(THE WARING FOOD SYSTEM MODELS; THE STATUS AND DANGER OF THE CURRENT GROWING LEVEL OF TOXICS IN THE FOOD SYSTEM and ENVIRONMENT; Mom’s Across America reports shocking findings in (Ultra Processed) fast food; Pharmaceuticals and Big-Ag pushing Governments/ Politicians to Restrict Natural Products, Organic Farmers, Naturopaths, and providers of non-Pharmaceutical Services and Remedies) Mom’s Across America reports shocking findings in (Ultra Processed) fast food.





THE Pharmaceutical/Big Ag/Lax Environmental Regulations/Lax Health Regulations/Lax AI Regulations/MEDIA CENSORSHIP by Powerful Special Interests System Members

are currently Attacking and trying to put restrictions on the

Organic Growers/Small Farmer/Farmer’s Market/Regenerative Farming/Natural Products/Environmental and Health and AI Regulations that Protect Health and the Environment System/Free Speech members


Heavy Lobbying at Federal, State, and Local Levels. One faction has most of the money and power and is doing most of the lobbying.


The Growing Consolidation of Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Industries and Its Negative Impact on Health and Rural Areas.

Chronic disease rates in America have increased dramatically, from 7.5% of the population in the 1930s to 60% today , representing a 700% surge , while obesity now affects 40% of Americans

Four companies (Bayer, Syngenta, BASF, and Corteva) dominate the agricultural market, with Bayer controlling 18.2% of global agrochemicals and, together with Corteva, over half of U.S. retail seed sales for major crops

The concentration ratio (CR4) in U.S. agriculture has reached extreme levels — 85% in beef packing, 70% in pork packing, and 95% control of corn intellectual property by just four companies

In 2024, pharmaceutical companies spent $294 million on lobbying, while agribusinesses spent $32.7 million, with Bayer alone spending $6.46 million in the U.S. Their lobbying has resulted in huge harm to the U.S. population health and huge harm to small family farmers.

Modern industrial agriculture mimics pharmaceutical business models by creating dependency cycles. Farmers must

repeatedly purchase synthetic inputs while patients require ongoing medication rather than cure-focused treatments .

The methods and chemicals have resulted in depleted soil, unhealthy and toxic food, and more chronic health problems .


PR Firm Shuts Down Site That Profiled Pesticide Critics for Big Ag After Investigation Reveals USAID Funding

v-Fluence, which created profiles on over 3,000 organizations and 500 people and made the profiles available to pesticide industry executives and others, collected more than $400,000 from USAID between 2013 and 2019. The funds were funneled through the International Food Policy Research Institute which is controlled by Big Ag . .

The U.S. Is Planting Too Much GMO Corn that has resulted in more loss to pests and other problems, and Farmers Are Losing Billions of Dollars. Failure to take advise of experts about GMO inherent problems. Now a huge and growing problem.



Understanding Glyphosate's Growing Presence in Agriculture and Its Effects on Human Health




As Trump Pauses Enforcement of an Anti-Bribery Law, Will Pharma Engage in Bad Behavior?

Between 2011 and 2020, 10 of the world’s largest   pharmaceutical companies   paid a combined $1.34 billion in fines to the U.S. government for bribing foreign officials in order to boost purchases of their medicines. Will they now return to those actions?

Cancer Gag Act Would Protect Pesticide Companies from Lawsuits.


Farmers Very Worried as US Pesticide Firms Push to Bar Cancer Diagnoses Lawsuits.

Pesticide company efforts to push through laws that could block litigation against them is igniting battles in several U.S. farm states and pitting some farm groups against each other. Laws have been introduced in at least eight states so far and drafts are circulating in more than 20 states, backed by a deluge of advertising supporting the measures. Opponents say the legislation will rob farmers and others who use pesticides from holding companies accountable in court if their pesticide products cause disease or injury.


USDA’s $1 Billion Plan to Combat Bird Flu Calls for Vaccines and Killing More Birds: Will It Work?


Joel Salatin : The Truth About Mass Killing of Poultry, Avian Flu, and Restoring Sanity to Farming.

Outbreaks start i n a concentrated animal feeding operation or some sort of industrial concentrated situation that's unhygienic, unsanitary and fully   vaccinated , medicated, adulterated, pharmaceutical ized .



Toxics in Food (Toxic Metals, Pesticides, Forever Chemicals, phthalates, Microplastics, Food Additives)


Toxics in Food & Environment (Toxic Metals, Pesticides, Forever Chemicals, P hthalates, Microplastics, Food Additives)


Why Eating Grass-fed Beef Is Better for Your Health

All beef provides essential nutrients, but if you want a higher nutritional profile and you want to limit your exposure to antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides and endocrine disruptors, choose 100% grass-fed beef.


The True Cost of Cheap Feed Feedlot Animals Get: How High-PUFA Diets Impact Livestock and Human Health

Wide Body of Science Links Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals to Infertility in Women

Frontiers in Public Health reviewed over 100 studies summarizing the link between endocrine-disrupting chemicals exposure and reproductive effects in women, including infertility, endometriosis, premature ovarian insufficiency, or POI, and endocrine axis dysregulation.

EDCs include toxic metals, pesticides, phthalates, PCBs, BPA, many other toxic chemicals, and microplastics.


Popular Often-Eaten Seafood Contaminated with Microplastics That Leach From Common Household Products

Researchers at Portland State University’s Applied Coastal Ecology Lab found that tiny particles from our laundry, food packaging, tires, personal care products and other items end up in West Coast seafood we commonly eat.


Fertility Rates Around the World Continue to Decline to dangerous levels (fertility is not the only health problem affected)

Fertility rates are declining dramatically in Western countries, with the U.K. hitting its lowest rate since 1938 at 1.44 children per woman in 2023 , significantly below replacement level .


RFK Jr. Has Targeted GMO Corn Syrup and Glyphosate. That Puts Him at Odds with America’s Corn Belt


High-Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to Increased Tumor Growth (GMO & Cancer Promoting & Obesity Promoting)





Mom’s Across America reports shocking findings in (Ultra Processed) fast food.


Mom’s Across America Executive Director, Zen Honeycutt, breaks down the groundbreaking study her organization helped sponsor testing 21 of the biggest fast-food chains and the horrifying levels of deadly toxins, heavy metals and chemicals they found including glyphosate. In addition, they found that these foods are deficient in key nutrients necessary for mental health.

Alarming Levels of Heavy Metals and Pesticides Found in US School Lunches

Testing conducted by Spotlight on America revealed alarming amounts of heavy metals and almost 50 different pesticides in school lunches, with one meal containing 38 different pesticides



Alarming Levels of Toxins Found in Stouffer’s, Other Frozen Meals


The Guardian:   Forever chemicals detected in all umbilical cord blood in 40 studies


High Levels of Toxic Metals Found in Foods Sold at Top Fast Food Chains See also TinF


Kids Increase Their Aluminum Intake When They Eat McDonald’s Salt ( other restaurants as well)

(Aluminum is neurotoxic and causes neurological problems and microstrokes .)


Nearly 200 Chemicals Linked to Breast Cancer Found in Food Packaging and Food


Fast Food Chains Score ‘Abysmally Low’ on Nutrition, High on Calories: Analysis


School Lunches commonly have dangerous levels of glyphosate, toxic metals, etc.

Of 43 school lunches tested, 95% had detectable levels of glyphosate, a carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting weed killer linked to liver inflammation, metabolic disorder, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

100% of the school lunches tested contained heavy metals at levels up to 6,293 times higher than the maximum levels allowed in drinking water. Cadmium and lead were found at the highest levels.


Much of Baby Formula in Grocery found to be toxic and dangerous to babies.

Researchers f ound that out of 20 baby formulas 6 tested positive for five types of toxic heavy metals, including lead and aluminum which are highly neurotoxic. Breast milk has been proven to be by far the safest and healthiest feeding option.


How GMOs, Pesticides and Processed Foods Contribute to Common Bowel Disorders

Factory Farms Destroying U.S. Drinking Water, Health While EPA Fails to Take Action . (Results in more toxics in drinking water and food)


Glyphosate may increase kids’ risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Agricultural intensification and childhood cancer in Brazil;  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , Oct. 31, 2023.


Glyphosate likely responsible for alarming surge in childhood leukemia cases

An explosion of cancer incidence in the U.S. correlates with the introduction of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, on food crops .


Eating Organic for 1 Week Reduced Glyphosate in Pregnant Women

Just one week of an organic diet effectively reduces levels of the herbicide glyphosate in pregnant women's urine , according to a study published in July in Environmental Health Perspectives.


Glyphosate, 2,4-D Herbicides Linked to‘ Worse Brain Function in Teens


GMO Corn, Glyphosate Pose Unacceptable Health Risks, New Scientific Analysis Shows (Call for Restriction)

The 200-page document with 1,200 references, prepared by Mexico’s National Council for Humanities, Science and Technology underpins Mexico’s 2023 decree to restrict the use of GM corn in tortillas and other minimally processed corn products, and to phase out the use of glyphosate in Mexico.


Bad Diets Kill More People Than Smoking, Yet Doctors Get Almost No Training in Nutrition or Detoxification.


Big Food Intentionally Addicting Kids to Harmful Toxic Foods

Big Food targets young consumers in the U.S. to get them addicted to unhealthy products, which frequently contain high levels of sugar and ingredients banned by other countries, according to two food safety and nutrition advocates interviewed on SiriusXM’s Megyn Kelly Show.

Ultraprocessed Foods Are Sabotaging Your Muscle and Cardiovascular Health

Teens Who Eat Ultraprocessed Foods Have Lower Muscle Mass

Ultraprocessed foods (UPFs) significantly increase the risk of low muscle mass, a key indicator of sarcopenia, by 60% in young and middle-aged adults. Teenagers consuming more UPFs have significantly lower muscle mass and lean body mass due to the lack of essential nutrients like protein.



True Corruption : Agency Capture Responsible for Harmful Policies and Chronic Disease Epidemic in U.S (Support for harmful Ultraprocessed Food and Pharmaceuticals rather than Healthy Food and Science Based Treatments)

This has happened very intentionally, and it can be undone fairly quickly too, Calley Means said. But we must realize this isn’t a conspiracy. It’s true corruption that happened deliberately.

Environmental contamination, ultra-processed food, and the lack of food regulation in the U.S . have contributed to metabolic disruption afflicting many Americans. Vaccines have also contributed .


A mother’s nutrition during pregnancy and her child’s nutrition in the first two years of life (the first 1000 days from conception to age two) are crucial elements in a child’s neurodevelopment and lifelong mental health. Because child and adult health risks, including diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, are   programmed   by nutritional quality during this critical period.A new study has confirmed that a low-sugar diet during this timeframe can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood. Indeed, the adverse and lifelong effects of too much sugar consumption for both pregnant women and   young children   are profound.


Billions Worldwide Face Micronutrient Deficiencies, Study Finds

Micronutrient deficiencies lead to significant health issues like pregnancy complications, weakened immunity and increased risk of diseases

A recent study published in The Lancet Global Health found that over half of the global population is lacking essential micronutrients, with deficiencies varying by age and gender

The researchers found that more than 5 billion people are deficient in iodine (68%), vitamin E (67%) and calcium (66%), while over 4 billion lack iron (65%), riboflavin (55%), folate (54%) and vitamin C (53%)

In the U.S., common nutrient deficiencies include vitamins D, B12, B1, B2, B3, A, C and E, as well as calcium, magnesium and iodine. Tips to address these deficiencies are included below



We Are Literally Poisoning Our Children , Kennedy Tells Senate Roundtable


Fertility Rates Are Declining for Many Reasons: Microplastics Are One of Them


Risk of Miscarriage 41% Higher Among Women Exposed to Pesticides



Remarkable Declines in Fertility, Sperm Counts Worldwide Linked to Industrial Chemicals and Vaccines .

Fertility rates are dropping persistently worldwide, with environmental toxins like pesticides, toxic metals , and air pollution likely playing a key role, according to a study published in Human Reproduction Update.

Health experts urged policy action on chemical exposures and barriers to fertility care. The trend is driven, in part, by the impacts of exposure to toxic  chemicals and vaccines , as well as lifestyle factors such as smoking an obesity. They call infertility a common chronic disease affecting many reproductive-age women and men. Among environmental pollutants,  endocrine-disrupting chemicals , in particular, are a fertility concern , At least16% of people worldwide struggle with infertility. Among environmental pollutants,  endocrine-disrupting chemicals which includes toxic metals and pesticides , in particular, are a fertility concern . Data also ties the chemicals bisphenols, dioxins and phthalates with decreased fertility, altered sperm, higher miscarriage rates and lower rates of conception, she said.

Higher use of two common types of insecticides, organophosphates and N- methyl carbamates , is associated with  lower sperm concentrations  in men, according to a review published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives in November 2023.



Aspartame Sweetener Linked to Autism & ADHD

Researchers found even one diet soda a day during pregnancy tripled the risk of autism in male offspring. This  comes on the heels of reports that it may cause cancer in humans. [ii]


Especially Dangerous to Children, Pregnant Women: Thousands of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Linked to Rising Rates of Cancer, Infertility and Obesity

New evidence suggests that endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in consumer products, food, water and soil are behind the global rise in reproductive disorders, cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, neurological conditions, reduced immune function and chronic inflammation.

Sources of endocrine-disrupting chemicals: plastics, pesticides, toxic metals, consumer products and per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS). Rising rates of cancer, infertility, and obesity are suspected to be at least partially attributable to the presence of endocrine disruptors in the human body.


Moms Across America:  School Lunch Testing Program

Moms Across America:  100% of Fast-Food Samples Tested Positive for Heavy Metals, Lead, and Cadmium

Moms Across America:  100% of Top Twenty Fast Food Brands Positive for Glyphosate Herbicide 76% Positive for Harmful Pesticides

Moms Across America:  Contraceptive and Harmful Antibiotics Found in Top Ten Fast Food Samples

Amazon:  What's Making Our Children Sick?

Amazon:  Food & Behavior Book

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health:  Mood disorder with mixed, psychotic features due to vitamin b12 deficiency in an adolescent: case report

Science Direct:  Subtle vitamin-B12 deficiency and psychiatry: a largely unnoticed but devastating relationship?

Science Direct:  Low intake of B-vitamins is associated with poor adolescent mental health and behavior .

The Royal Society:  Diets derived from maize monoculture cause maternal infanticides in the endangered European hamster due to a vitamin B3 deficiency

Junk Food Ads Hook Kids Online Which Greatly Harms Their Health, Lawmakers Should Urge FTC to Take Action

A bipartisan group of lawmakers this week called on the FTC to update its decade-old report on food marketing to children, emphasizing the need to address the evolving digital advertising landscape. The letter cites projections of a 700% increase in childhood diabetes over four decades if current trends continue.

Poison PR : U.S. Used Taxpayer Money from Captured Agencies for Global Attack on Pesticide Critics and Promotion of Pesticide use

An investigation by The New Lede, The Guardian and other international media partners exposed a broad campaign, financed partly with U.S. taxpayers’ dollars, to downplay pesticide dangers, discredit opponents, and undermine international policymaking harmful to the pesticide industry.

a Missouri “reputation management” firm that has been helping a Chinese-owned company promote the use of a   pesticide   suspected of causing   Parkinson’s disease   is at the center of an effort to downplay pesticide dangers and undermine foreign policy actions harmful to the agrochemical industry.

That firm, v-Fluence Interactive, was founded and is run by former Monsanto executive Jay Byrne. Monsanto was an early client, and the company has had a 20-plus-year relationship with   Syngenta .


Brownstone Institute : Top 13 Enemies of Food Freedom Bayer, Cargill, Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, the WHO and the WEF are among those waging a war on our food supply.


97% of Countries Will Soon Be Unable to Sustain Their Population as Fertility Rates Dropping and Infertility Increasing (Main causes: EMF, Vaccines, Phthalates, Microplastics, Pesticides)

According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 6 people globally are now infertile .

Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiofrequency radiation may be the most significant factor for the observed decrease in male sperm count .

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals like phthalates and bisphenols are also a key culprit to infertility and declining sperm count rates in men .

Study Reveals Microplastics' Threat on Male Fertility

Studies and data document Vaccinnes causing fertility decline.



Pharmaceuticals and Big Ag Pushing Governments to Restrict Natural Products, Organic Farmers, Naturopaths, and providers of non-Pharmaceutical Services and Remedies


Global Inspiration: Sikkim in India is the World’s First 100% Organic State

In 2016, Sikkim, a tiny Himalayan state in northeastern India, gained global recognition by becoming the world’s first fully organic state. Every single inch of its   farmland   is certified organic . This achievement, led by the state’s commitment to sustainable agriculture , has been truly  transformational for the state and its citizens and positioned  Sikkim   as a model for organic farming worldwide. 

From Farm to Health: A Vision for Regenerative Agriculture and Metabolic Wellness


Fermented Food from Gardens Redefine Sustainable Farming


Poison PR : U.S. Used Taxpayer Money from Captured Agencies for Global Attack on Pesticide Critics and Promotion of Pesticide use.

An investigation by The New Lede, The Guardian and other international media partners exposed a broad campaign, financed partly with U.S. taxpayers’ dollars, to downplay pesticide dangers, discredit opponents, and undermine international policymaking harmful to the pesticide industry.

a Missouri “reputation management” firm that has been helping a Chinese-owned company promote the use of a   pesticide   suspected of causing   Parkinson’s disease   is at the center of an effort to downplay pesticide dangers and undermine foreign policy actions harmful to the agrochemical industry.

That firm, v-Fluence Interactive, was founded and is run by former Monsanto executive Jay Byrne. Monsanto was an early client, and the company has had a 20-plus-year relationship with   Syngenta .


Over 20 Chemicals Used to Grow Food Linked to Prostate Cancer

Baby Food and Bee Pollen: Two Food Sources That Are Loaded with Pesticides



True Corruption : Agency Capture Responsible for Harmful Policies and Chronic Disease Epidemic in U.S

(Support for harmful Ultraprocessed Food and Pharmaceuticals rather than Healthy Food and Science Based Treatments)

This has happened very intentionally, and it can be undone fairly quickly too, Calley Means said. But we must realize this isn’t a conspiracy. It’s true corruption that happened deliberately.

Environmental contamination, ultra-processed food, and the lack of food regulation in the U.S . have contributed to metabolic disruption afflicting many Americans. Vaccines have also contributed .





  Local and Organic Food Movement Under Attack by New EPA Rule Benefitting Big Ag

A new EPA regulatory rule that will force small meat and poultry producers to invest heavily in new water filtration systems while letting industrial factory farms off the hook is an attack on the local food movement and domestic agriculture, critics say.

Unconscionable : EPA to Only Partially Ban Pesticide Known to Harm Developing Babies

Under pressure from Big Ag and ordered by a federal court to consider the concerns raised by farming groups, the EPA said it would continue to allow the use of chlorpyrifos on 11 crops, including apples, asparagus, citrus, peaches, strawberries, wheat, soybeans and others, despite evidence of neurodevelopmental harms to children.


Drastic plan Pushed by big ag to elimanate small owner farms

In 2022, the UK government offered to buy out small struggling farms and now more recently have imposed a 20% death tax on already struggling family farmers. Is the push to shut down the family farm in the UK directly related to the world government’s dangerous path to net zero?

USDA Approves Deregulation of GMOs with Up to 12 Genetic Modifications

Pushed by Big Ag



THE AMERICAN DIET HAS BEEN HIJACKED through a combination of flawed nutrition science, anti-meat religious and environmental groups, corporate influence, and a government that was eager to co-opt all three for the benefit of masking the true cost of an inflation it had created as a consequence of severing ties with the gold standard.

The U.S. involvement in nutrition policy was not motivated by the health of the American people, concern for the environment, or even to uplift its corporate sponsors, but ultimately, to best conceal the theft made possible from the closure of the gold window.

U.S. involvement currently is mostly on behalf of Big Ag pushing unhealthy food products.




Brownstone Institute : Top 13 Enemies of Food Freedom Bayer, Cargill, Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, the WHO and the WEF are among those waging a war on our food supply .

Big Food Intentionally Addicting Kids to Harmful Toxic Foods

Big Food targets young consumers in the U.S. to get them addicted to unhealthy products, which frequently contain ingredients banned by other countries, according to two food safety and nutrition advocates interviewed on SiriusXM’s Megyn Kelly Show.


Billions Worldwide Face Micronutrient Deficiencies, Study Finds

Micronutrient deficiencies lead to significant health issues like pregnancy complications, weakened immunity and increased risk of diseases

A recent study published in The Lancet Global Health found that over half of the global population is lacking essential micronutrients, with deficiencies varying by age and gender

The researchers found that more than 5 billion people are deficient in iodine (68%), vitamin E (67%) and calcium (66%), while over 4 billion lack iron (65%), riboflavin (55%), folate (54%) and vitamin C (53%)

In the U.S., common nutrient deficiencies include vitamins D, B12, B1, B2, B3, A, C and E, as well as calcium, magnesium and iodine. Tips to address these deficiencies are included below


Exposing the Global Elite’s Censorship Agenda : Source FOIA

findings from  America First Legal (AFL) , revelations from the  UK Foreign Office , and investigations by  GreenMedInfo


Captured government agencies, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and global elites like Bill Gates, are all working together to stifle alternative health voices such as Green Med Info and Dr. Joseph Mercola, Children’s Health Defense under the guise of combatting disinformation.   However, what constitutes disinformation or Special Interest Propaganda is increasingly a matter of interpretation .


Platforms like  GreenMedInfo , which promote natural remedies and challenge pharmaceutical-driven healthcare models, have found themselves labeled as disinformation actors despite being grounded in science and open access to peer-reviewed studies.   These 3 alternative sites that have been widely criticized and censored by the Captured Establishment and Powerful

Special Interests can be easily confirmed as the most transparent and open and well documented sources of accurate health information.




Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to 32 Adverse Health Outcomes, World's Largest Review Finds (food from Big Ag)


The Academy Shaping U.S. Dietary Guidelines is Owned by the Ultra-Processed Food Industry

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals, plays a pivotal role in shaping the food policies issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), known as the Dietary Guidelines .

Alternative Media Companies Sue The Censorship Industrial Complex for Censorship of Natural Products


A   new campaign   launched by the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) aims to gather one million signatures petitioning YouTube and its owner, Alphabet Inc., to change the   medical misinformation policy   it implemented in August 2023 (three months after WHO declared an end to the COVID-19 pandemic) The Policy is not science based and censors proven naturals products and cures based on disinformation from Pharmaceuticals and captured Government agencies .


Pharmaceuticals pushing Governments to Restrict Natural Products, Organic Farmers, Naturopaths, and providers of non-Pharmaceutical Services and Remedies


Is Canada Going to Make Natural Products and Supplements Illegal?



Constitutional Attorney & President of the Natural Health Products Protection Association, Shawn Buckley, LLB, warns Del of the Canadian government’s war on vitamins and supplements via the introduction of extreme regulations designed to restrict access and raise the cost of natural products.

Bill C-47 Enacted in Canada Increasing Enforcement on NHPs


Bill C-47   amends the definition of therapeutic products in the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) to remove the existing exemption for Natural Health Products from Vanessa's Law within the NHPR . This means that existing provisions of the FDA, as described above, now apply equally to natural health products . Jun 27, 2023

Government of Canada:  Self-Care Products

( How self-care products, including natural health products, cosmetics and non-prescription drugs, are regulated in Canada.)

Government of Canada:  Health Canada

NIH:  Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 Public Law 103-417 103rd Congress

The Malone Institute:  Well Being: Dietary Supplements

Natural Health Products Protection Association Website

Twitter/X:  Follow NHPPA on Twitter/X

Congress:  S.4090 (amending the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require manufacturers of dietary supplements to list dietary supplements with the FDA) 


BBC News:  Who can die? Canada wrestles with euthanasia for the mentally ill (why not help them get better?)

Calgary Herald:  Calgary judge rules woman with autism can seek Medical Assistance in Dying

Government of Canada:  Canada's new medical assistance in dying (MAID) law




The Regenerative Agriculture Solution : A Book of Hope



Little Miracles Everywhere : One Vet’s Unorthodox Path to Holistic Veterinary Medicine

Children’s Health Defense’s new book — “Little Miracles Everywhere: My Unorthodox Path to Holistic Veterinary Medicine” — by holistic veterinarian Dr. Marcie Fallek is for you! Preorder your copy today!




The state of Oregon has been aggressively closing small farms and market gardens that compete with Big-Ag, leaving consumers dependent on Big-Ag options that are known to be much more toxic and less healthy . War going on against organic and regenerative farmers and natural products in Oregon as it is all over the country.


The Guardian:  Monsanto sued small farmers to protect seed patents, report

CNBC:  Who Owns Seeds? Monsanto Says Not You


Government Raid Seizes $90,000 of Healthy Food Grown by Nourish Cooperative in Michigan.

Battle between Organic vs Big-Ag Non-organic.

Bionutrient Food Association Aims to Increase Nutrient Density of Foods


Nourish Coop is Asking for your Help


USDA Mandates H5N1 Raw Milk Testing, Livestock Surveillance, and Contact Tracing


A Raw Milk Magnate Has Spent Years Fighting Public Health Agencies. Will RFK Jr. Take His Side?


Win for Raw Milk Supporters Despite Controversy (Louisiana)


Amish Farmer Scores a Big Win for Food Freedom

Amish farmer Amos Miller successfully defended his right to sell raw milk outside Pennsylvania, highlighting the broader battle for food freedom

Much safer than the dangerous Big Ag pasteurized milk.



  Local and Organic Food Movement Under Attack by New EPA Rule Benefitting Big Ag

A new EPA regulatory rule that will force small meat and poultry producers to invest heavily in new water filtration systems while letting industrial factory farms off the hook is an attack on the local food movement and domestic agriculture, critics say.