Fauci seeking Presidential Pardon related to the millions of deaths be was responsible for related to supporting Fraudulent ineffective vaccines and dangerous drugs promoted for hospital use while suppressing use of proven effective treatments . Fauci and other Federal Officials received millions of pharmaceutical money and supported ineffective Pharmaceutical Products rather than proven safe and effective products and protocols.

Punishment would also likely extend to other leaders in Federal Health Agencies implicated in the Fraud.


Live Science: Nearly 9 in 10 COVID-19 patients who are put on a ventilator die, New York hospital data suggests

(Fauci & CDC/FDA proscribed and subsidized ventilator use in Hospitals)

NIH: Acute kidney injury in COVID-19 patients receiving remdesivir: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

(Fauci & CDC/FDA proscribed and subsidized Remdesavir use in Hospitals)


Florida Governor Calls for Legal Action Against Fauci for Pandemic Response

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis joined growing calls for states to prosecute Dr. Anthony Fauci for his role in the COVID-19 pandemic.


Johnson Subpoenas HHS for COVID Vaccine Safety Records, Fauci Emails


HHS Debars EcoHealth Alliance and Dr. Peter Daszak Following COVID Origin Investigation

CIA Reports COVID Likely Leaked from Lab, as Trump Prepares to Shut Down Gain-of-Function Research


Phony COVID death data used by CDC as a propaganda tool to promote vaccines.

From the beginning of the pandemic few COVID deaths were legitimate. The media has been giving a lot of attention to the phony COVID death data from CDC.

Rather than over one million COVID deaths there likely have been just a few hundred thousand. And most of these could have been prevented.


Is the New York Times Article on Aaron Siri an Unethical Hit Piece full of Deliberate Disinformation? ICAN Responds

The NY Times clearly had access to the RFK book VaxUnvax and Dr Suzanne Humphries book Dissolving Illusions which review medical studies and data relating to this issue are on the NYT top-seller list , and are probably the most comprehensive source of information on the issues dealt with in their article on Polio Vaccine. If they had looked at the books or other documentation on the issue, their article seemed confused and did not seem to have had serious research done about the issues the article dealt with.


4 Things the New York Times Bogus RFK Hit Piece Got Wrong About Aluminum in Vaccines and the Documentation Vaccines Cause Autism

A recent New York Times article claimed that aluminum in vaccines is “a good thing.” Aluminum toxicity experts told The Defender the chemical was never sufficiently safety tested by the industry, is toxic and continues to be used in vaccines because it’s more profitable than safer alternatives.


Scandal! Feds Paid Out NY Times, Politico, Associated Press, Others During COVID-19: Have we had State Controlled Media During Pandemic with Propaganda rather than Science?

(Such has been documented. We’ve had censorship & disinformation by most mainstream media, reported in Congress Hearings especially censorship and slander of those pointing out the harm to vaccine injured like RFK and other natural health leaders)


The Surgeon General's Cover-Up of Vaccine Injuries and Smear Campaign against Truth Tellers like RFK who tried to expose the Cover-Up. Murthy was paid millions to make speeches about Covid issues. Collusion?


USAID Bankrolled Secretive Nonprofit Global News Network With Alleged Ties to Censorship . Organization engaged in   smear campaigns   and  censorship against dissident voices .



The banality of evil and the COVID Twitter Files

The epicenter of the COVID atrocities has been social media. Social media has channeled public discourse, convincing the public that COVID-19 as a near existential threat with the need for unconventional draconian measures, the danger of conventional anti-viral measures, and the need for participation in the massive pharmaceutical experiment. Social media was instrumental in creating the illusion of consensus on all of the above.  Social media enabled the COVID atrocities. 

What is most striking about the Zweig Twitter Files narrative is the banality of COVID censorship decisions that were fundamentally totalitarian.   Tweet #17   states:

… Third, most importantly, the buck stopped with higher level employees at Twitter who chose the inputs for the bots and decision trees and subjectively decided escalated cases and suspensions. As it is with all people and institutions, there was individual and collective bias

What is less clear from that narrative is how Twitter came to believe that it had the authority to adjudicate the truth.  In that self-perception, Twitter's activity in COVID-19 is in a league with that of the most ruthless dictators of history. 



Jaw-dropping Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism

The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.


See also Aluminum in HW299 .

The Real RFK Jr.: Trials of a Truth Warrior  Kindle Edition   by    Dick Russell   (Author)  



Open Letter Supporting RFK Jr. Signed by 5,215 Healthcare Providers, Scientists, and Academics

Pfizer to Pay Nearly $60 Million in Fines in Doctor Kickback Scheme. This is a Common Practice



RFK, Polio Vaccines, the Media and Me : Siri Corrects New York Times Misinformation

Attorney Aaron Siri set the record straight in a Wall Street Journal op-ed after The New York Times and other media outlets falsely implied he had asked the FDA, on behalf of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., to revoke the license for the polio vaccine.


RFK, Jr. Visits Congress This Week to Bolster His Nomination After a Press Feeding Frenzy Based on Pharmaceutical Disinformation

Trump Names Heather Flick, Corporate Attorney & Pharma Patent Holder as Chief of Staff for HHS Secretary 


  The Harvard Elite's Unethical Witch Hunt Smearing RFK Jr. with Disinformation to Promote Big Pharma Interests

The Nobel Laureate Group Spokesman Kornberg's own extensive ties to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries reveal glaring conflicts of interest that cast doubt on the objectivity of his critique. Likewise for others in the group. The group’s allegations have been fact-checked and found to not be valid by fact checkers and by a Congressional Committee Investigation and Report that provides real documentation.

Absence of Long-Term Vaccine Safety Testing or Preclinical Animal Studies

The contents of Section 13.1 for the Package Inserts of all the vaccines approved for the US were shown, essentially stating that they were not evaluated for Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, or (male or female, or both) Fertility.  This result could have been predicted based on the absence of a directive to perform such crucial tests. 

For the Covid-19 vaccines specifically (a radically new technology), insufficient time has passed for long-term clinical testing or even long-term post-marketing studies of these Covid-19 vaccines to be done.  That means there are essentially no long-term safety studies available for these vaccines.    Studies   on the short-term and early mid-term adverse effects of these Covid-19 vaccines have shown they are   extremely unsafe   and   dangerous , which does not bode well for what to expect in the long-term. 


Instagram Message Claims RFK Jr. Secures Enough Votes: Needs to be Validated by the Process



Fox News : Biden team reportedly considering preemptive pardons for Fauci, Schiff, other Trump targets

A Complete Mockery : John Campbell Weighs in on Possible Fauci Pardon




7 Takeaways From 520-page House Report on COVID Pandemic and Government Response

The 520-page report cites examples of U.S. public health officials making unscientifically based recommendations: like masking and school closures for kids that violated U.S. citizens’ trust in their leaders.


The COVID virus most likely resulted from a lab leak and creation by labs was illegally funded by Fauci and Daszak .   Extended school closures, lockdowns unsupported by science.   Fauci said the ‘6 feet apart’ recommendation just appeared. U.S. government is failing those injured by COVID vaccines. HHS obfuscated evidence and data. Fauci’s senior adviser Morens obstructed evidence.   Daszak also tried to hide evidence from subcommittee. See also CVsource .

The Hill: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: After Action Review of the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward

Oversight House: FINAL REPORT: COVID Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Page Final Report on Lessons Learned and the Path Forward  

Facebook Dumps their Third-Party Fact-Checkers One Day After CHD Asks Supreme Court to Hear Censorship Case Against Meta


Dear Mark Zuckerberg: It Ain’t Over Yet.

Meta Ends Fact Checking: Anticipation of Incoming POTUS Trump?



STAT Reflects on the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Missed Opportunity for Full Accountability, Including for the Life Science Industry News Outlet

All sorts of games were played by both the Trump administration initially (for example, suppressing the severity of the pathogen from the people at first as   discussed in the Woodward interview ), to the Biden administration's tactics at suppressing dissenting information about the COVID-19 vaccines, an improper mandate and support of widespread censorship via social media.



Mainstream media pundits and Wikipedia have mud in their face after Congress’ Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released their final report, effectively validating everything legacy media claimed a conspiracy theory, as true.


Scandal! Feds Paid Out NY Times, Politico, Associated Press, Others During COVID-19: Have we had State Controlled Media During Pandemic with Propaganda rather than Science?

(Such has been documented. We’ve had censorship & disinformation by most mainstream media, reported in Congress Hearings especially censorship and slander of those pointing out the harm to vaccine injured like RFK and other natural health leaders)


Congressional Report Exonerates Del Bigtree of Disinformation

Del highlights the attacks on himself and The HighWire , and puts the slanderous claims still being made on his Wikipedia page, against the report that effectively exonerates him, and all alternative news sources who were reporting the truth throughout the pandemic including lab origin, mask efficacy, and therapeutics for COVID-19.


Pfizer Ecec Scott Gottlieb has been wrongly criticizing RFK Jr as dangerous for Administration Nomination using disinformation to do so.

Vaccine Injury Trial Lawyer Fact Checks Pfizer Exec Scott Gottlieb on CNBC Interview Claims Targeting RFK Jr.

Gottlieb, in this instance, was incorrect on every one of his key claims. A striking finding.


The Harvard Elite's Unethical Witch Hunt Smearing RFK Jr. with Disinformation to Promote Big Pharma Interests

The Nobel Laureate Group Spokesman Kornberg's own extensive ties to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries reveal glaring conflicts of interest that cast doubt on the objectivity of his critique. Likewise for others in the group. The group’s allegations have been fact-checked and found to not be valid by fact checkers and by a Congressional Committee Investigation and Report that provides real documentation.



Unethical Ties of Ultra-rich Elites to Pharmaceuticals and Special Interests

U.S. Agencies & Gates Foundation Bankrolling Creation of Deadlier, More Contagious Bird Flu Strains


German Startup with Ties to Gates Foundation Awarded $5 Million to Develop Nasal mRNA Vaccine

CEPI awarded the grant on Feb. 11 to German-based biotech company Ethris to support the development of “spray-dried RNA vaccines that … are suitable for mucosal delivery. Critics questioned the technology’s safety.


Whistleblower Seeks IRS Investigation into Gates Foundation’s For-profit Vaccine Activities


With Help from Bill Gates, Big Pharma and Facebook, the Captured CDC Inappropriately Funds Initiative to Help Minority Communities Hire Influencers to Push Unproven and Dangerous Vaccines



A look at the influence Elon Musk could have in the incoming Trump administration after being among Donald Trump’s most visible and powerful backers and surrogates on the campaign trail.


Vaccine Injury Trial Lawyer Fact Checks Pfizer Exec Scott Gottlieb on CNBC Interview Claims Targeting RFK Jr.

(Special Interest advocate views accepted with no fact checking or contra view by CNBC)

Gottlieb, in this instance, was incorrect on every one of his key claims. A striking finding.

Senators Who Will Vote on RFK Jr. Nomination and Other good NIH Nominations for HHS Secretary Took in $6.7 Million From Pharma

Republicans overall brought in nearly $5 million from the pharmaceutical industry across 13 members while Democrats raised more than $1.7 million across 9, according to The Federalist. (See also: Open Secrets)

The Telegraph: Jeff Bezos backs development of fart vaccines for cows to help save planet

America’s Food, Health, and Policy Crisis Has Been Created by Powerful Special Interests


Peter Hotez ’ Strange Prediction


Vaccine Scientist Peter Hotez : (bogus ) Scientist are under attack for someone’s political gain.


( Hotez has historically been one of the main persons spreading propaganda about Vaccines and attacking real Scientist statements that are accurate. Many of his attacks

cannot pass a factcheck for accuracy.)


LNPs and Immune System Interactions : University of Pavia Study Suggests Vaccine LNPs a Source of COVID-19 Vax Severe Adverse Events.


Big Pharma’s Attack on Women: Injectable Contraceptive & Two Menopause Drugs Cause Brain Tumors


Copycat Book trying to deceive the public Shows How Desperate the Pro-vax Propagandists Are


Washington Examiner: Judge scraps 75-year FDA timeline to release Pfizer vaccine safety data, giving agency eight months

ICAN: Breaking: Federal Judge Orders CDC To Release All V-Safe Free-Text Entries In A Huge Win For Vaccine Safety Transparency

FDA Ordered to Disclose Entire Hidden EUA File for Pfizer/BioNTech Covid Shot


ICAN: $2 Million Legal Match


Texas District Judge Compels FDA to Disclose Pfizer EUA/ Regulatory Documents


Outgoing Biden Administration HHS Extends PREP Act Protection Until 2029 without acknowledging question of evidence of safety or effectiveness or millions of vaccine injured or government liability for vaccine injured.


The HHS emphasized that COVID-19 still poses a credible risk of future public health emergencies, necessitating ongoing preparedness efforts.

Why No Democratic Process? No Advice or Consent. No acknowledgement of millions of vaccine injuries or plan to feal with the government liabilities for vaccine injured.


NBC News: U.S. officials urge Americans to use encrypted apps amid unprecedented cyberattack



A highly flawed ‘Misinformation Bill’ in Australia was shot down by both sides of the aisle, but a newly introduced bill restricting users under 16 years of age from using social media entirely has stoked fears of a national social ID down under


Aussies Defeat Censorship Bill

Australia withdraws a misinformation bill after critics compare it to censorship

Moderna paid Australia’s Former Prime Minister $2 billion to Allow Skipping a Regulatory Step Allowing Moderna mRNA Vaccines to Bypass ‘Key Step’ in Safety Process. (Obvious corruption)

Under a confidential deal signed by Australia’s former prime minister, Moderna mRNA vaccines produced at the company’s new Australian facility won’t have to undergo an assessment by the country’s independent advisory committee.



ABC News: Australia withdraws a misinformation bill after critics compare it to censorship

UnHerd : Australia has shown the way on free speech

CATO Institute: Australia Withdraws One Bad Online Speech Bill as It Advances Another

Reuters: Australia passes social media ban for children under 16

  U.S. House of Representatives: The Weaponization Of The National Science Foundation: How NSF Is Funding The Development Of Automated Tools To Censor Online Speech At Scale And Trying To Cover Up Its Actions Covid .




Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply by Covid Vaccinated People.


Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply.

Blood contaminated with prion-like structures from the spike protein raises the risk of inducing fatal neurodegenerative diseases in recipients. The potential transmission of harmful proteins through exosomes ("shedding") and the risk of autoimmune diseases due to the vaccines' mechanism and components like lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are other major concerns .

Proposals for managing blood collection include rigorous donor interviews, deferral periods, and a suite of tests to ensure the safety of blood products .

The researchers advocate for comprehensive testing of both jabbed and unjabbed individuals to assess the safety of blood products and suggest discarding blood products contaminated with spike proteins or modified mRNA until effective removal methods have been developed .

They call for suspending all gene-based vaccines and conducting a rigorous harm-benefit assessment in light of the serious health injuries reported. They also urge countries and organizations to take concrete steps to address and mitigate the already identified risks .


Study Finds Blood Donors with Later Intracerebral Hemorrhages Passes Risk to Patients Receiving Blood


Daily Beast:  Top Anti-Vaxxer's Unhinged Quest for Unvaccinated Blood Leads Him to Mexico
(unwarranted attack on any anti-vax info without looking into facts or documentation- which was available)

Danger of Vaccinated Blood verified and Filling the Demand for Safe Blood


A Midwestern Doctor: What We've Learned from a Year of Vaccine Shedding Data


Based on:

Dozens of extremely compelling patient histories 1 , 2 , 3  from  Kory and Marsland’s medical practice,  including many responding to spike protein treatment.
My own experience with patients and friends affected by shedding.
I read large numbers of reports of shedding in (now deleted) online support groups.
Roughly 1,500 reports from individuals affected by shedding we were able to collect.
Extensive menstrual data compiled by  MyCycleStory .

clear and replicable patterns have emerged which collectively prove “shedding” is a real and predictable phenomenon that can be explained by known mechanisms unique to the mRNA technology.

We find:

1. Shedding is very real (e.g., each of those datasets is congruent with the others), and many of the stories of those affected by it are very sad.
2. People’s sensitivity to it 
dramatically  varies.
3. Most of the people who are sensitive to shedding have already figured it out.
4. Mechanistically, shedding is very difficult to explain. However, now that new evidence has emerged, a much stronger case can be made for the mechanisms I initially proposed a year ago.



U.S. Cattleman’s Association Founder Exposes the Agenda to Inject Cows with mRNA Products


Physician and cattle rancher, Brooke Miller, MD, discusses the war on the American farmer from globalists and why the public should be gravely concerned over the imminent threat of mRNA vaccines on the horizon to be administered in dairy and beef cattle.

Merck:  Sequivity Product Page

CDC: Childhood Vaccine Schedule ( Hugh Harm Caused )

The Hill: 100 million dead birds later, avian flu persists. Blame our policies.

Substack: The Rancher Doctor Newsletter: Beef And Liberty - Where There Is Beef, There Is Freedom...

Reuters: Parent of Brazil's JBS pleads guilty to U.S. foreign bribery charges

United States Cattlemen's Association Webpage

FLCCC Webpage

ICAN: ICAN Attorneys Secure Religious Exemption to Vaccination in Mississippi

Amazon: The Pfizer Papers Book

What you need to know about mRNA Vaccines and our Livestock


Jefferey Jaxen Reports on DEI’s demise


Fortune 1000 companies in the US are halting their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs in droves. Jefferey outlines the fundamental problems in these incentives and why a country with a rich history of equality doesn’t need to pander to political correctness.

Harvard Business Review: The Failure of the DEI-Industrial Complex

Fast Company: I've worked in DEl for a decade it won't survive beyond 2025

Forbes: What Companies Are Getting Wrong About DEI

The New York Times: This Is the Actual Danger Posed by D.E.I.

U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation: Division. Extremism. Ideology.


The Guardian: Biden signs order for government to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050

The Guardian: Farmers have hoarded land for too long. Inheritance tax will bring new life to rural Britain




UK Pushes Back on Cow Feed Additive Linked to Sterilization in the Name of Climate Change


The battle to limit carbon emissions has reached a new level with Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos backing startups developing new vaccines to curb cow farts and burps. See new findings in a recent study out of California on greenhouse emissions from bovine flatulence and why the UK is boycotting certain brands of dairy in the UK where the cows are fed a controversial drug.




Gates Foundation backing BiomEdit’s work on methane blockers for beef and dairy cows


Bill Gates backs start-up tackling cow burps and farts


Axios: Startup raises $26.5 million for vaccine to stop cow farts and burps

The Telegraph: Jeff Bezos backs development of fart vaccines for cows to help save planet

Edie: Supermarkets partner with Arla to test methane-busting feed additive for dairy cows

Agriculture Dive: FDA approves first feed supplement to reduce methane in dairy cows

FAO: 2006 FAO Report

Science Direct: Chapter 1 - Clearing the Air: Livestock's Contribution to Climate Change

BBC: UN body to look at meat and climate link

FDA: FDA Bovaer Letter

European Food Safety Authority: Safety and efficacy of a feed additive consisting of 3-nitrooxypropanol ( Bovaer ® 10) for ruminants for milk production and reproduction (DSM Nutritional Products Ltd)

Metro: Tesco, Aldi and Morrisons face boycott over controversial ingredient in major dairy brand

Twitter/X: Matthew Swann: "Shelves still full of Bover produced dairy whilst Bovaer -free dairy products from @GrahamsDairy Milk have sold out (London)"

Reuters: Wal-Mart milk to have no artificial growth hormones


Center for Food Safety: Monsanto Seeks To Divest Ownership Of Controversial Growth Hormone Used In Milk Production


Court Overturns USDA GMO Deregulation; Mexico Calls For Constitutional Protections Against GMOs




GMO Corn, Glyphosate Pose Unacceptable Health Risks, New Scientific Analysis Shows (Call for Restriction)

The 200-page document with 1,200 references, prepared by Mexico’s National Council for Humanities, Science and Technology underpins Mexico’s 2023 decree to restrict the use of GM corn in tortillas and other minimally processed corn products, and to phase out the use of glyphosate in Mexico.


Glyphosate Can Have Persistent, Damaging Effects on Brain Health




Guest: Brooke Miller, M.D.

Dec 5, 2024