HW348: (Government Censorship and coverup & Fauci fraud & X Disinformation about Vaccines causing Autism & Countries Push back on WHO Pandemic treaty & the huge battle over coverup of effective covid treatments & vaccines and lockdown Mistakes acknowleged & pharmaceutical spy networks)


Government Censorship and coverup

How Far Will the Government Go to Cover Up Vaccine Injuries? (See also CVaxAERV & HW344 )

The U.S. government and Big Pharma have long suppressed evidence and dissent regarding unsafe, rushed vaccines, covering up injuries and disasters to maintain profits and vaccination programs. But social media is raising public awareness of vaccine injuries, and that may finally force accountability.

Can Biden Ask Facebook to Remove Information he doesn’t like? Supreme Court Case Being Heard Today Will Decide.


See also HW327 & HW339

Finding the Truth About Government Censorship Not Easy, Journalists Tell Congress

During last week’s hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi said they were obstructed at every turn in their efforts to uncover the scope of the government’s censorship of narratives it wanted to suppress.

Surge in Autism Perplexes Autism in children has been surging recently (1 in 30) and a Census survey found 1 in 45 adults have autism, the majority not working. CDC claims vaccines don’t cause Autism but that has been proven to be a lie. Organizations like CHD claim a part of the surge is due to vaccines. Proven in HW299 .


Major 12.2m Patient Real World Study: Autism Rates Surge by 305% in Children Between 2011 and 2022!


ASD diagnosis rate was greatest among 5-to-8-year-olds throughout the study period and increased by 175% among the full sample, from 2.3 per 1000 in 2011 to 6.3 per 1000 in 2022.”

But the surges were especially pronounced among the age 26-to-34-year-old cohort, with a surge of 450% increase in ASD between 2011, to 2022. TrialSite   contributor Peter McCullough in his Substack made the  observation  that this high surge is linked to an intensified childhood vaccination schedule.


New Autism Statistics Are Out; Autism increased by 20% from 2018 to 2020, to 3.3%.


Recent data shows autism rates increased 26% from 2018 to 2020, with 1 in 30 children ages 3 to 17 diagnosed, and higher prevalence among Black, Hispanic and Asian children

The economic burden of autism is staggering, with lifetime social costs per individual at $3.6 million and total U.S. costs projected to reach $5.54 trillion or more by 2060

Research links high levels of linoleic acid metabolites in cord blood to increased autism severity, raising concerns about processed foods and seed oils in modern diets

Studies reveal that infant gut microbiome composition, particularly decreased beneficial bacteria like Akkermansia and Coprococcus , correlates with later autism development

EMF exposure from devices may contribute to autism through disruption of voltage-gated calcium channels in the brain; practical steps help reduce exposure


Autism Tops List of Worldwide Youth Health Issues



Autism, Made in the USA

Since the early 1990s, there have been staggering increases in several chronic conditions: ADHD rates have risen by 890 percent, autism diagnoses by 2,094 percent, bipolar disease in youth by 10,833 percent, and celiac disease by 1,011 percent. What change in our System has caused the huge increase in chronic health problems.

The answer appears to be huge increases in toxic exposures, processed food use, and vaccines.



Mercury/Thimerosal/Vaccines Cause Autism


Vaccines Can and Do Cause Autism

(I (BW) was a consultant for Autism Treatment Centers and interacted with thousands of families and have hundreds of stories like this)

Before the founder died, the Autism Research Institute had really good documentation on causes and what causes improvement in Autism.

Most effective treatment was metals detoxification. Next was avoidance of gluten and casein (milk).




new study  published by Springer found that  Pfizer’s  COVID-19 jab significantly altered the expression of specific genes that influence neurodevelopmental pathways in both male and female rats, with male pups being far more affected than females. male pups from mothers who received the Pfizer shot experienced impaired motor performance, evidenced by lowered coordination and agility and a significant decrease in neuronal counts in critical regions of the brain. These findings indicate altered neurodevelopment or potential neurodegeneration . The authors call on CDC to conduct immediate follow-up study on humans to confirm or disprove the results.

Who Will Care for the Rapidly Growing Population of Adults with Autism?

Children with autism often receive support through the public education system, but as they transition into adulthood, they age out of many of these services

As the population with autism has been growing rapidly as the vaccine schedule has expanded , the annual cost of autism in the U.S. could hit $5.54 trillion by 2060 .

As an increasing number of people with autism enter adulthood, resources for proper care are already running short; in Massachusetts, state-run facilities are not only in short supply but also dealing with allegations of abuse and neglect .

The gap in support between children and adults with autism highlights the need for comprehensive life-long support systems; many parents are taking matters into their own hands and establishing care communities .

Polly Tommey , founder and editor-in-chief of The Autism File and founder of the Autism Trust, suggests parents must band together and take control to protect their autistic children’s future .



Vaccines Often Cause Microstrokes That Can Trigger Conditions like Autism, ADHD, etc. (Aluminum in vaccines containing it can also be a factor).


Toxic chemical exposure, including mercury, lead, phthalates and pesticides, can contribute to autism development by interfering with NMDA receptor activity and increasing intracellular calcium

EMF exposure can play a role in Autism development by activating voltage-gated calcium channels, leading to excessive intracellular calcium . Autism rates have increased significantly since 2000; 1 in 36 children are now diagnosed with this condition, along with a much higher rate of ADHD.



Merck Used Highly Potent Aluminum in Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trials Without Informing Participants . Adverse neurological effects resulted.


  Evidence obtained by Health Canada   showing Pfizer chose not to disclose to regulatory authorities   SV40 sequences  in their vaccine that may be   linked to cancer. 

Fraudulent Study Publication Using Toxic Doses and Flawed Studies: How Health Agencies Sabotaged Hydroxychloroquine to Favor Profitable Drugs


Big Pharma Sent Massive Payments to NIH Leaders During COVID Pandemic, Watchdog Finds

(Hundreds of Millions of Dollars) (Similarly for Major Media)


Fauci’s Agency Scored $690 Million in Secret Royalty Payments During Pandemic


Slovakia PM Appoints Proxy to Investigate COVID-19 Pandemic State Overreach: The Assignment goes to an Anti-Vaxxer .

According to a motion filed by the Prime Minister, the task of the proxy will be to carry out coordination tasks aimed at assessing and analyzing the lawfulness, economic efficiency, purpose and efficacy of measures approved in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-22.


What the Data Says About Pandemic School Closures, Lockdowns: Four Years Later

Remote learning was a key driver of academic declines during the pandemic , research shows: a finding that held true across income levels.


Dr. Cory Franklin: Sweden’s COVID Approach Was Superior to That of the U.S.

The most important outcome difference between the U.S. and Sweden was in children’s education. Prolonged U.S.   school closures   caused educational damage to students not seen in Sweden.  

Taking into account all aspects of the pandemic: excess deaths, economic health and children’s education, the long view suggests that while not ideal, the Swedish strategy was superior.



New Report Blasts Government’s COVID Response, Warns of Repeating Same Mistakes

  lockdowns school closures  and  vaccine mandates  were “catastrophic errors” resulting in many Americans losing faith in public health institutions . guidance includes:

halting all binding agreements or pledges to the World Health Organization ( WHO ),

term limits for all senior health agency positions,

limiting the powers of health agencies to make sure they are strictly advisory and do not have the power to set laws or mandates.

British Columbia COVID Vax Injured Demoralized As Gov. Delays, Dysfunctionality Means No Payment for Huge Medical Costs

Discussion of vaccine injuries and the deficient policy for dealing with the huge numbers of deaths and serious are being underreported and suppressed by Gov’t agencies and the media in U.S. & Canada.



Fauci Tried to Hide U.S. Funding of Bioweapons Research, But China Openly Bragged About ‘New Era of Genetic Weapons’

Dr. Anthony Fauci funneled tens of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to bioweapons research, including experiments conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci and other U.S. government officials continue to deny such experiments are related to the development of bioweapons, but China openly admits that its scientists are using gain-of-function research to create genetic weapons.

U.S. Taxpayers Funded Wuhan Lab & Made Fauci a Very Wealthy Government Employee

FDA Knew COVID Vaccine Safety Monitoring System Was ‘Not Sufficient,’ Latest Pfizer Documents Confirm

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration this week released its last batch of files related to the licensing of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for ages 16 and up. The files reveal the agency knew its product safety monitoring system was not sufficient for assessing the risk for myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination.


Landmark Paper Shows Pfizer/BioNTech’s mRNA Tech is Error-Prone

a landmark study by Mulroney et al. from Cambridge University, in collaboration with researchers at the Universities of Kent, Oxford and Liverpool, has proven that the technology used in the mRNA shots is error-prone (prone to ribosomal frameshifting). Consequently, the disturbing results show the unintended production of “off-target” proteins, other than the spike protein, with an ‘unintended’ immune response in the human body affecting large numbers of people.



Trial Site News ( part 1 and part 2 ), revealed evidence strongly suggesting that BioNTech fabricated their Western Blot tests, which were used to prove the fidelity of their product to the regulators. A possible reason for the researchers at BioNTech to fabricate their results could be to hide the fact that other unintended proteins were being produced- as proven by the recent Mulroney et al. paper. These problems include the formation of unintended and aberrant proteins that will produce off target immune response and the resulting large number of vaccine-injured.   We await their account of what steps they have taken to investigate why the formation of off-target proteins was not discovered sooner, what toxic effects they may have caused and what steps they are taken to prevent harm in the future and to inform the public of these findings."


Descriptive Analysis of Japanese Deaths Associated with Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 Vax: Troubling Data

A new study finding indicates that the vaccination may influence the occurrence of death during the risk period following vaccination and might be associated with death. The majority of deaths reported in the monitored groups were within 5 days of vaccination.

Group mortality rate high in period just after vaccination, low in period after 2 weeks from vaccination.



Comparison of Symptoms Following COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccinations

For some symptoms, the difference between COVID-19 symptom frequencies and Influenza symptom frequencies was quite large, COVID-19 always being larger. The symptom frequencies for all symptoms following COVID-19 vaccinations total 4,186,684 events reported to VAERS , and symptom frequencies for all symptoms following Influenza vaccinations total 178,284 events

This yields an overall aggregate COVID-19/Influenza post-vaccination symptom ratio of 23.48. The real-world symptom frequencies for all symptoms following COVID-19 vaccinations wirh UC factor of 66 totaled 276.3 million events , and real-world symptom frequencies for all symptoms following Influenza vaccinations totaled 11.7 million events. The data show the vaccine increases vulnerability to the infection that the vaccine is supposed to prevent.

Cardiovascular issues, blood issues, and cancer issues were some of the more noticeable sub-themes that displayed extreme differences between 1) post-COVID-19 vaccination symptoms and 2) post-influenza vaccination symptoms. See tables for details of type of cases.

Cancers are appearing within (sometimes well within) the three years since COVID-19 vaccinations started, far sooner than would be expected from their typical latency periods.  This does not bode well for the future for those who were vaccinated.



X (Twitter) Disinformation Challenges HighWire Facts in Viral Post.



The HighWire X (formerly Twitter) account posted a video last week featuring ICAN Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., that quickly went viral. Before too long it was slapped with a Community Note warning from X that vaccines DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM complete with links to bogus studies. The problem was the post never made that claim. But that’s not all. Vaccines do cause Autism and other significant conditions. Hear Del’s scathing response as he explains how community notes committed the exact same sin the CDC when they tried to combat this same truth.


Authorities are Aware that it is well documented in Medical Literature that Vaccines commonly cause Autism, SID, and other significant injuries.


Twitter/X:   The Highwire, CDC Couldn't provide a single study to support their claim Vaccines do NOT cause autism '

RFK, Jr VP Candidate Nicole Shanahan Shares Views on Autism, Health Freedom, and Declining Fertility


Twitter/X:  About Community Notes

Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak ( RFK,Jr /CHD Book) The most comprehensive credible source of vaccine safety available, reviews over 100 peer reviewed medical studies dealing with vaccination safety, risk, and benefit. [ NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! ***** The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do].

11 Studoes reviewed in CHap 2 found that vaccinated children had significantly more incidence and higher risk of Autism, ADHD, Neurological Conditions, Neurological Developmental Disorders, Pneumonia, Asthma, Chronic Respiratory Infections, Ear Infections, Throat Infections, Eczema, Chronic Allergies, Anemia, Convulsions or Seizures, Fever, Hospital Admissions, etc. The results were statistically significant.


CDC:  Childhood Vaccines, Birth to 6 months

Twitter/X:  HighWire Response to X's Community Notes
@CommunityNotes please provide the studies that our regulatory agencies relied upon to make the claim ‘vaccines do not cause autism’ for the vaccines administered in the first six months of life? (But it is documented in the medical literature that they do , as seen here)


Annals of Internal Medicine:  Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccination and Autism

MMR : A 2006 study in the journal Pediatrics found 18% of toddlers experienced an adverse event following their first dose of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. Of those, high fever occurred in 6%. Similarly, a 2010 paper in Pediatrics reported Seizure and fever significantly clustered 7 to 10 days after vaccination with all measles-containing vaccines. Vaccination with MMRV results in 1 additional febrile seizure for every 2,300 doses given.

Autism Cases after MMR vaccine   (reported to DAMS organization)

MMR Vaccines contain aluminum and multidose MMR Vials contain mercury . Aluminum and mercury from vaccines are documented to cause Autism and ADHD.

CDC:  Prevalence and Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2012

Peer-reviewed medical studies reviewed in Chap 4 of Vax-Unvax found that the MMR vaccine has a high level of adverse effects and is documented to be a cause of Autism, ADHD, Gastrointestinal, and Neurological Conditions.

The Relationship Between the Level of Copper, Lead, Mercury and Autism Disorders: A Meta-Analysis,
Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics , Sept 2020

Conclusion:  There is a significant relationship between mercury concentration and autism. Thus, the concentration of mercury can be listed as a pathogenic cause (disease-causing) for autism.


Springer Link:  Early exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines and children's cognitive development. A 9-year prospective birth cohort study inPoland

 Mercury thimerosal in vaccines is documented to cause Autism and ADHD . Studies that claim otherwise likely have limitations or problems.

Chapter 3 of Vax-Unvax reviews peer-reviewed studies that document that thimerosal in vaccines has caused Autism, ADHD, and other Neurological Conditions and vaccinated children who have received such vaccines have had a higher incidence of these conditions.

American Academy of Pediatrics:  Prenatal and Infant Exposure to Thimerosal From Vaccines and Immunoglobulins and Risk of Autism

The relationship between mercury and autism: A comprehensive review and discussion l Janet K. Kern  a   b   c David A. Geier  a   c Lisa K. Sykes  c Boyd E. Haley  d Mark R. Geier  a   c MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, Vol 37, Sept 2016, p8-24

[ This review found 91 studies that examine the potential relationship between mercury and ASD from 1999 to February 2016. Of these studies, the vast majority (74%) suggest that mercury is a risk factor for ASD, revealing both direct and indirect effects. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that mercury exposure is causal and/or contributory in ASD. ]


American Academy of Pediatrics:  Neuropsychological Performance 10 Years After Immunization in Infancy With Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines

American Academy of Pediatrics:  Thimerosal Exposure in Infants and Developmental Disorders: A Retrospective Cohort Study in the United Kingdom Does Not Support a Causal Association

Chapter 3 of Vax-Unvax reviews peer-reviewed studies that document that thimerosal in vaccines has caused Autism, ADHD, and other Neurological Conditions and vaccinated children who have received such vaccines have had a higher incidence of these conditions.


Children's Hospital of Philadelphia:  Vaccines and Autism

The Lancet:  Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children

CDC:  Autism and Vaccines ( Mercury and Aluminum from vaccines have been common causes of Autism and other neurological conditions.)

American Academy of Pediatrics:  Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children With Autism and School-Matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta

Peer-reviewed medical studies reviewed in Chap 4 of Vax-Unvax found that the MMR vaccine has a high level of adverse effects and is documented to be a cause of Autism, ADHD, Gastrointestinal, and Neurological Conditions. The results were statistically significant.


PRB:  Childhood Asthma: A Growing American Epidemic (Asthma increased by 75 percent between 1980 and 1994. The illness has grown fastest among the youngest children: The number of children under 5 years of age with asthma surged by 160 percent during that period. Scientists believe that an array of different factors, including genetic predisposition, immune and respiratory factors, infections, and environmental pollutants, potentially contribute to the onset of asthma and most certainly exacerbate it. Some of the environmental agents known to trigger attacks include outdoor air pollutants,as well as a number of indoor air pollutants (particularly tobacco smoke, dust mites, cockroaches, mold, and pesticides) )

Analysis of Health Outcomes in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children : Developmental Delays, Asthma, Ear Infections and Gastrointestinal Disorders all Much Higher in Vaccinated Children. Dr Peter McCullough; See also VaxUnvax

5 Peer-reviewed Medical Studies reviewed in Chap 2 of Vax-Unvax document that Vaccines are a cause of Asthma and other Respiratory Conditions and vaccinated children had between 4 to 20 times higher incidence or risk of Autism, ADHD, Learning Disorders, and other Neurological Conditions. The results were statistically significant.

NewScientist :  ADHD: What's behind the recent explosion in diagnoses? ( Vaccinations, too many vaccinations, toxic metals , pesticides, forever chemicals are all documented to be causing large numbers of ADHD cases.)

WebMD:  Childhood Cancer Rates Are Rising. Why?
  the National Cancer Institute (NCI) says there has been a significant increase in the overall rate of childhood cancers, up 27% since 1975 in kids under age 19, The rise seems to be driven, by an increase in leukemia , which is up almost 35% since 1975. Leukemia is the most common cancer in kids. BUT Soft tissue cancers, like those that develop in bones or muscles, are up nearly 42%. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is up 34%. Some type of increased environmental exposure is a likely factor as well as increased vaccinations. For 2021-2023 Turbo Cancers have increased.


Cedars Sinai:  Autoimmune Diseases on the Rise | What to Know
 In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, new studies indicate that SARS-CoV-2 infections and/or vaccination s might be linked to a substantially increased risk of developing a range of autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, shingles, MS, Guillaume bare, Palsy , inflammatory bowel disease, etc.

Studies in Vax-Unvax found that vaccination cause autoimmune conditions and vaccinated children have a higher incidence of autoimmune conditions than unvaccinated children.


Intranasal Mucosal SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Neutralization—Previous Infection Superior to Vaccination


Those individuals in the study that were previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 were found to have more robust mucosa-related neutralization than the previously vaccinated . Most in the population have now been previously infected.


The World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty, A Road to Medical Enslavement


Brownstone Institute : The WHO Is Ignoring, or Knowingly Misrepresenting, Its Own Data on COVID. Good, experienced doctors all know how to treat infectious viruses effectively.

While deliberately misleading countries and the media with claims that the risk of pandemics is rapidly increasing, WHO leaders are fully aware that deaths from infectious diseases, and pandemics, have decreased over past centuries and are decreasing now, and are using scare tactics to promote more WHO control.


Large Study Points to Possible Systematic Suppression and Bias by Health Authorities Against Low Cost Repurposed Drugs Like HCQ and Ivermectin During COVID-19 Response.


The study by Lacout et al. hypothesizes that hydroxychloroquine, particularly when used early and at appropriate doses, was an effective treatment for COVID-19, but was systematically discredited due to flawed studies, scientific bias, and potential conflicts of interest. The authors contend that regulatory agencies and the media actively suppressed HCQ's potential benefits, instead favoring expensive, patented pharmaceuticals with questionable efficacy.

This study and other studies and data support this hypothesis.


Vitamin D and COVID Benefits: A Game-Changer the Medical Establishment Won’t Acknowledge



Highly Credentialed Physician-Investigator: Exclusive Reliance on COVID-19 Vaccines for Outbreak Prevention A Failure , but Vitamin D and Nutrient Package Off-Label Regime much more Effective at Preventing or Treating Viral Conditions


Honey & Magic Nigella sativa Seeds Slashes COVID Death Rate by 75%: Landmark Trial




People from across the world gather in front of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland protesting against The WHO Pandemic Treaty and to declare their independence from global elites.




One-by-one, countries are pushing back against the WHO’s pandemic treaty. New populist leaders such as Slovakia’s prime minister Robert Fico join New Zealand, Estonia and Portugal in putting their country’s sovereignty front and center in driving policy.


States Move to Oppose WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, Assert States Rights


High Stakes for Our CountrY: 49 Senators Call on Biden to Reject WHO Agreements


T he Expose:  Estonia notifies WHO that it rejects the Pandemic Treaty and amendments to International Health Regulations


WHO Plan to Use Vaccines to Reduce Global Population ( See CVVFert )

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda details the World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used, without people’s knowledge or consent since the mid-'90s.

WHO Pandemic Treaty Defeated, at Least For Now

Pharma, WHO Team Up to Create Permanent Pandemic Market for Mandated, Experimental Vaccines


  AP News:  New Zealand's new government promises tax cuts, more police and less bureaucracy

Nationalist-Leaning Slovakian PM Attacks COVID-19 Response, WHO IHR & Unscrupulous Pharma

Slovakia’s populist Prime Minister declared at his political party’s convention that the eastern European nation would not be signing the updated World Health Organization (WHO) agreement which tightens up the globally focused non-governmental organization’s influence during declared public health emergencies via the  International Health Regulation

Slovenia Begins Refunding Money Collected for Covid Fines

Slovinia is working to remedy the “inequity” caused by the Covid mandate fines.


The Epoch Times:  New Zealand Government to End All COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

New Zealand Coalition Agreement

P News:  Slovakia's new government led by populist Robert Fico wins a mandatory confidence vote


See also HW326


ICAN:  $1 Million Dollar Match

ICAN:  ICAN Attorneys Secure Religious Exemption to Vaccination in Mississippi


Chiropractor & Functional Medicine Doctor, Eric Nepute , DC, DNM, joins Del with a harrowing story of his 3-year, $500 billion legal battle against the government for going against mainstream COVID-19 protocols and the incredible sacrifices he’s made to save his integrity. Hear how he successfully treated thousands of people for COVID-19 without any fatalities.


Safe and effective treatments were known and used by thousands of doctors in many countries to effectively treat Covid with few significant injuries or deaths . Especially Africa and Southeast Asian countries who had known effective treatments which effectively controlled Covid and the Pandemic.


How an Australian Doctor, My Le Trinh, by Saving Some COVID Patients and Getting Suspended, May Save Millions More. (Health Regulatory Agency Collusion/ Incompetance /Disinformation being exposed by Media Publicity of her case)



Ivermectin Squares Off in a New War on Cancer (with IV vitC , etc.)

Ivermectin was known to be a wonderdrug that had been used to cure millions of many conditions, including Covid. Now appears to kill cancer cells also.


The growing evidence that vitamin D helps improve the severity of COVID-19 cases, and many are deficient in vit D has led to calls to reevaluate FDA recommendation levels.



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — The Health, Freedom, Transparency, and Anti-Corruption Candidate

The Candidate with by far the best history and record transparency and for telling the truth.




New Studies Show just how Wrong They Were About COVID Lockdowns and Mandates.


In response to an EU investigation, The European Medicines Agency has admitted that COVID-19 vaccines were never authorized to stop transmission. Meanwhile, new studies show a link between masking and getting COVID-19 infections and adherence to lockdowns and an increase in mental health issues.


The Guardian:  People who stuck by UK Covid rules have worst mental health, says survey

Cambridge University Press:  Association between Face mask use and Risk of SARS- CoV-2 Infection - Cross-sectional study

The New York Times:  The Startling Evidence on Learning Loss Is In

The New York Times:  Parents, Stop Talking About the 'Lost Year'

New York Post:  The New York Times discovers school-lockdown learning loss - three years late

New York Post:  WH aided school board group's domestic terrorism letter before Garland sicced FBI on parents .

The Washington Post:  Portugal has nearly run out of people to vaccinate. What comes next?
( Portugal problems have been caused by the vaccines )

Reuters:  Portugal imposes post-Christmas COVID19 curbs as Omicron cases surge
 (mostly in vaccinated population, surge caused by the vaccines )

The Guardian:  Omicron subvariant drives spike in cases and deaths in Portugal


See also HW334 & HW335


Intranasal Mucosal SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Neutralization—Previous Infection Superior to Vaccination


Those individuals in the study that were previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 were found to have more robust mucosa-related neutralization than the previously vaccinated . Most in the population have now been previously infected.



Moderna’s Vast Spy Network. Pfizer and Moderna are also a big part of the Media and social media Censorship Complex.


In what could amount to the vaccine industry’s BIG TOBACO MOMENT, internal communications from COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Moderna, shows that their marketing department has been aggressively targeting online speech, dictating policy and working to censor debate. Learn how the Public Goods Project, an NGO, played a role in the surveillance of the public.


How Pfizer and Moderna Control the Vaccine Narrative and Influence Health Policy


UK COVID-19 Inquiry: Politicians Controlled by Pharmaceuticals Sought to Control the Scientists During COVID-19 While PM Johnson was ‘Bamboozled & Confused’ Similar in U.S. but not yet acknowledged.


Novavax Gets WHO Approval, But Could This Be Too Little, Too Late?

the  Novavax shot is as effective  and has less side effects than the two mRNA jabs. The problem for the protein-based serum is that it arrived on the Covid vaccine scene too late. It has been suggested the reason for Novavax’s delay was an impediment put up by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) because the agency participated in the Moderna vaccine’s development.

Reuters:  EU's von der Leyen can't find texts with Pfizer chief on vaccine deal-letter

Politico:  Pfizer is suing Poland over vaccines. This is how we got here

UnHerd :  Moderna is spying on you

Public Good Projects:  About Page ( part of the Propaganda/Censorship Complex controlled and funded by the Pharmaceuticals_

The Intercept:  Drug Lobby Asks Biden to Punish Foreign Countries Pushing for Low-Cost Vaccines

Twitter/X:  Lee Fang "In a separate push, Pfizer & Moderna's lobbying group, BIO, fully funded a special content moderation campaign designed by a contractor called Public Good Projects..."

Twitter/X:  Lee Fang "BIO provided $1,275,000 to the campaign, part of which is revealed through tax forms. The PGP campaign, called "Stronger," helped Twitter create content moderation bots..."


Exclusive : Author of Controligarchs Exposes Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life.


Guest: Eric Nepute , DC, DNM