HW350: HEROES OF SCIENCE (More Vaccine Problems & Media Fraud and Corruption Widespread & Wuhan Fauci Fraud & The War on Ivermectin: Film & Vaccine Spike Protein Shedding Dangerous & The Harm of Statins & Tess Lawry Exposes WHO)


More Vaccine Problems

COVID-19 mRNA Boosters: Now Potentially Causing More Harm Than Benefit (booster shot makes patient more vulnerable to Covid)

A literature review with results published in the peer-reviewed journal Clinical and Experimental Medicine found that the evidence points to a growing correlation between mRNA COVID-19 vaccine boosters and increased prevalence of COVID-19 infection and other pathologies. Arguing that some of the latest studies evidence causation as well as correlation, a systematic review of the literature or the unfolding science suggests mRNA vaccine boosters may impair immune system response in immune compromised individuals. For example, exposure to multiple mRNA COVID-19 vaccine doses could lead to substantially higher IgG 4 antibody levels. Also possibly relevant is the impaired activation of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells.


CDC—Sponsored Study: Surge in Strokes in USA During 2020-2022

stroke prevalence increased 14.6% among adults aged 18–44 years, 15.7% among those aged 45–64 years .


COVID-19 Vaccine Injury: Neurological Disorders More Common According to Researchers

A growing number of vaccine-induced complications involving neurological adverse effects (NAEs) and cardiovascular adverse effects were higher than have been previously reported with other vaccines developed to target infectious diseases. 105,214 , or 33% were neurological. adverse events were reported to the CDC VAERS database. They include:   Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, Transverse myelitis, Optic neuritis, Diverse peripheral nerve lesions, cerebrovascular (non-neural causes) lesions, Small fiber neuropathies, Ramsey Hunt syndrome (cause facial nerve palsy, vestibulocochlear neuropathy and glossopharyngeal nerve neuropath), Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.

Also, along with neurological disorders likely linked to the COVID-19 vaccines are a host of autoimmune disorders presented, often in tandem with neurological conditions including “new-onset systemic lupus erythematosus which can evoke diverse NAEs.”

Incidence of Post-Vaccination Hypersensitivity Reactions: A German Multicenter Assessment

Between May and September 2021, about 2500 people contacted German Allergy centers and allergy-specialized clinics due to suspected allergic reactions to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.  Over 50% reported skin reactions and over 30% reported cardiovascular reactions.


COVID Shots Linked to More Frequent and Potentially Deadly Abdominal Blood Clotting

COVID-19 vaccines can make splanchnic vein thrombosis, an uncommon type of abdominal blood clotting, more frequent and severe, according to the largest published study of its kind.   Compared to a larger group of cases over many years before COVID, the vaccine blood clots were far more serious and deadly,

Fatal Post COVID-19 mRNA-Vaccine Associated Cerebral Ischemia


Pathology was consistent with thrombosis and associated inflammatory response.



Otorhinolaryngology Specialists Find COVID-19 Vaccine Signal Ratios with Key Events Including Dysgeusia, Ageusia, Tinnitus and Vertigo


Health Authorities and Media Pundits Have Been Lying. Ohio State University Study: COVID-Vaccinated Patients Die at Nearly Double the Rate than Non-Vaccinated, Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

(The Vaccinated also get Covid and other viruses more than the unvaccinated)

Studies in most major countries have confirmed the vaccinated have a higher mortality rate than the unvaccinated and vaccines responsible for excess deaths in 2021-2023.



The COVID-19 Shot Can Almost Double Your Risk of Dying Faster, Study Finds

Not getting the shot in the first place is the best way to avoid its adverse effects. For those who already been injured, certain protocols such as I-RECOVER from the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) may help .


Over 5.3 million significant injuries or deaths after vaccination reported in WHO VigiAccess database alone . . It is known that that has a huge undercount. 2024


Long Vax : Post Vaccination Syndrome

(More Common than Long Vax: Huge Human Cost and Economic Cost)


Case Reports of Erythema Multiforme Skin Condition Following COVID-19 Vaccination



CDC Study: Excess Deaths Due to Cardiovascular Disease Soar During COVID-19 During Post Mass Vaccination Rollout

The national CVD AAMR declined by 8.9% from 2010 to 2019 and then increased by 9.3% from 2019 to 2022. From 2020 to 2022, 228,524 excess CVD deaths occurred, which was 9% more CVD deaths than expected based on trends from 2010 to 2019.




Another Study finds Covid Vaccination Risk Safety Signals, Time to Reconsider Vaccination Policy


Study Reveals Serious COVID-19 mRNA Vax Safety Signals, Including Several Thousand Deaths (Time to reconsider vaccination policy)


South Korea based researchers at Ewha Womans University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Conpapa Inc produce yet another bombshell study suggesting COVID-19 vaccine risk looks to be unacceptably high, considering the ever-milder Omicron variant, mass pre-exposure and troubling risk for select cohorts such as healthy young men.


Health Authorities and Media Pundits Have Been Lying. Ohio State University Study: COVID-Vaccinated Patients Die at Near Double the Rate than Non-Vaccinated, Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients (Also get Covid and other viruses more than unvaccinated)


Media Fraud and Corruption Widespread

Health Authorities and Media Pundits Have Been Lying. Ohio State University Study: COVID-Vaccinated Patients Die at Near Double the Rate than Non-Vaccinated, Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients (Also get Covid and other viruses more than unvaccinated)


New York Times Sinks to New Low , suggests 24-Year-Old’s Myocarditis Death Not Caused by Vaccine, Contrary to his Doctor Opinion

Attorney Ray Flores, who on May 31 sued the U.S. Department of Defense on behalf of the estate of George Watts Jr., said the New York Times article “marginalized” the Watts family’s “unspeakable suffering” and misrepresented Children’s Health Defense’s involvement in the case. Major Media has been brainwashed and corrupted by Big Pharma lies that are easily found to not be true by anyone unbiased with a little background in Science . (See also HW343) and ( HW327 )

Harvard cancer institute moves to retract six studies, correct 31 others amid widespread data manipulation claims (See also HW343 )

The steps by the Harvard Medical School affiliate come after a molecular biologist published a  blog post  earlier this month alleging researchers falsified data by manipulating images and data. More than 50 papers are part of the ongoing review by Dana-Farber into four researchers, all of whom have faculty appointments at Harvard Medical School. Four of the papers under review were authored by Dana-Farber CEO Laurie Glimcher.


Media Failing to Cover Powerful Testimony of People Injured by COVID Vaccines


Since the Censored Mainstream Media has refused to report on the huge numbers of deaths and serious injuries caused by the Vaccines, this compilation of the harmed stories was compiled.

Vaxxed 2 The People’s Story

Vaxxed II: In 2016, a media firestorm erupted when Tribeca Film Festival abruptly censored its documentary selection, VAXXED: From Coverup to Catastrophe, amid pressure from pro-pharmaceutical interests.

Watch Q&A Webinar

Vaxxed 2 Resources

In response to media silence on CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, who admitted to fraud on a pivotal vaccine safety study, VAXXED catapulted to notoriety and became a worldwide trending topic, opening to sold out theater audiences nationwide. Stunned by the immense volume of parents lining up outside the theaters with vaccine injury stories to share, VAXXED producer Polly Tommey began to livestream worldwide reaching millions, and a community that had once been silenced were empowered to rise up . In VAXXED II: The People’s Truth, Polly and the team travel over 50,000 miles in the USA and around the world. Interviews of parents and doctors with nothing to gain and everything to lose exposed the vaccine injury epidemic and asked the question on every parent’s mind, “Are vaccines really as safe and effective as we’ve been told?”