HW367 NUCLEAR CONSEQUENCES (The Tidal Wave of Cancer & Covid Vaccines Found to be Extremely Dangerous for Children & Have the Armed Forces Suffered another Toxic Exposure & How NPR Lost the Public’s Trust & The Boiling Ocean Controversy & On the Verge of WWIII?)


Cancer rates continue to skyrocket.


Many have abandoned the media’s desperate attempt to ignore why cancer rates are spiking. Now, the American Cancer Society is sounding the alarm, predicting an 80% increase in tumors by 2050. Meanwhile, independent researchers have stepped up and homed in on credible sources pointing to the mass COVID vaccine rollout in 2021 as the prime culprit.


Japanese Epidemiological Bombshell: Investigators Link Mass mRNA Vaccination and Adverse Cancer Outcomes


Study using official Gov’t Death Statistics found most cancers were declining prior to 2021 and no increase in 2020, but increased cancer mortality after vaccine rollout.

Dr. Gibo and colleagues observed excess cancer mortality in 2021, after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses. This data includes what the medical researchers report observations involving significant excess mortalities  for all cancers, along with upward trends with select types of the disease. surges in the following were observed after mass vaccination with the third booster mRNA dose in 2022: Increase especially in estrogen receptor alpha-sensitive cancers including leukemia, ovarian, prostate, lip/pharyngal, pancreatic, breast.

New Studies Document Mechanisms by which mNRA Vaccines promote Cancer.

Modified mRNA vaccines spike proteins were found to impair key anti-tumor immune pathways by inhibiting p53, a critical tumor suppressor known as the guardian of the genome . 5 The vaccines were also found to inhibit toll -like receptors TLR7/8, which induce an M1 macrophage phenotype associated with anti-tumor effects.


German Study Yet Again Confirms Surge in IgG4 in Children: One Year After Vaccination with Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

(weakens immune system, promotes autoimmunity and cancer)

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine IgG Cancer Connection

The increase in the concentration of specific and non-specific IgG4 antibodies allows the growth of some types of cancer by blocking the activation of effector immune cells. At least 3 mechanisms that the IgG4 shift promotes cancer and weakens immune system have been identified.


The IgG4 Conundrum: mRNA Vaccines, and the Risks for Kidney Transplant Recipients (and others)

Repeated vaccination led to a progressive rise in IgG4. This subclass, typically associated with immune tolerance, is rarely dominant in effective vaccine responses, raising red flags about whether mRNA vaccine boosters could paradoxically dampen immune protection in KTRs over time including protection against cancer. This problem could also affect others, including other immunosuppressed people.




See also CAIV .


36 Case Series of Cancers After COVID-19 Vaccination, Disturbing Growth in Reports (Turbo Cancers)

29 Cases after vaccination where Doctors/Authors believe the cancer is linked to vaccination, with study evidence: plus 7 more cases following vaccination without study evidence regarding the case.


Daily Mail:  American Cancer Society warns that a 'tidal wave' of tumors is coming - with cases set to rise 80% by 2050

Daily Mail:  How America's winning the war on cancer: Deaths drop 10% in five years despite diagnoses staying steady- in sign country is getting better at treating disease

Phinance Technologies:  US - Trends in Death Rates from Neoplasms, All Ages and 75-84 Detailed Analysis

Cureus :  Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan


Patient Zero Comes Back From Stage Four Cancer: Was Cure Due to Ivermectin?

After ten rounds of radiation and six of chemotherapy, Paul Mann, fifty-five years old, wanted to know his chances. “You’re squeaking by day to day,” his doctor told him. It had been five months since his diagnosis. He was referred to a hospice service and seen by a minister. Then he talked to a doctor who treated cancer and brought up Ivermectin. It had few side effects, and had been shown in laboratory and animal  studies  to kill several kinds of cancer cells. He started taking it daily and after 2 months was cancer free. Others have also had this experience, but no clinical trial data exist to date.


Covid Vaccines Found to be Extremely Dangerous for Children

Large 4.1m FDA Study Confirms Myocarditis/Pericarditis and Seizure Safety Signals in Young People: Should Boosters Continue?


4x Vaccinated Youth 250% More Likely to Die Than Unvaxxed Peers

analyzis showed four-shot teens and youth were between 221% and 290% more likely to die than those who didn’t get the shot .

Another study found that, compared to unvaccinated children, vaccinated children had significantly higher rates of asthma, allergies, eczema, respiratory infections, behavioral issues and other health conditions .

FDA Finds mRNA COVID Vaccines Causes Seizures in Toddlers & Myocarditis in Adolescents

FDA researchers detected a safety signal for seizures in children ages 2-4 following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, according to a study published Wednesday in JAMA Network Open. A preprint study published last month found similar results.

The researchers also identified a   safety signal for myocarditis   or pericarditis following the Pfizer vaccine in adolescents ages 12-17. That signal had been previously identified.


Tests show majority of vaccinated young people had significant injury.

UK Security Agency Data Week 4 2024:  Excess Mortality Persists Among Vaccinated Children Age 5-14 Years in England, All Ages in Northern Ireland & Scotland

(vaccines clearly caused more harm than benefit as shown true most places worldwide)

(In England in 2022/23,   92.6% of children had received the 5 in 1 vaccine at 24 months .)



UK Pediatric Physician-Immunologists: Risk-Benefit Analysis Suggests Now Time to NOT Continuously Vaccinate Healthy Children for COVID-19


Risk assessment shows low risk of serious infection harm for healthy children but higher risk for vaccination, so recommendation of vaccination for all should be discontinued. The Authors declare it’s not a good idea for a ubiquitous vaccination policy for all to include children .




Norwegian Academic Researcher: Higher Deaths in the UK Among Young People in the 10 Weeks Post COVID-19 Vaccination



(part of the huge coverup of vaccine problems promoting the vaccines>)


7-Year-Old Brazilian Boy Died After Receiving First Dose of Pfizer’s BNT162b2 So did many more .


CDC Reports Theoretical Pediatric mRNA Vaccination Efficacy for Preventing Hospitalization Abysmal at 19%

( Treatment to Boost Immune System is much more Effective )


Child Excess Deaths / Dr Johnson: 8% increase in child deaths in UK. Esp. self-harm.


NCHS: America's Infant Mortality Rate Increases in 2022 for the First Time in 20 Years

European Researchers Are Worried by High Levels of c-Troponin as Signal of Myocardial Injury Post mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Healthy People

Three days after receiving the vaccine, 40 out of 777 vaccinated individuals exhibited high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T ( hs-TnT ) levels exceeding the upper laboratory norm (≥ 9 ng/L). Of those, 22 (2.8% of all vaccinated individuals) were judged as having developed mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury and displayed median hs-TnT levels of 13.5 ng/L (IQR: 9–18.8 ng/L) .

Some age/sex groups seem more susceptible to mycarditis than others such as young males. If the evidence of this is accurate, that age group might have higher percentages than these for a general population.



Sample of Unvaccinated Dutch Children Completely Free of Long COVID After SARS-CoV-2 Infection : Prospective Longitudinal Study of 349 children who had had COVID infection.




Costs of MRIs, Drugs Breaking Many Americans (Much of this due to Vaccines and Toxic Food Supply exposures causing increased morbidity)


Immune Printing or Antigenic Sin & COVID-19 Vaccines, Vax Effectiveness & Durability Questions as Strains Mutate


It will soon become evident how, due to The Pharmaceuticals and Health Authorities Reckless actions, a fairly harmless virus was transformed into a bioweapon of mass destruction . Geert vanden Bossche


Significant Increases in Cancer Mortality After COVID mRNA Vaccination, Japanese Researchers Find

( E specially after the third COVID-19 mRNA vaccine dose )




Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine in Children: Third Booster Dose Fails to Confer Additional Immunological Protection in Healthy Children


All vaccines contain toxins that cause harm, and most vaccines and most vaccines are documented by medical studies and data to cause more harm than benefit .

Vaccinated Populations of Children are much less healthy than unvaccinated populations of children.

The HHS COVID Vaccine Heist: HHS Leaders getting Rich while promoting the Dangerous Vaccines. Does It Rise to the Level of Collusion or Conspiracy?

Pharma giants are making a killing selling COVID-19 vaccines while HHS makes sure the royalties keep rolling in for NIH.



COVID Vaccination and The Risk to our Troops and our National Security.

Japanese experts explain why the mNRA vaccines are causing so many adverse effects.

Up and Coming Japanese Scientists Raise Alarm, Carefully : Current mRNA Tech Behind COVID-19 Vaccines Questionable Safety

They carefully articulate their concerns of too much adjuvanticity associated with mRNA vaccines generally.

While both adjuvanticity and delivery remain crucial elements inherent in mRNA vaccine design, the two Japanese scientists report too much of the former can lead essentially to a lot of adverse events . They report that excessive adjuvanticity and activation of improper innate immune signaling can conversely hinder vaccination efficacy and trigger adverse effects.


The Chinese Masses: Who Needs Western Drugs or Ivermectin Against COVID-19 When TCM Just May be Superior?

WHO: Chinese herbal TCM has been a successfully proven Method for treating Covid and controlling the Pandemic.



Group of Japanese Medical Researchers Raise Serious Concerns About Blood Products of COVID-19 mRNA-Vaccinated

Danger caused by toxicity of the spike protein found in blood of mNRA vaccinated individuals. Tests and blood treatments recommended.



Navy veteran & founder of RealReactions.org, Crisanna Shackelford, PhD, speaks about her early concerns over mandating the COVID vaccine for the military, and her own injury from the shingles vaccine.

Congress:  H.R. 3967 - PACT ACT

(To improve health care and benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances)

The White House:  FACT SHEET: President Biden Signs the PACT Act and Delivers on His Promise to America's Veterans

Department of Veterans Affairs:  Toxic Exposure Memorandum
(eligible exposures includes Gulf War vaccine exposures but not Covid vaccination)

OpenVAERS :  Red Box Summaries (1,635,000 significant adverse effects reported to CDC VAERS)

TRICARE Newsroom:  Secretary of Defense Mandates COVID-19 Vaccinations for Service Members

Multiple COVID Shots Linked to Higher Mortality Rates in 18- to 39-Year-Olds.

Young adults who received multiple COVID-19 jabs were significantly more likely to die than those who skipped the shots, according to data from the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics . Those who received four COVID-19 shots had a 318% higher mortality rate than the unvaccinated group.




Former Lieutenant Colonel, for the U.S. ARMY, Brad Miller, discusses the recent ‘Declaration of Military Accountability’, an open letter to military leadership signed by over 230 service members, which calls for military leadership to be held accountable for the repercussions of COVID-19 vaccine mandates.


U.S. Department of Defense:  Service Members Must Be Vaccinated or Face Consequences, DOD Official Says

Documentation Invermectin more than 90% more effective than the vaccines at preventing deaths.

See tables and charts, Peru & Utter Pradesh


Health Mil:  Defense Medical Epidemiology Database

Over 70% of Service Members Say They Felt Coerced Into Taking COVID Vaccine : Survey 


ICAN:  V-SAFE Dashboard

Twitter/X:  Dr. Crisanna Shackelford Twitter 16 MINUTES TO MAKE YOUR JAW DROP. 16:00 to the end. You will be learning more and more about Chromosomes 9 and 12 in the next 2 months. We've been Genetically poisoned by our Governments !!!!

Real Reactions Website

How NPR Lost the Public’s Trust (By becoming a Disinformation Distributor for Special Interests)

The Free Press:  I've Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here's How We Lost America's Trust.

NPR's Flawed Reporting on Vaccine Misinformation: A Call for Accountability and Retraction  


X VC Twitter /X:  Christopher Rufo "Katherine Maher says that, as CEO of Wikipedia, she "took a very active approach to disinformation,"

Wiki is a disinformation site controlled by Powerful Special Interests to benefit them, not public.

Wikipedia:  Del Bigtree (Most of their info about Bigtree is biased disinformation with no apparent effort to check the facts other than family information. Info is disinformation often pushed by Special Interests. Bigtree’s weekly program is transparent with documentation for all issues discussed there. One of few open and transparent Media sites that provides documentation for discussed topics.


Documentation Invermectin more than 90% more effective than the vaccines at preventing deaths.

See tables and charts, Peru & Utter Pradesh


Twitter/X:  Uri Berliner "My resignation letter to NPR CEO @krmaher"

See also HW327

Japanese experts explain why the mNRA vaccines are causing so many adverse effects.

Up and Coming Japanese Scientists Raise Alarm, Carefully : Current mRNA Tech Behind COVID-19 Vaccines Questionable Safety

They carefully articulate their concerns of too much adjuvanticity associated with mRNA vaccines generally.

While both adjuvanticity and delivery remain crucial elements inherent in mRNA vaccine design, the two Japanese scientists report too much of the former can lead essentially to a lot of adverse events . They report that excessive adjuvanticity and activation of improper innate immune signaling can conversely hinder vaccination efficacy and trigger adverse effects.


The Chinese Masses: Who Needs Western Drugs or Ivermectin Against COVID-19 When TCM Just May be Superior?

WHO: Chinese herbal TCM has been a successfully proven Method for treating Covid and controlling the Pandemic. See also CVTreat & CVC




el niño , la niña , and the role of the sun.


For the past year, the media’s go-to climate change fear play has been boiling oceans. Yet simple research shows the inaccuracy of their reporting as many are looking past global warming to solar cycles pointing to possible cooling events .

(For example, if the Gulf Current Loop which is slowing continues there are areas which are currently warmed by it that would get very cold. This is being predicted by some models and some experts following this trend; solar cycles also play a role in short term climate changes)


The Atlantic:  Boiling the Ocean

MSNBC:  We've reached the 'boiling seas' part of the climate crisis

Daily Mail:  Former VP Al Gore gives 'unhinged' rant about environmental threats including 'rain bombs' and 'boiling oceans' during speech at World Economic Forum

Worst I Have Seen: 75% of Great Barrier Reef Suffers Coral Bleaching

We are really running out of time. We need to reduce our emissions immediately, one expert warned. We cannot expect to save the Great Barrier Reef and be opening new fossil fuel developments.


Critical Atlantic Ocean current system is showing early signs of collapse, prompting warning from scientists Gulf Stream Slowing

77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming, And They're Horrified

Earth Has Hottest 3 Months On Record, WMO Says

September 7, 2023


Climate Breakdown Has Begun : Summer of 2023 Was Hottest Ever Recorded


Absolutely Devastating News : Antarctica Warming Quicker Than Models Projected

Antarctica is warming at about double the rate of the rest of the planet and far more quickly than widely cited models projected.


NOAA Finds Carbon Concentrations Highest in 800,000 Years as Sea Level Rise Hits Record.

Michigan:  Confidence grows on El Niño ending, quickly replaced with La Niña (this is a common pattern but irrelevant as to whether we have climate change happening)

Climate Prediction Center:  El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion

Scientific Research:  The Approaching New Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age Climate Conditions

Amazon:  Dark Winter

Amazon:  UPHEAVAL!

CBS News:  Earthquake, aftershocks rattle NYC and beyond: "One of the largest" East Coast quakes in the last century

The Lancet Planetary Health:  Global, regional, and national burden of mortality associated with non-optimal ambient temperatures from2000 to 2019: a three-stage modelling study




Jefferey Jaxen Reports on U.S. Signaling Ukraine to be brought into NATO and the potentially nuclear consequences,


With US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s latest announcement that Ukraine will join NATO, a longtime redline has been crossed with unclear and potentially world-altering consequences. We breakdown the latest in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and what these events mean for the world.

Polgeonow :  NATO Member Countries Map

National Security Archive:  Record of conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and James Baker in Moscow.

Bloomberg:  Intercepted F-Bomb Phone Call Shows U.S. Role in Ukraine

Reuters:  U.S., Europe weighing potential deeper Russia sanctions - Nuland

Foreign Affairs:  Pinning Down Putin

NBC News:  Biden warns risk of nuclear 'Armageddon' is highest since Cuban Missile Crisis

Politico:  Macron stands by remarks about sending troops to Ukraine

CBS News:  U.K. army chief says citizens should be ready to fight in possible land war

The New York Times:  Germany Braces for Decades of Confrontation With Russia

Politico:  Von der Leyen asks Finland to prepare the EU for war

SkyNews :  UK and other NATO allies urged to consider conscription as Ukraine war enters third year

Politico:  Draft-dodging plagues Ukraine as Kyiv faces acute soldier shortage

CNN Politics:  Austin says US wants to see Russia's military capabilities weakened

CATO Institute:  The High Cost of War: Ukraine Aid Could Top $240 Billion

Reuters:  China to foster new cooperation and consolidate friendship with Russia



Sex Change Operations in The Military on The Rise.


Editor-in-Chief of UncoverDC.com and HighWire editorial contributor, Tracy Beanz , discusses a new investigation exposing an uptick in gender reassignment surgeries funded by the US Military, and the potential threat it poses to our defense readiness.


UncoverDC :  Military Doctor: Transgender Surgery Uptick Paid for with US Tax Dollars

Health Mil:  Guidance for Gender-Affirming Health Care of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Active and Reserve Component Service Members

American Psychiatric Association:  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

The HighWire :  Tracy Beanz HighWire Page

UncoverDC Website


Del Announces a New Spring $500k Match Campaign!

 Mississippi's Religious Exemption For School Children Now Permanently Secured!


ICAN:  $500k Donation Match


Guests: Tracy Beanz , Dr. Crisanna Shackelford, PhD