HW324 RIGHTING THE WRONG (Vaccines Clearly Harmful & Covid Biotoxin from Wuhan, Gov. Agency/Media Science Censorship Conspiracy, Pharmaceuticals War on Safe Effective Treatments, Ivermectin Proven Effective for Covid Treatment, Huge Increase in Chronic Conditions and Cancer: Causes, U.S. Military Connection to Covid Response)




Toyama Japan Study Findings--Vaccines Not Controlling COVID-19 Spread During Omicron Period


Intranasal Mucosal SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Neutralization—Previous Infection Superior to Vaccination


Those individuals in the study that were previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 were found to have more robust mucosa-related neutralization than the previously vaccinated . Most in the population have now been previously infected. ******


University of Washington Scientists: Antigenic Sin Rendering Latest COVID-19 Vax Targeting XBB.1.5 Less Effective ******



Bivalent Booster Bomb: Latest mRNA Vax Only 30% Effective: More Doses Equals Greater Risk for COVID-19


Cleveland Clinic investigators’ data revealed that the greater the number of mRNA doses, the more the incidence of SARS-CoV-2,

More vaccinated have died than unvaccinated.


Two or More Doses of COVID Vaccine Increases Risk of Long COVID Symptoms


Patients who received two or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine were more likely to experience symptoms of long COVID (chronic fatigue, pain, headaches, etc.) compared with people who were unvaccinated or had received one dose, a peer-reviewed study showed.


People Who Got Boosters More Likely to Get COVID Than Unvaccinated

People vaccinated with the COVID-19 boosters in 2023-2024 were more likely to get COVID-19 than their unvaccinated counterparts, according to a study published last week in the Annals of Internal Medicine.



Large Study Points to Possible Systematic Suppression and Bias by Health Authorities Against Low Cost Repurposed Drugs Like HCQ and Ivermectin During COVID-19 Response.


The study by Lacout et al. hypothesizes that hydroxychloroquine, particularly when used early and at appropriate doses, was an effective treatment for COVID-19, but was systematically discredited due to flawed studies, scientific bias, and potential conflicts of interest. The authors contend that regulatory agencies and the media actively suppressed HCQ's potential benefits, instead favoring expensive, patented pharmaceuticals with questionable efficacy.

This study and other studies and data support this hypothesis.



Highly Credentialed Physician-Investigator: Exclusive Reliance on COVID-19 Vaccines for Outbreak Prevention A Failure , but Vitamin D and Nutrient Package Off-Label Regime much more Effective at Preventing or Treating Viral Conditions



Meta Analysis: mRNA Vax Myocarditis/Pericarditis at 2X the Rate for the unvaccinated .

The meta-analysis points to the following observation:  within a 30=day follow-up duration, “Vaccinated individuals were twice as likely to develop myo /pericarditis in absence of SARS-CoV-2 infection compared to unvaccinated individuals, with a rate ratio of 2.05 (95% CI 1.49–2.82).”


Hong Kong Study Finds 58% of COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis Confirmed by MRI Not Resolved at One Year

 A  Hong Kong study by Yu and colleagues  have found that of young persons who had heart damage confirmed by MRI and who underwent a second scan one year later, 58% had residual abnormalities suggesting a scar could be forming in the heart muscle. Most of these young men had no apparent symptoms but had significant permanent heart damage. Thus, many not currently symptomatic will have future problems and likely earlier death due to the damage. Approximately 18% of cases initially had reduced left ventricular ejection fraction indicating they were at risk for the development of heart failure.


Cardiac Mortality Up During 28 Days after COVID-19 Vaccination in Self-Controlled Studies from England, Italy, United States


"The COVID-19 Vaccines May Not Have Been as Effective as We Thought", Scientists Question Previous Statistics


Claims that COVID-19 vaccines were effective and saved millions of lives were apparently based on inaccurate science, according to a new  study  published in the Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination.  (and others) The authors say that the earlier studies used methodologies that are misleading and have no statistical significance. They conclude that the vaccines may not have saved many lives as previously stated but may in fact increase the risk of death in certain people.  


Death Certificates Confirm that Apple Valley Village Health Center Experienced a Mass Dying Event in January 2021 After Center Vaccination Program


Steve Kirsch published a Substack article recently containing, not surprisingly, explosive allegations that a Minnesota-based senior living facility was the location of a tragic mass dying event associated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Apple Valley Village Health Care Center saw >10X higher COVID death rates after COVID vax rollout. Isn't it supposed to decrease rates?

Before the vaccines, there were 27 cases of COVID and no deaths from COVID. 30% of patients killed by the vaccine in 3 weeks: Over 40 people died within 3 weeks after the shot. There were around 140 residents at the time, so the vaccine killed nearly 30% of the residents. You don’t have to take my word on this; it’s right there in the official US government CMS data.


The   Doctors for COVID Ethics   (D4CE), an international group of physicians and scientists , last month released a new book, “ mRNA Vaccine Toxicity ,” an extensive assessment of the mechanisms and manifestations of mRNA vaccine technology harm, through the perspectives of immunology, pathology, pharmacokinetics, epidemiology and medical history. The book is available to   download free of charge   or   order in print .



U.S. Excess Deaths for the 25-54 age group were 53% for Q3 2021 and 39% for Q4. Ed Dowd, Cause Unknown, 2022


About 18% of the Employed Labor Force aged 16-64 is estimated to have suffered injuries due to the Covid-19 vaccine rollout program that started in 2021. In absolute numbers, an estimated 26.6 million individuals have been injured by the inoculations. This corresponded to a 28.6% rise in absence rates in 2022 relative to 2019, and a 50% rise in lost worktime rates.


Kory and Pfeiffer cited insurance industry data showing a stunning 34% more working people, ages 35 to 44, died than expected in the last quarter of 2022 , with above-average rates in other working-age groups, too.




Most countries excess deaths excess deaths up in 2020, mostly from doctors not knowing how to treat Covid effectively ; higher in 2021 than 2020; then higher in 2022 than 2021.


Austria Age 15-24: excess deaths 46%in 2021 & 63% in 2022.

GERMANY Age group 40-49 ex. d. highest, 17 & 18.5%.


Japan Excess Deaths up for 2021-2023

As many as 345,000 Japanese have died in “excess” between 25-Apr-21 and 26-Mar-23 (and still counting), a truly unprecedented mortality event in the last quarter of a century. Prior to 25-Apr-21, excess mortality had not exhibited any signs of unusual activity, in spite of the alleged deadliness of COVID that was rife in the western world for an entire year.

Australian Scientists Find Disturbing Patterns: COVID-19 Vaccines Correspond with Excess Deaths in 2021 and 2022.


Author of Congressional Vax Injury Compensation Bill Pens an Op-Ed

Democrat Representative  Lloyd Doggett  from Texas and Republican Congressman  Lloyd Smucker  of Pennsylvania introduced a bill,  H.R.5142 ,  which is designed to  modernize  the current COVID-19 vaccine compensation schemes.  The bill would update and improve the nearly forty-year-old  Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) .


Biotech Industry Lobby (“BIO”) Supports Legislation to Modernize COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Compensation

Government databases show millions have been significantly injured by the vaccines and at least many thousands killed, so the financial problem is huge, running into the billions of dollars.



Pfizer/CDC/FDA Fraud


Horowitz: Confidential Pfizer FOIA Document Shows the Company Observed 1.6 Million Adverse Events Covering Nearly Every Organ by Aug 2022. A high percent were deaths or serious. The Fraud and huge numbers of adverse events and deaths were covered up from the start by Fauci, CDC, FDA to promote the vaccines. This is obviously a huge undercount of the total adverse events which have been documented to be many millions.



A new unredacted email from Fauci sees the former NIAID head admitting to gain-of-function research in Wuhan. What about other biosafety labs around the world? The media is now in fear mode over a new tick-borne illness being called the ‘greatest public health threat. Does this have lab-tinkering fingerprints on it?

See Also:  CVSource


Fauci Tried to Hide U.S. Funding of Bioweapons Research, But China Openly Bragged About ‘New Era of Genetic Weapons’

Dr. Anthony Fauci funneled tens of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to bioweapons research, including experiments conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci and other U.S. government officials continue to deny such experiments are related to the development of bioweapons, but China openly admits that its scientists are using gain-of-function research to create genetic weapons.


Key Scientist in Origin of Covid Accused of Misleading Congress Over an $8.9 Million Grant

Kristian Andersen  of Scripps Research and Anthony Fauci

A Short History of Bioweapons : Excerpts from RFK Jr.’s New Book , The Wuhan Cover-Up


More Obvious Corruption at FDA:  FDA Approves Remdesivir in Kidney Patients after Failed Trial

(only drug approved for these Covid effects although there were  known effective treatments for Covid effects used effectively by millions ; result was  millions harmed or killed ).     

Analysis of Minnesota death certificate data reveals that collectively, COVID interventions caused at least four times more excess mortality than COVID itself. Early, Care home massacres; later, remdesivir and Ventilators (See also HW291 )



The Harm Caused by the Covid Vaccine Spike Protein ( Pubmed autopsies & studies)


All-Cause Mortality Up after Mass COVID-19 Vaccination

Governments around the globe put a huge amount of faith in COVID-19 vaccines as their only intervention to reduce mortality. Yet, no prospective randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial has demonstrated a reduction in death with COVID-19 vaccines. On the contrary, every single data system around the globe has reported increased mortality coinciding with the roll-out of the vaccines.

COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Suits Commence in Canada: Pfizer Vax Victim Sues for $10.5M


Ivermectin Proven to be Effective for Treatment of Covid


Peer Reviewed: Peru & WHO Health Data Analysis Suggests Ivermectin Associated with Reduction in Excess Deaths

The authors report that for a period of 30 days after peak deaths reductions in excess deaths averaged 74% in the ten states with the heaviest ivermectin use. The study analysis reveals that across all 25 states, a reduction in excess death count correlated statistically well with extent of ivermectin use (p<0.002).


FLCCC: Ivermectin for COVID


MORE STUDIES These treatment protocols were more effective than the vaccines at preventing and curing Covid,


Dr.   Sanjay Gupta   admits CNN deliberately lied about ivermectin,


in an interview on   ABC   , the   network   actually admitted it edited R Kennedy�s remarks to cut down his views on vaccines.


How an Australian Doctor, My Le Trinh, by Saving Some COVID Patients and Getting Suspended, May Save Millions More. (Health Regulatory Agency Collusion/ Incompetance /Disinformation being exposed by Media Publicity of her case)


Colombia-based Medical Researchers: Repurposed Drugs & Even Natural Products Should be Part of COVID-19 Regimen Strategy

The collaborators point to the promise of computational drug repurposing known as in silico assay. In silico assessment is a method that uses advanced computational modeling to predict the toxicity of a chemical. It's considered an alternative to animal testing.  However,  TrialSite   reported on the overwhelming bias in the U.S. response geared to advanced, complex and expensive branded vaccines and novel therapeutics promoted by major Pharmaceuticals that were not proven safe or effective.

Some approved drugs used report Wildeman Zapata- Builes and colleagues include: chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, zidovudine, ribavirin, lamivudine, remdesivir, lopinavir and tenofovir/emtricitabine…showing effectiveness in vitro and in silico against SARS-CoV-2 and some of these, also in clinical trials .

Natural products were also identified by the Colombian medical researchers. For example,  the cite instances where terpenoids, alkaloids, saponins and phenolics showed some promise in vitro and in silico for use against COVID-19 disease. The most investigated include resveratrol, quercetin, hesperidin, curcumin, myricetin and botulinic acid, which were proposed as SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors .

These treatments have been used effectively to treat Covid by millions of patients.


Robert KENNEDY IS WINNING   in Presidential Race


Joe   Rogan   offered to contribute $100,000 to Vaccine Promoter Peter   Hotez   favorite charity if the doctor would debate Kennedy on   Rogans�s   show.   Elon Musk tweeted   in favor of a debate. More money added for debate.   Hotez declined. His claims are unscientific Propaganda and Kennedy would demonstrate this.  

Joe   Rogan   insisted the medical industry has been captured by heartless monsters who have a history of some of the biggest criminal fines in human history because their deception has   cost hundreds of thousands of people their lives .  


RFK, Jr. Challenges Peter   Hotez   to a Debate Vaccine Harm vs Benefit: Postscript   Tweet


UK-led Study Finds COVID-19 Vaccines Can Trigger Amyloidosis ( amyloidosis is characterized by the abnormal buildup of amyloid proteins across various organs and tissues throughout the human body leading to insoluble fibrils that can interfere with normal organ function)


New-Onset and Flares of Multiple Sclerosis are Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 Vaccination

Tavazzi et al.  reported numerous cases of either flares of existing MS or de novo disease in patients who either had SARS-CoV-2 infection, vaccination or both. It is well known that other viral infections can flare MS, however, there were clear-cut cases of mRNA vaccines causing new cases of MS The Tavazzi paper suggests some de novo cases were completely avoidable by declining COVID-19 vaccination from the start.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is  a chronic disease of the central nervous system . MS is an autoimmune disorder, a condition in which the body attacks itself by mistake. There is a wide range of motor and sensory deficits. Given the concern over worsened autoimmunity, it seems unwise to give inflammatory vaccines to MS patients since they could trigger worsened immune attack against the nervous system. 300 307 314 337 342



Wuhan Biotoxin


Jefferey Jaxen Reports on New Information Out of Wuhan which Alleged First Patients to Contract COVID Were Wuhan Lab Scientists


Breaking news now names the first three cases of COVID as Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists working directly with the SARS virus lending more weight to the lab leak reality


COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory Evidence: Harder to Ignore or Evade


Senator Demands HHS Answers on Possible Cover-Up of Covid Origins. Mainstream Media Stirring



Brevard County Republican Committee  (BREC)  has officially concluded that SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen behind COVID-19 is a Bioweapon As reported by local media such as WPEC, CBS 12 News the group has already completed a draft of the letter calling out to make the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines illegal in the Sunshine State . The Brevard County leadership committee adopted a resolution, asking DeSantis to make the COVID-19 vaccines illegal.



Reclaiming Wellness: Expert Treatments to Thrive After COVID Bioweapon Damage . Jonathon Otto


The Times:  What really went on inside the Wuhan lab weeks before Covid erupted

NBC:  U.S. intel report identified 3 Wuhan lab researchers who fell ill in November 2019

Public:  First People Sickened By COVID-19 Were Chinese Scientists at Wuhan Institute Of Virology, Say US Government Sources

PLOS Pathogens:  Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus

Science Direct:  Geographical structure of bat SARS-related coronaviruses


Gov. Agency/Media Science Censorship Conspiracy

A Handful of Giant Corporations Control the Global Propaganda Machine

The Censorship/Industrial Complex: Report Names Top 50 Groups Working to Censor Americans & Spread Propaganda to Control World Opinion


6 Companies Control 90% of What You Read, Watch and Hear . They all have an agenda and control the message you hear for their benefit, not public benefit, or truth.

news  mergers reached a record high  of $5.8 trillion in 2021. Local Media are all being driven out of business and bought out. If you ever took Economics 101, you’re probably well aware that monopolies are great for the providers and bad for consumers — by eliminating competition. Today, just  six conglomerates  — Comcast, Disney, AT&T, Sony, Fox and Paramount Global (formerly known as ViacomCBS) — control 90% of what you watch, read, or listen to.  They have interlocking connections and control the message agenda for their benefit, not public benefit and with no regard for truth. The agenda and message come from propaganda organizations controlled by the ultra-rich for their benefit.


New Details Emerge About How White House Colluded With CCDH, CISA, and Twitter to fraudulently Censor RFK Jr., CHD   , Dr. Mercola, ETC.

New Twitter File   s   released today by investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker reveal how dark money grou   ps such as CCDH and University groups helped   the White House   /CDC/ CIS influence Media and social media   to   flag   accurate science-based   social media posts   by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.   ,   Children's Health Defense   , etc.   that contradicted the   official go   vernment   propaganda   narrative on COVID-19   .

Mark Zuckerberg Admits Feds Asked Facebook to Censor True COVID Information


RFK Jr. Sues YouTube and Google, Alleges fraudulent Misinformation Policies Violated His First Amendment Rights


CCDH drafted a list of the so-called   Disinformation Dozen   , which included Kennedy,    Dr. Joseph Mercola    and Ty and Charlene Bollinger, founders of    The Truth About Vaccines    and    The Truth About Cancer    websites. The list was used by the White House and Twitter, prior to its purchase by Elon Musk, to censor those individuals on Twitter and other social media. The organizations censored all were transparent science-based organizations that include sources and documentation of information. Musk ended the fraudulent censorship and propaganda promotion that Twitter had been conducting.

CCDH also collaborates with online Bogus fact-checking firms like    NewsGuard   .


Revealed : Dark Money Funders Behind Disinformation Dozen Report

A new report published Monday by GreenMedInfo revealed  nine of the dark money sources  funding the  Center for Countering Digital Hate  (CCDH), an influential nonprofit that  colluded  with social media platforms and the White House to fraudulently censor and slander Children's Health Defense (CHD), Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD's chairman. Dr. Joseph Mercola and others for spreading disinformation.

Facebook investigated  and dismissed the report, releasing a statement saying that "There isn't any evidence" to support its claims and that the small sample used in CCDH's analysis was "in no way representative of the hundreds of millions of posts that people have shared about  COVID-19  vaccines."

"There is no justification for [CCDH's] claim that their data constitute a 'representative sample' of the content shared across our apps," Facebook stated.

Yet, the report was used by the White House and Twitter to censor those individuals and by legacy media outlets  such as NPR The Guardian  and countless others to discredit the people on the list.


BREAKING: Imran Ahmed (CCDH) Facing Congressional Inquiry for Fraudulent " Disinfo Dozen" Report + Malign Influence on US Citizens

It is clear the CCDH report was fraudulent and slanderous, as there was No Evidence the sites had anything scientifically inaccurate or undocumented. Those in the Federal Agencies with connections to the fraudulent use of the Report should be identified and prosecuted.

Most Congress persons are supporting the Propaganda machine, not science or truth.

BREAKING: Elon Musk Files Lawsuit Against CCDH, Alleging Fraud, Abuse, Breach of Contract (suing Propaganda/Disinformation Promoter)

It is clear the CCDH report was fraudulent and slanderous, as there was No Evidence the censored sites had anything scientifically inaccurate or undocumented. Those in the Federal Agencies and social media with connections to the fraudulent use of the Report should be identified and prosecuted.



There were known treatments proven highly effective for Covid used by thousands of doctors to successfully treat millions with virtually no deaths but discouraged by CDC. See also CVTreat

Truth is No Defense: Virality Project as Public/Private Partnership to Ban Inconvenient Facts About COVID-19 & Promote Vaccination; Toss Protected Speech ;   VP deputized by Homeland Security to censor millions.


Corruption and Deliberate Publication of Disinformation/Propaganda paid for by promoters has led to the Unprecedented Lack of Trust of Media and Lower Attention: Money over Truth)


American Trust In Media Remains Near Record Low


BREAKING: Elon Musk Threatens Suit Against 'Digital Hate Group' CCDH, Calls Out Their 'Research' as Baseless Propaganda


Lawsuit for Free Speech and Antitrust Violations Refiled in Louisiana Federal District Court (Suit to Expose Corruption and impose Penalties for the Great Harm and Deaths Caused by Media Collusion/Corruption)

The complaint alleges that members of the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) colluded with one another and with social media platforms to target and censor rival online news publishers, violating the  Sherman Antitrust Act  and the First Amendment. (See also HW320 )


Trusted News Initiative (TNI) to combat spread of harmful ... (Even the organization title was disinformation- intent was to suppress accurate information about vaccines showing vaccine adverse effects which is what they are still doing- result was millions of unnecessary deaths and serious injuries )




Respected NYC Journalist: CDC Database Inflates COVID Children Death Count & NY Times Knowingly Reports Anyway (see also CDCFDAPF ) (HW290 )



Pharmaceuticals are engaged in a war on safe effective treatments for chronic conditions

Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer's Secret Collusion With the NIH, CDC, FDA Also see CDCFDAPF


Big Pharma Influencing Health Care in the UK


According to an article in  The Guardian , Big Pharma is pouring a lot of money into the NHS including paying salaries of medical staff and funding the redesign of patient treatment all the while trying to boost drug sales in the United Kingdom. Payments to health professionals and organizations in Britain reached a record of over $261 million in 2022, with companies seeking to promote “lucrative” drugs like products for diabetes and heart conditions.


Vitamin D and COVID Benefits: A Game-Changer the Medical Establishment Won’t Acknowledge



DHS Sought to Assign Social Credit Style Risk Scores to Social Media Users

n ewly disclosed documents have unveiled that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) entered into a contract with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) in 2018 to develop a project, dubbed "Night Fury," designed to analyze and assign "risk scores" to social media accounts.

The Brennan Center for Justice procured these documents through a public records request, and  Motherboard  was the first to report on them. Project Night Fury aimed at utilizing automation to detect and evaluate social media accounts for connections to terrorism, illegal opioid distribution, but also covid information campaigns.

Questionable Tactics Used in Vaccine Safety Testing safety & effectiveness questionable.

Trial data from Merck shows that Gardasil vaccinations may increase cervical cancer risk if you have been exposed to HPV strains 16 or 18 prior to vaccination.

·        Serious adverse events arising outside of a two-week period post-vaccination were simply marked down as “medical history” . A systematic review of pre- and post-licensure trials of the HPV vaccine concluded its effectiveness is both overstated and unproven. Reported side effects of Gardasil vaccination include immune-based inflammatory neurodegenerative disorders, suggesting something is causing the immune system to overreact in a detrimental way, sometimes fatally.


Medical Studies show the Covid Vaccines have caused much more harm than benefit . No benefit compared to effective treatment. Internet Fact Checking on this issue have been documented to be deliberately Fraudulent.

Mark Zuckerberg Admits Feds Asked Facebook to Censor True COVID Information . They are being sued for fraud. Actions were also illegal. The Study was proven valid, but also documented elsewhere. See Conclude .



Looking at the COVID pandemic as a military-run operation puts public laws and documents into light while painting a different picture of the whole was really in charge of the US response. Was this martial law?


Who is Colonel Deborah Birx and why was she Heading up a Military-run Pandemic Response?


Washington Examiner:  FDA and Pentagon in turf war over product approvals

GovInfo :  Public Law 115-92

FDLI:  Public Law 115-92: A New Era of Collaboration between DoD and FDA

KEI Online:  Department of Defense: DOD ATI Pfizer Technical Direction Letter

KEI Online:  Department of Defense/Pfizer Contract December 2020

GovInfo :  Public Law 109–417

PanCAP Adapted U.S. Government COVID - 19 Response Plan

NPR:  White House Names AIDS Expert Debbie Birx To Help Lead Coronavirus Response

Washington Post:  Top Trump adviser bluntly contradicts president covid-19 threat, urging all-out response

Brownstone Institute:  The Talented Mr. Pottinger: The US Intelligence Agent Who Pushed Lockdowns

Amazon:  Silent Invasion: The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, Covid-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic Before It's Too Late

Brownstone Institute:  It Was Birx . All Birx .


Life-Saving Vitamin C Protocol for Sepsis Reaffirmed After Legal Challenge


World-renowned Critical Care Pioneer, Dr. Paul Marik, is back in the news as the CHEST Journal, which published his benchmark life-saving Vitamin C Protocol for sepsis, reaffirmed the study after it came under attack. Dr. Marik joins Del to detail the pharma-driven war on repurposed drugs, and cheap early, non-pharmaceutical interventions for weight loss, overall health, cancer, and more. These are the treatments that pharma doesn’t want you to know about.

The HighWire Shop:  The War on Ivermectin

Chest Journal:  Hydrocortisone, Vitamin C, and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock

EVMS:  Has sepsis met its match?

Kyle Sheldrick Blogspot:  Evidence of Fabricated Data in a Vitamin C trial by Paul E Marik et al in CHEST

MedPage Today:  Infamous Vitamin C Study May Rely on Fraudulent Data

FLCCC:  CHEST Journal Editor's Note and Letter to Dr. Marik

Kyle Sheldrick Blogspot:  Public Apology to Dr. Marik

FLCCC Website

Trends in Disease & Treatment

In a single generation, there has been a dramatic acceleration in the prevalence of diseases and disorders like autism (2094%), Alzheimer’s (299%), COPD (148%), diabetes (305%), sleep apnea (430%), celiac disease (1111%), ADHD (819%), asthma (142%), depression (280%), bipolar disease in youth (10833%), osteoarthritis (449%), lupus (787%), inflammatory bowel disease IBD(120%), chronic fatigue syndrome (11027%), fibromyalgia (7727%), multiple sclerosis (117%) and hypothyroidism (702%). 


A major factor in this is documented to be the increasing toxicity of the food supply .


Health.com :  Cancer Among Those Under 50 Is Rising Dramatically—Study Examines Causes and Risk Factors
Major factors : Childhood Vaccinations, Covid Vaccination , Toxics in Food , chronic inflammation (Dr R. Blaylock (Neurologist) Study- Covid Vaccines Are Linked to Brain Degeneration, Cancer, Heart Problems; Wellness Report Vol 20, No 6 &
COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? Neurologist- Dr. Russell Blaylock ( NIH PubMed )  

BREAKING--Fatal Craniofacial Cancer Five Months after COVID-19 Vaccination

Published Report Concludes mRNA Injection is the Cause of the Turbo Cancer.


School Closings, Masks, Violent Youth, Teen Mass Shootings: A Potential Link Brownstone Institute

Pfizer FOIA Document release : 77,000 psychiatric disorders observed following the shots, lending credence to  Dr. Peter McCullough's research observing  case studies showing psychosis correlating with vaccination.


World Journal of Diabetes:  Oxidative stress, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Amazon:  The Obesity Code - Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss

Glucose Goddess Website

FLCCC:  Eat Well - Guide to Fasting and Healthy Eating

FLCCC:  I-CARE - Insulin Resistance

Medical News Today:  '1 in 2 people will develop cancer in their lifetime'

Nature:  Cancer will cost the world $25 trillion over next 30 years

Frontiers:  Combined Vitamin D, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and a Simple Home Exercise Program May Reduce Cancer Risk Among Active Adults Aged 70 and Older: A Randomized Clinical Trial

FLCCC:  The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer


Parents Clash As California Continues To Target Parental Rights.


As schools across the nation continue to push LGBTQ+ curriculum, conflicts between parents and school staff escalate. President and Co-founder of PERK Advocacy (Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids), Amy Bohn, discusses the recent explosive clash outside a school board meeting in Glendale, CA, which led to an all-out brawl and 3 arrests, including an ANTIFA member who is rumored to have elevated the peaceful protest to violence.


PERK:  Know the Bills and Take Action

PERK:  Action Center

PERK:  Take action to oppose AB 957

PERK:  Children and School

PERK:  PERK Resource Guide for Parents

California Legislative Information:  BILL AB 957

California Legislative Information:  BILL AB 407

California Legislative Information:  BILL AB 665

California Legislative Information:  BILL AB 223