(Congress and Mainline Media Complicity in Vaccine Fraud Greatly Harms Public; Scientist/Doctors/Medical Organizations/Health Officials/Studies Find More Problems with mNRA Vaccines and Call for Moratorium; Government Health Agency Disinformation and Censorship of Accurate Information on Vaccine Injury has resulted in a Crisis of Trust; Congressional Committee Finding: U.S. government is failing those injured by COVID vaccines; EXPERTS DEEMED SAFETY TESTING INADEQUATE AT 2019 WHO VACCINE SAFETY SUMMIT)



Congress and Mainline Media Complicity in Vaccine Fraud Greatly Harms Public

(Doc: see HW299 & HW343 & HW291)


Scandal! Feds Paid Out NY Times, Politico, Associated Press, Others During COVID-19: Have we had State Controlled Media During Pandemic with Propaganda rather than Science?

 (Such has been documented. We’ve had censorship & disinformation by most mainstream media, reported in Congress Hearings especially censorship and slander of those pointing out the harm to vaccine injured like RFK and other natural health leaders)


The Surgeon General's Cover-Up of Vaccine Injuries and Smear Campaign against Truth Tellers like RFK who tried to expose the Cover-Up. Murthy was paid millions to make speeches about Covid issues. Collusion?


USAID Bankrolled Secretive Nonprofit Global News Network With Alleged Ties to Censorship. Organization engaged in smear campaigns and censorship against dissident voices.




FBI Had Evidence That COVID Leaked from a Lab; But Wasn’t Allowed to Present It


CIA Reports COVID Likely Leaked from Lab, as Trump Prepares to Shut Down Gain-of-Function Research


COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose Fails to Enhance Antibody Response to Omicron Variant in Reinfected Healthcare Workers


Antibody Responses to mRNA COVID-19 Vax in Nursing Home Residents: Significant Waning Starting Week #2

infection-naive NHRs consistently exhibited lower and more transient post-vaccination antibody titers than HCWs or previously infected NHRs. 

Results indicate that NHRs show Wuhan and Omicron BA.4/5 neutralizing and binding antibody titers diminish significantly from 2 weeks to 12 months post-vaccination.


Breakthrough Study Highlights Nanocarrier Tracking at Cellular Scale, Raises Concern for mRNA Vaccines

SCP-Nano identified potential off-target effects of intramuscularly injected LNPs carrying SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA, showing their accumulation in heart endothelial cells. Proteomic analysis indicated immune activation and vascular protein changes, aligning with clinical observations of myocarditis post-vaccination. Importantly, the system generalized to other nanocarriers like DNA origami and adeno-associated viruses, uncovering new insights into tissue-specific delivery.

The study raises concerns about the safety and specificity of LNP formulations used in mRNA vaccines. While the findings highlight potential cardiac risks, the exact correlation with human outcomes remains unproven, emphasizing the need for further investigation.

Lipid Nanoparticles in COVID Vaccines Travel to Vital Organs, Including Heart

A new study of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in mice found that lipid nanoparticles containing the spike protein dispersed to major vital organs, including the heart. Scientists say this type of research should have been done before the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out to the global population.


Another New Problem with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines: T Cell Apoptosis Impairs Immune Response

The study revealed that circulating RBD peaked around Day 14 post-vaccination, coinciding with a rise in AngII levels, which peaked at Day 28. Elevated AngII stimulated monocytes to release ROS, causing DNA damage in neighboring peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and inducing apoptosis in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. This T cell death correlated with a reduced proliferative response to the S-protein in vitro, highlighting an impaired adaptive immune response


VACCINE ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING EFFECTS (Covid Vaccine and Vaccines with Aluminum or Mercury)

Endocrine System Problems and Cancer Promoting Effects


The Unique Features and Collateral Immune Effects of mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines: Turbo Cancer Possibility?


The data points to concerning signals, including a 26-fold increase in reported adverse events compared to flu vaccines, and a notable rise in severe outcomes such as myocarditis, thrombosis, and neuroinflammation. Szebeni also highlights the potential for long-term risks, including "turbo cancer" theories and persistent SP presence in tissues.

Key findings include potential SP toxicity, immune hyperactivation, and autoimmune risks arising from processes like proteasomal antigen presentation, exosomal dissemination, and possible genomic integration of vaccine mRNA.



FDA:  Overall COVID-19 Mortality Plummeting.

With overall mortality data, the CDC continues to post outdated and manipulated information about COVID-19 mortality.

Based on the faulty FDA data deaths due to Covid declined 69% in 2023 from 2022 and continued to decline in 2024.   


The Evolution of the Vaccine Industry: From Crisis to Boom Post-1986 Vaccine Waiver of Liability Act: Pharmaceutical Sales Equal $1b in 1986 to $74b in 2024!

 (7300% increase with liability on public and no enforcement of Informed Consent Requirements or Truth in Advertising Requirements)


Ex-CDC Director: End the Liability Shield for Vaccine Manufacturers

Redfield says there was widespread dishonesty among public health leaders and SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a lab.

Federal Judge Tosses Texas AG Paxton’s Case Against Pfizer: Claims PREP ACT Protects even though there was clear fraud involved.

Does this mean there is no way to protect the public from fraudulent dangerous claims by Pharmaceuticals?

Diaz vs. Moderna, PREP Act Prevails, Protects Vaccine Maker, Plaintiffs Lose

Nora Diaz died after Vaccine caused stroke. Plaintiff failed to make case of clear Moderna fraud, with inadequate Informed Consent, though this was required to overcome Prep Act.



Mainstream media pundits and Wikipedia have mud in their face after Congress’ Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released their final report, effectively validating everything legacy media claimed a conspiracy theory, as true.


The Harvard Elite's Unethical Witch Hunt Smearing RFK Jr. with Disinformation to Promote Big Pharma Interests

The Nobel Laureate Group Spokesman Kornberg's own extensive ties to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries reveal glaring conflicts of interest that cast doubt on the objectivity of his critique. Likewise for others in the group. The group’s allegations have been fact-checked and found to not be valid by fact checkers and by a Congressional Committee Investigation and Report that provides real documentation.


Vaccine Injury Trial Lawyer Fact Checks Pfizer Exec, Scott Gottlieb on CNBC Interview Claims Targeting RFK Jr.

Gottlieb, in this instance, was incorrect on every one of his key claims. A striking finding.

(Why would main stream media cover the remarks of a person with clear bias and fraudulent record with no contra view or fact checking? Should be obvious his statements would be and were deliberate disinformation.)

 The Real RFK Jr.: Trials of a Truth Warrior Kindle Edition by  Dick Russell  (Author) 


Open Letter Supporting RFK Jr. Signed by 5,215 Healthcare Providers, Scientists, and Academics

Pfizer to Pay Nearly $60 Million in Fines in Doctor Kickback Scheme. This is a Common Practice (see HW343)


Moderna paid Australia’s Former Prime Minister $2 billion to Allow Skipping a Regulatory Step Allowing Moderna mRNA Vaccines to Bypass ‘Key Step’ in Safety Process. (Obvious corruption)

Under a confidential deal signed by Australia’s former prime minister, Moderna mRNA vaccines produced at the company’s new Australian facility won’t have to undergo an assessment by the country’s independent advisory committee.


Scientists Ask Trump to Eliminate Current Conflicts of Interest at FDA, EPA

At least 48 scientists and public health experts and 14 health and environmental organizations are calling for the incoming administration to adopt guidelines to ensure scientific integrity at federal agencies and loosen corporate influence on regulators charged with protecting Americans’ health.


Government Health Agency Disinformation and Censorship of Accurate Information on Vaccine Injury has resulted in a Crisis of Trust

Breaking: Emails Obtained by CHD Reveal Government’s Failure to Monitor COVID Vaccine Injury Reports

The FDA posted the emails one day after the agency objected to a motion filed by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) in federal court pertaining to CHD’s 2023 Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking information on the agency’s monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine injuries in VAERS.


Rampant Conflicts of Interest at Heath Agencies During COVID-19 Pandemic made worse by Captured Media: Time to Clean House at Health-Related Agencies


The New NIH Director, Dr Jay Bhattacharya, has a Lot of Work to Do Regarding NIH Involvement in COVID Vaccine and Ivermectin Clinical Trial Fraud.

First the fraudulent NIH-sponsored ACTIV-6 400 trial and NIH's collusion, at least among top officials, with what my data has demonstrated to be in the deceptive TOGETHER, COVIID-OUT and PRINCIPLE trials which helped solidify the false narrative that ivermectin was ineffective for mild to moderate COVID. Then the Fraudulent Pharmaceutical Vaccine Clinical Trials.

Health in the Age of Health Authority Disinformation: A Complex Battle for Truth and The Lancet’s POV

Because of the deliberate disinformation of pharmaceuticals and captured health authorities plus censorship of accurate science information during the pandemic, disinformation now undermines public trust in areas ranging from cancer treatments to mental health, promoting unregulated alternatives and fueling skepticism about science. This is a serious problem and will take time and effort to deal with.


Over 27,000 Doctors Were Reporting and Discussing COVID Vaccine Injuries in Private Facebook Group Early in Pandemic Since the Censorship Cabal would not allow them to be discussed online.



Vaccine Injured & Bereaved Sue the Feds, Stanford University for Unconstitutional Censorship

NCLA has filed a lawsuit, Dressen, et al. v. Flaherty, against the federal government and Stanford University, alleging unconstitutional censorship of individuals discussing COVID-19 vaccines on social media.


Emails Reveal Israeli Government's Links to Center for Censoring Antivax Science or Vaccine Harm or anti-israel Information (Similar findings previously disclosed for U.S. and UK Governments)


America First Legal’s Lawsuit Against CISA Further Exposes Deep State Reliance on the Censorship Industrial Complex

Unelected bureaucrats at CISA weaponized the homeland security apparatus, including FEMA, to monitor COVID-19 speech dissenting from "captured expert" medical guidance, including President Trump's comments about taking Hydroxychloroquine in 2020. Many of these "assumed false" narratives later turned out to be true, calling into question the government's ability to identify "misinformation," regardless of its authority to do so.

To determine what was "foreign disinformation," CISA relied on the Censorship Industrial Complex's usual suspects (Atlantic Council DFR Lab, Media Matters, Stanford Internet Observatory): even those discredited for erroneously attributing domestic content to foreign sources and censoring accurate information about vaccine injuries (Alliance for Securing Democracy). CISA even relied on foreign government authorities (EU vs. Disinfo) and foreign government-linked groups (CCDH, GDI) that advocated for the demonetization and de-platforming of individual Americans to monitor and target constitutionally protected accurate speech by American citizens.


AstraZeneca Executives, Sales Reps Sentenced to Prison For Medicare Fraud Scheme (Dec 2024)



Facebook Dumps their Third-Party Fact-Checkers One Day After CHD Asks Supreme Court to Hear Censorship Case Against Meta


Dear Mark Zuckerberg: It Ain’t Over Yet.

The 2024 Medical Ethics Declaration of Helsinki Revision & JAMA’s Failure to Address COVID-19 Elephant in the Room

The Agreement and JAMA Editorial failed to address the mass avoidance of informed consent and transparency by Pharmaceuticals and Government Agencies during the COVID-19 vaccine rollout under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).


STAT Reflects on the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Missed Opportunity for Full Accountability, Including for the Life Science Industry News Outlet

All sorts of games were played by both the Trump administration initially (for example, suppressing the severity of the pathogen from the people at first as discussed in the Woodward interview), to the Biden administration's tactics at suppressing dissenting information about the COVID-19 vaccines, an improper mandate and support of widespread censorship via social media. 


Is the New York Times Article on Aaron Siri an Unethical Hit Piece full of Deliberate Disinformation? ICAN Responds

The NY Times clearly had access to the RFK book VaxUnvax and Dr Suzanne Humphries book Dissolving Illusions which review medical studies and data relating to this issue are on the NYT top-seller list, and are probably the most comprehensive source of information on the issues dealt with in their article on Polio Vaccine. If they had looked at the books or other documentation on the issue, their article seemed confused and did not seem to have had serious research done about the issues the article dealt with.


COVID-19 Pandemic Bombshell: Origins of SARS-CoV-2 Equals Lab Leak: EcoHealth and Fauci Culpability

Congressional Panel found Federal policies neglected to emphasize natural immunity or proven treatments, were ineffective and caused public distrust in public health leadership.


Pentagon Official Claims COVID-19 Lab Leak Was Known in 2019, Renewing Calls for Transparency



7 Takeaways From 520-page House Report on COVID Pandemic and Government Response

The COVID virus most likely resulted from a lab leak.

Extended school closures, lockdowns unsupported by science.

Fauci said the ‘6 feet apart’ recommendation just appeared.

U.S. government is failing those injured by COVID vaccines.

HHS obfuscated evidence and data.

Fauci’s senior adviser Morens obstructed evidence. / Daszak also tried to hide evidence from subcommittee/


Government’s Refusal to Address Vaccine Side Effects Isn’t Pro-vaccine; It’s Anti-science

Anthony Flint developed a debilitating case of Guillain-Barré syndrome after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Three-and-a-half years later, he says the government and public health officials refuse to face up to the truth about the side effects associated with COVID vaccines.



Alberta COVID-19 Pandemic Data Review Task Force: Halt COVID-19 Vaccine Use without Informed Consent/Disclosure


Why Congress must pass the Risky Research Review Act

Rampant Conflicts of Interest During COVID-19 Pandemic: Time to Clean Houa at Health-related Agencies.

Trump Executive Order on Restoring Freedom of Speech and Ending Federal Censorship


U.S. GAO Report: CICP Vaccine Injury Program All but Collapses During Pandemic with only 2.6% accepted as Eligible for Compensation.

Out of millions known to be affected with significant harm.  Nov 2024


The failure of Federal Agencies to transparently acknowledge or deal with the growing huge vaccine injury problem

The work of Wall Street analyst Edward Dowd has been very important in revealing significant increases in death and disability in those 18-64 years old shown by insurance companies since the mRNA COVID vaccine rollout.

Under any normal circumstances, the mRNA vaccines should have been withdrawn from the market. However, this action has not occurred because the federal government and especially the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) exhibit regulatory capture behavior.

Unfortunately, the Federal agencies only concern was seeing that they and the drug companies made windfall profits no matter how many millions were unnecessarily sickened or even died.

Unfortunately, our government has done little to nothing to investigate MCAS or POTS or micro clotting with aggressive anticoagulation

 in Long COVID or vaccine injury. It is consistent with their strategy of doing anything necessary to prevent any COVID-related condition from being treated with generic or over-the-counter medications rather than expensive, branded drug company products.

Although some estimates of deaths and significant injuries are much higher, assuming only 10 million wrongful injuries or deaths due to the mRNA COVID vaccines, 3% of the population, at $100,000 for each injury or death, it would be $1 trillion. It would increase the national debt by 3%. The agencies have not acknowledged or dealt with this problem.


Cody’s Law: Florida Lawmakers Weigh First State Law to Compensate Vaccine Injury Victims

The bill, named after Cody Hudson, a previously healthy college student injured in 2021 by Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, would expedite the review and payment process for vaccine injury claims under Florida’s Medicare, Medicaid and Medicaid Medically Needy Programs.


The Conversation in Australia Acknowledges Need for Vax Compensation Reform, Moves to the Right Side of History on that Point

Swiss Authorities Make First Payment for $16,500 for COVID-19 Vaccine Injury

Obviously not a serious response and problem still not being taken seriously.


Substack Coverage of Injured and Bereaved in Northern Ireland, COVID-19 Inquiry Alleges Malpractice by Health Officials and Some doctors.


Only One More COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Payment in U.S. Since July from CICP Out of Millions Significantly Injured. But It’s A Large One $370,000, apparently for a vax related death.

U.S. Vaccine Compensation Scheme Under Fire for Cost Inefficiency and Slow Processing: Admin Costs Higher than Awards!

Exposes Malfeasance of a Captured Agency

Can Incoming Secretary of HHS RFK Jr. Reform Vaccine Compensation Challenges in USA?


14 State Attorneys Send Letter to HHS Secretary: Call for Accountability in COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Compensation


Bloomberg Law reported: RFK Jr. Pick Raises Hopes for Vaccine Injury Program Overhaul


During the Pandemic the U.S. experienced a top-down federal takeover of medicine in the United States by the Pharnaceuticals per the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act. The results were hugely disastrous.

Likely, not even in the Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War would medicine have been controlled in such a manner. Even in the People’s Republic China and despite their over-control of the population involving lockdowns, the government stepped away from much of the masses using Traditional Chinese Medicine while, of course, also encouraging vaccination.


ICAN: ICAN's Attorneys File Major Lawsuit to Strike Down Portions of the PREP ACT

  UK Health Secretary Indicates Possible Reform to Payouts in Vaccine Injury Compensation

He says he is looking at possible reform options. Critics say the compensation is not currently reasonable and that people significantly injured are being rejected unfairly. The public was told by the Government that the vaccines were safe and effective which was not true.

Every Story Matters: UK COVID Inquiry Collects 34,000  Stories From Vaccine-Injured

The U.K. government collected over 34,000 stories about people’s experiences, opinions on COVID-19 vaccines — including from people injured by the shots — as part of its Covid-19 Inquiry. YouTube Commenter John Campbell, Ph.D., shared some of the stories and criticized the government for claiming COVID-19 vaccine injuries are rare.

Case Series: COVID-19 Vaccine-caused Spike Protein Likely Involved with Patient Death/Multifocal Meningoencephalitis 


Head-to-Head in South Korea: Novavax non-mRNA Overall Outperforms Pfizer’s mRNA Vaccine


Japan-based Team Review Short-term Impact of Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine on 20K Healthcare Workers with Allergies, Asthma or Atopic Disorders

local reactions (e.g., pain, redness, swelling) were reported in 92.5% of participants after the first dose and 90.7% after the second dose.  Systemic reactions (e.g., headache, malaise, fever) were more common after the second dose, with rates rising from 35.8% (first dose) to 75.3% (second dose).


RSV Vaccination in Pregnancy: Balancing Infant Protection with Maternal and Fetal Risks

A recent meta-analysis found that Pfizer's prefusion F protein-based vaccine called RSVpreF (AbrysvoTM) reduced severe RSV-related illnesses in infants but increased preterm delivery risks by 24%. An important analysis that raises the importance of following the data for both benefits and risks, toward truly pursuing evidence-based medicine, in this case, vaccination of vulnerable pregnant women in anticipation of prevention of infant-based Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)-caused hospitalization and mortality.

(Was such an analysis done in the vaccine approval and if so why have we not seen such)



COVID Didn’t Cause the Multimillion Surge in Excess Deaths from 2021-2024: The Pandemic Response and Vaccines Did.

 Most excess deaths totaling millions during the COVID-19 pandemic can be linked to biological stress brought on by coordinated and large-scale mandates and medical assaults, ranging from vaccination to lockdowns to denial of antibiotics and antivirals, according to a paper released Monday by excess mortality researcher Denis Rancourt, Ph.D. The paper uses peer reviewed papers from most major countries and life insurance company data from many major companies which support the findings. Over 17 million excess deaths.

See HW379 for Supporting Studies.



Scientist/Doctors/Medical Organizations/Health Officials/Studies Find More Problems with mNRA Vaccines and Call for Moratorium

German Academics Find Residual DNA in Pfizer COVID Vax and Call for Immediate Halt to mNRA Products. Based on 4 Vaccine Lots.

All 4 vaccine lots significantly exceeded the 10-ng limit set by international regulatory standards. DNA fragments included plasmid genes and the SV40 promoter/enhancer.


DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccines Up to Four Times Legal Limits, Study Finds

The peer-reviewed study published this week also found SV40 DNA contaminants in the vaccines, and the researchers also determined that the spike proteins produced by the vaccines persist in the body longer than claimed.

Well-Known French Physician-Microbiologist Finds Excess Levels of DNA in Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Vial

Next-generation sequencing confirmed the complete sequence of the plasmid DNA vaccine matrix, revealing high DNA copy numbers with a 98.3% coverage and deep sequencing depths. These findings suggest the presence of DNA impurities in the mRNA vaccine, raising concerns about potential DNA integration risks during vaccine delivery.


Analysis of Buckhaults: Proof Plasmid DNA in mRNA Vaccine Modifies Human Genome.


Dangerous DNA Contamination: A Serious Threat to Health

As noted by The Vaccine Reaction, genomic instability can lead to health issues such as cancer because the cell’s instructions are distorted in the genetic code. Simply put, the cell’s “genetic blueprint” is unstable and is thus more likely to develop dangerous “errors”or mutations, over time. This significant cell malfunction is a severe issue and should prompt immediate further analysis. The study found that gene analyses with selected PCR primer pairs demonstrated that residual DNA represents not only fragments of the DNA matrices coding for the spike gene but of all genes from the plasmid, including the SV40 promoter/enhancer (Simian Virus 40) and the antibiotic resistance gene.


SV40 Contamination in Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccines: A Troubling Echo of the Polio Vaccine Scandal

A new study published in Science, Public Health Policy and the Law has revealed that Pfizer's mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines contain significant levels of residual DNA contamination, including sequences from the Simian Virus 40 (SV40). this residual DNA included two copies of the SV40 promoter/enhancer sequence, a genetic element known to facilitate the nuclear entry of DNA into human cells. This could potentially lead to unintended genomic integration, raising profound safety concerns.1 Compounding the issue, the study found that the DNA was packaged within lipid nanoparticles--the same delivery mechanism designed to ensure efficient delivery of mRNA to human cells--potentially spreading the contamination systemically throughout the body.2


FDA’s Own Study Finds DNA Contamination in Pfizer Vaccines

The peer-reviewed study, published Dec. 29, 2024, in the Journal of High School Science, was authored by three high school students and performed at an FDA lab under the supervision of FDA scientists. The findings prompted renewed calls for a moratorium on COVID-19 vaccines.

The research, performed at the FDA’s White Oak Campus in Maryland, found that levels of residual DNA in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine were 6 to 470 times higher than regulatory safety limits. The students tested two lots of the vaccine, finding they contained “residual DNA to a level that exceeds 10 ng [nanograms] per dose.”

“The potential health risk posed by residual small DNA fragments is currently unknown,” the study stated. However, the authors also said that DNA contamination may result in insertional mutagenesis or DNA mutations that can cause cancer.


DNA Contamination Study Conducted at FDA Lab by Students Supervised by FDA Scientists  Doesn’t Belong to FDA even though 3 FDA Scientist Supervised the Study, Agency Says ?

The FDA also refused to address the involvement of three of its own scientists, Shuliang Liu, Ph.D., Tony Wang, M.D., and Prabhuanand Selvaraj, Ph.D., who supervised the students conducting the study. (Why not address the technical issue raised by this study and many more similar?)

Breakthrough Study Highlights Nanocarrier Tracking at Cellular Scale, Raises Concern for mRNA Vaccines

SCP-Nano identified potential off-target effects of intramuscularly injected LNPs carrying SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA, showing their accumulation in heart endothelial cells. Proteomic analysis indicated immune activation and vascular protein changes, aligning with clinical observations of myocarditis post-vaccination.


Another New Problem with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines: T Cell Apoptosis Impairs Immune Response

The study revealed that circulating RBD peaked around Day 14 post-vaccination, coinciding with a rise in AngII levels, which peaked at Day 28. Elevated AngII stimulated monocytes to release ROS, causing DNA damage in neighboring peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and inducing apoptosis in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. This T cell death correlated with a reduced proliferative response to the S-protein in vitro, highlighting an impaired adaptive immune response



Australian News Highlights Growing Doctors’ Chorus to Withdraw COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines


Supported by Overwhelming Documentation of Worldwide Excess Deaths due to the Vaccines


Vaccines Caused 17 Million Deaths During Pandemic Plus 4 More Takeaways From Largest Excess Mortality Study to Date

(521 pages: 93 countries with data or  supporting studies referenced)

1. Consistently, they found, that the more vaccine doses given, the greater the number of excess deaths. 

2.  Pandemic interventions led to about 30.9 million deaths globally and vaccines didn’t prevent any deaths. (data from 93 countries)

3. Many deaths were linked to respiratory viruses that could have been treated, but treatment was withheld as proscribed by authorities who were responsible for the deaths.

4. There was essentially no excess mortality before the WHO declared a pandemic.




Australian MP, Council from Port Hedland Demand COVID-19 MRNA Vaccines be Paused: Investigate Alleged DNA Contamination


The papers join a growing list of scientists and organizations calling for a ban on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. They include Florida’s surgeon general, the Association of American Physicians and SurgeonsDoctors for COVID EthicsAmericans for Health Freedom and the World Council for Health.

Is FDA ‘Covering for Pfizer’? Court Orders Agency to Release a Million More Pages of COVID Vaccine Documents


FDA Has Authority to Recall COVID Vaccines: A Growing Number of Scientists Are Demanding the Agency Take Swift Action

A growing chorus of voices among public health officials, scientists and researchers say there is sufficient scientific evidence to support an FDA Class I recall of COVID-19 vaccines. So far, the agency hasn’t responded to calls for either a moratorium or recall.


Truth Is Becoming More Obvious: Author of New Peer-reviewed Study Calls for Moratorium on COVID mRNA Vaccines (Based on serious safety concerns, and potential long-term risks, the authors of a new peer-reviewed study recommend at minimum a moratorium on Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines.)

Hungarian Physician-Scientist Argues COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Prophylactic Immuno-Gene Therapies & Unsafe


Congressional Committee Finding: U.S. government is failing those injured by COVID vaccines.


Changing Vaccine Liability Laws and Ensuring Injured Persons Get Access to Care is Needed & Worth a Shot!

Book: Brianne Dressen’s Story details stories of people injured by the vaccines and difficulties getting help with treatment or cost for the millions injured significantly by the vaccines.



With the prospects of a historic administration for public health on the horizon, The HighWire looks back to one of the most revealing and relevant episodes to have aired. In January of 2020, host Del Bigtree brought to light a meeting of the world’s top health officials, and their shocking admissions about vaccine safety caught on camera.




Wishing all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!


Nov 29 2024