HW299 Summary (Summary of Reviews of over 1000 Medical Studies and Documents found in Books and Reviews)

The studies document that:

1.          There have been no vaccines proven safe and effective by a Full Clinical Trial.

2.          There have been no clinical trials proving any vaccine is safe for pregnant women.

3.          There have been no viral conditions irradicated by vaccines (not possible).

4.          All vaccines cause harm and adverse effects and there has been few if any vaccines with proof that the vaccine has more benefit than harm.

5.          All of the dozens of medical studies comparing vaccinated children to unvaccinated children found that unvaccinated children are much more healthy than vaccinated children and have less chronic health problems .

6.          Vaccinated children had significantly more incidence and higher risk of Autism, ADHD, Neurological Conditions, Neurological Developmental Disorders, Pneumonia, Asthma, Chronic Respiratory Infections, Ear Infections, Throat Infections, Eczema, Chronic Allergies, Anemia, Convulsions or Seizures, Fever, Hospital Admissions, etc.

7.                   There has been a huge increase in chronic children’s conditions (over 50% have chronic conditions) over the last 2 decades that corresponds with the increase in the CDC child vaccination schedule increase,

8.          The studies document that vaccines cause autism, ASD conditions, other neurological conditions, many other chronic conditions.

9.          All vaccines are imperfect and do not confer perfect immunity to a virus.

The studies provide strong evidence that imperfect vaccines promote virus adaption of more virulent variants that cause more harm than the original strain.

10.   The studies show that some vaccines promote Strain Replacement by More Virulent Strain.


11.   Documentation and a Book of the History of Viruses and Vaccines show that the majority of reductions in deaths due to childhood viruses occurred before mass vaccination and was due primarily to improvements in the health system and sanitation.

12.   The Major Pharmaceuticals have a long history of Fraud, Deceit, Fraudulent Clinical Trials, & Manipulation of Federal Agencies, Medical Publishing, and Media.

13.     There were 882,000 Annual U.S. Deaths Linked to Pharmaceutical s and prescription drugs are now the 3 rd leading cause of death in the U.S.

14.   Vaccines containing mercury thimerosal are documented to be a significant cause of Autism.

15.   Measles is not a dangerous condition as long as you have adequate nutrition and level of Vitamin A. Childhood cases of measles and mumps protect against heart attacks and strokes and allergies during adulthood.

16.   Hospital and emergency room visits are significantly more common for children getting MMR vaccine, especially young children, and girls,

17.   increased asthma and allergies in adulthood if received MMR vaccine and Children who received vaccines earlier were more likely to get asthma and allergies.

18.   Studies from Miller’s Review Studies (II) show that the HPT Vaccine causes many significant adverse effects and is unlikely to reduce the low risk of cervical cancer in young women.

19.   The HPV vaccine has been linked to autoimmune disorders, MS, ALS, GBS, paralysis, convulsions, chronic fatigue, anaphylaxis, pulmonary embolisms, gait disturbances, menstrual problems, cervical problems, and death. There are many current related lawsuits.

20.   the DPT Vaccine caused higher Infant and Mother Mortality Rates and higher levels of SIDS.

21.   The DTap vaccine has also been found to be faulty and to encourage evolutionary adaptation of the virus resulting in more virulent strains.

22.   vaccinated children can later transmit Pertussis to others and DTaP also causes other adverse effects including allergies, asthma. Seizures, thrombocytopenia, leukemia, etc.)

23.   Msny moms reported that their healthy child got Autism soon after getting the DPT or MMT vaccine.

24.   VACCINE ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING EFFECTS or Cancer Promoting Effects (Covid Vaccine and Vaccines with Aluminum or Mercury)

25.     Wide Body of Science Links Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals to Infertility in Women

26.   Studies reviewed in Chap11 of RFK book found the TDAP Vaccine given pregnant women was associated with adverse effects in infant or mother.

27.   Paralytic Polio has not been eradicated by vaccines in any country. There are more causes of paralytic conditions than polio virus. India claimed that a vaccination campaign eradicated polio, but thousands of children in India were paralyzed with what was called acute non-polio flaccid paralysis after the vaccination campaign. The condition was inextinguishable from polio symptoms.

28.   the Hep B vaccine increases the risk of MS, GBS, and other autoimmune conditions. Also a factor in the U.S. high infant mortality rate .

29.   Chickenpox infection has little effect on children but reduces later adult heart disease significantly. Each additional exposure to other childhood viruses reduces heart disease by approx. 14%.

30.   Vaccination programs for Chickenpox reduced Chickenpox cases but increased cases of Shingles, which generally has more severe effects. The Chickenpox and Shingles vaccine are shown to have significant adverse effects such as congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema, and arthritis. They also affect the innate immune system negatively.

31.   Flu shots increase the risk of illness from flu as well as from noninfluenza virus infections such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, RS viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, HMP viruses and enteroviruses; also increased strokes.

32.   Flu Vaccination During Early Pregnancy Linked to Nearly Eightfold Risk of Miscarriage .

33.   Vaccines increase the risk of seizures and epilepsy. Children who took the Pertussis, Polio, Hib Vaccine were found to be nearly 8 times more likely to receive an epileptic event within 24 hours of vaccination. Children who took the MMR Vaccine were found to be nearly 6 times more likely to have had convulsions within 11 days of vaccination.

34.   Studies found the Hib, MMR, Hep B, and Pertussis vaccines increase the risk of Type 1 Diabetes.

35.    Concurrent vaccinations or hexavalent vaccines significantly increase the risk of SIDS.

36.    Vaccinations are a common cause of Infant Deaths .

37.   Studies show that there is a higher risk of ASD conditions and spontaneous abortion and adverse effects in first 28 days of an infant when pregnant women get a Flu vaccine.

38.   Studies show that there is a higher risk of ASD conditions and spontaneous abortion and adverse effects in first 28 days of an infant when pregnant women get a Flu vaccine.

39.    35 Reviews of studies starting on page 228 in Miller Book (II) Document that Vaccinations Increase the Risk of Cancer.

40.     Studies in Vax- Unvax (I) and (II) found that vaccination cause autoimmune conditions and vaccinated children have a higher incidence of autoimmune conditions than unvaccinated children .

41.    20 Reviews of studies starting on page 282 of Miller Book (II) show there is a low rate of acceptance of vaccination for children of doctors and pediatricians and nurses worldwide.

42.    13 Reviews of studies starting on page 282 of Miller Book (II) show that parents who are highly educated, value scientific evidence, and are knowledgeable at researching issues are less likely to accept some vaccination for their children, The least educated are the most likely to accept vaccination for their children.

43.    79 Reviews of studies starting on page 282 of Miller Book (II) show common Conflicts of Interest, False/Fraudulent Safety Studies, and Industry Control of Agencies and Media.