HW383 HIDDEN GAMES ( New Studies find Vaccines very Dangerous causing at least 17 million Deaths and Should Consider Withdrawal from the Market & [CDC Withholding Adverse Vaccine Information and Mandates a Mistake (Admitted by former CDC Head)] & Vaccinologist P. Offit Admits Vaccine Safety Studies Haven’t Been Done & HHS Setting Table for Bird Flu Pandemic & New Vaccine Technology found to be Dangerous & Big Pharma Profits over Lives & Border Agendas?)


New Studies Find the Vaccines very Dangerous and Should Consider Withdrawal from the Market


Concerns over Cumulative Cardiotoxicity with mRNA Injection .

Troponin Measurements Before and After 4th Shot Give Clues to Level of Harm. Study had 324 patients tested 147 days from 3 rd shot. Twenty-one (6.48%) recipients had hs-cTn above the 99th percentile URL at the first measurement that was taken before 4 th vaccine administration. A second test of hs-cTn was measured 3 days after vaccination and was elevated above the 99th percentile URL in 27 (8.3%) participants. Many others tested higher than normal. This appears to indicate cumulative cardiotoxicity.


Japanese Study finds the Covid Vaccines Dangerous and should consider withdrawal from the Market . (High Myocarditis and Pericarditis Rate)

The ROR of BNT162b2 was 15.64 for myocarditis and 15.78 for pericarditis .

The ROR of Moderna mRNA-1273 was 54.23 for myocarditis and 27.03 for pericarditis.

The Moderna vaccine was more dangerous than the Pfizer/BNT vaccine.

Vaccines are generally expected to have RORs close to 1, indicating no significant increase in the risk of adverse events. RORs cited above mean that the odds of the adverse event (or outcome) occurring in the vaccinated group are troublingly higher than in the non-vaccinated (control) group. This is a substantial increase in risk.

As many studies point to for these cardiovascular incidents, most cases were ≤30 years or male. The period from vaccination to onset was ≤8 days.




Vaccines Caused 17 million Deaths During Pandemic Plus 4 More Takeaways from Largest Excess Mortality Study to Date (data from 125 countries, report 521 pages)

The major causes of   death   globally stemmed from the public health establishment’s response, including  lockdowns ,   harmful medical interventions   and the  COVID-19 vaccines.

Vaccines caused approximately 17 million deaths and vaccine toxicity increased with age and number of doses. Pandemic interventions led to about 30.9 million deaths globally and vaccines didn’t prevent any deaths. Many deaths were linked to respiratory viruses that could have been treated, but treatment was withheld by health authorities.

There was essentially no excess mortality before the WHO declared a pandemic.

They have published a series of papers on COVID-19 and vaccination in places like   India ,   Australia and Israel , the   U.S. ,   Canada   and a larger   study of 17 countries   over the last several years, with this study bringing together that work and adding to it.


Bombshell : Ex-FDA & DoD Official Exposes Potential Tragic Failures of USA COVID-19 Response, More Deaths Possibly Caused by Countermeasure Mismanagement than by Covid



Comprehensive Case Report Points to Strong Likelihood of Pfizer mRNA COVID Vaccine as Trigger of Deadly Cardiovascular Cascade



Critical Analysis Urges Global Pause on mRNA Vaccines: A Landmark Scientific Review

A comprehensive two-part review published in the   International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research   has raised alarming questions about the safety and efficacy of mRNA  COVID-19 vaccines . The papers (Parts 1 and 2), present a scathing critique of the clinical trials, regulatory process, and subsequent rollout of these novel vaccines. The Vaccines were never proven safe or effective.


Toxic Shot : Yale Epidemiologist Discusses Book Blasting Choice to Make COVID Vaccines EUA

In Toxic Shot: Facing the Dangers of the COVID Vaccines , Dr. Harvey Risch and colleagues present evidence linking COVID-19 vaccines to 600,000 excess deaths and over 2 million newly disabled people in the U.S.

Japanese Study : High Mortality Rate with COVID-19 Vaccine Symptomatic Myopericarditis

Japanese Database Reports 9.6% of Symptomatic Myocarditis Cases are Dead 64 Days after Injection



Health Authorities Lied and Media Hosts Lied or Repeated Lies about Covid and the Vaccines During Pandemic: Study Documentation


Big Pharma Funds COVID Fact Checkers (FactCheck.org)

FactCheck.org, the organization that flags misleading COVID-19 content for Facebook, is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a nonprofit funded by vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson, YouTube commentator Jimmy Dore reported. It is documented the
Fact Checking has little to do with the accuracy or factual content of what is being fact checked, but only whether favorable to vaccines or not.

Fact-checkers such as NewsGuard and International Fact-Checking Network were hired to Censor Lawful Speech by the Global Engagement Center and Gates Foundation


Polish Investigators Review Hemorrhagic Intracranial Complications Linked with VITT or CVT after COVID-19 Vaccination (clot/thrombosis)


South African Scientists Hypothesize Sulfur Metabolism and Endotheliopathy Linked to COVID-19 mRNA/DNA Vaccine Triggered Injuries

the genetic-vaccine-generated (GVG) Sp antigen, the genetic material and LNPs, will ultimately

colleagues suggest such degradation unfolds mainly through the generation of chronic, skewed or excessive inflammatory responses, and oxidative stress contribute to degraded glycocalyx (GL)


AstraZeneca COVID-19 Breach of Contract to Provide Treatment of Related Injuries Lawsuit Continues: Verified Significant Neurological Vaccine Injury


Securities Class Action Lawyers Smells Blood with Moderna MRNA


Mainstream Journals Opens Up to the Troubling Evidence? Multidisciplinary Assessment of mRNA COVID-19 Vax Risks




EUA and Mandates for Vaccines were a Mistake according to former FDA head Robert Redfield


Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Acknowledges CDC Suppressed Safety Data Concerning mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines (CDC spokesmen lied)

CDC was aware that the Covid vaccine spike protein generated by the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can have an inflammatory impact. Redfield continued that there was no appropriate transparency about the COVID-19 vaccines when it came to the potential for side effects. There were inappropriate decisions made to underreport side effects .


Fauci, Walensky and Collins Knew Early on mRNA Vaccines Were Failing but Didn’t Tell Public

According to the Washington Examiner, emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that Dr. Rochelle Walensky and Dr. Francis Collins discussed breakthrough cases of COVID-19 in January 2021, but continued to tell the public the vaccines would prevent transmission.


CDC Has Broken the Public’s Trust  

Especially damaging to public trust are the appalling withholding of (vaccine safety data by the CDC, unattributed deaths by the latest vaccines, medical counter-measures), and complete shunning of vaccine-injured Americans. Worst of all, the CDC never informed the public as to  what happened at Fort Detrick  labs in Maryland.




NIH Top Brass Caught Conspiring to Evade Questions About Coronavirus Research at Wuhan Lab

Documents obtained via a FOIA request reveal NIH officials, including former Director Francis Collins, supported a plan to avoid answering congressional inquiries about a grant NIH awarded to a nonprofit to conduct controversial coronavirus research in Wuhan, China, according to journalist Paul Thacker.

Brownstone institute: More evidence of AGENCY CAPTURE

Fauci proclaimed a DNA of Caring : But his actions prove different . It Was All About Fast-tracking mRNA Vaccines.

Dr. Anthony Fauci often claims a DNA of Caring, yet his actions reveal a stark contrast, including pushing a vaccine in a draconian, methodical and threatening manner, and taking away liberty and jobs to an extreme never seen before in the history of mankind.




Mandating COVID Shots One of the Greatest Mistakes , Former CDC Chief Robert Redfield Says

In a Senate hearing Thursday, ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield said mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are toxic and should not have been mandated. He acknowledged this was a terrible mistake given it was known the products don’t stop viral transmission and are associated with real side effects.

Former NSW Australia Premier Admits: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Were Wrong : The Products Did Not Stop Viral Transmission


The Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates on Healthcare Workers in British Columbia: Serious Problems


Nearly half of the respondents with over 16 years of experience were unvaccinated, most of whom were terminated for non-compliance.

Both vaccinated and unvaccinated workers reported coercion, safety concerns, and dissatisfaction with vaccination decisions. They had experience with Covid treatment and Vaccine outcomes as a basis for personal decisions.

Many reported experiencing anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts related to the mandates.

Both groups cited significant personal, financial, and professional impacts, with vaccinated respondents reporting post-vaccine adverse events and unvaccinated workers noting strained relationships and mental health challenges.

A large minority observed underreporting of vaccine adverse events, bias against unvaccinated patients, and ethical concerns in healthcare practices.

Nearly half of respondents expressed intentions to leave the healthcare industry, citing burnout and disillusionment.


Australia Supreme Court Decision: Dr. William Bay's Medical Ban Overturned, Medical Freedom Wins in Queensland, Australia


Ninth Circuit Overturns Fed Judge, Backs Montana Vaccine Discrimination Law in Health Care Settings

Health Freedom Win: Ban on Vaccine Bans





Paul Offit Fails to Explain Why Childhood Vaccine Safety Science Hasn’t Been Done




In a recent interview, one of the world’s leading vaccinologists and co-author of what is considered to be the ‘bible of vaccines’, Dr. Paul Offit admitted that studies comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children have not been done, claiming they are impossible to do. All the while, lead author of the aforementioned book , Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the ‘godfather of vaccines’, made a recent statement in a published paper revealing the truth about safety trials on vaccines in the US, painting a picture of vaccine safety that falls far short of the safety claims our health agencies make.


on:  Plotkin's Vaccines

Dissolving Illusions About Bogus Claims of Vaccine Safety

( Cover-up by Captured Gov’t Health Agencies )

The vaccine industry intentionally deceives us about the risks and benefits of vaccines to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering and the destruction of public health over time .

The changing of definitions is part of the vaccine industry’s playbook. The definition of a “vaccine” was radically altered to allow for the use of unproven experimental modified RNA gene therapy .

Another part of the fraud is using another vaccine as the control in lieu of a true placebo. You simply cannot prove a vaccine is safe by comparing it to another, most likely unsafe, vaccine . Few if any vaccines have been proven safe or effective.

According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries Book , there are no worthwhile vaccines, not even smallpox or tetanus. Tetanus can be successfully treated using high-dose intravenous vitamin C and other essential nutrients . Vitamin C works because tetanus is a bacterial disease caused by an obligate anaerobe that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Other oxidative therapies that could be used if the infection is related to a wound include hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy .

Use of Obituary Listings and Funeral Notices Used to Identify Excess COVID-19 Deaths Start in February!


New England Journal of Medicine:  Funding Post Authorization Vaccine-Safety Science
  Dr. Stanley Plotkin co-authored a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine admitting significant gaps in vaccine safety research, contradicting decades of claims that vaccines are thoroughly studied and safe .


CDC:  Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD)



HHS Director Sets the Table for a Bird Flu ‘Emergency,’



U.S. Agencies & Gates Foundation Bankrolling Creation of Deadlier, More Contagious Bird Flu Strains


Malone on ‘Is the Current Bird Flu Made in America?’

There was Gain of Function research on Bird Flu. Was this from a lab accident or deliberate release?


With Help from Bill Gates, Big Pharma and Facebook, the Captured CDC Inappropriately Funds Initiative to Help Minority Communities Hire Influencers to Push Unproven and Dangerous Vaccines


mRNA Vaccines: Falling Short of Their Promise for Bird Flu because mNRA Technology never proven Safe or Effective.




ASPR:  Amended Determination Of A Significant Potential For A Public Health Emergency Pursuant To Section 564(B) Of The Federal Food, Drug, And Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C.§ 360bbb-3(B)


Federal Register:  Determination of Public Health Emergency

ASPR:  ASPR releases pandemic influenza preparedness and response strategy

AMA:  AMA announces CPT update for avian influenza vaccines

ABC News:  New initiative launched by WHO to develop mRNA bird flu vaccines

NBC News:  A bird flu vaccine from Moderna is in early stages of development

CDC:  CDC A(H5N1) Bird Flu Response Update July 26, 2024

US Wastewater Tests Show Bird Flu Virus Limited to Areas With Farm Animals



HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra has declared   bird flu   (H5N1) as an  emergency   under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Section 564(b)(1)(c). 



The EUA for MRNA Vaccines and the PREP Act provided immunity to the manufacturers for any harm caused by the product because releasing an immunization   quickly   is seen as a greater   benefit to the public that outweighs potential   harm   caused by the vaccine.


New Vaccine Technology found to be Dangerous




Inhumane and Reckless : Critics Weigh in on Europe’s Approval of Self-amplifying COVID mRNA Vaccines

More Dangerous EU Collusion and Corruption- no full investigation and consideration of implications done.


Activists in Japan Hold Press Conference: Seek Halting of Roll Out of Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines for Fall/Winter COVID-19 Vax Season


CRISPR Gene Editing Causes Unintended, Disastrous, and Often Undetected Genetic Mutations

The study reveals that the use of CRISPR/Cas9 gene scissors to   edit DNA   can lead to unintended genetic changes that are extremely different from random mutations. The study found that significant structural changes in chromosomes occur much more frequently in the genomic regions targeted by the ‘gene scissors’ than would typically be expected. These unintended mutations could potentially increase the risk of cancer in both humans and animals. Furthermore, they can alter the composition of food in   plants , thereby damaging the genetic stability of the plant and affecting its use in agriculture.





Pharma Giant Charging $900+ for Drug That Costs Only $5 to Make (Exorbitant profits and economic problems for patients)


Big Pharma Has Raised the Prices on Over 800 Drugs So Far This Year



Conflicting information is being spread online regarding the safety of sunscreen and the necessity of the product when people are spending time out in the sun. Ads are often not accurate and not a good way to get information. No one monitors or regulates Pharmaceutical Ads in U.S. like some other countries do.


The Hill:  CNN shuts down opinion section



Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the Illegal Immigration Crisis and the Legacy Media’s Attempts to rewrite History,


Tasked to find the ‘root cause’ of the U.S. illegal immigration crisis, Kamala Harris’ ‘Border Czar’ label has brought attention to the migration issue once again. “The HighWire” does its own investigation and finds a decades-long plan in play.


AP News:  Biden taps VP Harris to lead response to border challenges

BBC:  Biden tasks Harris with tackling migrant influx on US-Mexico border

Time:  Kamala Harris Was Never Biden's 'Border Czar.' Here's What She Really Did

USA Today:  Harris' border work was on 'root causes' of migration; she wasn't in charge | Fact check

CNN Politics:  Authorities encountering record number of migrants at the border each day amid unprecedented surge

Pew Research Center:  Migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border hit a record high at the end of 2023

Pew Research Center:  How Americans View the Situation at the U.S.-Mexico Border, Its Causes and Consequences

Project Syndicate:  Rebuilding the Asylum System

NPR:  A record 400K migrants have crossed the treacherous Darién jungle to reach the U.S.

HIAS:  In the Darién, Refugees Receive Help All Along the Way

United Nations:  Replacement Migration: Is it A Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?




the controversy over the Olympics Opening Ceremony; Del does a deep dive on the origins of Occult Practices hidden, and in plain sight, at the Olympics Opening Ceremony.  




ABC 3340:  US leaders denounce drag queen 'Last Supper' parody at Olympics opening ceremony


Twitter/X:  Deputy Prime Minister of Italy Tweet about Olympics Opening Ceremony

CBS News:  Paris Olympics organizers say sorry for offense, but insist opening ceremony did not depict "The Last Supper"

New York Post:  Savannah Guthrie left 'hot and bothered' after 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony threesome moment

Heavy:  DMCA Takedown Notices Hit Olympics Ceremony 'Last Supper' Videos

Reuters:  Algerian Khelif advances as Italy's Carini abandons fight after 46 seconds

Daily Mail:  Female boxer yells 'this is unjust' and falls to her knees in tears as she quits fight against 'biologically male' Olympic opponent Imane Khelif after just 46 SECONDS following two powerful punches

ICAN:  Breaking News: ICAN's Attorneys File Suit Against CDC to End Its Illegal Blocking of users on X (Twitter)


Amazon:  The Clash of Two Americas Vol. 4

Institute of World Politics:  The Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution

Independent:  No Need for Geniuses: Revolutionary Science in the Age of the Guillotine by Steve Jones, book review

The Collector:  The Cult of Reason: The Fate of Religion in Revolutionary France

The Washington Post:  Paris Olympics organizers sorry for Last Supper at Opening Ceremonies

Daily Mail:  Official video of Paris 2024 opening ceremony 'is deleted from Olympics account' as viewers' backlash grows - and fans flock to praise London 2012 showcase which remains online

Glenn Beck:  Drag Queens, Paganism, Golden Calf: Did the Olympics Opening Ceremony BASH Christianity?

The Collector:  Cybele, Isis and Mithras: The Mysterious Cult Religion in Ancient Rome

NRDC:  Saving Mother Earth from Climate Change  

WSJ | Opinion:  The Truth About 'Puberty Blockers'

Artnet:  One Year After the Tragic Notre Dame Fire, the Cause of the Devastating Blaze Remains Shrouded in Mystery

The Hollywood Reporter:  Olympics Bring Huge Audiences to NBCUniversal Over Opening Weekend

United Nations:  The World's Food Supply is Made Insecure by Climate Change

United Nations World Food Program:  How Climate Change Is Causing World Hunger

PBS News:  How climate change is disrupting the global food supply

History:  How FDR's 'Fireside Chats' Helped Calm a Nation in Crisis

The Wall Street Journal:  Killing of Two Israeli Enemies Puts Middle East on Brink of Wider War

AP News:  Putin warns again that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if its sovereignty is threatened





Guest: Matthew Ehret