HW382 THREAT TO DEMOCRACY ( Boosters Found to be Ineffective and Dangerous, Call for Debate between Vaccine Advocate Peter Hotez and RFK, Jr about Cause of Worldwide Excess Deaths Active Again, Widespread Capture of Governments and Media by Powerful Special Interests is the Greatest Threat to Democracy, The Biden Saga, Decoding the CrowdStrike Outage, New Details on the Trump Assassination Attempt, The Highwire Electrifies Freedom Fest)



Boosters Found to be Ineffective and Dangerous


People Who Got Boosters More Likely to Get COVID Than Unvaccinated

People vaccinated with the COVID-19 boosters in 2023-2024 were more likely to get COVID-19 than their unvaccinated counterparts, according to a study published last week in the Annals of Internal Medicine.


Vaccines ineffective for Nursing Home Residents in Belgium Study

Troubling Data Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines & Nursing Homes in Belgium

Effective Prevention or Treatment more effective than Vaccines at preventing adverse health events.

See CVTreat and HW407 .


Rate of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection During the Omicron Wave in Iceland (vaccine negative effectivity)

Reinfection rates were higher among the vaccinated compared with the unvaccinated, especially after several months. This may indicate that immunity from vaccination does not last long as opposed to infections from previous strains of the virus.


Duration of mRNA Vaccine Protection Against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 Subvariants in Qatar

(negative effectivity after 4 months) By the fourth month post-vaccination, the efficacy was negligible. After a few months vaccinated individuals could face a slightly elevated risk of infection compared to their unvaccinated counterparts.


Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine: Cleveland Clinic Study

The study determined that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection was higher in people who got the bivalent vaccination than for the unvaccinated. Risk of infection rose with the cumulative number of vaccine doses , with those having received the bivalent booster facing the highest risk. Individuals with prior infections but no vaccination consistently showed lower infection rates. ( natural immunity best)


Cleveland Clinic Bombshell 48.2K Healthcare Employee Study: The More Doses with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine, the Higher the Infection Risk (Harms Immune System) Aug 2024


Strong Association Between COVID-19 Boosters and Excess Death in Australia

There is evidence of a very strong correlation in ordinary least squares regression analysis. 


77% of Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Contracted COVID-19 S. Previous Infection Key to Superior Immunity Against COVID According to Swedish Study . Safe Prevention Protocol is a lot more effective than Vaccine at preventing Covid infection or Serious Effects. According to the experience of hundreds of doctors my organization interacts with. See www.myflcv.com/CVTreat.html The doctors I interact with regularly say doctors and nurses who treated Covid during the Pandemic seldom if ever were infected and similar for patents they advised to use the protocol. Very few serious injuries. No infection symptoms for my family on the protocol.



UCSF-Based Investigators’ Shocking Finding on Endocrine-Based Survey Study; Vaccinated Hospitalized 3.8X more than Unvaccinated with COVID-19 Infection


Baghdad Study Finds 100% Breakthrough Infection Rate in Iraq . Covid Vaccination Ineffective.

. According to the study results, the entire study population at 506 or 100% were infected after vaccination , meaning the COVID-19 vaccines did not stop one viral transmission.


British Bombshell: Covid Vax Boosters Did Not Reduce Mortality Rate (Mortality Rate Increased)



Swiss Study Finds Link Between Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Booster Vax and Chronic Hives


Over 90% of CU cases followed the Spikevax booster rather than primary vaccination.

CU remained active in 53% of cases one year later, with many experiencing inducible forms like dermographism.

No direct association was found between CU onset and prior COVID-19 infection or atopic predisposition.

Concerns over Cumulative Cardiotoxicity with mRNA Injection .

Troponin Measurements Before and After 4th Shot Give Clues to Level of Harm. Study had 324 patients tested 147 days from 3 rd shot. Twenty-one (6.48%) recipients had hs-cTn above the 99th percentile URL at the first measurement that was taken before 4 th vaccine administration. A second test of hs-cTn was measured 3 days after vaccination and was elevated above the 99th percentile URL in 27 (8.3%) participants. Many others tested higher than normal. This appears to indicate cumulative cardiotoxicity.


Statistician Publishes in European Medicine Society : Strong Association Between COVID-19 Boosters and Excess Death in Australia


Qatar National Study: mRNA Bivalent Booster Bomb! Natural Immunity Superior against XBB

Prior infection provided protection superior to that of the vaccine booster, which provided minimal support.


Emory Researchers Find COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Fail to Give Long-Term Protection

The outcome of this study may just explain the rapid waning of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: an absence of Bone Marrow LLPCs after these mRNA vaccines.


mRNA Vaccine not proven Safe: Troubling Korean Lab Studies of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines in Mice Shows Significant Toxicological Effects

at 2 days of post-secondary injection ( dpsi ), temporary toxic effects such as reduced lymphocyte and reticulocyte counts, anemia-related changes, and elevated cardiac damage markers (troponin-I and NT- proBNP ) were observed. 

Histopathological analyses revealed inflammation and necrosis at injection sites, bone marrow suppression, thymic cortical atrophy, and spleen enlargement. Repeated doses led to cumulative toxicity, and intravenous and intramuscular routes resulted in distinct toxicological profiles. These findings highlight potential toxicological risks, 



Indian Study Finds Disturbing Trends Among COVID-19 Vaccinated in the ICU, High Incidence Mortality


Latest Pfizer mRNA Vaccine (JN.1) Fails to Strengthen Neutralizing Response Against Predominant New Strain KP.3

Cleveland Clinic Data finds Risk of COVID-19 increased with the number of vaccine doses previously received Oct 2023


RISK BENEFIT ANALYSIS Shows COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Mandates in Universities Lead to Net Harm

( 4x Vaccinated Youth 318% More Likely to Die Than Unvaxxed Peers )

China’s CDC Reports Omicron Mutations Increasingly Immune-Evasive



Breakthrough Infection with Early Omicron Variant Among the Vaccinated and Boosted in Chicago


Pfizer shot and boosters Pose Grave Health Threat

According to research published in 2023 , the nanolipid in Comirnaty , made by Pfizer/BioNTech , is toxic to cells and triggers proinflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species that can disrupt the mitochondrial membrane causing it to release its content, cause RNA mistranslation, DNA mutations, destruction of the nuclear membrane and more. Frequent repetitions of COVID boosters and/or using mRNA in other vaccines poses a grave public health risk , the scientist warns .


Comprehensive Case Report Points to Strong Likelihood of Pfizer mRNA COVID Vaccine as Trigger of Deadly Cardiovascular Cascade



Anti-RBD IgG4 Antibodies Surge After Third mRNA Jab

Yoshimura and colleagues report that repeated vaccinations induce delayed but drastic increases in anti-RBD IgG4 responses.

Surges in anti-IgG4 antibody levels can be associated with select autoimmune diseases or allergic responses or cancer.


IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein , V. Uversky , U of S.F., 2023

Repeated vaccination inactivates the immune system making people more susceptible to health problems. I ncreased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.


Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan , M Gibo et al, 2024


Indian Study on AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine: Troubling Atypical Adverse Event Rate of 9.7% of Boosted Population Injured (not effective at prevention of covid & high adverse events rate)

almost 50% receiving the ChAdOx1-nCoV-19 vaccine developed COVID-19 over one year, and high AESIs such as musculoskeletal disorders.

Females, individuals with hypothyroidism, diabetes, and pre-vaccination history of COVID-19 are at higher risk of adverse events.

Vaccination post-infection with natural SARS-CoV-2 infection appears to increase the risk of persistence of adverse events, which could be considered vaccine injury.  




Rising Concern About mRNA Boosters In Major Cardiovascular Journal, Young Men Face Higher Risks, Especially With Moderna’s Vaccine

Research shows that Moderna’s mRNA-1273 (Spikevax) has more risk for myocarditis than the Pfizer- BioNtech BNT162b2 (Comirnaty). In the demographic group of young males, risk after first vaccine dose is elevated above the background rate , but risk after the second vaccine dose may be 10- to 100-fold higher than the expected background rate.



Vaccine Expert says mNRA booster vaccines not proven safe or effective and should not be released or taken,

Dr. Paul Offit  is going on the record that the bivalent vaccines targeting both wild-type SARS-CoV-2 and BA.4/BA.5 omicron subvariants should not be administered in people until there is more data above and beyond mouse data. Offit, MD, the Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, shares that people should probably hold off on getting these vaccines if they don’t have to. Offit has a few concerns; high on the list, there is no human clinical data and to safety data.

[Against expert advice, they were approved by CDC and are being promoted and given]


The Mechanism of Adverse Immune Reactions of LNP-mRNA

The human body’s adverse immune responses to nanomedicines include reactogenicity, hypersensitivity reactions, systemic complement immune responses, and cytokine-mediated reactions after vaccination. TLR activation and pro-inflammatory cytokine release are common innate immune system effects induced by LNP-mRNA, sometimes causing strong adverse reactions and affecting protein translation. Activation of TLR4 by ionizable cationic lipids is a possible upstream initiating event.


Spike Protein Persists in CD16+ Monocytes at least 245 Days in COVID-19 Negative Post COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals with PASC Symptoms


Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality.


Polish Investigators Review Hemorrhagic Intracranial Complications Linked with VITT or CVT after COVID-19 Vaccination (clot/thrombosis)


South African Scientists Hypothesize Sulfur Metabolism and Endotheliopathy Linked to COVID-19 mRNA/DNA Vaccine Triggered Injuries

the genetic-vaccine-generated (GVG) Sp antigen, the genetic material and LNPs, will ultimately

colleagues suggest such degradation unfolds mainly through the generation of chronic, skewed or excessive inflammatory responses, and oxidative stress. contribute to degraded glycocalyx (GL)


Call for Debate between Vaccine Advocate Peter Hotez and RFK, Jr about Cause of Worldwide Excess Deaths Active Again.

Vaccine Advocate Peter Hotez Irrationally Calls for Use of Police, Military Against Anti- vaccine Aggression after refusing to debate RFK, Jr about whether the vaccines are causing worldwide excess deaths.

FDA Unquestionably Overstepped Authority with War on Ivermectin, DOJ Attorney Admits

(Ivermectin was one of few drugs proven safe and effective against Covid, but censored by CDC/FDA and Hotez )


( Studies in Most Major Countries Have Documented that the vaccines have harmed millions and that the vaccines (not Covid) were responsible for the worldwide excess mortality .)


The Militarization of Public Health: Dr. Hotez's Controversial Call to Arms


Joe Rogan Interviews RFK, Jr. and Then Unloads on Vaccine Promotor Dr. Peter Hotez , who criticized Kennedy but offered no evidence to support claims about Kennedy. Twitter Runs Amok

Rogan asked Dr. Peter Hotez to debate RFK Jr., pledging $100,000 to the charity of Hotez choosing. This came after Hotez put out a tweet saying he was upset with Kennedy being allowed on the Rogan show.

( Kennedy has history as effective public advocacy and honored as Time Man of the Year for his effective public advocacy , Hotez has documented history of disinformation and false irrational claims)

Twitter:  Joe Rogan Debate Challenge Tweet to Hotez

Twitter:  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Response to Joe Rogan


Robert F Kennedy, Jr ., joins Del to address the Twitter-storm that erupted this week after his appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience.


RFK JR. ON PETER Hotez: I DON’T THINK HE’D SURVIVE A DEBATE (He has no science support)

Others joined the charity pledge, and now more than $2.6 million is on the line. RFK Jr. explains why he thinks Hotez will never debate him.

Elon Musk tweeted in favor of a debate. Many others likewise.



The Greatest Threat to Democracy Today


Widespread Capture of Governments and Media by Powerful Special Interests is the Greatest Threat to Democracy


Brownstone institute: More evidence of AGENCY CAPTURE

Fauci proclaimed a DNA of Caring : But his actions prove different . It Was All About Fast-tracking mRNA Vaccines.

Dr. Anthony Fauci often claims a DNA of Caring, yet his actions reveal a stark contrast, including pushing a vaccine in a draconian, methodical and threatening manner, and taking away liberty and jobs to an extreme never seen before in the history of mankind.


Big Pharma Funds COVID Fact Checkers (FactCheck.org) which are used to fact check posts to social media.

FactCheck.org, the organization that flags misleading COVID-19 content for Facebook, is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a nonprofit funded by vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson, YouTube commentator Jimmy Dore reported.

It is documented the Fact Checking has little to do with the accuracy or factual content of what is being fact checked, but only whether favorable to vaccines or not.

Fact-checkers such as NewsGuard and International Fact-Checking Network were hired to Censor Lawful Speech by the Global Engagement Center and Gates Foundation

Fact-checkers such as NewsGuard and International Fact-Checking Network were hired to Censor Lawful Speech by the Global Engagement Center and Gates Foundation


G overnments and shadowy special interest organizations are secretly collaborating to silence dissent and criminalize those who dare to question the official narrative. FOIA


Really Chilling : Five Countries to Test European Vaccination Card (Mandates Again After Vaccines proven ineffective and dangerous?)

Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal will test the new vaccination card in a variety of formats, including printed cards, mailed copies and digital versions for smartphones. Critics called it a direct threat to freedom.


Dead Last : Americans Pay the Most for Worst Health Outcomes, Study Fi


It’s About Your Money : New EU Vaccination Card Will Be Used to Control Access to Banking, Other Services

Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst joined The Defender In-Depth this week to discuss the EU’s plans for a European Vaccination Card, the plan’s similarities to the EU’s digital vaccination certificate, the global push toward digital ID and implications for health and medical freedom.


NIH Scientists put extreme pressure on Authors of valid published study linking the vaccines to cancer to retract the paper.

Paper results later confirmed by other studies. There is concern that a pattern of pressure similar to other such papers, by scientists associated with the U.S. government who are covering up possibility of collusion between the NIH and their financial interests to counter researchers and papers which may be a financial threat and question the decisions made by the agency.



The Battle Against Big Tech Censorship: How One Lawsuit Aims to Restore Online Freedom of Speech


In a landmark case filed on May 27, 2024, two digital media companies Webseed Inc. and Briteon Media Inc. have launched a formidable challenge against what they allege is a vast censorship scheme orchestrated by the U.S. government and implemented by Big Tech giants.





Del discusses Biden’s long awaited live public statement to address his inevitable withdrawal from the 2024 Presidential race for what he called “the defense of democracy”. Hear our take on why pulling in Kamala at this juncture in the race is a complete disregard for basic democratic principles and frankly undermines her credibility.


(The delegates were chosen by the people to select the party presidential candidate as they always do in both parties. Harris has run for President before and got a lot of votes in the primaries. Now there are 3 presidential candidates who have nationwide support and there should be a debate between all candidates with wide national support. This is the only way to make the Presidential Choice truly democratic)


Merriam-Webster:  Definition of Democracy

Black Lives Matter:  Black Lives Matter Statement On Kamala Harris Securing Enough Delegates To Become Democratic Nominee

AP News:  Democrats plan to push ahead with virtual roll call ahead of their convention, with Harris favored



Joe Biden’s Absence and Surprise Decision


As Biden reemerges, questions turn to his ability to carry on his presidency amid rapidly declining health. We look at who has, and who is still providing cover for his mental acuity.


(The delegates were chosen by the people to select the party presidential candidate as they always do in both parties. Harris has run for President before and got a lot of votes in the primaries. Now there are 3 presidential candidates who have nationwide support and there should be a debate between all candidates with wide national support . This is the only way to make the Presidential Choice truly democratic.)


Twitter/X:  Joe Biden Drops Out Tweet

ABC News:  Broad doubts about Biden's age and acuity spell Republican opportunity in 2024: POLL .

Time:  Our Age of Cynicism and Cynicism Over Age Are the Only Things Holding Biden Back .

CNBC:  Biden drops out of 2024 presidential election, endorses Kamala Harris as Democratic nominee

CNN Politics:  Harris secures enough delegate endorsements to win the Democratic presidential nomination

Axios:  NBC News poll: Kamala Harris hits record low for VP net favorability



Del breaks down a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine co-authored by Stanley Plotkin, the godfather of vaccines , littered with admissions regarding the lack of safety studies related to vaccine safety. This monumental paper concedes many of the issues that The HighWire and the Informed Consent Action Network have been fighting for in court.


CDC:  Childhood Vaccine Schedule (Causing Major Harm to Infants and Children, See The Child Chronic Disease Crisis in the U.S.)


Dissolving Illusions About Bogus Claims of Vaccine Safety

( Cover-up by Captured Gov’t Health Agencies )

The vaccine industry intentionally deceives us about the risks and benefits of vaccines in order to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering and the destruction of public health over time .

The changing of definitions is part of the vaccine industry’s playbook. The definition of a “vaccine” was radically altered to allow for the use of unproven experimental modified RNA gene therapy .

Another part of the fraud is using another vaccine as the control in lieu of a true placebo. You simply cannot prove a vaccine is safe by comparing it to another, most likely unsafe, vaccine . Few if any vaccines have been proven safe or effective.

According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries Book , there are no worthwhile vaccines, not even smallpox or tetanus. Tetanus can be successfully treated using high-dose intravenous vitamin C and other essential nutrients . Vitamin C works because tetanus is a bacterial disease caused by an obligate anaerobe that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Other oxidative therapies that could be used if the infection is related to a wound include hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy .


New England Journal of Medicine:
 Funding Post Authorization Vaccine-Safety Science

OpenVAERS :  Red Box Summaries .

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality:  Electronic Support for Public Health-Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( ESP:VAERS ) .

medRXIV :  Effectiveness of the 2023-2024 Formulation of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 mRNA Vaccine against the JN.I Variant .

Oxford Academic:  A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of alzheimer's disease .

Jama Network:  SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Myocarditis in a Nordic Cohort Study of 23 million Residents .

Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Fails in Children’s Study, No Protection Against Symptomatic COVID  (The adjusted estimate of two-dose vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic Omicron was 3.1% , terrible compared to other options or supplements to build immune system.) (but CDC has proscribed adding it to the vaccine schedule)




Jefferey Jaxen on the Total Breakdown of Quality Control at CrowdStrike


In the aftermath of the largest global cyber incident in history, the corporate media is strangely silent on the details that matter. How could this impossible event happen? Was this a test run? Why is the public being aggressively prepped for a cyber attack ? “The HighWire” investigates.


 World brought to a halt by drastic Microsoft outage with computers showing 'blue screen of death'


Reuters:  CrowdStrike update that caused global outage likely skipped checks, experts say

ABC27 News:  Prepping for a cyber pandemic: worldwide drill underway

WEF:  Geopolitical Instability Raises Threat of 'Catastrophic Cyber Attack in Next Two Years'

Sky News:  UK could be brought to a halt 'at any moment' by cyberattack, report warns

American Military News:  Biden releases Russian cyber attack warning to all Americans - here it is

The Hill:  Clinton: Treat cyber attacks like any other attack'

News AU:  Australia to be 'functionally cashless' by 2025

PBS:  Voting experts warn of 'serious threats' for 2024 from election equipment software breaches

AZ Mirror:  Global computer outage snarls Arizona's early voting, raises alarm about November







US Senator pushing for answers around the assassination attempt of Donald Trump


Sen. Ron Johnson joins Del live to discuss the findings of his preliminary report regarding the attempted assassination of former President Trump and breaks down the published timeline of failure from the protection detail that his office put together in their investigation. The Senator also addressed the recent groundbreaking testimony of former CDC Director, Robert Redfield, and the future of his tireless efforts to expose COVID injuries.


GoFundMe:  Support Allyson After Tragic Loss

People:  What We Know About the 2 Victims Critically Injured at Donald Trump's Campaign Rally

Twitter/X:  Ron Johnson Preliminary Findings on Trump Rally Shooting

Miami Herald:  JFK was killed 60 years ago. Why are his assassination records still sealed?

History:  LBJ forms commission to investigate Kennedy assassination

The Daily Beast:  Trump Blames CIA for His Empty Promises on JFK Files

Ron Johnson:  ICYMI: Sen. Johnson Leads Roundtable Discussion: "Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?"

Forbes:  Presidential Candidate Donald Trump on Autism, Vaccines, And Mental Health

The Intercept:  Trump Asks Anti-Vaccine Activist Robert Kennedy Jr. To Lead Panel on Vaccine Safety

Twitter/X:  Ron Johnson Del Bigtree says it all.






Take a look back at The HighWire’s historic live show from Freedom Fest 2024 in Las Vegas earlier this month with just a small taste of the incredible interviews, panels, and speakers that represented the true celebration of liberty outside of partisan thinking. Hear how you can get an exclusive look at 20+ fascinating interviews from a wide range of Freedom Fest speakers.



Guest: Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson