HW373 DAY OF RECKONING (TURBO CANCERS INCREASING & Experts Call for Investigation of Inducement of Turbo Cancers & Fertility Rates Declining and Infertility Increasing & Blood Supply/Vaccine Problems & Bombshell Covid Policy Admissions in Congressional Oversight Hearing & Pharmaceutical/Medical System Scandals Exposed & Federal Health Agencies Colluding with Pharmaceuticals to Promote Vaccines and Censor Effective Covid Prevention & RFK Jr Healthcare System Plans & Blowback to WHO Pandemic Agenda Methods & Plandemic : The Musical Premier.)


Turbo Cancers Increasing


Washington Post Acknowledges Troubling Surge in Aggressive Cancers During the COVID-19 Period



There were 330 different types of cancer-related adverse events reported in VAERS for the COVID vaccines, with 2500 total number of events. All the major cancers are represented, with breast, lung, prostate, brain, and colon cancers being the most frequent.

Both the voluntary nature with doctors and nurses discouraged from reporting as well as our method of choosing events resulted in undercounts relative to real world events.

Since Covid and Flu vaccinations have similar numbers vaccinated, a comparison of cancer reports by health providers after each type of vaccination was made.

For Malignant Neoplasms the ratio was 54 of Covid Vax to Flu Vax. For Lymphoma the ratio was 104 and for Lung Neoplasms 90. For Female Breast Cancer and Brain Neoplasms and Prostate Neoplasms the ratio was infinite, as none of these was reported after Flu vaccination.

So cancer appears to be much more common after Covid vaccines than for other types of vaccines.

Lanzhou University First Hospital Researchers’ Systematic Review Suggests mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Elevate Risk of Lymphoma

Out of 143 cases of post-COVID-19 vaccination lymphoma , the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (BNT162b2) was associated with 51.7% of the cases, with Moderna associated with 42.7% of the total cases.

Major Korean Study Investigators COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths: Cancers Mortality a Concern, and Real




Japanese Epidemiological Bombshell: Investigators Link Mass mRNA Vaccination and Adverse Cancer Outcomes

Study using official Gov’t Death Statistics found most cancers were declining prior to 2021 and no increase in 2020, but increased cancer mortality after vaccine rollout.

Dr. Gibo and colleagues observed excess cancer mortality in 2021, after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses. This data includes what the medical researchers report observations involving significant excess mortalities  for all cancers, along with upward trends with select types of the disease. surges in the following were observed after mass vaccination with the third booster mRNA dose in 2022: Increase especially in estrogen receptor alpha-sensitive cancers including leukemia, ovarian, prostate, lip/pharyngal, pancreatic, breast.





British Columbia Breakthrough Study, Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Linked to Loss of, and Gain of Key Bacteria ((can cause Cancer and other chronic conditions))

mNRA vaccines cause a change in gut microbiome that includes reduction in some beneficial bacteria related to colon health and a gain in some harmful bacteria know to be associated with inflammation, cancer, mental health problems. Reductions in some of these beneficial bacteria can result in various colon diseases.



The Unique Features and Collateral Immune Effects of mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines: Turbo Cancer Possibility?


The data points to concerning signals, including a 26-fold increase in reported adverse events compared to flu vaccines, and a notable rise in severe outcomes such as myocarditis, thrombosis, and neuroinflammation. Szebeni also highlights the potential for long-term risks, including "turbo cancer" theories and persistent SP presence in tissues .

Key findings include potential SP toxicity, immune hyperactivation, and autoimmune risks arising from processes like proteasomal antigen presentation, exosomal dissemination, and possible genomic integration of vaccine mRNA.


Anti-RBD IgG4 Antibodies Surge After Third mRNA Jab

Yoshimura and colleagues report that repeated vaccinations induce delayed but drastic increases in anti-RBD IgG4 responses.

Surges in anti-IgG4 antibody levels can be associated with select autoimmune diseases or allergic responses or cancer.


German Study Yet Again Confirms Surge in IgG4 in Children: One Year After Vaccination with Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

RBD-specific IgG4 antibody levels increased significantly 1 year after the second vaccination compared to baseline. surges in the proportion of IgG4 in spike-specific antibody responses and concurrent reductions in Fcγ -mediated effector functions that may limit control of viral infection (and other conditions),

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine IgG Cancer Connection

The increase in the concentration of specific and non-specific IgG4 antibodies allows the growth of some types of cancer by blocking the activation of effector immune cells. At least 3 mechanisms that the IgG4 shift promotes cancer and weakens immune system have been identified.


Spike-Specific IgG4 Post Pfizer (BNT162b2) mRNA Vaccination Raises Concerns: Functional Inhibition and Clinical Implications


The spike-specific IgG4 response was significantly enhanced following the third vaccine dose, especially in those with an extended (8–12 weeks) primary dosing interval. A breakthrough infection further amplified IgG4 levels. Importantly, spike-Specific IgG4 was not observed post-infection alone

When spike-specific IgG4 and IgG1 targeted the same epitope, IgG4 competitively inhibited IgG1 effector functions, potentially reducing the immune system's ability to clear infected cells and increasing reinfection severity. A finding similar to another study   TrialSite   just reviewed .


The IgG4 Conundrum: mRNA Vaccines, and the Risks for Kidney Transplant Recipients (and others)

Repeated vaccination led to a progressive rise in IgG4. This subclass, typically associated with immune tolerance, is rarely dominant in effective vaccine responses, raising red flags about whether mRNA vaccine boosters could paradoxically dampen immune protection in KTRs over time including protection against cancer. This problem could also affect others, including other immunosuppressed people.



Oncogenesis and autoimmunity as a result of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination . Dr. Anthony Kyriakopoulos .

Interview Author : Oncogenesis and autoimmunity as a result of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.

Facts on Impairment of T Cell Response after COVID-19 vaccination.

Thymic Involution (aging/shrinking/reduced faction) from COVID-19 vaccination.

SARS-Cov-2 Spike Protein and the potential for inflammatory response.

TH17 cell generation responsible for development of autoimmunity and cancer Potential activation of STAT3 from Spike Protein.

Published studies on Sarcoma & Bells Palsy.

Proposed diagnostic testing for the vaccine injured.


IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein , V. Uversky , U of S.F., 2023

Repeated vaccination inactivates the immune system making people more susceptible to health problems. I ncreased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.


Turbo Cancers , Dr. Ryan Cole, and Greg Hunter,


Patient Zero Comes Back From Stage Four Cancer: Was Cure Due to Ivermectin?

After ten rounds of radiation and six of chemotherapy, Paul Mann, fifty-five years old, wanted to know his chances. “You’re squeaking by day to day,” his doctor told him. It had been five months since his diagnosis. He was referred to a hospice service and seen by a minister. Then he talked to a doctor who treated cancer and brought up Ivermectin. It had few side effects, and had been shown in laboratory and animal  studies  to kill several kinds of cancer cells. He started taking it daily and after 2 months was cancer free. Others have also had this experience, but no clinical trial data exist to date.



Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan , M Gibo et al, 2024


Major Korean Study Investigators COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths: Cancers Mortality a Concern, and Real

Neoplasms, Highest fatality rate with a case fatality rate of 85.7% ( myeloid leukemia most common) thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (VVV, short term fatality rate=33%); myocarditis ( mNRA V, short term fatality rate= 15%)

mNRA V more deadly than VV Vaccine.



See also HW338


COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination and Newly Diagnosed Microsatellite Stable and Instable Non-Metastatic Colon Cancer

Exposure to the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was associated with a > 6-fold increased risk for this form of cancer. Because the  Spike protein is believed to impair tumor surveillance systems , among several cancer-promoting mechanisms, it is plausible that these cancerous cells are allowed to proliferate among the vaccinated where the cancer was not yet detectable at the time of injection.


Respected Japanese Oncologist Calls for WHO Investigation into Impacts of mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines (inducement of turbo cancers)

In the recent paper, Dr. Fukushima and the authors point out that data exhibit particularly marked increases in mortality rates of these ERα-sensitive cancers . The authors suspect the findings may be attributable to several mechanisms of the mRNA-LNP vaccination .


The Blaylock Wellness Report, Dr R L Blaylock, Vol 21, No 7. Health Authorities Suppressing Science and Truth During the Proclaimed Pandemic. July 2024

Vaccine program should be halted and Censorship Programs Ended.

(With documentation and references)


Bombshell Admissions from former NIH Chief Francis Collins in Closed-Door Meeting.


As the ‘COVID Cartel’ slowly comes apart at the seams, the former director of the NIH, Francis Collins, joined the legions of health leaders, politicians and journalists who have admitted to misrepresenting the science when it came to the pandemic response.
Hear how he conceded when it came to the science behind social distancing and the likelihood lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 last week at the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Francis Collins Admits Covid Origins Not Settled

No Science to Back Social-Distance Guidance. Dr.  Francis Collins  ...


Pentagon Ran Secret Anti-Vax Campaign in Philippines, While Censoring Americans Who Criticized COVID Shots. A psychological warfare campaign was operated out of trailers and squat buildings at the MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida .

Campaign motive obviously political, not public health related. But why and for whom? What special interest is so powerful that it controls the U.S. military?


Philippines Starts Investigation into US Pentagon Anti-Vax Disinformation Campaign Against Philippines


Key to Revolving Door : FDA Tells Staff Who Leave for Pharma Jobs They Can Work Behind the Scenes to Influence FDA Agency

According to an internal email obtained by The BMJ, the FDA told a departing staffer who had reviewed COVID-19 vaccines while working at the FDA and who later accepted a job at Moderna that he could still work behind the scenes to influence agency decision-making.

SARS-Cov-2 Laboratory Origins? NOT! The Lancet Microbe Has the Answers: Stop Any Discussions Moving Forward! (Lancet decides more Censorship needed to quell questions about vaccine safety) Aug 2024


Oxford British Bombshell: Hydroxychloroquine Safe, Effective and Affords Modest Protection Against COVID-19, How Many Lives Could Have Been Saved?


Rasmussen Poll : 10% of U.S. adults surveyed say they think a person in their household died of the effects of Covid Vaccination.

This would be many millions of deaths in U.S. due to vaccination, extremely inconsistent with CDC estimates,


Deaths from COVID vaccines greater than from COVID infection (See also HW383 )


Nearly $32 billion wasted by US government on mRNA vaccines that saved no lives. ( Studies show the vaccines caused excess deaths in all major countries


National Review:  Exclusive: Former NIH Head Francis Collins Admits Covid Origins Not Settled, No Science to Back Social-Distance Guidance

Daily Mail:  'There needs to be a quick and devastating take down': Emails show how Fauci and head of NIH worked to discredit three experts who penned the Great Barrington Declaration which called for an end to lockdowns

  Why did NIH Agency Scientist with ties to big Pharma intervene in censor of a study suggesting the vaccines cause cancer, without technical basis?
(Study results later confirmed by other studies)


SARS-Cov-2 Laboratory Origins? NOT! The Lancet Microbe Has the Answers: Stop Any Discussions Moving Forward! (Lancet decides more Censorship needed to quell questions about vaccine safety) Aug 2024


C-19 Vaccine Injection: Evidence of Regulatory and Manufacturing Fraud | Video



Academic Fraud on Origins of SARS-CoV-2


New York Post:  NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, after years of denials

HHS:  Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of EcoHealth Alliance, Inc.

HHS:  Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of Dr. Peter Daszak



Fauci to Face Public Questioning by House Committee Investigating COVID Pandemic June3


Rand Paul Alleges Fauci In Charge of Entire Conspiracy, but Fauci a likely Convenient Fall Guy for Deeper, More Systemic Problem .


Large Class Action Lawsuit in Malaysia Goes After PMs, Officials, Pharma Companies Due to Deaths & Injuries Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines .


HSGAC:  Rand Paul Urges the DOJ to open an Investigation against Dr. David Morens

Scribd:   Morens Emails .

Taggs :  Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence .

Foia :  What is FOIA?


Review: COVID-19 Vaccines Not Nearly Effective, Published in Elsevier’s Public Health In Practice

summary of   seven must-read papers critical of the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials (the 4 Doshi- Latatser papers, Thacker, Fraiman , Benn), and some of the recent post-trial studies ( Raethke , Faksova ) that raise all sorts of uncomfortable questions about the COVID-19 vaccines, and which followed another important article arguing for more debate.   Argue Covid Vaccines not proven either safe or effective.

See also VCTF


Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the COVID Public Health Scandal being exposed by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Massive conflicts of interest in the Pharma/Medical Apparatus are exposed.


Conflicts of interest within the medical community have reached record highs as concerns for patient safety and independent scrutiny of Big Pharma products are driven by newly released information showing serious conflicts of interest. 

Pfizer to Pay Nearly $60 Million in Fines in Doctor Kickback Scheme. This is a Common Practice




Pharma Giant Charging $900+ for Drug That Costs Only $5 to Make (Exorbitant profits and economic problems for patients)


UK Doctors Group That Pushed COVID Shots for Teens Hid Payments from Pfizer


The Rigged U.S. Healthcare System: A Profit-Driven Game Hurting Patients and Taxpayers



irror :  TV doctor Dr Ranj failed to tell BBC bosses about £22,500 AstraZeneca advert before jabs feature .

The Daily Sceptic:  Celebrity Doctors Being Paid to Promote Vaccines is Against the Law .

Market Watch:  Endo Health Solutions Will Pay Over $1.5 Billion in Opioid Criminal Case .

Springer Link:  Lessons from Corporate Influence in the Opioid Epidemic: Toward a Norm of Separation .

JAMA Network:  Industry Payments to US Physicians by Specialty and Product Type .

Daily Mail:  In bed with big pharma: Corruption fears as report finds US doctors received record $12bn in pharma payments in past decade .

MJA:  Pharmaceutical company payments to Australian doctors reported to Medicines Australia, 2019-22: a cross-sectional analysis .

STAT:  NYU professors who defended vaping didn't disclose ties to Juul, documents show .

Fauci’s Agency Scored $690 Million in Secret Royalty Payments During Pandemic . NIH much more.


Captured FDA VRBPAC Panel refusing to accept outside expert testimony or discuss Troubling Safety SIGNALS in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.

  Evidence obtained by Health Canada   showing Pfizer chose not to disclose to regulatory authorities   SV40 sequences   in their vaccine that may be   linked to cancer.  Covered up by CDC/FDA.


Pfizer to Pay Nearly $60 Million in Fines in Doctor Kickback Scheme. This is a Common Practice

The Real RFK Jr.: Trials of a Truth Warrior  Kindle Edition   by    Dick Russell   (Author)  

Open Letter Supporting RFK Jr. Signed by 5,215 Healthcare Providers, Scientists, and Academics


CHD/RFK Jr 10 Point Plan to Protect Public from Pharmacide by Reforming Pharma


The U.S. Presidential debate: Kennedy, Biden and Trump go head-to-head despite CNN-backed /[ -]-endorsed censorship of RFK.



RFK Jr. and Super PAC Sue Facebook Over Censorship, Election Interference

Lawyers representing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and a political action committee supporting his presidential bid on Monday sued Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, after the company censored a biographical film about Kennedy and his work challenging corporate corruption.

Major Victory : Media Giants Admit Errors in Disinformation Dozen Coverage

Responding to Court Suits brought by RFK, Jr and Others:

Major media outlets including The Independent, Forbes, and McGill University correct Disinformation Dozen coverage .

Meta's data shows named individuals responsible for 0.05% of vaccine content views, not 65% as claimed by CCDH

Legal implications emerge as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gains standing in Biden v. Missouri case .

CCDH and its CEO continue to spread debunked claims despite corrections . Suits filed against CCDH.


RFK, Jr VP Candidate Nicole Shanahan Shares Views on Autism, Health Freedom, and Declining Fertility


Bombshell: Argentine Criminal Charges Imminent Against Pfizer: COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries/Deaths Covered Up, Courts Order Prosecution



Study suggests IgA-mediated immunogenic Male Infertility increased Post-vaccination .


COVID-19 Vaccine and Infection Linked with Male Infertility? Troubling King Abdulaziz University Study Suggests Possibly

Researchers collected 133 semen samples from males with normal sperm parameters.


  Sperm motility grades were significantly impaired, with approximately 60% having grade D (immotile sperm)

and 16% having Grade C (non-progressive motility).

Abnormal sperm percentages ranged between 43.8% and 46.3%, and liquefaction time varied from 30 to 36 minutes depending on age.

The study concluded that IgA-mediated immunogenic infertility increased post-vaccination or infection , with stable IgA-protein complexes disrupting sperm cell dynamics.


Massive 2.3M Real-World Evidence Study Uncovers Troubling Link Between mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines and Thyroid Dysfunction . Additionally this would imply a significant issue for fetus of pregnant woman.

AI Overview Learn more

A pregnant woman's thyroid issues, particularly untreated hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) or hyperthyroidism (high thyroid hormone), can significantly affect the developing fetus, potentially causing complications like   miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and impaired brain development   in the infant, especially if the thyroid dysfunction occurs during the early stages of pregnancy when the fetus relies heavily on the mother's thyroid hormone for growth and development.  


Miscarriage s John Campbell Video /

(Pfizer data and animal studies showed vaccine dangerous for pregnant women and affects animal fertility. Other known lies by Pfizer spokespersons. Kansas suing for Fraud and other states and countries likely to join.)



97% of Countries Will Soon Be Unable to Sustain Their Population as Fertility Rates Dropping and Infertility Increasing (Main causes: EMF, Vaccines, Phthalates, Microplastics, Pesticides, Glyposate )

According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 6 people globally are now infertile .

Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiofrequency radiation may be the most significant factor for the observed decrease in male sperm count .

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals like phthalates and bisphenols are also a key culprit to infertility and declining sperm count rates in men .

Study Reveals Microplastics' Threat on Male Fertility

55% of Sperm Samples Contained High Levels of Glyphosate Weedkiller

Vaccine Spike binds estrogen receptor and could alter collagenase gene expression


Tel Aviv Medical Center Study Identifies Mechanism of Action Linked to mRNA Vaccine-Related Impact on Menstrual Cycle Irregularities .


Aside from the fertility issues and discomfort involved , irregular periods are associated with the risk of cardiovascular morbidity, chronic diseases, and premature mortality . Exposure to the end-organ concentration of the vaccine exerted changes in the transcripts of two ovarian-regulatory key factors: a prominent upregulation of InhibinB and a downregulation of Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). These changes can affect FSH serum levels in vaccinated women. This leads to disrupted follicular growth (i.e., too many follicles grow at the wrong time of the cycle) and activity.


Studies and data document Vaccinnes causing fertility decline.


Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply by Covid Vaccinated People.


Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply.

Blood contaminated with prion-like structures from the spike protein raises the risk of inducing fatal neurodegenerative diseases in recipients. The potential transmission of harmful proteins through exosomes ("shedding") and the risk of autoimmune diseases due to the vaccines' mechanism and components like lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are other major concerns .

Proposals for managing blood collection include rigorous donor interviews, deferral periods, and a suite of tests to ensure the safety of blood products .

The researchers advocate for comprehensive testing of both jabbed and unjabbed individuals to assess the safety of blood products and suggest discarding blood products contaminated with spike proteins or modified mRNA until effective removal methods have been developed .

They call for suspending all gene-based vaccines and conducting a rigorous harm-benefit assessment in light of the serious health injuries reported. They also urge countries and organizations to take concrete steps to address and mitigate the already identified risks .


Study Finds Blood Donors with Later Intracerebral Hemorrhages Passes Risk to Patients Receiving Blood



Daily Beast:  Top Anti-Vaxxer's Unhinged Quest for Unvaccinated Blood Leads Him to Mexico
(unwarranted attack on any anti-vax info without looking into facts or documentation- which was available)

A Midwestern Doctor: What We've Learned from a Year of Vaccine Shedding Data


Based on:

Dozens of extremely compelling patient histories 1 , 2 , 3  from  Kory and Marsland’s medical practice,  including many responding to spike protein treatment.
My own experience with patients and friends affected by shedding.
I read large numbers of reports of shedding in (now deleted) online support groups.
Roughly 1,500 reports from individuals affected by shedding we were able to collect.
Extensive menstrual data compiled by  MyCycleStory .

clear and replicable patterns have emerged which collectively prove “shedding” is a real and predictable phenomenon that can be explained by known mechanisms unique to the mRNA technology.

We find:

1. Shedding is very real (e.g., each of those datasets is congruent with the others), and many of the stories of those affected by it are very sad.
2. People’s sensitivity to it 
dramatically  varies.
3. Most of the people who are sensitive to shedding have already figured it out.
4. Mechanistically, shedding is very difficult to explain. However, now that new evidence has emerged, a much stronger case can be made for the mechanisms I initially proposed a year ago.


Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases Related to the mNRA vaccines.

Mounting research and data suggests a serious side effect of the COVID mRNA jabs could be dementia, and the prions that cause it may be contagious.

Frameshifting, as we now know occurs in the COVID shots , can induce prion production and lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) .

See also HW338 & HW344 for more documentation.


BLOWBACK TO WHO Pandemic Agreement

WHO:  Proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement


Infant RSV Shots May Cause RSV, Other Infections or Death in Some Babies, Study Finds

French scientist Hélène Banoun , Ph.D., author of the preprint study that analyzed outcomes from the 2023-2024 RSV immunization campaign in four countries, found a “significant increase in mortality” among newborns between 2 and 6 days of age in France. Banoun’s findings suggest that antibody- dependant enhancement may be to blame.


People from across the world gather in front of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland protesting against The WHO Pandemic Treaty and to declare their independence from global elites.


Swiss Attorney, Philipp Kruse, Esq., joins Del with critical details about the upcoming WHO meetings in Geneva to solidify the dangerous Pandemic Agreement in the wake of their massive failure in the responses to COVID. Hear how you can be a part of the resistance at the upcoming ‘Road to Geneva’ convoy to the United Nations HQ which you can watch live on The HighWire.







WHO Infertility Vaccine Experiment in Africa for Population Control: A Diabolical Agenda


The chilling, harrowing story of how a World Health Organization (WHO) population control experiment, under the guise of a vaccination program, resulted in the sterilization of millions of women in Africa without their knowledge or consent.



National Review:  Exclusive: Former NIH Head Francis Collins Admits Covid Origins Not Settled, No Science to Back Social-Distance Guidance

Daily Mail:  'There needs to be a quick and devastating take down': Emails show how Fauci and head of NIH worked to discredit three experts who penned the Great Barrington Declaration which called for an end to lockdowns

WHO:  Proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement



Federal Health Agencies Colluding with Pharmaceuticals to Promote Vaccines and Censor Effective Covid Prevention Methods


U.S. Government Cartel with Pharmaceuticals Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the U.S. government’s scheme to suppress ivermectin and push COVID-19 shots using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic.

Another Doctor Fraudulently Fined for Prescribing Ivermectin by Washington Medical Board, Physicians Always Had a Right to Prescribe within Boundaries


Ivermectin is a multi-faceted drug with  Nobel Prize honored distinction, not to mention approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with billions of doses consumed, widely used to treat Covid effectively in Africa and other countries, and including major public health efforts such as Mectizan in the tropics, which has saved many lives, became deeply politicized during the pandemic because of disinformation from Pharmaceuticals and captured Health Agencies. 



XClear Founder’s Company is Last One Standing in Fight against FTC Attack on his effective product.



Nate Jones, founder of best-selling nasal rinse, Xlear , describes his long battle against the FTC’s attempt to shut down his clinically tested product because of its efficacy against COVID-19.

FTC Sues Utah-based Company for Falsely Claiming Its ...

Wiley Online Library:  Interim analysis of an open-label randomized controlled trial evaluating nasal irrigations in non-hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019

Oxford Academic:  Antiadhesive effects of xylitol on otopathogenic bacteria.

Xlear :  Antiviral Efficacy Against Virus Infections in Human-Derived Tracheal/Bronchial Epithelial Cells

The Equation:  "Big Food" Companies Spend Big Money in Hopes of Shaping the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Xlear :  The Science Behind Xylitol-Based Products


The two COVID-19 vaccines available for children have never undergone clinical trials that proved then safe or effective or been licensed by FDA . Yet they are still being promoted by captured Health Authorities even though studies and experience have shown the vaccines are more dangerous to children than Covid.




Plandemic : The Musical’ Set for Premiere in Austin.


Director, Mikki Willis, and musician, DPAK, join Del with details on the latest installment of the ‘ Plandemic Series’, ‘ Plandemic : The Musical’. Hear how the filmmaker and musician became collaborators and how their inspirational work has become a perfect union.


Plandemic Series Website

Malibu Film Festival:   Plandemic : The Musical Page

CDC:  2024 Childhood Vaccine Schedule

Plandemic Series:  The Great Awakening

DPAK World Website



Hear an update on one of The HighWire’s biggest heroes, Dr Jim Meehan, his health struggle, and how you can help.


Give Send Go:  Supporting Dr Jim Meehan's Fight Against Cancer


The head of an Oklahoma public health committee invited anti-vax doctors to talk with lawmakers about the  coronavirus Dr MeeHan claimed masks don’t work and people of color need more Vitamin D in their diets to prevent them from contracting COVID-19. (which is documented by medical studies)



Guests: Philipp Kruse, Esq., LLM; Nate Jones; Mikki Willis & DPAK

AIRDATE: May 23, 2024