Long Vax: Post Vaccination Syndrome

(More Common than Long Vax: Huge Human Cost and Economic Cost)


A study by Yale scientists, including Dr. Harlan Krumholz of Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, also shed light on long vax, which they described as chronic post-vaccination syndrome, or PVS.11 In a study of 241 people who reported PVS after an mRNA COVID-19 shot, the median time from the jab to the onset of symptoms was three days, with symptoms continuing for 595 days. The five most common symptoms included:12

Exercise intolerance (71%), Excessive fatigue (69%), Numbness (63%), Brain fog (63%), Neuropathy (63%)

In the week before the survey was completed, patients reported a range of additional symptoms highlighting the mental toll the condition takes. The symptoms required a median of 20 interventions for treatment and included:13

Feeling unease (93%), Overwhelmed by worries (81%), Anxiety (76%), Hopelessness (72%), Fearfulness (82%), Feelings of helplessness (80%), Depression (76%), Worthlessness (49%)


In this study, individuals who reported PVS after COVID-19 vaccination had low health status, high symptom burden, and high psychosocial stress despite trying many treatments. There is a need for continued investigation to understand and treat this condition."14

Esteemed Australian Immunologist/Virologist on Long Vax: Spike Protein Pathogenicity

The Australian virologist/immunologist proffers, A possible association between COVID-19 vaccination and the incidence of POTS and symptoms like long Covid have been demonstrated of 284,592 COVID-19 vaccinated individuals examined. Hundreds of thousands of people in Australia are coping with either long COVID or long Vax.  The vaccine induced spike protein pathogenicity represents a real problem, pointing to very real-world, well-established links to myocarditis risk. He reports  “mRNA vaccines can result in spike protein expression in muscle tissue, the lymphatic system, cardiomyocytes and other cells after entry into the circulation, citing Trougakos et al. growing evidence suggests, and Tindle confirms in his viewpoint that individuals reeiving at least two doses of mRNA vaccine display a class switch to IgG4 antibodies. Citing Uversky et al., Tindle articulates an important point as abnormally high levels of IgG4 might cause autoimmune disease, promote cancer growth, autoimmune myocarditis and other IgG4-related diseases (IgG4-RD) in susceptible individuals. He also notes that some vaccinated people who have had Covid and diagnosed with Long Covid might be due to long Vax. Economies are impacted. From reduced working time to loss of earning capability, and the lack of diagnosis in countries like Australia, this means that many won’t be eligible for disability schemes.

Japanese Study Authors Declare mRNA COVID-19 Long Vax a Serious Problem


Time to Recognize Post-Acute COVID Vaccine Syndrome


Autoantibodies and Post-COVID Vaccination Syndrome: A Retrospective Analysis Highlights Potential Biomarkers


Studies Point out the Difficulty in Distinguishing Whether Symptoms attributed to Long Covid could be due to Long Vax.

In the study, there is a specific mention of the potential overlap between Long-COVID symptoms and those associated with COVID-19 vaccine injury (commonly referred to as "Long Vax"). The Scotland and England-based authors highlight the difficulty in distinguishing between the two conditions.

The study notes that 99% of participants were vaccinated, raising the possibility that some of the persistent symptoms reported at nine months may be attributable to post-vaccine effects rather than Long-COVID. Rthe authors cite prior research on Long-Vax. The authors cite a study by Arjun et al. (2022), which found an increased risk of Long-COVID symptoms among individuals with two vaccine doses (adjusted OR of 2.32). This supports the hypothesis that some prolonged symptoms could result from vaccine-related adverse effects.



Long Covid, Long Vax, and other Cardiovascular Damage of Covid or Vaccination are caused primarily by Microclots.


Time to Connect the Clots Among COVID Infections and Vaccines, and Long COVID


The central medical thesis of this analysis is that micro clots are a condition in three groups: those infected by the COVID virus, those suffering from long COVID, and those who have received COVID mRNA vaccines. The harmful health impacts in all three groups are extensive and myriad. Ordinary medical testing does not find micro clots. (use D Dimer or Brightscreen Microscope)



American College of Surgeons Bulletin: Evidence Suggests mRNA Vaccination Doesn’t Stop Long COVID.


Large Healthcare Workers Study: Pfizer mRNA Booster Vaccine Fails to Protect Against Symptomatic Infection After 30 Days


Vast Canadian Emergency Network Study Data Reveals Vaccines Do Not Protect Against Long COVID


CDC Study: Almost 20% of Long COVID Cases Severe with Significant Activity Limitations, if Patient did not have early effective Treatment such as Ivermectin and Neutraceutical Package.



Austrian Doctor’s Clinic Study Shows Ginkgo Biloba Extract (EGb 761) Reduces Brain Fog in Majority of Long COVID Patients.

61.7% (n = 37) did report improvements of varying degrees.



Sample of Unvaccinated Dutch Children Completely Free of Long COVID After SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Prospective Longitudinal Study of 349 children who had had COVID infection.


Latest Pfizer mRNA Vaccine (JN.1) Fails to Strengthen Neutralizing Response Against Predominant New Strain KP.3


Cleveland Clinic Bombshell 48.2K Healthcare Employee Study: The More Doses with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine, the Higher the Infection Risk (Harms Immune System) Aug 2024


UCSF-Based Investigators’ Shocking Finding on Endocrine-Based Survey Study;     Vaccinated Hospitalized 3.8X more than Unvaccinated with COVID-19 Infection


The Truth About Protecting You from Covid or other viral Infections. The Blaylock Wellness Report, Dr Russell Blaylock, Vol 19, No 8. 2022 (with references)

Covid Vaccine Problems, The Blaylock Wellness Report, Dr Russell Blaylock, Vol 19, No 9. 2022 (heart damage, deaths,

Corona False Alarm? Facts and Figures. Dr K Reiss & Dr S Bhakdi, 2022.

ovid was a bioweapon but easy to treat and not emergency requiring unproven vaccines which were more harmful than

Covid. There was manipulation by Pharmaceuticals with the help of captured government agencies to cause fear that resulted in great harm to public. The clinical trials were fraudulent, the unproven vaccines were much more harmful than Covid, releases more harmful spike protein for longer. They cause inflammation and wide range of dangerous chronic conditions (heart problems,

 immune and autoimmune problems, blood clotting problems, neurological problems, etc.)

Vaccine spike protein damage can be reduced (astragalus, nano-curcumin, nano-priphala, nattokinase, autography)

Other than supplements, autography can be induced by intermittent fasting.


CDC Identifies New mRNA Vaccine Safety Signals (GBS, Ischemic Stroke)


Neuropathic symptoms with SARS-CoV-2 vaccination

Even a 2021 study reported a series of patients who experienced new autoimmune conditions. or flare-ups of existing autoimmune disease — following mRNA COVID-19 shots,15 highlighting the importance of careful research into the ongoing health risks.

Autoimmune phenomena following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination

Science: Coronavirus Vaccines Can Cause Long Covid-like Symptoms.

Symptoms can include (but not limited to) brain fog, memory problems, headaches, blurred vision, loss of smell, nerve pain, heart rate fluctuations, dramatic blood pressure swings and muscle weakness. The feeling of internal electric shocks are also reported.

Also in 2022, a preprint study from the U.S. National Institutes of Health reported new neuropathic symptoms that began in 23 adults within one month of receiving a COVID-19 shot.8 All of the patients felt severe tingling or numbness in their faces or limbs, and 61% also experienced dizziness when standing up, intolerance to heat and heart palpitations. Some had less sweating in their hands and feet than normal, while six had a condition where their heart beats too fast when they stand up.9

6.4% of U.S. Adults Plagued by Long Vax Symptoms After COVID Shots (millions)

Long vax symptoms, developed after COVID-19 vaccines, include exercise intolerance, excessive fatigue, dysautonomia, numbness, brain fog and neuropathy.


Vaccination prolongs Long-Covid in Covid infected individuals and vaccination after Covid infection produces over twice as many adverse effects as vaccination of uninfected individuals.


Long Vax Finally Getting Study and Attention in the Literature

Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik are trying to get the word out that long vax is not only real but has disabled many Americans who were at the peak of health prior to getting a COVID vax shot. At Kory’s long COVID clinic, 70% of the patients actually have long vax and reported their symptoms began “minutes, hours, days or several weeks” after receiving a COVID-19 shot.

Long vax symptoms are nearly identical to those of long COVID: the difference being that the long vax patients tend to be sicker, with more frequent small fiber neuropathy and dysautonomia. Long COVID, although a new name, is not a new disease. It meets the diagnostic criteria for a decades-old condition called myalgic encephalitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

Kory believes that long vax, and to a lesser extent long COVID, are behind the explosion of disability claims that have occurred since COVID-19 shots rolled out.20

Data compiled by former BlackRock analyst and fund manager Edward Dowd revealed a sobering glimpse into the true carnage that occurred at the hands of the COVID-19 shot campaign,21 and its results are striking. It revealed the following estimated human and economic costs:22

Human cost: 26.6 million injuries, 1.36 million disabilities, 300,000 excess deaths

Economic cost: Total: $147.8 billion, Injuries: $89.9 billion, Disabilities: $52.2 billion, Excess deaths: $5.6 billion

What’s more, this data is from the employed population, aged 16 to 64, a typically healthy crowd. 

Help for Long Vax or Long Covid Symptoms




Another Study finds Covid Vaccination Risk Safety Signals, Time to Reconsider Vaccination Policy


Study Reveals Serious COVID-19 mRNA Vax Safety Signals, Including Several Thousand Deaths (Time to reconsider vaccination policy)


South Korea based researchers at Ewha Womans University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Conpapa Inc produce yet another bombshell study suggesting COVID-19 vaccine risk looks to be unacceptably high, considering the ever-milder Omicron variant, mass pre-exposure and troubling risk for select cohorts such as healthy young men.



Several Country’s Parliament or Congress have official investigation into cause of Excess Deaths During the Pandemic and the Vaccination Program


Netherlands Study: mRNA Vaccines Correlated with Excess Deaths

Study found higher COVID-19 mRNA vaccine use in particular municipalities in the Netherlands, correlates with a notable increase in deaths from all causes. 


COVID-19 Vaccination Temporally and Spatially Correlated with Excess Mortality Across Austria



Regional Population Study Reveals Both SARS-CoV-2 Cases and All-Cause Mortality Grow with COVID-19 Vaccination (Vaccines have negative effectiveness, more virus cases and more deaths, as previous experience predicted)


Cyprus Researchers Identify COVID-19 Vaccine as Likely Link  in Island Nation’s Significant Excess Mortality 2021-2022

the authors demonstrate a substantial excess mortality from all causes in the Cyprus population, particularly during 2021 and 2022, even after excluding COVID-19 deaths.  this surplus death occurred despite the intensive vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. Observing a material surge in the total all-cause mortality in Cyprus, during the third and fourth quarters of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022 in parallel to the vaccination campaign push.



Big Data Analysis Paper Shows COVID Vaccination Increases Excess Mortality (likewise morbidity)


This conclusion is based on a big data analysis using public data from 29 countries, covering a population of 1.19 billion. After the Omicron wave in the winter of 2021, herd immunity seemed to be developing, with new infections and COVID-19 deaths significantly declining. However, excess mortality did not follow this downward trend, but instead increased. the results (fig.2) showed a clear positive correlation between the amount of COVID-19 vaccination and excess mortality, with the effect increasing over time. The researchers concluded that the relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and excess mortality shown in Figure 2 is causal.


Dutch Study Raising Possibility of COVID-19 Vax and Excess Death Leads to Intense Pressure on Princess Máxima Center; Center Publicly Distances itself from their researchers Paper


Taiwan Study Raises Concerns about COVID-19 Vaccines: Adverse Events & Excess Deaths Surge in 2021-2023.



Investigation into Excess Death Rates Among Alberta Assisted Living and Nursing Home Residents: Death Surge Despite Pervasive Vaccination (vaccines may have contributed rather than preventing)

In this study, the authors find excess mortality within both AL and NH facilities and suggest a need to focus on infection prevention and control measures across all forms of congregate housing for vulnerable older adults. AL residents were affected by excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic as severely as (or even more than) NH residents. The population in the study that had high excess mortality had high vaccination rate. a notable spike occurred at the beginning of pandemic wave 4 (September–October 2021). By then, the vast majority of elderly in both NH and AL were vaccinated. 


Indian Study Finds Disturbing Trends Among COVID-19 Vaccinated in the ICU, High Incidence Mortality


Australia’s Senate the World’s First to Launch Formal Inquiry into Excess Deaths During COVID-19 & Vaccination Countermeasure Program

Senator Babet’s successful motion means that the Community Affairs References Committee will be tasked with the job of investigating the factors contributing to excess mortality. Submissions will be requested from the general public with public hearings expected to follow. The committee will prepare a report by August 31, 2024.

Many Investigations Beginning of Reason for Excess Deaths and the Pandemic Response

Large Class Action Lawsuit in Malaysia Goes After PMs, Officials, Pharma Companies Due to Deaths & Injuries Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines


Young Children Died at Higher Rates in 2021-2022 than before the Pandemic. (Excess Deaths)

Death rates among children ages 1-4 jumped 12% between 2021 and 2022, and for kids 5-14 the rate increased by 7% over the same period, according to data released this month by the CDC.

 infant mortality rates rose 3.1% from 2021 to 2022, the first increase in two decades.

The rise in mortality for these young age groups reverses decades of progress in reducing childhood deaths, according to CNN.


More Young People Getting and Dying of Cancer. Are the Vaccines Behind the Huge New Public Health Crisis? Op Ed by Doctors Calls for Government Investigation.


CDC data: cancer deaths across all ages rose by 2% from pre-pandemic 2019 to 2023, and in people 15-44 years old, cancer-related mortality rose at double that rate.

Deaths from colorectal cancer rose 17% among people ages 15-44 in 2019-2023. 4 times the population-wide increase.

Uterine cancer deaths rose 37% among people ages 25-44 from 2019-2023, and 15% overall.

There were much larger increases, from 2019-2022, in liver and pancreatic cancer mortality in young adults than in the overall population.

The U.S. Society of Actuarie also reported 76% and 101% increases in death claims among insured workers ages 25-34 and 35-44. COVID

was ruled out as the cause, Kory and Pfeiffer said.

 It will soon become evident how, due to The Pharmaceuticals and Health Authorities Reckless actions, a fairly harmless virus was transformed into a bioweapon of mass destruction. Geert vanden Bossche


How Will the Ongoing Immune Escape Pandemic End?

By geertvandenbossche on 15/04/2024

A virus expert explains why the mass vaccination campaign to control Covid was a dangerous mistake and that the vaccinated population will have more significant morbidity and mortality because of the mistaken policy.

We should ensure access to drugs with proven antiviral activity that are safe, broadly available at an affordable cost, and to use them prophylactically as soon as a wave of high viral virulence emerges in any highly C-19 vaccinated population.



JN.1 is Currently Evolving into a Quasispecies Within Highly COVID-19 Vaccinated Populations, Providing a Fertile Breeding Ground for New Worse Strain By geertvandenbossche on 09/04/2024


French Scientists Study SARS-CoV-2 Omicron XBB & BA.2.86/JN.1 Lineages: Evidence of Combined Superior Fitness & Antibody Evasion

The evolutionary trajectory of these variants combines increased fitness and antibody evasion report the French scientists. persons who had received three doses of COVID-19 Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine displayed almost no neutralization activity against the recent XBB-derived or BA.2.86 variants.

This is supportive of the Bossche opinion article.


Most Vaccines documented to be Neither Safe nor Effective by data and medical studies. More harm than benefit documented.

Two well documented Books investigate the Science of Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness and find documentation that most vaccines appear to be neither safe nor effective. Hundreds of Peer-Reviewed Studies Reviewed.


RFK Jr.’s VP Pick Niccole Shanahan Vows to Tackle Chronic Disease Epidemic


RFK, Jr VP Candidate Nicole Shanahan Shares Views on Autism, Health Freedom and Declining Fertility

(Facing Media Censorship like RFK Jr)

More Political Censorship of RFK, Jr, Dirty Politics in Media Continues

The super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for president said it plans to sue Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, for the company’s “blatant censorship” of a new film about Kennedy and his work challenging corporate corruption. The history of disinformation and censorship of RFK, Jr by META and the Biden Administration Agencies continues.


Emails Show Amazon Caved to Pressure From White House to Suppress Books Critical of Vaccines


Judge Rules: US Government Illegally Stifled Free Speech of RFK Jr. and Children’s Health Defense

Issues an injunction against federal authorities, including the White House, ordering them to refrain from actions, formal or informal, directly or indirectly, to coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress or reduce, including through altering their algorithms, posted social-media content containing protected free speech.


The U.S. Presidential debate: Kennedy, Biden and Trump go head-to-head despite CNN-backed/[-]-endorsed censorship of RFK.


Did the Alleged Biden Admin Censorship Operation Pressure Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journals During the Pandemic?


It is well documented that the Pharmaceuticals and captured Federal Agencies have been using their vast money and influence to pressure and corrupt the Medical Journals and Medical Publishing, to the extent that most of the articles published lately related to Covid or Vaccines have been bogus or fraudulent. The Public needs to be informed, huge changes made to the medical peer-review system and medical publishing. And those guilty of fraud need to be punished. A House committee will investigate this further on April 20.


Major Victory: Media Giants Admit Errors in Disinformation Dozen Coverage

Responding to Court Suits brought by RFK, Jr and Others:

Major media outlets including The Independent, Forbes, and McGill University correct Disinformation Dozen coverage.

Meta's data shows named individuals responsible for 0.05% of vaccine content views, not 65% as claimed by CCDH

Legal implications emerge as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gains standing in Biden v. Missouri case.

CCDH and its CEO continue to spread debunked claims despite corrections. Suits filed against CCDH.



New Documents Expose a USAID Disinformation Directive.


A new document from America First Legal shows USAID’s role promoting censorship promotion strategies for NGOs, government, and the private sector against disfavored speech online.


Twitter/X: The Highwire on Twitter/X

Foundation for Freedom Online: USAID Internal Documents Reveal Government Plot To Promote Censorship Initiatives

Scribd: USAID Disinformation Primer - Feb 2021

NBC News: Disinformation poses an unprecedented threat in 2024 - and the U.S. is less ready than ever

ICAN Books: Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up

UnHerd: Why did USAID fund the Wuhan lab?

ICAN: ICAN Attorneys Secure Religious Exemption To Vaccination In Mississippi


Leaked USAID Document Concludes Israel Impeded Gaza Aid (USAID obviously has an agenda it is pursuing and is censoring information and documentation to do it.)




Plaintiff in the Critically Important Murthy v. Missouri Censorship Case Speaks Out.


Jill Hines, co-director for Health Freedom Louisiana and plaintiff in the Murthy v. Missouri case, gives her first-hand account of the oral arguments before the Supreme Court for this controversial free speech case, as well as the government censorship her organization received which led to her becoming a plaintiff.

See HW369

Twitter/X: The Highwire on Twitter/X


Foundation for Freedom Online: USAID Internal Documents Reveal Government Plot to Promote Censorship Initiatives

Scribd: USAID Disinformation Prime, Feb 2021

NBC News: Disinformation poses an unprecedented threat in 2024 and the U.S. is less ready than ever. (Headline true but the disinformation is coming from Federal Agencies and Pharmaceuticals)

ICAN Books: Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up

UnHerd: Why did USAID fund the Wuhan lab?

ICAN: ICAN Attorneys Secure Religious Exemption to Vaccination In Mississippi

Doctors Group AAPS wins 1st Amendment Censorship Suit against Medical Boards (over punishing doctors for speaking out on controversial issues/vaccines)



Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Pfizer’s Toxic Spill,

PFIZER’S POLLUTION PROBLEM & Other Common similar Problems


A chemical spill at Pfizer’s Michigan plant is another example of the long line of environmental disasters stemming from Pfizer’s corporate practices.

Over 1000 gallons of methylene chloride spilled at Pfizer ...

 Methylene chloride (CH2Cl2) is a colorless liquid that can harm the eyes, skin, liver, and heart. Exposure can cause drowsiness, dizziness, numbness and tingling limbs, and nausea. It is a carcinogen and may cause cancer.

Pfizer chemical spill prompts no-contact advisory of ...




ICAN’s Lead Attorney Addresses Concerns Over The TikTok Ban Bill.



ICAN Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., covers the good and bad of the TikTok Ban bill and it’s future as well as ICAN’s contribution to the free speech case Murthy v. Missouri, which recently had a hearing in the Supreme Court





Jefferey Jaxen Reports on America’s Workforce Under Attack.


Tyson Foods faces boycott calls for its hiring practices while we take a look at issues surrounding declining American farmland and foreign land ownership.





Bloomberg: Tyson Foods is hiring refugees and immigrants to fill some of its factory jobs that handle duties such as placing cuts into trays, inspections for bones and washing meat, Bloomberg reported.

The food processor employs some 100,000 people in these positions, and according to associate director of human resources Garrett Dolan, the company anticipates an annual departure of approximately 40% of those workers. As a result, Dolan said the company will be looking to hire 52,000 people in 2024 to fill these positions. Bloomberg reported that in February, Tyson hired 17 immigrants seeking asylum from Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela to work at its plant in Tennessee. Tyson says that all of its workers are required to have legal authorization for employment in the U.S.  


Guests: Jill Hines, Aaron Siri, Esq.