(Del Calls Out the Dogma on Media Misinformation in Support of Big Pharma; CONGRESSIONAL REPORT CONFIRMS RFK Jr WAS RIGHT ON COVID and the VACCINES; Was the Smallpox Vaccine a Failure? Some evidence suggests so.; RFK, Polio Vaccines, the Media and Me : Siri Corrects New York Times Misinformation; HHS extends the COVID public health emergency. Why?; The failure of Federal Agencies to transparently acknowledge or deal with the growing huge vaccine injury problem; The Huge Autism and Child Chronic Disease Problem Created by the U.S. Health System; Drone Panic Hits Fever Pitch)



Del Calls Out the Dogma on Media Misinformation in Support of Big Pharma.




The banality of evil and the COVID Twitter Files

The epicenter of the COVID atrocities has been social media. Social media has channeled public discourse, convincing the public that COVID-19 as a near existential threat with the need for unconventional draconian measures, the danger of conventional anti-viral measures, and the need for participation in the massive pharmaceutical experiment. Social media was instrumental in creating the illusion of consensus on all of the above.  Social media enabled the COVID atrocities. 

What is most striking about the Zweig Twitter Files narrative is the banality of COVID censorship decisions that were fundamentally totalitarian.   Tweet #17   states:

… Third, most importantly, the buck stopped with higher level employees at Twitter who chose the inputs for the bots and decision trees and subjectively decided escalated cases and suspensions. As it is with all people and institutions, there was individual and collective bias

What is less clear from that narrative is how Twitter came to believe that it had the authority to adjudicate the truth.  In that self-perception, Twitter's activity in COVID-19 is in a league with that of the most ruthless dictators of history. 


  Health authorities eliminated prophylactic vaccination as an official cause of death, even though vaccines are known to be a common cause of death. So medical examiners are compelled to misclassify and conceal vaccine-related fatalities under alternate cause-of-death classifications. Reporting of vaccine related injuries or deaths are strongly discouraged by Health Authorities according to nurse whistleblowers . Nurses who report vaccine injuries are commonly punished by Authorities. Thus, vaccine related deaths and injuries are hugely underreported


Facebook Dumps their Third-Party Fact-Checkers One Day After CHD Asks Supreme Court to Hear Censorship Case Against Meta


Dear Mark Zuckerberg: It Ain’t Over Yet.

Meta Ends Fact Checking: Anticipation of Incoming POTUS Trump?




and the Media wrong and Guilty of Misinformation.

Mainstream media pundits and Wikipedia have mud in their face after Congress’ Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released their final report, effectively validating everything legacy media claimed a conspiracy theory, as true.


Scandal! Feds Paid Out NY Times, Politico, Associated Press, Others during COVID-19: Have we had State Controlled Media During Pandemic with Propaganda rather than Science?

(Such has been documented. We’ve had censorship & disinformation by most mainstream media, reported in Congress Hearings especially censorship and slander of those pointing out the harm to vaccine injured like RFK and other natural health leaders)



The Surgeon General's Cover-Up of Vaccine Injuries and Smear Campaign against Truth Tellers like RFK who tried to expose the Cover-Up. Murthy was paid millions to make speeches about Covid issues. Collusion?


USAID Bankrolled Secretive Nonprofit Global News Network With Alleged Ties to Censorship . Organization engaged in   smear campaigns   and  censorship against dissident voices .




  Claims That Childhood Vaccines Saved Millions of Live Not Proven, Based on Flawed Models and Incomplete Information

In a paper published today, all-cause mortality expert Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., said claims by public health agencies and top medical journals that childhood vaccination pre vents millions of deaths annually are based on “tentative and untethered models of epidemiological forecasting” that produce “unlikely results.”

>299 403

Kennedy Calls for Radical Transparency at Government Health Agencies, as Sanders Demands CHD Stop Selling Baby Onesies

(Really Ridiculous focus by Sanders, RFK has been proven accurate and Sanders mostly wrong)


Pfizer to Pay Nearly $60 Million in Fines in Doctor Kickback Scheme. This is a Common Practice (see HW343)

The Real RFK Jr.: Trials of a Truth Warrior   Kindle Edition   by    Dick Russell   (Author)  

Open Letter Supporting RFK Jr. Signed by 5,215 Healthcare Providers, Scientists, and Academics


The New NIH Director, Dr Jay Bhattacharya, has a Lot of Work to Do Regarding NIH Involvement in COVID Vaccine and Ivermectin Clinical Trial Fraud.

First the   fraudulent NIH-sponsored ACTIV-6 400 trial and NIH's collusion, at least among top officials, with what my data has demonstrated to be in the deceptive TOGETHER, COVIID-OUT and PRINCIPLE trials which helped solidify the false narrative that ivermectin was ineffective for mild to moderate COVID. Then the Fraudulent Pharmaceutical Vaccine Clinical Trials.



UK Online Censorship Laws Set to Impose Substantial Fines on Online Platforms for Non-Compliance

(Requires Censorship of Information that Contradicts Government Claims even if Accurate, all Media Information Government Controlled as in Russia or Chi na)




STAT Reflects on the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Missed Opportunity for Full Accountability, Including for the Life Science Industry News Outlet

All sorts of games were played by both the Trump administration initially (for example, suppressing the severity of the pathogen from the people at first as   discussed in the Woodward interview ), to the Biden administration's tactics at suppressing dissenting information about the COVID-19 vaccines, an improper mandate and support of widespread censorship via social media.  

The 2024 Medical Ethics Declaration of Helsinki Revision & JAMA’s Failure to Address COVID-19 Elephant in the Room

The Agreement and JAMA Editorial failed to address the mass avoidance of informed consent and transparency by Pharmaceuticals and Government Agencies during the COVID-19 vaccine rollout under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).


Was the Smallpox Vaccine a Failure? Some evidence suggests so.


Evidence from 45 Years of Registration Statistics That Smallpox Vaccine was a Failure A R Wallace, LLD 1989 (1838-1832)


Mass vaccination using Smallpox Vaccine produced no decrease in mortality from Smallpox or reduce in severity of Smallpox in patients,

Increased Smallpox occurrences during last 12 years of period and alarming increase in several other conditions during the vaccination period.

During the mass vaccination period there has been for many years a steady increase of mortality from such blood diseases including cancer.


Mayo Clinic: Risk of Smallpox Vaccine Side Effects Too High to Justify Routine Vaccination.

No cure or treatment for smallpox exists. A vaccine can prevent smallpox, but the  risk of the vaccine's side effects is too high to justify routine vaccination  for people at low risk of exposure to the smallpox virus.


Serious Questions About Safety and Effectiveness of Smallpox Vaccine



Post-Vaccination Parsonage-Turner Syndrome: A Case Series


Case reports on COVID-19 vaccination-related neurological events are appearing more frequently in the literature. TrialSite   follows   these case studies on adverse effects on the central and peripheral nervous system attributed to COVID-19 vaccines. The   study summarized here describes six cases related to a neurological condition called “Parsonage-Turner syndrome (PTS)” that presented after COVID-19 vaccine shots. 

The condition is associated with various vaccines such as hepatitis B,   diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine, smallpox, and swine flu. 


WHO Pharmacovigilance DB Reveals Huge Surge in Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Vaccination, especially Smallpox and mNRA vaccines.

(Smallpox ROR: 73.7; Covid mNRA ROR: 37.8; Anthrax: 25.5; Typhoid: 6.7;Flu : 1.9)


Claims of Smallpox Eradication Wrong. Smallpox has been renamed.

Based on clinical diagnosis mpox is no different than smallpox. In fact, mpox was discovered in humans in 1970, coincidentally with the strict enforcement of mass smallpox vaccinations in Zaire (now called Democratic Republic of Congo). [ 23 24 ]

In the mid 19th century, when smallpox was strictly enforced in the West [ 39 ], a disease resembling smallpox called impetigo contagiosa was discovered (in 1864), and smallpox vaccination was actually identified as one of the causative factors of this disease. [ 1 ]


WHO Has Listed Smallpox, Monkeypox and Cow Pox as 'Potential' Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine . It is difficult to distinguish any of the several names of conditions similar to Smallpox.



Mayo Clinic: Risk of Smallpox Vaccine Side Effects Too High to Justify Routine Vaccination.

No cure or treatment for smallpox exists. A vaccine can prevent smallpox, but the  risk of the vaccine's side effects is too high to justify routine vaccination  for people at low risk of exposure to the smallpox virus.


Serious Questions About Safety and Effectiveness of Smallpox Vaccine


Vaccination of vulnerable groups against monkeypox virus (MPV) in a highly C-19 vaccinated population will drive adaptive evolution of MPV and ignite spread.



During Day 2 of His Hearings, RFK Jr. Emphasizes Toxins in Food

For more documentation see Toxics in Food and

Vaccines and Toxics major factors in Child Health Crisis with over 50% having chronic health problems.



The Huge Autism and Child Chronic Disease Problem Created by the U.S. Health System


The Alarming Rise of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Among US Youth Jan 2025 (Antibiotics and Vaccines proven Factors)

IBD prevalence is dramatically rising, with 100,429 U.S. youth under 20 affected, showing significant increases in both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis diagnoses .

Antibiotic overuse significantly increases IBD risk, with individuals receiving five or more antibiotic prescriptions experiencing a 236% higher likelihood of developing the condition .

Mitochondrial dysfunction and compromised cellular energy production play key roles in triggering gut inflammation, creating a hostile environment for beneficial bacteria .

Strategic approaches to gut health include eliminating mitochondrial toxins, supporting beneficial bacteria through targeted supplementation and maintaining optimal vitamin D levels .

IBS including Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease documented to be caused by inflammatory Vaccines like MMR, Polio, etc. by Medical Studies reviewed on page 148 of Miller Book(II) and p 62-67 of RFK book(I)


See Also HW377

The Other Side of India's Illusionary Polio Eradication Story

An in-depth analysis of India’s polio eradication campaign reveals facts that contradict this narrative and call the ethics of the entire vaccination campaign into question.  

1, Using a consistent definition, there’s no evidence polio was eradicated


2. Polio eradication was not about reducing incidence of acute flaccid paralysis


3. Violation of informed consent and coercion to vaccinat4. e

4. Several red flags about vaccine failure ignored? 5.

5. Indiscriminate repeated vaccination with no safety studies

6. An incalculable number of serious adverse events? Justice elusive for vaccine victims?

7. Is IPV the answer?


Global Polio Eradication Initiative reported : Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Confirms US$ 500 Million Commitment to Global Polio Eradication Effort

(Theoretically highly unlikely to eradicate a virus condition with mass vaccination, past history and science has shown you can’t eradicate Polio of any viral disease with mass vaccination )




The media is panicking over the notion of the revocation of the polio vaccine after last week’s recklessly misleading New York Times headline referring to ICAN’s star attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq. Del discusses how the Polio vaccines need to be more strictly monitored and why big pharma and the CDC can’t be trusted to properly monitor vaccine safety.  

The New York Times:  Kennedy's Lawyer Has Asked the F.D.A. to Revoke Approval of the Polio Vaccine

(full of misinformation, inaccurate, Kennedy is lawyer and doesn’t have a lawyer, NYT manipulative propaganda)

From 1980 through 1994 during the period the OPV vaccine was being used, the United States reported 127 cases of paralytic poliomyelitis . Out of these cases, wild polioviruses led to six importations; two were unidentified and 119 were cases associated with OPV use termed as vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP). Thus , the vast majority of paralytic polio cases were vaccine caused.


Scandal! Feds Paid Out NY Times, Politico, Associated Press, Others During COVID-19: Have we had State Controlled Media During Pandemic with Propaganda rather than Science?

(Such has been documented. We’ve had censorship & disinformation by most mainstream media, reported in Congress Hearings especially censorship and slander of those pointing out the harm to vaccine injured like RFK and other natural health leaders)


4 Things the New York Times Bogus RFK Hit Piece Got Wrong About Aluminum in Vaccines and the Documentation Vaccines Cause Autism

A recent New York Times article claimed that aluminum in vaccines is “a good thing.” Aluminum toxicity experts told The Defender the chemical was never sufficiently safety tested by the industry, is toxic and continues to be used in vaccines because it’s more profitable than safer alternatives.

See also Aluminum in HW299 .


Jaw-dropping Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism

The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.


Absence of Long-Term Vaccine Safety Testing or Preclinical Animal Studies

The contents of Section 13.1 for the Package Inserts of all the vaccines approved for the US were shown, essentially stating that they were not evaluated for Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, or (male or female, or both) Fertility.  This result could have been predicted based on the absence of a directive to perform such crucial tests. 

For the Covid-19 vaccines specifically (a radically new technology), insufficient time has passed for long-term clinical testing or even long-term post-marketing studies of these Covid-19 vaccines to be done.  That means there are essentially no long-term safety studies available for these vaccines.    Studies   on the short-term and early mid-term adverse effects of these Covid-19 vaccines have shown they are   extremely unsafe   and   dangerous , which does not bode well for what to expect in the long-term. 


Siri Glimstad :  Hep B Petition

Cambridge University Press:  The Nuremberg Code

AAP:  Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children With Autism and School-Matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta

The  HighWire :  Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe Film

No Proof MMR Vaccine Is Safer than Measles, Mumps or Rubella Infection, Physician Group Says

The risk of permanent disability or death from the MMR vaccine may be greater than the risk from a measles, mumps or rubella infection because large enough vaccine safety studies haven’t been done, according to a collection of new documents released by Physicians for Informed Consent.

Latest Measles Outbreaks Likely a Result of Failed Vaccines: Not Failure to Vaccinate

As measles outbreaks continue to surface, the mainstream media is pointing the blame at HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s anti-vaccine rhetoric . But measles outbreaks have repeatedly occurred in communities exceeding 95% vaccine coverage, proving the vaccine itself does not provide durable immunity. Most cases in Texas occurred after  a mass vaccination campaign was launched in response to the first 2 cases and it is known vaccinated individuals can transmit the virus for up to a month after vaccination. There have been no tests to determine whether the majority of cases are wild type or vaccine-associated cases . In the majority of such outbreaks most cases were to vaccinated children, not unvaccinated children. Unvaccinated Children are much more healthy than vaccinated children, The MMR vaccine is documented to cause a lot of significant adverse effects.


The Alarming Rise of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Among US Youth Jan 2025 (Antibiotics and Vaccines proven Factors)

IBD prevalence is dramatically rising, with 100,429 U.S. youth under 20 affected, showing significant increases in both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis diagnoses .

Antibiotic overuse significantly increases IBD risk, with individuals receiving five or more antibiotic prescriptions experiencing a 236% higher likelihood of developing the condition .

Mitochondrial dysfunction and compromised cellular energy production play key roles in triggering gut inflammation, creating a hostile environment for beneficial bacteria .

Strategic approaches to gut health include eliminating mitochondrial toxins, supporting beneficial bacteria through targeted supplementation and maintaining optimal vitamin D levels .

IBS including Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease documented to be caused by inflammatory Vaccines like MMR, Polio, etc. by Medical Studies reviewed on page 148 of Miller Book(II) and p 62-67 of RFK book(I)



See documentation and study reviews for each disease. Over 100 studies reviewed. No vaccine has passed a clinical trial proving it safe and effective.

Unvaccinated Children are Much Healthier than Vaccinated Children (Review of over a dozen Medical Studies, all studies agree)


FDA:  Gardasil Packet Insert

VAERS Website

OpenVAERS Red Box Summaries

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality:  Electronic Support for Public Health-Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( ESP:VAERS )



The vaccines Siri is petitioning against include combination products that cover tetanus, diphtheria, polio, and hepatitis A. Siri wants the vaccine makers to disclose details about aluminum, an ingredient that researchers associate with a small increase in asthma and increase in ASD and neurological conditions.

ICAN points to its 2022 petition to the   FDA to revoke approval for the polio vaccine   known as IPOL manufactured by Sanofi.

According to ICAN’s statement, their petition calls for the FDA to revoke the approval of IPOL, but only for infants and children and only until a proper clinical trial is conducted.

The petition highlights significant safety concerns about IPOL’s licensure process in 1990, which relied on trials reviewing safety for only three days post-injection—a standard that falls far short of federal requirements for vaccine approval.


From 1980 through 1994 during the period the OPV vaccine was being used primarily with some IPOL, the United States reported 127 cases of paralytic poliomyelitis . Out of these cases, wild polioviruses led to six importations; two were unidentified and 119 were cases associated with OPV use termed as vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP). Thus , the vast majority of paralytic polio cases were vaccine caused.



No vaccine has passed a standard clinical trial to prove safety and effectivity, that other drugs are required to do . No vaccine has eradicated any viral disease and there is no clear proof that many or any vaccine has been the primary factor in reducing disease incidence. See history and documentation for each disease claim. See more documentation in later Autism Section.



Nephrologist and co-author of ‘Dissolving Illusions’, Suzanne Humphries, MD, joins Del to discuss her significant role in the first installment of ‘Jefferey Jaxen Investigates’ on the polio virus. Hear how the dangers of vaccines came to light for her and why the future of humanity depends on people understanding the true history behind the polio vaccine. 




Post Flu Vaccination Depression

Within-subject associations between inflammation and features of depression: The flu vaccine as an inflammatory stimulus


There was a significant increase in circulating IL-6 from pre- to post-intervention ( p   = .008), and there was significant variability in the magnitude of IL-6 change. Greater increases in IL-6 were associated with greater mood disturbance on post-vaccine days, specifically depressed mood and cognitive symptoms.

Minor increases in vaccine related inflammation were associated with corresponding increases in features of depression .

Increased Il-6 causes other conditions as well.




and the Media wrong and Guilty of Misinformation.


Mainstream media pundits and Wikipedia have mud in their face after Congress’ Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released their final report, effectively validating everything legacy media claimed a conspiracy theory, as true.



RFK, Jr. Visits Congress This Week to Bolster His Nomination After a Press Feeding Frenzy Based on Pharmaceutical Disinformation


ICAN is at the center of a Misinformation Campaign centering around ICAN’s 2-year old IPOL polio vaccine petition.



CDC: Childhood Vaccine Schedule

ICAN: ICAN Polio Petition to FDA

FDA: IPOL Vaccine Packet Insert

Wall Street Journal: RFK, Polio Vaccines, the Media and Me


Instagram Message Claims RFK Jr. Secures Enough Votes: Needs to be Validated by the Process


CDC: ACIP Webpage

The  HighWire : The Deposition of Stanley Plotkin

ICAN: Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Policy Making Majority Staff Report Committee on Government Reform U.S. House of Representatives June 15, 2000


RFK, Polio Vaccines, the Media and Me : Siri Corrects New York Times Misinformation

Attorney Aaron Siri set the record straight in a Wall Street Journal op-ed after The New York Times and other media outlets falsely implied he had asked the FDA, on behalf of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., to revoke the license for the polio vaccine.



HHS extends the COVID public health emergency. Why?


More Fraud by captured Agency in Support of Pharmaceuticals rather than supply information on Safe Effective Treatment




Bloomberg Law: Biden HHS Extends Covid Vaccine Liability Shield Through 2029


CDC Updates 2025 Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents: Why EUA Status for Children Under 12? ?

The Science clearly says the vaccines are more dangerous than Covid.


HHS: HHS Emergency Extension Document

CNN: Why Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid are closing thousands of drug stores across America (Shifting Trends)


Federation of American Scientists: Senator Kennedy Introduces Emergency Preparedness Act

Reuters: A 'black hole' for COVID vaccine injury claims

HRSA: CICP Claims Compensated (Fiscal Years 2010-2025)

Congressional Research Service: Compensation Programs for Potential COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

Substack: The Vaccine Court: CICP did pay out 1st death benefit from a Covid vaccine.


The failure of Federal Agencies to transparently acknowledge or deal with the growing huge vaccine injury problem

The work of Wall Street analyst Edward Dowd has been very important in revealing significant increases in death and disability in those 18-64 years old shown by insurance companies since the mRNA COVID vaccine rollout.

Under any normal circumstances, the mRNA vaccines should have been withdrawn from the market. However, this action has not occurred because the federal government and especially the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) exhibit regulatory capture behavior.

Unfortunately, the Federal agencies only concern was seeing that they and the drug companies made windfall profits no matter how many millions were unnecessarily sickened or even died.

Unfortunately, our government has done little to nothing to investigate MCAS or POTS or micro clotting with aggressive anticoagulation in Long COVID or vaccine injury. It is consistent with their strategy of doing anything necessary to prevent any COVID-related condition from being treated with generic or over-the-counter medications rather than expensive, branded drug company products.

Although some estimates of deaths and significant injuries are much higher, assuming only 10 million wrongful injuries or deaths due to the mRNA COVID vaccines, 3% of the population, at $100,000 for each injury or death, it would be $1 trillion. It would increase the national debt by 3%. The agencies have not acknowledged or dealt with this problem caused by the Federal Agencies.


Follow the Silenced: The Hidden Story of the Hidden Cost of Agency and Media Censorship



i CAN: ICAN's Attorneys File A Second Cicp Lawsuit To Demand Justice For Covid-19 Vaccine Injured  


14 State Attorneys Send Letter to HHS Secretary: Call for Accountability in COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Compensation


Lawsuit: COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries Should Go to VICP, Not CICP

A new lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on January 17 alleges that the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Xavier Becerra, has failed to comply with federal law by not adding the COVID-19 vaccine to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The plaintiff, Paul Brundage, suffered a severe blood clotting disorder following his COVID-19 vaccination and argues that he should be eligible for compensation under the VICP.

The complaint further argues that the current Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) is inadequate, with only a fraction of claims being compensated and with minimal financial relief for those suffering from severe vaccine injuries. 


While U.S. Government Struggles to Process Claims and avoiding payments, Nonprofit Awards $1 Million to People Injured by COVID Vaccines.




Bloomberg Law reported : RFK Jr. Pick Raises Hopes for Vaccine Injury Program Overhaul


  During the Pandemic the U.S. experienced a top-down federal takeover of medicine in the United States by the Pharnaceuticals per the  Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness ( PREP) Act. The results were hugely disastrous.

Likely, not even in the Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War would medicine have been controlled in such a manner. Even in the People’s Republic China and despite their over-control of the population involving lockdowns, the government stepped away from much of the masses using Traditional Chinese Medicine while, of course, also encouraging vaccination.



UK Vaccine Injury Claims Surge, & UK Health Minister Calls for Reform, Advocates for Injured Call for Increase in Standard Payment 2024

AstraZeneca is facing claims that the jab caused death and serious injury in at least 75 cases.

The scheme struggles under the weight of mounting cases, and a lack of systems, processes and labor to keep up with the growth with the vaccine injury claims.

Many people across the country discussed   The Sunday Telegraph   piece.

UK charity  UKCVFamily , organized to support COVID-19 vaccine injured persons, now advocates intensely to raise the compensation amount. Founder  Charlet Crichton  informed  The Sunday Telegraph , Ministers say you can use the £120,000 payment to fund litigation but most can't, because vaccine damage cases are long, drawn out and costly.


UK Vaccine Injury Inquiry: Calls for Reform and Government Accountability

The Vaccine Injured Bereaved UK (VIBUK) has presented a compelling case to the UK public inquiry, detailing severe injuries and deaths linked to COVID-19 vaccinations and exposing critical gaps in government response. They say there are big Flaws in the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS). Given the high incidence of deaths and serious injuries caused by vaccines, if victims are not allowed to sue the causer of thee injuries program reforms are needed. Key reforms needed include faster claim processing times, broader eligibility criteria, elimination of the strict 60% disability threshold for compensation, and an increase or removal of the £120,000 cap on payments.


E very Story Matters : UK COVID Inquiry Collects 34,000 Stories From Vaccine-Injured

The U.K. government collected over 34,000 stories about people’s experiences, opinions on COVID-19 vaccines — including from people injured by the shots — as part of its Covid-19 Inquiry. YouTube Commenter John Campbell, Ph.D., shared some of the stories and criticized the government for claiming COVID-19 vaccine injuries are rare, which they know is untrue. Millions of documented deaths of significant injuries is not rare. .



  UK Health Secretary Indicates Possible Reform to Payouts in Vaccine Injury Compensation

He says he is looking at possible reform options. Critics say the compensation is not currently reasonable and that people significantly injured are being rejected unfairly. The public was told by the Government that the vaccines were safe and effective which was not true.



South Korea Assumes Responsibility for COVID Vax Deaths by Expanding Compensation and Eligibility Requirements Sept 2023


The Conversation in Australia Acknowledges Need for Vax Compensation Reform, Moves to the Right Side of History on that Point

Swiss Authorities Make First Payment for $16,500 for COVID-19 Vaccine Injury

Obviously not a serious response and problem still not being taken seriously.


Substack Coverage of Injured and Bereaved in Northern Ireland, COVID-19 Inquiry Alleges Malpractice by Health Officials and Some doctors.


Only One More COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Payment in U.S. Since July from CICP Out of Millions Significantly Injured. But It’s A Large One $370,000, apparently for a vax related death.

Can Incoming Secretary of HHS RFK Jr. Reform Vaccine Compensation Challenges in USA?




ICAN: ICAN's Attorneys File Major Lawsuit to Strike Down Portions of the PREP ACT

Congress: 2005 PREP Act


Bloomberg Law: RFK Jr. Pick Raises Hopes for Vaccine Injury Program Overhaul


Are mRNA COVID Vaccine Adverse Effects Linked to Bound & Unbound Spike Protein Levels?

(Testing for whether injuries after vaccination were caused by the vaccine)

Right now, there is no test that would prove vaccine injury of any kind except an autopsy with staining for spike protein. A marker, preferably a blood test, is needed to identify those injured by the vaccines. It appears that there may be a blood test that can prove whether cardiac arrest or unexplained death was due to myocarditis caused by the mRNA COVID vaccines. I am proposing that the combination of bound and unbound spike protein in the blood could be of great value in diagnosing mRNA vaccine myocarditis

Pathologists are reluctant to do autopsies and few stains for spike protein out of fear of the government. The CDC refuses to release its autopsy data.

German pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt re-autopsied 75 patients, including staining for spike protein, in whom the families suspected the vaccine killed their loved one but the first autopsy failed to suggest that the vaccine was the cause of death. He found that in 78% of the patients, the vaccine had killed them either from myocarditis or aortic dissection.

Follow the link for his   final interview .

Recently, epidemiologist Nicholas Hulscher , who works for the McCullough Foundation, and colleagues published autopsy findings for 240 patients who had died a mean of 14.3 days after COVID vaccination in the journal Science,   Public Health Policy and the Law . The article had been taken down from the Lancet preprint server for unknown reasons and retracted after being published in Forensic Science International. The fraud in corruption in medical journals has been terrible. How much is due to payoffs and how much is due to fear is unknown. It must be addressed by the incoming administration.

It turns out that 73% of the patients died directly from the vaccine.  


ICAN: Mississippi's Religious Exemption For School Children Now Permanently Secured!

ICAN: Breaking News: University Of California Allows Religious Exemptions On The Heels Of Two Successful ICAN-Backed Lawsuits

ICAN: $2 Million Legal Match

The Hill: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: After Action Review of the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward

Oversight House: FINAL REPORT: COVID Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Page Final Report on Lessons Learned and the Path Forward

Media Matters For America: Facebook and YouTube are letting anti-vaccine figure Del Bigtree push deadly coronavirus misinformation




A new pediatric study on the effectiveness of the COVID vaccinations on children aged 6 months to 4 years in age has a shocking conclusion. Meanwhile, Moderna is developing an mRNA vaccine for RSV for children that has undergone several safety pauses because of severe injury to babies.


Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society: Protection From COVID-19 Vaccination and Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Children Aged 6 Months - 4 Years, United States, September 2022-April 2023


Courageous Discourse: The Negative Efficacy of COVID-19 mRNA Injections Has Been Demonstrated Four studies establish that 'vaccinated' individuals ultimately face a higher

Twitter/X: Mandy Cohen "The single best way to risk less severe illness and do more of the things you enjoy is to get vaccinated against Covid/flu! Have you made a plan to get vaccinated?"

BioSpace : FDA Committee Calls For More Research After Moderna's RSV Vaccine Safety Issues

Becker's Hospital Review: Infant RSV vaccine trials on hold: FDA

NIH: A Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity Study of mRNA-1345 and mRNA-1365 in Participants Aged 5 Months to <24 Months




The Huge Autism and Child Chronic Disease Problem: Created by the U.S. Health System


Autism Tops List of Worldwide Youth Health Issues


New Autism Statistics Are Out; Autism increased by 20% from 2018 to 2020, to 3.3%.


Recent data shows autism rates increased 26% from 2018 to 2020, with 1 in 30 children ages 3 to 17 diagnosed, and higher prevalence among Black, Hispanic and Asian children

The economic burden of autism is staggering, with lifetime social costs per individual at $3.6 million and total U.S. costs projected to reach $5.54 trillion or more by 2060

Research links high levels of linoleic acid metabolites in cord blood to increased autism severity, raising concerns about processed foods and seed oils in modern diets

Studies reveal that infant gut microbiome composition, particularly decreased beneficial bacteria like Akkermansia and Coprococcus , correlates with later autism development

EMF exposure from devices may contribute to autism through disruption of voltage-gated calcium channels in the brain; practical steps help reduce exposure



Autism and Child Chronic Disease: Created by the U.S. Health System (See also CHDV and CHDT )


Since the early 1990s, there have been staggering increases in several chronic conditions: ADHD rates have risen by 890 percent, autism diagnoses by 2,094 percent,   bipolar disease in youth by 10,833 percent, and   celiac disease   by 1,011 percent, etc.

These numbers establish the point that something in the health system has fundamentally changed our children's health over the past three decades. The U.S. heath system has come to rely on Ideology and special interest Authority rather than empirical scientific evidence. The Media compounds the problem by not requiring or investigating the science behind statements about health made by special interest or government Authorities resulting in the distribution of propaganda rather than accurate science.

Our system allows our children to be exposed to toxics in the food system and unproven vaccines based only on Special Interest Authority, and despite the obvious huge problem no significant reform has been made.



The Causes of Autism and Child Chronic Diseases in the U.S.


One factor in the huge increase is Vaccines. (See also HW299 and CHDV )

Increased toxics in the food system is another factor. (See also TinF and CHDT )



More push for dangerous weight loss injections. (See HW330)






Jefferey takes a critical analysis of the drone phenomenon plaguing the Northeast from the fear mongering media coverage to the poor government response. While the jury is still out on what thousands are seeing in the night sky, new bills have been introduced in congress to limit drone activity.



The New York Times: Glowing Auras and 'Black Money': The Pentagon's Mysterious U.F.O. Program

Twitter/X: Andrew McCarthy: "This is how mass hysteria spreads. A media outlet betraying the trust of their viewers by sharing an out of focus light in the sky and presenting it as a UAP, which then gets amplified by people who trust them."

ABC News: 2 men arrested for 'hazardous drone operation' near Boston airport

The Telegraph: Government 'used grossly unethical tactics to scare public into Covid compliance'

Reuters: U.S. shoots down unidentified object flying above Alaska

CNN: Key US Air Force base closes airspace amid drone sightings

The Warzone: Adversary Drones Are Spying On The U.S. And The Pentagon Acts Like They're UFOs

Defense: Nets, jamming and 'cyber scalpels: Pentagon weighs homeland counter-drone tech in mountain tests

The Gazette: Drone activity has 'gone too far, Biden must step in: Hochul

NBC 4 New York: FAA temporarily bans drone flights over critical sites in several NJ communities



Del and Jefferey Launch a blockbuster New Series ‘Jefferey Jaxen Investigates’ on HighWire +, starting with 2-part series decoupling the Polio dogma