HW343 THE DEFIANT (PHARMACEUTICAL FRAUD & unprecedented u.s. Gov’t agency/powerful special interests Censorship OF media and internet & Turbo cancers & excess deaths debated in Government hearings & rock group vaccine divide & wef aGenda & are vaccines beneficial for pets debate)



Cleveland Clinic Data finds Risk of COVID-19 increased with the number of vaccine doses previously received Oct 2023

Similar to 2022 finding: more vaccine doses gives greater likelihood of covid infection

Most Covid Outbreaks are primarily to the vaccinated due to their weakened immune system.


Promotion of Cancer and Autoimmunity


German Study Yet Again Confirms Surge in IgG4 in Children: One Year After Vaccination with Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

(weakens immune system, promotes autoimmunity and cancer)

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine IgG Cancer Connection

The increase in the concentration of specific and non-specific IgG4 antibodies allows the growth of some types of cancer by blocking the activation of effector immune cells. At least 3 mechanisms that the IgG4 shift promotes cancer and weakens immune system have been identified.



Japanese Epidemiological Bombshell: Investigators Link Mass mRNA Vaccination and Adverse Cancer Outcomes

The team observed no significant excess mortality during the first year of the pandemic before vaccine rollout (2020). 

Dr. Gibo and colleagues observed excess cancer mortality in 2021, after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses. This data includes what the medical researchers report observations involving significant excess mortalities for all cancers , along with upward trends with select types of the disease.  surges in the following were observed after mass vaccination in Japan with the third booster mRNA dose in 2022:

Ovarian cancer, Leukemia, Prostate cancer, Lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Breast cancer

W hat cancers emerge as most deadly based on AMRs after the mass third booster dose?

Lung cancer, Colorectal cancer, Stomach cancer, Liver cancer.

Now managed by React19, approximately 200+ studies involving cancer and COVID-19 vaccination are available in this online study hub.


New Studies Document Mechanisms by which mNRA Vaccines promote Cancer.

Modified mRNA vaccines spike proteins were found to impair key anti-tumor immune pathways by inhibiting p53, a critical tumor suppressor known as the guardian of the genome . 5 The vaccines were also found to inhibit toll -like receptors TLR7/8, which induce an M1 macrophage phenotype associated with anti-tumor effects.

Exploring the possible link between the spike protein immunoglobulin G4 antibodies and cancer progression

British Columbia Breakthrough Study, Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Linked to Loss of, and Gain of Key Bacteria (can result in cancer and other chronic conditions)

mNRA vaccines cause a change in gut microbiome that includes reduction in some beneficial bacteria related to colon health and a gain in some harmful bacteria know to be associated with inflammation, cancer, mental health problems. Reductions in some of these beneficial bacteria can result in various colon diseases.



Pfizer Fraud on Vaccine Clinical Trial with Collusion & Coverup by CDC/FDA


How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths from Regulators


According to an analysis, published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, the vaccine makers hid fatality data from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.


Other Documentation had disclosed the Clinical Trial Fraud & CDC/FDA Collusion and Coverup


Moderna Safety Report for COVID-19 Vax: 17,751 Deaths Registered, 0.7% of all AEs


Key to Revolving Door : FDA Tells Staff Who Leave for Pharma Jobs They Can Work Behind the Scenes to Influence FDA Agency

According to an internal email obtained by The BMJ, the FDA told a departing staffer who had reviewed COVID-19 vaccines while working at the FDA and who later accepted a job at Moderna that he could still work behind the scenes to influence agency decision-making.



CHD Asks Appeals Court to Allow Lawsuit Challenging FDA’s Authorization of COVID Shots for Kids to Move Forward


Insights into New Zealand COVID-19 Vaccine Impact by Winston Smith

Smith mainly spoke about the substantial death rates he believes were caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. The mortality numbers were concerning and seemed to evidence a connection between the death rates and the vaccine, suggesting incidence more than coincidental. As a data administrator for New Zealand, Smith had been able to access the death rate data. there was evidence of many people dying within a week after taking the vaccine.  One of the vaccination sites had 837 total vaccinations and 253 deaths, which was a 30% death rate. At a care home, 191 total vaccines were administered with 61 deaths which was a 32% mortality rate. Another site administered 526 total vaccinations and had 142 deaths which is a 27% mortality rate. Some other batches had over 15% mortality rate.




Pharmaceuticals have a record of deceit, lies, fraud, and criminality; so it’s not surprising this has been a Pandemic of Corruption (Why would anyone trust these Covid Vaccine Manufacturers?)


Johnson & Johnson’s indictments total at 86 since the year 2000 . However, Pfizer ranks highest at 96 .  Even more shockingly, Pfizer has the distinction of having paid the very highest criminal fine in U.S. history . They paid 2. 3 billion and pled guilty to  felony violations  for marketing the drug Bextra with the intent to deceive and mislead the public. More information on their top ten cases can be found  here.

This pattern of criminal behavior is an indicator that these mistakes are not made in good faith, said Kristen . In an examination of their record and their profits, it becomes clear that committing crimes and paying the fines for their crimes is their business model.


Pfizer is A Bad Corporate Actor According to Coalition of NGOs


Pfizer’s Regulatory Violation Fines Exceed $10 Billion


Drugmakers Hid Suicides, Manipulated Data to Falsely Show Safety in Antidepressant Drug Trials

( similar to what they do in most Pharm clinical trials and did in the Covid Vaccine clinical trial .)


Adverse Drug Related Deaths: 3 rd Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. This might not include vaccine deaths, which are significant in number.


For many years Merck, the   manufacturer   of Fosamax did not inform patients of a known, important adverse reaction to their drug: an atypical femoral fracture (AFF) . Doing so would have hurt sales.

Pfizer to Pay Nearly $60 Million in Fines in Doctor Kickback Scheme. This is a Common Practice



55 U.S. Doctors Behind Psychiatric Diagnosis Manual Took $14M From Drug Companies


Deaths Linked to Excessive Drinking Surged During COVID Pandemic: CDC

( Due to stress from the Pharmaceuticals Billion Dollar Fear Campaign using the Media to convince people to get vaccinated)


Pharmaceuticals Making An Attack on Patients’ Right to Informed Consent



New Law Proposed Would Make COVID Vaccine Makers Liable for Injuries, Deaths their vaccines caused.

CHD supports a bill introduced Tuesday by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) that would remove the liability shield for manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines and open the door for vaccine-injured Americans to sue companies like Pfizer and Moderna



Bayer Ordered to Pay School Employees $165 Million in Latest PCB Lawsuit


Pharma Paid $1.06 Billion to Peer Reviewers at Top Medical Journals (to support their bogus articles saying good things about the vaccines and drugs)

Payments to peer reviewers for The BMJ, JAMA, The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine included over $1 billion to individuals or their institutions for research and $64.18 million in general payments, including travel and meals.



Pharmaceutical Corruption of Science and Medical Publishing

There is yet more evidence trickling in that the peer review system is completely corrupted coming from Retraction Watch.

Exclusive: Hindawi and Wiley to retract over 500 papers linked to peer review rings

Wiley/ Hindawi suspects that there are “ coordinated peer review rings ” consisting of reviewers and editors, who have been paid to work together to advance manuscripts through to publication. (Many articles have been documented to be fraudulent and other publishers are also retracting fraudulent articles. PLOS in August announced it would retract over 100 papers from its flagship journal over manipulated peer review. )

The US Government Agencies and large pharma are the two of the main players in this nefarious practice. When the CDC pushed out a billion dollars over 2021 to write articles favorable about the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and to defame scientist like Robert Malone, state-sponsored media censorship became completely normalized in the USA. The published science related to the vaccines is totally corrupted and serious scientist have had to adjust to the problem.


Retraction Watch: Exclusive: PLOS ONE to retract more than 100 papers for manipulated peer review


Harvard cancer institute moves to retract six studies, correct 31 others amid widespread data manipulation claims

The steps by the Harvard Medical School affiliate come after a molecular biologist published a  blog post  earlier this month alleging researchers falsified data by manipulating images and data. More than 50 papers are part of the ongoing review by Dana-Farber into four researchers, all of whom have faculty appointments at Harvard Medical School. Four of the papers under review were authored by Dana-Farber CEO Laurie Glimcher. The blogger traced some of these alleged problematic actions to the linked entries in esteemed journals such as  Nature  and  Cell.

Collusion in Medical System: Nearly Three-Quarters of Immunologist Peer Reviewers Receive Payments From Industry


The current manipulation of the medical journals by the Pharmaceuticals is unprecedented and serious. Publication of bogus ghost articles is widespread and pressure to retract articles negative to the Pharmaceuticals result commonly in retraction of legitimately peer reviewed articles also widespread. Dr. R. L. Blaylock, The Blaylock Wellness Report Vol 19, No. 12.

The manipulation of CDC, FDA, NIAID, NIH, AAP, AMA and Media is likewise unprecedented.


Internet Censorship: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once

Unprecedented Censorship in many formally democratic countries like U.S. with collusion by Government agencies and powerful special interests with Media to censor any information contrary to position of the Government agencies and powerful special interests responsible for the Censorship, It used to be a truth universally acknowledged by citizens of democratic nations that freedom of speech was the basis not just of democracy, but of all human rights.

When a person or group can censor the speech of others, there is - by definition - an imbalance of power. Those exercising the power can decide what information and which opinions are allowed, and which should be suppressed. In order to maintain their power, they will naturally suppress information and views that challenge their position. Such conditions are alleviated only the public stands up and demands and defends their rights.


WHAT ARE TURBO CANCERS and are they rare?

Oncologist and cancer researcher, Dr William Makis, reveals the alarming rise in turbo cancers, a recent term coined for extremely aggressive cancers found in COVID-vaccinated individuals. Dr. Makis details a few of the most disturbing cases.


There were 330 different types of cancer-related adverse events reported in VAERS for the COVID vaccines, with 2500 total number of events. All the major cancers are represented, with breast, lung, prostate, brain, and colon cancers being the most frequent. Both the voluntary nature with doctors and nurses discouraged from reporting by Health Authorities as well as our method of choosing events resulted in undercounts relative to real world events.

Since Covid and Flu vaccinations have similar numbers vaccinated, a comparison of cancer reports by health providers after each type of vaccination was made.

For Malignant Neoplasms the ratio was 54 of Covid Vax to Flu Vax. For Lymphoma the ratio was 104 and for Lung Neoplasms 90. For Female Breast Cancer and Brain Neoplasms and Prostate Neoplasms the ratio was infinite, as none of these was reported after Flu vaccination.

So cancer appears to be much more common after Covid vaccines than for other types of vaccines.

Lanzhou University First Hospital Researchers’ Systematic Review Suggests mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Elevate Risk of Lymphoma

Out of 143 cases of post-COVID-19 vaccination lymphoma , the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (BNT162b2) was associated with 51.7% of the cases, with Moderna associated with 42.7% of the total cases.



Study Reveals Repeated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Boosts recombinant RBD-Specific IgG4 Antibodies (considerable switching after 3 rd shot)

Repeated mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to induce class switching to IgG4, a non-inflammatory human antibody subclass linked to tolerance. As a reminder, immune tolerance represents a state in which the patient’s immune system does not mount an immune response against specific antigens. Thus, the immune system is less able to mount an attack against viruses, autoimmune conditions and cancer.


Anti-RBD IgG4 Antibodies Surge After Third mRNA Jab

Yoshimura and colleagues report that repeated vaccinations induce delayed but drastic increases in anti-RBD IgG4 responses.

Surges in anti-IgG4 antibody levels can be associated with select autoimmune diseases or allergic responses.



New Studies Document Mechanisms by which mNRA Vaccines promote Cancer.

Modified mRNA vaccines spike proteins were found to impair key anti-tumor immune pathways by inhibiting p53, a critical tumor suppressor known as the guardian of the genome . 5 The vaccines were also found to inhibit toll -like receptors TLR7/8, which induce an M1 macrophage phenotype associated with anti-tumor effects.


IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein , V. Uversky , U of S.F., 2023

Repeated vaccination inactivates the immune system making people more susceptible to health problems. I ncreased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.


Turbo Cancers , Dr. Ryan Cole, and Greg Hunter,


Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan , M Gibo et al, 2024


UVA Physician Reports Surge of Cancer Diagnoses in Young People (2024)

Leader of UVA’s Health Cancer Center’s Colorectal Cancer Screening Program reports that cancer in young people has really become an epidemic.



mRNA is a class one carcinogen


S2 of SARS-2 spike buggers up p53 (thus causes cancer)


DNA found integrated in cancer cell line

Implications for people injected with the modified mRNA products, specifically with regard to cancer




The Blaylock Wellness Report, Dr R L Blaylock, Vol 21, No 7. Health Authorities Suppressing Science and Truth During the Proclaimed Pandemic. July 2024



Novavax Study Reveals mRNA Vaccine Trigger Surges in IgG4: Why this is Troubling

greater amounts of IgG4 can become problematic, leading to not only immunosuppression as well as poor clinical outcomes concerning COVID-19 but also could trigger autoimmune disorders and anti-inflammatory IgG4-related diseases. Following repeated mRNA vaccination, IgG4 was observed to increase from 0.04% of total SARS-CoV-2 spike–specific IgG after two doses to 19.27% after three doses. There is documentation that increased IG4 levels can cause autoimmune conditions and cancer.



Published Report Concludes mRNA Injection is a Cause of Cancer

It also documents the reasons why and how it happens.


Major Korean Study Investigators COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths: Cancers Mortality a Concern, and Real

The Korean authors are adamant and express alarm about the growing risk of mortality associated with the COVID-19 vaccines.

Case fatality rate after thrombosis was 33% and after myocarditis was 15%.

The Korean authors are adamant about the growing risk of mortality associated with the COVID-19 vaccines.

viral vector-based vaccines were associated with a lower risk of mortality than the mRNA-based vaccines .

Vaccinations performed at nursing hospitals and facilities were associated with a higher risk of mortality .

Highest case mortality rate: Neoplasms, involving a case fatality rate of 85.7%. Disturbingly, the most frequently reported neoplasm was acute myeloid leukemia, a blood cancer.


The Mechanism of Adverse Immune Reactions of LNP-mRNA


The human body’s adverse immune responses to nanomedicines include reactogenicity, hypersensitivity reactions, systemic complement immune responses, and cytokine-mediated reactions after vaccination. TLR activation and pro-inflammatory cytokine release are common innate immune system effects induced by LNP-mRNA, sometimes causing strong adverse reactions and affecting protein translation. Activation of TLR4 by ionizable cationic lipids is a possible upstream initiating event.



  Oncogenesis and autoimmunity as a result of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination . Dr. Anthony Kyriakopoulos .

Interview Author :

Facts on Impairment of T Cell Response after COVID-19 vaccination.

Thymic Involution (aging/shrinking/reduced function) from COVID-19 vaccination,

SARS-Cov-2 Spike Protein and the potential for inflammatory response.

TH17 cell generation responsible for development of autoimmunity and cancer.

Potential activation of STAT3 from Spike Protein.

Published studies on Sarcoma & Bells Palsy.

Proposed diagnostic testing for the vaccine injured.


Pancreatic Cancer Surges by 200% in Young Women Under Age 25 in Britain

The post COVID-19 cancer surge continues to attract mainstream media coverage, but a 200% explosion in young women and girls under 25 years getting pancreatic cancer raises the alarm another to another level of concern as baffled experts don’t know what to make of the rise in deadly disease. With an overall increase of pancreatic cancer at 17%, why are so many women aged 25 and under afflicted with this deadly disease with a five-year survival rate of only 5%? 


Why are Intracranial Tumors & Breast Cancers Surging Among Younger People Since 2021 in the UK?

a recent letter from UK MP Andrew Bridgend, data cited as NHS Anomalous Data presents disturbing surges in cases of certain forms of breast cancer and brain cancer. Brigden has been one of a few voices in government questioning the COVID-19 response and the safety record of the vaccines.


UK Malignant Deaths Surge Correlates with COVID-19 Vaccination in UK

Carlos Alegria, Ph.D. and  Phinance Technologies  compute evidence for an increase in morbidity (disabilities) and mortality due to malignant neoplasms, this trend commenced in 2021, accelerating materially in 2022. Both an increase in disability claims and excess death rates are consistent for 2022, and both are highly statistically significant.   The output points to a disturbing reality involving this condition from late 2021 in individuals age 15-44.


COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination and Newly Diagnosed Microsatellite Stable and Instable Non-Metastatic Colon Cancer

Exposure to the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was associated with a > 6-fold increased risk for this form of cancer. Because the  Spike protein is believed to impair tumor surveillance systems , among several cancer-promoting mechanisms, it is plausible that these cancerous cells are allowed to proliferate among the vaccinated where the cancer was not yet detectable at the time of injection.



Worldwide Excess Deaths since Vaccine Rollout


Large literature review finds:

The mRNA Covid vaccines suppress the immune system and are connected to the worldwide excess mortality of 2021-2023.

COVID-19 vaccination using mRNA products from Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna the study authors report that boosts in IgG4 antibody levels elicited from repeated exposure to doses could be associated with a higher morbidity and mortality rate from unrelated diseases and infections by suppressing the immune system.

They find there is a connection of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination to the excess mortality reported in many nations around the world. 


Regional Population Study Reveals Both SARS-CoV-2 Cases and All-Cause Mortality Grow with COVID-19 Vaccination (Vaccines have negative effectiveness, more virus cases and more deaths, as previous experience predicted)



Cyprus Researchers Identify COVID-19 Vaccine as Likely Link in Island Nation’s Significant Excess Mortality 2021-2022

the authors demonstrate a substantial excess mortality from all causes in the Cyprus population, particularly during 2021 and 2022, even after excluding COVID-19 deaths.    this surplus death occurred despite the intensive vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. Observing a material surge in the total all-cause mortality in Cyprus, during the third and fourth quarters of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022 in parallel to the vaccination campaign push.


Respected Researchers’ Investigation Demonstrates COVID-19 Vaccination Correlates with Excess German Deaths Across Federal States


Big Data Analysis Paper Shows COVID Vaccination Increases Excess Mortality (likewise morbidity)


This conclusion is based on a big data analysis using public data from 29 countries, covering a population of 1.19 billion. After the Omicron wave in the winter of 2021, herd immunity seemed to be developing, with new infections and COVID-19 deaths significantly declining. However, excess mortality did not follow this downward trend, but instead increased. the results (fig.2) showed a clear positive correlation between the amount of COVID-19 vaccination and excess mortality, with the effect increasing over time. The researchers concluded that the relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and excess mortality shown in Figure 2 is causal.


2024 Excess Deaths / Excess deaths in UK & U.S. into 2024, High E.D. into Canada and Australia and Netherlands and Israel . Higher in Australia and Canada and Japan and Singapore and South Korea and Ireland in 2024. SEE Our World in Data


New Report: Young People Dying of Cancer at Explosive Rates, UK Government Data Show

An analysis of U.K. government data shows Teenagers and young people in their 20s, 30s and 40s in the U.K. are dying from rapidly metastasizing and terminal cancers at an unprecedented rate since the rollout of COVID vaccines, according to a new report by data analyst Edward Dowd. The report has prompted renewed calls for further investigation of cancer rates and excess deaths.


Cancer Events Listed in VAERS - Update ( Increase in Turbo Cancers after vaccination)

This update was motivated by the 2023 increase in cancers (especially turbo-cancers ( Link#1 Link#2 ) being reported by oncologists and pathologists.

There was a huge 34% increase in cancer-related events recorded at the end of September 2023, comparing the same 851 symptoms that were obtained from the 2022 study. Projecting forward this annualizes to about a 45% increase ! In addition, 67 new cancer-related symptoms (based on the expanded query) were added to the VAERS database for 2023, further increasing the number of 2023 cancer-related events by 8%. 




Excess Deaths Debated in UK and Scotland and Australia and Poland Hearings.



Andrew Bridgen , a member of the British Parliament with a degree in biological sciences, led the discussion and described the alarming numbers of   excess deaths   in Britain since the beginning of the pandemic against pushback of vaccine advocates.

The deficit has been filled not with the extremely old and vulnerable but with many, many others who are young or in the prime of their lives. There is no basis for the claim that COVID-19 is the cause of continued excess mortality in 2022 and 2023, two years after the vaccine rollout. He said the data should ead to several other necessary inquiries, such as, why did the medical establishment push for mandates for an ineffective product?


Another Mechanism for Vaccine Sudden Death Reported (Deadly Brugada Syndrome)

Poland’s National Auditor Condemning COVID-19 Report: EC Response a Scandal--Quality Chucked, Vax Injury a Certainty

Scandal in Vaccines Storage and Distribution: audit finds system did not ensure vaccine viability safety. Vaccine quality defects ignored,


Outrageous: 117.6K Hazardous COVID-19 Vax Doses Administered to Polish Population Government Audit report

Poland spent 13.9 billion PLN (US$3.3 billion) for this nation of only 37.7 million people. The nation had contracted for a full vaccination rate multiple times over, yet the national office reports vaccination rate decline. Consequently, 13.1 million doses were allowed to expire and then exposed by the end of 2022, representing PLN 1 billion (US$237.7 million). 

Excess Deaths during the Pandemic—Despite the Vaccine


United Kingdom Excess Deaths Surge 100% Between 2019 & 2023

With unprecedented huge mortality rate increase.



Perhaps the number one indicator of the safety and efficacy of the COVID shots are the runaway excess deaths being experienced in countries around the world. Parliaments are now having open discussions about this major red-light signal.


Daily Mail:  So why ARE so many Australians dying? 'Excess deaths' are way above average again leaving doctors baffled - and it's not because of Covid

Scientific Reports:  Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave

The Guardian:  Health bosses warn of heart disease emergency in England

British Journal of Pharmacology:  Cardiac side effects of RNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: Hidden cardiotoxic effects of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 on ventricular myocyte function and structure

OpenVAERS :  VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports

WHO Pharmacovigilance DB Reveals COVID-19 mRNA Huge Surge in Myocarditis and Pericarditis

Published in the   Journal of Medical Virology   just last month, the team identified 49 096 reports (male,  n = 30 013) of vaccine-associated pericarditis and myocarditis among 73 590 reports of all-cause pericarditis and myocarditis. Of note, the Korean-led team cites …a significant increase in reports of vaccine-related cardiac adverse events over time, with a noteworthy surge observed after 2020, attributed to cases of pericarditis associated with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

European Medicines Agency Top Scientists Acknowledge mRNA-based Spike Protein a Potential Threat with Myocarditis


Is COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Behind a Verified Surge of Sudden Cardiac Deaths Among Airplane Pilots?

Recent studies suggest an increase in SCD incidence among pilots following the COVID-19 pandemic.



Rock Legends Who Stood Their Ground on COVID, Debut New Band, The Defiant.


Rock royalty graced The HighWire stage this week with the world premiere performance of “Dead Language” from their new band, The Defiant. Featuring Pete Parada on drums (The Offspring), Greg Camp on guitar (Smash Mouth), Johnny Rioux on bass (Street Dogs), Joey La Rocca on guitar and keys (The Briggs), and Dicky Barrett as lead singer (The Mighty Mighty BossTones ), they tell their stories of the paths that brought this supergroup together, standing in freedom and the spirit of true rock ‘n roll.


ET Canada:  The Mighty Mighty Bosstones Break Up Amid Anti-Vax Controversy

NPR:  One Of The Biggest Live Music Companies Will Require Full Vaccination

Huffpost :  Offspring Drummer: I Was Kicked Out Of The Band For Refusing Coronavirus Vaccine

California Legislative Information:  Senate Bill No. 277

The Telegraph:  Music's great vaccine divide: the rockers who refuse to get the jab

PNAS:  Trust in scientists in times of pandemic: Panel evidence from 12 countries

Twitter/X:  Pete Parada not receiving COVID-19 vaccine

The Telegraph:  Why I'm disinviting my unvaccinated friends from my dinner parties

San Francisco Examiner:  Not wearing a mask makes you selfish, not an independent-thinker

Rough Trade:  "If We're Really Being Honest" Album

New York Post:  Biden came in to unite, but poll shows US is now more divided than ever

The New York Time:  Families Have Been Torn Apart by Politics. What Happens to Them Now?

USA Today:  Gen Z doesn't love the US like boomers do. That doesn't bode well for our future.

Forbes:  30% Of U.S. Adults Are Still Unvaccinated — Here's What Could Make Them Finally Get The Shot

The White House:  FACT SHEET: Biden Administration Announces Historic $10 Billion Investment to Expand Access to COVID-19 Vaccines and Build Vaccine Confidence in Hardest-Hit and

The Defiant Website



Jefferey Jaxen Reports on New Scrutiny over the WEF’s agenda.


Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders program has groomed future leaders in key positions all around the world to influence decisions and policy on AI, Net Zero, and a future where humans are redundant. But the world is waking up to their dystopian agenda.


Young Global Leaders Website

World Economic Forum:  A net zero carbon future for cities

The Epoch Times:  Era of 'Unquestioned and Unchallenged' Climate Change Claims Is Over

Climate Journal:  The Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Warming (1850-2018) in Terms of Human and NaturalFactors : Challenges of Inadequate Data

New York Post:  Biden pitches strict emissions rules to make most cars electric by 2032

The Sun : Disaster for EV drivers as their cars risk becoming ‘uninsurable’ due to battery repair costs, experts warn. (



World Economic Forum:  Why we should all have a basic income

Vice:  A Universal Basic Income Is Being Considered by Canada's Government

World Economic Forum:  Universal basic income is the answer to the inequalities exposed by COVID-19

The Epoch Times:  Cyber Fraud Rings in China, Other US Adversaries Stole Billions in Pandemic Relief Funds, Congress Hears

Pandemic Oversight:  How much money did pandemic unemployment programs pay out?

Fortune:  'Sapiens' author says Al is an alien threat that could wipe us out: Instead of coming from outer space, it's coming from California'

Smart Energy:  Smart grids to dominate smart city spending through 2026

Smart Cities Dive:  10 US cities ready for a 'smart city future'

Gizmodo:  Al on Track to Gobble Up as Much Energy as a Country, Study Finds



Johnson & Johnson Try a Third Time to Escape Wave of Lawsuits Over Talc Baby Powder.


One of the world’s most powerful corporations is on the ropes as Johnson & Johnson is looking at its third attempt at leveraging bankruptcy to avoid an onslaught of lawsuits over asbestos-laced baby powder, which they allegedly hide the dangers from consumers for decades.


Johnson & Johnson’s indictments total at 86 since the year 2000 .

Bloomberg Law:  J&J Weighs Third Bankruptcy Try to Settle Baby Powder Suits (2)

The New York Times:  Johnson & Johnson Told to Pay $4.7 Billion in Baby Powder Lawsuit

Reuters:  Johnson & Johnson knew for decades that asbestos lurked in its Baby Powder

NPR:  Johnson & Johnson Stops Selling Talc-Based Baby Powder In U.S. And Canada

The Washington Post:  Johnson & Johnson agrees to pay $2.2 billion in drug-marketing settlement

Reuters:  Opioid 'kingpin' J&J fueled epidemic, Oklahoma argues at trial's end

Reuters:  U.S. court rejects J&J bankruptcy strategy for thousands of talc lawsuits

Reuters:  J&J effort to resolve talc lawsuits in bankruptcy fails a second time

NPR:  Rich companies are using a quiet tactic to block lawsuits: bankruptcy



Beloved Vet, Dr. Dym , talks about vaccines and pets, and much more.  



Beloved Homeopathic Veterinarian, Michael Dym , VMD, returns to The HighWire to share his serious concerns about the poor health of pets due to over vaccinating, over processed food, and harmful treatments . Dr. Dym also answers some of the most common questions when it comes to raising and treating their furry friends with the same holistic approach as they do themselves so they can live long, healthy lives.


Newsweek:  One in Three Dog Owners Refuse to Vaccinate Pets Due to Conspiracy Theory (Vaccines contain toxins and cause harm, there are alternatives to vaccines for bacterial and virus infections; very little effectiveness comparisons available between vaccines and strategies to strengthen immune system.)

AVMA:  Vaccine-associated feline sarcomas

DEFRA:  Veterinary Products Committee (VPC) Working Group on Feline and Canine Vaccination (2001 Report


Rabies Challenge Fund:  2/21/21 Rabies Challenge Fund Retires Non-Profit Status; Distributes Remaining Funds to Other NonProfits

Dogs Naturally:  The Purdue Vaccination Studies And Auto-Antibodies ( The vaccinated, but not the non-vaccinated, dogs in the Purdue studies developed autoantibodies to many of their own biochemicals, including fibronectin, laminin, DNA, albumin, cytochrome C, cardiolipin and collagen. Also, the Purdue studies found that the vaccinated dogs had developed autoantibodies to their own DNA. Autoantibodies often cause serious chronic conditions.)

Science Direct:  Duration of immunity for canine and feline vaccines: A review

Pitcairn Institute of Veterinary Homeopathy Website

Innovative Veterinary Care:  Canine sterilization

Doctor Dym Website

Quality of Food is Most Important Factor in Health of an Animal . (over-vaccination and acute/chronic immune mediated reactions to vaccinations were being recognized as causative triggers with autoimmune blood disorders, malignant vaccine sarcomas in susceptible cats, thyroid disorders, as well as even being a factor in increased sensitivity to environmental and airborne allergic reactions.)


Doctor Dym Facebook



A new  lawsuit  alleges that Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube intentionally target teens with addictive algorithms and knowingly expose teens and pre-teens to harmful health effects that come from using their platforms. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the plaintiff, Miami Dade Public Schools, the third largest school district in the country. The complaint filed is 135 pages and refers to dozens of studies and/or cases relating to a child mental health crisis that the plaintiff alleges has been caused, in part, by rampant social media use. 


GUESTS: Dr. Michael Dym , VMD, Dicky Barrett, Pete Parada, Johnny Rioux, Joey LaRocca, Greg Camp of The Defiant