of myocarditis post-vaccination.

Lipid Nanoparticles in COVID Vaccines Travel to Vital Organs, Including Heart

A new study of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in mice found that lipid nanoparticles containing the spike protein dispersed to major vital organs, including the heart. Scientists say this type of research should have been done before the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out to the global population.



Another New Problem with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines: T Cell Apoptosis Impairs Immune Response

The study revealed that circulating RBD peaked around Day 14 post-vaccination, coinciding with a rise in AngII levels, which peaked at Day 28. Elevated AngII stimulated monocytes to release ROS, causing DNA damage in neighboring peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and inducing apoptosis in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. This T cell death correlated with a reduced proliferative response to the S-protein in vitro, highlighting an impaired adaptive immune response


The Unique Features and Collateral Immune Effects of mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines: Turbo Cancer Possibility?


The data points to concerning signals, including a 26-fold increase in reported adverse events compared to flu vaccines, and a notable rise in severe outcomes such as myocarditis, thrombosis, and neuroinflammation. Szebeni also highlights the potential for long-term risks, including "turbo cancer" theories and persistent SP presence in tissues .

Key findings include potential SP toxicity, immune hyperactivation, and autoimmune risks arising from processes like proteasomal antigen presentation, exosomal dissemination, and possible genomic integration of vaccine mRNA.


UK MHRA COVID-19 Vax Safety Study: 13.7% of Sample of 1500 Experience Events Deemed ‘Medically Serious’

A total of 19 reports of spontaneous abortion were tabulated.   A tragic case of fetal death was reported alongside a spontaneous abortion,



Alberta COVID-19 Pandemic Data Review Task Force: Halt COVID-19 Vaccine Use without Informed Consent/Disclosure



Biden and Trump Administrations Commit Combined Billions to mRNA Vaccine Technologies: Following Science or Collusion?

(Committing multibillions to unproven and questionable technology has a huge risk; the decision can’t be based on science since there is no scientific evidence supporting the future technology)

A Monumental AI Investment: Promise and Pitfalls of the Stargate Initiative: the Prospects of Vast Economic Waste and Harm to Large Populations


Trump's AI-fueled 'Stargate' cancer vaccine push sparks a MAHA backlash , as concerns over mRNA expansion collide with Make America Heathy Again health freedom advocacy.


Increasing Calls for Withdrawal of Covid Vaccines and EUA Declaration by Doctors and Scientists


Scientist/Doctors/Medical Organizations/Health Officials/Studies Find More Problems with mNRA Vaccines and Call for Moratorium


Australian News Highlights Growing Doctors’ Chorus to Withdraw COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines


FDA’s Own Study Finds DNA Contamination in Pfizer Vaccines

The peer-reviewed study, published Dec. 29, 2024, in the Journal of High School Science, was authored by three high school students and performed at an FDA lab under the supervision of FDA scientists. The findings prompted renewed calls for a moratorium on COVID-19 vaccines.

The research, performed at the FDA’s White Oak Campus in Maryland, found that levels of residual DNA in the Pfizer  COVID-19  vaccine were 6 to 470 times higher than  regulatory safety limits . The students tested two lots of the vaccine, finding they contained “residual DNA to a level that exceeds 10 ng [nanograms] per dose.”

“The potential health risk posed by residual small DNA fragments is currently unknown,” the study stated. However, the authors also said that DNA contamination may result in  insertional mutagenesis or DNA mutations that can cause cancer.


DNA Contamination Study Conducted at FDA Lab by Students Supervised by FDA Scientists Doesn’t Belong to FDA even though 3 FDA Scientist Supervised the Study, Agency Says ?

The FDA also refused to address the involvement of three of its own scientists, Shuliang Liu, Ph.D., Tony Wang, M.D., and Prabhuanand Selvaraj, Ph.D., who supervised the students conducting the study . (Why not address the technical issue raised by this study and many more similar?)



Supported by Overwhelming Documentation of Worldwide Excess Deaths due to the Vaccines


Vaccines Caused 17 Million Deaths During Pandemic, Plus 4 More Takeaways From Largest Excess Mortality Study to Date

(521 pages: 93 countries with data or supporting studies referenced)

1. Consistently, they found, that the more vaccine doses given, the greater the number of excess deaths. 

2.  Pandemic interventions led to about 30.9 million deaths globally and vaccines didn’t prevent any deaths. (data from 93 countries)

3. Many deaths were linked to respiratory viruses that could have been treated, but treatment was withheld as proscribed by authorities who were responsible for the deaths.

4.      There was essentially no excess mortality before the WHO declared a pandemic.



Comparing the Lack of Accountability Involving Vaccine Injuries: Global Review

The authors argue that these systems unfairly shield vaccine manufacturers, who have profited immensely, while injured individuals struggle for justice. They call for reforms to balance public health priorities with individual rights.


E very Story Matters : UK COVID Inquiry Collects 34,000 Stories From Vaccine-Injured

The U.K. government collected over 34,000 stories about people’s experiences, opinions on COVID-19 vaccines — including from people injured by the shots — as part of its Covid-19 Inquiry. YouTube Commenter John Campbell, Ph.D., shared some of the stories and criticized the government for claiming COVID-19 vaccine injuries are rare.



FBI Had Evidence That COVID Leaked from a Lab; But Wasn’t Allowed to Present It


Long Term Continuous Pharmaceutical Fraud in Clinical Trials and Advertisements Continuing




The Pfizer Covid Vaccine Clinical Trials were Fraudulent and did not prove Safety or Effectiveness

(Likewise for most Vaccine Clinical Trials)


More Fraud in Vaccine Clinical Trials. Will Moderna and Pfizer be Punished?

Moderna Covered Up Death, Injuries in COVID Vaccine Trials. Will Trump Hold the Company Accountable?

Pharmaceutical companies have remained largely immune for their role in perpetrating global-scale deception resulting in thousands of vaccine injuries and billions in profits. The next administration must hold the vaccine maker accountable.

4 Things the New York Times Bogus RFK Hit Piece Got Wrong About Aluminum in Vaccines and the Documentation Vaccines Cause Autism

A recent New York Times article claimed that aluminum in vaccines is “a good thing.” Aluminum toxicity experts told The Defender the chemical was never sufficiently safety tested by the industry, is toxic and continues to be used in vaccines because it’s more profitable than safer alternatives.

See also Aluminum in HW299 .

Jaw-dropping Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism

The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.


Absence of Long-Term Vaccine Safety Testing or Preclinical Animal Studies

The contents of Section 13.1 for the Package Inserts of all the vaccines approved for the US were shown, essentially stating that they were not evaluated for Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, or (male or female, or both) Fertility.  This result could have been predicted based on the absence of a directive to perform such crucial tests. 

For the Covid-19 vaccines specifically (a radically new technology), insufficient time has passed for long-term clinical testing or even long-term post-marketing studies of these Covid-19 vaccines to be done.  That means there are essentially no long-term safety studies available for these vaccines.    Studies   on the short-term and early mid-term adverse effects of these Covid-19 vaccines have shown they are   extremely unsafe   and   dangerous , which does not bode well for what to expect in the long-term. 


No vaccine has passed a standard clinical trial to prove safety and effectivity, that other drugs are required to do .

No vaccine has eradicated any viral disease and there is no clear proof that many or any vaccine has been the primary factor in reducing disease incidence. See history and documentation for each disease claim.


Breaking: Emails Obtained by CHD Reveal Government’s Failure to Monitor COVID Vaccine Injury Reports

The FDA posted the emails one day after the agency objected to a motion filed by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) in federal court pertaining to CHD’s 2023 Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking information on the agency’s monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine injuries in VAERS.



The New NIH Director, Dr Jay Bhattacharya, has a Lot of Work to Do Regarding NIH Involvement in COVID Vaccine and Ivermectin Clinical Trial Fraud.

First the   fraudulent NIH-sponsored ACTIV-6 400 trial and NIH's collusion, at least among top officials, with what my data has demonstrated to be in the deceptive TOGETHER, COVIID-OUT and PRINCIPLE trials which helped solidify the false narrative that ivermectin was ineffective for mild to moderate COVID. Then the Fraudulent Pharmaceutical Vaccine Clinical Trials.

Breaking: Emails Obtained by CHD Reveal Government’s Failure to Monitor COVID Vaccine Injury Reports

The FDA posted the emails one day after the agency objected to a motion filed by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) in federal court pertaining to CHD’s 2023 Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking information on the agency’s monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine injuries in VAERS.



longterm PHARMACEUTICAL FRAUD & unprecedented u.s. Gov’t agency/powerful special interests Censorship OF media and internet


  Health authorities eliminated prophylactic vaccination as an official cause of death, even though vaccines are known to be a common cause of death. So medical examiners are compelled to misclassify and conceal vaccine-related fatalities under alternate cause-of-death classifications. Reporting of vaccine related injuries or deaths are strongly discouraged by Health Authorities according to nurse whistleblowers . Nurses who report vaccine injuries are commonly punished by Authorities. Thus, vaccine related deaths and injuries are hugely underreported



Federal Health Agencies Colluding with Pharmaceuticals to Promote Vaccines and Censor Effective Covid Prevention Methods

U.S. Government Cartel with Pharmaceuticals Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots






Exposing CCDH's Election Interference: The Smoking Gun Revealed (Facilitator of Government Agency Involvement in Censorship_

The 2024 Medical Ethics Declaration of Helsinki Revision & JAMA’s Failure to Address COVID-19 Elephant in the Room

The Agreement and JAMA Editorial failed to address the mass avoidance of informed consent and transparency by Pharmaceuticals and Government Agencies during the COVID-19 vaccine rollout under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).


COVID-19 Vaccine Only 5% Effective at 2.5 Months: Major UK Health Security Agency Study

This and other similar studies are not consistent with Ads.

STAT Reflects on the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Missed Opportunity for Full Accountability, Including for the Life Science Industry News Outlet

All sorts of games were played by both the Trump administration initially (for example, suppressing the severity of the pathogen from the people at first as   discussed in the Woodward interview ), to the Biden administration's tactics at suppressing dissenting information about the COVID-19 vaccines, an improper mandate and support of widespread censorship via social media.  



Government Health Agency Disinformation and Censorship of Accurate Information on Vaccine Injury has resulted in a Crisis of Trust

Rampant Conflicts of Interest at Heath Agencies During COVID-19 Pandemic made worse by Captured Media: Time to Clean House at Health-Related Agencies

Health in the Age of Health Authority Disinformation: A Complex Battle for Truth and The Lancet’s POV

Because of the deliberate disinformation of pharmaceuticals and captured health authorities plus censorship of accurate science information during the pandemic, disinformation now undermines public trust in areas ranging from cancer treatments to mental health, promoting unregulated alternatives and fueling skepticism about science. This i s a serious problem and will take time and effort to deal with.


Over 27,000 Doctors Were Reporting and Discussing COVID Vaccine Injuries in Private Facebook Group Early in Pandemic Since the Censorship Cabal would not allow them to be discussed online.


America First Legal’s Lawsuit Against CISA Further Exposes Deep State Reliance on the Censorship Industrial Complex

Unelected bureaucrats at CISA weaponized the homeland security apparatus, including FEMA, to monitor COVID-19 speech dissenting from "captured expert" medical guidance, including President Trump's comments about taking Hydroxychloroquine in 2020. Many of these "assumed false" narratives later turned out to be true, calling into question the government's ability to identify "misinformation," regardless of its authority to do so.

To determine what was "foreign disinformation," CISA relied on the Censorship Industrial Complex's usual suspects (Atlantic Council DFR Lab, Media Matters, Stanford Internet Observatory): even those discredited for erroneously attributing domestic content to foreign sources and censoring accurate information about vaccine injuries (Alliance for Securing Democracy). CISA even relied on foreign government authorities (EU vs. Disinfo ) and foreign government-linked groups (CCDH, GDI) that advocated for the demonetization and de-platforming of individual Americans to monitor and target constitutionally protected accurate speech by American citizens.


Vaccine Injured & Bereaved Sue the Feds, Stanford University for Unconstitutional Censorship

NCLA has filed a lawsuit, Dressen, et al. v. Flaherty, against the federal government and Stanford University, alleging unconstitutional censorship of individuals discussing COVID-19 vaccines on social media.


Emails Reveal Israeli Government's Links to Center for Censoring Antivax Science or Vaccine Harm or anti- israel Information (Similar findings previously disclosed for U.S. and UK Governments)


AstraZeneca Executives, Sales Reps Sentenced to Prison For Medicare Fraud Scheme (Dec 2024)


Pharmaceuticals and Big-Ag pushing Governments/ Politicians to Restrict Natural Products, Organic Farmers, Naturopaths, and providers of non-Pharmaceutical Services and Remedies )


UK Online Censorship Laws Set to Impose Substantial Fines on Online Platforms for Non-Compliance

(Requires Censorship of Information that Contradicts Government Claims even if Accurate, all Media Information Government Controlled as in Russia or Chi na)

Trump Executive Order on Restoring Freedom of Speech and Ending Federal Censorship



Pharmaceutical Reform and the Battle to Pass the Louisiana TV Drug Ad Ban

CNN Reveals Promising Poll: American Trust in Vaccines Is Plummeting



FDA’s war on public health is about to end. This includes its aggressive suppression of psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals and anything else that advances human health and can’t be patented by Pharma. If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, I have two messages for you: 1. Preserve your records, and 2. Pack your bags.

CHD 10 Point Plan for Reforming Pharma

Pharma Spends Billions on Drug Ads, Fears Trump Administration Will Try to Ban Them

Drugmakers said a ban would “almost certainly” lead to a drop in drug sales, according to a recent report by industry research firm Intron Health, which claims the return on investment for drug ads is as high as 100%-500%, depending on the drug.


New York Times reported : Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Wants to Ban Drug Ads on TV. It Wouldn’t Be Easy.


Bloomberg Law reported : RFK Jr. Pick Raises Hopes for Vaccine Injury Program Overhaul


Louisiana Forbids Public Health Workers From Promoting COVID, Flu and Mpox Shots


Fierce Pharma reported : 2025 Forecast: The Government Crackdown on Pharmas ’ Direct-to-Consumer Outreach Marches On


Arkansas Looks to Hold Pharma Execs Criminally Liable for Vaccine Injuries






Evidence supporting V accination caused Excess Deaths persists into 2023 and 2024


Rising Early Adult Mortality in the US: Death Rates Remain Higher Than Expected Post-pandemic

For early adults, there was a large jump in the death rate between 2019 and 2021, which are considered the core pandemic years. In 2023, the death rate remained nearly 20% higher than in 2019.


Excess deaths worldwide linked to vaccines





In the final installment of Siri Testifies: New Hampshire, ICAN’s lead attorney, Aaron Siri, presents a powerful testimony before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy. He tackles the critical question: do all vaccines stop transmission? With exclusive data and insights, this must-watch show challenges long-held assumptions and reshapes the public health conversation.




Guest: Aaron Siri

Dec 26, 2024


The latest episode of  Freedom Files  is available now on  HighWire+ ! In this episode, founder of  United Independents,  CHRISTOPHER LIFE, discusses the rise of independent voters in American politics, now comprising 51% of the electorate. He advocates for greater unity among independent parties to challenge the two-party system and make a larger impact on elections. Life also emphasizes the need for campaign finance reform to empower citizens and strengthen the voice of independents.

Freedom Files  is our latest exclusive series on HighWire +, following the success of ‘Off The Record,’ our first new series on HighWire +, we’re thrilled to bring you this powerful new offering. 


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