Children Who Receive the Childhood Vaccines are Much Less Healthy than Children Who Don’t Get the Childhood Vaccines.

They also have much more chronic health conditions.

(See Documentation on each Childhood Vaccination in later Section, by page search of document. Fully documented by over 3000 peer-reviewed medical studies reviewed in this document.)



The Childhood Diseases (Measles, Mumps, Chickenpox) are known by doctors to be beneficial diseases, in the sense that having the childhood diseases reduces the incidence of many more dangerous and harmful chronic conditions such as Seizures and Micro-seizures, Strokes, Asthma, Autism, ADHD, Allergies, Diabetes, etc .


This has been long documented by dozens of Peer Reviewed Medical Studies in the 3 Medical Study Review Books (I, II, III). These studies also document that the Childhood Diseases are not dangerous to healthy children and are easily treatable. The studies document that the group of children who had the childhood diseases and did not get the Childhood Vaccines are much healthier than than the group of children who were vaccinated with the Childhood Vaccines. Also, that the group of children who got the Childhood Vaccines had much higher incidence of the chronic health conditions previously listed.

Some doctors during the period when I grew up (50s and early 60s) knew this and advised parents in farming communities like I grew up in to deliberately expose their children at a convenient time when they could be monitored.



I.              Vax- Unvax : Let the Science Speak (RFK, Jr/CHD Book) The most comprehensive credible source of vaccine safety available, reviews over 100 peer reviewed medical studies dealing with vaccination safety, risk, and benefit. [ NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! ***** The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do].

RFK, Jr has devoted his life and practice to protecting the health of children and others as well as the environment through the non-profit organizations he has been the President of and by his legal practice as one of the primary defenders of health and his fight against disinformation and corruption. Mr. Kennedy was named one of the Time Magazine Heroes for the Planet for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. His reputation as a resolute defender of the environment and children�s health and against corruption stems from a litany of successful legal actions which has resulted in a huge disinformation campaign against him by Pharmaceuticals and their captured and colluding Federal Health Agencies .


The peer-reviewed medical studies reviewed in Vax- UnVax documented that all vaccines contain toxins and do harm, and most vaccines cause considerable harm more than benefits seen for the condition in question. With the result being that all medical studies found and reviewed documented that vaccinated children are much more unhealthy than unvaccinated children (similar for adults). The conditions in question can be prevented or have consequences reduced by healthy lifestyle and boosting the immune condition. There are also effective treatments that reduce the effect of most chronic conditions.


II.           Miller’s Review of 400 Critical Vaccine Studies, Dr Neil Z Miller,


Virus pathogen adaption and imperfect vaccines.

11 reviews of studies starting on page 105 of Miller Book (II) show:

All vaccines are imperfect and donot confer perfect immunity to a virus.

The studies provide strong evidence that imperfect vaccines promote virus adaption of more virulent variants that cause more harm than the original strain. This adaptive behavior of viruses is favorable to the virus family but unfavorable to the population of vaccinated.


Strain Replacement by More Virulent Strain

10 Reviews of studies starting on page 113 of Miller Book (II) show the results of vaccination of 1 variant of Haemophiles Influenzae. The studies provide strong evidence that mass vaccination against strain b promoted increased harm from other variants. After years of vaccination against the b Strain, widespread emergence of the non-b strains that are more virulent affecting the infant population. Strains affecting the elderly are also no severe causing significant increase in hospitalizations and death.

14 Reviews of studies starting on page 119 of (II) show that a vaccination campaign for infants against several strains of Pneumococcal disease (PV7) has resulted in less cases of these cases but increased cases caused by other strains. Some of the strains that have emerged as dominant now are more virulent and resistant to antibiotics which has also become a huge problem through overuse.

Similar has been observed for other vaccines.




III.          Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History , 10 th Edition, 2024, Dr Suzanne Humphries. ( Fully referenced comprehensive resource history of vaccines from their beginning to current time describing the dark side of the vaccine story and the manipulation of the medical literature and public opinion by the Pharmaceuticals. Includes vaccines studies throughout the history. Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. The major factors were better living conditions, public health and sanitation measures, and better nutrition. There was a continuous decline in infectious disease deaths whose rate of decline was little affected by the introduction of the vaccines. No virus has ever been eradicated by vaccines and given the nature of such, likely never could be. The evidence supports that most vaccines and the increasing number of injections have done more harm than benefit. If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?” Perhaps the best reason to know our history is so that the worst parts are never repeated. )


IV. A. 1200 PubMed Studies: Truth Will Prevail about Safety and Effectiveness of Vaccines

All vaccines cause harm and few proven safe or effective. Unvaccinated children much more healthy than vaccinated children. Ebook .



IV. B. The Major Pharmaceuticals have a long history of Fraud, Deceit, Fraudulent Clinical Trials, & Manipulation of Federal Agencies, Medical Publishing, and Media.


882,000 Annual U.S. Deaths Linked to Pharmaceutical s

prescription drugs are now the leading cause of death in the United States , surpassing   heart disease   and  cancer . 1  

According to Gřtzsche , psychiatric drugs alone are the third leading killer. 2


Playing God: 50 Years of Medical Malpractice in the U.K.


Absence of Long-Term Vaccine Safety Testing or Preclinical Animal Studies

The contents of Section 13.1 for the Package Inserts of all the vaccines approved for the US were shown, essentially stating that they were not evaluated for Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, or (male or female, or both) Fertility.  This result could have been predicted based on the absence of a directive to perform such crucial tests. 

For the Covid-19 vaccines specifically (a radically new technology), insufficient time has passed for long-term clinical testing or even long-term post-marketing studies of these Covid-19 vaccines to be done.  That means there are essentially no long-term safety studies available for these vaccines.    Studies   on the short-term and early mid-term adverse effects of these Covid-19 vaccines have shown they are   extremely unsafe   and   dangerous , which does not bode well for what to expect in the long-term. 


IV.    Adverse Drug Related Deaths: 3 rd Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.

ADR-related  deaths  have become the third leading cause of death in the U.S.  Each year ADRs account for over  250,000  emergency visits in the United States and more than 100,000 people die from the ADRs of medical products . Each year ADRs account for over  250,000  emergency visits in the United States and more than 100,000 people die from the ADRs of medical products

The major risk factor is polypharmacy. This is more common in elderly and pediatric patients.

Vaccines are now a significant cause of death not included here, and health provider mistakes.




V.         C. Dr Russell Blaylock, All Vaccines Cause Health Damage and Brain Damage, The Blaylock Wellness Report, V21, N2, Feb 2024.

All Vaccinations have been documented to cause chronic inflammation, which has been documented to cause health harm to all who are vaccinated. The mRNA by their nature are the worst by more than an order of magnitude and have no net benefit .

All vaccines by their nature cause immune stimulation (having adjuvants), but unlike other immune stimulations they do so long term thus causing long term harm.

This is especially true of Pregnant Women and Infants (when the brain is most rapidly developing and the immune system is most susceptible to autoimmune injury due to Th2 phase.). Until recently all experts and obstetricians knew this and warned against vaccines during Pregnancy. Now during the Pandemic, the Pharmaceuticals have convinced the Health Authorities to change this policy and urge pregnant women to get the Covid injection and other harmful injections.

But this is documented to have caused infertility in women (and men) and a huge increase in miscarriages, stillbirths, deformed babies, and neurological conditions including Autism, ADHD, etc. The neurological conditions are often delayed effects. (See also SIDS)


Dr R. Blaylock , The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: The Case for a Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders

Several studies have found a link between autoimmunity and Autism. (1-3). Thimerosal which is in some vaccines is a strong cause of autoimmunity in children. Neuroscientist have found that much of the damage in autoimmunity is not directly due to immune reactivity, but to the release of storms of free radicals and lipid peroxidation products during the immune reaction.

Studies show that vaccines can damage the immune system of young animals leading to autoimmunity and abnormal brain development.

Things that suppress a portion of the immune system like vaccines or mercury increase the likelihood of autoimmunity. (immune Th1 to Th2 shift) At birth an infant is in Th2 phase and later converts to the adult Th1 phase, at different rate in different infants. In the Th2 phase it is easier to develop autoimmunity with immune reactions such as vaccines cause. So, age at vaccination is a major factor in damage from vaccines. Early vaccination is more harmful. Studies also show multivaccines ( MMR,DPT ) or multi-vaccinations cause more adverse effects

Studies have found that babies of 1 year age respond to the HepB Vaccine with 3 times the antibodies as adults and remain in the Th2 phase, thus being more susceptible to autoimmunity. That also means that such babies are much more susceptible to infections and autoimmune conditions than unvaccinated babies.

It has been shown that immune stimulation of a pregnant woman as with vaccines can cause Autism later in the child’s development.

Studies show that the immature brain up to 2 years of age is much more susceptible to seizures and microseizures (and microstrokes ) that cause brain damage. On the current schedule children receive as many as 2 dozen vaccinations in that early vulnerable period where seizures and autoimmunity are much more likely. Studies also show that combination vaccines and multiple vaccines at one time cause more seizures and harm. It’s no surprise that studies consistently find unvaccinated infants or children much more healthy than vaccinated infants or children.

Glutamate given to young animals triggers seizures and vaccinations increase brain glutamate levels. The Schori study showed that in animals

suppression of T-Lymphocytes causes excitotoxic damage including seizures. Some vaccines like HepB and mercury suppress T cell function.

Aluminum in vaccines accumulates in the brain and is neurotoxic. It has also been shown to sometime cause the macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome, a neurological condition. The combination of aluminum with mercury and fluoride from other sources is much more neurotoxic and causes developmental brain damage.

Dr. R Blaylock , ­ Interaction of Activated Microglia, Excitotoxicity, Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species, lipid peroxidation products, and androgens in Autism Spectrum Disorders .

In Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), activated microglia, excitotoxicity (particularly glutamate excess), reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS), lipid peroxidation products, and androgens are interconnected in a complex pathway, where excessive microglial activation can lead to increased production of pro-inflammatory mediators, contributing to excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and neuronal damage, while altered androgen signaling may further exacerbate these processes, potentially playing a role in the neurodevelopmental abnormalities observed in ASD.   Inflammatory vaccines in combination with other toxics can trigger these effects, especially in infants susceptible to autoimmunity because of the mother’s immune system state or early age vaccinations which prolong the babies immune system Th2 phase.

Note: These are only a few of the Blaylock studies on Vaccine Harm and Vaccine Safety. As he is one of the top experts on such neurological issues, his studies which further support these are easily available.

I.           Book: Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails , Sharyl Attkisson.

. E xposes the corruption that has ruled the pharmaceutical industry and Regulatory Agencies for decades .

journalist Sharyl Attkisson details how public health agencies and some public universities are so captured by commercial interests that they function as little more than an advertising arm of Big Pharma


II.      More than 18,600 articles, published in peer-reviewed literature, have been gathered in the  Vaccine Research Library , documenting the harm vaccines can cause harm: including allergies, autoimmune disease, cancer, autism, ADHD and a long list of neurological disturbances .


IX. 1200 PubMed Studies: Truth Will Prevail
about Safety and Effectiveness of Vaccines

All vaccines cause harm and few proven safe or effective. Unvaccinated children much more healthy than vaccinated children Ebook .

Absence of Long-Term Vaccine Safety Testing or Preclinical Animal Studies

The contents of Section 13.1 for the Package Inserts of all the vaccines approved for the US were shown, essentially stating that they were not evaluated for Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, or (male or female, or both) Fertility.  This result could have been predicted based on the absence of a directive to perform such crucial tests. 

For the Covid-19 vaccines specifically (a radically new technology), insufficient time has passed for long-term clinical testing or even long-term post-marketing studies of these Covid-19 vaccines to be done.  That means there are essentially no long-term safety studies available for these vaccines.    Studies   on the short-term and early mid-term adverse effects of these Covid-19 vaccines have shown they are   extremely unsafe   and   dangerous , which does not bode well for what to expect in the long-term. 


Vaccination Schedule Responsible for Increasing Chronic Disease in Children

Studies show that the immature brain up to 2 years of age is much more susceptible to seizures and microseizures (and microstrokes ) that cause brain damage. On the current schedule children receive as many as 2 dozen vaccinations in that early vulnerable period where seizures and autoimmunity are much more likely. Studies also show that combination vaccines and multiple vaccines at one time cause more seizures and harm. It’s no surprise that studies consistently find unvaccinated infants or children much more healthy than vaccinated infants or children. ( Blaylock,VI )

Glutamate given to young animals triggers seizures and vaccinations increase brain glutamate levels. The Schori study showed that in animals

suppression of T-Lymphocytes causes excitotoxic damage including seizures. Some vaccines like HepB and mercury suppress T cell function.


The Childhood Vaccines all have had adverse effects reported to VAERS after vaccination and there were adverse effect types totaling 217 listed in the Vaccine Package Inserts.



All Medical Studies testing Vaccinated Children vs Unvaccinated Children show vaccinated children are much less healthy than unvaccinated children.

About a dozen reviews of studies in Chap 2 of RFK book (I) document that vaccinated children are much less healthy than unvaccinated children and have more chronic conditions.

Four studies reviewed starting on page 15 of Miller Book (II) show vaccinated children much less healthy than unvaccinated Children.

There has been a huge increase in chronic children’s conditions (over 50% have chronic conditions) over the last 2 decades that corresponds with the increase in the CDC child vaccination schedule increase,

See additional documentation later.

The following sections document why.


Mercury Thimerosal Chap. 3 of Vax- Unvax (I) reviews several peer-reviewed studies that document that thimerosal in vaccines has caused Autism, ADHD, and other Neurological Conditions and vaccinated children who have received such vaccines have had a higher incidence of these conditions.

Pages 20-43 of Miller’s Review review (II) of 30 medical studies that document that vaccines containing thimerosal cause developmental delays, autism spectrum disorders (ASD) including Autism, neurodevelopmental disorders, sleep disorders, psychomotor disorders, mental retardation, speech disorders, etc. in children and children of vaccinated mothers.

Review studies document that the 6 CDC studies used by CDC to claim vaccines don’t cause autism were invalid or fraudulent.


Mercury/Thimerosal/Autism Connection

abstracts from over 190 research studies detailing the effects of including thimerosal in vaccines.


The relationship between mercury and autism : A comprehensive review and discussion, Janet K.  Kern  ,   David A. Geier Lisa K. Sykes Boyd E. Haley Mark R. Geier  , MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, Vol 37, Sept 2016, p8-24.

[ This review found 91 studies that examine the potential relationship between mercury and ASD from 1999 to February 2016. Of these studies, the vast majority (74%) suggest that mercury is a risk factor for ASD, revealing both direct and indirect effects. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that mercury exposure is causal and/or contributory in ASD. ]


The Relationship Between the Level of Copper, Lead, Mercury and Autism Disorders: A Meta-Analysis,
Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics , Sept 2020

Conclusion:  There is a significant relationship between mercury concentration and autism. Thus, the concentration of mercury can be listed as a pathogenic cause (disease-causing) for autism.

 Mercury thimerosal in vaccines is documented to cause Autism and ADHD . Studies that claim otherwise likely have limitations or problems.

The endocrine disruptive effects of mercury


Endocrine Effects of Mercury


Wide Body of Science Links Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals to Infertility in Women

Frontiers in Public Health reviewed over 100 studies summarizing the link between endocrine-disrupting chemicals exposure and reproductive effects in women, including infertility, endometriosis, premature ovarian insufficiency, or POI, and endocrine axis dysregulation.

COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Adverse Endocrine Events are Common

UCSF-Based Investigators’ Shocking Finding on Endocrine-Based Survey Study; Vaccinated Hospitalized 3.8X more than Unvaccinated with COVID-1 Infection


Almost 1.49% of respondents reported hospitalization after COVID-19, whereas 5.69% of the respondents reported hospitalization after vaccination in our cohort.  

When considering the distribution of SARS-CoV-2-related severe symptoms, even more disturbing numbers from Dr. Bhargava and colleagues given approximately 9.3% of such incidents were reported in the COVID-19 vaccinated group versus 6.7% in the unvaccinated group (p<0.001).


Fertility Rates Around the World Continue to Decline to dangerous levels (fertility is not the only health problem affected)


Peer-reviewed medical studies reviewed in Chap 4 of RFK Vax- Unvax book found that the MMR vaccine has a high level of adverse effects and is documented to be a cause of Autism, ADHD, Gastrointestinal, Thrombocytopenia Neurological Conditions.


Adenovirus-Vectored COVID & Other Immunization (MMR, Hepatitis B) Associated with Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia

Associations were also observed with eight other vaccine types, including the measles-mumps-rubella ( MMR) vaccine, hepatitis A and B vaccines, rotavirus vaccine, and encephalitis vaccine. 9 studies identified consistent VITT diagnostic features, including recent vaccination, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, specific lab results, and clinical expert assessments.


Protocol 7: Exclusive Interview With Andrew Wakefield

EXPOSING THE PHARMACEUTICAL FRAUD related to the MMR Vaccine. (with documentation)

Pharmaceutical Fraud Costing Many Children their health and Taxpayers billions of dollars.


Aluminum (See also HW295 )

26 Studies reviewed on pages 44-63 of Miller’s Review (II.) document that aluminum which is used in most vaccines as an adjuvant is neurotoxic and causes neurotoxicity damage and autoimmune conditions in some people. It has been shown to cause chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, cognitive disorders, Autism, and other neurological conditions.

See also p70-71 Of RFK book (I).

36% Higher Risk of Asthma in Kids Who Had Vaccine-Related Aluminum Exposure, CDC Study Shows


Vaccines Often Cause Microclots and Microstrokes That Can Trigger Conditions like Autism, ADHD, Seizures, etc.

(Aluminum in vaccines containing it can cause microclots and also be a factor- see study documentation for why).

See also ( Blaylock,VI )


5 Scientific Findings Explain Link Between Vaccines and Autism

The trigger for autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, according to Handley, is immune system activation that can alter the developing brain when the activation occurs either in a pregnant mother or a young child.

This happens because the neurotoxic aluminum in  vaccines  travels easily to the brain. There, it can cause  inflammation  in vulnerable people by triggering the production of a key  cytokine  -- interleukin 6 or  IL-6  -- a protein that affects the immune system.  IL-6 has been linked to autism .

Handley, author of the best-selling book, " How to End the Autism Epidemic ," co-founder of the  Age of Autism  website and father of a son with autism, draws heavily on the  Vaccine Papers  website, which collects and analyzes relevant science, to outline the key scientific findings that make this case.


Neurotoxic and Cancer effects of aluminum are associated with its interference with estrogen receptors signaling .


Aluminum compounds have been observed in various brain regions, and their accumulation has been associated with many neurodegenerative disorders.

Neurotoxic effects of aluminum are attributed to reactive oxygen species generation, induction of apoptosis and inflammatory reactions activation.

Metalloestrogen activity of aluminum has also been linked to breast cancer progression and metastasis .

Aluminum salts induce a remarkable increase in estrogen receptor protein level possibly via interference with estrogen receptor gene expression or estrogen receptor protein stability.


Wide Body of Science Links Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals to Infertility in Women

Frontiers in Public Health reviewed over 100 studies summarizing the link between endocrine-disrupting chemicals exposure and reproductive effects in women, including infertility, endometriosis, premature ovarian insufficiency, or POI, and endocrine axis dysregulation.

Fertility Rates Around the World Continue to Decline to dangerous levels (fertility is not the only health problem affected)


Aluminum in Brain Tissue in Autism

All 4 male donors had significantly higher concentrations of brain aluminum than the single female donor. We recorded some of the highest values for brain aluminium content ever measured in healthy or diseased tissues in these male ASD donors including values of 17.10, 18.57 and 22.11 ?g /g dry wt. (Table 1). What discriminates these data from other analyses of brain aluminium in other diseases is the age of the ASD donors. Why, for example would a 15 year old boy have such a high content of aluminum in their brain tissues? There are no comparative data in the scientific literature, the closest being similarly high data for a 42 year old male diagnosed with familial Alzheimer’s disease ( fAD )


Merck Clinical Trials for HPV Vaccine was Fraudulent and did not prove the Vaccine Safe or Effective.

See: Under the Skin : How Aluminum Compounds in HPV Vaccines Cause Injuries


A new extra-strong aluminum compound, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (AAHS), was used in the Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) and caused serious harm to many.

A team of Danish doctors collected dozens of cases and sent a safety warning to the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

According to The BMJ , documentation from the Danish Medicines Agency shows discrepancies in trial documents of two Gardasil prelicensure clinical trials, one in 2002, and one in 2003.

For both trials, the EMA appears to have authorized potassium aluminum sulfate as the adjuvant and not AAHS so the trial was not relevant to the vaccine with AAHS/

In addition, the 2002 trial participants were told the comparator was saline, even though the comparator was AAHS in an expedient consisting of L-histidine, polysorbate-80, sodium borate and sodium chloride. There was no clinical trial that showed the Gardasil vaccine safe or effective. Trial clearly fraudulent. The EMA said AAHS was introduced without any prelicensure safety evaluation.


According to The BMJ, aluminum adjuvants are associated with numerous adverse effects, including injection site pain and tenderness, persistent lumps, granulomas , contact dermatitis, post-immunization headache, macrophagic myofasciitis and autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.


Ehgartner said numerous indications show aluminum agents cause lasting damage to the immune system of many vaccinated children and adults, and can lead to permanent harm.

Almost all modern diseases such as allergies, autoimmune diseases, developmental disorders or immune-related tumors are connected with a hyper-aggressive immune system, Ehgartner said: we show that these additives have never been tested for safety.


Post-Vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy, Potential Autoimmune Triggers and Implications for mRNA Vax and other vaccines.

Pattern of Post-Vaccine SFN & POTS: and dysautonomia following COVID-19 vaccination have been reported. SFN has also been documented after some infections , , and other vaccines (e.g., HPV, varicella-zoster, Lyme, rabies, etc .).

More Autoimmune conditions after HPV Vaccine including GBS, Lupus, MS, ALS as well as Neuropathies and Asthma, Cardio Conditions and Pulmonary Embolisms. P127-163 of Miller (II) and p 73-127 of RFK (I) book.





(Studies reviewed on pages 139-148 of II( Miller) and p503-568 of III ( Dissolving Illusions: Dr. Humphries ) document that

Measles is not a dangerous condition as long as you have adequate nutrition and level of Vitamin A. Also, that childhood cases of measles and mumps protect against heart attacks and strokes and allergies during adulthood.

Measles deaths like the other infectious diseases affecting childred showed a similar decline in U.S. & England, reaching a very low rate by the 1960s well before and not affected by mass vaccination. By then Alexander Langmuir (Father of Infectious Disease Epidemiology) described measles as: self-limiting infection of short duration, moderate severity, and low fatality. (P503-568 of III ) Studies show Vitamin A supplements or food high in A benefit treatment or prevention of measles.

MAHA Research Priorities: Towards a Rational Protocol for Measles Treatment


Mumps is not dangerous for healthy children with proper treatment. Mumps vaccine is ineffective and clinical trials were Fraudulent.

. Highly Confidential : Former FDA Chief Details Fraud in Merck’s Testing, Marketing of Mumps Vaccine 2024

For decades, Merck misrepresented the efficacy of its mumps vaccine, marketing an “adulterated” drug without proven efficacy to millions of American children, according to a recently released expert report by Dr. David Kessler, former head of the FDA.


  NBC:  Majority of mumps cases are among the vaccinated, CDC finds (MMR Vaccine Ineffective)
 (It’s long been known Mumps Vaccine ineffective: CDC, FDA, and Merck have been allowed to cover it up)

Oxford Academic:  Mumps Outbreak in a Highly Vaccinated University-Affiliated Setting Before and After a Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination Campaign, Iowa, July 2015- May 2016



Several dozen studies starting on page 139 of the Miller (II) Review Studies Demonstrate the MMR Vaccine causes a lot of harm, is Dangerous and Likely Causes More Harm than Benefit, especially since the measles is not dangerous to healthy children and can be treated effectively.

Measles in Healthy Children in Developed Countries face little danger and infection brings significant protection from other more serious and chronic conditions, such as allergies, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, cancer, infections.

And studies show the MMR vaccine increases the likelihood of hospitalization soon after vaccination, as well as causing increased risk of allergies, seizures, asthma, thrombocytopenia, Diabetes, cancer, other infectious conditions, etc.

The Measles Vaccine also has been shown to not prevent transmission or spread of measles among vaccinated populations.


Studies reviewed on pages 139-148 of II(Miller) showed that immunity of MMR Vaccine declines, and measles can be spread by a vaccinated person (live virus vaccine and shedding). Mass vaccination campaigns often result in measles outbreaks.

Also, that hospital and emergency room visits are significantly more common for children getting MMR vaccine, especially young children, and girls,

Children who received vaccines earlier were more likely to get asthma and allergies, including food allergies.)

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis ADEM has also been   associated   with vaccines like rabies, smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella , influenza and hepatitis B.


Glyphosate found to be in Childhood Vaccines (MMR, DTaP, HepB , Flu, Pneumonia, etc.)

The MMR II (Merck) vaccine, which CDC whistleblower Dr.William Thompson has linked to autism, had levels of Glyphosate up to 25 times higher than the other childhood vaccines, at 2.671ppb. 


Autoimmune Conditions listed on Vaccine Package Insert as reported to CDC by Health Authority soon after injection for MMR

(Diabetes, GBS, Pancreatitis) / Death)


MMR : A 2006 study in the journal Pediatrics found 18% of toddlers experienced an adverse event following their first dose of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. Of those, high fever occurred in 6%.

Similarly, a 2010 paper in Pediatrics reported Seizure and fever significantly clustered 7 to 10 days after vaccination with all measles-containing vaccines. Vaccination with MMR V results in 1 additional febrile seizure for every 2,300 doses given.


Manu Chi

Autism Cases after MMR vaccine common   (reported to DAMS organization online)

Moms reporting Healthy Child Got Autism after getting DPT or MMR vaccine. (reported to DAMS organization online)


MMR Vaccines contain aluminum and multidose MMR Vials contain mercury . Aluminum and mercury from vaccines are documented to cause Autism and ADHD. Along with other neurotoxic conditions.


The Repackaging of Post-vaccination Measles





HPV [According to Chap5 of Vax- Unvax , and studies on p127-138 of II, the majority of HPV strains cause skin problems that are self-limiting, but some strains when they infect the cervix can develop into cancer over time. But these are easily detected by PAP SMEAR TESTS and can be safely removed. There is little risk of cancer as long as one gets PAP Screen tests. No clinical trials have shown the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer and serious adverse effects are common.

The Merc Gardasil HPV Vaccine was approved without proper testing for safety or effectiveness. Authorities have an incentive to approve such vaccines, and they benefit significantly from approval. But serious adverse events and deaths during the faulty clinical trial were at least 50% greater compared to all other vaccines. There were significantly more neurological conditions and anti-brain antibodies that caused behavioral disorders, etc. Likewise for celiac disease, asthma, and other conditions.]


Autoimmune Conditions listed on Vaccine Insert as reported to CDC by Health Authority soon after injection for Gardasil Vaccine

(GBS, pancreatitis)/ Death


Merck Used Highly Potent Aluminum in Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trials Without Informing Participants

Several girls who participated in the HPV vaccine trials, including some in the placebo group, suffered chronic disabling symptoms, raising questions about the toxic effects of the adjuvant, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine. Aluminum known to be neurotoxic and causes neurological effects.



A Northwestern Doctor: When the HPV vaccine was developed, it was discovered that its antigen (along with standard adjuvants) could not mount a sufficient immune response to get FDA approval, so a decision was made to use an experimental but much stronger adjuvant ) which worked. but also gave a large number of recipients autoimmune disorders ( at least 2.3% ) plus neurological effects. . Nonetheless, that trade-off was also accepted to get it to market. Now there are large numbers of lawsuits because of the significant harm.



Merck Clinical Trials for HPV Vaccine was Fraudulent and did not prove the Vaccine Safe or Effective.

See: Under the Skin : How Aluminum Compounds in HPV Vaccines Cause Injuries


A new extra-strong aluminum compound, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (AAHS), was used in the Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) and caused serious harm to many.

A team of Danish doctors collected dozens of cases and sent a safety warning to the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

According to The BMJ , documentation from the Danish Medicines Agency shows discrepancies in trial documents of two Gardasil prelicensure clinical trials, one in 2002, and one in 2003.

For both trials, the EMA appears to have authorized potassium aluminum sulfate as the adjuvant and not AAHS so the trial was not relevant to the vaccine with AAHS/

In addition, the 2002 trial participants were told the comparator was saline, even though the comparator was AAHS in an expedient consisting of L-histidine, polysorbate-80, sodium borate and sodium chloride. There was no clinical trial that showed the Gardasil vaccine safe or effective. Trial clearly fraudulent. The EMA said AAHS was introduced without any prelicensure safety evaluation.


16 Studies from Miller’s Review Studies (II) show that the HPT Vaccine causes many significant adverse effects and is unlikely to reduce the low risk of cervical cancer in young women. Also, that there are serious doubts about the validity of the clinical trial for safety and the reliability of the advertising being used. The HPV vaccine has been linked to autoimmune disorders, MS, ALS, GBS, paralysis, convulsions, chronic fatigue, anaphylaxis, pulmonary embolisms, gait disturbances, menstrual problems, cervical problems, and death. There are many current related lawsuits.


Gardasil Autoimmunity Adverse Events Problem Confirmed Again by New Study

Girls and young women experiencing complications from Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine show symptoms and biological markers of autoimmune conditions, according to a new study published in The Journal of Autoimmunity. Safety signals were already evident during Gardasil’s clinical trials, and by 2013, researchers were noting the unusually high frequency of adverse reactions related to HPV vaccines reported worldwide. The Gardasil Vaccine was responsible in the U.S. for three-fifths of all serious vaccine reactions reported in young women under age 30, including 64% of deaths and 81% of cases of permanent disability. Some of the signature impacts observed following HPV vaccination — which afflict a number of the plaintiffs — include permanently disabling autoimmune and/or neurological conditions such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Past epidemiological studies have found associations between quadrivalent Gardasil and a laundry list of autoimmune conditions: Addison’s disease , Behcet’s syndrome , celiac disease , Guillain-Barre syndrome , Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

The Case Against Gardasil HPV Vaccines

  Research has linked the vaccine to severe autoimmune disorders, neurological damage, and even death.

The Clinical Trial was unsuccessful but the vaccine was approved anyway. during the early trials  only 27% of enrolled girls were actually administered the complete three-vaccine series. Another remarkable misstep in the trials was that no girls under age 15 participated, despite the fact that the vast majority of girls given the vaccine today are under that age. Seventeen girls died before and after the trial; nevertheless without any compelling evidence the CDC states none of these deaths were due to the vaccine.

Pattern of Post-Vaccine SFN & POTS: and dysautonomia following COVID-19 vaccination have been reported. SFN has also been documented after some infections, and other vaccines (e.g., HPV, varicella-zoster, Lyme, rabies, etc .).

More Autoimmune conditions after HPV Vaccine including GBS, Lupus, MS, ALS as well as Neuropathies and Asthma, Cardio Conditions and Pulmonary Embolisms. P127-163 of Miller (II) and p 73-127 of RFK (I) book.


Young Florida Woman Sues Merck Over Gardasil HPV Vax: Triggered Fibromyalgia

Brought U.S. District Court for the   Western District of North Carolina   on December 20, the complaint’s allegations combined with over 130 others are also suing the New Jersey-based pharmaceutical company due to the failure to warn about risks associated with the HPV vaccine. By age 20, plaintiff Harmony L. Calhoun claims to have suffered through two months of body hives and now faces what doctors are declaring could be permanent nerve pain reports legal website   About Lawsuits . Ms. Calhoun along with all of the other plaintiffs now claim that the pharmaceutical company through its labeling is failing to adequately warn the public of the risks of what appear at least in some cases to be permanent and life-changing autoimmune adverse effects linked to the HPV shot.


VACCINE ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING EFFECTS or Cancer Promoting Effects (Covid Vaccine and Vaccines with Aluminum or Mercury)

Wide Body of Science Links Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals to Infertility in Women

Frontiers in Public Health reviewed over 100 studies summarizing the link between endocrine-disrupting chemicals exposure and reproductive effects in women, including infertility, endometriosis, premature ovarian insufficiency, or POI, and endocrine axis dysregulation.

Fertility Rates Around the World Continue to Decline to dangerous levels (fertility is not the only health problem affected)

Gardasil Vaccine Caused Cancer That Killed 22-Year-Old, Lawsuit Alleges

The mother of a young woman who died of cervical cancer after receiving the Gardasil vaccine sued Merck, alleging the vaccine maker falsely promoted the vaccine for cancer prevention and failed to warn patients about the shot’s risks.


Pertussis/DTaP and DPT Vaccines (review of studies on 85-104 and 172-199 of II and p432-498 in III)

P311 & 432-498 of III show a continuous decline in whooping cough deaths from the mid 1930s until the vaccine was introduced due to improved health and sanitation, child labor law and better living conditions, better nutrition, etc. The vaccine introduction made little change in the rate of that decline.

CDC Ignored Solid Data on Convulsions and Death After DTP Vaccines

Geier and Geier published a massive study and one of the first of its kind at the time using the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

They found more cases (occurrence/million) of febrile seizures and death after whole-cell DTP, DTaP, DT alone, in a descending, nonlinear graded fashion, and the risks were in a tight temporal relationship. R eferencing a study led by Dr. Peter Aaby . In the study, it was shown that children who received the DTP vaccine were ten times more likely to die in the first six months of life than children who did not get the vaccine.

Glyphosate in Childhood Vaccines (MMR, DTaP, HepB , Flu, Pneumonia, etc.)

Is this intentional or poor quality control?



A Northwestern Doctor: The DTP vaccine (a killed bacterial vaccine) was notorious  for having hot lots  that killed many of their recipients (or left them with brain damage.) There were so many deaths and significant injuries that the manufacturers could not afford to produce the vaccine so got the Government to pass the 1986 vaccine injury act shielding vaccine manufacturers and others in the vaccination process from damages.

There is an inadequately supervised manufacturing process that results in dangerous hot lots in many vaccines, such as the Covid Vaccine.


Chap8 of Vax- Unvax (I) and preview studies that document that the DPT Vaccine caused higher Infant and Mother Mortality Rates and higher levels of SIDS. The DPT vaccine has been replaced by the DTaP vaccine for which no valid safety studies or reviews were found.

The DTap vaccine has also been found to be faulty and to encourage evolutionary adaptation of the virus resulting in more virulent strains. Data shows the vaccine is not effective, (See also Studies in Miller Review (II) p85-)

but has significant adverse effects. Vaccination with DTaP increases risk of whooping cough from B. parapertussis .

According to, Rarely, long-term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness, or permanent brain damage may happen after DTaP vaccination.


Cases of Pertussis have increased in vaccinated populations more than in unvaccinated.

(27 Studies in Miller Review (II) show that vaccinated children can later transmit Pertussis to others and DPaT also causes other adverse effects including allergies, asthma. Seizures, thrombocytopenia, leukemia, etc.)

Vaccines commonly provide incomplete immunity which encourage the evolution of more virulent pathogen strains and deadly infections.


Autoimmune or Cardiovascular Conditions listed on Vaccine Insert as reported to CDC by Health Authority soon after injection for DPT Vaccine


GBS /Hypertension, Myocarditis, Cyanosis

A Critical Review of Placebo-Controlled Trials for Vaccines Recommended for Children- DPaT,DPT

DPaT - The table states that the trials for Infanrix DPaT used the older DTP vaccine as a control instead of a placebo. The safety review lasted 30 days, after which adverse reactions were reportedly compared only to those observed in recipients of DTP. (DPT documented to commonly cause death or significant injury)

The safety review for Daptacel was up to 2 months and 1 trial followed up at 6 months. However, the 6-month trial had no control, involved 1,454 children and within 30 days following any dose of Daptacel 3.9% subjects reported at least one severe adverse event.

Post-Market Surveillance : As with Recombivax , Infanrix has been subject to ongoing surveillance after its approval, with adverse events being tracked through systems like the voluntary CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS ) which is known to have reported a small percentage of actual cases.

According to, “Rarely, long-term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness, or permanent brain damage may happen after DTaP vaccination.”

ICAN wrote a letter to UNICEF, demanding an immediate halt to distributing the DTP vaccine, referencing a study led by Dr. Peter Aaby . In the study, it was shown that children who received the DTP vaccine were ten times more likely to die in the first six months of life than children who did not get the vaccine. According to ICAN, this vaccine makes children more prone to other infections and demands informed consent based on these findings. They further state that the concealment of research findings without perpetual continuation may represent a violation of the Nuremberg Code.


Moms reporting Healthy Child Got Autism after getting DPT or MMR vaccine. (reported to DAMS organization online)



VACCINE ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING EFFECTS or Cancer Promoting Effects (Covid Vaccine and Vaccines with Aluminum or Mercury)

Wide Body of Science Links Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals to Infertility in Women

Frontiers in Public Health reviewed over 100 studies summarizing the link between endocrine-disrupting chemicals exposure and reproductive effects in women, including infertility, endometriosis, premature ovarian insufficiency, or POI, and endocrine axis dysregulation.

Fertility Rates Around the World Continue to Decline to dangerous levels (fertility is not the only health problem affected)


A Critical Review of Placebo-Controlled Trials for Vaccines Recommended for Children

DTaP Vaccine: as of February 12, 2024, the CDC reported that reported cases of diphtheria in the United States are extremely low . The last confirmed case of respiratory diphtheria in the U.S. was in 1997. Why is this vaccine being given?


The table states that the trials for Infanrix used the older DTP vaccine as a control instead of a placebo. The safety review lasted 30 days, after which adverse reactions were reportedly compared only to those observed in recipients of DTP.   Historically, these trials included placebo controls as part of standard practice to assess vaccine efficacy compared to a non-active control group.   Clearly this was not a valid clinical trial to prove vaccine safety.

CDC uses Short Monitoring Periods and Limited Data. Doesn’t prove safety. Tetanus is treatable if needed.

Studies reviewed in Chap11 found the TDAP Vaccine given pregnant women was associated with adverse effects in infant or mother.

P311-321 of III show there was a continuous decline in deaths from infectious disease such as smallpox, typhus, typhoid, scarlet fever, etc. starting the 1830s due mainly to improvements in public health and sanitation, improved water supplies, improved living conditions, better nutrition, etc. The later introduction of the vaccines had little effect on the rate of decline.


Was the Smallpox Vaccine a Failure? Some evidence suggests so.


Evidence from 45 Years of Registration Statistics That Smallpox Vaccine was a Failure A R Wallace, LLD 1989 (1838-1832)


Mass vaccination using Smallpox Vaccine produced no decrease in mortality from Smallpox or reduce in severity of Smallpox in patients,

Increased Smallpox occurrences during last 12 years of period and alarming increase in several other conditions during the vaccination period.

During the mass vaccination period there has been for many years a steady increase of mortality from such blood diseases including cancer.


Mayo Clinic: Risk of Smallpox Vaccine Side Effects Too High to Justify Routine Vaccination.

No cure or treatment for smallpox exists. A vaccine can prevent smallpox, but the  risk of the vaccine's side effects is too high to justify routine vaccination  for people at low risk of exposure to the smallpox virus.


Serious Questions About Safety and Effectiveness of Smallpox Vaccine



Post-Vaccination Parsonage-Turner Syndrome: A Case Series


Case reports on COVID-19 vaccination-related neurological events are appearing more frequently in the literature. TrialSite   follows   these case studies on adverse effects on the central and peripheral nervous system attributed to COVID-19 vaccines. The   study summarized here describes six cases related to a neurological condition called “Parsonage-Turner syndrome (PTS)” that presented after COVID-19 vaccine shots. 

The condition is associated with various vaccines such as hepatitis B,   diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine, smallpox, and swine flu. 


WHO Pharmacovigilance DB Reveals Huge Surge in Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Vaccination, especially Smallpox and mNRA vaccines.

(Smallpox ROR: 73.7; Covid mNRA ROR: 37.8; Anthrax: 25.5; Typhoid: 6.7;Flu : 1.9)


Claims of Smallpox Eradication Wrong. Smallpox has been renamed.

Based on clinical diagnosis mpox is no different than smallpox. In fact, mpox was discovered in humans in 1970, coincidentally with the strict enforcement of mass smallpox vaccinations in Zaire (now called Democratic Republic of Congo). [ 23 24 ]

In the mid 19th century, when smallpox was strictly enforced in the West [ 39 ], a disease resembling smallpox called impetigo contagiosa was discovered (in 1864), and smallpox vaccination was actually identified as one of the causative factors of this disease. [ 1 ]


WHO Has Listed Smallpox, Monkeypox and Cow Pox as 'Potential' Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine . It is difficult to distinguish any of the several names of conditions similar to Smallpox.



Mayo Clinic: Risk of Smallpox Vaccine Side Effects Too High to Justify Routine Vaccination.

No cure or treatment for smallpox exists. A vaccine can prevent smallpox, but the  risk of the vaccine's side effects is too high to justify routine vaccination  for people at low risk of exposure to the smallpox virus.


Serious Questions About Safety and Effectiveness of Smallpox Vaccine


Vaccination of vulnerable groups against monkeypox virus (MPV) in a highly C-19 vaccinated population will drive adaptive evolution of MPV and ignite spread.


No vaccine has passed a standard clinical trial to prove safety and effectivity, that other drugs are required to do . No vaccine has eradicated any viral disease and there is no clear proof that many or any vaccine has been the primary factor in reducing disease incidence. See history and documentation for each disease claim.


Hepatitis B Reviews on p165-170, etc. of II show the Hep B vaccine increases the risk of MS, GBS, and other autoimmune conditions. Also a factor in the U.S. high infant mortality rate .

Chap 9 of Vax- Unvax (I) reviews studies that document the harm caused by the Hepatitis B Vaccine.

No valid clinical trial or reviews were found for the vaccines given after birth. But studies were available for people vaccinated later in life. Increased levels of liver problems, SIDS, autoimmune problems, etc. were found for such vaccinated people.

Some studies found an increased risk of MS, GBS, other autoimmune conditions, chronic arthritis after HEP B vaccination.


Glyphosate in Childhood Vaccines (MMR, DTaP, HepB , Flu, Pneumonia, etc.)

Is this intentional or poor quality control?


Bombshell Global Study Links mRNA and Hep B Vaccines to Serious Increased Kidney Injury Outcomes

The findings suggest a substantial increase in reported cases of acute kidney injury (AKI), glomerulonephritis (GN), and tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) following vaccinations, with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines showing a disproportionately high number of cases.

The ROR for AKI was 2.38, meaning individuals receiving these vaccines reported AKI at more than twice the rate of other drugs in the WHO database. The strongest safety signal presented involved glomerulonephritis (GN). The highest ROR for GN was observed in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines (ROR: 13.41), followed by hepatitis B vaccines ( ROR: 11.35), ( 11.3 times normal ), suggesting an unusual concentration of post-vaccine GN cases, certainly at a high statistical rate.


Autoimmune or Cardiovascular Conditions listed on Vaccine Insert as reported to CDC by Health Authority soon after injection for HepB Vaccine

(MS. GBS, Lupus)/ Tachycardia


Moms reporting Healthy Child Got Autism after getting HepB vaccine. (reported to DAMS organization online)

Glutamate given to young animals triggers seizures and vaccinations increase brain glutamate levels. The Schori study showed that in animals

suppression of T-Lymphocytes causes excitotoxic damage including seizures. Some vaccines like HepB and mercury suppress T cell function.

( Blaylock,VI )


A Critical Review of Placebo-Controlled Trials for Vaccines Recommended for Children

ICAN’s attorneys filed a lawsuit against the FDA to obtain clinical trials that show safety was reviewed for more than 7 days before the Hepatitis B vaccine, Engerix -B, was licensed. The FDA did not produce any documents and therefore ICAN sought summary judgment from the Court and awaits a decision. 

With regards to recombinant vaccines Recombivax -HB and Engerix -B - no clinical trials in a placebo setting were assessed in infants.




ICAN lead counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., guides you through an exploration of the Hepatitis B vaccine, outlining the serious problems with this controversial vaccine given to newborn babies in their first days of life in the US, per the CDC. Hear why ICAN is fighting to have this shot removed from the childhood schedule. Many babies clearly don’t benefit from it and it causes significant harm or death to many.


Taiwanese Bombshell: Hepatitis B Triggered by COVID-19 Vaccines, Lead to Two Deaths (case study, similar to other conditions due to vaccine-weakened immune system)

The mechanisms of hepatitis included vaccine induced liver injury (VILI) and immune-related hepatitis, which are direct liver injuries by spike protein. Also, I ndirect liver injury due to  HBV  reactivation. the Taiwanese physician-investigators report that COVID-19 vaccine induced hepatitis is a clinically significant complication, and HBV reactivation may account for a possible mechanism.  The COVID-19 vaccines injuries led to two deaths, and the authors cite the importance of vigilance among health authorities.


Chicken Pox and Shingles

Chicken Pox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Before a vaccine campaign started, doctors normally recommended children be exposed to chickenpox because effects are generally mild in children but can be worse in adults, and exposure reduces other chronic condition effects such as heart disease. The virus can lie dormant after infection or vaccination and reemerge as Shingles if the immune system becomes weaker. 27 reviews of studies in Miller Book (II) show:

Chickenpox infection reduces later adult heart disease significantly. Each additional exposure to other childhood viruses reduces heart disease by approx. 14%. Immunity against shingles is strengthened by periodic exposure to the Chickenpox virus. Vaccination programs for Chickenpox reduced Chickenpox cases but increased cases of Shingles, which generally has more severe effects. The Chickenpox and Shingles vaccine are shown to have significant adverse effects such as congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema, and arthritis. They also affect the innate immune system negatively.

5 Peer-reviewed Medical Studies reviewed in Chap 2 of Vax- Unvax (I) document that Vaccines are a cause of Asthma and other Respiratory Conditions, and vaccinated children had between 4 to 20 times higher incidence or risk of Autism, ADHD, Learning Disorders, and other Neurological Conditions. The results were statistically significant. Studies show childhood measles or chickenpox reduces adult allergies.


Jaw-dropping Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism

The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.

Shingles Vaccine can cause Cardio problems and Pulmonary Embolisms. P149 of Miller (ii). A study also demonstrated the Shingles Vaccine doesn’t reduce health problems for elderly.


Flu Vaccine

Chap7 of Vax- Unvax (I) and studies on p64-84 of II review studies that document that Flu Vaccines have caused great harm and some versions have been disastrous. Flu is relatively easy to treat safely and not as dangerous as people have been propagandized to believe. Vaccination against common strains of Flu can make one more susceptible to more dangerous strains. Flu vaccines have aluminum adjuvant, and many have mercury thimerosal which are documented to cause serious neurological conditions. Studies have found flu vaccine not effective for young children and elderly and can cause serious problems in some. Vaccinated children are more susceptible to other viruses and have more allergies and asthma.


Glyphosate in Childhood Vaccines (MMR, DTaP, HepB , Flu, Pneumonia, etc.)

Is this intentional or poor quality control?


Adverse health effects following Influenza vaccinations as reported in the Pubmed /Medline literature


There were Nineteen Major Categories of Symptoms/Diseases that Occurred Following Influenza Vaccinations . See Table 1.




  A prospective case-control study in healthy young Australian children found that seasonal flu shots doubled their risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections (unadjusted OR 2.13. Overall, the vaccine increased the risk of virus-associated acute respiratory illness, including influenza, by 73%). (Table 2 in Kelly et al, Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011;30:107)


A randomized placebo-controlled trial in Hong Kong children found that flu shots increased the risk of noninfluenza viral ARIs fivefold (OR 4.91)and , including influenza, tripled the overall viral ARI risk (OR 3.17). (Table 3 in Cowling et al, Clin Infect Dis 2012;54: 1778)…


Autoimmune or Cardiovascular Conditions listed on Vaccine Insert as reported to CDC by Health Authority soon after injection for Flu Vaccine


GBS/ Pericarditis,


No clear evidence flu vaccines effective but significant harm well documented .

On  September 21, 2005 The New York Times  published a ground-breaking story reporting on a study with strong evidence that  flu shots are ineffective and possibly even harmful in the most highly targeted group, the elderly.  Published in  The Lancet Online  (September, 2005), the study provided no new data but reviewed 64 existing studies that evaluated the effectiveness of the  flu vaccine  over 96 flu seasons. The authors concluded that the effectiveness of flu shot, particularly  in the elderly, was  wildly overstated.

There are published studies showing annual influenza vaccination often cause harm and takes its toll on your health, 3   4   5   6   and may do more harm than good in the long term.

3. Vaccine December 1998;16(20):1929-32

4 STAT News November 11, 2015

5 CIDRAP April 6, 2010

6 Science Daily May 20, 2009

Flu shots increase the risk of illness from flu as well as from noninfluenza virus infections such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, RS viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, HMP viruses and enteroviruses. (2 Pubmed studies)


  A prospective case-control study in healthy young Australian children found that seasonal flu shots doubled their risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections (unadjusted OR 2.13, CI 1.20—3.79). Overall, the vaccine increased the risk of virus-associated acute respiratory illness, including influenza, by 73% (OR 1.73, CI 0.99—3.03). (Table 2 in Kelly et al, Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011;30: 107)… .


A randomized placebo-controlled trial in Hong Kong children found that flu shots increased the risk of noninfluenza viral ARIs fivefold (OR 4.91,CI 1.04—8.14) and, including influenza, tripled the overall viral ARI risk (OR 3.17, CI 1.04—9.83). (Table 3 in Cowling et al, Clin Infect Dis 2012;54: 1778)…..

This will not be found in the abstracts of the articles, so you have to go to the tables and look at the numbers yourself.


Study finds increased risk of Stroke after Flu Vaccination.

Researchers found that people with administration of a high-dose or adjuvanted influenza vaccine alone had an elevated risk for the combined outcome of non-hemorrhagic stroke or transient ischemic attack in both the 1-21 days risk window (risk difference of 1.65 per 100,000 doses) and 22-42 days risk window (risk difference of 1.60 per 100,000 doses).


Flu Vaccination During Early Pregnancy Linked to Nearly Eightfold Risk of Miscarriage


Post Flu Vaccination Depression

Within-subject associations between inflammation and features of depression: The flu vaccine as an inflammatory stimulus


There was a significant increase in circulating IL-6 from pre- to post-intervention ( p   = .008), and there was significant variability in the magnitude of IL-6 change. Greater increases in IL-6 were associated with greater mood disturbance on post-vaccine days, specifically depressed mood and cognitive symptoms.

Minor increases in vaccine related inflammation were associated with corresponding increases in features of depression .

Increased Il-6 can cause other conditions as well.


Ozonoff et al. found an association of Bell’s palsy with intranasal influenza vaccine, seasonal influenza vaccine, H1N1 influenza vaccines and meningococcal conjugate vaccine.  



VACCINE ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING EFFECTS or Cancer Promoting Effects (Covid Vaccine and Vaccines with Aluminum or Mercury)

Wide Body of Science Links Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals to Infertility in Women

Frontiers in Public Health reviewed over 100 studies summarizing the link between endocrine-disrupting chemicals exposure and reproductive effects in women, including infertility, endometriosis, premature ovarian insufficiency, or POI, and endocrine axis dysregulation.

Fertility Rates Around the World Continue to Decline to dangerous levels (fertility is not the only health problem affected)


Tamiflu & Influenza Vaccines Increase the Risks of other Viruses and other conditions.


25 Studies reviewed starting on page 64 of Miller Book (II) describe the ineffectiveness and harm from Flu vaccination.

Despite no clinical trials showing safety and effectiveness, they are recommended or mandated and strongly promoted by Federal Agencies and Pharmaceuticals for nearly all. Studies show that annual flu vaccination reduces immunity against more virulent infections. People who are infected by one strain are likely to gain immunity to it and other strains. Experience and animal studies confirm the benefits of natural immunity. Contrary to captured health authority recommendation, flu vaccination of pregnant women is not supported by science. Vaccinated young children are more likely to be hospitalized than unvaccinated children. There is no evidence that vaccinating the elderly reduces their death rate or that vaccinating health workers protects their patients. Flu promotion uses scare tactics that use disinformation to encourage vaccination. There is no transparent informed consent required.


AstraZeneca’s FluMist vaccine won FDA approval late last week for at-home administration, Despite Vaccine’s Link to Severe Reactions (Irresponsible decision by Captured Agency)

Live virus   vaccines   shed with consequences, especially to pregnant women and infants, where this vaccine is contraindicated.

Flu shots in general lead to myriad adverse events, including   Guillain-Barré syndrome , and have led to a 4.8-fold increased incidence in non-influenza   acute respiratory infections   in children under age 5. It is also clear that most years, the flu shot provides minimal protection against the flu. The risks far outweigh any benefits here.


Infant RSV Shots May Cause RSV, Other Infections or Death in Some Babies, Study Finds

French scientist Hélčne Banoun , Ph.D., author of the preprint study that analyzed outcomes from the 2023-2024 RSV immunization campaign in four countries, found a “significant increase in mortality” among newborns between 2 and 6 days of age in France. Banoun’s findings suggest that antibody- dependant enhancement may be to blame.

Virus pathogen adaption and imperfect vaccines.

11 reviews of studies starting on page 105 of Miller Book (II) show:

All vaccines are imperfect and donot confer perfect immunity to a virus.

The studies provide strong evidence that imperfect vaccines promote virus adaption of more virulent variants that cause more harm than the original strain. This adaptive behavior of viruses is favorable to the virus family but unfavorable to the population of vaccinated.


Strain Replacement by More Virulent Strain

10 Reviews of studies starting on page 113 of Miller Book (II) show the results of vaccination of 1 variant of Haemophiles Influenzae. The studies provide strong evidence that mass vaccination against strain b promoted increased harm from other variants. After years of vaccination against the b Strain, widespread emergence of the non-b strains that are more virulent affecting the infant population. Strains affecting the elderly are also no severe causing significant increase in hospitalizations and death.

14 Reviews of studies starting on page 119 of (II) show that a vaccination campaign for infants against several strains of Pneumococcal disease (PV7) has resulted in less cases of these cases but increased cases caused by other strains. Some of the strains that have emerged as dominant now are more virulent and resistant to antibiotics which has also become a huge problem through overuse.

Similar has been observed for other vaccines.


Glyphosate in Childhood Vaccines (MMR, DTaP, HepB , Flu, Pneumonia, etc.)

Is this intentional or poor quality control?



Vaccination Schedule Responsible for Increasing Chronic Disease in Children


Studies reviewed starting p15 in Miller Reviews (II) show that

(1)   Developed nations that require the most vaccinations have the highest infant mortality rates.

(2)   Infants that receive the most vaccinations concurrently have the most hospitalizations and deaths.

(3)   Children who were vaccinated less had lower risk of infectious disease or outpatient care or hospitalization.

(4)   Studies with vaccinated animals or children showed development of brain condition similar to that found in autism.

Vaccinated Children have Much Higher Risk of Chronic Neurological and Infectious Conditions than Unvaccinated Children

Chap. 2 of Vax- Unvax (I.)

11 Studies reviewed in Chap 2 found that vaccinated children had significantly more incidence and higher risk of Autism, ADHD, Neurological Conditions, Neurological Developmental Disorders, Pneumonia, Asthma, Chronic Respiratory Infections, Ear Infections, Throat Infections, Eczema, Chronic Allergies, Anemia, Convulsions or Seizures, Fever, Hospital Admissions, etc. The results were statistically significant.

5 Peer-reviewed medical studies reviewed in Chap 2 of Vax- Unvax found that vaccinated children were 2 to 10 times more likely than unvaccinated children to have Asthma . The studies were significantly significant.


36% Higher Risk of Asthma in 2–4-Year-old Kids Who Had Vaccine-Related Aluminum Exposure, CDC Study Shows



4 peer-reviewed studies in Chap2 of Vax- Unvax found that vaccinated children had between 2 and 25 times more ear infections than unvaccinated children , and likewise more throat and viral infections.

  Health authorities eliminated prophylactic vaccination as an official cause of death, even though vaccines are known to be a common cause of death. So medical examiners are compelled to misclassify and conceal vaccine-related fatalities under alternate cause-of-death classifications. Reporting of vaccine related injuries or deaths are strongly discouraged by Health Authorities according to nurse whistleblowers . Nurses who report vaccine injuries are commonly punished by Authorities. Thus, vaccine related deaths and injuries are hugely underreported.


Childhood Asthma & Allergies [Chap5 of I, and p172-181 of II]

5 Peer-reviewed medical studies reviewed in Chap2 of Vax- Unvax found that vaccinated children were 2 to 10 times more likely than unvaccinated children to have Asthma, and also allergies . The studies were significantly significant.

PRB:  Childhood Asthma: A Growing American Epidemic (Asthma increased by 75 percent between 1980 and 1994. The illness has grown fastest among the youngest children: The number of children under 5 years of age with asthma surged by 160 percent during that period. Scientists believe that an array of different factors, including genetic predisposition, immune and respiratory factors, infections, and environmental pollutants, potentially contribute to the onset of asthma and most certainly exacerbate it. Some of the environmental agents known to trigger attacks include outdoor air pollutants, as well as a number of indoor air pollutants (particularly tobacco smoke, dust mites, cockroaches, mold, and pesticides) )

5 Peer-reviewed Medical Studies reviewed in Chap 2 of Vax- Unvax document that Vaccines are a cause of Asthma and other Respiratory Conditions and vaccinated children had between 4 to 20 times higher incidence or risk of Autism, ADHD, Learning Disorders, and other Neurological Conditions. The results were statistically significant. Studies show childhood measles or chickenpox reduces adult allergies.


14 Reviews of studies starting on page 172 of Miller Book (II) show:

Chicken who were infected with measles or chickenpox or did not get an MMR or Pertussis vaccine had significantly less allergies, hay fever, or asthma.


Analysis of Health Outcomes in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children : Developmental Delays, Asthma, Ear Infections and Gastrointestinal Disorders all Much Higher in Vaccinated Children. Dr Peter McCullough.

WebMD:  Childhood Cancer Rates Are Rising. Why?



Autism Spectrum Disorders

Historical Classification :   Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) .  





A possible central mechanism in autism spectrum disorders, part 2: immunoexcitotoxicity   , Dr Russel Blaylock, see review on webpage and details in study.

Reviews of studies starting on page 19 of Miller Book (II) show that vaccines containing mercury or aluminum can cause Autism and other ASD or neurological or. Autoimmune diseases. Likewise for boys who receive MMR or DTaP vaccine. The reviews also show that the CDC studies used by CDC to claim vaccines don’t cause Autism are not valid and provide evidence of Malfeasance. Studies starting on page 144 show the MMR vaccine can cause autoimmune or ASD conditions. Reviews starting on page 200 show significant link between vaccine induced type 1 diabetes and ASD disorders.

Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at Exponentially Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays (including Autism)

Dr R. Blaylock , The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: The Case for a Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders

Several studies have found a link between autoimmunity and Autism. (1-3). Thimerosal which is in some vaccines is a strong cause of autoimmunity in children. Neuroscientist have found that much of the damage in autoimmunity is not directly due to immune reactivity, but to the release of storms of free radicals and lipid peroxidation products during the immune reaction. See moe on web page review and the article, ( Blaylock,VI )

Studies show that vaccines can damage the immune system of young animals leading to autoimmunity and abnormal brain development.

Dr. R Blaylock , ­ Interaction of Activated Microglia, Excitotoxicity, Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species, lipid peroxidation products, and androgens in Autism Spectrum Disorders .

In Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), activated microglia, excitotoxicity (particularly glutamate excess), reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS), lipid peroxidation products, and androgens are interconnected in a complex pathway, where excessive microglial activation can lead to increased production of pro-inflammatory mediators, contributing to excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and neuronal damage, while altered androgen signaling may further exacerbate these processes, potentially playing a role in the neurodevelopmental abnormalities observed in ASD.   Inflammatory vaccines in combination with other toxics can trigger these effects, especially in infants susceptible to autoimmunity because of the mother’s immune system state or early age vaccinations which prolong the baby’s immune system Th2 phase.

( Blaylock,VI )

Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6-to 12-year-old U.S. children

NDD, a derived diagnostic measure, was defined as having one or more of the following three closely-related diagnoses: a learning disability, Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder .


Vaccinated homeschool children were found to have a higher rate of allergies and NDD than unvaccinated homeschool children .


The interaction of preterm birth infant and vaccination was associated with a 6.6-fold increased odds of NDD .



13 Reviews of studies starting on page 183 of Miller Book (II) show that vaccines increase the risk of seizures and epilepsy. Children who took the Pertussis, Polio, Hib Vaccine were found to be nearly 8 times more likely to receive an epileptic event within 24 hours of vaccination. Children who took the MMR Vaccine were found to be nearly 6 times more likely to have had convulsions within 11 days of vaccination.


Studies show that the immature brain up to 2 years of age is much more susceptible to seizures and microseizures (and microstrokes ) that cause brain damage. On the current schedule children receive as many as 2 dozen vaccinations in that early vulnerable period where seizures and autoimmunity are much more likely. Studies also show that combination vaccines and multiple vaccines at one time cause more seizures and harm. It’s no surprise that studies consistently find unvaccinated infants or children much more healthy than vaccinated infants or children. ( Blaylock,VI )

Glutamate given to young animals triggers seizures and vaccinations increase brain glutamate levels. The Schori study showed that in animals

suppression of T-Lymphocytes causes excitotoxic damage including seizures. Some vaccines like HepB and mercury suppress T cell function.



Reviews of studies starting on page 193 of Miller Book (II) show that vaccines increase the risk of type 1 Diabetes. Studies found the Hib, MMR, Hep B, and Pertussis vaccines increase the risk of Type 1 Diabetes.

Epidemics of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndromes have been linked to vaccines.


Premature and low birthweight infants: link to vaccine problems

21 reviews of studies in (II)) show:

Vaccinating premature infants increases the risk of heart and respiratory complications including apnea.

When premature or low birth rate infants receive several vaccinations concurrently they are 4 times more likely to receive cardiorespiratory reactions and 16 times more likely to have an abnormal C-Reactive Protein level. Low birth weight infants are of significant risk of having to go to an emergency center after vaccination.


Standard Vaccination in Preterm Infants in ICU Increases Apnea

The higher odds of apnea raise concerns, particularly among infants aged ≥37 weeks postmenstrual age, where the aOR for apnea was 5.29.

Premature babies are at high risk for neurological and pulmonary complications in the neonatal ICU . They are not at risk for hospital-acquired   Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, or Haemophilus Influenza B Thus,   the current wisdom of giving 7 vaccines to a frail and vulnerable preterm newborn should be challenged in a long-term randomized trial.


Sudden Infant Deaths and Infant Deaths from Vaccination

7 Reviews of studies starting on page 222 of (II) document that concurrent vaccinations or hexavalent vaccines significantly increase the risk of SIDS.

Studies on p115-117 of I show the DPT vaccine increases the SIDS incidence and

Studies on p129-130 of I show the HepB vaccine increases the SIDS incidence rate.

More then 330 SIDS cases reported after Vaccination to VAERS database for each of the HiB , HepB , DTap , and Pneumonia Vaccines by June 2023.


Adenovirus-Vectored COVID & Other Immunization (MMR, Hepatitis B) Associated with Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia

Associations were also observed with eight other vaccine types, including the measles-mumps-rubella ( MMR) vaccine, hepatitis A and B vaccines, rotavirus vaccine, and encephalitis vaccine. 9 studies identified consistent VITT diagnostic features, including recent vaccination, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, specific lab results, and clinical expert assessments.


  Health authorities eliminated prophylactic vaccination as an official cause of death, even though vaccines are known to be a common cause of death. So medical examiners are compelled to misclassify and conceal vaccine-related fatalities under alternate cause-of-death classifications. Reporting of vaccine related injuries or deaths are strongly discouraged by Health Authorities according to nurse whistleblowers. Nurses who report vaccine injuries are commonly punished by Authorities. Thus, vaccine related deaths and injuries are hugely underreported.


Vaccinations are a common cause of Infant Deaths

A 2015 report found that of the 1,469 child deaths reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, 79.4% had received one or more vaccines on the same day they died. The most common cause of death, based on autopsy records, was sudden infant death syndrome, accounting for 44% of cases . Deaths Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, United States, 1997-2013," published in 2015. Reports to VAERS are mostly for injuries soon after vaccination and are voluntary and have a very large undercount.


Vaccines & Sudden Infant Death - Analysis of VAERS database and medical literature- 1990-2019 , Toxicol Rep

Infant deaths & SIDS clustered in the post vaccination period- 1 to 7 days post vaccination . (PubMed)

CBS News:  U.S. has highest first-day infant mortality out of industrialized world, group reports

CDC Ignored Solid Data on Convulsions and Death After DTP Vaccines

Geier and Geier published a massive study and one of the first of its kind at the time using the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

They found more cases (occurrence/million) of febrile seizures and death after whole-cell DTP, DTaP, DT alone, in a descending, nonlinear graded fashion, and the risks were in a tight temporal relationship.

Also referencing a study led by Dr. Peter Aaby . In the study, it was shown that children who received the DTP vaccine were ten times more likely to die in the first six months of life than children who did not get the vaccine. According to ICAN, this vaccine makes children more prone to other infections and demands informed consent based on these findings


A Northwestern Doctor: The DTP vaccine (a killed bacterial vaccine) was notorious  for having hot lots  that killed many of their recipients (or left them with brain damage.) There were so many deaths and significant injuries that the manufacturers could not afford to produce the vaccine so got the Government to pass the 1986 vaccine injury act shielding vaccine manufacturers and others in the vaccination process from damages.

There is an inadequately supervised manufacturing process that results in dangerous hot lots in many vaccines, such as the Covid Vaccine.



A Northwestern Doctor: When the HPV vaccine was developed, it was discovered that its antigen (along with standard adjuvants) could not mount a sufficient immune response to get FDA approval, so a decision was made to use an experimental but much stronger adjuvant ) which worked. but also gave a large number of recipients autoimmune disorders ( at least 2.3% ) plus neurological effects. . Nonetheless, that trade-off was also accepted to get it to market. Now there are large numbers of lawsuits because of the significant harm.


A Critical Review of Placebo-Controlled Trials for Vaccines Recommended for Children- HepB

- ICAN’s attorneys filed a lawsuit against the FDA to obtain clinical trials that show safety was reviewed for more than 7 days before the Hepatitis B vaccine, Engerix -B, was licensed. The FDA did not produce any documents and therefore ICAN sought summary judgment from the Court and awaits a decision. 



  Vaccination of Pregnant Women


Fewer Than 1% of Clinical Trials in the US Include Pregnant Patients, Study Finds

Chap 11 of RFK book (I) demonstrates that there while there have been no clinical trials to prove the safety or effectiveness of any vaccine for pregnant women, Health Authorities recommend Pregnant women take several vaccinations. Studies show that there is a higher risk of ASD conditions and spontaneous abortion and adverse effects in first 28 days of an infant when pregnant women get a Flu vaccine. The risk of fetal loss after H1N1 vaccine + Flu vaccine is at least 10 times higher than if only get flu vaccine. The odds of spontaneous abortion in first 28 days after vaccination of 2 nd H1N1 vaccine is 7.7 times higher. A study also found a higher risk of ASD condition if pregnant women vaccinated with a vaccine that contains thimerosal. Studies also show vaccination of pregnant women with TDaP vaccine results in higher risk of post-partum hemorrhage and of infant adverse events. Studies show that the Covid vaccine is the most dangerous to pregnant women of the recommended vaccines.

Studies in I show many vaccines cause adverse effects for baby or mother when pregnant women vaccinated.

This is especially true of Pregnant Women and Infants (when the brain is most rapidly developing and the immune system is most susceptible to autoimmune injury due to Th2 phase.). Until recently most experts and obstetricians knew this and warned against vaccines during Pregnancy. Now during the Pandemic, the Pharmaceuticals have convinced the Health Authorities to change this policy and urge pregnant women to get the Covid injection and other harmful injections.

But this is documented to have caused infertility in women (and men) and a huge increase in miscarriages, stillbirths, deformed babies, and neurological conditions including Autism, ADHD, etc. The neurological conditions are often delayed effects. (Blaylock, VI) See also SIDS.


Massive 2.3M Real-World Evidence Study Uncovers Troubling Link Between mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines and Thyroid Dysfunction . Additionally this would imply a significant issue for fetus of pregnant woman.

AI Overview Learn more

A pregnant woman's thyroid issues, particularly untreated hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) or hyperthyroidism (high thyroid hormone), can significantly affect the developing fetus, potentially causing complications like   miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and impaired brain development   in the infant, especially if the thyroid dysfunction occurs during the early stages of pregnancy when the fetus relies heavily on the mother's thyroid hormone for growth and development.  


Study Finds 37 Safety Signals for COVID Vaccines During Pregnancy; the captured CDC without science basis still UrgesWomen to Get the Shots.

FDA Package Inserts Still Contains No Safety Data for Use in Pregnant Women, though problems have been identified .



35 Reviews of studies starting on page 228 in Miller Book (II) Document that Vaccinations Increase the Risk of Cancer.

Many reviews document that childhood infections reduce the incidence of several types later in life of cancer significantly. MMR, DPT, or Hep B vaccination increase the risk of cancer. Likewise, for the Covid vaccines.

  the National Cancer Institute (NCI) says there has been a significant increase in the overall rate of childhood cancers, up 27% since 1975 in kids under age 19, The rise seems to be driven, by an increase in leukemia , which is up almost 35% since 1975. Leukemia is the most common cancer in kids. BUT Soft tissue cancers, like those that develop in bones or muscles, are up nearly 42%. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is up 34%. Some type of increased environmental exposure is a likely factor as well as increased vaccinations. Vaccines reduce the function of the innate immune system and thus make one more susceptible to chronic conditions. For 2021-2023 Turbo Cancers have increased.


The Link Between Vaccines & The Rise of Childhood Cancers

According to a UK Telegraph   science editorial, childhood cancers have increased 40 percent over the past 16 years.
The explosion of childhood cancers correlates with the increase in   vaccination schedules for children during the 1990s up to today . For American children ages one through 14, cancer is the top disease-related cause of death , second only to accidents among all causes of childhood mortality. Leukemia and malignancies of the central nervous system are the most common types of childhood cancers .   (Source)

Covid Vaccines and Turbo Cancers


Autoimmune Conditions (studies reviewed p41-63 and 137-146 of II)

Cedars Sinai:  Autoimmune Diseases on the Rise | What to Know
   In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, new studies indicate that SARS-CoV-2 infections and/or vaccination s might be linked to a substantially increased risk of developing a range of autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, shingles, MS, Guillaume bare, Palsy , inflammatory bowel disease, etc.


Studies in Vax- Unvax (I) and (II) found that vaccination cause autoimmune conditions and vaccinated children have a higher incidence of autoimmune conditions than unvaccinated children .


Chap6 of Vax- Unvax (I) and studies on p56-59 of (II) document that vaccines were a major factor in serious Gulf War Disease problems. The odds ratio of Vax vs Unvax was significantly higher and much higher for increased number of vaccinations.


Non-Vaccination of Children of Doctors and Pediatricians and Nurses

20 Reviews of studies starting on page 282 of Miller Book (II) show there is a low rate of acceptance of vaccination for children of doctors and pediatricians and nurses worldwide.


Highly Educated and Knowledgeable Parents have a lower level of vaccine acceptance for their children.

13 Reviews of studies starting on page 282 of Miller Book (II) show that parents who are highly educated, value scientific evidence, and are knowledgeable at researching issues are less likely to accept some vaccination for their children, The least educated are the most likely to accept vaccination for their children.


Conflicts of Interest, False Safety Studies, and Industry Control of Agencies and Media

79 Reviews of studies starting on page 282 of Miller Book (II) show common Conflicts of Interest, False/Fraudulent Safety Studies, and Industry Control of Agencies and Media.


  Health authorities eliminated prophylactic vaccination as an official cause of death, even though vaccines are known to be a common cause of death. So medical examiners are compelled to misclassify and conceal vaccine-related fatalities under alternate cause-of-death classifications. Reporting of vaccine related injuries or deaths are strongly discouraged by Health Authorities according to nurse whistleblowers . Nurses who report vaccine injuries are commonly punished by Authorities. Thus, vaccine related deaths and injuries are hugely underreported.