( NEW VACCINE HARM STUDIES AND CAPTURED AGENCY COVERUP DOCUMENTATION; More Fraud in Vaccine Clinical Trials; Authoritarian or Captured Government Leaders Worldwide Continue to use the term Misinformation to control Free Speech for Powerful Special Interests; PROGRESS IN HEALTH FREEDOM, FIGHTING MEDICAL SYSTEM CCORRUPTION, AND DEALING WITH VACCINE INJURIES By Litagation; Vaccine Mandates, Exemptions, and Bans; DEL BIGTREE Describes How RFK, Jr came to Be in a Position in the Trump Admin. to Promote Health Freedom and Benefit Children’s Health; Proof of Fluoride Harm in Water and Dental Treatment Hits the Mainstream)




Breakthrough Study Highlights Nanocarrier Tracking at Cellular Scale, Raises Concern for mRNA Vaccines

SCP-Nano identified potential off-target effects of intramuscularly injected LNPs carrying SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA, showing their accumulation in heart endothelial cells. Proteomic analysis indicated immune activation and vascular protein changes, aligning with clinical observations of myocarditis post-vaccination.


Another New Problem with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines: T Cell Apoptosis Impairs Immune Response

The study revealed that circulating RBD peaked around Day 14 post-vaccination, coinciding with a rise in AngII levels, which peaked at Day 28. Elevated AngII stimulated monocytes to release ROS, causing DNA damage in neighboring peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and inducing apoptosis in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. This T cell death correlated with a reduced proliferative response to the S-protein in vitro, highlighting an impaired adaptive immune response


The Unique Features and Collateral Immune Effects of mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines: Turbo Cancer Possibility?


The data points to concerning signals, including a 26-fold increase in reported adverse events compared to flu vaccines, and a notable rise in severe outcomes such as myocarditis, thrombosis, and neuroinflammation. Szebeni also highlights the potential for long-term risks, including "turbo cancer" theories and persistent SP presence in tissues .

Key findings include potential SP toxicity, immune hyperactivation, and autoimmune risks arising from processes like proteasomal antigen presentation, exosomal dissemination, and possible genomic integration of vaccine mRNA.



Trump's AI-fueled 'Stargate' cancer vaccine push sparks a MAHA backlash , as concerns over mRNA expansion collide with Make America Heathy Again health freedom advocacy.

COVID vaccine health impacts keep getting more diverse (See also HW374 )



A Nature   study   found that COVID-19 vaccines are associated with a 68.3% increased risk of depression, 43.9% risk of anxiety disorders, and a 93.4% increased risk of sleep disorders.


Post Flu Vaccination Depression

Within-subject associations between inflammation and features of depression: The flu vaccine as an inflammatory stimulus


There was a significant increase in circulating IL-6 from pre- to post-intervention ( p   = .008), and there was significant variability in the magnitude of IL-6 change. Greater increases in IL-6 were associated with greater mood disturbance on post-vaccine days, specifically depressed mood and cognitive symptoms.

Minor increases in vaccine related inflammation were associated with corresponding increases in features of depression .

Increased Il-6 causes other conditions as well.


mRNA Vaccines and Anaphylaxis: Troubling Data Associated with Leukocyte Activation, Injury


Japanese Investigation Raises Concern about mRNA Jabs: Anaphylaxis, Kounis Syndrome & Cytokine Storm—Spike Protein a Trigger

recent reports indicate that deaths most commonly occur on the same day of or one day following vaccination. Potential mechanisms of acute adverse effects following COVID-19 mRNA-LNP vaccination. mRNA = messenger RNA; LNP = lipid nanoparticle; PEG = polyethylene glycol; IL = interleukin; ACE2 = angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; Ang II = angiotensin II; ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome according to researchers and study findings. But separately histamine released from mast cells linked to allergic reactions associates with IL-6 secretion, intensifying inflammatory responses. All troublesome and problematic.

Study Examines Endothelial Responses to COVID-19 Booster Vaccines, Associated Spike Protein Surges

One group of the vaccinated had increased endothelial indicators. Elevated levels of endothelial markers suggest that the blood vessels may be under stress due to inflammation, immune activation, or other physiological challenges.

Such an increased endothelial activation is often associated with a higher risk of thrombosis (blood clots). 

Kagawa Prefectural Central Hospital Case Series Finds mRNA Vaccine-Induced Colitis


Saudi Arabian Cross-Sectional Study Finds Cardiovascular & Other Concern with mRNA Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination

Survey of mostly young females. Over 70% reported minor adverse effects.

Long-term side effects, such as myocarditis (14.4%), pericarditis (16.2%), and thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (16.6%). Additionally, nearly half experienced insomnia (43.2%).



Swiss Study Finds Link Between Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Booster Vax and Chronic Hives


Over 90% of CU cases followed the Spikevax booster rather than primary vaccination.

CU remained active in 53% of cases one year later, with many experiencing inducible forms like dermographism.

No direct association was found between CU onset and prior COVID-19 infection or atopic predisposition.



UK MHRA COVID-19 Vax Safety Study: Over 50 % reported Adverse Event and 13.7% of Sample Experience Events Deemed Medically Serious


Simultaneous & Sequential Combo of Flu and COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: High Rates of Adverse Events of Special Interest  


Flu shots increase the risk of illness from flu as well as from noninfluenza virus infections such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, RS viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, HMP viruses and enteroviruses. (2 Pubmed studies)


  A prospective case-control study in healthy young Australian children found that seasonal flu shots doubled their risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections (unadjusted OR 2.13, CI 1.20—3.79). Overall, the vaccine increased the risk of virus-associated acute respiratory illness, including influenza, by 73% (OR 1.73, CI 0.99—3.03). (Table 2 in Kelly et al, Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011;30: 107)… .


A randomized placebo-controlled trial in Hong Kong children found that flu shots increased the risk of noninfluenza viral ARIs fivefold (OR 4.91) and, including influenza, tripled the overall viral ARI risk (OR 3.17). (Table 3 in Cowling et al, Clin Infect Dis 2012;54: 1778)…..

This will not be found in the abstracts of the articles, so you have to go to the tables and look at the numbers yourself.

Facial Nerve Palsy After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: Most Cases Linked to Pfizer, Moderna

Most of the 53 cases analyzed were linked to mRNA vaccines, predominantly occurring after the first dose and within one-week post-vaccination. The majority of PV-FNP cases (98%) were unilateral, with Grade III palsy being the most frequently observed severity level. The analysis revealed a lower rate of complete recovery (55%) compared to pre-pandemic FNP cases (83%).  



Vaccines & Inflammatory Autoimmune Conditions


Portugal Case Series : Pfizer mRNA Vax Linked to New Onset Psoriatic Arthritis and Other Autoimmune Conditions

The Portuguese physicians emphasize that with COVID-19 vaccines adverse reactions are linked more frequently to the development and/or exacerbation of autoimmune/autoinflammatory diseases, including rheumatic diseases.  


Pfizer MRNA Vaccine Linked to Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome in Adults


Vaccines documented to cause chronic inflammation and autoimmunity . Current Epidemic of Autoimmunity, increasing over 3% per year.


Dangerous Macrophage Activation Syndrome After mRNA Vaccinations, A Review

A condition that can be both very severe and fatal, the authors of this recent paper note that MAS associates with both COVID-19 or vaccination, emphasizing that particularly with mRNA encoding the viral spike protein, many cases of MAS have been reported in published studies. MAS occurs most commonly with  systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis ( SoJIA ). Also, MAS has been described in association with systemic lupus erythematosus  (SLE), Kawasaki disease, and adult-onset Still's disease.


More Fraud in Vaccine Clinical Trials. Will Moderna and Pfizer be Punished?

Moderna Covered Up Death, Injuries in COVID Vaccine Trials. Will Trump Hold the Company Accountable?

Pharmaceutical companies have remained largely immune for their role in perpetrating global-scale deception resulting in thousands of vaccine injuries and billions in profits. The next administration must hold the vaccine maker accountable.


Bombshell : Former CDC Head Redfield on Podcast: COVID-19 Human-Made, Fauci May be Culpable for Up to 20m Deaths Caused by Creation and Promotion of the Vaccines


Emails Obtained by CHD Reveal Government’s Failure to Monitor COVID Vaccine Injury Reports

The FDA posted the emails one day after the agency objected to a motion filed by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) in federal court pertaining to CHD’s 2023 Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking information on the agency’s monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine injuries in VAERS.


COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Minimal if Any Effectiveness Against Hospitalization When Studied Over 10 Month Period in Quebec


Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole: Independent Scientists and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic explores the widespread misuse of science during the pandemic, the likely origin of COVID-19, the pathophysiology of the disease itself and the harms associated with the various COVID-19 vaccines.



Social Listening Study Finds World Negative on MRNA Vaccines: High Risk for Market Failure


Moderna paid Australia’s Former Prime Minister $2 billion to Allow Skipping a Regulatory Step Allowing Moderna mRNA Vaccines to Bypass ‘Key Step’ in Safety Process. (Obvious corruption)

Under a confidential deal signed by Australia’s former prime minister, Moderna mRNA vaccines produced at the company’s new Australian facility won’t have to undergo an assessment by the country’s independent advisory committee.


Scientists Ask Trump to Eliminate Current Conflicts of Interest at FDA, EPA

At least 48 scientists and public health experts and 14 health and environmental organizations are calling for the incoming administration to adopt guidelines to ensure scientific integrity at federal agencies and loosen corporate influence on regulators charged with protecting Americans’ health.

Facial Nerve Palsy After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: Most Cases Linked to Pfizer, Moderna

Most of the 53 cases analyzed were linked to mRNA vaccines, predominantly occurring after the first dose and within one-week post-vaccination. The majority of PV-FNP cases (98%) were unilateral, with Grade III palsy being the most frequently observed severity level. The analysis revealed a lower rate of complete recovery (55%) compared to pre-pandemic FNP cases (83%).  



Authoritarian or Captured Government Leaders Worldwide continue to use the term misinformation to control Free Speech for Powerful Special Interests




House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer sent a   letter   to Newsguard requesting communications between the news rating website and government entities, including the Department of Defense (DOD).   This   is part of an investigation into the impact of NewsGuard on protected First Amendment speech and its potential to serve as a nontransparent agent of censorship campaigns.



Paid to Peer-Review: Physicians Reviewing Top Medical Journals Receive Billions from Big Pharma


The CDC Is Captured, Controlled and Bought-Off by Big Pharma.


UK Online Censorship Laws Set to Impose Substantial Fines on Online Platforms for Non-Compliance

(Requires Censorship of Information that Contradicts Government Claims even if Accurate, all Media Information Government Controlled as in Russia or Chi na)



In Undercover Video NIH Official Admits Covid Rules Were Made Up to Promote the Vaccines that he doesn’t think are safe.

Raja Cholan , the Chief of Health Data Standards Branch US National Library of Medicine, said the Covid health initiatives were completely made up. I don’t even know if these vaccines stop you from getting Covid . They don’t , Chohan says. He goes even further, actually questioning the safety of the Covid jabs and saying the NIH probably funded the Wuhan Lab in China and now Pfizer and Moderna are getting a bunch of money from it .   Cholan admits he hasn’t gotten the latest Covid shots and probably won’t take the jab.


Mounting Evidence Suggests CDC Hid Data on COVID Vaccines and Myocarditis


Proposed Brazil Laws To Imprison Anti-vaxxers for up to a Decade!  



The Rigged U.S. Healthcare System: A Profit-Driven Game Hurting Patients and Taxpayers




Medical Freedom Protesters Gather in Albany, NY, outside the site of Governor Kathy Hochul’s State of the State Address. Del Bigtree amongst speakers set

to address rally-goers (Hochul has supported vaccine mandates and Censorship)





Mainstream media pundits and Wikipedia have mud in their face after Congress’ Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released their final report, effectively validating everything legacy media claimed a ‘conspiracy theory,’ as true.


Pfizer Ecec Scott Gottlieb has been wrongly criticizing RFK Jr as dangerous for Administration Nomination using disinformation to do so.

Vaccine Injury Trial Lawyer Fact Checks Pfizer Exec Scott Gottlieb on CNBC Interview Claims Targeting RFK Jr.

Gottlieb, in this instance, was incorrect on every one of his key claims. A striking finding.



Study Showing High Likelihood of Link Between COVID Vaccines and Death Republished in Peer-reviewed Journal after being previously Censored.

(Call for mNRA Vaccine Withdrawal)

The study’s lead author said it provides robust evidence that the vaccines can cause death, meeting the FDA’s criteria for an immediate market withdrawal.




Special Interest Group CCHD Behind Disinformation Dozen Sought to Kill Musk’s Twitter, Launch Black Ops Against Honored Evironmental and Healh activist RFK Jr. and others.

But did so for the Benefit of Pharmaceuticals and Big Ag Special Interests and with the Blessing and Cooperation of Captured Government Health Officials.

The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), author of The Disinformation Dozen, planned to kill X (Twitter) because of it’s transparency, shut down popular social media accounts on other platforms, censor non-establishment voices and bring back attacks on antivaxx voices, according to internal documents leaked by CCDH insiders. (RFK who was honored as Time Man of the Year for his effectiveness crusading against fraud and pollution was attacked because of his proven effectiveness countering special interests.)

Exposed: CCDH CEO Imran Ahmed Orders Black Ops Against Health Activist RFK Jr. In Shocking Memo Leak



Prince Harry, Royal Charity and CCDH: Leaked Black Ops Memo Reveals Their Shadowy Censorship and U.S. Elections Interference Operations (seems many countries leaders had major efforts to affect the U.S. Election)




BAYER PUSHING FOR PASAGE of CANCER GAG ACT Bill in Iowa to protect Pesticide Companies from lawsuits .



OPEN LETTER TO MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS : Your Role in Foreign Black Operations Targetng American Democracy

The greatest threat to democracy isn't disinformation from American citizens exercising their First Amendment rights - it's the coordinated effort by foreign operatives,   dark money networks , and complicit media organizations to undermine constitutional freedoms through covert operations.


New Jersey Bill to Impose Serious Restrictions on Health Professionals Who disclose Negative Effects of Vaccines


Clear Conflict of Inteest betweem NIH and Modeena Vaccine Disclosed

nestled within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Dr. Barney Graham, who was the Deputy Director of the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) and chief of the Viral Pathogenesis at the   NIH   during the pandemic. In highlighting the clear conflict between Dr. Graham’s financial interest and his role in developing safe and effective vaccines to treat SARS-CoV-2, ICAN reported on January 12, 2021, that Graham stands to  earn millions   from the sales of the Moderna vaccine.



CDC Planned National Quarantine Camps for Unvaccinated who got Covid ( The plan was to enforce this with a vaccine passport. Once the news leaked that the shot didn’t stop infection or transmission, the planners lost public support, and the scheme collapsed.)



Top Dutch Government Health Official Admits Covid Pandemic Response Was Military Operation : Ministry of Health Obeys NATO (U.S. Is most dominant NATO member, who decided the military was the proper agency to oversee Covid prevention or treatment methods??)


Once at the Center of a Censorship Scandal, Stanford University Hosts Open Debate on COVID Policies

Last month, Stanford University hosted a conference on COVID-19 pandemic policy, to listen and debate diverse perspectives. The university, through its Virality Project, previously colluded with the U.S. government and social media to censor COVID-19 Vaccine Harm misinformation, journalist Matt Taibbi reported.


Censorship, Surveillance, and Public Dissent: The UK's Role in a Global Democratic Awakening


petition  demanding a General Election has surpassed 2.3 million signatures, representing 24% of Labour's July vote share in less than 48 hours, signaling an unprecedented public outcry against censorship and authoritarian overreach.


U.S. GAO Report: CICP Vaccine Injury Program All but Collapses During Pandemic with only 2.6% accepted as Eligible for Compensation .

Out of millions known to be affected with significant harm. Nov 2024





GWU Vaccine Injury Litigation Clinic on a Tear: $1m in Client Compensation & Attorney Fees


U.S. GAO Report: CICP Vaccine Injury Program All but Collapses During Pandemic with only 2.6% accepted as Eligible for Compensation .

Out of millions known to be affected with significant harm. Nov 2024


Outgoing Biden Administration HHS Extends PREP Act Protection Until 2029 without acknowledging question of evidence of safety or effectiveness or millions of vaccine injured or government liability for vaccine injured.


Follow the Silenced: The Hidden Story of the Hidden Cost of Agency and Media Censorship



14 State Attorneys Send Letter to HHS Secretary: Call for Accountability in COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Compensation



The HHS emphasized that COVID-19 still poses a credible risk of future public health emergencies, necessitating ongoing preparedness efforts.

Why No Democratic Process? No Advice or Consent. No acknowledgement of millions of vaccine injuries or plan to feal with the government liabilities for vaccine injured.


Historic : Federal Court Says AstraZeneca Not Immune from Liability in Case Involving Woman Injured by COVID Vaccine During Clinical Trial


Cody’s Law : Florida Lawmakers Weigh First State Law to Compensate Vaccine Injury Victims

The bill, named after Cody Hudson, a previously healthy college student injured in 2021 by Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, would expedite the review and payment process for vaccine injury claims under Florida’s Medicare, Medicaid and Medicaid Medically Needy Programs.



Changing Vaccine Liability Laws and Ensuring Injured Persons Get Access to Care is Needed & Worth a Shot!

Book: Brianne Dressen’s Story details stories of people injured by the vaccines and difficulties getting help with treatment or cost.


Substack Coverage of Injured and Bereaved in Northern Ireland, COVID-19 Inquiry

The author alleges several types of mistreatment and coverup & calls for accountability and justice for families affected by the alleged mistreatment.




In the first of its kind ruling, an Idaho health department is no longer allowed to give COVID-19 vaccines. Hear other small victories in the fight against the administration and promotion of these dangerous shots in what is looking like public health reckoning.

(Some local governments in Florida and Texas are investigating and considering such actions. Some states are Suing the Pharmaceuticals because of the Fraud.)



This Is a Winnable Battle : Experts Explain How Citizens Can Work with Local Health Authorities to Get COVID Vaccines Removed ( Local public health agencies don’t have to blindly follow federal agencies on COVID-19 vaccinations or public health and safety issues, Dr. John Tribble told The Defender . They have the power and moral obligation to protect and educate their constituents. )



Nurse Sues New Jersey Hospital That Denied Her Religious Exemption for Flu Vaccine

Alexandra Clark, a behavioral health nurse at Saint Clare’s Health in Denville, New Jersey, filed the complaint last month after the hospital emailed her saying it was no longer accepting requests for religious exemptions. (Vaccines like Covid and Flu clearly never proven either safe or effective compared to more safe and effective alternatives , so no valid reason for mandate) See also HW299


Healthcare Workers Reject COVID, Flu Shots Amid Tremendous Erosion of Trust in Health Agencies

Only 15.3% of acute hospital workers and 10.5% of nursing home personnel received a COVID-19 vaccine during the 2023-24 season, down from 17.8% and 22.8% respectively, according to the latest CDC data.


Huge Win : West Virginia Governor Issues Executive Order Allowing Religious Exemptions

West Virginia Gov. Patrick Morrisey on his first full day in office issued an executive order allowing for religious exemptions from mandatory school vaccinations, ending one of the most restrictive vaccination policies in the country.


Malaysians File CA Lawsuit Against Prime Minister, WHO, Pfizer Over COVID-19 Vaccination Harm



Hib Pediactric Vaccine Used from 2003 to 2007 Now Linked to 19 Diseases, with 35 Million Babies Who Got the Shot Now at Risk as Adults

(pulled off market by Pfizer in 2007 due to huge harm caused to babies)


To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate: The Debate Over Hepatitis B Vaccine for Infants .

HBV is transmitted primarily by the exchange of body fluids, most of which are infectious and include blood, semen, and other fluids. Since the Hep B Vaccine has been shown to cause a lot of harm , many have argued that most infants are better off not getting the Vaccine.

Childhood Vaccination Rates Declining because of increasing distrust of vaccines.


German Study for Children Finds Striking Safety Issues with Pfizer mRNA COVID Vaccine for Children with Comorbidities Compared to Healthy Cohorts

They found a striking pattern of vaccine-induced risk associated with children with comorbidities.

Odds Ratios (OR) included Psychological (OR: 3.56), pulmonary (OR: 7.14), gastrointestinal (OR: 2.35), neurological (OR: 1.74) and dermatological (OR: 2.28]) side effects increased in children with comorbidities over healthy controls.

U.S. children have a very high rate of comorbidities (over 50%). Pfizer and CDC are aware that large numbers of children are being harmed, but still promote the vaccines for children with comorbidities and offer no help to the large numbers being harmed.





The Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates on Healthcare Workers in British Columbia: Serious Problems


Nearly half of the respondents with over 16 years of experience were unvaccinated, most of whom were terminated for non-compliance.

Both vaccinated and unvaccinated workers reported coercion, safety concerns, and dissatisfaction with vaccination decisions. They had experience with Covid treatment and Vaccine outcomes as a basis for personal decisions.

Many reported experiencing anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts related to the mandates.

Both groups cited significant personal, financial, and professional impacts, with vaccinated respondents reporting post-vaccine adverse events and unvaccinated workers noting strained relationships and mental health challenges.

A large minority observed underreporting of vaccine adverse events, bias against unvaccinated patients, and ethical concerns in healthcare practices.

Nearly half of respondents expressed intentions to leave the healthcare industry, citing burnout and disillusionment.





Australia Supreme Court Decision: Dr. William Bay's Medical Ban Overturned, Medical Freedom Wins in Queensland, Australia


Ninth Circuit Overturns Fed Judge, Backs Montana Vaccine Discrimination Law in Health Care Settings

Health Freedom Win: Ban on Vaccine Bans



Will Colleges Mandating COVID Shots Be Held Liable for Injuries?

(Huge Liabilities are involved and some have won such suits)


Trump to Reinstate Military Personnel Who Refused COVID-19 Vax

Australian Broadcasting Corporation:  WA Premier tells Port Hedland council 'stick to knitting' after anti-COVID vaccine motion passes


AP News:  An Idaho health department isn't allowed to give COVID-19 vaccines anymore. Experts say it's a first

The New York Times:  A federal judge blocks Biden's vaccine mandate for U.S. health workers.

AP News:  Supreme Court halts COVID-19 vaccine rule for US businesses

Star-Telegram:  Doctors outraged after Texas bans health departments from promoting COVID vaccines

NBC:  Florida surgeon general calls for halt in the use of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

ICAN:  Mississippi’s Religious Exemption for School Children Now Permanently Secured!

ICAN:  Breaking News: University Of California Allows Religious Exemptions On The Heels Of Two Successful ICAN-Backed Lawsuits

ICAN:  Donate to Help "Free the Five"

ICAN:  Breaking: ICAN Attorneys Score Another Major Win Against FDA with Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Documents

The Denver Gazette:  Judge scraps 75-year FDA timeline to release Pfizer vaccine safety data, giving agency eight months

ABC News:  Robert De Niro Pulls Controversial Film, "Vaxxed, From Tribeca Film Festival After Backlash . 2016



Del is Back and delivers details of his personal experience working behind the scenes in the 2024 election.


Del details his personal experience as a citizen, and not as CEO of ICAN, where he worked behind the scenes for 18 months in the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign. Del chronicles his experience behind RFK, Jr.’s historic run for President, his decision to run as an independent, and the improbable move joining forces with Donald Trump. 



With RFK Jr. Poised to Assume Key Role in Public Health, Kids Could Finally Have an Ally in Washington

This was an inspiring if turbulent election year for the health freedom movement — and for anyone concerned about the epidemic of chronic disease that is robbing our children of a healthy future. We at CHD support the vision to end the epidemic of chronic disease and look forward to what comes next.



FDA’s war on public health is about to end. This includes its aggressive suppression of psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals and anything else that advances human health and can’t be patented by Pharma. If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, I have two messages for you: 1. Preserve your records, and 2. Pack your bags.

Twitter/X:  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Fluoride Tweet

The Guardian:  End of fluoridation of US water could be in sight after federal court ruling

The Independent:  Trump says RFK Jr's plan to remove fluoride from water 'sounds OK' as he refuses to rule out banning vaccines

Florida Surgeon General Urges End to Water Fluoridation

Florida’s top health official last week advised governments across the state to stop adding fluoride to their water, citing the neuropsychiatric risk — particularly for pregnant women and children.

(Fluoride, arsenic, and lead in the toxic waste used to fluoridate water found to be neurotoxic and causing health effects.)


Utah Legislature Passes Law to Become First State to End Water Fluoridation for All Residents

If Gov. Spencer Cox signs a bill passed late last week, the state will end community water fluoridation .



Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the Mainstream Media’s grip on the narrative collapsing,


In the wake of the divisive 2024 Presidential election, Del reflects on the deceitful tactics systematically used by mainstream media for over almost a decade now to grossly misrepresent one candidate and their words. Was this historical election also a battle between legacy media and new media, and if so who was the true winner in the end? 


Scandal! Feds Paid Out NY Times, Politico, Associated Press, Others During COVID-19: Have we had State Controlled Media During Pandemic with Propaganda rather than Science?

(Such has been documented. We’ve had censorship & disinformation by most mainstream media, reported in Congress Hearings especially censorship and slander of those pointing out the harm to vaccine injured like RFK and other natural health leaders)

The Surgeon General's Cover-Up of Vaccine Injuries and Smear Campaign against Truth Tellers like RFK who tried to expose the Cover-Up. Murthy was paid millions to make speeches about Covid issues. Collusion?


USAID Bankrolled Secretive Nonprofit Global News Network With Alleged Ties to Censorship . Organization engaged in   smear campaigns   and  censorship against dissident voices .




The  HighWire :  Today Marks the Official Day Corporate Media Influence Ended

The New York Times:  How Public Health Could Be Recast in a Second Trump Term

MedPage Today:  What Will CDC, FDA, and CMS Look Like After the Election?

Nature:  'We need to be ready for a new world': scientists globally react to Trump election win

The College Fix:  Harvard, Columbia, Penn top list of worst universities for free speech: student survey

Mind Matters:  Cancel Culture is Free Speech, Harvard Prof Claims

Congressional Research Service:  Section 230: An Overview

Reclaim The Net:  Ireland's Online "Hate Crime" Law Passes, Sparks Major Future Free Speech Concerns

Reuters:  Ireland drops plans for hate speech law, minister says

Irish Examiner:  Trump VP pick JD Vance hits out at Ireland's proposed 'authoritarian' hate speech laws



the viral fluoride story and its impact on health policy in 2025.


Jefferey Jaxen’s reporting last week on the historical EPA ruling on fluoride in drinking water made its way into corporate media with a slurry of misinformation to The Hill:  US agency links high fluoride exposure to lower 1Q in kids

The  HighWire :  Expert Attorney Exposes Decades of Fluoride Harms

Twitter/X:  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Fluoride Tweet

The Guardian:  End of fluoridation of US water could be in sight after federal court ruling

The Independent:  Trump says RFK Jr's plan to remove fluoride from water 'sounds OK' as he refuses to rule out banning vaccines




Del answers YOUR CALL!


In a rare opportunity for our amazing supporters, Del takes live calls from our audience answering your questions about this journey and Del’s thoughts on how this new administration can harbor real change in the massively broken public health space.


Twitter/X:  Del Bigtree: "WILL I MAKE THE  HIGHWIRE ?!"

National Review:  Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Suppressed Hunter Biden Laptop Story ahead of 2020 Election

New York Post:  Zuckerberg says Facebook censored The Post's Hunter Biden stories because FBI warned of Russian misinfo 'dump'

Fox News:  MSNBC pundit who claimed Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation tapped for Intelligence Advisory Board

Twitter/X:  Del Bigtree Page




AIRDATE: November 7, 2024

The latest episode of  Freedom Files  is Available now on  HighWire + ! In this episode, politician & activist,  Randall Terry , breaks down the five rules of  social revolution  which he has identified in his study of revolts dating back as far as the American Revolution.

Freedom Files   is our latest exclusive series on HighWire +, Following the success of ‘Off The Record,’ our first new series on HighWire +, we’re thrilled to bring you this powerful new offering. 

Join  Jefferey Jaxen and Del Bigtree  as they engage with thought leaders and experts championing  liberty and freedom for all . From the challenges facing our education system and health to the growing censorship state, tech issues, and beyond, these insightful conversations shine a light on the most critical battles of our time—the fight for our independence.