Big Pharma Funds COVID Fact Checkers (FactCheck.org) which fact check posts to social media like META.

FactCheck.org, the organization that flags misleading COVID-19 content for Facebook, is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a nonprofit funded by vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson, YouTube commentator Jimmy Dore reported.

It is documented the Fact Checking has little to do with the accuracy or factual content of what is being fact checked, but primarily whether favorable to vaccines or not.

Fact-checkers such as NewsGuard and International Fact-Checking Network were hired to Censor Lawful Speech by the Global Engagement Center and Gates Foundation


Rogan Rips Mainstream Media for Failure to Cover Real Numbers of People Injured, Killed by COVID Shots

Joe Rogan and his guest, Bret Weinstein, Ph.D., also called out the pharmaceutical industry and its governmental regulators for using mRNA vaccines to generate wealth for themselves at the expense of children’s health. (See also HW383 )


Bombshell : Ex-FDA & DoD Official Exposes Potential Tragic Failures of USA COVID-19 Response, More Deaths Possibly Caused by Countermeasure Mismanagement than by Covid



Brownstone Institute : Google and Other Big Internet and social media Companies Censor Emails, Private Groups

Google and other organizations monitor your online posts, your searches and even your private email correspondence. Are you good with that?

Amazon:  Manufacturing Consent Book

A compelling indictment of the news media's role in covering up errors and deceptions ( The New York Times Book Review)  due to the  underlying economics of publishing : from famed scholars Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsk .



HighWire Editorial Contributor and Editor-in-Chief at UncoverDC , Tracy Beanz , describes Missouri vs. Biden as, (one of the most important lawsuits of our lifetime. Attorney General of Missouri, Andrew Bailey, and Attorney General of Louisiana, Jeff Landry, take on the Office of the President and other federal offices for colluding with social media to suppress speech countering their narrative regarding COVID-19. ( Lawsuits Against Government Agency Censorship Winning : See rulings, later)


White House Worked with YouTube to Censor COVID-19 and Vaccine Misinformation that was accurate.


Biden White House Pressured Amazon to Censor Vaccine-Skeptical Books, Internal Emails Reveal


Biden Administration Files Emergency Motion to Strike Down Injunction in RFK Jr., CHD Campaign Censorship Case July 2024

The move came less than 24 hours after a lower court rejected a bid by the Biden administration to prevent a preliminary injunction in the Kennedy v. Biden censorship lawsuit from taking effect. The injunction would have prohibited White House officials from coercing social media platforms to suppress or censor online content.

Lawyers for RFK Jr., CHD Present Oral Arguments in Landmark Censorship Case

A three-judge panel late Tuesday heard oral arguments in the landmark censorship case, Kennedy et al. v. Biden et al. The judges must decide if Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children’s Health Defense have standing to sue the Biden administration for colluding with social media companies to censor constitutionally protected speech.


Gov. Agency/Media Science Censorship Conspiracy

Internet and Media Censorship: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once

Unprecedented Censorship in many formally democratic countries like U.S. with collusion by Government agencies and powerful special interests with Media to censor any information contrary to position of the Government agencies and powerful special interests responsible for the Censorship, It used to be a truth universally acknowledged by citizens of democratic nations that freedom of speech was the basis not just of democracy, but of all human rights.

When a person or group can censor the speech of others, there is by definition an imbalance of power. Those exercising the power can decide what information and which opinions are allowed, and which should be suppressed. In order to maintain their power, they will naturally suppress information and views that challenge their position. Such conditions are alleviated only the public stands up and demands and defends their rights.


A Handful of Giant Corporations Control the Global Propaganda Machine

The Censorship/Industrial Complex: Report Names Top 50 Groups Working to Censor Americans & Spread Propaganda to Control World Opinion


6 Companies Control 90% of What You Read, Watch and Hear . They all have an agenda and control the message you hear for their benefit, not public benefit, or truth.

News  mergers reached a record high  of $5.8 trillion in 2021. Local Media are all being driven out of business and bought out. If you ever took Economics 101, you’re probably aware that monopolies are great for the providers and bad for consumers by eliminating competition. Today, just  six conglomerates : Comcast, Disney, AT&T, Sony, Fox and Paramount Global (formerly known as Viacom CBS) control 90% of what you watch, read, or listen to.  They have interlocking connections and control the message agenda for their benefit, not public benefit and with no regard for truth. The agenda and message come from propaganda organizations controlled by the ultra-rich for their benefit.


New Details Emerge About How White House Colluded With CCDH, CISA, and Twitter to fraudulently Censor RFK Jr., CHD   , Dr. Mercola, ETC. New Twitter File   s   released today by investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker reveal how dark money grou   ps such as CCDH and University groups helped   the White House/CDC/ CIS influence Media and social media   to   flag   accurate science-based   social media posts   by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.   ,   Children's Health Defense   , etc.   that contradicted the   official government propaganda narrative on COVID-19 .


Mark Zuckerberg Admits Feds Asked Facebook to Censor True COVID Information


CCDH drafted a fraudulent list of the so-called   Disinformation Dozen   , which included Kennedy,    Dr. Joseph Mercola    and Ty and Charlene Bollinger, founders of    The Truth About Vaccines    and    The Truth About Cancer    websites. The list was used by the White House and Twitter, prior to its purchase by Elon Musk, to censor those individuals on Twitter and other social media. The organizations censored all were transparent science-based organizations that include sources and documentation of information. They were censored because the organizations responsible for censoring did not want the truth out io counter the vaccine propaganda.

CCDH also collaborates with online Bogus fact-checking firms like    NewsGuard   .


Disinformation Dozen Study Relies on Disputed Data, Raising Questions of Bias


Most of the Websites and Information claimed to be disinformation provide credible references for most of the information in question which has been documented to be mostly accurate. It has been documented including in Court findings that it is the claims of disinformation that are not valid, and the ones making the claims of disinformation are in fact the source of most of the disinformation.



America First Legal Launches Nationwide Investigation into State Attorneys General Collusion with Pro-Censorship CCDH

Today, America First Legal (AFL) launched a series of state Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests regarding a letter written by twelve state attorneys general, all Democrats, to the CEOs of Twitter and Facebook, seeking to censor the views of American citizens in collusion with the UK-based (anti-science) pro-censorship organization, the Center for Countering (Actually Promoting) Digital Hate (CCDH).


Thought Police: The Center For Countering Digital Hate ( Actually Anti-Science Promoters of Disinformation & Digital Hate for Special Interests )

During the recent pandemic, all of those who considered or attempted to approach the crisis without the blessings of authorities were summarily belittled, repressed, and disgraced (whether right or wrong) by Government Agencies affiliated with and using the Special Interest Funded organization CCDH.

BREAKING: Elon Musk Files Lawsuit Against CCDH, Alleging Fraud, Abuse, Breach of Contract
(suing Propaganda/Disinformation Promoter)

It is clear the CCDH report was fraudulent and slanderous, as there was No Evidence the censored sites had anything scientifically inaccurate or undocumented. Those in the Federal Agencies and social media with connections to the fraudulent use of the Report should be identified and prosecuted.


BREAKING: Congress Subpoenas Center for Countering Digital Hate for Censoring Disinformation Dozen, Other Americans

CCDH is a  front-group funded by at least 7 UK-based charities , including two NGOs which receive UK government funding, and are now  notorious for producing a fraudulent report  called The Disinformation Dozen , which defamed and essentially  put on a digital hit  list for deplatforming 13 American citizens (CCDH work is so unprofessional and sloppy, they have trouble counting and the report contains statistical errors that are inaccurate by a factor of 300-fold ). This fraudulent report was widely used and supported by the Federal Administration, the Media, and social media.


Major Victory : Media Giants Admit Errors in Disinformation Dozen Coverage

Responding to Court Suits brought by RFK, Jr and Others:

Major media outlets including The Independent, Forbes, and McGill University correct Disinformation Dozen coverage .

Meta's data shows named individuals responsible for 0.05% of vaccine content views, not 65% as claimed by CCDH

Legal implications emerge as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gains standing in Biden v. Missouri case .

CCDH and its CEO continue to spread debunked claims despite corrections . Suits filed against CCDH.



House Select Subcommittee on COVID-19 Pandemic Investigates Gain-of-Function Research at University of Wisconsin, Madison


Federal Judge Orders Consolidation of Two Landmark Cases Against Government Censorship of Citizens

RFK Jr., Children’s Health Defense v. Biden  and  Missouri v. Biden  will move forward as one effort to preserve freedom of speech and forbid fraudulent disinformation.

Citing Orwellian Tactics, Federal Judge Orders White House to Stop Censoring Americans Social Media Posts


Judge Rejects Biden Administration Bid to Overturn Injunction in Social Media Censorship Case



RFK Jr. Sues YouTube and Google, Alleges fraudulent Misinformation Policies Violated His First Amendment Rights


RFK, Jr Tops all Presidential Contenders in Favorability HARVARD CAPS HARRIS POLL RFK, Jr WS

Mr. Kennedy was named one of the Time Magazine Heroes for the Planet for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. His reputation as a resolute defender of the environment and child health and against corruption stems from a litany of successful legal actions.



CHD Fights Bid to Dismiss Lawsuit Against Online News Censorship Cartel

Attorneys for Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on Tuesday filed a series of briefs pertaining to CHD’s ongoing lawsuit against the Trusted News Initiative alleging the group of major media outlets violated antitrust laws and the U.S. Constitution when they collectively colluded with tech giants to censor online news.


TrialSite , CHD et al. vs. Trusted News Initiative: Status

Though filed in Louisiana, because one of the Defendants argued that there was a lack of personal jurisdiction, the case was moved to federal court in Washington DC, which is where the litigation is now being heard. The DC case was docketed and assigned in September of this year to Judge Timothy Kelly.


Louisiana Attorney General Files Amicus Brief in CHD’s Landmark Suit Against Trusted News Initiative

The  lawsuit , filed May 31, alleges the TNI violated antitrust laws and the U.S. Constitution by colluding with  tech giants , some of which also are members of the TNI, to censor online news. Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said the scope of the Trusted News Initiative’s conspiracy is wide-ranging.


Physician Group Claims Victory in 1st Amendment Case in 5th Circuit, Taking on Powerful Medical Boards & Biden Admin

The Court held that there is a constitutional “right to hear” that enables a sponsor of conferences, such as the Plaintiff   Association of American Physicians & Surgeons Educational Foundation (“AAPS”), t o challenge censorship that chills presentations at its events.



CHD Asks Appeals Court to Allow Lawsuit Challenging FDA’s Authorization of COVID Shots for Kids to Move Forward

Supreme Court Rules Against State Attorney Generals and Allows Biden Administration to Continue Media Censorship Control in Free Speech Case. ( Huge loss for Constitution and Free Speech allowing actions that have caused serious harm to hundreds of thousands to continue )

High Court ruled the states and users challenging the administration’s contacts had not suffered the sort of direct injury giving them standing to sue in the first place. Really ridicules ruling. Evidence presented documented thousands in all states seriously harmed or killed due to the Censorship, and many businesses significantly harmed.   The Court apparently forgot that the state attorney generals ruled against in part exist to protect the people of their respective states.


The ruling reversed decisions by two lower courts, which held that when the government “coerced” or “significantly encouraged” the platforms to moderate content related to   COVID-19 , presidential elections and other controversial topics, they transformed the social media companies’ decisions into state action, violating plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights.

What can be done when courts make obviously unconstitutional rulings?

Supreme Court: CHD, Kennedy Censorship Lawsuit Against Biden Administration and Media agencies to Move Forward without State Attorney Generals as a party.


The Tables Turn : Pfizer Accused of Misinformation in Landmark Kansas Lawsuit

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Pfiz­er for Mis­rep­re­sent­ing COVID-19 Vac­cine Effi­ca­cy and Con­spir­ing to Cen­sor Pub­lic Discourse



Brownstone Institute : X (formally Twitter) is the only Media Source for Transparency and Free Speech

X is owned by Elon Musk , who has preached free speech for years and sacrificed billions in advertising dollars in order to protect it.


(Actually TrialSiteNews.com and childrenshealthdefense.org and Mercola.com and GreenMedInfo.com and Highwire.com are also open and transparent and provide credible references for all information posted)





Live coverage of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust as they conduct a hearing titled  Follow the Science?: Oversight of the Biden COVID-19 Administrative State Response  with expert testimony from witnesses including ICAN lead attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq.


Key to Revolving Door : FDA Tells Staff Who Leave for Pharma Jobs They Can Work Behind the Scenes to Influence FDA Agency

According to an internal email obtained by The BMJ, the FDA told a departing staffer who had reviewed COVID-19 vaccines while working at the FDA and who later accepted a job at Moderna that he could still work behind the scenes to influence agency ecision -making.


Captured Vaccine Regulatory Agencies have been resorting to playing the 3 Monkeys Game for 3 years now.

See the story of the three monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil .

(Manipulating data and studies & censoring effective treatment options to promote the dangerous vaccines, while killing or harming millions by doing so .)

For Health Agency Policy Harm to Children, see also HW299 and HW290 & HW371


Landmark New Publication: The Forgotten Biochemistry 101 of COVID-19, and Its Critical Consequences

Legacy coronavirus biochemistry that governs spike protein toxicity, key morbidities, risk factors and therapeutic responses was apparently overlooked or dismissed by the (Scientists?) at the Captured Health Regulatory Agencies.


The Vaccine Regulatory Agencies of the U.S. , China, and Russia have been using the current Promoted Pandemic as a cold-war Game to derive maximum benefit for themselves rather than dealing with the situation as a serious health problem to be collectively resolved. By doing so they’ve only made the situation worse for the world public .


Pentagon Ran Secret Anti-Vax Campaign in Philippines, While Censoring Americans Who Criticized COVID Shots. A psychological warfare campaign was operated out of trailers and squat buildings at the MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida .

Campaign motive obviously political, not public health related. But why and for whom? What special interest is so powerful that it controls the U.S. military?

Philippines Starts Investigation into US Pentagon Anti-Vax Disinformation Campaign


The Government’s Pandemic Preparedness Operation Looks a Lot Like Arsonists Running the Fire Department

There was never a legitimate valid Clinical Trial , but CDC/CDA covered up all the misinformation and fraud. The Health Agencies Censored Information about Known Effective Treatments that were documented to be more effective than the vaccines at preventing major Covid injuries or curing Covid . These actions resulted in millions significantly harmed or killed. See also CVaxAERV & Conclude .


Former NSW Australia Premier Admits: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Were Wrong : The Products Did Not Stop Viral Transmission


The New England Journal of Medicine:  No-Fault Compensation for Vaccine Injury - The Other Side of Equitable Access to Covid-19 Vaccines (such is the only reasonable and equitable solution, but Pharmaceuticals and Insurance companies control of Congress and Parliaments has prevented a reasonable fair solution)

The Lancet:  The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment

Frontiers:  Evidence of Increase in Mortality After the Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine to Children Aged 6-35 Months in Guinea-Bissau: A Time for Reflection?

CDC:  Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)

Politico:  HHS secretary declares coronavirus a public health emergency Jan 2020

MDPI:  Outcome Reporting Bias in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trials
 (There were no real clinical trials carried out that could or did prove the vaccines safe and effective , everyone following the effort knew this; CDC & FDA covered up the fraud )

The Wire Science:  If a Vaccine Is Approved, Will It Be Ethical to Deny It to Clinical Trial Participants?
 (there was no real clinical trial carried out)

NIH:  Decades in the Making: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

UKCOLUMN:   Stabilising the Code .

Key Point Blog:  KSQA With Dr. Barney Graham On COVID Vaccine Development And Upcoming Keynote Address (2022)

Plos One:  Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus

Pennsylvania Center for the Book:  The Age of Aluminum: ALCOA

Science Direct:  The cellular toxicity of aluminium . (see HW275) (Aluminum is neurotoxic and causes neurological conditions and microclots )

CDC:  mRNA COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccine safety update . (CDC is undependable source)
 Booster documented to have negative effectivity; causes more harm than benefit)

Amazon:  Plotkin's Vaccines

NIH:   Postlicensure safety surveillance for 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

Statista:  How COVID-19 Vaccines Changed Pharma Company Profits

BBC:   The fiasco of the 1976 swine flu affair

Taylor & Francis Online:  Acellular pertussis vaccines in Japan: past, present and future .

UNICEF:  Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis Containing Vaccines: Market and Supply Update

WHO:  Meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization, October 2014 - conclusions and recommendations

WHO:  Systematic review of the non-specific effects of BCG, DTP and measles containing vaccines
 See HW299 .

FDA:  Center for Drug Evaluation and Research | CDER

FDA:  Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)

FDA:  FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) 161st Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) Meeting

BioPharma Dive:  Top FDA vaccine officials to leave agency as decision on COVID-19 boosters looms

Freedom Fest Website


vaccines often cause MICROCLOTS AND Microstrokes that can Trigger a host of other chronic Conditions

CDC-Sponsored Study: Surge in Strokes in USA during Pandemic

For the period 2011–2013 to 2020–2022, “stroke prevalence increased 14.6% among adults aged 18–44 years, 15.7% among those aged 45–64 years,  


Post-Vaccination Severity: Insights from a Systematic Review

The Covid vaccines imposed severe potential health side effects such as clotting or obstruction of blood vessels termed arterial or venous thrombosis, autoimmune damage of nerve cells ( GBS ), intense activation of coagulation system (vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia), acute ischemic stroke ( AIS ) and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), myocarditis, pericarditis, and glomerular disease .


SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Induces Hemagglutination: Implications for COVID-19 Morbidities and Therapeutics and for Vaccine Adverse Effects

(A factor in most vaccine AEs & The reason Ivermectin can prevent and improve such conditions)

This article is all about blood clots formed by red blood cells. Buried in the article are findings that ivermectin can prevent and cure these blood problems that other research has found explains many harmful health impacts from spike proteins in COVID infection and COVID mRNA vaccines.


Vaccines Often Cause Microstrokes That Can Trigger a Host of Chronic Diseases. *

Vaccines often cause various side effects, making it hard to identify common causes. Neurologist Andrew Moulden discovered that vaccines frequently trigger microstrokes , which can lead to a myriad of acute and chronic diseases, including Autism and ADHD, etc.

research from the 1960s, shows that blood cell clumping is a root cause of many diseases. Colloidal chemistry and zeta potential science reveal that positive charges around blood cells cause clumping. Agents with concentrated positive charges, such as aluminum and the COVID-19 spike protein, are especially problematic. Improving the physiologic zeta potential benefits a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses. A strong case can be made that many conventional and holistic therapies work in part by enhancing zeta potential.

three main mechanisms underlie the myriad of vaccine injuries :

1. Immune dysfunction : Vaccines frequently cause chronic autoimmune disorders and varying degrees of immune suppression.

2. Cell danger response : Cells can enter a primitive state under threat, stopping normal mitochondrial function. This temporary state can become chronic, underlying many severe conditions. Treating this response has resolved conditions linked to vaccination, like autism.

3. Impaired circulation : Vaccines can impair fluid circulation by affecting the body’s zeta potential . This causes fluid clumping (i.e. micro blood clots and blood thickening) and obstructs blood flow in capillaries.

Others have confirmed and further developed and documented Moulton findings and explained the importance of Zeta Potential in Chronic Conditions and Treatment.


Italian Observational Study Shows Increased Stroke Risks with COVID-19 Vax.

The findings revealed that the 28-day post-vaccination period was associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), and myelitis (incidence risk ratios [IRR]: 1.44, 1.50, 1.67, and 2.65, respectively).  The study did not asses the risk of Covid for a group with proven Prevention and Treatment Protocol used rather than vaccination.



Clot Crisis: Doctor Battles Against his patients COVID-19 Infection and Vaccine After-effects . .

Vaughn had treated Chaplin by first running some blood tests, where he had discovered abnormal clotting issues. Chaplin's body was producing microclots in his blood vessels that were difficult to detect . Other vaccinated patients had similar test results .

Vaughn had used a triple anticoagulant therapy approach to treat them.



Scientists From UCSF Discovered That the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Binds Fibrinogen (and Fibrin) Enhancing Clot Formation

(Univ. of California- SF) Blood clots are not supposed to form inside blood vessels.

Yet, this type of clotting occurs during and after an active   SARS-CoV-2   infection or Covid Vaccination Spike Protein in the [brain], contributing to Pulmonary Embolism & Long COVID or Long Vaccine symptoms like brain fog and neuroinflammation.


Long Covid, Long Vax, and other Cardiovascular Damage of Covid or Vaccination are caused primarily by Microclots .


Time to Connect the Clots Among COVID Infections and Vaccines, and Long COVID


The central medical thesis of this analysis is that micro clots are a condition in three groups: those infected by the COVID virus, those suffering from long COVID, and those who have received COVID mRNA vaccines. The harmful health impacts in all three groups are extensive and myriad. Ordinary medical testing does not find micro clots . (use D Dimer or Brightscreen Microscope)



Covid Vaccines Caused thousands of cases of cerebral thromboembolism. (Blood clots and strokes)

COVID Vaccines Pose 112,000% Greater Risk of Brain Clots, Strokes Than Flu Shots or Unvaccinated.





Stroke Risk: COVID Shots 200 Times More Likely to Cause Blood Clots in Brain than all other vaccines.

Compared to influenza vaccines given over 34 years, COVID-19 vaccines in 36 months of use had over 1000-fold increased risk of most blood clot events and compared to all vaccines combined administered over 34 years, this risk remained at over 200-times greater with COVID-19 vaccination. The blood clots are hard to treat and often leave devasting brain damage.


Vaccines Often Cause Microstrokes That Can Trigger Conditions like Autism, ADHD, etc. (Aluminum in vaccines containing it can also be a factor. One of the harmful effects of aluminum is reducing blood Zeta Potential.).



COVID Shots Linked to More Frequent and Potentially Deadly Abdominal Blood Clotting

COVID-19 vaccines can make splanchnic vein thrombosis, an uncommon type of abdominal blood clotting, more frequent and severe, according to the largest published study of its kind.   Compared to a larger group of cases over many years before COVID, the vaccine blood clots were far more serious and deadly,

Fatal Post COVID-19 mRNA-Vaccine Associated Cerebral Ischemia

Pathology was consistent with thrombosis and associated inflammatory response.


Case Series in Pakistan Reveals Case of Thromboembolism Linked to Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine.

(extensive pulmonary embolism from blood clots)

Large FDA Study of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine AEs Detects Safety Signals!  Pulmonary Embolism, Bell’s Palsy, Anaphylaxis & Myocarditis/Pericarditis


Prevention of Blood Clots

Lumbrokinase is about 300 times stronger than serrapeptase and nearly 30 times stronger than nattokinase , making it my top recommendation if you are using a fibrinolytic enzyme .


Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome after Viral-vector vaccine has a fatality rate of 31.6 to 35.9%. within 2 months. Hwang et al and Buoninfante et al

Myocarditis after mNRA vaccine has a fatality rate of 11.8 to 17.7% within 2 months. Vu et al and M.E. Oester et al



Insurance Trade Press Video: Physician Suggests Link of Excess Deaths to COVID-19 mRNA-Based Vaccination, Damaged Immune System


In this video, Dr. Edward Loniewski   addresses mass vaccination… pointing to excess in death and disability   and for the first time ever, a decrease in U.S. life expectancy by quite a bit. There must be something going on with our immune systems. Ii could be that we were all vaccinated during the pandemic, which is not normal. Blood clots and strokes are seen more now after the pandemic according to Dr Loniewski . He thinks everyone should load up on vitamin D, 10,000 iu per day for some, getting up to the 70s to actually affect the immune system.  He suggests vitamin C and zinc as well.



Otorhinolaryngology Specialists Find COVID-19 Vaccine Signal Ratios with Key Events Including Dysgeusia, Ageusia, Tinnitus and Vertigo

(can be associate with microclotting )

Large Population Study Finds COVID-19 MRNA Vaccines Associated with Troubling Rate of Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Impairment.

The mRNA vaccine group exhibited a significantly higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease (Odds Ratio [OR]; 1,225; and mild cognizant impairment (OR: 2.377 compared to the unvaccinated group.


European Researchers Are Worried by High Levels of c-Troponin as Signal of Myocardial Injury Post mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Healthy People (5% >9ng/L)

( 2.8% of all vaccinated individuals were judged as having developed mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury and displayed median hs-TnT levels of 13.5 ng/L  


Rising Concern About mRNA Boosters In Major Cardiovascular Journal: Young Men Face Higher Risks, Especially With Moderna’s Vaccine

Post -vaccine myocarditis risk is greatest in young men between the ages of 12 and 39 years. Moderna’s mRNA-1273 (Spikevax) has more risk for myocarditis than the Pfizer- BioNtech BNT162b2 (Comirnaty).  Additionally, risks increase when vaccine dose intervals are shorter.

Risk after the second vaccine dose may be 1 0- to 100-fold higher than the expected background rate.


I Will Not Be Accepting Any of These Vaccines

Medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D., raised concerns about the onrushing “mRNA future” on his YouTube show this week, citing known safety issues of mRNA vaccines and the compromised regulatory process surrounding their development and deployment.

Chronic Diseases Now Account for 75% of Deaths Globally

Chronic diseases now cause nearly 75% of global deaths, with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and vaccine injury being the most impactful.

Mental health disorders including Alzheimer’s and Dementia are a significant part of the chronic disease burden, often going untreated for years. Mitochondrial health is vital for preventing chronic diseases. The four E's: excess essential fats (seed oils), estrogen, electromagnetic fields and endocrine-disrupting chemicals are major threats to cellular energy production.

Disrupted oxygen balance in your gut leads to harmful microbe proliferation. Avoiding mitochondrial poisons and restoring proper gut conditions is essential for reestablishing beneficial microbes and preventing chronic diseases.



ICAN lead attorney, Aaron Siri, gives critical expert testimony before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy.  Watch Part 1 of this revealing and informative on-the-record legislative hearing.


General Court of New Hampshire:  Special Committee on COVID Response Efficacy

Siri & Glimstad Website

KRDO:  Air Force ordered to not enforce vaccine mandate under court order

ICAN:  Breaking: ICAN Attorneys Score Another Major Win Against FDA with Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Documents

a federal judge ordering FDA to release documents it relied on to license Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for 12- to 15-year-olds and Moderna’s COVID vaccine! Despite FDA’s insistence it needed 23.5 years, the federal judge, opening his decision with the quote, “Democracy dies behind closed doors,” ordered them to produce the files in just 2 years! All the Pfizer documents produced to date can be found here .


CDC Panel Recommends COVID Vaccines for Ages 6 Months and Up Amid Concerns Doctors Afraid to Recommend Shots

Approximately 50% of the public and lots of doctors and staff unwilling to comply with Vaccination Schedule due to the known danger of doing so.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on Thursday also recommended everyone 6 months and older get a flu shot, in spite of scientific studies documenting children are already getting a dangerous number of vaccinations , and additional shots will make their health much worse .


Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at ‘Exponentially’ Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays

Florida Woman Suffers Severe Reaction After Receiving 3 Vaccines at Once, Videos Go Viral