HW371 THE FALL of SAFE AND EFFECTIVE (Vaccine Experts Admit mNRA Vaccines Never Proven Safe or Effective & The Childhood Vaccine Schedule Increase Led to Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History & WHO Pandemic Treaty Pushback & Chris Cuomo had AE and took Ivermectin & Fed Agencies and Universities trying to Coverup Collusion and Mistakes & Explosive Lithium Batteries & Push to Engineer Humanity)


Vaccines and Boosters Ineffective


People Who Got Boosters More Likely to Get COVID Than Unvaccinated

People vaccinated with the COVID-19 boosters in 2023-2024 were more likely to get COVID-19 than their unvaccinated counterparts, according to a study published last week in the Annals of Internal Medicine.



COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Grossly Overestimated from Non-Randomized Studies ( Effectiveness wasn’t proven)

Claims that the COVID-19 vaccines worked to reduce spread of infection, hospitalization and death must be rejected. The burden of proof has not been met and threats to validity have not been overcome. See also HW337


Rate of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection During the Omicron Wave in Iceland (vaccine negative effectivity)

Reinfection rates were higher among the vaccinated compared with the unvaccinated, especially after several months. This may indicate that immunity from vaccination does not last long as opposed to infections from previous strains of the virus.


Duration of mRNA Vaccine Protection Against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 Subvariants in Qatar

(negative effectivity after 4 months) By the fourth month post-vaccination, the efficacy was negligible. After a few months vaccinated individuals could face a slightly elevated risk of infection compared to their unvaccinated counterparts.


Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine: Cleveland Clinic Study

The study determined that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection was higher in people who got the bivalent vaccination than for the unvaccinated. Risk of infection rose with the cumulative number of vaccine doses , with those having received the bivalent booster facing the highest risk. Individuals with prior infections but no vaccination consistently showed lower infection rates. ( natural immunity best)



Real-World Bombshell : Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Fades: No Protection Against Hospitalization and Even Boosters Fall Short. ( Kaiser Permanente . Study)

Compared with being unvaccinated, those who had received only older versions of COVID-19 vaccines did not show statistically significant reduced risk of COVID-19 outcomes, including hospital admission, 


Baghdad Study Finds 100% Breakthrough Infection Rate in Iraq . Covid Vaccination Ineffective.

. According to the study results, the entire study population at 506 or 100% were infected after vaccination , meaning the COVID-19 vaccines did not stop one viral transmission.


Emory Researchers Find COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Fail to Give Long-Term Protection

The outcome of this study may just explain the rapid waning of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: an absence of Bone Marrow LLPCs after these mRNA vaccines.



Monaco Study: Failure of Pfizer Vax to Stop COVID-19 Viral Transmission; They Openly Question Current mRNA Vaccines as Tool to Manage Pandemic.

Interview with Dr. Thomas Althaus on COVID Vaccine and Transmission Study in Monaco


Regional Population Study Reveals Both SARS-CoV-2 Cases and All-Cause Mortality Grow with COVID-19 Vaccination (Vaccines have negative effectiveness, more virus cases and more deaths, as previous experience predicted)


Qatar National Study: mRNA Bivalent Booster Bomb! Natural Immunity Superior against XBB

Prior infection provided protection superior to that of the vaccine booster, which provided minimal support.


Australia’s General Practice Medical Journal Publishes Suggestion that More COVID-19 Vaccination Leads to Negative Effectiveness

The author cites several articles apparently displaying some sort of COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness . (The shot INCREASES one’s chance of COVID infection, hospitalization, and even death).


Japanese Study Finds COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Associated with Longer Term Incidence of Adverse Events

This study finds the majority of persons experiencing COVID-19 vaccine adverse events continue to experience these conditions for longer periods of time. For first vaccination, the majority of AEs were transient.  onset in the persistent group was more common after the second and subsequent vaccinations. Regarding symptoms, pain was more frequent in the persistent group than in the transient group. The more vaccinations one has, the higher the likelihood of long-term AE.


Immune Imprinting and Protection against Repeat Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2

For non-vaccinated persons, a previous Covid infection provides strong protection against Omicron variant reinfection.

Most people now have previous infection or exposure to Covid.


Investigation into Excess Death Rates Among Alberta Assisted Living and Nursing Home Residents: Death Surge Despite Pervasive Vaccination (vaccines may have contributed rather than preventing)

In this study, the authors find excess mortality within both AL and NH facilities and suggest a need to focus on infection prevention and control measures across all forms of congregate housing for vulnerable older adults. AL residents were affected by excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic as severely as (or even more than) NH residents. The population in the study that had high excess mortality had high vaccination rate. a notable spike occurred at the beginning of pandemic wave 4 (September–October 2021). By then, the vast majority of elderly in both NH and AL were vaccinated. 


Australia’s Mainstream Media Dips Toes into COVID-19 Vax Injury Coverage

7News , Australia’s top-rated corporate-owned media featured After COVID  showcasing the numerous injuries suffered by persons vaccinated by the COVID-19 vaccines. Yet governments continue to resist acknowledging the pervasiveness of the problem, leaving in the aggregate millions of people worldwide to fend for themselves.


Vaccine Expert says mNRA booster vaccines not proven safe or effective and should not be released or taken,

Dr. Paul Offit  is going on the record that the bivalent vaccines targeting both wild-type SARS-CoV-2 and BA.4/BA.5 omicron subvariants should not be administered in people until there is more data above and beyond mouse data. Offit, MD, the Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, shares that people should probably hold off on getting these vaccines if they don’t have to. Offit has a few concerns; high on the list, there is no human clinical data and to safety data.

[Against expert advice, they were approved by CDC and are being promoted and given]


Vaccines Often Cause Microstrokes That Can Trigger a Host of Chronic Diseases. * (observed previously in some child vaccines)


Review: COVID-19 Vaccines Not Nearly Effective, Published in Elsevier’s Public Health In Practice

summary of   seven must-read papers critical of the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials (the 4 Doshi- Latatser papers, Thacker, Fraiman , Benn), and some of the recent post-trial studies ( Raethke , Faksova ) that raise all sorts of uncomfortable questions about the COVID-19 vaccines, and which followed another important article arguing for more debate.  Argue Covid Vaccines not proven either safe or effective.


The Pfizer Clinical Trials were fraudulent ( as most of their clinical trials have been ). They did not prove the vaccines were safe or effective.


Film Safe and Effective Shreds Mantra, Unmasks Pharma Lies on COVID Shots

Featuring interviews with experts discussing inconvenient science, the new documentary Unsafe and Ineffective exposes lies by pharmaceutical companies, public health officials and the mainstream media about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

COVID-19 Vaccines Trigger Psychiatric Adverse Events: Large 2M South Korea Study

The  vast majority  of Korean adults were vaccinated against COVID-19 with the majority of doses being represented by the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine.  the South Korean investigators report : the cumulative incidence of depression, anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders, sleep disorders, and sexual disorders at three months following COVID-19 vaccination were higher in the vaccination group than no vaccination group while reducing the risk of schizophrenia .


Health Authorities and Media Pundits Have Been Lying. Ohio State University Study: COVID-Vaccinated Patients Die at Nearly Double the Rate than Non-Vaccinated, Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

(The Vaccinated also get Covid and other viruses more than the unvaccinated)

Studies in most major countries have confirmed the vaccinated have a higher mortality rate than the unvaccinated and vaccines responsible for excess deaths in 2021-2023.



The COVID-19 Shot Can Almost Double Your Risk of Dying Faster, Study Finds

Not getting the shot in the first place is the best way to avoid its adverse effects. For those who already been injured, certain protocols such as I-RECOVER from the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) may help .


Amsterdam UMC Medical Researchers Population Study Raises Specter of COVID-19 Vaccine Ties to Excess Mortality in Western Countries.

Excess deaths according to world database increased in 41 or 47 western countries in 2020, in 42 countries in 2022, and 43 countries in 2022. The authors conclude that Excess mortality has remained high in the Western World for three consecutive years, despite the implementation of containment measures and COVID-19 vaccines, warranting further investigation by policy makers regarding vaccine effectiveness .


Failure to get Informed Consent and Other Ethical Lapses Common and Dangerous in the COVID-19 Era   

The Health Advisory and Recovery Team ( HART ) members are concerned most about the absence of scientific debate in the media and the use of “censorship and harassment of those who question the [official] narrative. In HART’s words , Science without question is dogma, and a lack of informed consent opens a dangerous pandoras box.


Ninth Circuit Takes Strong Stance; COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Aren’t Really Vaccines!

the existing vaccines are not really vaccines after all as they are non-sterilizing.


25% Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination 

Our analysis revealed a 25.7% increase in total cardiopulmonary arrests and a 25.4% increase in cardiopulmonary arrest mortality from 2020 to 2023 in King County, WA in a population with 98% vaccination rate.


Surge of Cardiovascular Deaths in Norway Drives Overall Excess Mortality 2021-2022: Temporal Concordance with Mass mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination

(well-designed study of Gov. data)


Insurance Data Showing the U.S. Excess Death Crisis Still Going on in 2023 Slides Behind a $10,000 Paywall


an SOA official recently told a trade publication that deaths in young insured adults in 2023 were still far above normal.  Very important information in our reports we’ve been studying. In the third quarter of 2021 among insured workers aged 35 to 44, They died at 201 percent of normal, which is double the pre-pandemic norm . In early September of 2021, 100 million American workers, including many insured by companies SOA serves, were  mandated  to take covid vaccines or face job termination . As  documented  by the society, deaths in young insured adults soared in late 2021; the  increase occurred in tandem with coerced vaccination and the crest of the Delta covid wave. 


The Childhood Vaccine Schedule Increase Led to Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History

In 1962, children received just five vaccine doses. The vaccine schedule has increased over time. As of 2023, children up to age 18 receive 73 doses of 16 different vaccines; the cumulative effects of this childhood vaccine schedule have never been tested in a comprehensive manner, but there is a lot of medical study evidence that shows the change has had a negative impact on child health . .

During this period there has been a huge increase in childhood chronic conditions, and the vaccines are documented to be the biggest factor. Research shows vaccinated children experienced significantly higher instances of various health issues , including allergies, asthma, behavioral issues and gastroenteritis .


The Alarming Rise of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Among US Youth Jan 2025 (Antibiotics and Vaccines proven Factors)

IBD prevalence is dramatically rising, with 100,429 U.S. youth under 20 affected, showing significant increases in both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis diagnoses .

Antibiotic overuse significantly increases IBD risk, with individuals receiving five or more antibiotic prescriptions experiencing a 236% higher likelihood of developing the condition .

Mitochondrial dysfunction and compromised cellular energy production play key roles in triggering gut inflammation, creating a hostile environment for beneficial bacteria .

Strategic approaches to gut health include eliminating mitochondrial toxins, supporting beneficial bacteria through targeted supplementation and maintaining optimal vitamin D levels .

IBS including Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease documented to be caused by inflammatory Vaccines like MMR, Polio, etc. by Medical Studies reviewed on page 148 of Miller Book(II) and p 62-67 of RFK book(I)



The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to report on vaccine safety every two years, but the agency has never submitted a vaccine safety report to Congress.

There are hundreds of medical studies on this issue in the medical literature . Health agencies have data on health outcomes for vaccinated and unvaccinated children, but they refuse to make it public, likely due to financial conflicts of interest with the Pharmaceuticals.


Vaccines and Chronic Asthma

A study funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that, among children with and without eczema, exposure to vaccine-associated aluminum was positively associated with persistent asthma. There was a 1.26- and 1.19-times higher risk of persistent asthma for each additional milligram of vaccine-related aluminum exposure, respectively, for children with and without eczema. 13

Children who received all or most of the recommended childhood vaccines that contain aluminum received a cumulative aluminum exposure dose of more than 3 milligrams (mg). This group had, at least, a 36% higher risk of developing persistent asthma than children who received fewer vaccines, and therefore had a less than 3-mg exposure to aluminum. 14

Vaccine aluminum causes chronic neurological conditions.

Vaccinated Children are much less healthy than unvaccinated children.


The Link Between Vaccines & The Rise of Childhood Cancers

According to a UK Telegraph   science editorial, childhood cancers have increased 40 percent over the past 16 years.
The explosion of childhood cancers correlates with the increase in   vaccination schedules for children during the 1990s up to today . For American children ages one through 14, cancer is the top disease-related cause of death , second only to accidents among all causes of childhood mortality. Leukemia and malignancies of the central nervous system are the most common types of childhood cancers .   (Source)


Dissolving Illusions About Bogus Claims of Vaccine Safety

( Cover-up by Captured Gov’t Health Agencies )

The vaccine industry intentionally deceives us about the risks and benefits of vaccines in order to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering and the destruction of public health over time .

The changing of definitions is part of the vaccine industry’s playbook. The definition of a “vaccine” was radically altered to allow for the use of unproven experimental modified RNA gene therapy .

Another part of the fraud is using another vaccine as the control in lieu of a true placebo. You simply cannot prove a vaccine is safe by comparing it to another, most likely unsafe, vaccine . Few if any vaccines have been proven safe or effective.

According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries Book , there are no worthwhile vaccines, not even smallpox or tetanus. Tetanus can be successfully treated using high-dose intravenous vitamin C and other essential nutrients . Vitamin C works because tetanus is a bacterial disease caused by an obligate anaerobe that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Other oxidative therapies that could be used if the infection is related to a wound include hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy .




More than 18,600 articles, published in peer-reviewed literature, have been gathered in the  Vaccine Research Library , documenting the harm vaccines can cause harm: including allergies, autoimmune disease, cancer, autism, ADHD and a long list of neurological disturbances .



Vaccine Science and Myth: A Conventionally Trained MD Speaks Out

I am a conventionally trained medical doctor who was taught, during the 1970s, how vaccines were a vital protection against infectious disease and responsible for the massive reductions in infectious disease. Now I know that was a myth driven by propaganda . I now believe the opposite -   vaccines   are driving many diseases of Westerners from infant morbidity, autoimmunity and autism to allergy and arthritis.


Mandatory Mass Vaccination of Children Is a Failed Strategy

See documentation in HW299 also.


UK Security Agency Data Week 4 2024:  Excess Mortality Persists Among Vaccinated Children Age 5-14 Years in England, All Ages in Northern Ireland & Scotland

(vaccines clearly caused more harm than benefit as shown true most places worldwide)

(In England in 2022/23,   92.6% of children had received the 5 in 1 vaccine at 24 months .)



UK Pediatric Physician-Immunologists: Risk-Benefit Analysis Suggests Now Time to NOT Continuously Vaccinate Healthy Children for COVID-19


Risk assessment shows low risk of serious infection harm for healthy children but higher risk for vaccination, so recommendation of vaccination for all should be discontinued. The Authors declare it’s not a good idea for a ubiquitous vaccination policy for all to include children .




Norwegian Academic Researcher: Higher Deaths in the UK Among Young People in the 10 Weeks Post COVID-19 Vaccination






Colon-cancer cases have more than doubled in young people since 1999, new research finds.

Diagnoses are


The Fight Against WHO Pandemic Treaty Amendments Faces New Pushback,


Sen. Ron Johnson discusses the official letter segned by all 49 members of the Senate GOP, demanding President Biden reject the WHO’s Pandemic Agreement, which could surrender US sovereignty and why all Americans should be concerned about this dangerous treaty.

22 AGs Oppose WHO Pandemic Treaty, Citing Threats to Sovereignty and Civil Liber

  The U.K. government said it refuses to sign the WHO’s pandemic accord.


WHO:  Submission of the United States of America Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations

Twitter/X:  Sen. Ron Johnson Post on W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty

RonJohnson Senate:  Ron Johnson's Letter about the WHO Treaty

U.S. Dept of Commerce to Digitize the Identities of All Americans Receiving Public Benefits


Beware, Your Home Is Spying on You, and Amazon Alexa Is the Most Data-Hungry


Indiana and Mississippi Are Sued Over Online Age Verification Digital ID Laws


The New York Times:  The Side Effects of Covid Vaccines

Death rates among children ages 1-4 jumped 12% between 2021 and 2022, and for kids 5-14 the rate increased by 7% over the same period, according to data released this month by the CDC.

AP News:  AstraZeneca pulls its COVID-19 vaccine from the European market

OpenVAERS :  Red Box Summaries (1,637,441 AE Reports to CDC VAERS database Through April 26, 2024)


CDC:  Childhood Vaccine Schedule Birth-15 Months

Hep B Vaccine commonly given within the first 24 hours of birth

CBS News:  U.S. has highest first-day infant mortality out of industrialized world, group reports

Infant mortality rate has increased since the vaccine rollout.

Young Children Died at Higher Rates in 2021-2022 than before the Pandemic.

Death rates among children ages 1-4 jumped 12% between 2021 and 2022, and for kids 5-14 the rate increased by 7% over the same period, according to data released this month by the CDC.   infant mortality rates rose 3.1% from 2021 to 2022, the first increase in two decades.

The rise in mortality for these young age groups reverses decades of progress in reducing childhood deaths, according to CNN.


Amazon:  Vax- Unvax : Let the Science Speak Book

Montana Dept. of Justice:  Attorney General Knudsen Leads Coalition Opposing Drastic Expansion of WHO Authority

Censorship of Natural Products and Supplements to Treat Covid or Chronic Conditions


Alternative Media Companies Sue The Censorship Industrial Complex for Censorship of Natural Products



Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Chris Cuomo’s Unexpected Reversal on the COVID Vaccine and Ivermectin,



In a shocking turn, mainstream voices who censored and suppressed conversation around vaccine injury have reversed course, even calling for a 9/11-style tribunal . Yet the limited hangout falls short of full accountability or vindication for the injured. Del has a message for Chris Cuomo. 


Chris Cuomo Admits to Taking Ivermectin, as New Study Shows It Reduced ICU Admissions by 83%


Blood oxygen level, clots and ivermectin: why and how Ivermectin cures Covid.

Ivermectin acts to prevent and resolve early COVID infection because of its antiviral property. in final stages of severe illness it can cure because of its anti-inflammatory property. And now we know that it can remove blood clots that block oxygen flow.



Could Andrew Cuomo Possibly Be a Political Fall Guy For What is Actually a Failing System? Were his experiences with the system as a result of Special Interests?


Large Study Points to Possible Systematic Suppression and Bias by Health Authorities Against Low Cost Repurposed Drugs Like HCQ and Ivermectin During COVID-19 Response.


The study by Lacout et al. hypothesizes that hydroxychloroquine, particularly when used early and at appropriate doses, was an effective treatment for COVID-19, but was systematically discredited due to flawed studies, scientific bias, and potential conflicts of interest. The authors contend that regulatory agencies and the media actively suppressed HCQ's potential benefits, instead favoring expensive, patented pharmaceuticals with questionable efficacy.

This study and other studies and data support this hypothesis.


Vitamin D and COVID Benefits: A Game-Changer the Medical Establishment Won’t Acknowledge


U.S. Government Cartel with Pharmaceuticals Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the U.S. government’s scheme to suppress ivermectin and push COVID-19 shots using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic.

Patient Zero Comes Back From Stage Four Cancer: Was Cure Due to Ivermectin?

After ten rounds of radiation and six of chemotherapy, Paul Mann, fifty-five years old, wanted to know his chances. “You’re squeaking by day to day,” his doctor told him. It had been five months since his diagnosis. He was referred to a hospice service and seen by a minister. Then he talked to a doctor who treated cancer and brought up Ivermectin. It had few side effects, and had been shown in laboratory and animal  studies  to kill several kinds of cancer cells. He started taking it daily and after 2 months was cancer free. Others have also had this experience, but no clinical trial data exist to date.


How the NIH-sponsored ACTIV-6 400 Trial Colluded With Four Other Trials To Sabotage Ivermectin

Dr. Goodkin provides data to support his argument that regulators falsely made ivermectin appear ineffective to promote the vaccines and other less effective options .


The New York Times:  Millions Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?

(1,637,441 AE Reports to CDC VAERS database Through April 26, 2024, database has large undercount)


The New York Times:  A New Vaccine Strategy for Children: Just One Dose, for Now

Yahoo News:  New York Times Retracts Massive Exaggeration of Children Hospitalized by COVID-19 ( Disinformation to promote the vaccines)

The Intercept:  Trump Asks Anti-Vaccine Activist Robert Kennedy Jr. To Lead Panel on Vaccine Safety

PubMed:  Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize- honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19

COVID-19 Early Treatment:  Ivermectin Studies

MedRXIV :  Effectiveness of the 2023-2024 Formulation of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 mRNA Vaccine against the JN.I Variant


NY High Court Justice Slams Hospital Attempt to Use PREP Act to Avoid Wrongful Death Liability In Ivermectin Denial Cases Rejected (Case to proceed.)



Del’s Message to Chris Cuomo and How Del Bigtree Knew Before He Did.


Amid the wave of journalists and health leaders changing their tune on vaccine safety, former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, Dr Deborah Birx , made several claims about Long COVID, natural infection, and COVID Vaccination that Del just had to address with an illuminating demonstration on natural spread vs. vaccination.




Federal Agencies and Universities trying to Cover Up Collusion with Special Interests by Censorship of Scientists



University Nabs $42 Million for ‘Pandemic Preparedness’ 2 Weeks After Firing Scientist for Questioning COVID Shots for Kids

Laval University in Quebec City, Canada, fired professor Patrick Provost, Ph.D., for publicly questioning the safety and necessity of COVID-19 vaccines for children. Two weeks later, the university received $42 million from the Canada Foundation for Innovation to set up a center to prepare for future pandemics.

( Professor obviously had credible basis for comments , Univ. obviously did not have credible basis to firee professor for questioning safety of the vaccines)


USDA Muzzles Scientists, Offers No Explanation (Agencies Attempting to Cover Up Agency Collusion with Powerful Special Interests by Censorhip )

Officials at the U.S. Department of Agriculture last month refused to allow two scientists to speak with U.S. Right to Know, a nonprofit public health research group.


Judge Rejects Victoria Dep. Of Health Bureaucrats Efforts to Avoid FOIA, Records Justifying Extreme COVID-19 Response Measures to be Released


Jeff Ruch, Pacific director of the nonprofit group   Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility , or PEER, said that the First Amendment rights of government scientists are under attack by Federal Agencies (to coverup Agency Collusion).

Vaccine Records Missing in Death Reports


Interview with VAERS Whistleblower Deborah Conrad & Attorney Warner Mendenhall


Hospital Administrators have been strongly discouraging staff from submitting vaccine injury data to CDC VAERS database as required by regulations. For that reason and the fact the database is voluntary and little known about, the database has huge undercounts ( approx.. 90%). Hospital staff like Conrad were fired if they insisted on reporting vaccine injuries to VAERS as they are supposed to do.


VAERS Whistleblower files lawsuit against hospital over wrongful firing.

VAERS whistleblower Deborah Conrad was fired from her position as a hospitalist & Physician Assistant @ Rochester Regional Health System because she filed VAERS reports for vaccine injured patients as required by CDC guidelines for health workers, then went public when she was censured and told to stop.




Take Control: Like Other Gov’t Agencies, the FCC Manipulates and Conceals Data Affecting Our Health



Explosive Revelations About Lithium Batteries.


America’s energy needs are surging with no viable options in the short term. Meanwhile, the lithium batteries in our homes and cars are found to be riskier than once thought.


PBS News Hour:
 Coal-fired plants will have to capture emissions or shut down, says strict new EPA rule


The Washington Post:  Amid explosive demand, America is running out of power

Le Monde:  Paris suspends electric bus fleet after two fires

The Telegraph:  Electric cars risk becoming uninsurable

The Driven:  EV crash victims could be left to die in battery fires without training for responders, inquiry told

Fox 12 Oregon:  Electric scooter explodes, fills apartment building with smoke in Portland

The City :  Congress in Rare Agreement on E-Bike Battery Bill Pushed by NY Reps

New York Post:  More NYC fires caused by lithium-ion batteries from e-bikes in 2 months than in all of 2019: FDNY chief

The Guardian:  'Unexploded bombs': call for action after 11 deaths in UK due to e-bike fires

London Fire Brigade:  New record high of e-bike and e-scooter fires in London

AVD Fire: Lithium-Ion Battery Fire Solutions

A Rocket Science Solution to Lithium-Ion Battery Fires

Solid-state batteries are set to replace lithium-ion batteries from EV dominance

Harvard researchers have made a solid-state battery that charges in ten minutes and lasts for 30 years, but commercialization may come slowly for the energy transition . EV companies like Toyota and Volkswagen are developing their own versions.


Unpacking Transhumanism and Preparing for the Age of the Technocrat.  


The Push to Engineer Humanity

Patrick Wood, Editor-in-Chief, Technocracy.news , breaks down the dangers of the global push of technocracy and transhumanism, and how the mRNA vaccines and the WHO are part of this agenda.


Amazon:  The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism Book

United Nations:  United Nations Conference on Environment & Development Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992

CBD:  Convention on Biological Diversity

BU School of Public Health:  Resurgence of Whooping Cough May Owe to Vaccine's Inability to Prevent Infections.


The Guardian:  Monsanto sued small farmers to protect seed patents, report

CNBC:  Who Owns Seeds? Monsanto Says Not You

WHO:  Pandemic Treaty Draft

Bloomberg:  White House Renews Internal Talks on Invoking Climate Emergency

CDC:  One Health

The Trilateral Commission Website ( Championing a commitment to the rule of law, open economies and societies, and democratic principles)


Technocracy News  

Substack:  Patrick Wood's The Quickening Report

Twitter/X:  Follow Patrick Wood on Twitter/X


USDA Approves GMO Soy With Inserted Pig Genes 



ICAN:  $500k Donation Match



Guests: US Senator Ron Johnson, Patrick Wood