HW375 WEAPONIZING HEALTH (Covid Committee Hearing for Anthony Fauci and NIH Coverup Scandal & Natural Immunity/Autoimmunity & Recent Vaccine Mandate and Ban and Censorship Court Cases & Freedom Fighters Rally in Geneva & FEARLESS TRUTH WITH SAVANAH HERNANDEZ & AI Linked with human Brain)

Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Fauci on Capitol Hill.


Restream of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic’s Hearing with Dr. Anthony Fauci, held this morning, June 3rd, on Capitol Hill .



Dr. Fauci Faces Scrutiny Over Alleged COVID-19 Cover-Up


Fauci’s Fiefdom: Lawmakers, Experts Expose Pandemic Corruption and Cover-Ups

In conversations with Russell Brand on Tuesday, elected officials and a patent expert exposed the institutional corruption surrounding COVID-19 policies.

Brownstone institute: More evidence of AGENCY CAPTURE

Fauci proclaimed a DNA of Caring : But his actions prove different . It Was All About Fast-tracking mRNA Vaccines.

Dr. Anthony Fauci often claims a DNA of Caring, yet his actions reveal a stark contrast, including pushing a vaccine in a draconian, methodical and threatening manner, and taking away liberty and jobs to an extreme never seen before in the history of mankind.

HHS Debars EcoHealth Alliance and Dr. Peter Daszak Following COVID Investigation


HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE SCRUTINIZES BIDEN Administation poor COVID RESPONSE ( Captured health agencies caused much more harm than benefit . Using ineffective vaccines and vaccine mandates while censoring and discouraging use of known effective treatments for Covid)


Fauci’s Agency HIAID Hid Plans to Create Highly Transmissible Mpox Virus from Congress, Media


Fauci Lied to Congress About Personal Email Use During Beaglegate Scandal

According to news commentator Kim Iversen, Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to Congress about using personal email during the “ Beaglegate ” scandal. Meanwhile, a bipartisan group of lawmakers last week demanded answers from the Pentagon about a near-$1 million beagle testing contract, intensifying scrutiny of government-funded animal research.


Investigative Committee finds NIAID is a captured agency that cannot be trusted to be transparent or truthful in information they provide the public or congress.



NIH Top Brass Caught Conspiring to Evade Questions About Coronavirus Research at Wuhan Lab

Documents obtained via a FOIA request reveal NIH officials, including former Director Francis Collins, supported a plan to avoid answering congressional inquiries about a grant NIH awarded to a nonprofit to conduct controversial coronavirus research in Wuhan, China, according to journalist Paul Thacker.

Why Does the US Still Recommend COVID Jab to Kids 6 mos & Older When Other Nations Don’t?

For over a decade, numerous   studies   have confirmed a direct correlation between infant mortality rates (IMRs) and the number of vaccine doses infants receive. Despite that critical fact, compared to 34 developed nations, the United States requires the most infant vaccines. Even more concerning, to this day, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) still promotes the gene-damaging mRNA jabs for healthy children aged six months and older even though most nations no longer recommend the COVID shots for healthy children .

(Here is why)

Fauci’s Agency Scored $690 Million in Secret Royalty Payments During Pandemic.

NIH much more.


Captured FDA VRBPAC Panel refusing to accept outside expert testimony or discuss Troubling Safety SIGNALS in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.

Fraudulent Study Publication Using Toxic Doses and Flawed Studies: How Health Agencies Sabotaged Hydroxychloroquine to Favor Profitable Drugs (Fauci involved)


medRxiv :   OpenSAFELY : Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents
 Among both adolescents and children, myocarditis and pericarditis were documented only in the vaccinated groups, with rates of 27 and 10 cases/million after first and second doses respectively.

medRxiv :  Covid-19 Infection Death Rate by Age Group
  Across all countries, the median IFR in community-dwelling elderly and elderly overall was 2.4% and 5.5 % IFR was higher with larger proportions of people >85 years. Younger age strata had low IFR values (median 0.0027%, 0.014%, 0.031%, 0.082%, 0.27%, and 0.59%, at 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60-69 years).

Jama Network:  Safety of Ancestral Monovalent BNT162b2, mRNA-1273, and NVX-CoV2373 COVID-19 Vaccines in US Children Aged 6 Months to 17 Years
  In this cohort study of 4 102 106 vaccinated enrollees, 2 outcomes met the statistical threshold for a signal compared with historical rates: myocarditis or pericarditis after BNT162b2 (ages 12-17 years) and seizure after BNT162b2 (ages 2-4 years) and mRNA-1273 (ages 2-5 years) vaccinations.

The Telegraph:  Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths
 Study across 47 countries suggests link between vaccines and excess deaths)

The BMJ:  Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: 'Our World in Data' estimates of January 2020 to December 2022

Preprints:  Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients: Safety Concerns and Proposals for Specific Measures

this paper aims to draw the attention of medical professionals to the various risks associated with transfusion using blood products derived from long COVID patients or from genetic vaccine recipients, and to make proposals regarding specific inspection items, testing methods, regulations, etc. This paper provides insights to address the post-vaccination syndrome and its consequences following such genetic vaccination programs.



Natural Immunity/Autoimmunity


Qatar National Study: mRNA Bivalent Booster Bomb! Natural Immunity Superior against XBB

Prior infection provided protection superior to that of the vaccine booster, which provided minimal support.



Health Authorities and Media Pundits Have Been Lying. Ohio State University Study: COVID-Vaccinated Patients Die at Near Double the Rate than Non-Vaccinated, Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients (Also get Covid and other viruses more than unvaccinated)


Vaccines Often Cause Microstrokes That Can Trigger a Host of Chronic Diseases.


Researchers Point to Statistically Significant Autoimmune & Auto-Inflammatory Adverse Event Incidence Post COVID-19 Vax


Reviewing Inflammatory Trends Post COVID-19 Vaccination with mRNA-1273 in France (Prospective survey)


Out of 20,169 vaccination cases followed, 12% reported significant AEs . Out of 393 cases of AID cases (2%), 59.5% were severe with average time to diagnosis after vaccination 4 days. Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders and Nervous system disorders are the most frequently recorded AEs. The cases of reactivation of AIDs reported are mainly cases of ankylosing spondylitis (n = 17), rheumatoid arthritis (n = 16), arthralgia (n = 13), multiple sclerosis (n = 12) and Guillain Barré syndrome (n = 6) . The cases of newly diagnosed AIDs post-vaccination are, for their part, mainly cases of pseudo-rheumatoid arthritis (n = 19), myositis (n = 17), rheumatoid arthritis (n = 10) or cases of Guillain Barré syndrome (n = 20).



Altered Amyloid Plasma Profile Post COVID-19 Vaccination

Altered plasma levels of soluble markers potentially reflecting changes in amyloid processing was found in patients with persistent headache after SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and particular in those with persistent headache after COVID-19 disease where the authors based in Norway also found some association with cognitive symptoms as uploaded to the preprint server  medRxiv . The Vaccines have been linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia.


Large Population Study Finds COVID-19 MRNA Vaccines Associated with Troubling Rate of Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Impairment.

The mRNA vaccine group exhibited a significantly higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease (Odds Ratio [OR]; 1,225; and mild cognizant impairment (OR: 2.377 compared to the unvaccinated group.


The Mechanism of Adverse Immune Reactions of LNP-mRNA


The human body’s adverse immune responses to nanomedicines include reactogenicity, hypersensitivity reactions, systemic complement immune responses, and cytokine-mediated reactions after vaccination. TLR activation and pro-inflammatory cytokine release are common innate immune system effects induced by LNP-mRNA, sometimes causing strong adverse reactions and affecting protein translation. Activation of TLR4 by ionizable cationic lipids is a possible upstream initiating event, although the exact molecular mechanism has not yet been elucidated. 


Dangerous Macrophage Activation Syndrome After mRNA Vaccinations, A Review

A condition that can be both very severe and fatal, the authors of this recent paper note that MAS associates with both COVID-19 or vaccination, emphasizing that particularly with mRNA encoding the viral spike protein, many cases of MAS have been reported in published studies. MAS occurs most commonly with systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis ( SoJIA ). Also, MAS has been described in association with systemic lupus


Korean Physician-Scientists Case Series: Incidence of IgA vasculitis Post Second Dose of Moderna mRNA-1273 Vaccine (previously seen in children after other vaccines)


COVID-19 MRNA Vaccines Associate with Giant Cell Arthritis with Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

COVID-19 mRNA vaccination is associated with some patients to the development of systemic rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, myocarditis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and giant cell arteritis (GCA) with ischemic optic neuropathy .



Japanese Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional Study Links Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine and Varicella-Zoster Virus Eruptions

These results suggest that the BNT162b2 vaccine triggers elevated VZV-CF Ab titer-associated maculopapular eruptions as late-onset cutaneous adverse reactions in older adults. (And Shingles)



Immune Imprinting and Protection against Repeat Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2

For non-vaccinated persons, a previous Covid infection provides strong protection against Omicron variant reinfection.


Booster Injections after Covid Infection Natural Immunity of Little Value

VENUS Study Demonstrates Unacceptably Low Vaccine Efficacy in Population with Prior COVID-19 Infection

( Treatment to Boost Immune System more Effective )



Record Surge in Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome in Japan: Are Weakened Immune Systems from COVID-19 to Blame?

Patients can develop necrosis of the limbs and suffer multiple organ failures. These symptoms require urgent medical attention. The number of cases in the country since the beginning of this year reached 977 as of June 2, a 2.8-fold increase during the same period last year. this represents the highest figure ever registered with the current data-taking method. Professor Kikuchi says it may have to do with a person’s weakened immune system.


CDC VISION Study, COVID-19 Vaccines Performance Decline: Only 38% At Risk Immunocompromised Kept out of Hospital ( Treatment to Boost Immune System more Effective )


Spike Protein Leads to Five Mechanisms of Damage in Human Body

The Mechanism of Adverse Immune Reactions of LNP-mRNA


Anti-RBD IgG4 Antibodies Surge After Third mRNA Jab


Respected Japanese Oncologist Calls for WHO Investigation into Impacts of mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines (inducement of turbo cancers)


Japanese Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply by Covid Vaccinated People.


Large Israeli Real-World Evidence Investigation: Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Linked to Surge in Psoriasis Colitis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica




Recent Vaccine Mandate and Ban and Censorship Court Cases


Huge Win : West Virginia Governor Issues Executive Order Allowing Religious Exemptions

West Virginia Gov. Patrick Morrisey on his first full day in office issued an executive order allowing for religious exemptions from mandatory school vaccinations, ending one of the most restrictive vaccination policies in the country.


The State of Kansas Sues Pfizer Over Misleading the Public About the Covid-19 Vaccine

The state of Kansas has filed a lawsuit against Pfizer claiming the company had alleged consumer protection violations related to the company's manufacturing of the Covid-19 vaccine because the company claimed the shot was safe even though Pfizer knew there were serious side effects to the vaccine. FOIA INFO released by Pfizer and CDC VAERS database and many published medical studies confirm Pfizer knew about the dangers.


Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Pfiz­er for Mis­rep­re­sent­ing COVID-19 Vac­cine Effi­ca­cy and Con­spir­ing to Cen­sor Pub­lic Discourse

Navy Settles Lawsuit Over COVID Vaccine Mandate, But Service Members Say Fight Isn’t Over


Biden Administration Files Emergency Motion to Strike Down Injunction in RFK Jr., CHD Campaign Censorship Case July 2024

The move came less than 24 hours after a lower court rejected a bid by the Biden administration to prevent a preliminary injunction in the Kennedy v. Biden censorship lawsuit from taking effect. The injunction would have prohibited White House officials from coercing MEDA and social-media sites to Censor RFK Jr campaign.



The Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates on Healthcare Workers in British Columbia: Serious Problems

Nearly half of the respondents with over 16 years of experience were unvaccinated, most of whom were terminated for non-compliance.

Both vaccinated and unvaccinated workers reported coercion, safety concerns, and dissatisfaction with vaccination decisions. They had experience with Covid treatment and Vaccine outcomes as a basis for personal decisions.

Many reported experiencing anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts related to the mandates.

Both groups cited significant personal, financial, and professional impacts, with vaccinated respondents reporting post-vaccine adverse events and unvaccinated workers noting strained relationships and mental health challenges.

A large minority observed underreporting of vaccine adverse events, bias against unvaccinated patients, and ethical concerns in healthcare practices.

Nearly half of respondents expressed intentions to leave the healthcare industry, citing burnout and disillusionment.



Sansone v. DeSantis : Psychologist Tries to Stop COVID-19 Jabs in Florida, Cites Top Bioweapons Legal Expert that they are bioweapons. The filings included an Affidavit from Francis A. Boyle, a top expert in the law of bioweapons.


9th Circuit Court Limits Reach of the Prep Act: Nursing Home Death Case

The district court (United States District Court for the Central District of California) concluded that the PREP Act doesn’t totally preempt state-law claims. In this case, Glenhaven didn’t act under the direction of a federal officer; plus the  Grabel doctrine  the court ruled didn’t apply.

Health Freedom Defense Fund wins Appeal against LA United School District Vaccine Mandate


Queensland Supreme Court Rules Against COVID-Vax Mandates: Big Blow to Bureaucratic-Driven Mandate Agenda


New Zealand Court of Appeal: COVID-19 Vax Mandate for New Zealand Defense Force Unlawful


Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s Unconstitutional COVID Vaccine Mandate


Employees Can Sue L.A. Schools Over COVID Vaccine Mandate Injuries Because Shots Don’t Prevent Transmission, Appeals Court Rules

An appeals court late Friday revived a lawsuit challenging the Los Angeles Unified School District’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The court said the school district misapplied the precedent-setting Jacobson v. Massachusetts ruling because unlike “traditional” vaccines, the COVID-19 shots don’t prevent infection and transmission.

Los Angeles City Council Votes to End COVID Vaccination Policy for City Employees


Ninth Circuit Takes Strong Stance; COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Aren’t Really Vaccines!

the existing vaccines are not really vaccines after all as they are non-sterilizing.


TrialSite News Data Used by COVID-19 Vaccine Injured in Amici Curiae Delivered to the U.S. Supreme Court


Supreme Court’s Avoidance of Nurse Mandate Case Reinforces Certain COVID Vax Mandates


Doctors Group AAPS wins 1 st Amendment Censorship Suit against Medical Boards (over punishing doctors for speaking out on controversial issues/vaccines)

In Win Against Censorship, Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Doctors Who Allege Medical Boards Violated First Amendment


RFK Jr. and Super PAC Sue Facebook Over Censorship, Election Interference

Lawyers representing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and a political action committee supporting his presidential bid on Monday sued Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, after the company censored a biographical film about Kennedy and his work challenging corporate corruption.

Alternative Media Companies Sue The Censorship Industrial Complex for Censorship of Natural Products


Health Freedom Advocates Prevail as New York Fails to Enact Mandatory Adult Vaccine Registry


Moms for America Lawsuit on Behalf of Vaccine-injured Seeks to Strike Down Unconstitutional PREP Act

Moms for America and individual plaintiffs who were injured by a COVID-19 vaccine, or whose loved one suffered injury or death from a COVID-19 vaccine, allege the federal law granting vaccine makers immunity for injuries caused by their products violates the U.S. Constitution.


ICAN:  ICAN's Attorneys File Major Lawsuit to Strike Down Portions of the PREP ACT

ICAN:  Mississippi’s Religious Exemption for School Children Now Permanently Secured!

14-Year-Old Forced to Get Pfizer Shot Should Be Allowed to Sue Board of Education, CHD Tells N.C. Supreme Court

Children’s Health Defense today filed an amicus brief urging the North Carolina Supreme Court to overturn the dismissal of a case involving Tanner Smith, a 14-year-old who was given the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine against his will and without his parents’ consent.

Really Chilling : Five Countries to Test European Vaccination Card (Mandates Again After Vaccines proven ineffective and dangerous?)

Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal will test the new vaccination card in a variety of formats, including printed cards, mailed copies and digital versions for smartphones. Critics called it a “direct threat to freedom.”

Citing Orwellian Tactics, Federal Judge Orders White House to Stop Censoring Americans Social Media Posts

Supreme Court Rules Against State Attorney Generals and Allows Biden Administration to Continue Media Censorship Control in Free Speech Case. ( Huge loss for Constitution and Free Speech allowing actions that have caused serious harm to hundreds of thousands to continue )

High Court ruled the states and users challenging the administration�s contacts had not suffered the sort of direct injury giving them standing to sue in the first place. Really ridicules ruling. Evidence presented documented thousands in all states seriously harmed or killed due to the Censorship, and many businesses significantly harmed.   The Court apparently forgot that the state attorney generals ruled against in part exist to protect the people of their respective states.





Del Reports on the Road to Geneva Protest and his inside Look at the World Powers at Work There.


Last week, Del joined thousands of freedom fighters from around the world in The Road to Geneva People’s Convoy to protest the WHO IHR Amendments to their Pandemic Treaty Agreement in the city that is essentially the world headquarters of globalism. Hear from some of the most powerful voices in the freedom movement on why all countries need to maintain independence from unelected global leaders at this crucial time in history.


Dutch Study Raising Possibility of COVID-19 Vax and Excess Death Leads to Intense Pressure on Princess Máxima Center; Center Publicly Distances itself from their researchers Paper




The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty missed its deadline, but their amendments to the International Health Regulations have passed enshrining new pandemic rules for the legally binding contract for 196 countries.


WHO:  World Health Assembly agreement reached on wide-ranging, decisive package of amendments to improve the International Health Regulations


WHO:  International Health Regulations (2005) June 1 2024

Substack:  James Roguski: The Amendments to the IHR have been adopted

USA Today:  Third human case of bird flu detected in Michigan farmworker, says the CDC

WHO:  Avian Influenza A (H5N2) - Mexico (case not related to bird flu)


Firebrand Journalist exposes destructive policies threatening our health and freedom.


Independent journalist and podcast host, Savanah Hernandez, discusses her fearless style of gu errilla journalism and how it has helped her bring light to the most controversial and censored issues of today.


New York Post:  NYC 'clearly hurting' with loss of at least 15% of its hotel rooms to migrant shelters, ballooning costs for tourists



A new twist in the emergence of AI.


Tom's Hardware:  World's first bioprocessor uses 16 human brain organoids for 'a million times less power' consumption than a digital chip

Frontiers:  Open and remotely accessible Neuroplatform for research in wetware computing

NSF:  A Federal Vision for Future Computing: A Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge

Wired:  What will personal computers look like in 20 years' time?

Scientific Reports:  Building an organic computing device with multiple interconnected brains

BioRXIV :  Brain Organoid Computing for Artificial Intelligence

Siri LLP Website


Guest: Savanah Hernandez