HW319 AWAKENING (Vaccine Harm & Gov. Agency/Media Science Censorship Conspiracy & Vaccine Breakthrough Cases & Great Awakening/ Plandemic 3 & Effective Covid Treatments Proven Valid & Toxics in Food and Toxic Harm Proliferating & Dangerous Treatment Protocols Used & Spellers Documentary a Huge Success)


  Vaccine Breakthrough Cases

Transmission event of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant reveals multiple vaccine breakthrough infections 2021


Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load of unvaccinated with Covid infection, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers (Aug 2021)

The scientists studied healthcare workers who were unable to leave the hospital for two weeks. The data showed that fully vaccinated workers, about two months after injection with the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine (AZD1222), acquired, carried and presumably transmitted the Delta variant to their vaccinated colleagues. They almost certainly also passed the Delta infection to susceptible unvaccinated people, including their patients. Sequencing of strains confirmed the workers transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to one another. 


Vaccine Harm & Excess Deaths from the Vaccines

Horowitz: Confidential Pfizer FOIA Document Shows the Company Observed 1.6 Million Adverse Events Covering Nearly Every Organ by Aug 2022. A high percent were deaths or serious. The Fraud and huge numbers of adverse events and deaths were covered up from the start by Fauci, CDC, FDA to promote the vaccines. This is obviously a huge undercount of the total adverse events which have been documented to be many millions.



Two or More Doses of COVID Vaccine Increases Risk of Long COVID Symptoms


Patients who received two or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine were more likely to experience symptoms of long COVID compared with people who were unvaccinated or had received one dose, a peer-reviewed study showed.


Covid Vaccines Are Documented to be Linked to Brain Degeneration, Cancer, Heart Problems.

Since the vaccine rollout, we are seeing unprecedented numbers of Epstein-Barr virus reactivation syndrome.  ( EBV is linked to  Hodgkin lymphoma, Burkitt lymphoma (a rare type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma) and nasopharyngeal cancers . EBV s also linked to several autoimmune disorders, including  multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid )


Pfizer FOIA Document release : Pfizer aware of 61,518 AEs from well over 100 categories of eye disorders from the shots in Aug 2022. This is huge undercount of actual total cases.


COVID Shots Associated with Increased Risk of Blindness

100% increase in arterial or vascular retina occlusion (& other eye problems) within 2 years of vaccination, which often leads to blindness. Many vaccinated people affected.

The broad range of reported side effects of the COVID jab is astounding . Effects involve just about every part, organ and system of the body, including a range of eye problems.

Swiss Bombshell—First Prospective Study Shows Far Greater Myocardial Concern with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose

The study results reveal the actual incidence of post-vaccination myocardial lesions is 2.8% vs 0.0035% of myocarditis in retrospective studies. Impacting women more in this research, this data is contrary to what has been described by the retrospective research and what has been captured by regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in mRNA vaccine package inserts. 


Huge Increase in Sudden Deaths & Death Rate in highly vaccinated populations (due to the vaccines)

Low deaths from Covid before mass vaccination started &

HUGE INCREASE IN DEATH RATE AFTER MASS VACCINATIONS STARTED in: South Korea, Thailand, Malesia. Uganda, Nepal, Portugal, etc.

Excess Deaths Continue to Rise in Europe: What’s the Cause? [higher vaccination rate >> higher excess deaths]

By April 2023,  excess mortality  rose compared with the previous month, equaling +2.7% above te baseline (average number of deaths for the same period in 2016-2019).  Austria (13.2%), Finland (12.4%), Luxembourg (12.3%) and Ireland (12.2%) recorded the highest excess mortality rates. Among the countries that did not observe excess deaths, Romania (-12.2%), Bulgaria (-8.7%) and Lithuania (-7.7%) recorded the lowest rates. 

Cardiovascular Crisis Engulfs England: What’s the Cause? Vaccination Topic Avoided even though evidence indicates vaccines likely responsible.

Government data implies over 500 people per week die because of cardiovascular concerns, from heart attacks to strokes. According to the  British Heart Foundation 96,540 people have perished from heart-related problems since March 2020 . The  Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)  reports more excess deaths involving cardiovascular conditions than any other disease groups in this analysis .


All-Cause Mortality Up after Mass COVID-19 Vaccination

Governments around the globe put a huge amount of faith in COVID-19 vaccines as their only intervention to reduce mortality. Yet, no prospective randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial has demonstrated a reduction in death with COVID-19 vaccines. On the contrary, every single data system around the globe has reported increased mortality coinciding with the roll-out of the vaccines.


Insurance Data Showing the U.S. Excess Death Crisis Still Going on in 2023 Slides Behind a $10,000 Paywall


an SOA official who recently told a trade publication that deaths in young insured adults in 2023 were still far above normal.  Very important information in our reports we’ve been studying. In the third quarter of 2021 among insured workers aged 35 to 44, They died at 201 percent of normal, which is double the pre-pandemic norm . In early September of 2021, 100 million American workers, including many insured by companies SOA serves, were  mandated  to take covid vaccines or face job termination . As  documented  by the society, deaths in young insured adults soared in late 2021; the  increase occurred in tandem with coerced vaccination and the crest of the Delta covid wave. 


Media Silent as UK Data Show Sharp Increase in Excess Deaths in 2022 & 2023

New statistics released by the U.K. government show a sharp increase in excess deaths throughout the country in 2022, a trend that has continued so far this year. Official U.K. statistics  also showed that in the week ending April 21, 2023, the number of deaths exceeded the five-year average by 22.1%

Atrial Fibrillation Cases Skyrocket in the UK: 1 in 45 Now Live with Condition (50% increase over 10 years ago)

This diagnosed heart condition raises the risk of stroke, reports the British Heart Foundation . People with this diagnosis are five times more likely to succumb to a fatal or life-changing stroke. The React19 post-COVID-19 vaccine serious adverse event repository includes a handful of AF cases associated with COVID-19 vaccination.  CDC VAERS database reports huge increase in atrial fibrillation after vaccination . The main causes of this conditions has also been found to be caused by Covid vaccinations . 93% of the AF reports from the 30-year history of VAERS were from the COVID vaccine in 2021 & 2022. Severe Covid or some treatments that were used to treat Covid can cause AF.

Pakistani/Sudan Meta-Analysis: Frequent Cardiovascular Events Associated with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

Out of 81 articles analyzing cardiovascular complications post-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines across 17,636 individuals, 284 deaths were reported 284 involving any mRNA vaccine. Of 17,636 cardiovascular events with any mRNA vaccine, 17,192 were observed with the BNT162b2 (Pfizer−BioNTech) vaccine, 444 events with mRNA-1273 (Moderna).

The meta-analysis author's point to Thrombosis as frequently reported with any mRNA vaccine ( n = 13,936), followed by stroke ( n = 758), myocarditis ( n = 511), myocardial infarction ( n = 377), pulmonary embolism ( n = 301), and arrhythmia ( n = 254).

When stratifying the results by vaccine type, Mohammed Mahmmoud Fadelallah Ejack and colleagues write: that thrombosis (80.8%) was common in the BNT162b2 cohort, while stroke (39.9%) was common with mRNA-1273 for any dose.

Korea National Cohort Study Validates Incidence of COVID-19 Vaccine-related Myocarditis Sudden Death , Significant Cardiovascular Risk for Young Males, Symptomatic COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Myocarditis . A nationally prominent Korean research team was assembled to study COVID-19 vaccine safety. They conducted a retrospective nationwide analysis covering the entire Korean population based on the data made possible by a reporting system for adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccination.  Cases were confirmed by the Expert Adjudication Committee of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, finding COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis confirmed in 480 cases (1.08 cases per 100,000 persons.  When slicing and dicing the national data by gender, Kim and colleagues report a higher incidence of vaccine-related myocarditis in men than in women (1.35 vs 0.82 per 100,000 persons, P< 0.001).  The Korean team reports that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with exponentially higher incidence of myocarditis than other vaccines (1.46 vs 0.14 per 100,000 persons , P> 0.001

Covid Vaccines Are Documented to be Linked to Brain Degeneration, Cancer, Heart Problems.

What Life Insurers Are Saying About Death Now Feb. 2023

 total  excess mortality  from all causes is still noticeably higher than it used to be before the COVID-19 pandemic started, executives said.

Huge, huge numbers:’ insurance group sees death rates up 40 percent over pre-pandemic levels. The Hill, Jan 2022.

Globe Life: High Excess Claims Lie Ahead, Jan 2023

The BMJ:  Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us  

Twitter:  Geert Vanden Bossche Tweet why Mass Vaccination Campaigns cause great harm

Salon:  Vaccine developers can't keep up with COVID's mutations

Health:  Cancer Among Those Under 50 Is Rising Dramatically—Study Examines Causes and Risk Factors

(contributing factors: proliferation of childhood vaccination and toxics in food & use of Biosolids & Covid Vaccines / Blaylock Wellness Reports 2023 )

Wiley Online Library:  BNT162b2 Vaccine-Associated Myo/Pericarditis in Adolescents: A Stratified Risk-Benefit Analysis

 In boys with prior infection and no comorbidities, even one dose carried more risk than benefit according to international estimates

CNBC:  Nordic countries are restricting the use of Moderna’s Covid vaccine. Here’s why

Florida Health:  State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo Issues New Mrna COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance

Fauci Mask Email (pg. 3027)

School Closings, Masks, Violent Youth, Teen Mass Shootings: A Potential Link Brownstone Institute

Pfizer FOIA Document release : 77,000 psychiatric disorders observed following the shots, lending credence to  Dr. Peter McCullough's research observing  case studies showing psychosis correlating with vaccination.

Cochrane Library:  Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses

Washington Post:  CDC opens probe after 35 test positive for covid following CDC conference

Pew Research Center:  U.S. Public Now Divided Over Whether to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Politco :  Covid vaccine concerns are starting to spill over into routine immunizations

CDC Covid Policy Failed

Vaccines have not curbed death rates from COVID in countries around the world. There is no clear evidence that they have saved lives and they have probably done more to precipitate deaths than to avert them. This is a conclusion reached after completing a straightforward statistical study that compares the death rate from COVID to the level of vaccination within each of the individual countries. The Clinical Trials were Fraudulent & thus aborted & did not prove the vaccines safe or effective.

If vaccinations were doing what they were promised to do, then countries in which higher proportions of the population became vaccinated would be the countries in which relatively fewer people died from the virus. But there is no evidence that such a thing happened. Highly vaccinated countries had the highest excess deaths & mortality rate since the vaccine rollout. Deaths labeled Covid Deaths were highly inflated by Policy Fraud & Institutional Fraud so highly inaccurate. Very few healthy individuals who had proper treatment were killed by Covid .

Merck Sues U.S. Government: American Pharma Doesn’t Want Medicare Ability to Haggle Prices

(Would reduce pharmaceuticals ability to set prices, and reduce their profits)


Dangerous Hospital Protocols used to treat patients Responsible for thousands of Deaths. (See also HW291 )


Nurses Share Experiences In Hospitals During COVID-19--Incredibly Disturbing If Accurate & Generalizable to Broader Health System Failures in Treating Covid

They report a shocking reality:  the top-down protocols promulgated across American health care systems contributed to the enormous U.S. COVID-19 related death toll. Most deaths called Covid Deaths by CDC actually caused by proscribed use of dangerous drugs and treatment protocols.


Remember when the mainstream media sold the CDC lie that hospitals were inundated with unvaccinated COVID patients? It was the vaccine injuries that filled up the hospital ER.

According to ER nurse Anna Housworth , COVID wasn’t the problem in 2021, it was the Vaccination injuries (and the dangerous hospitals protocols for treating Covid ).

We had gone a year with COVID patients treated in a Covid wing and an ER that remained almost empty until the vaccines started coming out, Housworth explained.  As she reveals on CHDTV, once the COVID shots rolled out, the ER filled up with patients suffering from strokes, blood clots, heart palpitations, numbness, paralysis + more. Also increased rate of miscarriages. ( Very few healthy people who sought treatment early died from Covid)


Videos of People whose family member was killed by dangerous hospital Covid treatment protocol known to be dangerous and not best practice.


Watch Discussion of New Book: The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine

Why do hospitals use dangerous treatment protocols and dangerous treatments rather than proven effective treatments, resulting in huge harm to patients?



There's an Acute Renal Failure Apocalypse Ongoing Since the Vaccine Rollout

(over 50% increase in 2021-2023, not caused by Covid, but the Vaccines and main CDC preferred covid treatment used by hospitals (Remdesivir) both known to cause ARF)


Deadly Hospital Protocols: 25 Commonalities

Carol Blakeman interviews 25 victims of deadly hospital protocols that harmed them.



I Knew They Were Killing People : Whistleblower Says COVID Hospital Protocols Led to Patient Deaths

In an emotional testimonial on CHD’s Vax- Unvax bus, a hospital medical coder discussed the hospital protocols and financial incentives during the COVID-19 pandemic that she believes led to preventable patient deaths, including the misuse of remdesivir and ventilators and a failure to investigate vaccine injuries properly.

Interview with VAERS Whistleblower Deborah Conrad & Attorney Warner Mendenhall


Hospital Administrators have been strongly discouraging staff from submitting vaccine injury data to CDC VAERS database as required by regulations. For that reason and the fact the database is voluntary and little known about, the database has huge undercounts ( approx.. 90%). Hospital staff like Conrad were fired if they insisted on reporting vaccine injuries to VAERS as they are supposed to do.


VAERS Whistleblower files lawsuit against hospital over wrongful firing.

VAERS whistleblower Deborah Conrad was fired from her position as a hospitalist & Physician Assistant @ Rochester Regional Health System because she filed VAERS reports for vaccine injured patients as required by CDC guidelines for health workers, then went public when she was censured and told to stop.


Playing God: 50 Years of Medical Malpractice in the U.K.


882,000 Annual U.S. Deaths Linked to Pharmaceutical s

prescription drugs are now the leading cause of death in the United States , surpassing   heart disease   and  cancer . 1  

According to Gøtzsche , psychiatric drugs alone are the third leading killer. 2



Documentation Invermectin more than 90% more effective than the vaccines at preventing deaths.

See tables and charts, Peru & Utter Pradesh


I.           Gov. Agency/Media Science Censorship Conspiracy

A Handful of Giant Corporations Control the Global Propaganda Machine

The Censorship/Industrial Complex: Report Names Top 50 Groups Working to Censor Americans & Spread Propaganda to Control World Opinion


There were known treatments proven highly effective for Covid used by thousands of doctors to successfully treat millions with virtually no deaths but discouraged by CDC. See also CVTreat


Truth is No Defense: Virality Project as Public/Private Partnership to Ban Inconvenient Facts About COVID-19 & Promote Vaccination; Toss Protected Speech ;   VP deputized by Homeland S ecurity to censor millions. Mark Zuckerberg Admits Feds Asked Facebook to Censor True COVID Information

DHS Sought to Assign Social Credit Style "Risk Scores" to Social Media Users


The Twitter Files and the New Censorship Regime

The Files show wide-spread censorship masquerading as "anti-disinformation" and intense collusion between government agencies, NGOs, academia,   BigTech , media, philanthropy, the intelligence community, and more.


Canadian Scandal: Privy Council Office Memo Directs Gov How to Obfuscate, Hide COVID-19 Vax Injuries



Colombia-based Medical Researchers: Repurposed Drugs & Even Natural Products Should be Part of COVID-19 Regimen Strategy

The collaborators point to the promise of computational drug repurposing known as in silico assay. In silico assessment is a method that uses advanced computational modeling to predict the toxicity of a chemical. It's considered an alternative to animal testing.  However,  TrialSite   reported on the overwhelming bias in the U.S. response geared to advanced, complex and expensive branded vaccines and novel therapeutics promoted by major Pharmaceuticals that were not proven safe or effective.

Some approved drugs used report Wildeman Zapata- Builes and colleagues include: chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, zidovudine, ribavirin, lamivudine, remdesivir, lopinavir and tenofovir/emtricitabine…showing effectiveness in vitro and in silico against SARS-CoV-2 and some of these, also in clinical trials .

Natural products were also identified by the Colombian medical researchers. For example,  the cite instances where terpenoids, alkaloids, saponins and phenolics showed some promise in vitro and in silico for use against COVID-19 disease. The most investigated include resveratrol, quercetin, hesperidin, curcumin, myricetin and botulinic acid, which were proposed as SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors .

These treatments have been used effectively to treat Covid by millions of patients.



HighWire Editorial Contributor and Editor-in-Chief at UncoverDC , Tracy Beanz , describes Missouri vs. Biden as, (one of the most important lawsuits of our lifetime. Attorney General of Missouri, Andrew Bailey, and Attorney General of Louisiana, Jeff Landry, take on the Office of the President and other federal offices for colluding with social media to suppress speech countering their narrative regarding COVID-19.


COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Suits Commence in Canada: Pfizer Vax Victim Sues for $10.5M


Class Action Suits filed by patients seriously injured by the Vaccines against the Pharmaceuticals in Australia and UK .

German COVID-19 Vax Injured All But Abandoned by the State TSN


Minnesota Advocacy Group Supports Patients/Loved Ones: Litigates Against Minnesota Hospitals Due to Dangerous COVID-19 Protocols

 A growing outrage emerges over what are considered negligent, or even worse protocols for COVID-19 care during the declared national emergency. And the litigation ensues, including a group of Minnesotans now suing local hospital systems called  Medical Justice Minnesota . A group formed by a part time attorney and EMT, experienced firsthand what he and many others consider the outcomes associated with COVID-19 protocols involving remdesivir or procedures such as intubation.


PublicBroadcaster DW,  suggested any help for the COVID-19 vaccine injured would be a “long overdue step.” This is significant media coverage—on par with PBS doing a similar story in America.


Vaccine Suits in Germany

The firm  Rogert & Ulbrich  specializing in COVID-19 vaccine injuries, now representing 750 persons he has filed 130 lawsuits in German against both BioNTech and Moderna .

Casar- Pellar , based in Mainz, which recently announced 100 lawsuits involving the COVID-19 vaccine


Lawsuit Against BioNTech Delayed as Attorney Seeks ‘Unbiased’ Judges to Hear Case in Hamburg


A Handful of Giant Corporations Control the Global Propaganda Machine

The Censorship/Industrial Complex: Report Names Top 50 Groups Working to Censor Americans & Spread Propaganda to Control World Opinion


6 Companies Control 90% of What You Read, Watch and Hear . They all have an agenda and control the message you hear for their benefit, not public benefit, or truth.

news  mergers reached a record high  of $5.8 trillion in 2021. Local Media are all being driven out of business and bought out. If you ever took Economics 101, you’re probably well aware that monopolies are great for the providers and bad for consumers — by eliminating competition. Today, just  six conglomerates  — Comcast, Disney, AT&T, Sony, Fox and Paramount Global (formerly known as ViacomCBS) — control 90% of what you watch, read, or listen to.  They have interlocking connections and control the message agenda for their benefit, not public benefit and with no regard for truth. The agenda and message come from propaganda organizations controlled by the ultra-rich for their benefit.


New Details Emerge About How White House Colluded With CCDH, CISA, and Twitter to fraudulently Censor RFK Jr., CHD   , Dr. Mercola, ETC.

New Twitter File   s   released today by investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker reveal how dark money grou   ps such as CCDH and University groups helped   the White House   /CDC/ CIS influence Media and social media   to   flag   accurate science-based   social media posts   by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.   ,   Children's Health Defense   , etc.   that contradicted the   official go   vernment   propaganda   narrative on COVID-19   .


Mark Zuckerberg Admits Feds Asked Facebook to Censor True COVID Information


CHD Sues Major Media Organizations Alleging Free Speech and Antitrust Violations

The  lawsuit , filed Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, Monroe Division, alleges members of the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) violated antitrust laws and the U.S. Constitution when they collectively colluded with  tech giants  to censor online news.

TNI is a self-described industry partnership launched in March 2020 by several of the world's largest news organizations, including the BBC, The Associated Press (AP), Reuters and The Washington Post, all of which are named as defendants in the lawsuit.

Federal Judge Orders Consolidation of Two Landmark Cases Against Government Censorship of Citizens

RFK Jr., Children’s Health Defense v. Biden  and  Missouri v. Biden  will move forward as one effort to preserve freedom of speech and forbid fraudulent disinformation.


US to end COVID vaccination requirements on May 11 for foreign travelers, federal workers


Chelsea Clinton and the WHO want your kid caught upA ;

CHELSEA CLINTON AND THE GREAT VACCINE CATCH-UP (More False Propaganda in support of the failed vaccines, Chelsea brainwashed & duped by Pharm spokesmen)

 Chelsea Clinton's Campaign Against Vaccine Misinformation Began When a Stranger Accosted Her

Reuters:  Clinton outpaces rivals in drug company donations

TIME:  The Most Effective Way to Get Through to Parents Who Won't Vaccinate Their Kids

ICAN:  Vaccine Safety Debate

Twitter:  Chelsea Clinton Retweets The   HighWire


FDA Failure dealing with Covid leads to Shakeup in Leadership.



Are You Ready for Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening ? The Highwire is hosting the Global Premiere Livestream, and we want to join the Party!


  Dangerous Levels of Toxic Metals, Pesticides, Microplastics, PFAS found in most grocery or restaurant prepared foods



Filmmaker Mikki WiIlis joins Del with an exciting announcement about the third installment of the Global Phenomenon, Plandemic series, which spotlights and tracks the decades’ old global agenda that was sent into overdrive during the pandemic. The HighWire is set to host the Global Premiere of Plandemic 3. Get registered now, at www.thehighwire.com/TheGreatAwakening, Now! Spread the word!

The  HighWire :  "The Great Awakening" Global Livestream

Plandemic Series Website

Plandemic Series Donate Page

Twitter:   Plandemic 3 Year Anniversary Tweet


III.          New Data Suggests Secondary Infection Main Killer from COVID. There were known Effective Treatments.


After a recent study concluded secondary pneumonia is likely the leading cause of death in COVID-19 patients, Dr Richard Bartlett returns to The Highwire to discuss the incredible success he had treating high-risk COVID patients with inhaled budesonide steroid all the way back in 2020, why it was so effective, how he was brutally attacked my media and his peers, and more. See also CVTreat

Annals of Internal Medicine:  Oral Fluvoxamine with Inhaled Budesonide for Treatment of Early-Onset COVID-19

Global Journals:  SARS-Cov-2 and the Case for Empirical Treatment

BMC:  Budesonide ameliorates lung injury induced by large volume ventilation

BMC:  Use of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen and risk factors for high-flow nasal cannula oxygen failure in critically-ill patients with COVID-19

Respiratory Medicine:  Pneumothorax in critically ill patients with COVID-19 infection: Incidence, clinical characteristics and outcomes in a case control multicenter study

  University of Oxford:  Common asthma treatment reduces need for hospitalization in COVID-19 patients, study suggests

  FLCCC: Ivermectin for COVID



An Approach to Post-Vaccine Cardiovascular and Cancer Care


IV. Dangerous Treatment Protocols Promoted by CDC and Fauci (See also HW291 )


Analysis of Minnesota death certificate data reveals that collectively, COVID interventions caused at least four times more excess mortality than COVID itself. Early, Care home massacres; later, remdesivir and Ventilators


Nurses Share Experiences In Hospitals During COVID-19--Incredibly Disturbing If Accurate & Generalizable to Broader Health System Failures in Treating Covid

They report a shocking reality:  the top-down protocols promulgated across American health care systems contributed to the enormous U.S. COVID-19 related death toll. Most deaths called Covid Deaths by CDC actually caused by proscribed use of dangerous drugs and treatment protocols.


Exclusive: Dad Describes Hospital’s COVID ‘Protocols’ He Believes Killed His 19-Year-Old Daughter


Live Science:  Nearly 9 in 10 COVID-19 patients who are put on a ventilator die, New York hospital data suggests

  Manufacturer Hid Known Dangers of Ventilators Used to Treat Children, Elderly

Medical Xpress:  What really killed COVID-19 patients: It wasn't a cytokine storm, suggests study

The New York Times:  U.S. Has Far Higher Covid Death Rate Than Other Wealthy Countries

United Nations:  UN chief: Global vaccination plan is ‘only way out’ of the pandemic  

The Expose:  Remdesivir estimated to have killed 100,000 Americans

JCI:  Machine learning links unresolving secondary pneumonia to mortality in patients with severe pneumonia, including COVID-19  

Before They Scrub This History: Group Documents Stories of COVID Protocol Victims


CC Blakeman, media director and task force coordinator for the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation, described the group’s mission, which includes supporting people whose family members were injured or died from hospital COVID-19 protocols and pursuing legal action on their behalf. H er research led her to discover that other countries were using effective early treatments, but we were being denied them. These treatments included  ivermectin  and  hydroxychloroquine .


Nature:  Pandemic drives largest drop in childhood vaccinations in 30 years

CDC:  Isolation and Infection Control at Home  

Contagion Live:  Is Smallpox Poised to Make a Comeback?  

The Epoch Times:  Boston University Researchers Developed COVID Strain With 80 Percent Kill Rate in Mice

American Faith:  Korea Engineered ‘Mutant’ COVID Variants with ‘Site-Directed Mutagenesis’ Requiring ‘Enhanced Biosafety Level 3’: Funded by NIH  

EcoHealth Alliance:   EcoHealth Alliance Receives NIH Renewal Gran for Collaborative Research to Understand the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Spillover Emergence  

CBS:  Sudan fighting brings "huge biological risk" as lab holding samples of deadly diseases occupied, WHO warns

OpIndia :  USA admits there are Biolabs in Ukraine, says if a biological attack happens ‘it is Russia’s fault’

Managed Healthcare:  Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Expected to Maintain $37 billion in 2022 Sales into the Future

Reuters:  Moderna meets forecast with $18.4 billion in COVID vaccine sales in 2022

mrt :  Midland Health: Doctors shouldn’t prescribe inhaled steroids for COVID

Houston Methodist:  5 Reasons You Shouldn't Take Ivermectin for COVID-19

Science News:  Hydroxychloroquine can’t stop COVID-19. It’s time to move on, scientists say

CBS:  COVID-19 vaccine likely to become an annual shot like the flu vaccine, Fauci says

medRxiv :  Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine

Univeristy of Basel:  Temporary mild damage to heart muscle cells after Covid-19 booster vaccination

Science Direct:  Inhibition of vaccinia virus replication by nitazoxanide

Chemistry World:  Rediscovered Native American remedy kills poxvirus

V.       SPELLERS Documentary Shattered a HighWire Record and Warmed Hearts .



Last week, The Highwire had the honor of hosting an incredibly successful screening of the award-winning documentary, Spellers, with a live studio audience and Q&A from the cast of SPELLERS. This livestream became the most-watched single video we have ever put on TheHighWire.com with more than 13 million views in just one week. We had to remove the film per the licensing agreement, but please enjoy the post-show Q&A from the cast! To see and support this incredible film, go to www.spellersthemovie.com.

Spellers the Movie Website  

International Association for Spelling as Communication  

Spellers Website