HW379: Health authorities and Media pundits have been lying about Covid and the Vaccines for 3 years now & Excess deaths worldwide linked to vaccines & Captured health agencies have been playing the 3 monkeys game for 3 years now & How One Lawsuit Aims to Restore Online Freedom of Speech & experts want to establish an Independent science institure & SIRI TESTIFIES: NeW HAMPSHIRE PART 2


Health Authorities and Media Pundits Have Been Lying. Ohio State University Study: COVID-Vaccinated Patients Die at Nearly Double the Rate than Non-Vaccinated, Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

(The Vaccinated also get Covid and other viruses more than the unvaccinated)


Cleveland Clinic Bombshell 48.2K Healthcare Employee Study: The More Doses with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine, the Higher the Infection Risk (Harms Immune System) Aug 2024


UCSF-Based Investigators’ Shocking Finding on Endocrine-Based Survey Study; Vaccinated Hospitalized 3.8X more than Unvaccinated with COVID-19 Infection .


Indian Study Finds Disturbing Trends Among COVID-19 Vaccinated in the ICU, High Incidence Mortality


Bombshell: Former CDC Head Redfield on Podcast: COVID-19 Human-Made, Fauci May be Culpable for Up to 20m Deaths Caused by Creation and Promotion of the Vaccines


Bombshell : Ex-FDA & DoD Official Exposes Potential Tragic Failures of USA COVID-19 Response, More Deaths Possibly Caused by Countermeasure Mismanagement than by Covid


  Largest Study of Its Kind Finds Excess Deaths During Pandemic Caused by Public Health Response (Vaccines, Medical Malpractice, and lockdowns), Not Virus

A study released today of excess mortality in 125 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic found the major causes of death globally stemmed from public health establishment’s response, including mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccines.

Vaccines caused approximately 17 million deaths and vaccine toxicity increased with age and number of doses.

Pandemic interventions led to about 30.9 million deaths globally and vaccines didn’t prevent any deaths.


There was essentially no excess mortality before the WHO declared a pandemic.


Investigating Post-COVID Mortality in Brazil: Long-Term Mortality Risk Nearly Doubles for Vaccinated Persons

 Vaccinated individuals exhibited a higher risk of death in the long term, with risks nearly doubling for those who received one or two doses. Liver disease emerged as a notable long-term risk factor.



Norway Cardiovascular Deaths Drive Overall Excess Mortality 2021-2022: Temporal Concordance with Mass mRNA COVID Vaccination (highly vaccinated population)

authors report a significant excess mortality (number of deaths) in 2021 and 2022 for all causes (3.7% and 14.5%), for cardiovascular diseases (14.3% and 22.0%), and for malignant tumours in 2022 (3.5%).

In terms of ASMR, there was excess mortality in 2021 and 2022 for all causes (2.9% and 13.7%), and for cardiovascular diseases (16.0% and 25,8%).   See later Section Documentation


Strong Association Between COVID-19 Boosters and Excess Death in Australia

There is evidence of a very strong correlation in ordinary least squares regression analysis. 

Peer-Reviewed Study: Korean Excess Death Surge 5X After Population Nearly Universally Vaccinated, Elderly Hit Hardest in 2022

authors estimated excess deaths at 0.3% for 2020, 4.0% for 2021, and 20.7% for 2022 after the mass vaccination campaign in 2021. “ sharp increases in deaths” were linked to endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases” excess deaths were highest for the 20s age grou in 2020 and 2021. Excess deaths were higher in 2022 for 20s bu much higher for over 60s.


COVID-19 Vaccination Temporally and Spatially Correlated with Excess Mortality Across Austria


Toxic Shot : Yale Epidemiologist Discusses Book Blasting Choice to Make COVID Vaccines EUA

In Toxic Shot: Facing the Dangers of the COVID Vaccines , Dr. Harvey Risch and colleagues present evidence linking COVID-19 vaccines to 600,000 excess deaths and over 2 million newly disabled people in the U.S.


COVID Lockdowns, Quarantines Linked to Mental Distress in Teens


Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Acknowledges CDC Suppressed Safety Data Concerning mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

CDC was aware that the Covid vaccine spike protein generated by the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can have an inflammatory impact. Redfield continued that there was no appropriate transparency about the COVID-19 vaccines when it came to the potential for side effects. There were inappropriate decisions made to underreport side effects .


Mandating COVID Shots One of the Greatest Mistakes , Former CDC Chief Robert Redfield Says

Former NSW Australia Premier Admits: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Were Wrong : The Products Did Not Stop Viral Transmission


Studies in most major countries have confirmed the vaccinated have a higher mortality rate than the unvaccinated and vaccines responsible for excess deaths in 2021-2023.



The COVID-19 Shot Can Almost Double Your Risk of Dying Faster, Study Finds

Not getting the shot in the first place is the best way to avoid its adverse effects. For those who already been injured, certain protocols such as I-RECOVER from the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) may help .


Over 5.3 million significant injuries or deaths after vaccination reported in WHO VigiAccess database alone . . It is known that that has a huge undercount. 2024


Most Kids Who Received 2 or more mRNA COVID Vaccines Had Altered Immune Systems a Year Later (Significant lifelong serious injury) (Likewise for adults: see studies )

Increased IgG4 implies an altered and weakened immune system in dealing with viruses, etc. and increased susceptibility to autoimmunity and cancer.

elevated IgG4 may be indicative of   IgG4-related disease , a multi-organ, fibro-inflammatory condition that usually involves the pancreas, kidneys or salivary glands but could involve any other organ. It is a chronic autoimmune condition that is life changing and will require lifelong monitoring and treatment.


Young Children Died at Higher Rates in 2021-2022 than before the Pandemic.


Cleveland Clinic Bombshell 48.2K Healthcare Employee Study : The More Doses with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine, the Higher the Infection Risk (for Omicron species, Harms Immune System, also increases IgG4 so Increases risk of chronic conditions ) Aug 2024, see studies )



The Tables Turn : Pfizer Accused of Misinformation in Landmark Kansas Lawsuit



Netherlands Study: mRNA Vaccines Correlated with Excess Deaths

Study found higher COVID-19 mRNA vaccine use in particular municipalities in the Netherlands, correlates with a notable increase in deaths from all causes. 


Regional Population Study Reveals Both SARS-CoV-2 Cases and All-Cause Mortality Grow with COVID-19 Vaccination (Vaccines have negative effectiveness, more virus cases and more deaths, as previous experience predicted)



Respected Researchers’ Investigation Demonstrates COVID-19 Vaccination Correlates with Excess German Deaths Across Federal States


Probable causal association between India’s extraordinary April-July 2021 excess-mortality event and the vaccine rollout


Cyprus Researchers Identify COVID-19 Vaccine as Likely Link in Island Nation’s Significant Excess Mortality 2021-2022

the authors demonstrate a substantial excess mortality from all causes in the Cyprus population, particularly during 2021 and 2022, even after excluding COVID-19 deaths.    this surplus death occurred despite the intensive vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. Observing a material surge in the total all-cause mortality in Cyprus, during the third and fourth quarters of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022 in parallel to the vaccination campaign push.


Big Data Analysis Paper Shows COVID Vaccination Increases Excess Mortality (likewise morbidity)


This conclusion is based on a big data analysis using public data from 29 countries, covering a population of 1.19 billion. After the Omicron wave in the winter of 2021, herd immunity seemed to be developing, with new infections and COVID-19 deaths significantly declining. However, excess mortality did not follow this downward trend, but instead increased. the results (fig.2) showed a clear positive correlation between the amount of COVID-19 vaccination and excess mortality, with the effect increasing over time. The researchers concluded that the relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and excess mortality shown in Figure 2 is causal.


Dutch Study Raising Possibility of COVID-19 Vax and Excess Death Leads to Intense Pressure on Princess Máxima Center; Center Publicly Distances itself from their researchers Paper


Taiwan Study Raises Concerns about COVID-19 Vaccines: Adverse Events & Excess Deaths Surge in 2021-2023.


Australian Excess Deaths Surge in 2022 During Vaccination Campaign While COVID-19 Deaths Down: This appears to imply a Link to COVID-19 Vaccination.

(97% of population has had at least 1 vaccination so most of deaths are to the vaccinated, with no identified factor as likely other than the vaccination campaign which produced similar effect in other countries)



2024 Excess Deaths / Excess deaths in UK & U.S. into 2024, High E.D. into Canada and Australia and Netherlands and Israel . Higher in Australia and Canada and Japan and Singapore and South Korea and Ireland in 2024. SEE Our World in Data


Moderna COVID Vaccines More Deadly Than Pfizer’s? Czech Republic Analysis Shows So. Moderna’s dose was stronger resulting in much higher death rate in all age groups analyzed . People ages 46-69 who received two doses of Moderna’s vaccine had over a 50% higher risk of   death   within one year compared with those who received two Pfizer shots . More analysis coming on a very good data set. Many countries have such data but have not released the data so it can be analyzed. They know releasing the data would likely lead to the Government being accused of a coverup and calls for more investigation. This data was obtained by FOIA suit.


Australian Team Demonstrates How LNPs Remain in Circulation in Body for At Least 1 Month Post mRNA Vaccination with Moderna



Clot-related adverse events in VAERS 60 days out from last shot

68 times as many Moderna clot AEs for 3-year period as for all other vaccines.

7 times as many Moderna clots for 3-year period as for Janssen Novavax

the modified mRNA products appear to induce reportable clotting effects months after the last dose.




Ex-Moderna Preclinical Scientist Acknowledge Serious Problems with mNRA vaccines

A report,   authored by ex-Moderna scientists acknowledged serious safety concerns   with the mRNA platforms and the technology must be de-risked.


Captured Vaccine Health Agencies Have Been Playing the 3 Monkeys Game for 3 years now,

Captured Vaccine Regulatory Agencies have been resorting to playing the 3 Monkeys Game for 3 years now.

See the story of the three monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil .

(Manipulating data and studies & censoring effective treatment options to promote the dangerous vaccines, while killing or harming millions by doing so .)

For Health Agency Policy Harm to Children, see HW299 and HW290 & HW371


Widespread Capture of Governments and Media by Powerful Special Interests is the Greatest Threat to Democracy


Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Acknowledges CDC Suppressed Safety Data Concerning mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

CDC was aware that the Covid vaccine spike protein generated by the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can have an inflammatory impact. Redfield continued that there was no appropriate transparency about the COVID-19 vaccines when it came to the potential for side effects. There were inappropriate decisions made to underreport side effects.


CDC Has Broken the Public’s Trust  

Especially damaging to public trust are the appalling withholding of vaccine safety data by the CDC, unattributed deaths by the latest vaccines, medical counter-measures , and complete shunning of vaccine-injured Americans. Worst of all, the CDC never informed the public as to  what happened at Fort Detrick  labs in Maryland.



Brownstone institute: More evidence of AGENCY CAPTURE

Fauci proclaimed a DNA of Caring : But his actions prove different . It Was All About Fast-tracking mRNA Vaccines.

Dr. Anthony Fauci often claims a DNA of Caring, yet his actions reveal a stark contrast, including pushing a vaccine in a draconian, methodical and threatening manner, and taking away liberty and jobs to an extreme never seen before in the history of mankind


New Report: The State Department Global Engagement Center Funded Fact-checkers such as Newsguard to Censor Lawful Speech

The U.S. government’s actions fueled a censorship ecosystem that suppressed people’s First Amendment rights and made it difficult for some certain small independent media outlets to compete online.


NIH Scientists put extreme pressure on Authors of valid published study linking the vaccines to cancer to retract the paper.

Paper results later confirmed by other studies. There is concern that a pattern of pressure similar as in other such papers, by scientists associated with the U.S. government who are covering up possibility of collusion between the NIH and their financial interests to counter researchers and papers which may be a financial threat and question the decisions made by the agency.


Latest FDA Covid Vaccine Approval appears to have had no legitimate basis for approval .


Unvaccinated Fare Better Than Vaccinated When Measuring All-Cause Death




Vermont Lawyer Blasts Ruling That Let School Off the Hook for Vaccinating 6-Year-Old Against Parents’ Wishes and Scientific Evidence

In an interview on The Defender In-Depth, Vermont attorney John Klar warned of potentially grave consequences for medical autonomy if the recent Vermont Supreme Court ruling is allowed to stand.

Brownstone Institute: Why Physician Autonomy Must Be Restored

Dr. Pierre Kory discusses the American Board of Internal Medicine’s decision to revoke his medical certifications and what he believes it means for the future of the patient and physician autonomy and the doctor-patient relationship.


The Battle Against Big Tech Censorship: How One Lawsuit Aims to Restore Online Freedom of Speech


In a landmark case filed on May 27, 2024, two digital media companies Webseed Inc. and Briteon Media Inc. have launched a formidable challenge against what they allege is a vast censorship scheme orchestrated by the U.S. government and implemented by Big Tech giants.


RFK Jr. and CHD Get Green Light to Sue Biden Administration for Censorship Aug 2024

A Louisiana district court ruled late Tuesday that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children’s Health Defense have legal standing to sue the Biden administration Health Agencies for colluding with tech giants to censor their social media posts, in a decision that listed specific instances of government officials targeting Kennedy and CHD.

Musk vs. The Machine: How X's Lawsuit Shattered the Advertising Cartel (GARN)

(suit was about collusion and corruption and censorship)



Reports Of Autopsies In CDC VAERS And Associated Adverse Events Linked To Cause Of Death and state.

Millions of individuals with the help of their doctors have reported adverse events (AEs) using the Vaccine Adverse Events Reports System (VAERS). VAERS data was used to examine the frequency of reporting of general AES, and specific AEs linked to autopsy reports since the beginning of the COVID-19 mass injection campaign, up to and including July 2024

11%, 12% and 16%, 30% of these reports are associated with myocarditis, cardiac arrest, pulmonary embolism (PE), and other Cardiovascular or Vascular respectively.

Even though there is a 1,714% increase in absolute count of autopsies in VAERS when comparing Influenza vaccine to COVID-19 injectable product reports, there is a 77.6% decrease in the rate of autopsy reporting in the context of deaths. 69% (N=262) of autopsy-linked VAERS reports in the context of COVID-19 injections involve cardiovascular AEs, since the Government Health Agencies strongly discouraged the use of Autopsies of deaths and significant injuries reported as due to Vaccines. to cover up the huge toll of vaccine harm from the public. (as documented) Disclosure would have hindered vaccination rates, cost the Pharmaceuticals of lot of profit, and saved a lot of public harm. A similar percent of Flu autopsies was due to cardiovascular but few of them due to myocarditis or cardiac arrest.

Definitions of SAEs were altered during COVID-19 shot roll-out in Canada


Breaking News: BC Centre for Disease Control Caught Lying and Withholding Important Public Health Data

Did public health officials tell you that COVID-19 shots were sixteen times more dangerous than flu shots?


Landmark New Publication: The Forgotten Biochemistry 101 of COVID-19, and Its Critical Consequences

Legacy coronavirus biochemistry that governs spike protein toxicity, key morbidities, risk factors and therapeutic responses was apparently overlooked or dismissed by the (Scientists?) at the Captured Health Regulatory Agencies.



The Vaccine Regulatory Agencies of the U.S., China, and Russia have been using the current Promoted Pandemic as a cold-war Game to derive maximum benefit for themselves rather than dealing with the situation as a serious health problem to be collectively resolved. By doing so they’ve only made the situation worse for the world public .


Pentagon Ran Secret Anti-Vax Campaign in Philippines, While Censoring Americans Who Criticized COVID Shots. A psychological warfare campaign was operated out of trailers and squat buildings at the MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida .

Campaign motive obviously political, not public health related. But why and for whom? What special interest is so powerful that it controls the U.S. military?

Leiden University Professor Calls Out U.S. Foreign Health Policy Hypocrisy: The World’s Top Anti-Vaxxer Was the Pentagon (Demonstrates Federal Agency Information was part of a plan rather than factual)


Philippines Starts Investigation into US Pentagon Anti-Vax Disinformation Campaign ( Phillipines has been an ally?)



Key to Revolving Door : FDA Tells Staff Who Leave for Pharma Jobs They Can Work Behind the Scenes to Influence FDA Agency

According to an internal email obtained by The BMJ, the FDA told a departing staffer who had reviewed COVID-19 vaccines while working at the FDA and who later accepted a job at Moderna that he could still work behind the scenes to influence agency decision-making.


The Government’s Pandemic Preparedness Operation Looks a Lot Like Arsonists Running the Fire Department

There was never a legitimate valid Clinical Trial , but CDC/CDA covered up all the misinformation and fraud. The Health Agencies Censored Information about Known Effective Treatments that were documented to be more effective than the vaccines at preventing major Covid injuries or curing Covid . These actions resulted in millions significantly harmed or killed. See also CVaxAERV & Conclude .


Brownstone Institute: When Did Government Snoops Become Guardian Angels?

Fifty-five percent of American adults support government suppression of false information, even though only 20% trust the government. Relying on dishonest officials to eradicate false information is not the height of prudence. (The government has been documented to be the primary source of published false information.)

Czech Experts Want to Establish an Independent Scientific Institute Due to the Politicization of Science that has caused so much health and social harm



Do Many of the VE Studies used by Regulatory Agencies Conducted During COVID-19 Require Scrutiny?


(Yes, the test-negative design is not the best design choice, and those choosing it need to acknowledge fully its limitations, according to the study authors)



Part 2 of ICAN lead attorney Aaron Siri’s expert testimony before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy. In this installment, Siri drills down on the serious concerning missteps with regulators handling of vaccine safety.