CONCLUSIONS FROM THE RESEARCH AND EXPERIENCE OF OVER 17,000 THOUSAND SCIENTISTS & DOCTORS See documentation links(clink on underlined links to open).


[Supported by reviews of thousands of peer-reviewed medical studies, Government database data from many countries, Life Insurance data from most major countries, high money challenge (millions) to charity of vaccine experts to debate RFK, Jr on these issues but not one will accept it , reviewed by many doctors]


1.     There were proven safe and effective treatments used by thousands of doctors to treat millions of patients in several countries, with few cases of significant harm or death . Compared to the MRNa Vaccines, these treatments have been proven by many Clinical Trials and Medical Studies and experience to be safer and more effective at preventing Covid infection, preventing serious Covid effects, and curing Covid . The countries that controlled Covid did so by effective treatments , not vaccines which were known to not be able to control viral pandemics from previous experience. The knowledge of these effective treatments was suppressed by the Experts ( WHO,FDA ,CDC,Fauci,Gates ) with the help of the Media and Social Media. When properly treated by known proven treatments, Covid is about like the flu to treat; and 17ere were not large numbers of deaths of properly treated healthy people warranting declaration of a Pandemic or EUA emergency. (1,14,2,12,17,4,16,11)


2.     There is an extremely low mortality rate for Covid in Children and extremely low effectiveness of covid vaccine in children. There is a high incidence of Significant Harm from Vaccines in Children. The Vaccine death and injury rate for Children is much higher than rates for Covid. (2ab,11,12,17,10,3,4,16,18)


3.     Millions of people/doctors have reported deaths or significant harm from the vaccines to the CDC VAERS database and other Government databases. And a CDC sponsored study estimated the reports to the data base are at least 90% undercounts of actual cases. (4,5,10,11,16)

The Government Health Authorities were Captured and Lying about the safety and effectiveness of the Vaccines to promote their use . The vaccine mandates were part of a propaganda and science censorship campaign that was documented to have caused more harm than benefit. (3,6, 10,1)




4.     The vaccinated are more susceptible to infections (of Covid and other types) than the unvaccinated, and also more susceptible to harm and death. Most infections and serious effects and deaths are to the vaccinated. ( documented by data and analysis ) The only current Pandemic is a Pandemic of the Vaccinated.

Most Deaths and Significant Injuries during the Pandemic were to the vaccinated population. Vaccines were proven to have had no benefit and huge harm in all countries.

Less vaccinated countries did better in the Pandemic and the most vaccinated countries had the most Covid harm.



5.     The Pfizer Covid Vaccine Clinical Trials were fraudulent and did not prove the vaccines were safe and effective. There is no study in the Medical Literature or database analysis that proves the vaccines are safe and effective. The Pharmaceuticals have a long history or fraud and corruption . There are hundreds of medical studies in the Medical Literature that prove the vaccines are dangerous and have done a lot of harm. CDC/FDA/Fauci systemically lie, misclassify data, and withhold information adverse to vaccines to promote the vaccines and cover up the fraud . (5,6,2b,10,16,17,12,7,11,18)


6.     Pfizer knew that the vaccines had significant risk for pregnant women, but the vaccines were given to large numbers of pregnant women. There is evidence that male fertility and the fertility of the group of pregnant women getting the vaccines has been adversely affected. (7,5,10,21,20,16,11,18)


7.     COVID was a bioweapon developed to affect humans by Bioweapon Labs and Dr. Baric at U. of North Carolina , funded by Anthony Fauci/NIAID/ECOHEALTH Alliance/etc., transferred to the Wuhan Bioweapon Lab where it was released in the population and rapidly spread. (8,2b,5,6,11,1217,16)


8.     The Pandemic Declaration was created with the exaggerated hype of the Experts ( WHO/FDA/CDC/Fauci/Gates ) with the support of the Media and social media(14c). There was an unprecedented campaign by Federal Health Agencies(14b) and the Pharmaceuticals to Censor accurate information on effective treatments for Covid and Vaccine injuries or harm that would have hindered the Agencies efforts to promote the Vaccines. This effort was hugely harmful and responsible for deaths or significant harm to millions. (6,14,1,16,11,20,21,2,18)


9.     The Majority of Deaths in the Hospitals and homes called Covid Deaths were due to improper treatment and dangerous/unproven drugs and protocols ordered and supported by the Experts. ( See doc.) There were known proven safe and effective treatments for Covid that were suppressed by the Experts with the support of the Media and social media. Hundreds of Doctors treating hundreds of thousands of patients with the known effective treatment protocols have had very few deaths and serious effects among their patients. Many countries whose medical system mostly used proven science-based treatments had a much lower death and serious injury rate than the U.S . which had the most deaths and serious injuries. (9,1,17,12,2,7,16,18)


10. The treatments and treatment protocols supported and ordered for use by the Experts were improper and dangerous and were responsible for the majority of deaths called Covid Deaths in the Hospitals. Autopsies are the standard way of assessing cause of death but were discouraged and suppressed by the Experts. The autopsies done of Vaccine deaths showed significant damage from the Vaccine Spike Protein . (9,6,17,1,12,10,11,2,16,18)


11. Millions died needlessly due to the improper drugs and treatment protocols ordered by the Experts, and the suppression of known effective treatments and protocols by the Experts with the support of most Media and social media. The hospitals & authorities are now being sued for wrongful deaths & have huge liabilities . (9,1,17,11,12,11,10,2,16,18)


12. MOST VACCINATED PEOPLE RECEIVED LIFELONG INJURIES that many are not aware of and for which the seriousness not agreed on. The vaccines have caused millions of deaths or significant adverse events, some to all organs and including Myocarditis and Pericarditis, Heart Attacks, Sudden Healthy Adult Deaths ( SADS & SUDS & SHADS ), Inflammatory Autoimmune Conditions (3b) , Cancer (3c), Fertility Problems, Miscarriages , etc. ( Cancer, Turbo Cancer, and Autoimmune Conditions have Been Increasing Rapidly After Vaccine Rollout and Excess Deaths (10) . In 2025 new and additional problems with the mNRA technology and the safety has still not been proven or demonstrated. Many scientists, doctors, health organizations, and medical associations have called for the vaccines to be withdrawn or paused until safety is proven(3e).

(3 ,15,7,2,10,12,17,18,11)


13. The Vaccine Booster Shots were Ineffective and Dangerous . They weaken the immune system and cause increased Covid Cases as well as other health conditions Including Cancer . (4)


14. Government Databases & Data from the major life Insurance Companies in U.S., Europe, and Australia confirm a large increase in excess deaths & mortality rates in 2021, 2022, and 2023, with evidence that the increase was due to the Covid Vaccines . (10,2b,3,4,12,17,16,11)


15.          There is credible evidence that many millions have been killed or severely injured by the Covid Vaccines . (10,4,2,6,17,11,16)

But the Federal Agencies have been disregarding the families of the injured although there were millions of significant vaccine injuries reported to the CDC and FDA & The Government doesn’t have serious plans or funding to deal with the injuries even though they specifically took the responsibility for such from the Pharmaceuticals. (11,10,16)


16. There is credible evidence that all vaccines contain toxins such as toxic metals or other toxins and all cause significant harm. There is credible evidence that the large number of vaccines being given to children is a major factor in the proliferation in children of serious neurological conditions and mood disorders including Autism, ADHD, anxiety conditions , etc . Unvaccinated Children are much more healthy than Vaccinated Children and the more vaccines the more harm difference . (13,2,15,16,11)


17. Pharmaceuticals and Big-Ag pushing Governments/Politicians to Restrict Natural Products, Organic Farmers , Naturopaths, and providers of non-Pharmaceutical Services and Remedies (12b)


DOCUMENTATION: ( click on link for documentation)

1.[( Proven effective Treatments for Covid & HW316 & HW319 & HW320 & HW321 & HW324 & HW333 & HW350 &. HW365 & HW366 & HW389 & HW390 & HW400 & HW409)]

& 2.(a) [HW290 & HW291 & HW336 & HW352 & (b) HW300 & HW304 & HW307 & HW309 & HW315 & HW322 & HW324 ] & HW367 & HW368 & HW371 ] & HW385 &HW387 &HW389 & HW390 &HW399) & 6. [ HW292 and HW293 & HW300 & HW305 & HW309 & HW321 & HW335 & HW345 & HW356 & HW358 & HW36 1 & HW392 ]

& 3. [ CDC VAERS DB &(3a) [ HW310 & HW314 & HW322 & HW327 & HW331 & HW343 & HW346 & HW354 HW356 & HW361 & HW364 & HW365 & HW385 & HW387 &HW396) & (3b) HW300 & HW307 & HW314 & HW363 & HW375 & (3c) CaHAlaV & CAIV & HW300 & HW338 & HW343 & HW359 & HW365 & HW367 & HW369 & HW373 ] &(3d) HW319 & HW320 & HW323 & HW324 & HW325 & HW 331 & HW332 & HW334 & HW337 & HW342 & HW344 & HW349 & HW360 HW364 & HW368 & HW377 & HW379 & HW381 HW382 & HW399 & HW402 ]

& 3(e) ( HW344 & HW383 & HW385 & HW387 & HW390 & HW395 & HW396 & HW397 & HW398 & HW399 & HW400 & HW406 & HW410 )

& 4. [ HW289 & HW292 & HW299 & HW319 & HW320 & HW324 & HW334 & HW336 & HW337 & HW338 & HW342 & HW343 & HW354 & HW359 HW362 ] & HW363 & HW367 & HW368 & HW371 & HW372 & HW375 & HW379 & HW380 & HW382 & HW383 & HW385 & HW387 & HW402)

& 5. [ VCTP & HW298 & HW301 & HW302 & HW306 & HW312 & HW317 & HW323 & HW325 & HW326 & HW339 & HQ341 & HW342 & HW343 & HW344 & HW346 & HW349 & HW355 & HW357 & HW358 & HW360 & HW383 & HW387 & HW388 & HW392 &H W393 & HW395 & HW397 & HW404 & HW405 & HW407 & HW408 HW409 & HW410 ]

& 6. [ CDCFDAPF & HW288 & HW291 & HW292 & HW294 & HW296 & HW303 & HW304 & HW307 & HW310 & HW319 & HW320 & HW323 & HW325 & HW326 & HW330 & HW331 & HW337 & HW338 & HW355 & NW356 & HW359 & HW360 & HW362 & HW380 & HW385 & HW386 & HW387 & HW389 & HW393 & HW395 & HW397 & HW400 & HW402 & HW405 & HW406]

& 7. [ HW292 and HW293 & HW300 & HW305 & HW309 & HW321 & HW335 & HW345 & HW356 & HW358 & HW36 1 & HW392 ]

& 8 . [ HW288 & HW305 & HW290 & HW303 & HW313 & HW324 & HW330 & HW349 & HW350 & HW362 ] & HW370 & HW375 & HW376 ]

& 9. [ HW 291 & HW319 & HW381) & (b) HW298 & HW297 & HW303 & HW305 & HW313 & HW314 & HW320 & HW328 & HW329 & HW337 & HW338 ] & HW366 ]

& 10. [ HW280 & HW293 & HW297 & HW298 & HW300 & HW302 & HW314 & HW321-HW326 & HW334 & HW335 & HW337 & HW338 & HW354 & HW363 & HW379 & HW381 & HW385 &HW396 & CauseUnk ]

& 11. ( HW336 & HW339 & HW341 & HW352 & HW353 & HW357 & HW361 & HW381 & HW383 & HW397 & HW400 & HW403 & HW405 )

12. Doctor Series 1 & 17. Doctor Series 2 &

12(b) [ HW366FSW & HW390 & HW404 & HW409 & HW410

& 13. [ HW295 & HW299 & HW290 & HW301 & HW302 & HW304 & HW312 & HW329 & HW347 & HW352 & HW356 ]

& 14. [ HW316 & HW320 & HW324 & HW328 & HW329 ] & (b) [ HW380 & HW384 & HW387 & HW388 & HW389 & HW395 & HW406] &

14(C) [ HW381 & HW396 & HW398 & HW399 & HW401 & HW403 }

& 15. [ CAHAiaV & HW291 & HW300 & HW307 & HW309 & HW314 & HW323 & HW324]

& 16. [ HWSUM and Doctor & Scientist Research and Experience ]



COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? Neurologist- Dr. Russell Blaylock ( NIH PubMed ) & Dr Russell Blaylock, All Vaccines Cause Health Damage and Brain Damage, mRNA vaccines are the Worst, The Blaylock Wellness Report, V21, N2, Feb 2024.


The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) - with credible scientific & historical references


Summary of The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

by   Quick Reads     |   Nov 30, 20


The Wuhan Cover-Up: How US Health Officials Conspired with the Chinese Military to Hide the Origins of COVID-19 (Children’s Health.  

& more scientific and FOIA documentation


Summary of over 1000 Reviews of Medical Studies showing that all vaccines contain toxics and cause adverse effects and that vaccinated children have much more chronic conditions and are much less healthy than unvaccinated children. .