HW359: SAFEGUARDING VACCINE EXEMPTIONS: AARON SIRI TESTIFIES PT 2 ( Majority of Science Studies Found Most Vaccines Cause Harm and Vaccinated Children less Healthy than Unvaccinated Children & safeguarding vaccine exemptions & TURBO CANCERS PROLIFERATING & Cancer is Mostly a Metabolic Disease & U.S. Medical System is Corrupt and Not Science Based: One of the Most Expensive and Least Effective Systems in the Developed Countries & Control of Media and social media by Powerful Special Interests to Censor accurate science and medical information for the Benefit of Powerful Special Interests)



Majority of Science Studies Found Most Vaccines Cause Harm and Vaccinated Children less Healthy than Unvaccinated Children

Two well documented Books investigate the Science of Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness and find documentation that most vaccines appear to be neither safe nor effective. Hundreds of Peer-Reviewed Studies Reviewed.

Vaccinated Children were less healthy than Unvaccinated Children.



Sample of Unvaccinated Dutch Children Completely Free of Long COVID After SARS-CoV-2 Infection : Prospective Longitudinal Study of 349 children who had had COVID infection.


Dr Russell Blaylock, All Vaccines Cause Health Damage and Brain Damage, mRNA vaccines are the Worst, The Blaylock Wellness Report, V21, N2, Feb 2024. (with references)

All Vaccinations have been documented to cause chronic inflammation, which has been documented to cause health harm to all who are vaccinated. The mRNA by their nature are the worst by more than an order of magnitude and have no net benefit .

All vaccines by their nature cause immune stimulation (having adjuvants), but unlike other immune stimulations they do so long term thus causing long term harm.

This is especially true of Pregnant Women and Infants (when the brain is most rapidly developing). Until recently all experts and obstetricians knew this and warned against vaccines during Pregnancy. Now during the Pandemic, the Pharmaceuticals have convinced the Health Authorities to change this policy and urge pregnant women to get the Covid injection and other harmful injections.

But this is documented to have caused infertility in women (and men) and a huge increase in miscarriages, stillbirths, deformed babies, and neurological conditions including Autism, ADHD, etc. The neurological conditions are often delayed effects.


Australia’s General Practice Medical Journal Publishes Suggestion that More COVID-19 Vaccination Leads to Negative Effectiveness

The author cites several articles apparently displaying some sort of COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness . (The shot INCREASES one’s chance of COVID infection, hospitalization, and even death).


Qatar National Study: mRNA Bivalent Booster Bomb! Natural Immunity Superior against XBB

Prior infection provided protection superior to that of the vaccine booster, which provided minimal support.



Japanese Study Finds COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Associated with Longer Term Incidence of Adverse Events

This study finds the majority of persons experiencing COVID-19 vaccine adverse events continue to experience these conditions for longer periods of time. For first vaccination, the majority of AEs were transient.  onset in the persistent group was more common after the second and subsequent vaccinations. Regarding symptoms, pain was more frequent in the persistent group than in the transient group. The more vaccinations one has, the higher the likelihood of long-term AE.


Regional Population Study Reveals Both SARS-CoV-2 Cases and All-Cause Mortality Grow with COVID-19 Vaccination (Vaccines have negative effectiveness, more virus cases and more deaths, as previous experience predicted)



Australia’s Mainstream Media Dips Toes into COVID-19 Vax Injury Coverage

7News , Australia’s top-rated corporate-owned media featured After COVID  showcasing the numerous injuries suffered by persons vaccinated by the COVID-19 vaccines. Yet governments continue to resist acknowledging the pervasiveness of the problem, leaving in the aggregate millions of people worldwide to fend for themselves.


New Hampshire’s GOP Is Taking a Stand Against Mandatory Measles and Polio Vaccines




Unprecedented worldwide vaccine and pharmaceutical expenditures driving Gov. and private debt. Many countries have major debt problem.

U.S. has major tax structure and Gov. debt problems and needs to fix it now. The deficit is the main reason we have higher inflation and he hopes that the US government really focuses on reducing the deficit .   (Tax policy reducing taxes of ultra-rich and big corporations is the primary factor in the huge national debt. Increased medical expenses for chronic conditions and lost income affecting most families.)



Young Children Died at Higher Rates in 2021-2022 than before the Pandemic.

Death rates among children ages 1-4 jumped 12% between 2021 and 2022, and for kids 5-14 the rate increased by 7% over the same period, according to data released this month by the CDC.

  infant mortality rates rose 3.1% from 2021 to 2022, the first increase in two decades.

The rise in mortality for these young age groups reverses decades of progress in reducing childhood deaths, according to CNN.

Child Excess Deaths / Dr Johnson: 8% increase in child deaths in UK. Esp. self-harm.


West Virginia Gov. Justice Vetoes Bill That Would Have Loosened School Vaccine Policies

Associated Press reported :

Republican Gov. Jim Justice on Wednesday broke with West Virginia’s GOP-majority Legislature to veto  a bill  that would have loosened one of the country’s strictest  school vaccination  policies.


FDA Finds mRNA COVID Vaccines Causes Seizures in Toddlers & Myocarditis in Adolescents

FDA researchers detected a safety signal for seizures in children ages 2-4 following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, according to a study published Wednesday in JAMA Network Open. A preprint study published last month found similar results.

The researchers also identified a   safety signal for myocarditis   or pericarditis following the Pfizer vaccine in adolescents ages 12-17. That signal had been previously identified.




ICAN Lead Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., gives the second of two presentations to Arizona’s Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee titled ‘Safeguarding Vaccine Exemptions: Religious & Medical.’


Arbitrator Rules in Favor of Ontario Nurses Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccines



In his testimony before the Arizona Senate, ICAN Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., answers this very important question with definitive evidence from the CDC’s own website.


(As Inactivated poliovirus vaccine IPV does not stop transmission of the virus, OPV is used wherever a polio outbreak needs to be contained, even in countries which rely exclusively on IPV for their routine immunization programme . IPV is given by intramuscular or intradermal injection and needs to be administered by a trained health worker,; Used to protect against paralysis.)

(The risk of paralytic polio associated with routine use of OPV is deemed greater than the risk of imported wild virus.)


Science:  Polio cases in Africa linked to new oral vaccine

The Hindu:  Unethical to continue using polio-causing oral polio vaccines

ICAN:  FDA Continues to Avoid ICAN's Petition to Suspend the IPOL Polio Vaccine for Children

CDC:  What is Polio?

Global Eradication Initiative:  Polio (Polio has never been eradicated and vaccine was not the major factor in the decline in cases)


  India Claim of Polio Eradication by Vaccination was bogus and fraud.


Nephrologist Dr. Suzanne Humphries: One of the reasons the polio vaccine doesn’t work is because polio isn’t caused by an infectious virus. It’s caused by toxins such as pesticides. Poliomyelitis is when there’s damage to a certain part of the spinal cord or the brain stem in the gray matter and causes paralysis in one or more muscle groups. It can cause paralysis to nerves that supply the diaphragm, which is why the iron lung was brought in. [ Poliomyelitis ] was always attributed to a virus, which is interesting when you consider that the early researchers were trying to infect monkeys with poliovirus and they couldn’t infect them.

Poliovirus is a commensal virus that is completely harmless in the absence of toxic onslaught. In the past, DDT was a big factor which was used in areas prone to Malaria. Polio declined when DDT use was banned. [ Dissolving Illusions : 225 Years of Lies and Cover-Ups Behind Vaccines]


Politico:  The crash landing of 'Operation Warp Speed'

Jama:  Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Vaccination for COVID-19

The BMJ:  Waning of vaccine effectiveness against moderate and severe covid-19 among adults in the US from the VISION network: test negative, case-control study

ICAN:  ICAN Attorneys Secure Religious Exemption to Vaccination In Mississippi

Immunize: Exemptions Permitted for State Childcare and School (Kg-Gr 12) Immunization Requirements March 2023 Map

American College of Cardiology:  New Study Reveals Latest Data on Global Burden of Cardiovascular Disease


Testifying before the Arizona Senate, ICAN Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., provides specifics on whether the DTaP vaccine prevents patients from getting future pertussis (whooping cough) infections.


PNAS:  Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model

Frontiers:  Pertussis Prevention: Reasons for Resurgence, and Differences in the Current Acellular Pertussis Vaccines

Science Direct:  Will we have new pertussis vaccines?

MDPI:  Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Components: Today and Tomorrow

Oxford Academic:  The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines —Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future

CDC:  Prevention of Pertussis, Tetanus, and Diphtheria with Vaccines in the United States: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee onImmunization Practices (ACIP)

Jama:  Association Between Vaccine Refusal and Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in the United States A Review of Measles and Pertussis

Very Well Health:  CDC Study Confirms That COVID-19 Vaccines Block Transmission In the Real World (bogus study)

NewsGP :  COVID-19 vaccination reduces household transmission up to 97% (bogus study)

Reuters:  Vaccines cut household COVID-19 transmission by up to a half, English data shows

The Guardian:  Jabs do not reduce risk of passing Covid within household, study suggests

Fierce:  Supreme Court upholds HHS' vaccine requirement for healthcare workers, blocks OSHA's large employer mandate

CDC:  What everyone should know Meningococcal Vaccination

CDC:  Meningococcal Vaccination for Adolescents: Information for Healthcare Professionals

Oxford Academic:  History of syringe sharing in prison and risk of hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and human immunodeficiency virus infection among injecting drug users in Berlin.

STD:  Incidence and Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Hepatitis B, United States, 2013-2018 During 2013 to 2018, among the US noninstitutionalized population, an estimated 817,000 persons 15 years and older were living with hepatitis B, with an estimated 103,000 infections or 12.6% attributable to sexual transmission.

FDA:  Chicken Pox

URA:  Varicella Immunity Testing Prior to Pregnancy

WHO:  Varicella

Discovery:  Why Is Chickenpox So Much Worse for Adults Than for Kids?

Pavilion Health Today:  Shingles: why is it on the rise? \

USDOD:  Service Members Must Be Vaccinated or Face Consequences, DOD Official Says

ABC News:  These vaccine mandates are already in place to attend school in the US

Reuters:  Vatican permits use of COVID-19 vaccines made using aborted fetal tissue

AirForceTimes :  Court blocks Air Force from punishing unvaccinated troops seeking religious waivers

The Highwire:  BREAKING: Judge in Army Lawsuit Protects Soldiers with Religious Exemptions to COVID Shots, Grants Preliminary Injunction

ICAN Legislate:  Vaccine Confidence Bill

Statista:  Revenue of the worldwide pharmaceutical market from 2001 to 2022

Wiley Online Library:  Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine ( Unexpectedly, rates of SAEs per 1000 doses varied considerably )

Insights into COVID-19 Vaccine Impact by Winston Smith

Smith mainly spoke about the substantial death rates he believes were caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. The mortality numbers were concerning and seemed to evidence a connection between the death rates and the vaccine, suggesting incidence more than coincidental. As a data administrator for New Zealand, Smith had been able to access the death rate data. there was evidence of many people dying within a week after taking the vaccine.  One of the vaccination sites had 837 total vaccinations and 253 deaths, which was a 30% death rate . At a care home, 191 total vaccines were administered with 61 deaths which was a 32% mortality rate . Another site administered 526 total vaccinations and had 142 deaths which is a 27% mortality rate . Some other batches had over 15% mortality rate.

OpenVAERS :  Red Box Summaries

USA:  Elected Officials


Pancreatic Cancer Surges by 200% in Young Women Under Age 25 in Britain

The post COVID-19 cancer surge continues to attract mainstream media coverage, but a “200% explosion in young women and girls under 25 years getting pancreatic cancer” raises the alarm another to another level of concern as “baffled” experts don’t know what to make of the rise in deadly disease. With an overall increase of pancreatic cancer at 17%, why are so many women aged 25 and under afflicted with this deadly disease with a five-year survival rate of only 5%? 


UK Malignant Deaths Surge Correlates with COVID-19 Vaccination in UK

Carlos Alegria, Ph.D. and Phinance Technologies compute evidence for an increase in morbidity (disabilities) and mortality due to malignant neoplasms, this trend commenced in 2021, accelerating materially in 2022.



There were 330 different types of cancer-related adverse events reported in VAERS for the COVID vaccines, with 2500 total number of events. All the major cancers are represented, with breast, lung, prostate, brain, and colon cancers being the most frequent. Both the voluntary nature with doctors and nurses discouraged from reporting by Health Authorities as well as our method of choosing events resulted in undercounts relative to real world events.

Since Covid and Flu vaccinations have similar numbers vaccinated, a comparison of cancer reports by health providers after each type of vaccination was made.

For Malignant Neoplasms the ratio was 54 of Covid Vax to Flu Vax. For Lymphoma the ratio was 104 and for Lung Neoplasms 90. For Female Breast Cancer and Brain Neoplasms and Prostate Neoplasms the ratio was infinite, as none of these was reported after Flu vaccination.

So cancer appears to be much more common after Covid vaccines than for other types of vaccines.

Lanzhou University First Hospital Researchers’ Systematic Review Suggests mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Elevate Risk of Lymphoma

Out of 143 cases of post-COVID-19 vaccination lymphoma , the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (BNT162b2) was associated with 51.7% of the cases, with Moderna associated with 42.7% of the total cases.



Cancer Events Listed in VAERS - Update ( Increase in Turbo Cancers after vaccination)

This update was motivated by the 2023 increase in cancers (especially turbo-cancers ( Link#1 Link#2 ) being reported by oncologists and pathologists.

There was a huge 34% increase in cancer-related events recorded at the end of September 2023, comparing the same 851 symptoms that were obtained from the 2022 study. Projecting forward this annualizes to about a 45% increase


Japanese Epidemiological Bombshell: Investigators Link Mass mRNA Vaccination and Adverse Cancer Outcomes

Study using official Gov’t Death Statistics found most cancers were declining prior to 2021 and no increase in 2020, but increased cancer mortality after vaccine rollout.

Dr. Gibo and colleagues observed excess cancer mortality in 2021, after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses. This data includes what the medical researchers report observations involving significant excess mortalities  for all cancers, along with upward trends with select types of the disease. surges in the following were observed after mass vaccination with the third booster mRNA dose in 2022: Increase especially in estrogen receptor alpha-sensitive cancers including leukemia, ovarian, prostate, lip/pharyngal, pancreatic, breast.


Exploring the possible link between the spike protein immunoglobulin G4 antibodies and cancer progression

Anti-RBD IgG4 Antibodies Surge After Third mRNA Jab

Yoshimura and colleagues report that repeated vaccinations induce delayed but drastic increases in anti-RBD IgG4 responses. Surges in anti-IgG4 antibody levels can be associated with select autoimmune diseases or allergic responses.


The Cause of Turbo Second Cancers


New Studies Document Mechanisms by which mNRA Vaccines promote Cancer.

Modified mRNA vaccines spike proteins were found to impair key anti-tumor immune pathways by inhibiting p53, a critical tumor suppressor known as the guardian of the genome . 5 The vaccines were also found to inhibit toll -like receptors TLR7/8, which induce an M1 macrophage phenotype associated with anti-tumor effects.

Novavax Study Reveals mRNA Vaccine Trigger Surges in IgG4: Why this is Troubling

greater amounts of IgG4 can become problematic, leading to not only immunosuppression as well as poor clinical outcomes concerning COVID-19 but also could trigger autoimmune disorders and anti-inflammatory IgG4-related diseases. Following repeated mRNA vaccination, IgG4 was observed to increase from 0.04% of total SARS-CoV-2 spike–specific IgG after two doses to 19.27% after three doses. There is documentation that increased IG4 levels can cause autoimmune conditions and cancer.





Washington Post Acknowledges Troubling Surge in Aggressive Cancers During the COVID-19 Period


Japanese Epidemiological Bombshell: Investigators Link Mass mRNA Vaccination and Adverse Cancer Outcomes

The team observed no significant excess mortality during the first year of the pandemic before vaccine rollout (2020). 

Dr. Gibo and colleagues observed excess cancer mortality in 2021, after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses. This data includes what the medical researchers report observations involving significant excess mortalities for all cancers , along with upward trends with select types of the disease.  surges in the following were observed after mass vaccination in Japan with the third booster mRNA dose in 2022:

Ovarian cancer, Leukemia, Prostate cancer, Lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Breast cancer

W hat cancers emerge as most deadly based on AMRs after the mass third booster dose?

Lung cancer, Colorectal cancer, Stomach cancer, Liver cancer.

Major Korean Study Investigators COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths: Cancers Mortality a Concern, and Real


Now managed by React19, approximately 200+ studies involving cancer and COVID-19 vaccination are available in this online study hub.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination and Newly Diagnosed Microsatellite Stable and Instable Non-Metastatic Colon Cancer

Exposure to the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was associated with a > 6-fold increased risk for this form of cancer. Because the  Spike protein is believed to impair tumor surveillance systems , among several cancer-promoting mechanisms, it is plausible that these cancerous cells are allowed to proliferate among the vaccinated where the cancer was not yet detectable at the time of injection.



mRNA is a class one carcinogen


S2 of SARS-2 spike buggers up p53 (thus causes cancer)


DNA found integrated in cancer cell line

Implications for people injected with the modified mRNA products, specifically with regard to cancer




Is Big Ag Behind Iowa’s Cancer Crisis? 2024 ( What part did alcohol binge drinking or the Vaccines cause?)

Iowa has the second-highest and fastest-rising incidence of cancer among all states. Experts argue that the state's unrivaled use of pesticides, fertilizers and animal manure in its massive agricultural industry is the most likely culprit . But Iowa has the highest rate of binge drinking in the Midwest with 22% of residents reporting binge drinking, more than the national average of 17%. Overall, Iowa has the fourth highest incidence of alcohol-related cancers in the U.S. and is a factor in the increase, according to the report. The vaccines may also be a factor, as CDC VAERS reported cancers increased 45% in 2023.




Dr Russell Blaylock, Cancer is Mostly a Metabolic Disease, The Blaylock Wellness Report, V21, N2, Feb 2024.


Gene mutation rather than being the initial cause is mostly caused by metabolic disruption (which can be by toxics or poor diet) so Metabolic treatments are an essential factor in preventing or treating it. The metabolic system process disruption evidence in the gene mutations seen in cancer have been fully demonstrated in the prior work of Nobel Laurate Otto Warburg and the book by Dr. Thomas Seyfried, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease.

The conversion to cancer cells can be through chronic inflammation with gene injury (as in Covid injections which also impair the immune system ability to react to injury). This explains the huge increase in some cancers among the vaccinated (colon cancer in men, breast cancer in women, leukemia in young people): turbo cancers. This was expected based on the Pfizer animal studies showing spike concentration in bone marrow.


It has been found that our genes contain on and off switches and lifestyle and diet have been shown to determine whether healthy or unhealthy switches are on or off: epigenetic effects.

The standard American diet in addition to being metabolically harmful also contains huge amounts of toxics . Glutamine from carbohydrates is converted into glutamate which along with glucose are inflammatory and a fuel for cancer cells.

Supplements like EGCG block this effect while ribofibin-5p, thiamine, PQQ improve mitochondrial function. Diets with less carbohydrates, more organics and Ketones are an alternative to the standard carcinogenic diet. Ketones are anti-inflammatory and kill many types of cancer cells.

See Natural Treatment of Cancer


Flavonoids are anti-inflammatory and reduce arthritic effects- natto-EGCG, natto-Curcumin, natto-Quercetin, Baicalein, tocotrienols, zinc, natto-ginkgo biloba, apigenin, hesperidin, Ellagic Acid.


A mother’s nutrition during pregnancy and her child’s nutrition in the first two years of life (the first 1000 days from conception to age two) are crucial elements in a child’s neurodevelopment and lifelong mental health. Because child and adult health risks, including diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, are   programmed   by nutritional quality during this critical period.A new study has confirmed that a low-sugar diet during this timeframe can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood. Indeed, the adverse and lifelong effects of too much sugar consumption for both pregnant women and   young children   are profound.


Treatment for Aortic Aneurism: reduce inflammation and natto- vitC , natto-Curcumin, pine bark extract.

Brain Cancer: Baicalein (250 mgx2)


U.S. Medical System is Corrupt and Not Science Based: One of the Most Expensive and Least Effective Systems in the Developed Countries

Reportedly , Americans are spending more on  healthcare  and getting less coverage than any other  developed country . In the United States hospital systems have combined to become giant monopolies driving prices higher and while lowering the quality of healthcare.


CBS News: U.S. has highest first-day infant mortality out of industrialized world, group reports

Infant mortality rate has increased since the vaccine rollout.

High infant deaths and SID caused by vaccines and multiple vaccinations. Proven in HW347 .

Pregnancy-related deaths soared 40 percent in 2021 compared to pre-2019 and by slightly smaller % for 2021-2023.

The majority of these deaths during the vaccine rollout appear to have been related to the vaccines.

Of the 1,205 mothers who died in or within forty-two days of pregnancy in 2021, 429 had Covid-19 on the death certificate as either the primary or a contributing cause, a 321 percent increase in Covid pregnancy deaths from the first wave in 2020. By comparison, total Covid deaths in the United States as listed by CDC rose a relatively modest 20 percent, one-fifteen as much as in pregnant women . The majority of these were unlikely to be due to Covid , as listed by CDC. Vaccine-associated enhanced dise ase or VAED has been  documented  in measles, respiratory syncytial virus, dengue fever , and Covid and was likely the cause for many more than Covid.


The Rigged U.S. Healthcare System: A Profit-Driven Game Hurting Patients and Taxpayers


Moderna Safety Report for COVID-19 Vax: 17,751 Deaths Registered, 0.7% of all AEs


Disability Claims Among Women Shot Up 55% After Rollout of COVID Vaccines (Similar for Large Mortality Rate Increase and Excess Deaths in younger age groups.)


U.S. spends more than any other countries on medical cost yet had among the worst treatment results and the most deaths of any country.

U.S agencies promoted and depended on Fraudulent Pharmaceutical Options such as the proven to be ineffective vaccines , and suppressed information on effective treatments.

The only real Pandemic we have is a Pandemic of the Vaccinated.



The book What the Nurses Saw: An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic is a collection of eyewitness accounts from nurses who worked in and around ICUs during what I call The COVID Panic.  Most serious people who've looked at the issue are aware that most people who were declared to have died from COVID did not actually die from COVID.

Over 90% of the people who reportedly died of COVID died in the care of a hospital or other healthcare facility and had treatment that was not a known and effective treatment but was instead known to be a dangerous and ineffective treatment . Very few people who did not already have serious health problems died from Covid which was generally easy to treat successfully . The U.S. listed more deaths from Covid than any other country and had among the worst record of treating Covid, due to authorities preferring to use dangerous and ineffective treatments while promoting the ineffective vaccines to prevent Covid deaths. Countries that mostly used science based effective treatment methods controlled Covid and did not have many deaths . (Chinese and E Asian doctors commonly used proven effective treatments like Chinese herbal medical and high dose Vitamin C, but some Government authorities issued ineffective public control policies.)


Experts Accuse Government, Pharma of Covering Up Vaccine Risks

Medical experts, political figures, journalists and whistleblowers today accused public health agencies and the mainstream media of censoring and covering up information relating to COVID-19 vaccine injuries and adverse events .


Captured FDA VRBPAC Panel refusing to accept outside expert testimony or discuss Troubling Safety SIGNALS in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.


Fauci’s Agency Scored $690 Million in Secret Royalty Payments During Pandemic . NIH much more.


Fraudulent Study Publication Using Toxic Doses and Flawed Studies: How Health Agencies Sabotaged Hydroxychloroquine to Favor Profitable Drugs. Fauci involved.


Fauci’s Agency Hid Plans to Create Highly Transmissible Mpox Virus from Congress, Media


  Evidence obtained by Health Canada   showing Pfizer chose not to disclose to regulatory authorities   SV40 sequences  in their vaccine that may be   linked to cancer.  Covered up by CDC/FDA.



U.S. Agencies and Powerful Special Interests such as Pharmaceuticals, Big Chemical Companies, Big Ag, and Defense Industry Exert Extensive Control over Media and social media to censor scientifically accurate information of scientists, doctors, natural health experts, etc. for the benefit of Powerful Special Interests who reward Politicians, News Media, and social media for their cooperation.


Thus, Media and social media is an extremely unreliable source of science or health information. The public needs to be careful to find reliable transparent sites for such information .



Crisis of Trust : Journalist Unravels Government’s Secret Campaign to Censor Critics on social media. Feb 24
In an interview with Jay Bhattacharya, M.D., Ph.D., investigative journalist Lee Fang exposed the secret coordination between government agencies, biotech firms, PR companies and social media giants to spread disinformation while censoring factual counternarratives. The hour-long discussion centered on documented cases of  censorship campaigns  targeting academics and journalists for speaking scientifically validated truths that threaten powerful special interests. Twitter was claiming to crack down on state-sponsored disinformation in public statements, it was secretly assisting U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) propaganda efforts behind the scenes.

It wasn’t long after the Pentagon began working with Twitter that the social media company began talking to the CDC [ and] various NGOs [nongovernmental organizations] that work with the federal government in identifying alleged pandemic misinformation and disinformation, and deciding who’s boosted and who’s shadow-banned,” Fang said.

Fang pointed to the artificial intelligence (AI) firm  Logically , which during the pandemic was the U.K.’s main government partner … monitoring misinformation and disinformation.

The firm’s mission creep resulted in using AI to flag people, including journalists, activists and members of Parliament: who criticized the mass vaccination of children, lockdowns, vaccine passports and “more onerous policies, Fang said.

Logically has already secured contracts with the DOD, with Army Special Command and had a contract to manipulate the 2022 Midterm Election . Because pesticides and herbicides make huge profits for companies like  Bayer  and  Syngenta , those who criticize them are subject to highly coordinated censorship campaigns.

The chemical industry came down like a hammer on scientists and academics who were simply doing the basic research and raising questions , Fang said.

A prime example of this was the ongoing harassment campaign run by Syngenta against Dr. Tyrone Hayes for  exposing the risks of atrazine , a commonly used herbicide known to  cause cancer  and  disrupt the endocrine system .


Washington Post : Government Has No Business Bullying Social Media Platforms on Speech

At issue is government behavior that is no laughing matter: secret pressure to suppress speech, and deny access to  speech  by, Americans, thereby violating the First Amendment. The brief is from the  Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression  (FIRE), which devotes much time to reminding academics of the First Amendment’s existence.

Biden  administration officials from the White House, FBI,  Centers for Disease Control  and Prevention and other federal entities persistently contacted  social media  platforms in attempts to influence the platforms’ dissemination of various posts expressing views the government disliked or that it mincingly deemed problematic .


For much more documentation and details, see Censorship Section in HW327 .


Doctors Group AAPS wins 1 st Amendment Censorship Suit against Medical Boards (over punishing doctors for speaking out on controversial issues/vaccines)