Cause and Extent of Adverse Health Effects from EMF & Wi-Fi --- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Low frequency microwave radiation activates the voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the outer membrane of your cells, causing them to open, thus allowing an abnormal influx of calcium ions. This activates nitric oxide, which is a precursor for peroxynitrite. The primary danger of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) — and what drives the processes of chronic disease — is the mitochondrial damage triggered by peroxynitrites . Peroxynitrites are potent reactive nitrogen species associated with systemic inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction, and are a root cause for many of today's chronic diseases (M- pn ). Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can cause severe oxidative stress and biological damag e (M-M). EMFs also cause changes in the microbiome resulting in more toxic microbiome . You cannot see, hear or smell EMF, and most do not feel it. Still, biological effects are taking place whether you’re able to sense it or not . In different populations, prevalence of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS) for mild cases (5-30%), moderate (1.5-5%), severe (.5 to .8%) (EHS). The number of people reporting pathological hypersensitivity to EMFs is rising . The possibility of large portions of the population being unable to work or live as free individuals due to incessant, elevated exposure to EMF is a very real threat to society as we know it. There are very few EMF-free zones left on the planet, and such zones will further shrink with the global implementation of 5G (M- pn ).


Excessive free radicals triggered by microwave exposure from wireless technologies have been linked to anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, cardiac arrhythmias, depression and infertility , cancer . The negative effects of EMFs are particularly harmful to pregnant women, putting their child at risk for ADHD and autism, as well as behavioral, emotional and social issues (M-RE & M-M&MI). Children are at Greater Risk Than Adults f rom EMFs . Exposure to microwave radiation from baby monitors, cellphones, cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters and other wireless devices causes serious mitochondrial dysfunction due to free radical damage . As compared to children born of mothers who did not use cellphones during pregnancy, children born of mothers who did experienced a n increase in behavioral problems, hyperactivity, peer-related problems, and emotional problems of between 25 to 50%(M-RE).

Excessive EMF exposure will raise a man’s risk of infertility , and recent research reveals prenatal exposure to power-frequency fields can nearly triple a pregnant woman’s risk of miscarriage . Women with peak exposures above 2.5 milligauss had a miscarriage rate of 24.2%, while the control group (which had exposures below 2.5 milligauss) had a miscarriage rate of just 10.4% . At least seven other studies also show a link between magnetic field exposure and a heightened risk of miscarriage. Prenatal EMF exposure may also raise a woman’s risk of having an autistic child . Cellphone radiation may reduce sperm motility and viability by 8% and 9% respectively. Wi-Fi equipped laptops have been linked to decreased sperm motility and increased sperm DNA fragmentation after four hours of use (M-M & MI).

If you’re Type 1 or Type 2 diabetic and are electrically hypersensitive, your blood sugar may increase when you’re exposed to dirty electricity (electromagnetic interference patterns)(DE & M-F). Risk factors for electromagnetic hypersensitivity include spinal cord damage, whiplash, brain damage, concussion, chemical and heavy metal toxicity, impaired immune function and bacterial or parasitic infections such as Lyme Disease. Dirty electricity has been shown to worsen multiple sclerosis (MS), and many MS patients report improvement when installing EMF filters to remove dirty electricity from their environment . Dirty electricity may also worsen asthma, heart problems, anxiety, infertility, tinnitus and other health problems . Test reveal microwave radiation causes red blood cells to aggregate and clump together, which can raise your risk of stroke, heart attack and other health problems . EMF Filters can reduce EMF exposure level and thus reduce EMF & EHS effects (M-F).

Your bedroom is the most important part of your home in terms of needing EMF shieldi ng. Sleeping in an EMF-free environment is crucial, as this is when your body needs to be in a parasympathetic state, detoxing, repairing and rejuvenating itself . The area in which you eat is the second priority, as your body needs to be in a parasympathetic (relaxed) state in order for your digestion to function properly . The third priority would be if you’re using a sauna for detoxification. Making sure your sauna has low or no EMF, both magnetic fields and electric fields, is an important consideration, as it will impact your ability to detox . The 600-megahertz band that’s been opened up fo r T-Mobile’s 5G network penetrates deeper and goes farther than any of the 5G networks (M-HR1 &HR2)

For EMF Mitigation , f irst, educate yourself on EMFs to understand the potential dangers. Next, buy a meter and identify hotspots. Lastly, take remedial action to lower your exposure . When remediating, first turn off or unplug devices emitting high amounts of radiation. If that’s not possible, create as much distance between yourself and the device as possible. As a last resort, implement shielding strategies . Focus on lowering EMF exposure in your bedroom first, as many rejuvenating processes take place during sleep. Also focus on keeping your cellphone in airplane mode and/or in a faraday bag when not in active use . If you need to shield against RF radiation, you can use a Faraday canopy over your bed, or install partial-room or whole-room shielding. There are a number of ways to do this, including using shielding paint (M-M).

In addition to using wired connections for your phone and computer, strategies that may help reduce the harmful effects of EMFs include optimizing your magnesium level and eating Nrf2-boosting foods such as sulforaphane from cruciferous vegetables, foods high in phenolic antioxidants, the long-chained   omega-3 fats   DHA and EPA, carotenoids (especially lycopene), sulfur compounds from allium vegetables, isothiocyanates from the cabbage group and terpenoid-rich foods ; & p erforming high-intensity exercises . Certain spices may help prevent or repair damage from peroxynitrites. Spices rich in phenolics , specifically cinnamon, cloves, ginger root, rosemary and turmeric (M-RE).


References and More Information and Documentation:

EMF*D- Dr. Joseph Mercola (book)(M-D)

The Prevalence of People With Restricted Access to Work in Man-Made Electromagnetic Environments ; Journal of Environment and Health Science  , 2019-01-18 ; (EHP).

Dirty Electricity, Sam Milham , (DE)

Addressing EMF Pollution — A 21st Century Health Imperative ; Analysis by Dr. J. Mercola (M- pn )

EMFs Linked to Risk of Miscarriage and Male Infertility - Dr. De-Kun Li, Analysis by Dr. J Mercola (M-M&MI)

Reduce EMF Exposure - Analysis by Dr. J Mercola (M-RE)

The Use of EMF Filters for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity , Magda Havas, Ph.D.,  Analysis by Dr. J. Mercola (M-F)

EMF Home Remediation - Bryan Hoyer; Analysis by Dr. J Mercola (M-HR1)

EMF Home Remediation - Bryan Hoyer; Analysis by Dr. J Mercola (M-HR2)

A Practical Guide to EMF Mitigation -Lloyd Burell ; Analysis by Dr. J Mercola







