(Mrna shots weaken immune system of all who get them ; Sharyl atkissoN on FOLLOW THE SCIENCE ; The Childhood Vaccine Schedule Increase Led to Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History; The Steady Poisoning of Our Children by the Health Establishment; Dead Last: Americans Pay the Most for Worst Health Outcomes; Exposing the Global Elite’s Censorship Agenda of Natural Health Options; ICAN-backed lawsuits secure vaccine exemptions for 300k students in California; THE UN’S 2030 AGENDA GOES UP IN SMOKE)


Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the details of immune dysfunction brought on by the COVID shot.


Research is piling up to reveal that the mRNA vaccines increasingly weaken the immune system with each booster. Jefferey dives deeper into what “HighWire” guests Bret Weinstein, PhD and William Makis, MD both detail – multiple vaccinations causing a class switch in antibody production to an overproduction of IgG4, the antibody responsible for dampening immune response, and underproduction of IgG1 and IgG3, the antibodies responsible for cancer surveillance.

STUDIES AND TESTS Document that Most of Vaccinated People Tested Received SIGNIFICANT HARM

Exploring Long-Term Immune Response to Pfizer mRNA Vaccine: Japanese Case Study


Concerning post-vaccination antibody dynamics, IgG levels consistently peaked 1–2 weeks post-vaccination and declined exponentially, evidencing a likely association with the observed waning effect of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.  

Peak IgG levels declined after the fourth dose, indicating a ceiling effect or downregulation of immune response


German Study Yet Again Confirms Surge in IgG4 in Children: One Year After Vaccination with Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

(weakens immune system, promotes autoimmunity and cancer)


COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine IgG Cancer Connection

The increase in the concentration of specific and non-specific IgG4 antibodies allows the growth of some types of cancer by blocking the activation of effector immune cells. At least 3 mechanisms that the IgG4 shift promotes cancer and weakens immune system have been identified.

German Study for Children Finds Striking Safety Issues with Pfizer mRNA COVID Vaccine for Children with Comorbidities Compared to Healthy Cohorts

They found a striking pattern of vaccine-induced risk associated with children with comorbidities.

Odds Ratios (OR) included Psychological (OR: 3.56), pulmonary (OR: 7.14), gastrointestinal (OR: 2.35), neurological (OR: 1.74) and dermatological (OR: 2.28]) side effects increased in children with comorbidities over healthy controls.

U.S. children have a very high rate of comorbidities (over 50%). Pfizer and CDC are aware that large numbers of children are being harmed, but still promote the vaccines for children with comorbidities and offer no help to the large numbers being harmed.


MedRXIV :  Class switch towards non-inflammatory IgG isotypes after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination

MDPI:  IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

Substack:  Class switching to IgG4 - lessons learned from failed HIV vaccine trials

J-Stage:  IgG4-related Disease Emerging after COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination

Cureus :  IgG4-Related Membranous Nephropathy After COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report

Kidney:  Relapse of IgG4-related nephritis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccine

Hepatology Forum:  Acute liver injury and IgG4-related autoimmune pancreatitis following mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination

Epoch Health:  New Science Shows Vaccines Help Omicron Spread: Peer-Reviewed Study

MedRXIV :  Effectiveness of the 2023-2024 Formulation of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 mRNA Vaccine against the JN.I Variant

55 Undeclared Chemical Elements, Including Toxic and Carcinogenic Heavy Metals, Found in COVID Vaccines.

The chemical elements include 11 heavy metals — such as chromium, arsenic, nickel, aluminum, cobalt and copper — which scientists consider  systemic toxicants  known to be carcinogenic and to induce organ damage, even at low exposure levels.

The samples also contained 11 of the 15  lanthanides , or rare earth elements, that are heavier, silvery metals often used in manufacturing. These chemical elements, which include lanthanum, cerium and gadolinium, are lesser known to the general public than heavy metals but have also been shown to be highly toxic.


1 in 6 Germans Reported Experiencing COVID Vaccine Side Effects, Survey Finds

Harald Walach , Ph.D., founder of Germany’s Change Health Science Institute and professional research fellow at Kazimieras Simonavicius University in Lithuania, told The Defender the survey results likely don’t show the full extent of COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries. 35% of those surveyed reported knowing someone who got severe effects.


Idaho Health Board First in U.S. to Defy CDC and FDA by Removing COVID Vaccines from Clinics.


This Is a Winnable Battle : Experts Explain How Citizens Can Work with Local Health Authorities to Get COVID Vaccines Removed ( Local public health agencies don’t have to blindly follow federal agencies on COVID-19 vaccinations or public health and safety issues, Dr. John Tribble told The Defender . They have the power and moral obligation to protect and educate their constituents. )



Award-winning Journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, discusses her journey of discovery uncovering the dark underbelly of the pharmaceutical industry, detailed in her new book, Follow the Science



Five-time Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, gives a career- spanning interview, highlighting her pivotal role in breaking controversial stories from vaccine injury to government corruption. Hear why she broke away from mainstream media and why free speech in journalism is a driving force in her career.


Amazon:  Follow The Science Book


Deadly Deception (The Huge Harm Done to Our Children by the Medical Authorities)

There is an epidemic, the likes that we have never seen in the history of this country. One in 6 children in America is learning disabled, one in 9 has asthma, one in 48 are becoming autistic, and millions more are suffering from brain and immune dysfunction, which can not be explained. Children are now exposed to more vaccinations than earlier generations. The number of vaccines is expected to increase dramatically with over 250 new vaccines in the pipeline. While there is an untold number of children and adults that have been injured from vaccines, most Americans remain skeptical of the fact that vaccines can and do cause injury, disability, and death.

What will happen when vaccine-injured children, with brain and immune system dysfunction, reach adulthood and are unable to function in society? It is a tremendous cost burden to care for someone with a disability over their lifetime and the American healthcare system is incapable of handling the larger cataclysm that awaits as vaccines become mandated.

Conventional medicine claims that vaccines prevent infectious diseases and are proven to be effective and safe. We are that these diseases can be eradicated if the population is fully vaccinated to achieve “herd immunity.” However, does the science support these claims?

The U.S. Supreme Court has declared that “vaccines are undeniably unsafe ”, and have given complete immunity to the Pharmaceutical companies for any injuries, including death, caused by vaccination. The federal government has payed out over $3.7 billion to American citizens for vaccine injuries, and the CDC estimates that only about 10% of adverse events are ever even reported!

Deadly Deception, Exposing the Dangers of Vaccines, by award-winning film director Gary Null, investigates the true scientific record behind vaccines, their life-threatening ingredients, and the story of fraud, manipulation, and deception that the Federal health agencies conceal from the public. This information never seen in the mainstream media because drug companies represent 65% of advertising revenue. This film allows the voices of leading private physicians, pediatricians, immunologists, bio-molecular chemists, parents of vaccine injured children, and legal experts to be heard. It’s up to you to make up your own mind, are vaccines a miracle of modern science or deadly deception?

See Also Vax/ Unvax

Frontiers:  The US Military Commitment to Vaccine Development: A Century of Successes and Challenges

Jama Network:  Myopericarditis Following Smallpox Vaccination Among Vaccinia-Naive US Military Personnel

Open Vaers :  VAERS COVID Vaccine Myo/Pericarditis Reports

Today:  What is deep vein thrombosis? David Bloom's cause of death explained

The Baltimore Sun:  NBC reporter David Bloom dies in Iraq of apparent blood clot

The New York Times: Study of Babies Did Not Disclose Risks, U.S. Finds

Public Citizen Website

Public Citizen:  Public Citizen: Oxygen Experiment On Premature Babies Is Highly Unethical

The Hastings Center:  OHRP and Public Citizen Are Wrong about Neonatal Research on Oxygen Therapy

HHS:  Public Meeting: Matters Related to Protection of Human Subjects and Research Considering Standard of Care Interventions

Regulatory Focus:  FDA eases informed consent requirements for minimal risk trials

HRSA:  About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Clinical Trials Arena:  Hunting the holy grail: the marred history of HIV vaccine trials

The BMJ:  Public should be told that vaccines may have long term adverse effects


CDC:  What Clinicians Need to Know About the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines

Facebook Gave CDC Backdoor Access to Help Remove Millions of Social Media Posts with info about vaccine harm


Politico:  States' new vaccine worry: Not enough doses

The Hindu:  Unethical to continue using polio-causing oral polio vaccines

Science:  Polio cases in Africa linked to new oral vaccine

CDC:  United States confirmed as country with circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus

New York Post:  Polio live oral vaccine: Here's why the US stopped using it years ago

MDLinx :  10 dangerous drugs recalled by the FDA

AMA Journal of Ethics:  How FDA Failures Contributed to the Opioid Crisis

AJPH:  The Promotion and Marketing of OxyContin: Commercial Triumph, Public Health Tragedy

American Academy of Pediatrics:  FDA approves OxyContin for children 11 and older

Amazon:  The Merck Manual 20th Edition

Brain Injury Law Center:  Merck Pays $950 Million in Penalties and Fines

The Globe and Mail:  Vioxx took deadly toll: study

Merck Manual:  Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine


Council for a Strong America:  77 Percent of American Youth Can't Qualify for Military Service


The Childhood Vaccine Schedule Increase Led to Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History


5-Year-Old Develops Autism After Being Forced to Get 18 Vaccines in 1 Day (Clear Malpractice)

As part of a custody battle, a Tennessee judge ordered a family to vaccinate all three of their children, all of whom had never been vaccinated. Five-year-old Isaac immediately became ill and was eventually diagnosed with severe regressive autism.

( The judge’s decision was reckless and malevolent given that many medical studies, books, and warnings that the CDC was aware of have warned that multiple shots in one day are likely to cause major harm. Both the judge and vaccinator and CDC were responsible for this tra gedy. There is no evidence in the medical literature that multiple vaccines are safe.)


CDC:  Childhood Vaccine Schedule

54% of US Youth are Chronically Ill* The huge increase in chronic problems is a crisis that needs attention. The increase in chronic conditions correlates with the increase in the childhood vaccination schedule, and Toxic Food Supply )

CBS News:  U.S. has highest first-day infant mortality out of industrialized world, group reports (Hep B Vaccine)

( Due to U.S. Vaccination Schedule )


To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate: The Debate Over Hepatitis B Vaccine for Infants .

HBV is transmitted primarily by the exchange of body fluids, most of which are infectious and include blood, semen, and other fluids. Since the Hep B Vaccine has been shown to cause a lot of harm , many have argued that most infants are better off not getting the Vaccine.


CDC Updates 2025 Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents: Why EUA Status for Children Under 12? ?

The Science clearly says the vaccines are more dangerous than Covid.



With RFK Jr. Poised to Assume Key Role in Public Health, Kids Could Finally Have an Ally in Washington

This was an inspiring if turbulent election year for the health freedom movement — and for anyone concerned about the epidemic of chronic disease that is robbing our children of a healthy future. We at CHD support the vision to end the epidemic of chronic disease and look forward to what comes next.


CDC:  Use of COVID-19 Vaccines for Persons Aged ≥6 Months: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - United States, 2024-2025

MMWR:  The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices' Interim Recommendation for Use of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine - United States, December 2020


Childhood Vaccines have been documented to be the major factor in creating Autism Epidemic for a long time. CEC denial was known to be based on bogus studies,


Standard Measles, DTaP Vaccination Rates Drop in Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada Concerned with Post COVID-19 Levels of Distrust


UCLA Health:  New genetic clues uncovered in largest study of families with multiple children with autism

CBS News:  Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award

Sharyl Attkisson:  CDC: "Possibility" that vaccines rarely trigger autism (AUDIO)

STAT:  There is no epidemic of autism. It's an epidemic of need (opinion with no science)

Parents:  Vaccines Don't Cause Autism (and Here's the Proof)

CDC:  Autism and Vaccines

Reuters:  Pfizer signs new $3.2 billion COVID vaccine deal with U.S. government

U.S. Department of Defense:  DoD Awards $1.74 Billion Agreement to Moderna, Inc. to Secure Over 65 Million Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine for Fall Vaccinations

CDC:  About the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD)

CDC:  About the National Immunization Surveys (NIS)

CDC:  Vaccination Coverage by Age 24 Months Among Children Born in 2019 and 2020 - National Immunization Survey-Child, United States, 2020-2022

FDA:  Basics About Clinical Trials

The BMJ:  Pharmaceutical industry sponsorship and research outcome and quality: systematic review

The Washington Post:  As drug industry's influence over research grows, so does the potential for bias

UCSF:  UCSF-Harvard team publishes major HIV therapy study over objections of sponsor; compound shows no ef

The New York Times:  Company Tried to Block Report That Its H.I.V. Vaccine Failed

KFF Health News:  Immune Response Corp. Drops Suit Against UCSF for 'Damaging Report' on Experimental AIDS Vaccine Remune

Nature:  Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen

Nurse Sues New Jersey Hospital That Denied Her Religious Exemption for Flu Vaccine

Alexandra Clark, a behavioral health nurse at Saint Clare’s Health in Denville, New Jersey, filed the complaint last month after the hospital emailed her saying it was no longer accepting requests for religious exemptions. (Vaccines like Covid and Flu clearly never proven either safe or effective compared to more safe and effective alternatives , so no valid reason for mandate) See also HW299


Healthcare Workers Reject COVID, Flu Shots Amid Tremendous Erosion of Trust in Health Agencies

Only 15.3% of acute hospital workers and 10.5% of nursing home personnel received a COVID-19 vaccine during the 2023-24 season, down from 17.8% and 22.8% respectively, according to the latest CDC data.

396 >397 394 390


The New York Times:  Maggie Haberman joins The New York Times

Fox News:  Liberals scolds NY Times' Maggie Haberman for saving Trump election quote for her book: 'Conflict of interest'

CNN Opinion:  Opinion: Free-speech cases shouldn't neuter critical power of the government's voice

New York Post:  MSNBC legal analyst says First Amendment makes US 'vulnerable, calls for 'common sense' speech restrictions

Fox News:  MSNBC, CBS, The View panic over 'misinformation, free speech on Musk-owned Twitter

Substack Website


Big Food Intentionally Addicting Kids to Harmful Toxic Foods

Big Food targets young consumers in the U.S. to get them addicted to unhealthy products, which frequently contain ingredients banned by other countries, according to two food safety and nutrition advocates interviewed on SiriusXM’s Megyn Kelly Show.


A mother’s nutrition during pregnancy and her child’s nutrition in the first two years of life (the first 1000 days from conception to age two) are crucial elements in a child’s neurodevelopment and lifelong mental health. Because child and adult health risks, including diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, are   programmed   by nutritional quality during this critical period.A new study has confirmed that a low-sugar diet during this timeframe can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood. Indeed, the adverse and lifelong effects of too much sugar consumption for both pregnant women and   young children   are profound.


Billions Worldwide Face Micronutrient Deficiencies, Study Finds

Micronutrient deficiencies lead to significant health issues like pregnancy complications, weakened immunity and increased risk of diseases

A recent study published in The Lancet Global Health found that over half of the global population is lacking essential micronutrients, with deficiencies varying by age and gender

The researchers found that more than 5 billion people are deficient in iodine (68%), vitamin E (67%) and calcium (66%), while over 4 billion lack iron (65%), riboflavin (55%), folate (54%) and vitamin C (53%)

In the U.S., common nutrient deficiencies include vitamins D, B12, B1, B2, B3, A, C and E, as well as calcium, magnesium and iodine. Tips to address these deficiencies are included below

What It’s Like to Be Targeted by the Chemical Industry with Support from Trump Administration for Speaking Out Against Pesticides

An investigation by   Lighthouse Reports , which revealed that the Trump administration had used   taxpayer dollars   to fund a pesticide industry public relations, or PR, operation targeting advocates, journalists, scientists and United Nations officials around the world calling for pesticide reforms.


Syngenta Hid Health Risks of Its Popular Paraquat Herbicide While Hauling in Big Profits

About 6,000 people are suing Syngenta, which sells paraquat under the trade name Gramoxone, alleging the popular weedkiller led to their Parkinson’s disease, a condition that destroys motor functions.



Dead Last: Americans Pay the Most for Worst Health Outcomes, Study Finds


 Congressman Proposes Bill to Eliminate Vaccine Manufacturer Liability Protections Afforded in 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act (Good Bill, needs co-sponsors)


Rescue the Republic March, Washington D.C. 9/29/24’

Campaign Against Corporate Corruption, Greed, Control, and Censorship




Exposing the Global Elite’s Censorship Agenda of Natural Health Sites: Source FOIA

findings from  America First Legal (AFL) , revelations from the  UK Foreign Office , and investigations by  GreenMedInfo

Captured government agencies, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and global elites like Bill Gates, are all working together to stifle alternative health voices such as Green Med Info and Dr. Joseph Mercola, Children’s Health Defense under the guise of combatting disinformation.   However, what constitutes disinformation or Special Interest Propaganda is increasingly a matter of interpretation .

Platforms like  GreenMedInfo , which promote natural remedies and challenge pharmaceutical-driven healthcare models, have found themselves labeled as disinformation actors despite being grounded in science and open access to peer-reviewed studies.   These 3 alternative sites that have been widely criticized and censored by the Capt enured Establishment and Powerful Special Interests can be easily confirmed as the most transparent and open and well documented sources of accurate health information.


Poison PR : U.S. Used Taxpayer Money from Captured Agencies for Global Attack on Pesticide Critics and Promotion of Pesticide use

An investigation by The New Lede, The Guardian and other international media partners exposed a broad campaign, financed partly with U.S. taxpayers’ dollars, to downplay pesticide dangers, discredit opponents, and undermine international policymaking harmful to the pesticide industry.

a Missouri “reputation management” firm that has been helping a Chinese-owned company promote the use of a   pesticide   suspected of causing   Parkinson’s disease   is at the center of an effort to downplay pesticide dangers and undermine foreign policy actions harmful to the agrochemical industry.

That firm, v-Fluence Interactive, was founded and is run by former Monsanto executive Jay Byrne. Monsanto was an early client, and the company has had a 20-plus-year relationship with   Syngenta .



Most of the Food produced for Grocery Stores and Restaurants is Highly Toxic and Dangerous. But Big Agenda depends on Censoring Natural Health and Organic Options and Lobbying the reduce natural options to their products.


Over 20 Chemicals Used to Grow Food Linked to Prostate Cancer

Baby Food and Bee Pollen: Two Food Sources That Are Loaded with Pesticides


True Corruption : Agency Capture Responsible for Harmful Policies and Chronic Disease Epidemic in U.S

(Support for harmful Ultraprocessed Food and Pharmaceuticals rather than Healthy Food and Science Based Treatments)

This has happened very intentionally, and it can be undone fairly quickly too, Calley Means said. But we must realize this isn’t a conspiracy. It’s true corruption that happened deliberately.

Environmental contamination, ultra-processed food, and the lack of food regulation in the U.S . have contributed to metabolic disruption afflicting many Americans. Vaccines have also contributed .


Senator Ron Johnson and a panel of experts provide a foundational and historical understanding of the changes that have occurred over the last century within public sanitation, agriculture, food processing, and healthcare industries which impact the current state of national health.





ICAN-backed lawsuits secure vaccine exemptions for 300k students in California.



ICAN lead counsel, Aaron Siri, joins Del with breaking news on the latest ICAN legal win securing religious exemptions for the largest university system in the state of California.
Hear about the cases that led to this monumental victory and what this means for over 295,000 students.


California Legislative Information:  Senate Bill No. 277

Forbes:  California Vaccination Bill SB 277 Signed By Governor, Becomes Law

California Legislative Information:  Senate Bill No. 276

Forbes:  Our Nation's Chronic Disease Epidemic Is Getting Worse So, Who's Responsible?

ICAN:  Donate to Help "Free the Five"

ICAN:  ICAN Attorneys Secure Religious Exemption to Vaccination in Mississippi

ICAN:  Breaking News: University Of California Allows Religious Exemptions On The Heels Of Two Successful Ican -Backed Lawsuits

Fox19 Now:  Cincinnati federal judge blocks Air Force, Air National Guard globally from discharging religious vaccine refusers

The HighWire:  Breaking: Judge In Army Lawsuit Protects Soldiers With Religious Exemptions To Covid Shots, Grants Preliminary Injunction

UCANR:  California Vaccine Exemption Sheet

New England Journal of Medicine:  Funding Postauthorization Vaccine-Safety Science

Siri & Glimstad Website




Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the UN’s ‘power grab’ conference,


The UN has hit the reset button after their recent report concluded that the world isn’t catching on to their 2030 Agenda of globalist takeover and in their recent ‘Summit of the Future’ has now prioritized targeting young people.

Is this the same playbook as Mao’s Cultural Revolution?


WEF:  What is the UN's Summit of the Future in 2024 and why is it important?

United Nations:  The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024

Our Future Agenda:  The Next Chapter: The Summit of the Future

LA Times:  Essay: To fix climate anxiety ( and also climate change), we first have to fix individualism

LA Times:  'It's almost shameful to want to have children'

BBC:  Retiring in your 60s is becoming an impossible goal. Is 75 the new 65?

SPICE:  Introduction to the Cultural Revolution




Former NYC senior advisor on public health & COVID-19, Dr Jay Varma, was recently caught in an undercover recording, detailing the sex and drug-riddled parties he and his wife engage in, in 2020 while simultaneously contributing to policy to keep New York citizens locked down.











Guests, Aaron Siri, Esq., Sharyl Attkisson


Sep 19 2004